Bobble Cable Ascot

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Bobble Cable Ascot

!2 skein chucky yarn, Bernat Alpaca in Natural shown.
US size 10 knitting needles or size needed to obtain gauge
Cable needle
Stitch holder or additional US size 10 knitting needle

10 stitches and 12 rows in garter stitch= 2”
Special Abbreviations
C3R = Slip next 3 stitches to cable needle, hold to front, K 3, K 3 from
cable needle.
MB =Make Bobble To create a bobble, K into a stitch, being sure not
to slip the st off the left needle, YO, and K into the same st again, this
time slipping the st off the left needle on completion. Turn your work
and P back across the 3 sts you just made. Turn again and K 3 sts.
Turn yet again P2tog, P1. Turn over again and K2tog.
Cable Pattern
20 * /----/ * MB
19 - - - - - - /----/ C3R
18 - - - - - - - K on the WS, P on the RS
17 - - - - - - K on both sides
16 - - - - - -
15 - - - - - - Odd rows are wrong side.
14 - - - - - -
13 - - - - - -
12 - - - - - -
11 - - - - - -
10 /----/ *
9 - - - - - -
8 - - - - - -
7 - - - - - -
6 - - - - - -
5 - - - - - -
4 - - - - - -
3 - - - - - -
2 - - - - - -
1 - - - - - -
Cast on 8.

Begin the 8 center sts of the cable pattern. Work the cable pattern
rows 1-20 once times then rows 1-15, omitting the bobble in the last
cable. At the same time increase one st each side every other row 4
times (first increase at row 2), then every 4th row 5 times. (26 sts).

Slip1 st on the holder/other needle, k1, Slip 1 st on the holder/other

needle, p1, * rep to end.
Work 12 more rows in 1x1 rib. Do not cut the yarn!
Using yarn from the other skein, work 13 rows of 1x1 rib with the
stitches from the holder/other needle. Cut the yarn.

(WS) K1 from the front needle, K1 for the back needle* rep 4, P1 from
the front needle, P1 for the back needle* rep 2 more times ,K1 from the
front needle, K1 for the back needle* rep 4 more times (First row of
the cable pattern). Continue the cable pattern until repeated 5 times
ending with row 19 (WS).

K2tog, P2tog* rep to end. Work 13 more rows in 1x1 rib ending with a
K1, M1* rep to end. (WS) Begin the cable pattern starting with row 15
and omit the bobble in row 20. Work the cable pattern once, then
rows 1-6. At the same time, decreasing one st (starting with row 2)
every side ever four row 5 times, then every other row 4 times. BO all

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