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Instructional Planning

(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the instructional process
by using principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format

DLP Learning Grade Quarte Duration: Date:

NO.: Area: Level: r:
Creative 11 4th 120 minutes 03-3-24
Competency/ies: Understand intertextuality as a technique of HUMSS_CW/MPIj-IIc-16
(Taken from the Curriculum drama
Recognizing and understanding intertextuality leads to a rich reading and visual experience that will contribute to an effective way of writing and
reading drama.
to be Developed 1. ALLUSION- it is a subtle or indirect reference to another text, historical period or religious belief.
2. PARODY- It is an imitation of another text for satirical purposes; usually mock
very similar in form to the pastiche, it re-appropriates the work of others, but for the purpose of poking fun rather than praising.
3. QUOTATION- It refers to the direct reference to another text within acknowledgement of its composer.
4. APPROPRIATION-it refers to the reworking or re-imagination of a well-known text to change or extend its meaning.
5. PLAGIARISM-It is also the act of using someone else’s ideas, words, or thoughts as your own without giving credit to the other
6. CALQUE-Basically, refers to when a word is borrowed from a foreign language. It can be the word-for-word translation of a phrase
borrowed from another language.
7. PASTICHE- it is related to the Italian word for ‘paste,’ this is a collage of words, phrases, or entire passages from one or more
other authors that creates a new literary work. It usually incorporates elements of plot, theme, style, and even character development.

Domain Adapted Cognitive OBJECTIVES

Process (Dimensions
(D.O. No. 8, s.2015)
Knowledge Remembering
The fact or condition
of knowing something
with familiarity identifying the various types of intertextualities used in drama
gained through Understanding
experience or
The ability and Applying Use the elements of intertextuality in creating a short script
capacity acquired
through deliberate, Analyzing
systematic, and
sustained effort to Evaluating
smoothly and
adaptively carryout compose sentences using intertextuality as a technique of drama
complex activities or
the ability, coming
from one's knowledge,
practice, aptitude, etc,
to do something
recognize and appreciate the role of intertextuality in enriching the experience of readers
Attitude Valuing
and audiences, leading to a deeper appreciation of the art form
Values Valuing
2. Content Intertextuality
3. Learning Process PPT Presentation, TV
4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory >>MOL and SOP
Activity Overview of Drama
(5minutes) 1. Definition of Drama
2. Forms of Drama
3. Elements of Drama

Show a picture and ask questions about it

1. What is being shown or portrayed in the picture?
2. What activity is commonly done on a stage?
3. The picture provided is what type of representation? How about the gathered
information about drama?
Connect the answers to next activity

With the use of visual cues and sentence/phrase/statement cues, for the next activity,
students will try to unlock the underlying answer of the pictures provided.
4.2 Activity
(25 minutes) Activity 1: Logo Parody: What’s that Brand Again?
Directions: Below are parody logos. Figure out the actual brands they represent.

Group 1

-A car manufacturer
1. Answer: FORD

2. -A hiking & camp gear manufacturer


3. -A Hollywood movie studio


Unlock the Password: I N T E R T E X T U A L I T Y

1. The second picture has one word with four letters, add 5 to the total number of letters. The sum is equal to the letter in the alphabet that
is also the first letter of the password. What is the letter?
n(4+5)=? ANSWER: 9/I
2. The second picture has three words, 1st word has three letters, 2nd word has five letters, 3rd word has four letters. Add the number of
letters in each word all together, then add 2. The final answer is the order of the letter in the alphabet that is also the second letter of the
password, what is the letter?
n(3+5+4)+2=? ANSWER: 14/N
3. The third picture has one word with nine letters. Multiply the total number of letters by 2, then add 2. The final answer is the order of the
letter in the alphabet that is also the third letter of the password, what is the letter?
n(9x2)+2=? ANSWER: 20/T

4. What is the 5th, 18th, 20th, 5th, 24th, 20th, 21th, 1st, 12th, 9th, 20th, 25th letters in the alphabet? The letters are the answer to unlock the

Group 2

4. -A popular coffee shop


5. -A popular brand of shoes


-A burger fast food

Unlock the Password: I N T E R T E X T U A L I T Y


1. The first picture has one word with 9 letters, what is the 9th letter in the alphabet? The letter is the first letter of the password.
2. The second picture has one word with 8 letters, add 6 to the number of letters to get the final number. The final answer is the order of the
letter in the alphabet that is also the second letter of the password, what is the letter?
n(8+6)=? ANSWER: 14/N

3. The third picture has two words, the first word has 6 letters and the second word has 4 letters. Add the total number of letters altogether
then multiply by 2, the answer is the order of the letter in the alphabet that is also the third letter of the password, what is the letter?
N(6+4)*(2)=? ANSWER: 20/T

4. What is the 5th, 18th, 20th, 5th, 24th, 20th, 21th, 1st, 12th, 9th, 20th, 25th letters in the alphabet? The letters are the answer to unlock the
ANSWER: E, R, T, E, X, T, U, A, L, I, T, Y

Group 3
7. -A popular washing detergent
Answer: TIDE

8. -A signature basketball shoes

Answer: NIKE

Unlock the Password: I N T E R T E X T U A L I T Y


1. The first picture has one word with 4 letters, add 5 to the number of letters to get the final answer. The final answer is the order of the
letter in the alphabet that is also the first letter of the password, what is the letter?
n(4+5)=? ANSWER: 9/I
2. The second picture has one word with 4 letters, add 10 to the number of letters to get the final answer. The final answer is the order of
the letter in the alphabet that is also the first letter of the password, what is the letter?
n(4+10)=? ANSWER: 14/N

3. What is the 20th, 5th, 18th, 20th, 5th, 24th, 20th, 21th, 1st, 12th, 9th, 20th, 25th letters in the alphabet? The letters are the answer to unlock the
ANSWER: T, E, R, T, E, X, T, U, A, L, I, T, Y

Group 4

1. -A popular Filipino fast-food


2. -A coffee brand

Unlock the Password: I N T E R T E X T U A L I T Y


1. The first picture has one word with 8 letters, add 1 to get the order of the letter in the alphabet. What is the letter?
n(8+1)=? ANSWER: 9/I

2. The second picture has one word with 7 letters, add 7 to get the order of the letter in the alphabet. What is the letter?
n(7+7)=? ANSWER: 14/N

3. What is the 20th, 5th, 18th, 20th, 5th, 24th, 20th, 21th, 1st, 12th, 9th, 20th, 25th letters in the alphabet? The letters are the answer to unlock the
ANSWER: T, E, R, T, E, X, T, U, A, L, I, T, Y

Activity 2: The Who?

Directions: In every item is a popular line from a song, poem, movie, or a short story. Look for the
corresponding intertextual relations in the choices given below.

1. I II
I think I never want to see What was God thinking on the day he
another stinging honey bee he gave that bee a weapon anyway
A bee whose nasty stingers Bees in the summer are everywhere
pressed into this flesh too oh do so ever do beware
near the breast
For on this bosom, it had lain
and stung me, oh the nasty swain
the bee has stung this silly me
to think God made that stupid bee
-----Bees by Elle De Jeune

This poem about bees sound funny but did you know that its beat and rhythm were derived from a
4.3 Analysis
(7 minutes) Let the students answer the following questions
1. Were you all able to figure out all the correct answers? How do visual
HOTS Integration elements and text in the parodies contribute to the answer or the original

2. Compare and contrast the easiest and hardest statement in the “The Who?”
activity, why do you consider it easy or hard to understand?

3. Upon answering the “Logo Parody” activity and “The Who?” activity, have
you felt a sudden jolt or relief upon seeing them but the thing is that you also
felt a sudden memory recall like “I’ve seen this thing before but it’s not like
this”! and;

4. How does that feeling of recollection helps you to analyze or arrived at the
correct answer?

5. At some point, have you experienced creating crafts may it be written or

performance based wherein you take inspiration from the works of famous
artists or has an influenced of some?

4.4 Abstraction
(40 minutes)

The teacher will play series of videos that shows intertextuality for students to have
concrete learning

Wrap up question to summarize the discussion:

In what way does intertextuality as a technique of drama enhance the richness and
complexity of storytelling, and how does this contribute to our comprehension and
enjoyment of drama thereby leading us to appreciate it as an art form?
4.5 Application Group Task:
(25 minutes) Students are allowed to use their smartphones to accomplish the following activities

Group 1: Storyboard Activity- with the use of Canva platform, students are to search for
Philippine movies or dramas that exhibits intertextuality. They are to identify at least 2 or 3
scenes that shows intertextuality and explain the intertextual figure being used in the scene.

Group 2: Dramatic Role Play- The students will search the internet to look for movies or
dramas that they want to re-enact. They have to choose a specific scene/s and rewrite the
lines or script taking up inspiration on the original scene.

Group 3: Song Making- The students will choose a specific song that they like, after that
they have to create their own lyrics atleast 2-3 stanzas, still using the tune of the original

Group 4: Intertextual Scavenger Hunt- The students will be given pictures of movie or
drama posters that takes inspiration to the original poster of movie or drama, they also
have to provide the title of the original movie. They also have to present a short description
of each movie and what makes them similar. They can use their smartphones to surf the
internet for further informations.




4.6 Assessment
(13 minutes) Analys
es of

Direction: Craft a

short script that

consists multiple
level of
intertextuality that
can be
performed during the
stage play. You can
choose any genre.
Your short script
will be
graded based on the
rubric below.
Direction: Craft a
short script that
consists multiple
level of
intertextuality that
can be
performed during the
stage play. You can
choose any genre.
Your short script
will be
graded based on the
Direction: Craft a
short script that
consists multiple
level of
intertextuality that
can be
performed during the
stage play. You can
choose any genre.
Your short script
will be
graded based on the
rubric below.
The Who Part 2


2.It is a general term that states that all texts: novels, works of philosophy, newspaper articles, films, songs, paintings, and others
intimately interconnected.

a. Intertextuality b. plagiarism c. citation d. allusion

3.This happens when one person imitates another to produce a humorous effect.

a. Citation c. Parody
b. Allusion d. Plagiarism

4.Which of the following is true about intertextuality?

a. Intertextuality can only be seen drama.

b. It is okay to use someone’s work with credit.
c. It doesn’t show how a similar cultural, religious, political, or moral ideology can be expressed in very
different ways through different cultural practices.
d. Intertextuality shows how much a culture can influence its authors, even as the authors in turn
influence the culture

5.What do you think is the importance of intertextuality in drama?

4.7 Assignment The Who Part 2
Direction: Craft a short script that consists multiple level of intertextuality that can be
performed during the stage play. You can choose any genre. Your short script will be
graded based on the rubric below

4.8 Concluding
(5 minutes)

“Don’t let the silly dramas of

each day get you down. For you
are here to do great things”

>>reflections and sharing of the students.

5. Remarks
6. Reflections
C. Did the remedial lessons
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
B. No. of learners who require additional activities D. No. of learners who continue
for remediation. to require remediation.
E. Which of my learning strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:
Position/Designation: Practice Teacher Division: CEBU PROVINCE
Contact Number: 09150382526 Email Add:

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