The Man Called Cain

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Cain is the fourth person we are going to
discuss in our study today. There are so
many lessons we can learn from Cain is
we pay listen ears.
 The meaning of the name Cain:
The name Cain is translated from the
Hebrew "Qayin or Kayin" meaning "to
get, to possess, or to acquire". It is linked
to the statement of Eve after the birth of
Cain in Gen 4:1 - "I have gotten a man
from the Lord".
The biography of the man Cain:
 He was the first child on earth, Gen.
 He was a farmer, Gen. 4:2
 He was the first murderer, Gen. 4:8.
 He was cursed by God as a result of
the sin of murder he committed;
"When you till the ground, it shall no
longer yield its strength to you. A
fugitive and a vagabond you shall be
on the earth", Gen. 4:12. This curse is
an amplified version of the curse God
gave to Adam. If Adam was to till the
ground, the. Cain would get no
harvest from tilling the ground, also if
Adam was denied a resting place in
Eden, Cain would find no place for
rest on the Earth. Hence he said "my
punishment is greater than I can will happen that anyone who
finds me would kill me", Gen. 4:13.
This statement can be taken to mean
fear or a wish.
 He was given a mark from God as a
sign of protection from anyone
seeking to avenge Abel's murder,
Gen. 4:15. Some believe it to be that
God placed a mark on the body of
Cain, cf. Ezek. 9:1-7. In the King James
Version this word is used 22 times as
a noun and 26 times as a verb. When
used as a verb it mostly refers to a
mental process i.e. "to notice, to
observe, to look at" (Luk. 14:7, 1
Sam. 1:12, Psa. 37:37). With the
exception of Isa. 44:13 and Jer. 2:22
in this passages is was used as a verb
to carry out the action of making a
cut. As a noun it refers to visible
object i.e "a sign, a target, a cut or
burnt in the flesh, a goal, a stamp or
engraved sign". The Hebrew word
for mark used in Gen. 4:15 is oth,
meaning "a sign. Hence, the mark set
by God on Cain was a visible sign that
can be seen with the human eyes as
in Gen. 9:12 and 17:10-11, but it is
difficult to draw a conclusion that this
mark was in the body of Cain or not.
 In Gen. 9:6 "Whoever sheds man's
blood, By man his blood shall be
shed; For in the image of God He
made man" and Num. 35:16-21 "or
in enmity he strikes him with his hand
so that he dies, the one who struck
him shall surely be put to death. He is
a murderer. The avenger of blood
shall put the murderer to death when
he meets him". God gave judgement
on the sin of murder i.e that wilful
killing of another, the murderer was
to be put to death. In the case of Cain
he was protected from his the
avengers. Therefore, we can say that
God took his case as an accidental
murder, Num. 35:22-25, vs 25 reads
"So the congregation shall deliver the
manslayer from the hand of the
avenger of blood, and the
congregation shall return him to the
city of refuge where he had fled, and
he shall remain there until the death
of the high priest who was anointed
with the holy oil".
 The purpose of this mark was to
notify that he was the man that
murdered his brother, whom nobody
must hurt, but every body must hoot
at. God stigmatized him with a visible
and indelible mark representing
disgrace that would make all wise
people shun him, by that way he
would be a fugitive and a vagabond.

 He had a son and also descendants

which were farmers, smiths, and
musicians, Gen. 4:17. Eventually,
linage was destroyed in the flood.
 He built a city and named it after
Enoch, Gen 4:17
 The bible never gave us the lifespan
of Cain, some scholars believes he
lived up to 730 years, while some 860
- 960 years.
 The bible never stated how he died
physically, whether naturally or he
was killed. However, commentators
postulated various theories about
how Cain died. To argue, based on a
legend, that Cain was murdered is to
ignore the authority and priority of

The weaknesses of the man Cain

 He was unfaithful. God did not
rejected the sacrifice of Cain because
it was of fruit but because he gave
out of unfaithfulness, but Abel's
sacrifice was accepted because he
gave out of faithfulness. Faith is two
ways, your loyalty and your believe in
God's words. Cain had none, Gen. 4:
4-7, Heb. 11:4,6; 2Cor. 9:6, 2 Sam.
 He was envious and harbor hatred
and this lead to ungodly anger and it
gave birth to murder, Gen.4:4,6;
Matt. 5:21-22, I Jn. 2:9-11.
 He lacked self-control, Gen. 4:6,8;
Prov. 25:28, Gal. 5:22-23

The life of Cain is one that we can learn
from, Rom. 15:4. We are not to leaern
how he masterminded the killing of Abel
but how the body and the spirit fight
constantly over the desire to satisfy the
flesh, but let's us know this promise and
encouragement, 1 Cor. 10:13, Heb 4:15.

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