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SECTION 1 (10 minutes for each pair)

The teacher asks each student ONE question from EACH part of the test - five questions in total.
Mark each part out of 5. The marks are divided by 2.5 to give the final mark out of 10.
In each part (1-5), there are three Units each of which has two questions A and B. Each student
takes turns to answer the different questions. In other words, the questions for the two students
should be different in every part.
Important: Ask students to use full sentences and not just give yes/no answers.

Part 1
UNIT 4 (SB Vocabulary 1, Page 49)
A You win a $1000 in a competition. What do you do?
B Your friend wants to borrow money from you. What do you do?
UNIT 5 (SB Grammar 1, Page 64)
A When you’re 30, what will your job be?
B When you’re 30, where will you go on holiday?
UNIT 6 (SB Vocabulary 1, Page 73)
A Which things have you never done?
B Which things would you like to do?

Part 2
UNIT 4 (SB Reading 2, Page 50)
A What do you usually spend money on?
B What is a good way to earn money?
UNIT 5 (SB Grammar 2, Page 66)
A Complete the sentence. If it rains next weekend, …
B Complete the sentence. I usually stay in bed if …
UNIT 6 (SB Vocabulary 2, Page 77)
A Which style of music do you like?
B Name an instrument you would like to play.

Part 3
UNIT 4 (SB Speaking Topics, Page 55)
A You really want to buy that new skateboard. How can you get the money?
B You would like to buy something but your parents already spent a lot of money on something
else. What are you going to do?
UNIT 5 (SB Speaking Topics, Page 67)
A What is a ‘green’ picnic?
B What is a ‘green’ barbecue?
UNIT 6 (SB Speaking Topics, Page 79)
A What is a volunteer?
B What kind of volunteer work would you like to do?

Part 4
UNIT 4 (WB Grammar, Page 31)
A Where is the best place to make friends?
B Is your mom as old as your dad?
UNIT 5 (WB Vocabulary 1, Page 38)
A What do you and your family do to help the environment?
B What are the three Rs of recycling?
UNIT 6 (WB Vocab, Page 44)
A Describe your perfect day.
B Describe the most boring day.

Part 5
UNIT 4 (WB Speaking, Page 33)
A We’re friends. You need to give me some advice. I start. OK? ‘I’d like to be rich and famous.’
(giving advice)
B We’re friends. You need to give me some advice. I start. OK? ‘I never win races. I’d love to be
the fastest runner in my class.’ (giving advice)
UNIT 5 (WB Speaking, Page 41)
A We’re friends and we need to have dinner. You start. OK? (making decisions)
B We’re friends and we’re going to see a movie but we need to decide what to watch. You start.
OK? (making decisions)
UNIT 6 (WB Speaking, Page 49)
A We’re friends. We’re starting a band. What do we need?
B We’re friends. We’re planning a festival. What do we need?

MARKS: ___ / 10
SECTION 2 (5 minutes)

- For the speaking criteria, please see the evaluation form
- MARKS = (grammar & vocab + discourse management + pronunciation + interactive
communication + global achievement) x 2 = 50



MARKS : ______ / 50

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