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Summer is here, so have fun;
Go on…get your home assignments done!
Dear Friend,
The much awaited Summer Vacation is finally here. It’s time
for fun-filled activities! Play games, read books, connect
with your cousins and friends and make memories with
them. We have some activities planned for you during this
long break.

Along with the suggested activities, it would be appreciated if

you also:

● Wake up early every morning and follow a healthy

● Converse with your family and friends in English
● Help your Parents in simple household chores
● Read books and find meanings of new words. Use these
words in your conversations


Instructions: i) Attempt all the questions in your Math notebook.
ii) Do not write the questions in the notebook, only the answers.
iii) Click pictures of the same and upload it in Maths Google Classroom.

1. Draw-
a) a tree with a bird flying- b) a house with a car
i)above the tree i) near the house
ii)below the tree ii) far from the house

2. Find out the number and write the answers in notebook .

a) The number of candles on your birthday cake. ______
b) The first digit of your admission number. ______
c) The number of fans in your house. ______
d) The number of buttons on your father’s shirt. ______
e) The number of siblings you have. ______
f) The last digit of your mother’s mobile number. ______
3. Help Robbie reach his friend Monty, the monkey ,by filling in the missing numbers. Write the
complete series in your notebook.


4. Read the following passage which has the numbers spelt wrong. Find
out the number names and write them correctly in your notebook.

At the Zoo

Oen fine day tow friends went to the zoo. They took a fruit basket with
them. They saw theer monkeys climbing the tree. They gave them furo
bananas to eat. Fiev birds were sitting on the branches.. They bought sxi
packets of corn to feed the birds. They also saw sveen tigers in their
cage. After visiting the zoo,the friends came out of the zoo at egiht
o’clock. And reached home by neni at night.
5. Complete the given table .


6. Read the Poem ‘Counting’ given in Math Magic -1 page 22 -23


1. Do your own work like folding your clothes, tying shoe laces,cleaning your
room and keeping your plate after your meal time to learn basic life skills
and become self-reliant.

2. Interact with at least one of your relatives or friends to enquire about

their well-being, to spread cheer and to learn appropriate social behaviour.


During weekends, set up your own restaurant. With the help of your
parents, cook up and enjoy a meal together. Also practice eating with a
knife and fork and remember to say “Thank You” to your parents.
3.Write “All About Me” in your EVS notebook. A reference picture is given below but
present your work using your own ideas and creativity.

Bring out your inner scientist and investigate any one of your favourite fruits or vegetables.
Write the observations in the notebook under the following headings-
Name of fruit/vegetable, Colour, Seeds , Taste
It grows - (Under the ground/above the ground)
It can be eaten - cooked/uncooked/cooked and uncooked both

Present your work using pictures/

illustrations wherever possible.
Virtual tour links -
San Diego Zoo
Boston Children’s Museum
Virtual Tour of Shankar Doll Museum, New Delhi

Suggested Educational Channels -

● Kids Discovery
● National Geographic
● Animal Planet

कायर्मि करने के नदर्दे श :

i) दए गए सभी ल खत कायर्मि को हंदी (इंटरलीफ़) कॉपी में करें I

ii) ल खत कायर्मि में केवल उत्तर ही सही क्रम से कॉपी में लखें I
iii) मौ खक कायर्मि का लगातार अभ्यास करें I
iv) कए गए सभी ल खत कायर्मि का फ़ोटो खींचकर गूगल कक्षा में अपलोड करें I

आओ कुछ नया करें …

1. दए गए पठन पत्र का मौ खक अभ्यास करें I वाक्यों को पष्टता से पढ़ें I

पठन पत्र

क) समय पर घर आ I
ख) अजय उपवन चल I
ग) बहन नमन कर I
घ) आप इधर आइए |
ड) मटक -मटक कर मत चल I
च) अब झटपट जल भर I
छ) सड़क पर मत टहल I
2. वतर्मिनी सूची

खबर शहद ईख नटखट थरमस बहस अचकन

वतर्मिनी सूची से सही शब्द चुनकर वाक्य पूरे करें I अभ्यास पुि तका में केवल उत्तर सही क्रम में लखें I

क) अनवर ________ पहन

ख) चल अब _______पढ़ I

ग) ______ मत कर I

घ ) _______ पकड़ कर रख I

ड़) _______ पक गई I

च) अब _______ मत बन I

छ) _________चख I
3. वगर्मि पहे ली के शब्दों को पूरा करें I
ल श

म र स
र त न

र क
ग र

क स

4. आओ कहानी सुनो -
माता- पता से नवेदन है क ग मर्मियों की छुट् टयों में आप अपने बच्चों को दए गए पी डी एफ़ से कहा नयाँ
सुनाइए | इन कहा नयों में आपको क्या अच्छा लगा , छुट् टयों के बाद कक्षा में सबको बताएँ |

1. सैर सपाटा

2. लालची चूहे जी

3. मुझे वो वाला चा हये!

4. बंटी और उसके गाते हु ए पक्षी

5. नाव चली

6. नहीं !

7. आलू-मालू-कालू

8. परे शान प हया

Instructions: i) Attempt all the questions in your English notebook.
ii) Do not write the questions in the notebook, only the answers.
iii) Click pictures of the same and upload them in English Google Classroom.

1.Look at the pictures given below and write two sentences on each of them :

a c

2. Can you discover the secret sentences ? Write the first letter of each picture to form the sentence.
Make sure you punctuate and write the sentences with capital letters, full stops (.) and question marks

a b

3. Learn the spellings of the words given in the Spell List.


away each much swim drink

come know only before bring

want kind full after watch

help about laugh between throw

many below write because play

nice other went people down

4.Read stories . You may refer to the links given below:

1) Too Big! Too Small!

2) Smile Please!
3) Doing My Chores
4) Foxy Joxy Plays A Trick
5) Jimmy's First Day Of School
6) My Fish! No, My Fish!
7) The Red Raincoat
8) I Like To Read



1. Make your own instrument and name it. You have to make any one instrument. Refer to the
book Vadya pg 15, 24,33 and 43.

2. Help the instruments find their home Page-52 &53.

3. Attend a virtual concert online.

4. Practice the songs taught during classes


Instructions: Click pictures of your work and upload it on the given assignment in the Activity
Google Classroom
1) Draw two objects each having the Primary Colours (red, yellow, blue)

Size of sheet – A4 size

Medium of Colour – Poster Colours
Examples -
2) Use your creativity and make something useful with Newspapers/old
magazines/coloured paper.

Examples -
All Home Assignments to be done in subject notebooks and
should be uploaded in the Google Classroom subject-wise latest
by 7th June 2021


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