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1 Complete the questions according to the answers in bold.

1. What …………do………… you usually wear at parties?
I usually wear a short dress.
2. Who ……drove……………… you to school yesterday?
My dad drove me to school yesterday.
3. Who ……are calling……… us?
Bill and Adam are calling us.
4. Who …did…… you meet at the park?
I met Liz and Rose at the park.
5. How often ………do……you ride your bike?
I ride it every day.
6. What ………made…………… that strange noise?
Our dog made that strange noise.

2 Completa las preguntas prestando atención a las palabras en negrita.

1. Who ...................................... in New Delhi? Vishal and Puneeta live in New Delhi.
2. Where ...................................... to? Themba moved to South Africa.
3. How often ...................................... French? I study French twice a week.
4. What ...................................... that noise? The rain is making that noise.
5. What ...................................... with his friends?
Vishal plays cricket with his friends.
6. When ...................................... ? Kate usually dances in the afternoon.
7. Who ...................................... to school in the morning?
My mum drives us to school in the morning.
8. What ...................................... in the classroom? I left my dictionary in the classroom.
9. Who ...................................... with? Susan is dancing with her cousin.
10. Why .................................................. ? I do judo because it’s fun.

3 Write questions according to the answers in bold.

1. .......................................................................................................
Emma flies to Paris every summer.
2. .......................................................................................................
Steve feeds his pets in the morning.
3. .......................................................................................................
My baby sister cries every night.
4. .......................................................................................................
The stormy weather changed our plans.
5. .......................................................................................................
Al left work early because he didn’t feel well.
6. .......................................................................................................
I play the piano twice a day.

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