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The Future of Healthcare: 8 Facts and Visions of Change

It’s a fact that everything changes. When it comes to the future of healthcare, experts believe a

lot will change over the next few years. The industry of healthcare will be impacted by so much,

including politics, technology, and people. Here’s how healthcare is changing:

The Major Aspects of Change

Healthcare is going to massively shift at the hands of technology. Right now, healthcare is

institutionally-focused. With artificial intelligence, big data, and wearable technology healthcare

will be easily personalized. Consumers are going to take healthcare into their own hands, quite

literally, and provide information to benefit from customizable wellness plans.

The Delivery of Healthcare

When you think of doctors and healthcare, the first places that come to mind are overcrowded

doctor’s offices and hospitals. However, the delivery of healthcare will also change because of

technology. From virtual communities to health hubs and special care operators, there will be

innovative ways to connect healthcare experts with those who are in need of care.

The Case for Technology

While technology is reshaping how the healthcare industry will work, the face of healthcare

providers is also changing. There will be more people entering the field with business

backgrounds, like those who have earned their MBA. While the face of providers is changing,

the population is also living longer. This means that the patients have different needs than
before. Along with policies that will need to provide aid for an aging population, disease trends

will also propose new challenges. These changes will be better served with innovative solutions.

8 Visions of Change & What We Can Expect From the Healthcare Industry

Here are some major visions of change around the healthcare trends of the future.

1. Online Visits: Thanks to video calling, there has been an influx of online doctor’s visits.

In crises where people cannot make it to doctor’s, online visits have become the new

house call. Rural areas that are lacking medical care have more access to doctors now.

2. Group Visits: As the population expands, there’s an increased demand for doctors. If

the supply can’t keep up, group visits will become more popular. Group visits are when

doctors see multiple patients with similar symptoms at the same time. They are also

likely to occur with patients who share chronic conditions like diabetes. This will bring

together people in similar situations who can try to manage their conditions together.

3. Artificial Intelligence: Artificial intelligence will expand its presence in healthcare. AI

can use data to learn and respond to different situations without human interaction. In

the medical field, real-time diagnosis and even prescriptions have been handled by AI.

Robots will also be used to aid healthcare professionals with physical tasks, like pulling

supplies from stock rooms or the kitchen in a hospital.

4. Virtual Reality: There are many uses for virtual reality in the healthcare field. Consider

this, a child is in pain. They will be put on a virtual reality headset and escape into a

virtual world that will help to reduce the pain. For medical school students, virtual reality

is a way to simulate a surgical environment and practice before they become doctors.

5. Healthcare Trackers, Wearables, and Sensors: Data and technology are playing a

massive role in personalizing healthcare. New healthcare trackers from the Apple Watch

to diabetic sensors like Dexcom are helping people take control of their own health and

wellness. From managing weight to stress levels to blood sugar, patients will also easily

share health data with their doctors to help diagnose and prevent problems.

6. Personalized Healthcare: One of the biggest changes in healthcare is predictive

medicine. Smart devices can share healthcare data with professionals to predict
problems before they even arise or become life threatening. This proactive model of

healthcare is personalized because patients’ data is being sent from their bodies, in

essence, to their healthcare teams for plans and treatment.

7. Nanotechnology: Nanotechnology will help with wound treatment and healing.

Companies are creating nanotechnology in the form of patches, for example, to monitor

wounds and even stimulate healing.

8. 3D Printing: 3D printing allows the creation of something from nothing. The medical

world can use 3D printers to make artificial limbs, blood vessels and even bio tissues.

Pharmaceutical companies have 3D printed medicine. As time progresses, experts

believe that the uses for 3D printing in healthcare will continue to expand.

Technology Will Improve Well-Being

It’s clear to see how technology is playing a major role in reshaping healthcare. Beyond

sickness and surgery, wearable technology and smart devices help people monitor their own

well-being and pay attention to data points they would otherwise ignore, such as how many

steps per day they take, their heart rate, and their stress levels. More than just treating illnesses,

technology is putting a new focus on overall health and well-being, including mental health.

The Future of Healthcare and Those Impacted

The changes that will happen in the future of healthcare will affect everyone from insurers,

healthcare professionals, new entrants in the marketplace, patients, consumers, and employers.

Big businesses, like Apple and Google, are even becoming more involved in healthcare.

Studying Health Science

The importance of healthcare providers in the future of healthcare cannot be understated. From

nurses to physical therapists and doctors to surgeons, those who provide healthcare solutions

will continue to be needed. Technology, the population, and patient needs will continue to play a

role in the future of healthcare. This will lead to more personalized care and predictive solutions.

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