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Matt y Liza conversan acerca del Peace Corps (programa

norteamericano de voluntariado) en el cual están participando.
En el texto hemos resaltado las palabras y expresiones que se detallan en un glosario

Matt: So, how long have you been in the Peace Corps?
Liza: For about a year now.
Matt: Do you enjoy it?
Liza: Most of the time. The work can be extremely difficult, but it has its
Matt: What's the most challenging thing about being in the Peace Corps?
Liza: For me, it's finding a way to fit into a community that's very different
from my own. It can be frustrating!
Matt: And what's the most rewarding thing?
Liza: That's easy. The most rewarding thing about being in the Peace
Corps is learning about another culture. You know what I've found to
be one of the most difficult things? Learning the local languages.
Matt: Oh, I know exactly what you mean!
Liza: You know, I thought I would only have to learn one language when I
came here, but I soon discovered that almost every village has a
different language or dialect.
Matt: I have the same trouble myself. It sometimes takes me a while to find
someone who can speak English.
Liza: I need an interpreter with me most of the time – that is, if I want
anyone to understand anything I say.
Matt: But it is one of the things that makes living here so interesting.
Liza: Oh, absolutely. I think the people here are really wonderful. They're
very sincere – kind of shy at first with foreigners, but once you get
through that, they come to accept you.
Matt: Oh, yeah. I've made some wonderful friends here.
Liza: Me, too.

GLOSSARY: Peace Corps: la s de Corps no se pronuncia; rewards:

compensaciones, recompensas; challenging: desafiante; to fit: para encajar; from
my own: de la mía propia (comunidad); frustrating: frustrante; rewarding:
gratificante; what you mean: lo que quieres decir, lo que das a entender; takes me
a while: me lleva algún tiempo; most of the time: la mayor parte del tiempo;
anything I say: todo lo que digo; kind of shy at first: un poco tímidos al principio;
foreigners: los extranjeros; once you get through that: una vez que superas eso.

Anwer the questions:

1. Does Liza enjoy her job in the Peace Corps?

2. What's the most challenging thing about being in the Peace Corps?
3. Why it can be frustrating?
4. What's the most rewarding thing?
5. What was one of the most difficult things?
6. What she had thought when she came there?
7. What was difficult to find?
8. What did she need the most of the time?
9. Why she thinks the people there are wonderful?

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