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Assignment 1- Critique of Health communication campaign

Individual assignment: 10pts

Due date- February 20th, 2024
All essays are to be uploaded on myeLearning no later than 11:59 p.m.

Using the Caribbean Charter of Health Promotion as a guide, you are required to write a critical
essay (8-10 pages in length) on:
1. Any COVID-19 health communication/promotion campaign
2. Any health communication/promotion campaign addressing a social or health problem
(e.g. non-communicable diseases, domestic violence, drug abuse)

General Instructions:
1. Select one of the abovementioned types of health communication campaigns in any
CARICOM member state, your workplace, community, school, or place of worship.

2. Using the Caribbean Charter of Health Promotion as your guide, critique the approaches
used by the chosen campaign to improve the well-being of its target audience.

3. You must include a cover page.

4. Size 12 Times New Roman font must be used.

5. One-and-a-half or double line spacing must be used.

6. Only Microsoft Word documents are to be submitted.

7. APA 7th edition reference style must be used (only scholarly sources cited in the body of
your essay are to be included in your reference list).

Recommended Essay Outline:

-Description of the programme.
- Critique of the programme (assess which strategic areas of the Caribbean Charter of Health
Promotion were addressed; the extent they were addressed etc)
-Limitations/ challenges of the programme.
-Recommendations (based on your knowledge of the charter and different health communication
strategies what do you suggest they do differently?)
-Reference list

Description of the programme / 15
Student provides a detailed description of the chosen health campaign
Critique of the programme /30
Student critically assesses the strategic areas of the Caribbean Charter
of Health Promotion addressed in the campaign; they discuss the extent
they were addressed; utilizes models/theories/concepts discussed in
class to further critique the campaign
Limitations/ challenges of the programme /10
Although these may have been explicitly stated in the health campaign
students should have gone beyond simply listing them. They should
have explained the implication of such limitations. In the instance
where the limitations are not explicitly highlighted in the campaign, the
student should have used secondary research and provide evidence
which suggests that the identified issue is a limitation/ challenge
Recommendations /25
Student offers appropriate/ relevant recommendations based on his/her
knowledge of the charter and different health communication
Conclusion /10
Student succinctly summarizes points discussed; no new ideas are
References /10
APA reference style correctly used throughout the essay.

TOTAL /100

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