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1 Generating sequences


TASK 1 Term-to-term rules

Write the first five terms of these sequences, using the term-to-term rule and the first term.

Term-to-term rule: ‘add 0.5’ Term-to-term rule: ‘subtract 3.5’ Term-to-term rule: ‘add 1.1’

3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5 12, 8.5, 5, 1.5, −2, −5.5 −4, −2.9, −1.8. −0.7, 0.4

Term-to-term rule: ‘multiply 3 Term-to-term rule: ‘divide by 3’

Term-to-term rule ‘subtract ’
by 2’ 4

6, 12, 24, 48, 96 5 1 1 5 5 5 5

2, , , − , −1 5, , , − ,
4 2 4 3 9 27 81

TASK 2 2 step term-to-term rules

Write the first five terms of these sequences, using the term-to-term rule and the first term.

Term-to-term rule: ‘multiply by 0.5 then add 6’ Term-to-term rule: ‘multiply by 6 then add 2

4, 8, 10, 11, 11.5 3, 20, 122, 734, 4406

Term-to-term rule: ‘divide by 5 then subtract 10’ Term-to-term rule: ‘subtract 9 then multiply by 2’

25; −5, −11, −12.2, −12.44 5, −8, −34, −86, −190

© 2022 Cambridge University Press Chapter 9: Sequences and functions

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