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What is followership?

It’s defined as the willingness to cooperate in working toward the accomplishment of de

fined goals while demonstrating a high degree of interactive teamwork.

Ten good rules of followership

1. Do not blame the boss
Do not blame your boss for an unpopular decision or policy your Job is to support, not u

2. Do not fight the boss

Fight with your boss if necessary, but do it in private.
Avoid embarrassing situations and never reveal to others what was discussed.
Fight for your people and your organization, but do not roll over on principles or issues that yo
u believe are detrimental to the unit’s mission accomplishment.

3. Use initiative
Use initiative, make the decision and then run it past the boss.
Accomplishing the task lead then back briefing the boss on what you did.

4. Accept responsibility
Accept responsibility whenever offered.

5. Tell the truth and do not quibble

Your boss will be giving advice up the chain of command based on what you say.Might
y oaks from little acorns grow. Another unfortunate human reaction is to hide or cover up mist
akes before they are discovered by others.
Such instances of deceit are minor and not likely to cause misfortune, but it is not hard to ima
gine how similar white lies can easily become magnified.

6. Do your homework
Give your boss all the information needed to make a decision.
When given a problem to solve by the boss, you must become an expert on the subject befor
e you attempt to propose a course of action.

7. Be prepared to implement your own suggestions

When making recommendations, remember who will probably have to implement them.
Remember that you will likely be tasked to implement your own suggestion.Do not propose so
lutions that are impracticable.
8. Keep the boss informed
Keep the boss informed of what is going on in the unit.
People will be reluctant to tell him or her problems and successes. Subordinates who routinel
y drop the boss notes or mention tidbits in passing can really help a boss stay in touch. If ther
e are problems in the unit, do not let the boss be last to know.

9. Fix problems as they occur

If you see a problem, fix it. Do not worry about who gets the blame, or praise.The essen
ce of military life is teamwork. Do your job quietly, confidently and professionally, and trust yo
ur colleagues to do likewise. But if you do come across a problem, just go ahead and take car
e of it. We are all in this together.

10. Put in an honest day work

Put in more than an honest day's work, but never forget the needs of your family. It is a
matter of great pride for us that we have a strong work ethic and are among the most producti
ve societies in the world.

Basic Step in responding an accident

Check the surroundings.
Introduce yourself.
Ask for consent.

Types of hazard and effects

FIRE- rapid and persistent chemical reaction involving combination of combustible materials
and oxygen that release heat and light.

Effect: Destruction of properties and severe physical and psychological injuries.

OIL SPILL- fallout of oil or similar substance from a container caused by mishandling of vesse
ls or sea accidents.

Effect: Environmental hazards.

RED TIDE- presence of toxic chemicals or pollutants in coastal waters.

Effect: Food poisoning and death.

LAND AND AIR ACCIDENT- these are unplanned or unforeseen events or circumstances.

Effect: Loss of lives.

Body, is the message itself. This contains the thought or idea which the originator’s wishes to
express. It is considered as the major of the message.
Radio Messages, any thought or idea expressed briefly in a plain or secret language and prep
ared in a form suitable for transmission by any means of communication

Releaser is the person who may authorize the transmission of the message.

Flag Retreat Ceremony is the sound of an evening gun.

21 Gun Salute is an affirmation of the AFP's adherence to the chain of command as the coun
try transitions to a new leadership.

Wearing of Decorations is the display of honorably earned decorations in the performance of

duty as part of their uniform.

Flag Raising Ceremony is honoring the flag.

Salute has been preserved and its use continued in all modern armed forces which inherited t
heir military traditions from the Age of Chivalry.

Ceremony Tendered to a Retiree in recognition of his long, faithful and honorable service to th
e AFP.

White Flag of Truce is a worldwide custom used to signal the temporary cessation of hostilitie
s between warring parties.

Emperor Bonaparte is a French Imperial Army and he commanded during the Napoleonic Wa

George Washington in Colonist Armies, He was appointed as Commander-in-Chief of Contine

ntal Army

Hitler invaded Poland from the west on September 1, 1939.

Battle of the Marne is a Battle fought from September 6-9, 1914 wherein invading Germany A

General Douglas Mac Arthur is the one who accepted Japan's formal surrender at Missouri T
okyo Bay.

360 Japanese Aircraft attacked the major United States naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.

Military Correspondence is a military communication that concerns almost every subject comp
osed mostly of letters, endorsements and messages.

Military Letter is an accepted format corresponding with other commands both on and off the
post, addressed to the commander of higher headquarters or to the subordinate units.
Brevity is one of the characteristics of a military letter which a letter must command respect a
nd should reflect authority.

Clarity is one of the characteristics of a military letter which denotes easy understanding, the
words are simple and common to the reader.

Kanang balikat, TA. It's the command for Right Shoulder Arms.

Parade, Rest /Tikas, Pahinga. It is the command for Parade Rest.

Baba, TA. It’s the command for Position of Order Arms.

Kaliwang balikat, TA. It’s the command for Left Shoulder Arms.

In coming to attention, turn your feet out equally, forming an angle of 45 degrees.

Cadence means a uniform and rhythmic flow of words.

When the elements are moving, at approximately six paces before reaching the line in front of
the reviewing officer, the platoon leader command, Handa, Tingin sa Kanan, Na.

When troops execute about face and may leave the ranks but you are required to remain in t
he immediate area,Fall Out / Tiwalag.

Siyasat, Ta. To inspect the rifle

Baba, Ta. Order Arm from Port Arm is executed on three counts.

Three Valleys over Grave, In the olden days, they did it by throwing or casting earth three (3) t
imes upon the grave, calling the name of the dead and saying "Farewell" three times.

Platoon, Halt / Pulutong, TO. Is the command for halting the unit.

Trumpet or Bugle Calls its the sounds of these calls rejuvenate every system of a soldiers bod
y to continue performing the things as signalled by each call.

Rest / Pahinga, is a type of rest where you may move or talk but keep your right foot in place.

Flag Retreat Ceremony, A life in peace or war with personal dignity and self-worth.

Tradition of Valor a tribute by Gen. Douglas MacArthur when he proclaimed: “GIVE ME 20,00

Customs is the accepted practices realized through continued usage that take the force and e
ffect of a Common Law.

The Tradition of Solidarity is the most enduring and powerful military tradition.
Traditions is the inherited principle, standards, practices that serves as the established guides
for an individual or group.

Courtesy of the Post is the privilege of accommodation at the Officer’s Mess if the visit is for s
hort duration and the privilege of membership, if the stay in the vicinity is extended.

During this stage, Army units shall closely monitor warnings or signals announced by appropri
ate government agencies and be ready to execute measures relative to the warning.

Recovery is the segment that may take three stages –restoration, rehabilitation and reconstru
ction. At all stages, the Army’s role is to support the government’s efforts to restore public utilit
ies, rehabilitate affected communities and reconstruct vital infrastructures.

Threat as part of preparedness, Army units shall identify hazards, critical areas, and effects of
these hazards.

Precaution is utilizing available capabilities, Army units shall assist the local disaster coordinat
ing council in the conduct of evacuation.

Red Tide is the presence of toxic chemicals or pollutants in coastal waters.

Displacement of affected people and disruption in their economic and social activities is a effe
ct of Volcanic Eruption

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte is the previous Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of th
e Philippines.

WORLD WAR I ARMIES lasted until 1918.

WORLD WAR I ARMIES began in 1914.

Tradition of Duty, The Filipino soldier has exemplified himself throughout history as a dedicate
d public servant who performed his tasks with a deep sense of responsibility and self-sacrifice.

Platoon Sergeant is the one who takes the position of platoon leader if the platoon leader is n
ot in front.

Happy Hour is the officer gathering at their local club for a beer and conversation. Usually hel
d on friday.

Basic Life Support is the foundation for saving life.

Natural hazard is an extreme event that occurs naturally and causes harm to humans and ani
Followership It’s the willingness to cooperate in working toward the accomplishment of define
d goals while demonstrating a high degree of interactive teamwork.


1. Bearing - way you conduct and carry yourself. Manner reflects alertness, competence,
confide and control.

2. Courage - is the moral and mental strength to face challenges, take risks, and make
difficult decisions.

3. Decisiveness - making good decisions without delay, by acting calmly, and quickly.

4. Dependability - means that you can be relied upon to perform your duties properly. Means
you can be trusted to complete a job.

5. Endurance - is the ability to persevere and maintain stamina in challenging situations.

6. Enthusiasm - defined as a sincere interest and exuberance in the performance for your
duties. If you are optimistic, cheerful, and willing to accept the challenges.

7. Initiative - taking action even though you havent been given orders. Means meeting new
and unexpected situations with prompt action.

8. Integrity - honest and truthful in what you say or do. You put honesty, sense of duty and
sound moral principles above all else.

9. Judgement - ability to think about things clearly, calmly, orderly fashion so that you can
make good decisions.

10. Justice - practice of being fair and consistent. A just person gives consideration to each
side of a situation and bases rewards or punishment on merit (quality of being particulary
good or worthy).

11. Knowledge - refers to the understanding and expertise in one's field.

12. Loyalty - is the unwavering commitment and dedication to one's organization, superiors,
and subordinates. A loyal leader supports and defends their team.

13. Tact - deals with people in a manner that will maintain good relations and avoid problems,
polite, calm and firm.

14. Unselfishness - means avoid making yourself comfortable at the expense of others. Be
considerable of others, give credit to those who deserve it.

11 General Orders
1. To take charge of this post and all government property in view.

2. To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert and observing everything
that takes place within sight or hearing.

3. To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.

4. To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guardhouse than my own.

5. To quit my post only when properly relieved.

6. To receive, obey and pass on to the sentinel who relieves me all orders from the c
ommanding officer of the day, and non-commissioned officers of the guard only.

7. To talk to no one except in the line of duty.

8. To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.

9. To call the commander of the relief in any case not covered by instructions.

10.To salute all officers, colors and standards not cased.

11. To be especially watchful at night, and during the time for challenging, to challenge all per
sons on or near my post and to allow no one to pass without proper authority


Nr Name Designation
2 COL ARTURO P ROXAS GSC PA (RES) Ass’t Commandant
4 1LT MARIO T ALBIOR PA (RES) Tactical Officer
5 2LT LORETO N GALACIO PA (RES) Tactical Officer
6 Tsg Manuel C Caampued Jr (Inf) PA Tactical NCO
7 SSg Joel M Cabingan 865442 (OS) PA Admin NCO
8 PFC Freddie DG Gabat (inf) PA Tactical NCO/Instructor
9 PFC Ermel S Gaoen 959948 (Inf) PA Tactical NCO/Instructor
10 Sgt Mark Louie R Soriano PA (Res) Train’g NCO/Instructor
11 Sgt John Roy A Guillen PA (Res) GMA/Instructor
12 Sgt Ebenezer M Bayuga PA (Res) GMA/Instructor
13 Sgt Rennielle C Poserio PA (Res) GMA/Instructor
14 Sgt Jun Jun P Acosta PA (Res) GMA/Instructor
15 Sgt Mark Allenn T Ramay PA (Res) GMA/Instructor
16 Pvt Dobeth M Agustin PA (Res) Trn NCO/Health Srvc
17 Pvt Michael John T Paco PA (Res) Trn NCO/Health Srvc
18 Pvt Luisa Rivera PA (Res) Trn NCO/Health Srvc
19 Pvt Shiela Salvador PA (Res) Trn NCO/Health Srvc
20 Pvt Michelle Del Rosario Zacarias PA (Res) Trn NCO/Health Srvc
21 Mary Grace Sagun, MSCrim Admin/Property

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