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Name:__________________________________ Grade/Section: Four- _________Score:_______

Teacher: Ms. Livy T. Malayo__________ Date:________________ Parent’s Sign: ______
I - Read and analyze each question carefully then write the letter of the correct answer on the line
____1. What causes an object to change its size and shape?
A. force applied on an object C. speed of a moving object
B. distance between two objects D. weight of the object
____2. What happened after squashing the plastic bottles?
A. The plastic bottles became bigger.
B. The color of the plastic bottles changed.
C. The weight of the plastic bottles became lighter.
D. The size and shape of the plastic bottles changed.
____3. Which of the applied forces will NOT change the size of an object?
A. throwing a ball B. stretching a rubber band C. chewing food D. cutting a piece of paper

____4. A bicycle accidentally bumped into a car while moving. The car had a dent on the side where the
bicycle hit the car. The force applied on the car changed its _____.
A. weight B. size C. shape D. color
____5. Which is NOT an example of force that changes the shape of an object?
A. slicing a bread C. pressing an inflated balloon
B. lifting a chair D. hammering a concrete wall
____6. It is a push or a pull upon an object.
A. force B. motion C. heat D. pull
____7. Which is needed to make an object move?
A. density B. non-porous C. force D. porous
____8. If Ryzen kicks the balls below using the same amount of force, which will move the farthest?
A. basketball B. softball C. golf ball D. tennis ball
____9. What will happen if two forces from opposite directions are applied to a malleable object like aluminum?
A. It will change its form. C. It will change its color.
B. It will change its shape. D. It will float in the water.
____10. Why is force important in our daily lives?
A. It is a moving balance. B. It is a measure of mass.
C. It helps us to do our work. D. It is a measure of the void spaces in a material.
____11. What is a piece of metal that has the ability to attract other objects also made a metal?
A. Magnet B. Compass C. Thermometer D. All of these
____12. What is magnetism?
A. The force around the magnet C. The movement around the magnet
B. The water around the magnet D. The energy around the magnet
____13. What are the two poles of a magnet?
A. South pole only B. North pole only C. North and South poles D. None of these
____14. What is a region around a magnetic material or a moving electric charge within which the
force of magnetism acts?
A. Magnetic field B. Magnetism C. Law of Magnetism D. None of these
____15. What is the natural magnet known as lodestone?
A. Stone B. Rock C. Diamond D. Magnetite
II – Connect the kinds of magnet to its picture.

Horse shoe magnet
Ring magnet
U magnet
Alnico magnet

Bar magnet

III - Box the sentence that tells what forces can do.

1. Make an object float or sink in a liquid. 6. Can make an object move.

2. A pair of forces can bend objects. 7. Can stop a moving object or make it slow down
3. Can stretch objects 8. Make loud sound
4. Unlike poles attract 9. Make an object swerve and change directions.
5. Can rip things 10. Change its composition


Name:__________________________________ Grade/Section: Four- _________Score:_______
Teacher: Ms. Livy T. Malayo__________ Date:________________ Parent’s Sign: ______
I - Read and analyze each question carefully then write the letter of the correct answer on the line.
_____ 1. Force can cause an object to change its ____________.
A. size and mass B. weight and shape C. weight and mass D. size and shape
_____ 2. Folding the towel in half can make it __________.
A. bigger B. new C. smaller D. no change
_____ 3. _________ are bent and hammered to be able to form them into different shapes.
A. rubber B. metals C. textile D. clay
_____ 4. Stretching a garter is pulling both ends away each other to make it ________.
A. longer B. shorter C. thicker D. heavy
_____ 5. Light always travel in a ______________.
A. straight line B. curve line C. wave motion D. zigzag motion
_____ 6. The light that strikes a __________ do not bend and do not find another way to pass through it.
A. transparent B. thick cardboard C. plastic cover D. clear glass
_____ 7. Light rays bounces and it is called___________.
A. refraction B. shadow C. reflection D. echo
_____ 8. What is the direction of heat transfer?
A. from hot to cold B. from bottom to top C. from cold to hot D. from side to side
_____ 9. How is heat transferred in solid materials?
A. through convection B. through radiation C. through conduction D. through vacuum
_____ 10. What may happen to a solid when it is continuously exposed to heat?
A. it may become heavier B. it may decrease in volume C. it may expand D. it may melt
_____11. If a boy will have to kick one object, which one from the list below will move the farthest upon kicking?
a. shut put ball b. tennis ball c. golf ball d. soft ball
_____12. Which among the following object will require a greater force to move?
a. refrigerator b. desk c. television d. teacher’s table
_____ 13. What happens when the opposite poles come near each other?
A. The magnets push away. B. The magnets pull together..
C. The magnets get bigger D. The magnets disappear.
_____ 14. What happens when two magnets repel each other?
A. Their magnetic fields get bigger. B. They come closer together.
C. They push away from each other. D. They point to the North Pole
_____ 15. When the same poles of two magnets whether North or South are placed close to each other, they
A. push each other B. pull each other C. unattracted to each other D. does not move.
_____16. Magnets have invisible _____ field which attracts objects made of iron and nickel.
A. electric B. mechanical C. open D. magnetic
_____17. The ends of magnets are called ___________________.
A. ends B. from bottom to top C. poles D. from side to side
_____18. Materials made of _______________ are those attracted by magnets.
A. paper B. metals C. plastic D. glass
_____19. Metals attracted by magnets may be made of iron, nickel, and _______________.
A. cobalt B. aluminum C. gold D. copper
_____20. Materials which are non-metals are not attracted by magnets. These may be made of rubber, plastic, or___.
A. wood B. iron C. from cold to hot D. from side to side
II - Classify the following objects. Write CONDUCTOR or INSULATOR on the space provided.
1. Plastic cups - ____________________________
2. Rubber gloves - ____________________________
3. Copper wire - ____________________________
4. Gold - ____________________________
5. Paper - ____________________________
6. Pencil - ____________________________
7. Silver - ____________________________
8. Woods - ____________________________
9. Leather bags - ____________________________
10. Clothes - ____________________________
III - Identify the objects that can attract by magnets. Encircle them.
Name:___________________________________________ Grade/Section: Four- _________Score:_______
Teacher: Ms. Livy T. Malayo__________ Date:_______________________________ Parent’s Sign: ______
I - Read and analyze each question carefully then write the letter of the correct answer on the line.
_____1. What causes an object to change its size and shape?
A. weight of the object C. speed of a moving object
B. force applied on an object D. distance between two objects
_____2. A bicycle accidentally bumped into a car while moving. The car had a dent on the side where the
bicycle hit the car. What force applied on the car?
A. it changes in size C. it changes in shape
B. it changes in color D. it changes in weight.
_____3. Which of the applied forces will NOT change the size of an object?
A. chewing food B. throwing a ball C. cutting a piece of paper D. stretching a rubber band
_____4. What happened after squashing the plastic bottles?
A. The plastic bottles became bigger. C. The weight of the plastic bottles became lighter.
B. The color of the plastic bottles changed. D. The size and shape of the plastic bottles changed.
_____5. What force sets an object into motion?
A. moving B. pushing C. balanced D. unbalanced
_____6. If you are to push a cart, a box, and a bicycle to a certain distance from the starting line, which will
require you to exert a greater force?
A. box B. cart C. bicycle D. all of them
_____7. What is the main component used to produce a magnet?
A. Gold B. Iron C. Carbon D. Oxygen
_____8. Which item is attracted by a magnet?
A. paper B. straw C. thumbtacks D. plastic spoon
_____9. If you break a magnet into pieces, what will happen to the force that will be exerted by the magnet when
in use?
A. Force will be doubled. C. Force exerted will decrease.
B. Force remains the same. D. Force of each magnet will not be affected.
_____10. Which of the following statement is TRUE?
A. Light always travel in a straight line. C. Sound travels faster in air than in solids.
B. Sound cannot travel through the air. D. heat transfer through liquid is known as radiation.
_____11. What kind of materials do not let the light able to pass through them?
A. opaque materials B. translucent materials C. transparent materials D. all of the above
_____12. How is heat transferred in solid materials?
A. through motion C. thought variation
B. by means of radiation D. by means of conduction
_____13. What may happen to a solid when it is continuously exposed to heat?
A. It will melt. B. It will harden. C. It will expand. D. It will disappear.
_____14. What happens to a liquid when heated?
A. It remains the same. C. It increases in temperature.
B. It increases in volume. D. Its temperature cannot be determined.
_____15. What do you call the transfer of heat through air?
A. roasting B. radiation C. conduction D. convection
_____16. Which medium can sound wave travel faster?
A. solids B. liquids C. gases D. plasma
_____17. How do sounds travel through air?
A. very fast B. very slowly C. in jumping motion D. fast in random manner
_____18. Which form of energy is visible to the eyes?
A. heat B. light C. sound D. radiation
_____19. Which word pair illustrates a CORRECT concept of reflection or refraction?
A. Eye Lens: Reflection C. Clear Glasses: Reflection
B. Plane Mirrors: Reflection D. Side View Mirrors: Refraction
_____20. Which is an effect of refraction of light?
A. Shadow C. Reading a book
B. Rainbow D. Image of mountain in a body of water beside it
______21. When will refraction happen?
A. Refraction is when light bounces off an object.
B. Light is refracted at the same angle that it hits the surface.
C. Refraction happens because the speed of the wave changes.
D. The refracted light continues to travel in a straight line, but in a different direction.
______22. Which statement about light is INCORRECT?
A. Light always travel in a straight line.
B. Light travels faster in air than in liquids.
C. Refraction is the bouncing back of light that strikes a clear surface.
D. A laser is a narrow but powerful beam of light capable of travelling far distances on a straight line.
______23. Which of the following produces a soft sound?
A. jet B. whistle C. drum set D. buzzing bee
______24. Which of the following produces the loudest sound?
A. piano B. fireworks C. telephone D. cry of a baby
______25. When will a stationary object change its position?
A. touch by a person C. bumped by another object
B. there is a strong wind D. a force is applied on the object
______26. What will be the effect of force on a moving object if you apply it along the direction of the object?
A. It will stop. B. It will return. C. It will change its direction. D. Its movement will speed up.
______27. Which among the objects below require lesser force to move?
A. book B. pencil C. notebook D. blackboard eraser
_____28. Which among the following object will require a greater force to move?
A. television B. refrigerator C. study table D. monoblock chair
_____29. Which of the following are uses of magnet?
I. Magnets hold objects in place. III. Magnets help to sort things out.
II. Magnets help us feel sleepy. IV. Magnets help us show direction.
A. I only B. I and II only C. III and IV D. I, III, and IV
_____30. What will happen if you move the north pole of one magnet towards the south pole of another magnet?
A. They will disappear. C. They will repel each other.
B. Nothing will happen. D. They will attract each other.
_____31. Which will likely happen if you move the north poles of two different magnets close to each other?
A. It will grow hot. B. It will not move. C. It will move away. D. It will move closer.
_____32. What is the direction of heat transfer?
A. from hot to cold B. from bottom to top C. from cold to hot D. from side to side
_____33. What affects the speed of sound as it travels?
A. Person receiving it C. The origin of the sound
B. The nature of material D. Loudness of the sound
_____34. Which statement about sound is correct?
A. Sound cannot travel to a solid.
B. Sound travel faster in solids than in air.
C. Sound travel faster in air than in liquids.
D. The travel of sound is not affected by the medium through which it travels.
_____35. Arrange the events that took place when we see a green leaf.
I. Light from the source hits the leaf. III. Other light bounces off from the leaf.
II. Some lights are absorbed by the leaf. IV. Reflected light reaches our eyes, thus we see the leaf.
_____36. Which would prove that music is pleasing to hear?
A. Its pitch is high. C. It has regular sound pattern.
B. It has jagged sound pattern. D. It has alternative low and loud sound.
_____37. Which among the objects will move faster upon the application of a force?
A. marble B. pebble C. beach ball D. pingpong ball
_____38. Which material is an example of conductors?
A. Metal pan B. Wooden door C. Plastic spoon D. Glass window
_____39. Which shows reflection of light?
I. Color distortion. III. Cold air moves up while hot air moves down.
II. Seeing yourself in the mirror. IV. Metal spoon left in a glass with hot water
A. I only B. I and II only C. III and IV D. I, II, III, IV
_____40. Loudness is a measure of how strong a sound seems to us. When will the sound become loud to the
A. when it is near the source C. the sound remains the same at all distances
B. when it is far from the source D. Both A & B

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