Behavioral Characteristics of Asd Paper - Allsup Maria

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Behavioral Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Maria Allsup

UMass Global (Brandman University)

EDUU 575

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is defined as “a developmental disability caused by

differences in the brain” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022). People who are

diagnosed with ASD generally struggle with social communication and interactions, and/or

restrict and/or repetitive behaviors. These struggles help lead doctors and physicians to a

diagnosis of ASD. Since ASD is not a “physical” disability in which you can tell that someone

has a disability by different facial structures or body structures, it is important to notice what

behaviors a child is demonstrating, and determine if those behaviors are common behavioral

characteristics of ASD. Vanderbilt University (2024) identifies numerous different signs of ASD

in the first two years of a child’s life. Some of these signs include a lack in gaze and eye contact,

lack of response to their name, delayed onset babbling after nine months, lack of pre-speech

gestures, unable to say single words by 16 months, repetitive movements, and a loss of language

and social skills. Doctors and physicians observe a child’s behavior, their development, and look

for those signs when conducting assessments for ASD diagnosis.

People with an ASD diagnosis are not one in the same. Every adult and/or child with

ASD is different from each other through the way they communicate, socialize, in their

behaviors, and interests. While every person and/or child with ASD is unique, they exhibit

common characteristics that are used to define ASD. Doctor Pratt, Hopf, and Larriba-Quest

(2017) explained that the characteristics associated with ASD are based on the DSM-5. Dr. Pratt

et al. (2017) categorized ASD characteristics into four different impairments which included

social communication impairments, speech/language impairments, executive functioning

impairments, and restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behaviors. Their article

findings align with the signs and symptoms described by the Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention (CDC).

Executive functioning refers to mental skills that help people with memory, flexible

thinking, and self-control. Executive functioning skills are important skills that people use to

manage their daily lives. However, when people struggle with executive functioning, it can make

it hard to focus, handle emotions, and follow simple directions. In the area of executive

functioning, Dr. Pratt et al. (2017), states that those with ASD can have many difficulties

developing these skills. Some characteristics of executive functioning impairments for people

with ASD include, sequencing (i.e. tying their shoes, doing homework, using a planner/agenda,

etc.), struggles with problem solving, and sustaining attention or dividing their attention.

Teaching and modeling executive functioning skills to those with ASD, can help them progress

in the area, which overall contributes to a more positive lifestyle.

Executive functioning also relates to the restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of

behaviors in those with ASD. Dr. Pratt et al. (2017) and the CDC (2022), express that while

those with ASD enjoy similar activities as those without ASD, it may look unusual or more

intense for those with ASD. Some characteristics in this area can include, becoming easily

upset/agitated, flapping hands, rocking their body side to side or back to front, spinning in

circles, lining up toys or objects, having to follow set routines, inflexible thinking, echolalia, and

having obsessive interests.

All of the characteristics of ASD can be supported through interventions such as Applied

Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy or through naturalistic developmental behavioral interventions

(NDBI). Through meta-analysis, Tupou (2020) discovered that the NDBI intervention is growing

in evidence and with improvements in outcomes for children with ASD. NBDI had the biggest,

positive effect on social engagement and a moderate effect for cognitive development (Tupou

2020). NDBI and ABA are two forms of intervention therapy that those with ASD can utilize. As

previously stated, every child/person with ASD is different and unique in their own way. While

they may display similar characteristics as one another, the meaning behind those characteristics

will differ. Interventions can provide those with ASD support in learning how to self-regulate,

cope, control some behavioral characteristics, use those characteristics as a coping mechanism,

or support families to understand what they mean. With that being said, it is extremely important

to utilize interventions that are evidence-based and are tailored to the needs of each individual.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, December 9). What is autism spectrum

disorder?. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Kodak, T., & Bergmann, S. (2020). Autism Spectrum Disorder: Characteristics, Associated

Behaviors, and Early Intevention . Psychology Faculty Research and Publications .

Pratt, C., Hopf, R., & Larriba-Quest, K. (2017). Characteristics of individuals with an

autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The Reporter, 21(17). Retrieved from

Tupou, J. (2020). Meta-analysis supports naturalistic developmental behavioral

interventions as a promising approach for improving a range of outcomes for

children with autism spectrum disorder. Evidence-Based Communication

Assessment and Intervention, 14(4), 206–210.

Vanderbilt University . (2024). What is autism spectrum disorder and what are the

characteristics associated with it?. IRIS Center.

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