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——— C O D E X ———


Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy

Elis, Greece, 776 BCE
Koroibos/Coroebus of Elis wins the first ever Olympic Games
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Divine Science
Excerpt from Chapter 2 : Kyros of Zarax | Harmony
Excerpt from Adagio
\\My master compares my exploits with those of Coroebus of Elis. Coroebus! Coming from anyone else,
I would have laughed, but he is wise in all things.

Ancient Greece, 6th Century BCE

Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Divine Science
Chapter 2 : Kyros of Zarax | Overview
Subject: Kyros of Zarax | Location: Ancient Greece | Time Period: 6th century BCE
DDS VO: The DDS is attempting to synchronize millennia old memories. Because the memories you'll
explore are ancient, you may feel disoriented, even confused. You may also nd it hard to discern
reality from ction. This is normal, please remain calm. Following the events we unlocked in the last
sequence, you will now explore the origins of the Hermeticists' tradition. You will follow the exploits of
the Pythagoras of Samos, the Greek mathematician and scholar. You are one of his protégés, Kyros of

Chapter 2 : Kyros of Zarax | Harmony

I return to Samos a champion. The people are proud of my accomplishments, as though they had
reaped the honor themselves. How gracious of them.

>>\\Pythagoras, my master, awakens me before
dawn. I am fatigued, but happy to serve him. I
owe him everything, starting with my victories
at Elis.
\\I follow Pythagoras through the empty, quiet
streets of Samos. Helios has not yet risen in the
heavens and the chill of the morning still
\\Pherecydes, an acquaintance of my master,
greets us. He is up early. Pythagoras says my performance at the games was nothing short of
spectacular. I grin.
\\My master compares my exploits with those of Coroebus of Elis. Coroebus! Coming from anyone else,
I would have laughed, but he is wise in all things.
\\Pherecydes' hands are soft and clammy when he congratulates me. He is a learned man, but he does
not abide by my master's high moral and ethical standards.
\\Pherecydes leaves us. Like countless others, he will never experience the liberating power of
abstinence and asceticism. I feel truly blessed.
\\We continue at a leisurely pace, quiet and contemplative. The people will soon forget I was their
champion, but it is of no consequence, for I will not.

>>\\Samos slowly awakens. We enjoy a frugal
breakfast - bread dipped in wine - at the agora
as the morning chill vanishes. It will be a
blistering day.
\\We are near the local smithy when Pythagoras
abruptly stops and shuts his eyes. What has
caught his attention, I cannot tell over the
bustle of the city.
\\Pythagoras moves with increasing speed
toward the smithy. He enters it and, gasping for air, urges the blacksmiths to continue their work.
\\My master's face glistens with sweat as he moves from one smith to another, paying close attention.
He suddenly picks up a hammer and strikes an anvil.
\\The smiths drop their work to form a circle around Pythagoras. He takes another hammer. “Twice as
heavy,” he rasps, striking the anvil again.
\\“Listen! Can you hear it?” Pythagoras asks, his voice quivering. “See the di erence?” The blacksmiths
stare at him, dumbfounded. So do I.
\\Pythagoras continues to strike the anvil with hammers of various sizes. He is drenched, but a broad
smile distorts his usually austere features.

>>\\We leave the smithy with ten hammers of
di erent sizes. It is not yet midday, but the air
outside is almost as unbearable as it was inside
the smithy.
\\The load I carry makes every muscle in my
body ache. My back burns by the time we reach
my master's home. This heat is not helping.
Helios is furious today!
\\As soon as we arrive at the villa, I drop the
hammers next to Hestia's altar, in the enclosed courtyard. My back will thank me later.
\\The temperature in the courtyard is tolerable, but I recognize the look on my master's face. There will
be no midday meal today!
\\Following my master's instructions, I place the anvil the blacksmiths have brought to the villa in the
middle of the courtyard.
\\I hit the anvil, then hit it again, and again. Four strikes with one hammer, and then four strikes with
another weighing twice as much. My arm is numb.
\\Pythagoras imitates the sounds the hammers make, his voice echoing in the inner courtyard. At dusk,
he tells me to stop. Our work, whatever it was, is complete.

>>\\Pythagoras, on his knees, draws lines in the
courtyard's sand. He writes at a furious pace,
then throws sand over most of his scribbles,
only to begin anew.
\\My master writes for hours without rest,
refusing any food or drink Theano, his wife,
o ers. Soon, notes and diagrams cover the
courtyard's ground.
\\Slaves light torches. My master examines and
reexamines his notes, occasionally adding a number or two. He mumbles words like “ratios” and
\\Pythagoras barely touches the food Theano has prepared for the evening meal. “Everything is
related,” he declares. “Everything adds up!”
\\“The rst four numbers,” Pythagoras mutters. “The four elements... The perfect number!” He suddenly
stares at me. "I see it now! The tetractys!”
\\My master nally sleeps. This will give me a chance to take a look at his notes. I should not be doing
this, but I must read them!
\\Pythagoras' notes in the sand reveal a triangular gure with four rows; a large triangle formed by
various smaller ones. His tetractys?

>>\\Several men have gathered at my master's
villa; renowned scholars and venerable elders
crowd the inner courtyard. One of them leans on
Hestia's altar! I glare at him until he moves
\\Most of these men share Pythagoras' beliefs in
the fate of the soul. A few of them even follow
his strict way of life. Unbelievers are also
\\They are skeptical when my master explains his theories. They do not understand what he means by
“music of the spheres” or what the tetractys represents.
\\“There is geometry,” Pythagoras says, “in the humming of the strings; there is music in the spacing
of the spheres!” His guests stare in silence.
\\“Music,” Pythagoras explains, “can be expressed as whole number ratios of the rst four numbers,
which form the tetractys!” Skeptics begin to leave.
\\Many guests, however, seem to grasp Pythagoras' hypothesis. I envy them. They question him, so
they can better comprehend his theories.
\\Orestes, a learned mathematician, raises his cup to honor my master. “The tetractys is the sum of all
wisdom!” he declares. “Praise Pythagoras!”

Chapter 2 : Kyros of Zarax | Opus

We arrive in Croton three years to the day after I was named “Periodonikēs,” winner of all four
festivals - for the second time! Pythagoras views this as a good omen.

>>\\Croton does not rival Athens in size, and its
forti cations are nothing compared to those of
Paraeus or Rhodes, but the reputation of its
citizens is second to none.
\\The city is cast in a golden light as our ship
approaches. Like everyone in our party, I cannot
take my eyes o Croton. It is as if the city was
calling to us, as if we had all heard its Siren's
\\Pythagoras is the rst to speak, interrupting everyone's reveries. “After a long journey, we have
nally arrived home. Here, in Croton, we will thrive!”
\\Word of my master's coming preceded our arrival, for representatives of the leading citizens
welcome him at the harbor. They urge him to meet with the Council of Citizens.
\\We follow our guide through the city. Helios has disappeared, but the citizens of Croton have not yet
gone home. A crowd gathers around Pythagoras!
\\I stay close to my master, gently pushing people out of his way as we make our way to the
bouleuterion, the rest of his entourage in tow.
\\At the bouleuterion, more people await Pythagoras' arrival. There are hundreds of them! No,
>>\\Members of the Council share Pythagoras'
beliefs and value his wisdom. They urge him to
speak to the city's youth.
\\Hundreds of young men and women gather
before my master in front the palaestra. Older
citizens have also come to heed his words.
\\Most in the crowd have tears in their eyes
when Pythagoras completes his speech. I am
also deeply moved, but remain calm.
\\The people of Croton cheer! Everyone in town, it seems, wants to talk to Pythagoras. They also want
to touch him, as though his knowledge and wisdom were contagious.
\\The citizens of Croton pose no threat to Pythagoras, but I carefully observe everyone approaching
him. One can never be too careful.
\\One man shoves a young woman out of his way to reach my master. I grab his arm and twist it so
hard I almost break it. That should teach him some manners.
\\The woman, an athletic, olive-skinned youth about half my age, smiles at me. Her friends pull her
away, giggling. I am going to like it here.

>>\\The people of Croton readily follow my
master's teachings. Word of his presence quickly
spreads to neighboring cities and foreigners
come seeking his guidance.
\\The academy attracts countless students;
hundreds of men and women eager to follow my
master's ways. They do not yet realize how
fortunate they are.
\\A youth named Alcmaeon arrives at the
academy. He is intelligent, but arrogant and undisciplined. For some reason, Pythagoras takes him
under his wing.
\\I meet an athlete named Milo. This giant young man has seen me run at Nemea, and he wants me to
help him become a champion.
\\Milo has already won the boys' wrestling championship at the Olympics. He has great potential and I
am happy to teach him everything I know.
\\Contrary to Alcmaeon, who ceaselessly questions Pythagoras, Milo embraces my master's lessons.
Surely, he will become the greatest athlete of his generation.
\\Pythagoras' philosophy reaches far and wide. More and more men and women adhere to his ways. I
am grati ed, but not surprised. He is, after all, a truly great man.
>>\\Milo brings honor to Croton, and to my
master. He has won all four tournaments! I have
mixed emotions about being surpassed by my
\\We celebrate Milo's victory with my master's
family. It is an intimate a air, but Pythagoras,
the master of ritual, turns it into a grand
\\I praise Milo and announce I will not
participate in next year's games. Damo, my master's daughter, raises her cup. “To our former champion,
and truest friend!”
\\The food Theano has prepared is worthy of kings, but everyone eats sparingly, as my master teaches.
Only Alcmaeon drinks more than one cup of wine.
\\Milo's face turns red when Myia addresses him; a giant of a man, a champion, intimidated by a young
girl! I feel for him. Myia is, after all, Pythagoras' youngest daughter.
\\Alcmaeon comments Milo's malaise. How tactless! I bite my lip, but Myia laughs, kissing Milo's cheek
before disappearing into the kitchen.
\\Alcmaeon leaves, slamming the door behind him. For a long while, Pythagoras stares at the door,
then he turns to us. “No man is free who cannot control himself.”

>>\\We are on our way to the academy when
Pythagoras abruptly stops. "Listen!" All is quiet
in the early morning, save for the distant sound
of yelping.
\\Pythagoras is surprisingly fast when he needs
to be. I follow him toward the sound, and
discover the owner of a young mutt beating it
with a stick!
\\Pythagoras grabs the man's stick and moves
between the pup and its owner. I stay close, keeping an eye on the aggressor. People begin to gather
around us.
\\The mutt's owner moves toward Pythagoras, glances at me, and stops. He shakes his head and opens
his mouth, but remains silent.
\\“Do not harm this dog!” Pythagoras' commands. The crowd around us grows. “This animal bears the
soul of an old friend! I hear his voice in its cries.”
\\It is not the rst time my master uncovers proof of the immortality of the soul, but his extraordinary
instinct never ceases to astound me.
\\“Of rational beings,” someone declares, “one sort is divine, one is human, and another is such as
Pythagoras!” People cheer.

Chapter 2 : Kyros of Zarax | Grand Finale

Many in uential citizens of Croton are now devoted to Pythagoras' ascetic way of life, but some
important elders continue to question his wisdom.

>>\\Alcmaeon, my master's favorite pupil,
challenges his doctrines, again. The arrogant
gados! Why does Pythagoras fail to see he is not
truly one of us?
\\I share the morning meal with Damo and
Alcmaeon, making it my duty to keep an eye on
Pythagoras' daughter. I will not let Alcmaeon
befoul her mind!
\\I am on my way to the gymnasium when I hear
an animal howl. Its lament is unbearable! I soon nd Alcmaeon in an alley, bending over a dog. He has
plucked one of its eyes!
\\The beast's lament stops, but Alcmaeon brings a knife to its stomach. How dare him! Has he not
learned anything about the fate of the soul?
\\A mu ed shriek catches my attention. I step around the corner and come face to face with Damo.
She has been spying on Alcmaeon! I can no longer hold back.
\\I reveal myself and strike Alcmaeon. Bones crack. He opens his mouth to protest, but I hit him again.
Damo shrieks and grabs my arm, forcing me to stop.
\\I have to stand in judgment of my master for the harm I have caused Alcmaeon, but I am grati ed to
know that he will be held accountable for his immoral actions.
>>\\The last remnants of Helios' passing cling to
the heavens as Alcmaeon leaves the city. I am
glad to see him depart, but I fear he has already
poisoned the minds of others.
\\“Alcmaeon,” Pythagoras declares, “is no longer
our brother.” The hundreds of followers gathered
around my master remain silent.
\\“Alcmaeon,” Pythagoras continues, “is dead to
us.” As if on cue, women suddenly begin to
weep, their dreadful cries echoing throughout the cemetery.
\\Pythagoras utters a solemn prayer for the deceased. Men lower their heads while weeping women
tear their clothes and wound their breasts.
\\“Alcmaeon,” Pythagoras says, “is dead.” Helped by others, I raise the wooden statue representing
Alcmaeon and bring it inside the temple.
\\I lower the statue in the co n, as carefully as I would place the body of a dear, departed brother. My
master kneels beside the co n, blessing it.
\\The funeral procession slowly moves out of the cemetery. Unbelievers stare at us. I see scorn in their
sneering faces; scorn, and no small amount of fear.

>>\\The Council of Citizens organizes a banquet
in Pythagoras' honor. Some of the richest and
most in uential citizens of Croton ll the
banquet hall.
\\All of those attending the banquet are ardent
supporters of my master's teachings. Those who
oppose him have made it a point not to be here
\\Myia leads the dance. Milo, her husband, is
surprisingly graceful as he follows each of her steps. I catch a glimpse of Pythagoras' thin smile. I have
not seen him this relaxed in years.
\\A thunderous sound suddenly echoes in the hall. One of the columns has broken! It crumbles in a
heap upon the oor. The ceiling is collapsing!
\\A massive stone block falls, crushing a poor slave. The screaming throng stampedes toward the only
exit! My master is trapped!
\\Incredible! Milo stands under the ceiling, supporting it! I rush to his side. The weight is unbearable,
but we are successful! We prevent further deaths!
\\Helping Milo save my master's life is, without any doubt, my greatest accomplishment. But I fear the
column has been sabotaged. Hostilities are brewing!
>>\\Dusk has settled by the time I lead
Pythagoras through the quiet alleyways of
Croton. I hope to avoid the throngs of citizens,
for they are now more often hostile than not.
\\A shadow moves to my right. I draw my xiphos
and raise a hand, alerting the four bodyguards
accompanying us. I peer into darkness, but see
\\One of the guards screams! A dory runs
through his thigh and he drops to his knees. Our assailants step out of the shadows!
\\Another guard falls, his throat slit. I block a kopis and ram my blade into an abdomen before
breaking a cheekbone with the back of my cestus.
\\I lacerate an arm, puncture a lung, and amputate ngers, then step toward Pythagoras. I dodge a
dory and run my xiphos between shoulder blades. A third guard falls.
\\Only three of them left! The last of Pythagoras' bodyguard stands beside me. Blood ows through his
chiton, but our foes do not stand a chance. It is a massacre.
\\“Reason is immortal,” Pythagoras mutters, “all else mortal.” I only half listen to my master's prayer.
These men were not simple ru ans, but hired hands! War has begun!

>>\\Those who do not accept our ascetic way of
life - who refuse to honor their mothers, wives,
and sisters - despise us. I see it in their faces
every day. And I see it now, as I escort
\\People gather around us. Angry people! They
hate us because we are better athletes,
musicians, mathematicians. But they have only
themselves to blame. Undisciplined bous!
\\Faces are hard and words are harsh. The crowd turns into a mob! Hundreds of people follow us,
shouting insults and throwing rocks and refuse!
\\We enter Milo's home, but the mob is relentless! Flames engulf the villa! The champion of Croton
steps outside, followed by his loyal retinue.
\\I draw my xiphos to follow Milo, but Pythagoras grabs my arm, shaking his head. Myia moves a table,
revealing a secret trapdoor leading to an underground pathway.
\\I light a torch and follow Pythagoras through the narrow opening. “May Zeus guide your path,” Myia
whispers, closing the door behind us.
\\Pythagoras had foreseen that this day would come. He had been prepared to leave Croton! My
master is now safe, but I worry about those we have left behind.
Chapter 2 : Kyros of Zarax | Requiem
Long years have passed since we left the shores of Croton; long years which have taken their toll on
my master. Yet, he bears their marks with pride and remains as determined as ever.

>>\\We have explored the highest mountains,
the entire coast of the middle of the earth, and
the ancient cities of Babylonia and Egypt. Yet,
my master's quest for knowledge continues.
\\We now nd ourselves at the edge of the
world. The desert is vast and unforgiving, but
Pythagoras is adamant. He must explore it!
\\Helios is as relentless as my master. I wonder
how long we can hope to survive in this
accursed heat. Soon, we will lack water.
\\I have not had a drop of water in days. I can scarcely feel the blisters upon my skin now. Is my master
wandering aimlessly, or is he following some divine inspiration?
\\I spot a man on top of a great sand dune. He holds a winged sta intertwined with serpents, but
remains motionless, like a statue. Is he real? Am I dreaming?
\\The stranger wears a sheep herder's clothing, yet his bearing is kingly. Each step I take could be my
last, but Pythagoras moves with the speed of a young athlete.
\\I barely make it atop the dune. I am on my knees, re burning my lungs, when the stranger greets us.
“I am Hermes Trismegistus. I have found you.”
Agnus Dei
>>\\I am on my hands and knees, ngers buried
into the burning sand. My head is pounding. I
strive not to collapse, yet my master, an elderly
man, stands beside me.
\\How can Pythagoras be suddenly so lled with
the breath of life? A moment ago he could
barely put one foot in front of the other. Does he
not feel Helios' fury?
\\I manage to raise my head and look up at
Hermes Trismegistus - a king in peasant's garb. He raises the winged sta above his head.
\\In a sudden movement, Hermes strikes the sta upon the ground. It digs deeply into the sand in
front of Pythagoras. Unbelievable! The serpents upon it move!
\\The serpents turn their heads toward my master, hissing. It cannot be! As one, the serpents speak!
“You are a worthy successor.”
\\There is something emanating from the sta — an invisible, inde nable force. Around me, the desert
sands begin to shift.
\\“We hold the key to life's mysteries,” voices say in dissonant unison as darkness suddenly engulfs

>>\\I awake parched and feeble. I feel hot sand
underneath me and open my eyes to see the
wide, green leaves of a palm.
\\Water dribbles from a piece of cloth my master
holds over my mouth. I swallow every drop, even
though each one feels like a handful of dust.
\\Gradually, I regain my senses. Hermes is no
longer with us, but Pythagoras proudly holds the
sta with interlaced serpents - LIVING serpents!
\\One of my master's thighs is now made of gold! It is supple as muscle, yet solid as metal. How can
this be? A new aura surrounds him, a new power.
\\Decades of cares have vanished from Pythagoras' face! He almost seems like a young man again. No,
like a young god!
\\“This relic,” Pythagoras says, “has been passed down since the dawn of time.” I grimace, barely able
to look at the serpents upon it.
\\Pythagoras puts a reassuring hand upon mine. “Our journey is at an end. You have served me well,
old friend. Now begins a new chapter in our lives.”
Chapter 2 : Kyros of Zarax | Encore
The princess of Arcadia, a savage beauty, refuses to marry any man unless he outruns her, and
whoever she beats must die. Many suitors have tried their luck, and failed.

A Cappella
>>\\What kind of woman could best so many
men? I am no longer in my prime, and I am no
fool, but I must meet this woman and race her! I
\\I seek my former master's wisdom. Pythagoras
believes I will nd what I need to win this
woman's hand in an abandoned temple honoring
\\I am not even halfway through the mountain
when a mighty blizzard hits. I am cold and tired, yet my quest is only beginning.
\\Famished and freezing, I reach the top of the highest peak, where lie the ruins of Aphrodite's
forgotten temple. I can see it now! Just a few more steps…
\\I stumble forward and crumble. I try to move but there is no strength left in me! There is a power
emanating from the temple. Something I have not felt in a long time.
\\I raise my head. Bits of ice cling to my face as I behold - No! A nude woman of unearthly beauty
appears through the falling snow! She seems unreal, like the immaterial soul.
\\Ignoring me, the woman moves toward the temple, unhindered by the freezing cold. Impossible! She
walks through the temple's wall!
>>\\I feel Helios' rays upon my skin. I remain
motionless, basking in the warmth for a while.
Then I open my eyes to nd myself in the middle
of an orchard.
\\I hear footsteps and hide behind a tree. A
young woman with long, owing hair strolls in
the orchard. The same woman I saw enter
Aphrodite's temple!
\\The woman is awless, like only a goddess
could be. She seems tangible now, moving with purpose, each new step more graceful than her last.
\\I reveal myself and greet her, but she does not heed me. Instead, she plucks a large apple from a
nearby branch. She does it again, and then carefully selects a third one.
\\I follow her. Only a few steps and we are out of the orchard, standing in front of a magni cent
building bathed in bright, golden light: Aphrodite's temple!
\\The woman steps inside. I follow. She hides the three apples under the statue of Aphrodite, behind
the temple's main altar. Why can she not see me?
\\I awake covered in snow. I no longer feel my limbs, but I somehow manage to crawl inside what
remains of the temple. There, where the woman placed three ripe fruits, I nd a single, golden apple!

>>\\King Iasius of Arcadia, a boorish old man
who ceaselessly barks at his subjects, welcomes
me to his court. The prospect of his daughter
marrying a former champion pleases him.
\\King Iasius warns me that no man can beat his
daughter, and that losing the race means losing
one's life. He arranges for me to meet her - one
last chance to change my mind.
\\In the gardens, my heart pounds as I await
Atalanta, the virgin princess raised by bears who became a erce hunter, a Calydonian hero, and a
slayer of centaurs!
\\I spot a group of maidens behind the branches of the olive trees. As they approach, the young girls
seem to fade away, for I only have eyes for one: Atalanta!
\\She is magni cent! Surely, Atalanta's beauty rivals Aphrodite's! My face gets warm when she smiles
and greets me with a rich, warm voice.
\\Atalanta places her hand upon mine! I feel the blood pumping through my veins. For an eternity, she
gazes into my eyes, as though exploring the very depths of my soul.
\\Atalanta does not want me to race her! She could not live with herself if I died, but I know I cannot
go on living without her. I must win her hand! Or die trying.
>>\\The race is about to begin. Atalanta avoids
my gaze. She knows I could die, but she will give
me no quarter. It would not be honorable.
\\I try to breathe normally, reminding myself
that I have won countless races against the
mightiest runners in the world. But no race has
ever been so crucial.
\\It begins! I run as fast as I dare in this early
stage of the race, but Atalanta is already several
paces in front. Sweat dribbles from every pore, yet I lose sight of her!
\\I put a hand on the golden apple and utter a silent prayer to Aphrodite. I almost ram into Atalanta!
She has stopped running! She stares ahead, confused.
\\I am tempted to help her, but Atalanta regains her senses and - Incredible! She overtakes me! I touch
the apple again. She stumbles! I run past her.
\\My lungs burn, my legs hurt, but Atalanta outruns me again! Once more, my ngers brush the apple.
Atalanta shrieks and falls to the ground, but quickly recovers.
\\I win the race! As I regain my breath, Atalanta approaches, smiling. People will soon begin to call me
Hippomenes, the man who beat Atalanta!
March 15th, 44 BCE
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Rome
Chapter 2 : Giovanni Borgia | Et Tu, Brute?

[These “memories” are being witnessed by 5yr old Giovanni Borgia, but they were written into the
Shroud’s memory from Brutus’ time with it, not discussed here…]

Caverns of the Mind

>>\\Dreams of the cavern again! I run my
phantom hands along its walls and recognize
every aw. There is writing here, but I cannot
read it. Carved into texture. Burned into shadow.
Answers unreachable within my slumber.
\\I am ying without form! I am the wind. No, I
am upon the wind, pulled away from the city.
Across eld and forest. Once again, I study my
path though I know it will be lost when I wake.
\\I hear them. Warnings. Prophecy. Doom. Nightmares! I am needed. I need.
\\I see a face. It is my own and then it is my father's. My Caesar. The esh upon his skull picked apart
by carrion birds!
\\Cleopatra and Caesar kiss while Roma burns! I shout to Caesar! Turn around! Turn and save your
\\Twenty three blades. Twenty three keys.

>>\\We drop to our knees, our breaths catching
in our throats as we try to grasp the spectacle
before us. Giovanni is dreaming. Brutus is
awake. This same cavern has haunted our
dreams. We have spent countless nights
exploring it in our sleep. We were compelled to
nd it.
\\It is here that we will hold council. Here we
will plot the downfall of our enemy, our friend,
our Papà, our dictator perpetuo. Forty of us, each a senator. One child, a dreamer. Each a Liberatore.
Each an Assassin.
\\The rst council has ended. Our problem is clear, our response undetermined. Caesar moves away
from the Senate, placing his trust in foreign rulers, adopting the ego and pomp of his Egyptian whore.
Cesare moves away from his family, leaving Giovanni at the mercy of his mad dog.
\\Caesar refuses to rise when he addresses us and sco s at our concerns. He has created his own
private senate, lled with deceivers, manipulators, people who have no business in Roman a airs.
Papà works with monsters and killers who do not care about Roma's people.
\\My brothers are eager for blood, but I am not certain I can spill it. Roma will not be free until Papà is
\\We have found traces of whatever pulled us towards this place. Whispers. Lights ickering through
cracks in the earth. A doorway that is also a puzzle. We must nd the solution.
\\YOU HAVE LOST FOCUS. No, I have found purpose. YOU ONLY SEE THE PAST. No, I see the future.

>>\\WAKE UP, CHILD. I am awake! Look, my eyes
are open. I must nd a blade. I must stab Caesar
twenty three times.
\\I nd a dagger in the room where Caesar and I
practice with wooden swords. It hangs high on a
wall, but I climb up a chair. He does not let me
use the real blades yet, but it feels right in my
\\Today. The Ides of March. Caesar will be in the
Theatre of Pompey. I sneak down the hallway. Cleopatra is asleep in her room.
\\The other senators are not here! We had a plan! They must be afraid. I will go alone!
\\Caesar is snoring. I am small, but I can kill him in his sleep if I am quiet. I lift the dagger and look at
his face. Papà?
\\Micheletto grabs my arm and pulls me from the room! I try to cry out but he covers my mouth! I did
not mean it! Please, just let me go! PAIN IS TEMPORARY.
Philippi, Macedonia,
October 23rd - Christmas/December 25th, 42 BCE
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
Excerpt from Chapter 4 : Ghosts of Christmas Past |
I've got a Christmas present for you. Enjoy! -Erudito
[This Memory is from Publius Volumnius’s perspective]

Philippi, Macedonia
>>\\We surround Brutus' body, mourning the
passing of one of Roma's greatest defenders, his
life taken by his own hand. Marcus Antonius has
sent us his nest mantle to wrap the body. A
feeble gesture, after all, it was his refusal to
stand against Octavian that caused our defeat.
\\We will pretend to accept Antonius' gesture for
now, but we have brought a shroud of our own.
We wrap it around the body and step back. We
have never used it before and we are frightened.
\\Movement! We raise an edge of the shroud and Brutus' eyes open! His arms lift and bend with
restored life! His ngers grip the air as if he pulls himself back into his body!
\\He does not breath or speak. He simply lays there, unmoving… unblinking. He is not warm. He does
not react to touch.
\\Whatever power lies within this artifact, it has not returned our Brother to us. We close his eyes
again. There is no sign that he had ever moved. Some of us weep. It is a second death.
\\We remove the shroud and return it to its plain wooden box, then wrap Brutus in Antonius' gift.
Forgive us, Brother.
\\They have taken from us, from Roma, but now is not the time to respond. We must regroup. Plan.
Prepare for what is sure to come.
Monteriggioni, Tuscany, Italy,
Christmas/December 25th, [Prior to 1356]
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
Excerpt from Chapter 4 : Ghosts of Christmas Past |
I've got a Christmas present for you. Enjoy! -Erudito
[This Memory is from Renato Auditore’s perspective]

Monteriggioni, Italy
>>\\A myth become miracle, the "holy winding
sheet" has arrived, freshly plucked from Templar
hands in France. I do not want to look at the
thing, but I must con rm for myself. I meet my
Brothers in the Villa.
\\My Brothers tell me that the Shroud's owner,
Geo roy de Charny, suspects nothing. We have
paid many men and women a fortune to replace
his Shroud with an intricate replica. To remove
this burden from history.
\\I can feel… something… the moment it is lifted from its box. Evil. A sickness in my belly. I begin to
take my notes.
\\A man's shape has been burned into the Shroud, arms to his sides and palms forward. According to
the church's records, the visage has changed throughout history. Di erent men? Who are they? He
appears to have been tortured.
\\The fabric itself is yellowed… old. It has blood stains on it, which are to be expected with wounds
such as these.
\\Satis ed that we possess what we had sought, we fold the Shroud and put it back into its box. I hear
words, faint in my mind. One might mistake them for spirits, but for me they simply reinforce the
importance of my task.
\\What better place than our walled city to hide such abominations from mankind? We will bury it
deep and set up measures to ensure it remains hidden. We will burn church records and send claims of
fraud to religious leaders. Who would know its aws better than the ones who forged it?
Monteriggioni, Tuscany, Italy, 1454
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Italian Wars
Chapter 3 : Mario Auditore | Overview
Subject: Mario Auditore | Location: Monteriggioni, Italy | Time Period: 1454 CE
DDS VO: We are now synchronizing the DDS. For your safety, please report any nosebleeds, vertigo,
nausea, or hallucinations. Land-hungry Florence sought possession of the walled city of Monteriggioni,
but it held strong for years under the guidance of the Auditore family. You will dissect the memories
of Mario Auditore, who struggled to keep his city safe through the latter half of the 15th century.

Chapter 3 : Mario Auditore | Resourceful

Monteriggioni has long stood against her
attackers by tucking in and outlasting. The
Fiorentini may strike at any time, but they will
nd us prepared!

>>\\Our carpenters rely on a steady supply of
timber to keep the city in working order. Should
we come under siege, we will count on the
e ciency of the woodworkers to build quickly!
\\I lend my strength to the workers, hauling
wood through the streets and piling it in the
store yard.
\\I volunteer some of my soldiers to help haul
the timber. It brings us closer to the people
while strengthening my men.
\\I am no stranger to labor. I grab an axe and get
to work!
\\The carpenters teach me several of their folk
songs, passed down through generations. We
laugh as I butcher every note!
\\As we work, I make suggestions about fortifying Monteriggioni. The carpenters are eager to expand
on my ideas, but they do not hesitate to tell me when I am too ambitious.
\\We have stockpiled more than enough lumber to sustain us through an attack. Our artisans craft
goods from the excess lumber and sell them to our allies.
The Public Gardens
>>\\Though we tend to our elds and trade with
our neighbors, we have found great bene t in
growing our food within the town's walls. Even if
we are surrounded, we will never starve.
\\I have never been much for plant-tending, but
the gardeners seem to be pleased by their
progress this year!
\\The farmers haul in compost from our horses
and then mix it with the soil. I am not pleased
by the smell, but they assure me it is necessary.
\\I watch the gardeners dig small ditches to direct and divert the rain ow. I consider how such a
strategy might be used on the battle eld.
\\Today I get my hands dirty! I am planting bulbs alongside the lovely ladies who labor in these
\\The gardeners teach me how to use their tools and I learn fast! After all, I teach weapon techniques
to my soldiers and these are not so di erent.
\\A bountiful harvest! We have a surplus of food, so we sell it to our neighboring communes.

Digging In
>>\\We import a lot of our ore from the region,
but we also rely on a humble mine outside of
Monteriggioni's walls. It is dangerous work, but
we all understand its importance.
\\My men tell me it is too dangerous to enter
the mine. I shoot them a stern look and they
back down!
\\Once you have reached the lowest depths of
that mine, you cannot help but think of potential
\\The air is thin and the heat is nearly unbearable, yet these miners do not falter.
\\My men employ old, dangerous equipment. I promise to replace it.
\\The mine has been here longer than I have. I wonder what secrets my ancestors have buried here.
Perhaps I will look for them another time. Today, I am here to work!
\\Better tools and focused workers have yielded more ore than we expected. No doubt there is pro t to
be made from our good fortune!
Chapter 3 : Mario Auditore | People Skills
Monteriggioni is nothing without her people, her
skilled artisans and guardsmen, her thinkers and
doers. I make an e ort to visit them when I can,
to help with their work and get to know their
skills as well as their troubles.

Working Girls
>>\\Monteriggioni’s courtesans are often
underestimated. In truth, they have impressive
in uence over the region's politics. Though it
may stain my reputation to spend time with
them, I nd these women have much to teach
\\We discuss philosophy and I nd myself unable
to contend! Though I certainly have knowledge
that I cannot share, I suspect she does as well.
\\The courtesans ask if my soldiers can protect
them. I soon realize they are not concerned
about the Fiorentini, but instead with the people
within Monteriggioni! I ask them for a list of names.
\\I must be cautious around these women. Though they are valuable allies, they will try to sweet talk
their way into power!
\\I have learned to pick through their gossip for important details: the morale of my soldiers, schemes
and betrayals, and even insight into other cities when the courtesans travel.
\\We argue about astronomy. The theories she has heard are ridiculous and I tell her so! She is not
happy with me, but she will get over it.
\\I leave the courtesans, unable to hide the enormous grin on my face. The townspeople will gossip.
Let them. I know they are overlooking one of our strongest assets.
Arms Race
>>\\If we are to continue our de ance against
the Fiorentini, we must keep our weapons and
armor in prime condition. I will not have my men
dying because I cut corners.
\\I watch as a smith follows imported plans to
strengthen our armor. He succeeds! I am eager
to try it out on the eld!
\\I notice a few of my soldiers wearing damaged
armor. I personally deliver them to the forge for
\\I take a turn at the anvil. The smith admires my strength, but he says I lack nesse. I tell him the
same has been said about my time on the battle eld!
\\We study the pikes that are bringing so much success to the Swiss and work to improve our own.
\\The smiths provide me with a large supply of equipment to bring back to my Villa. They know I will
put it to good use in training new soldiers.
\\Monteriggioni's blacksmiths have delivered once again! I am con dent my soldiers will march with
the best equipment I can provide them.

>>\\Though our town is small, we know that we
live in a time of artistic rebirth. Our painters
travel abroad to study with the masters, hoping
to bring fame for Monteriggioni.
\\I visit a fresco painter hard at work on a church
ceiling. Like many, his subject is the Cruci xion. I
can feel his faith in every brush stroke.
\\A painter asks if I would like to commission a
portrait. I tell him there are much more
attractive subjects within Monteriggioni's walls.
\\Though our sculptors are vastly outnumbered by our painters, they manage to bring in an impressive
pro t for their work.
\\I take advantage of my brother’s connections in Firenze to import ne art. I have created a small
gallery in the Villa. Monteriggioni's artists are always welcome to study them.
\\I invest money to improve the town's beauty. Though Monteriggioni is no stranger to war, we must do
what we can to make it feel like home.
\\I leave the artists to their trade, content that they will bring visitors to our town as well as fame. As
their skill and renown increases, so does our connection to other cities.
Men of War
>>\\Though I try to involve myself with every
aspect of the city, there is one I know best.
Combat. I pride myself in my ability to take a
man who has never seen a battle and prepare
him for the worst imaginable!
\\This one believes himself a swordsman,
despite his lack of formal training. I disarm him
and he quickly surrenders. I tell him we do not
surrender! If we lose a sword, we take another
from the enemy's hands.
\\I am impressed by my student's skills. He has served with another army. It will take a while to break
him of his habits, but he has a good head start on the others.
\\I nd it important to keep things jovial as we train. The students must feel like they are part of our
army, not simply employed by it.
\\Today we train with exotic weapons. I doubt we will employ any of them for actual combat, but it is a
welcomed change of pace for my men.
\\I hope to instill a sense of kinship in my mercenaries. I cannot risk losing them to an army with
better pay.
\\A new group of soldiers is ready to defend Monteriggioni. I have taught them to ght as a family, to
ght for our family. Let our enemies come, I tell them, so that we may prove ourselves in battle. They

Problem Solvers
>>\\Abstergo's not going to be happy I'm
showing you this, which is exactly why I'm doing
so. Why are they focusing on Monteriggioni
again? I suspect it's because our pal Mario had
connections to one of the artifacts. They want
you to stumble onto something without making
any sense of it! Good thing I'll be watching too!
\\My Brothers arrive without a sound. We have
much to discuss!
\\My Brothers have brought news of Templar movements. What are they planning?
\\News from Rome. It is there, but protected. We must act!
\\Tonight I slip out of the city with my Brothers. Tonight I hunt.
\\We have drawn up a list of targets. Each death will have a critical e ect on Italy's balance of power.
\\Security Warning: Please refrain from revisiting this memory. It has been corrupted by outside
intrusions and has been rendered invalid.
Chapter 3 : Mario Auditore | Defensive Measures
There is much we can do to keep Monteriggioni
prepared for an attack. We will rely on careful
observations to craft a battle plan and make
sure everyone moves according to it.

Animal Husbandry
>>\\Any worthwhile mercenary will know the
value of a reliable, trained horse. Riding an
animal that startles on the battle eld or loses
speed quickly is a risk we will not take.
\\The stable keeper gives me a short tour. He
presents the di erent breeds - some bred stocky
for labor, some wiry for travel, and of course, the
un inching steeds we will ride into combat.
\\Today I am happy to help feed the animals.
After all, some of them will die alongside us;
others will actually be key to keeping us alive.
\\It worries me that our stables are outside the
ramparts. Should we ever need to retreat and
tuck inside, we will be handing over our livestock to the enemy. Still, it cannot be avoided, the animals
must graze.
\\My own horse has served me well, but she is beginning to feel her age; she no longer moves as she
once did. I have begun to scout for her replacement.
\\Today, several of my men join me at the stables. We will allow horse and rider get used to each other
before they are called to war.
\\My visits to the stables always seem to clear my mind. Monteriggioni continues to produce the nest
steeds in the region.
Running the Ramparts
>>\\I train my mercenaries to patrol the extent
of the ramparts. I teach them what to look for
on the horizon, where to position themselves in
an attack, and how to aim from such heights.
\\There are a total of fourteen towers along the
ramparts. I have assigned three men to each to
allow more frequent re upon the enemy.
\\I run my men around the walls. They will need
to be ready to move quickly to weakened areas
of the ramparts, should the enemy reach them.
\\Our architects explain that lowering the towers might actually help our defenses because we can
purchase more powerful weaponry. A huge undertaking, but something I will consider in the future.
\\I train my men to watch inside the ramparts as well. Guards have a better view of the people below
and can respond quickly to any problems.
\\We stop at each tower, checking to make sure all supplies are present and the weapons are in
working order.
\\I am con dent that, should our front lines fall, our tower defenses will be devastating to any siege

The Shadow Game

>>\\Information is our most valuable currency.
We employ several spies who spend more time
outside Monteriggioni than at home. They are
swindlers and silver-tongues, politicians and
\\We send one of our best courtesans to Roma,
where she will attempt to attach herself to
in uential nobles and report back to us.
\\I have sent a pair of artists, a brother and
sister, to Forlì. We hope that they will encounter and befriend other artists who have travelled more
and have picked up useful information.
\\I have sent a spy to Firenze. My brother would likely disapprove, but I do not plan to tell him.
\\I suspect someone within our own community shares information with the enemy! I unleash one of
my agents to ush him out.
\\A report sent by courier pigeon claims the Fiorentini are planning another attack! We must hasten
our preparations!
\\Our spies have left home. The goal is to intercept delicate information about enemy movement, but
the priority is always the safe return of our agents.
>>\\Several small villages and single buildings
dot the countryside beyond Monteriggioni's
walls. They provide us with some strategic
advantage, but at great personal risk. It is
important to make sure we have plans to
protect them, should war come our way.
\\I visit a small farm dwelling where a family of
four tends to several nearby elds. A good share
of our food comes from this family's
determination. I stress that they are welcome within our walls when the enemy advances.
\\The friar who runs a nearby church refuses to leave, even in the face of an enemy army. I cannot
convince him that he puts himself at great risk!
\\Several of the farm dwellings have agreed to keep watch for any signs of trouble. I pay them well for
their cooperation.
\\I post mercenaries along the countryside roads, not only to watch for trouble, but to demonstrate our
commitment to our neighbors.
\\Many of the young men from these villages sign up to ght for Monteriggioni. I answer their
questions and encourage them to practice their skills.
\\Satis ed that our allies are under our protection, I return to Monteriggioni. I cannot decide if they
are foolish or brave to live outside of our walls, but it is their choice to make.
Chapter 3 : Mario Auditore | Cleaning House
Disorder grips Monteriggioni. Theft and violence
run rampant. Angry mobs gather in the streets
to mete out their own justice. This is not natural
for our humble community; I suspect we are
dealing with a skilled manipulator.

Cooling Tempers
>>\\Amidst the chaos, families gather into
crowds. They hurl insults as well as furniture!
These are good people, but something has set
them o !
\\I am able to draw some attention from the
crowd. I do my best to calm them.
\\“The boy stole my necklace!” a woman
screams. “I did no such thing,” he replies, “but
you tried to burn down our home!” I step
between them with my arms extended!
\\I send my soldiers into the con ict to separate
the families!
\\I have a very loud voice when I lose my patience. I easily silence both families for a moment and
urge them to see reason!
\\Neither side has any proof of wrongdoing. I suggest that someone may be taking advantage of an old
family feud!
\\I manage to di use the argument! Reluctantly, the families return home to sulk, but I cannot be sure
they will remain peaceful.
If You Can’t Beat Us…
>>\\Today, we caught several thieves operating
within our city. My men had violent plans to
punish them, but I intervened. Perhaps we can
make better use of these bandits!
\\This thief was given speci c instructions on
what to steal and where to place it, but he has
never met his employer.
\\A thief warns me that there are many people
within our walls working to destabilize
Monteriggioni, but he does not have names.
\\One of the captives squirms loose, but I stop him with the tip of my blade! He soon agrees to hear
me out!
\\These thieves are young and reckless, but time on the streets seems to have honed their talents. We
will work hard to correct their attitudes!
\\These young men are not from Monteriggioni. They were paid anonymously to come here.
\\We have gained skilled allies today. I trust them about as far as I can spit, which is why I plan to
eventually unleash them upon another city. For now, though, they may prove useful.

Casting the Net

>>\\I will send every available agent into the city
to nd this agitator! I worry that we are seeing
clouds before a storm, that an attack from
within precedes a siege.
\\A fortunate detail! The agitator is still here…
\\We o er coin in exchange for information and
several witnesses sell us their stories. It
becomes di cult to distinguish fact from
\\We hear several names mentioned, but one shows up more than the rest.
\\The agitator may try to ee. He will soon realize Monteriggioni's walls are equally e ective at
keeping people inside the town.
\\We are almost upon our prey. The hunt is exhilarating!
\\Luciano Pezzati. Just a name for now, but we know he is hiding in Monteriggioni. We will nd him!
>>\\We close in on Luciano Pezzati and his men
rush out to block us! They are hired mercenaries,
not thugs. This will not be easy!
\\The enemy focuses their attacks, often
assaulting my soldiers in threes. Some of my
best men fall early, but the rest adapt quickly to
the strategy!
\\I feint and my opponent takes the bait. In one
swing, I open his throat and spin to meet a new
opponent approaching from behind!
\\An arrow brushes past my face and I feel the etching against my ear. I point towards the archer and
my men overtake him!
\\A pikeman keeps me at a distance. It is a cumbersome weapon, but he is exceptionally skilled. I grab
the end of the weapon and hold onto it while my men run him down!
\\One of Luciano's men tries to run, but my soldiers were raised in these streets. They easily intercept
\\Several bodies are sprawled across the street, both my enemy's men and my own. We have drawn a
crowd! Luciano is vulnerable now, I must deal with him!

>>\\Luciano has barricaded himself in the inn.
We hammer down the door and nd him
waiting, dagger in hand. I need him alive! I
gesture my soldiers to stay back and unsheathe
a dagger of my own!
\\We are both skilled with our blades. We thrust
and parry, rarely drawing any blood!
\\We circle the inn's wooden tables. Luciano
kicks a chair at me and I narrowly dodge it!
\\He taunts me! He tells that my town will soon
belong to the Fiorentini!
\\I change my strategy and wait for Luciano to attack me. As he leans in, I slice his ngers. Not deep
enough! I must try to disarm him!
\\He dives towards me before I can react and tumbles away with a bloodied blade! He cut me good, but
not nearly as deep as he had hoped. It will not slow me down!
\\I evade a strong swing from Luciano and plunge my dagger into his shoulder! His arm spasms and his
blade clatters to the oor, but he ashes another blade with his left arm! I throw all my weight into
my swing and hammer the hilt of my dagger into his temple. My men drag his unconscious body back
to the Villa Auditore. We will have answers!
Chapter 3 : Mario Auditore | Storm Warning
Our captive has con rmed that the Fiorentini are
moving an army towards Monteriggioni! Worse
still, they are led by Federico da Montefeltro,
one of Italia's ercest condottieri. He will nd us
no strangers to sieges! I must move swiftly to
prepare my forces!

>>\\While much of our strategy will shift as the
enemy advances, I must divide my forces into
formations. Each unit will support another. We
work as one!
\\I send more soldiers up into the ramparts,
where they will ght to keep enemy ladders
away and defend our archers, should anyone
manage to push through!
\\I match my pikemen with my crossbowmen to
intercept charges by the enemy. It is a di cult
combination for any knight to breach.
\\I place my longbowmen in the towers. While a
crossbow is a blessing for an untrained army, skill with a longbow will always outperform it.
\\I assign my cavalry to ank the enemy, should they get too close to the walls. Those in heavy armor
will ride closely together and trample Montefeltro's infantry!
\\Light cavalry will support the heavy cavalry. The enemy will try to pick away at us in smaller
skirmishes where they see a speed advantage.
\\Our defenses are ready for whatever the Fiorentini may send our way. This town was built for battle!
They will break upon Monteriggioni's walls!
Suiting Up
>>\\I command my soldiers to retrieve their
equipment and meet me on the battle eld! We
still have much to do before the Fiorentini arrive
and I will not be caught unprepared!
\\Each of us moves to assigned armor stations
where assistants help us don our armor. I prefer
to ght unencumbered, but some of my soldiers
wear many pieces.
\\The blacksmiths prepare our weapons outside
the front gate.
\\Dressed in our colors, our horses carry us onto the eld.
\\Each of my soldiers has been trained to use a wide variety of weaponry, but I encourage each to
bring his personal favorites into combat.
\\I look to the ramparts and con rm that the archers are setting up in their towers.
\\With great pride, I gaze across the front line of the army I have worked so hard to train and supply. I
have made the e ort to befriend each of these men and I trust them to prevent Monteriggioni from
falling into enemy hands!

>>\\Montefeltro sends a small band of light
horsemen to scout. We will attempt to cut them
o , hopefully weakening both our enemy's
preparedness and morale! As expected, it's not
long before we encounter the party!
\\The Fiorentini push hard to outrun us but we
keep pace!
//Their horses are no match for ours, we soon
overtake several of them and slay the riders!
\\My archers focus and pick o the Fiorentini scouts with frightening accuracy!
\\We scour the countryside in planned patrols, ushing out more scouts!
\\We split into small groups and attempt to surround the enemy!
\\Our enemy will be waiting for a report that will never come. This buys us more time to prepare. I
must hurry back to Monteriggioni!
Big Talker
>>\\I must demonstrate con dence in my men.
They expect me to speak before the battle, and I
will! I ready my steed, take a drink, and then arc
towards my army, sword held high!
\\I speak of family, linked not by blood, but by
trust! Every man here can rely on the one next
to him. We have no weak links!
\\I remind them that Monteriggioni has held for
her people for well over 200 years! We will not
be the ones to let her fall!
\\I hoist our ag high and run it across our front line. I am met by cheers!
\\I suggest that we could lay down our weapons and beg Montefeltro for mercy! I am met with boos
and hisses, followed by laughter!
\\I tell my men to save their mercy for another day! Today we will remind the Fiorentini that death is
the only thing they'll nd in Monteriggioni!
\\One of my commanders tells me I have given one of the nest speeches of my career! I cannot argue
with him. The Fiorentini will likely hear the roar of my forces before they even see them!
Chapter 3 : Mario Auditore | Weathering the Storm
The enemy's front line stares down
Monteriggioni! They have surrounded us. They
spit their usual lies to demoralize us. They
threaten to burn our elds. They seek surrender,
but they will receive the opposite!

Raining Pain
>>\\I order my archers to re! Most are skilled
marksmen, and they will pick o targets of
opportunity, but they start by barraging the
Fiorentini from afar!
\\The vanguard archers loose their arrows! The
Fiorentini do the same! Both sides lose a large
number of men.
\\As the enemy advances, several of my
marksmen begin to pick targets! There is an art
to quickly identifying the best soldiers and
killing them. It removes the deadlier threats, but
also hits enemy morale.
\\My vanguard humbles the Fiorentini! For every mis red enemy arrow, my men have landed twice as
many hits!
\\We lose one of our towers to crossbowmen! Montefeltro spots the opening and sends forward two
ladders. I order my archers in the neighboring towers to support it and they slaughter the invaders
halfway up the wall!
\\Fiorentini cavalry targets my vanguard! I order their retreat and signal my tower archers to re! The
enemy breaks o their charge!
\\The elds beyond Monteriggioni now blossom with arrows! The enemy lines took heavy damage; the
bodies of knights and their steeds create hurdles for those still charging!
Gale Winds
My heavy cavalry awaits orders in the center
formation, while the light cavalry forms up the
rearguard. They are my most mobile force in this
battle, and I will soon show Montefeltro how
deadly they can be!
//I unleash my heavy cavalry! They form a
straight line and devastate a unit of Fiorentini
//My horsemen strike, but are driven back by a
solid formation of pikemen! I order my vanguard archers to pepper the eld behind the retreating
//An ugly infantry skirmish punches a hole through my defenses! I send in my light horsemen to ll it
//My archers have routed an enemy squad! I cannot allow them to escape. I signal my light cavalry to
tear them down!
//My cavalry squads strike relentlessly! Sting, retreat! Sting, retreat! I watch for weakness and gesture,
in icting massive damage with each new opportunity!
//Training and tactics will win this day! My horsemen are the nest I have yet commanded and today
they have proven lethal!

The infantry in my central formation know they
are the backbone of our army. I signal them to
intercept incoming charges!
//Our archers come under attack and I send my
pikemen to form a solid square around them.
The enemy fails to breach it!
//Three lines of my infantry fend o a cavalry
charge! The horsemen who survive impalement
are torn from their mounts! There are three
times as many infantry, all trained to melee! The horsemen stand no chance!
//The enemy breaks apart a pike formation, only to nd my nest swordsman ready and waiting behind
//Some of my infantry, armed with crossbows, re a devastating wave of bolts before moving to ank
the enemy forces!
//My men do not disappoint! They wield years of weapons training and they are proud to demonstrate!
//My infantry takes the most casualties. They stand between family and tyranny, each man a brick in
the town's second wall! Without them, Monteriggioni would be lost!
>>\\Montefeltro's men have assembled a pair of
trebuchets! We must destroy them quickly or
they will demolish Monteriggioni's walls! We
must not allow a breach!
\\The trebuchets unleash their massive stones!
One of them overshoots, but the other strikes
the wall with a deafening crash!
\\I order the stoneworkers inside Monteriggioni
to strengthen the damaged wall! With the
trebuchet's accuracy, the wall will be struck again! Fortunately for us, we have time to act while it is
\\I lead the cavalry charge! We carry torches and oil asks. Enemy archers try to slow us with arrows,
but we are too swift!
\\I hurl oil onto one of the trebuchets and then toss my torch onto its base!
\\We ride down one of trebuchet crews! My horseman surround me and fend o any defenders as I
deal with the machine!
\\Two pyres send smoke high into the sky where the trebuchets once stood. I only wish our enemies
could see the results of their ambition all way back to Firenze! Word will reach them soon enough.
Montefeltro must be furious!
Chapter 3 : Mario Auditore | Under Our Noses
Luziano Pezatti confessed the truth behind
Montefeltro's siege. He was not here for
Monteriggioni; he sought what lies beneath her.
Something my ancestors hid. We will nd it.

>>\\We must nd what the Fiorentini were
seeking, be it a relic, treasure, or junk. I have
called in my architects and historians. Together,
we will solve this mystery!
\\We study the Auditore journals and uncover
many cryptic messages and vague references.
We cannot make sense of them.
\\I walk the architect through Monteriggioni's
building layout and we discuss the possible
hiding places beneath each one.
\\I know there are secrets beneath the villa that
my assistants will not nd in any record book.
However, I do not believe anything I have found
would be so interesting to our enemy.
\\Surely the Pieve di Santa Maria Assunta is a wise place to search. After all, churches have long kept
some of mankind's darkest secrets. We spend an afternoon searching, but come away with nothing.
\\The Auditore have a crypt in Monteriggioni, lled with secrets. My brother, Giovanni explored it
thoroughly when he was younger, and though his ndings were… shocking, he found no artifact.
\\The well! Searching Auditore family records, we fund that one of my ancestors had the old well
drained and then further excavated. A senseless act… unless he was hiding something.
Lost and Found
>>\\I bring my soldiers with me, as well as a
miner, and we descend into the old well. We will
spend the day down here if we must - I am sure
we are on the right track!
\\Most of the water has been drained from this
well. I search the earthen oor for any markings
or switches. My men must think me mad!
\\Some wooden structures remain from the
excavation. I climb them to investigate the
higher reaches of the chamber, but I nd no clues.
\\I silence my men and stand completely still. For several minutes we simply listen. Nothing!
\\I push on the rock walls, focusing on extrusions or loose stones. Nothing moves.
\\I nd no traces of anything mechanical, and no ropes. Perhaps this was just a simple well…
\\It was foolish to think we would nd anything but rock down here. We are done for tod- wait! The
miner's ame! It dances as he approaches the back wall. There is a chamber hidden here! We put all of
our strength into pushing the wall and it slides.

Warm Welcome
>>\\We enter a narrow hallway. There are
carvings on the walls and panels on the oor.
The miner, mouth agape, steps forward and is
shredded by razor wire. We pull him back, but he
is already dead!
\\I sweep my sword before me as I slowly
progress through the corridor. I encounter more
razor wire and hack through it.
\\A false oor tile! I stumble, but one of my
guards catches my shoulder. I hold my torch near the oor but I see no bottom to the pit!
\\Some of my men turn back. I do not blame them.
\\We begin to anticipate the traps and disarm many of them before they can trigger.
\\I narrowly dodge a triggered arrow and it pierces the chest of the man behind me!
\\We have found it! Not some ornate treasure, but a simple wooden box. I advance and realize my
misstep; a pendulum swoops from the ceiling! I try to dodge, but it splits my face, taking my left eye! I
spit curses at the architect of this infernal chamber!
Chasing Miracles
>>\\A voice booms in my skull! “YOUR PAIN IS
TEMPORARY. IGNORE IT.” My men believe the
box's contents will heal their wounds, but I tell
them we must not open it! They draw their
blades and attack me!
\\I remind my men that I am a better
swordsman, but they attack as one!
\\I hold them back with the at of my blade and
the toes of my boot! They will not listen to
\\The artifact has not been hoarded like some prized treasure, but hidden away to be forgotten! Who
knows what it might unleash?
\\I am forced to strike down two of my men before they can gain an advantage!
\\One man pushes past me and tries to open the lid. I stab him through his back!
\\What a cruel treasure this is, hidden away in the dark. After what we have su ered, after slaying
men I called my friends, I must look inside! I must know! But I will not.

>>\\I want this thing out of Monteriggioni,
whatever it may be! My brother will know what
to do with it. As I carry the box out of the
chamber, it continues to speak to me. I will not
\\“REMAIN STILL”, it demands! I move faster.
\\“CLEAR YOUR MIND”. I am not sure I will ever
be able to clear my mind again after this day.
\\“YOU WILL BE HEALED”, it promises. My wound
has already stopped bleeding. What is this
\\It attempts to stun me by screaming in my head! It nearly succeeds!
\\The voice does not seem hostile, despite its urgency. Perhaps it does only wish to heal, but I will not
take a chance!
\\It is done. [There’s our one for Project Legacy!! ;)] I have hidden the damnable thing in the Villa. Soon,
Giovanni will arrive to move it away from here. It becomes the Brotherhood's problem, now.
Rome, Italy, 1497 - 1503
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Rome
Chapter 1 : Fiora Cavazza | Overview
Subject: Fiora Cavazza | Location: Rome, Italy | Time Period: 1497 - 1503 CE
DDS VO: Please wait a moment while we synchronize the DDS. You may nd yourself daydreaming
more often and sleeping less. This is a normal side e ect of the program. Many of Rome's biggest
names spent their leisure time indulging in its many brothels. They were ideal information hubs for
those eager to scale the social ladder. Fiora Cavazza was one such courtesan. Investigate her contacts;
nd out who she knew, and what she did with that knowledge.

Rome, Italy, 1497

Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Rome
Chapter 1 : Fiora Cavazza | Who You Know
The Rosa in Fiore bustles with clients; most of them disgusting. Madonna Solari pushes us to mingle.
Flirt. Romance. Seduce. Whatever necessary. Men of power are quick to share it for a night of fantasy.
There is no shortage of coin nor hedonist in Roma and business has never been better.

Playing Nice
>>\\Filth can be hidden by shadows. Foul smells
masked by stronger scents, mostly imported.
Disease is… di cult. Madonna Solari is quick to
dismiss any girl with symptoms, but with so
many sailors playing in foreign lands, I fear we
face a losing battle. Still, our work continues.
\\This one seems nice enough. He has some
minor connections. We trade poetry. His teeth
appear as though they wish to escape his
mouth; they garble his speech and I struggle to understand him. Fortunately, he has no desire to kiss
\\Another partner. He wears a rash upon his chest. In amed, discolored scales. I turn him away.
Disgusting! I am told he may retaliate, that he is a military commander. I sco .
\\This mercenary is handsome. Opulent. He will pay me well. His face bears several battle scars. Noble
women must nd them unattractive, but I think they give him character. He begins to undress, so I do
the same.
\\A lady of adventure! I invite her in. Women pose much less risk, though they risk much being seen
with us. She is an artist. She knows at least one of the masters, though she will not reveal his name.
Perhaps next time.
\\I have seen this man speak outside his church. Ristoro. An insatiable beast, making a mockery of his
frock. He denies it, but we all know he serves the Borgia. I tolerate his perversions.
\\No impressive connections today, but my job requires persistence. I need only one powerful “friend”
and I will be done with Madame Solari. Done with the Rosa in Fiore. I am not ungrateful. I am a ne
wine served in a low class tavern.

Flirting with Danger

>>\\The Jubilee has brought all types of people
to Roma. Some famous. Some wealthy. We have
a promising group of guests today. I put on a
smile. A swagger to my step. This may be the
\\This one claims to be a prince. He is perfumed.
His fake scent overpowers mine. He has put
more time into his hair than I have. Every curl
immaculate. Every whisker of his beard trimmed
and ordered. Every word from his mouth groomed as well.
\\A treasure chest of an ambassador! He yearns to share his secrets and I promise him con dentiality.
Golden coins begin to tumble from his mouth!
\\I entertain a banker from Firenze. I expected signi cant gratuity. I should have known better. Still, he
has introduced me to some of his powerful companions. I expected signi cant gratuity. I should have
known better. Still, he has introduced me to some of his powerful companions.
\\A thick accent. I cannot place it. He has obviously traveled far for the Jubilee and he is looking to
relax. I help him. He begins to share stories about his country and its views on Italia. His views are
dangerous. He tells me several of Roma’s politicians agree with him.
\\An hour with a gentleman! He woos me. Dotes on me. Begins to ask me questions. I see! He plays the
game as well. We trade information.
\\I have made allies today. Gained insight into Roma's social circle. The other girls are jealous. Good. I
have earned everything I have.

>>\\Tonight I am to escort Santino, madonna
Solari’s brother. I will take one of his arms and
Lucia the other. He is a dangerous man. A
swindler. I complain but soon realize that no
amount of protest will make any di erence.
\\Santino delivers payments. Bribes. He does not
speak long enough for me to learn his contacts.
Who are these men?
\\Threats, now. Santino punches a man!
Demands information. He gets it. Shipping routes. Slave trading?
\\I question Santino, but he responds with a slap! Lucia defends me and receives the same answer!
\\Santino tells us to wait in a courtyard and knocks on a nearby door. There is no answer. He kicks it
several times, but it does not give. He fumes and swears!
\\We are sworn to silence, though we do not know what we have seen. He punctuates his threat with a
ash of his dagger. I am not impressed, but Lucia weeps.
\\I am left with only the slightest comprehension of Santino’s business, which appears to be
crumbling. His anger betrays his fear. His mistakes have made him enemies. He assures us his sister
will hear of our cooperation and then he leaves. After he has turned the corner, I spit.

He Walked In
>>\\Santino enters the Rosa in Fiore. He wears a
bruise on his cheek. A man follows behind him.
Well-dressed. Hawk eyes. Noble. I recognize him
at once – Cesare Borgia. Cesare studies the
room, considering each girl. Our eyes lock and
he smiles. He gestures me to him.
\\The Borgia are corrupt. Everyone knows it. Few
speak it. I do not concern myself with morals.
How could I, in this business? Besides, his
charisma is intoxicating. I am immediately drawn to him.
\\He questions me about my night with Santino. I try to hide my opinions, but fail. He is skilled. He
reads my face. Finally, I tell him what I suspect. He con rms it. Santino and his sister have been
dabbling in trades where they are unwelcome.
\\Cesare asks about my clients. Borgia in particular. I tell him I have never heard the name before. He
smiles. I pass his test.
\\I begin to undress, perhaps a bit too eager. He stops me.
\\Cesare asks me about my ambitions. He is the rst.
\\Cesare explains the situation. In exchange for their lives, madonna Solari and Santino have given
Cesare the pick of one girl. Me. I will leave the Rosa in Fiore and move into luxury, merely posing as a
courtesan. I accept. Not that there was a choice.
Rome, Italy, [Prior to June 1497]
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Rome
Excerpts from Chapter 2 : Giovanni Borgia | Haunted
In my dreams I am older. I speak words I do not understand in my waking life, yet in this phantom life,
they are clear. I do not know who I am but I have ashes of what I have done. I have travelled far and I
have taken lives. I am a messenger and a deceiver.

[This subsection has a 5-year-old Giovanni in present-day 1503 framing his dream sequences, where
the powers of the Shroud reveal perspectives he should not know, or “memories” he hasn’t lived,
coming from his true father, Perotto’s memories, stored in and transferred through the Shroud to the
unknowing - and as of currently, yet unborn - newborn…]

>>\\What did the Shroud do to this poor kid? He
should be dreaming about the Renaissance
equivalent of sunshine and lollipops, not murder
and politics! I've never seen anything like this!
\\The Brothers stand before me. I am not one of
them yet, but I soon will be. Tonight, I ascend.
\\Where other men blindly follow the truth,
remember … nothing is true.
\\Where other men are limited by morality or law, remember … everything is permitted.
\\They leave their mark upon me. A symbolic sacri ce. Searing iron burns the esh of my hand!
\\All that is left - the leap of faith. They lead, each Brother plummeting from the tower and landing
safely below in a bail of hay. They are like eagles. Truly free. I do not hesitate. The fall feels like a
ight. Exhilarating!
\\Perotto! Giovanni dreamed as Perotto! That means he must have had Lucrezia memories in there that
would make Oedipus blush! This is bad, bad stu , but you need to dig deeper. I will work on preventing
this from reaching any Abstergo reports. -Erudito
>>\\My Brothers have placed a child into my
care. His family has long served us, but he is
still a pup. I am to teach him the ways of our
Order as I was taught at his age.
\\He is a scrawny child, bone thin and tall for his
age. He will have some di culty at rst, but his
body will adapt to the training.
\\Francesco is eager as well as thorough. He
repeats his questions. He asks me to repeat my
demonstrations as he studies. He will not move on with a lesson unless he is satis ed with his results.
At times I grow frustrated because he is a perfectionist.
\\Francesco is quick to anger. He charges me without purpose, sword ailing. I lightly tap him on the
side to show how my blade easily passed his uncontrolled attack. I encourage him to calm himself. In
battle, emotion is a weakness.
\\I riposte and knock Francesco's sword from his grip. He takes it poorly, slumping his shoulders and
insulting himself. I pick it up for him and tell him to try again, explaining how to keep a better grip on
a weapon.
\\It is important to let a child be a child. I leave Francesco with a group of children his age in a nearby
village. They put together a small parade and Francesco takes the lead. I cheer for him in his toy
\\I believe Francesco will make an exceptional addition to our Order. The boy is strong, despite his
physical limitations. Speaking with him is like speaking to an adult at times. He is wise beyond his
Rome, Italy, [June 1497 - March 1498]
[Impossibly, simultaneously before March and after May 23rd, 1498]
Lucrezia should give birth to Giovanni before Savonarola dies,
yet Perotto reports on his death before starting his relationship
with Lucrezia in the tales ahead… Truly only fits in dates above…
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Italian Wars
Chapter 4 : Perotto Calderon | Overview
Subject: Perotto Calderon | Location: Rome, Italy | Time Period: 1498 CE
DDS VO: While we prepare to synchronize, please listen to the following questions. Be sure to report
any di culties you have answering. What is your name? Where do you live? What year is it? We have a
unique window into the lives and secrets of the infamous Borgia family. The DDS has recovered the
memories of one of their trusted couriers, Perotto Calderon. Your task is to nd out exactly what he

Chapter 4 : Perotto Calderon | All Roads Lead to Rome

Lucrezia Borgia lives in the San Sisto convent
while her father, Pope Alexander VI, plots her
next marriage. They believe me to be a mere
courier, but my true loyalty lies with their sworn

All Ears
>>\\The Borgia are cruel and boastful! Though it
pains me to eavesdrop upon their sadistic
schemes and remain silent, I know this
information will ultimately bene t my Brothers.
\\Alexander’s son, Cesare, presents his father
with a list of executions while the two of them
laugh! My stomach churns as I recognize a few
of the names.
\\They discuss Lucrezia like she is simple
property they can sell to gain more power.
\\I take some joy in hearing that they have lost
ships to the Barbary Corsairs, but my heart sinks
when I hear them proposing deals for the enemy captains.
\\So much treachery masked behind the untouchable image of the holy Church! Disgusting!
\\Girolamo Savonarola has been executed in Firenze! Alexander is upset by this news. It seems
Savonarola had something they desired and now they have lost track of it!
\\It was a pro table day in the Borgia lair! I walk away with knowledge of several upcoming deals,
deceptions and plans for my Order to disrupt!
>>\\I spend a large portion of my time at the
convent awaiting Lucrezia's replies for her
father. I think she would prefer not to hear from
him at all. She has sought refuge from his
politics here, but I think we both know it will not
\\I hear her crying as she reads her father's
message. In a way, I feel responsible.
\\I watch her face as she reads. She catches me
staring and I quickly glance away.
\\I already read the letter's contents. News about her ex-husband. Plans to bring her back from the
convent. Everything she would rather not think about.
\\Sometimes she bites her lower lip when she reads. I can't help but smile.
\\I have been tasked to open her letters as well, but I have stopped doing so. There will not be
anything important for us in them.
\\I do not enjoy deceiving Lucrezia, but in order to maintain my place in her father's circle, I must play
the role of messenger. I wish I could rescue her from her family, but it is not my place.

Scrambled Letters
>>\\With access to the seal and security of
Alexander's letters, I spend much time browsing
through his private correspondence. Often, my
Brothers ask me to doctor letters with the
Pope's own handwriting and I am happy to
\\I renegotiate one of Alexander's negotiations.
There is no way the French will consider the new
o er!
\\These compliments were hollow anyway. May as well be insults, I say! I make the changes.
\\I change a pardon to a condemnation. We were planning to assassinate this man anyway.
\\I would never pay that much for furniture! I doubt Alexander would either, but now he has agreed to
\\I write a letter from Alexander to his daughter. It is full of things a daughter needs to hear from her
father. Things he would never say. I decide to burn it.
\\My e orts will sting Alexander and his son soon enough, but I will be long gone before they can
trace them back to me!
Chapter 4 : Perotto Calderon | The Lady’s Favor
I am a fool! I have decided to follow my heart
rather than my instructions, but I cannot sit idle
while Lucrezia's family destroys her life! I do not
believe mine can continue without her.

She Who Has Everything

>>\\Though I have seen the ornate gifts Lucrezia
receives from her family's political allies, I feel
that I must nd something worthy of her beauty!
I am a man of many resources, after all.
\\I manage to recover an expensive gift from one
of my assignments. It only takes a little while to
clean the blood from it.
\\Using my position in Alexander's employ, I am
able to redirect some gifts intended for the Pope
to Lucrezia instead.
\\A couple of threats is all it takes to procure a
gift I would never be able to a ord on my own.
\\My Brothers and I have many allies among the
artisans. I am able to trade favors for some astonishing pieces!
\\Giulia helps me obtain a gift Lucrezia is sure to love. As expected, it has the most impact!
\\Whether she appreciates the gifts themselves or not, she certainly appreciates the e ort I put into
nding them. Our lives couldn't be more di erent, but we seem to be meeting halfway.
First Impressions
>>\\I have decided to make my move. I sense
that Lucrezia has been waiting for me to do so,
but if I am wrong… no, I must not think about
that. I know I will continue to torture myself if I
do not try.
\\I have a swift tongue, but it fails me this day! I
try to explain my feelings and only end up
confusing her. I hear her giggle through the door
once I have left the room.
\\Lucrezia has been opening up to me, asking my opinions on her wardrobe, reading me her favorite
poems, and asking me about my “adventures” as a messenger. I explain that visiting her has been my
most exciting adventure yet.
\\She tells me about her rst husband, Giovanni. It is not a subject that interests me, but I am
overjoyed to hear about his impotence. She asks if I can empathize with him and I assure her I cannot.
She blushes.
\\I take Lucrezia on a walk around the convent. At rst, she keeps her distance. She knows what it
means to be seen spending time with someone of my status. Towards the end of our walk, however,
she moves in closer.
\\Lucrezia and I try to o end each other with our lthiest jokes. I am shocked to nd that most of hers
are religious, but I suppose it makes sense.
\\I have spent so much time with Lucrezia lately that I have been neglecting my work. I know the
importance of my task, but each day I am nding it harder to care.
>>\\Over the past few months, I have befriended
Lucrezia's chambermaid, Giulia. My Brothers
chose me for my ability to deceive, but she
easily sees through my facade. She pushes me
to make my move.
\\Giulia tells me her lady speaks fondly of me
when I am not around.
\\I have been invited to dinner. Giulia has cooked
for me several of Lucrezia's favorite dishes and
she quizzes me on them after we have eaten.
\\Giulia warns me that Lucrezia has become jealous of our time together. We both laugh.
\\The chambermaid amazes me with her knowledge about Roman politics and how they impact her
lady. She has observed many things that even I have missed!
\\Giulia has given me a list of personal improvements to woo her lady. She fusses over my hairstyle,
the buttons on my clothing, and the way I walk. She says I “slink like some shady murderer.” Her keen
eye is astounding! I am fortunate to have her on my side.
\\With Giulia's help, I have learned much about Lucrezia that my own observations could not reveal.
The more I learn about her, the more attached I become. This is a dangerous game!

Tempting Fate
>>\\Finally, we are together! Neither of us
believes it will last, that there is any way it
could last, but for now it does not matter. We
will try to hide from reality as long as we can.
\\We travel together, careful to maintain the
illusion of a noble lady and her simple courier
unless we are alone. The deception thrills us!
\\Though I am a trained killer, I am surprised by
Lucrezia's willingness to spill blood. It is her rst
suggestion for any of our problems. I suppose it is only natural, considering her family.
\\I am so close to revealing the truth to her.
\\Hey, now! Abstergo should be charging you for this memory! - Erudito
\\Lucrezia believes our secret is safe. She has no idea who we are up against!
\\We will not relent! Though our love is doubly challenged by Lucrezia's family and my own
Brotherhood, we will nd a way to escape!
Chapter 4 : Perotto Calderon | Consequences
Lucrezia is pregnant! This is a complication we
did not need! Meanwhile, our secrets have
become much less secret; soon we will have
both of our “families” to deal with. We struggle
to stay a oat, but I fear we will soon be

Laying Low
>>\\As Lucrezia's belly grows, so does our
danger. Disgusting rumors spread, but it seems
safer to allow them than to implicate myself. I
just hope they do not weigh heavily on my lady.
\\Giulia and I try to keep Lucrezia inside the
convent to hide her from prying eyes, but she is
stubborn and often sneaks away. In many ways
she is still a child. She does not understand the
\\Lucrezia believes we will raise our child here,
away from the rest of the world. Sometimes her
enthusiasm nearly convinces me it could be possible!
\\Giulia asks me to talk reason to her lady, to convince her to nd another mother for the child. She is
right, of course, but I cannot! This child will be an unbreakable link between the two of us.
\\Even here among friends, Giulia drapes Lucrezia in owing clothing to hide the truth.
\\It becomes di cult to maintain my deception amongst the Borgia while also taking care of Lucrezia.
I am forced to leave her for weeks and each time I wonder if she will still be there when I return.
\\Our son has been born, but he barely lives. Giulia brought in one of her brothers … a doctor, to help.
He says our child is malformed and will likely die within days. Lucrezia is devastated. I fear this will kill
her as well. I will nd a way to save them both!
>>\\Fear has become fact! We have received a
threat and a demand for bought silence. This
man believes me to be a simple messenger. He
will nd he has made a fatal mistake!
\\I have scouted this proposed meeting place. He
is new to the game! He has chosen a darkened
alleyway, away from spectators, and I already
know every possible escape route!
\\Two of his friends arrive! Fortunately, I have
brought two of my own. I unsheathe my blades and hurl one into each throat!
\\Realizing his mistake, he tries to run away! I easily climb over the building and ambush him on the
opposite side!
\\He tries to reason with me, but his choice to act upon knowledge of my a airs has doomed him. He
will not walk away!
\\He uses street-learned tactics to attempt to fend me o , dirt, rocks, even his own shoes. This is not a
ght! This is murder.
\\As usual, I dispose of the body unseen and remove any trails I may have left behind. This threat has
been silenced, but there will be more. I will have to investigate his acquaintances to see who else he
has told.

The Understudy
>>\\In a way, I already have a child. His name is
Francesco, one of the newest members of our
Brotherhood. Though he is not yet a man, he is a
promising understudy. He has been tasked with
delivering my reports to our Order and his
timing causes us serious concern.
\\The two of us spar and I note that he has
vastly improved in the past year. At his young
age, he is already a match for some of our
\\Francesco is not himself today. He seems withdrawn. When I ask him why, he tells me he is feeling
ill. Does he know something?
\\Lucrezia suggests poisoning my understudy. Damn her Borgia ways!
\\I teach tactics to Francesco, but he is taken aback by my brutality. He has a needless sense of honor
and fair play. He will learn a hard lesson one day.
\\Francesco asks me about Lucrezia. It distresses me, but I do not show it. I give him an eventless
report of her correspondence with Alexander and nothing more.
\\Francesco will return to the Order with my report. Will he deliver one of his own? I could never bring
myself to harm him, so he leaves with my trust. There is nothing else I can do.

Chapter 4 : Perotto Calderon | Fight and Flight

At this point, I cannot hope for my Brothers to
rescue me, nor will I ever see Lucrezia again! My
son still lives, but for how long? Just when my
options seem to have run out, I receive a visitor.

Speed is the Key

>>\\Giulia reveals a case full of Lucrezia's
grooming tools, which include pins and les of
various sizes. Clever! She knows more about me
than I had believed! She apologizes for the lack
of proper tools, but I assure her I can make them
\\I have never tried to work a lock through bars!
The angle is uncomfortable, but it seems to be
\\Giulia continues to babble in an attempt to
control her nerves. I remind her that I need
silence for this to work.
\\One of my pins breaks! Giulia quickly replaces it. We hear murmurs of guards talking above us.
\\It feels like I am making progress, but these tools are vastly inferior to the ones I normally carry!
\\My wound makes my work more di cult! It pains me to hold my arms upright for any length of time.
\\With a satisfying click, the door swings open! There is no time to admire my work, the escape has
barely begun!
>>\\The man in the cell next to me eagerly
watches Giulia and I. He begs us to free him as
well. At rst, we ignore his pleas, but as he
raises his voice, he becomes a threat! I trick him
into nearing the bars and grab him!
\\I try my best to gag him with a hand as he
shouts, but I cannot completely silence him!
\\I try to plunge a le into his throat, but he
shifts and I miss my mark!
\\I manage to get my arm around his neck!
\\I try to pull him into the bars with enough force to knock him out, but only succeed in winding him!
\\I did not expect an easy kill, but he is much stronger than he appears!
\\He is dead. I will likely never know who he was or why he was trapped here beside me, but he gave
me no choice! Giulia tries not to vomit.

>>\\Giulia's appearance was unexpected. I had
nearly given up, but now I must nd a way to
ensure her safety, and beyond that, my son's. My
Order has many secrets and I have uncovered
one that, if true, may save his life. But at what
\\Giulia tells me her brother awaits me with my
son outside. I will take the baby to Agnadello,
where supposed miracles lie in wait.
\\I will need to steal a horse and ride hard to gain enough distance before the Borgia come looking!
\\I will need to kill one of the guards to arm myself!
\\I must not contact Lucrezia again. It is too dangerous for all of us. She will send the whole might of
her family after me once she realizes I have taken our son!
\\Giulia must not be implicated! She will remain safely in the shadows as I ght our way out and
anyone who sees her must die. She and her brother will return home and report the missing baby after
they have given me a solid lead.
\\Our plan is set, however fantastic its details. I will succeed, for both my son and for Giulia!
Hidden Talents
>>\\Giulia noticed several guards as she snuck
into the dungeon, but they were relaxed and
distracted — none of them saw her. To them, I
am not a dangerous prisoner, but an ordinary
messenger. Security will be light, but I do not
expect to leave unchallenged!
\\Silently, I approach a guard and pounce! Before
he even realizes I am there, I twist his head to
the side and snap his neck. I pry his sword from
his hand!
\\I signal Giulia to stop and I sneak up on a guard. My left hand goes to his mouth while my right
plunges my sword deep into his midsection! He dies within seconds!
\\Somehow a guard managed to elude us! He spots Giulia and I react by splitting his face!
\\I silence Giulia as an oblivious guard passes us. His negligence has saved his life.
\\I toss a guard down the stairs and cringe as his armor rings against each step on the way down. He
twitches and goes still. I doubt he is dead, but we will be gone before he realizes what happened.
\\We are free! Giulia reunites with her brother outside. He cradles my dying child and I vow to return
for my son once I have scouted a way out of the city. Giulia's brother brie y tends to my wound and
assures me that I am able to ride.

Mad Dash
>>\\My Order keeps an artifact in Agnadello, one
with powers I cannot explain. If it can heal my
child, I will travel any distance! I will need a
horse, but I cannot return to the convent to
retrieve my own. I pull a soldier from his saddle
and challenge him for his mount!
\\I chose a dangerous victim; this man is skilled
with a longsword!
//I take note of the man's armor and exploit his
weaknesses. A swift boot to his crotch drops his guard!
\\We lock blades and he pushes me to the ground! I barely dodge his next move by throwing dirt into
his eyes!
\\We are starting to draw a crowd! I must end this soon!
\\He parries my attack and returns with a thrust to my chest! I spin, yet he manages to draw blood!
\\The soldier is my equal, but my desperate tactics best him! I take his horse and return for my son.
Someday I will repay Giulia's kindness, but rst I must nish what I have started! I secure my child and
set out for Agnadello!
Chapter 4 : Perotto Calderon | Desperate Measures
This is… disturbing. I've been following the
progress of the other Abstergo recruits. Why are
you tuning in to a new episode while they're
stuck watching reruns? Where's the usual
censorship? You must be really close to solving
their little problem. Surely they know I'm
watching, too! Tread carefully… - Erudito

Tag Alongs
>>\\I knew we were being chased, but I had
hoped for more time! We have only made it as
far as Firenze, but I will have to stop to plan an
ambush. Alexander's men will be here soon! I
leave my horse in an alcove and bring my son to
hide in the forest, my bow ready.
\\The baby cries! I put an arrow through the back
of one man's head before he can turn to face
\\One of the soldiers, probably their leader, has
remained on his horse. I shoot an arrow into its ank! The beast hurls its rider from his saddle and
tramples him!
\\They return re! I hear the arrows rip through the foliage around me, but none manage to come close
enough to worry me.
\\My arrow goes wide! I correct my aim and the follow-up hits!
\\At rst I believe I have missed my mark, but my arrow has nearly buried itself in my target!
\\The rest of Alexander's hunting party turns tail! I have spooked them, but for how long? I am back on
the road immediately, pushing my horse hard.
>>\\My Brothers have travelled from Agnadello
to greet me, swords drawn! They know why I am
here. They will not allow me to use the Shroud!
None shall stand in my way!
\\Vincenzo, it seems only yesterday we trained
together. I try to wound him, but he is not
holding back! He exposes his side and I react! I
will mourn him later.
\\Why do they face me one at a time? Together,
they could easily take me!
\\One of our recruits sweeps low and I swing high! I have left him with a horrible scar, but he may
\\I hear the soft click of a wrist blade and immediately thrust behind me. My sword connects with an
assassin moving in for the kill!
\\A thrown knife digs into my shoulder. I shudder as I pull it out and hurl it back into its owner's right
\\I leave my Brothers either dead or disabled and continue. There is no returning to the Order. No
returning to Roma. Only Agnadello.
Rome, Italy, March 3rd, 1498
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Rome
Excerpts from Chapter 2 : Giovanni Borgia | Haunted
In my dreams I am older. I speak words I do not understand in my waking life, yet in this phantom life,
they are clear. I do not know who I am but I have ashes of what I have done. I have travelled far and I
have taken lives. I am a messenger and a deceiver.

[This subsection has a 5-year-old Giovanni in present-day 1503 framing his dream sequences, where
the powers of the Shroud reveal perspectives he should not know, or “memories” he hasn’t lived,
coming from his true father, Perotto’s memories, stored in and transferred through the Shroud to the
unknowing newborn…]

>>\\I am tangled in nightmares. I have never felt
love. I have felt love so strongly it strangles me.
I am Borgia. The Borgia are my enemies. I am
Assassin. The Assassins are my enemies. Cesare
is my father. Perotto is my father. Perotto. I am
Perotto. I am Giovanni. I am lost.
\\I am drowning in a sea of letters. I must write.
I have not learned how. Words I cannot
understand cover every surface in blood red ink.
I try to write over them with my quill. The blackness of my ink is lost in the scarlet pools.
\\Papà strikes me with his blade! Cesare stabs me in the back! I cry. I fall. I want to be free of him. I
want to kill him. I will get into trouble. I will cause trouble for Lucrezia. I must run to Zia. Everything
for Lucrezia.
\\Men in white hoods surround me. Am I here to teach them? How? I am a child. Are they here to teach
me? My students. My executioners. My future?
\\I know too much but I know nothing. I am innocent, yet wracked by guilt.
\\I chase an object of power. I have no faith that it will work. I know how it works. It will heal him. It
will heal me. It will remake me.
\\My dream threatens to burst. It is too much. Will I ever wake? Will I ever sleep again?
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Italian Wars
Chapter 4 : Perotto Calderon | Psychosomatic
My enemies will come in greater numbers if my
Brothers do not reach me rst. I give my life for
my son's, gambling everything upon a legend.
Where I am empty in faith, I am lled with
desperate hope.

>>\\So … beautiful! It is a plain thing, carefully
folded inside a simple wooden box, but it is also
so much more! It speaks inside my head. I feel
that it wants to heal my wounds. No! I am here
for my son! I wrap his tiny body in the shroud.
\\FLAWED MATERIAL, it tells me. I tell it he is not
awed, but it insists. I order it to heal him!
\\I feel as though my head will burst! It takes all
my concentration to keep from blacking out.
\\My son screams! I have to force myself to
leave him in the cloth. What chance does he
have without it?
\\I cradle my baby, wrapped in the Shroud. It is
humming an eerie song and the voice in my head matches the tune!
\\YOUR PAIN IS TEMPORARY, IGNORE IT, it demands! Does it not understand that he is a mere infant?
\\I remove my son from the Shroud. He is no longer crying. He looks up at me with glossy eyes and I
wonder if he has truly been healed. Has this been worth the pain I have caused? I return the shroud to
its box and leave.
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Rome
Excerpts from Chapter 2 : Giovanni Borgia | Haunted
In my dreams I am older. I speak words I do not understand in my waking life, yet in this phantom life,
they are clear. I do not know who I am but I have ashes of what I have done. I have travelled far and I
have taken lives. I am a messenger and a deceiver.

[This subsection has a 5-year-old Giovanni in present-day 1503 framing his dream sequences, where
the powers of the Shroud reveal perspectives he should not know, or “memories” he hasn’t lived,
coming from his true father, Perotto’s memories, stored in and transferred through the Shroud to the
unknowing newborn…]

Lateral Vision
>>\\I am a baby again. Sick. Dying. I carry my
baby. I have the Shroud. He wraps me in a
blanket. The blanket hums. The Shroud hums.
\\Damn you! Heal him. Who is talking? Who is
yelling? COME CLOSER.
\\It hurts! PAIN IS TEMPORARY. I do not
\\So warm! So cold. It draws the life from me. It makes me feel alive. Is it done? YES. Did it work?
Answer me! Did it work?
\\Consus? Are you there, Consus? SLEEP, CHILD. FORGET THESE DREAMS.
Rome, Italy, 1498
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Italian Wars
Chapter 4 : Perotto Calderon | Life and Death
I have exhausted nearly every resource to lessen
Perotto’s punishment for his crimes, but I fear
there is little left I can do. We will hunt him
tonight. Damn his foolishness… all this for a
Borgia harlot?

>>\\I am torn! I owe much to Perotto, who
taught me how to act and speak like a man,
though I am still younger than my Brothers. He
taught me how to ght, how to live. How his
betrayal stings! I feel I must defend him, but do I
speak with a full heart?
\\I beg my Brothers to show Perotto mercy, but
they say he will show us none when we nd
\\He has broke our tenets, they say! He has
compromised the Brotherhood!
\\The deception runs deep! The child. Lucrezia.
What has he leaked to the Borgia?
\\He has killed to keep his secret! He has given us false reports!
\\Every defense I present is easily outweighed by my teacher’s actions!
\\It is decided. Perotto will die.
>>\\We encounter a bloodied bunch of
Alexander’s men, no doubt victims of Perotto.
Sloppy work! He has left several alive and they
continue to track him. If he leads them to
Agnadello, we may lose the Shroud!
\\I have never killed before! My Brothers try to
direct the ght away from me, but I manage to
stay in the thick of it!
\\I hamstring a soldier while he is preoccupied!
He collapses to the ground and soon becomes prey to my Brothers!
\\I dance in and out of combat, careful not to get in the way, but assisting where I can!
\\I nearly take a blade to the face! One of my Brothers shoves me to the ground before it can connect!
\\I watch my Brothers kill with astounding precision and grace. One day I know I will match them!
\\We scout the area and verify that the Pope's men have all been killed. Agnadello should be safe, for

>>\\We have arrived at Agnadello, but we are
too late! Perotto has left a brutal wake. We nd
bodies of our Brothers tucked indiscreetly into
alleys and alcoves. How could he do this?
\\We search Rinaldo's home and nd the Shroud
safe in its box, but no sign of him. Did he
\\We decide to split up; those of my Brothers
with wounds stay behind, but the rest of us are
tasked to question the citizens.
\\Perotto is not himself. He has left too many tracks.
\\All of this carnage for a child, born from a Borgia bitch, no less! I do not understand…
\\We have learned that Perotto was here recently. If he left Agnadello, he cannot have made it far.
\\Agnadello's citizens tell us Perotto and his child have made camp outside the city. My Brothers are
eager, but I feel sick.
>>\\We approach Perotto's camp and nd him
ready. My Brothers are concerned about
accidentally harming the baby, but I am more
concerned about my teacher. Is there no way to
save him? My question is answered as an arrow
tears through my Brother beside me!
\\His skill with a bow is unmatched in our Order!
We cannot approach him!
\\Pierced through his throat, one of my Brothers
clings to me for help, but I can do nothing for him!
\\I carefully aim and re at Perotto, but my shot only grazes him! He glances at me, his face gripped by
sadness. He does not return re.
\\Two of my Brothers rush the camp but Perotto slays one before he makes it half way. Perotto has no
time to nock another arrow, so he throws a knife into the second man's belly.
\\We shout to Perotto! We try to reason with him. He only replies with arrows!
\\We nd an opening and move! We surround Perotto, but he will take more of us with him when he
Rome, Italy, [1499]
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Rome
Chapter 1 : Fiora Cavazza | Black Market
I have served the Borgia for six years now. Done horrible things. Seen the fantastic. I regret none of it.
A war has made its way to Roma, fought in the streets, the senate, and the churches. Cesare has
tasked me to coordinate his shadow army.

The Price of Faith

>>\\I have brought esh for Brother Ristoro’s
appetite. New girls eager for experience. In
return, Ristoro has prepared church documents
and trinkets for Cesare’s agents. I have avoided
the worm since my time at the Rosa in Fiore. I
hope he has forgotten my face.
\\He does not even glance at the other girls. He
walks right to me and puts a hand upon my
cheek. Tells me I was always his favorite. I kick
him between the legs and threaten him with Cesare’s wrath! He whimpers.
\\Ristoro opens several drawers and produces religious icons and amulets. He believes they will be
useful to Cesare’s plan. I am not convinced, but I take them.
\\I exaggerate Cesare’s request. A little extra coin for myself. Payment for having to gaze upon this
wretched man.
\\Ristoro hands me a stack of documents. He says it is lled with pardons and payments for Cesare’s
contacts. O cially sealed by the Church. Why anyone would give this man such power is beyond me.
\\Ristoro provides me with various pieces of religious gear. Junk. I am not sure that I can put any of it
to use, but I take it anyway. Perhaps he toys with me.
\\As I turn to leave, Ristoro tries again to touch me. The girls move into his path and pull him away,
giggling. They have a long night ahead. I almost feel guilty leaving them behind.
Go-To Girl
>>\\Lia Russo. Smuggler. She is not at our
meeting point. She never is. I wait several
minutes and then turn to leave. Suddenly, she
steps into my path. I follow her into a locked
shop that she has apparently claimed as one of
her storehouses.
\\I try to make conversation. She is uninterested.
She hands me some blood-stained relic and
\\I cannot fathom why Cesare would want any of these random objects.
\\Now this is a treasure! Not one I particularly need, but I cannot imagine where she obtained it. She
does seem proud.
\\How did she get this past the guards? Of course. Cesare owns the guards. Is there nothing out of this
woman's reach?
\\The room smells of death. Heavy with insects. It would not surprise me to nd the previous owner's
body on the other side of the counter.
\\I manage to collect the requested items from Lia and pay her the coin. She keeps her palm open.
Good girl. I give her the rest of her payment and she clucks her disapproval. I tip her.

…And the Beast

>>\\Cesare employs his own blacksmith, Auguste
Oberlin. A former Swiss mercenary and
craftsman in weapons. I knock on his shop door.
My my. Aren’t you an ox of a man? Then he
speaks. Articulate. Intelligent. I am shocked.
\\He slaps me on the shoulder as I enter his
shop. It stings! He o ers me a drink.
\\He shows me a wide range of standard
weaponry. I relay Cesare’s requests and have
Auguste deliver the weapons to my helpers outside.
\\I notice small drawings covering most of one wall, starting with crude designs at the top and
progressing to beautiful, intricate revisions near the bottom. Auguste explains that he distributes
Borgia propaganda in Roma. I am amazed. How do such large hands produce such ne detail?
\\Auguste asks about Cesare’s more bizarre requests. I tell him what I know. Cesare has several
renowned inventors and engineers in his employ. Rethinking weapons of war. Creating new ones.
\\The smith’s wife tells me I have overstayed my welcome. Demands that I leave. Auguste shouts back
at her. The two growl at each other like wild dogs.
\\Auguste urges me to visit to him again. Carrying the last box of supplies, I push through the door. I
promise him I will return. His wife scowls and I reply with a challenging wink.
Spare Parts
>>\\Gaspar de la Croix. Engineer. Marksman.
Recluse. He frightens me, but his technical skills
are unprecedented. His workshop is humble but
over lled. It is di cult to navigate without
knocking over his myriad tools.
\\Gaspar is singing in French. A sad song. I sense
loss in his strained voice. What has he lost? I
wait for him to nish before I speak. He startles.
\\The engineer is distant. He barely
acknowledges me. Most of the parts he has repaired are already packed nicely into boxes.
\\He asks me uncomfortable questions. Have I ever witnessed death? Is death drive by fate, chance, or
choice? I do not answer him.
\\He tinkers with a weapon. Aims it towards the clouded window. Squints at the shadows of people as
they pass on the street outside. Sighs. Puts it back on the table and adjusts it further.
\\I o er Gaspar his payment, but he tells me it is not necessary. I leave it on his workbench anyway.
\\I thank Gaspar for his help. He answers with a subtle shrug. A haunted man. I am careful to avoid his
front window as I walk away from his workshop.

Chapter 1 : Fiora Cavazza | Underground Army

As Cesare's personal collection of mis ts and miscreants grows, their only purpose to create strife
within Roma. I am to meet with his key soldiers. Coordinate plans. Provide supplies. Study his animals
in the wild.

Hired Muscle
>>\\The condottiero Ricco Tiepolo collects
warriors. Prides himself on acquiring exotic
mercenaries and tactics. He is expensive, but
the Borgia have no shortage of money. When I
arrive, he is waiting for me. Food on the table.
He pours wine.
\\I pick the mercenaries with obvious battle
scars. A clear sign that they know what to
expect. Tiepolo corrects me. Says all of his men
have slain countless rivals, so those without scars are more impressive.
\\Some men show o their weapons. Brag about their exploits. Tease. I look for the silent ones. The
serious faces.
\\Tiepolo instructs two of his mercenaries to ght for my favor as we dine. They are brutal. Each draws
blood from the other. No small wounds, either. When they are nished, I tell Tiepolo I am not
interested in damaged mercenaries. We both laugh.
\\The mercenaries ask where they will be sent to ght. I tell them I suspect Roma will be their
battleground. They protest, but Tiepolo silences them.
\\Tiepolo shows me paintings of his own exploits. He has only lost two battles in decades of combat,
but he commanded neither. I ask if he is for sale. He tells me Cesare will have to send more coin for
that. He asks if I am for sale and I tell him that I have already been purchased.
\\Tiepolo invites me to stay longer. Tempting, but I decline. He hands me a signed contract for each
man I have selected and I pay him with a pouch of Cesare's coin. The mercenaries are eager for battle.
I promise them they will nd one soon enough.

The Heedless Horseman

>>\\Donato Mancini is Cesare's nest horseman,
perhaps better than Cesare himself. The Borgia
have gathered for a private race today. The Circo
Massimo. I am to bribe Donato to let Cesare win.
Threaten him if he will not.
\\Donato is a con dent man. His horse is
completely under his control as he approaches
and bows. I signal my men to present him with a
gift. Exceptional armor. He dismounts and orders
his assistants to help him t into it.
\\I relay Cesare's threat to Donato. He is not surprised. He tells me the winner will win the race. There
are no other factors.
\\I sit beside Lucrezia Borgia. She refuses to look at me. Thinks me a plaything for Cesare. Perhaps I
am. The race begins! Cesare rushes ahead of Donato. Is Cesare is [sic] the better rider?
\\Donato advances, but is blocked by one of Cesare's o cers. I hear Lucrezia mutter to an
acquaintance. The rider is Teodor Viscardi. One of Cesare’s henchmen.
\\Teodor produces a blade. Thrusts it at Donato! Donato leans away, then kicks his horse to blaze past
both Teodor and Cesare. The crowd gasps! Donato wins! Silence as he rides past us to claim his victory.
\\Cesare dismounts and throws his helmet! He gestures to me and I nod. My mercenaries tear Donato
from his horse and toss him to the ground. The beating is savage! Humiliating! The crowd laughs. I do
not. Donato truly was the champion today.
>>\\Cesare has sent me to meet with the Cento
Occhi. Thieves. Many of them young. Lanz is
their leader and Cesare believes he has led an
attack on a Borgia carriage. He provides me with
evidence. Tells me to make a deal with the gang.
\\I nd Lanz outside a church, counting coins
from a pouch he nicked. He does not look up,
though he knows I am here. I throw a crude
dagger into the dirt near his feet. Wide eyes.
Apologies. He realizes I represent the Borgia.
\\He reclaims his ugly weapon. Sheaths it. O ers to return the stolen money. I tell him he will do that
and more. His gang will serve Cesare.
\\Lanz tells me he has already spent the coin, but he will deliver a portion of it today. Good faith. He
asks me to watch him work... if I can keep up.
\\I watch him bump into a merchant in the crowd. He is gone before the man turns. Next, a noble
woman. A priest. He steals from ve people before he is spotted. The man calls for guards!
\\A mounted guard charges into the square and Lanz pushes his victim beneath the horses' hooves. The
rider falls. I lose sight of Lanz for a moment, then realize he is halfway up the side of the building
beneath me.
\\Before Lanz leaves, I check my pockets. Everything seems to be in place. I believe Lanz will deliver
payment. He fears Cesare.

Close Shave
>>\\Cesare has employed a master spy.
Balthasar de Silva. He hides behind the guise of
a barber, though I am told he has no skill at it.
Together, we will stalk Cesare's enemy - a league
of assassins. There is much to learn.
\\Cesare has thrown one of his own senators to
the lions. A high pro le man with big ambition,
notorious for corruption. The senator barely
survived an attack this morning, yet Cesare has
a orded him no guards. We follow him, waiting for the Assassins to strike again.
\\The senator remains indoors most of the week. Under Baltasar's lead, we are never spotted.
\\The senator nally heads for the market. His walk is brisk. Paranoid. Eyes everywhere. Suddenly, a
shadow overhead. The assassin is above us!
\\The assassin leaps! As he lands upon the senator, a weapon protrudes from his wrist. Pierces his
victim's neck! The cloaked killer mutters a few words and vanishes. We give chase! Gone.
\\Baltasar grins. Though I feel failure, he is pleased by what he has learned. He takes notes.
\\Though we lost sight of the assassin, we have learned much. The garb. The hidden blade. The
technique. Baltasar will continue to stalk these cloaked killers and report back to me.

Chapter 1 : Fiora Cavazza | Oddities

Cesare has put together an army of mis ts. Cretins. I begin to doubt that he actually has a plan for
Roma. It seems he has opened a cage let wild animals loose upon the city. Why has he chosen me to
tame them?

Center Stage
>>\\I am dealing with fools! Two of them. Cahin
and Caha. French. Brother and sister. Ridiculous
costumes. Appropriate, I suppose, for this type
of celebration. Our target has some claim to
foreign royal blood, which they plan to spill.
\\The fools put on an animated performance.
They ip. Dance. Pretend to punch each other.
Both fall down. The guests cheer!
\\Caha begins to juggle. All eyes follow her.
Cahin moves behind his victim, careful to keep attention on his sister.
\\I draw my blade, waiting for the right cue. I lean towards the guest next to me.
\\Cahin stabs a man through the back of his chair! A moment of confusion, then panic! Caha throws
two of her juggled blades into the throats of two guests!
\\The nal guest screams and ees! I chase her down, tackling her over a chair! She begs for her life. To
let her live would cost me mine. I nish her quickly.
\\Cahin laughs his way through the door. Caha tips over a candelabrum before tumbling out behind
him. I remain convinced that they are totally mad… yet fun!

Gallows Humor
>>\\They call him Il Carne ce. Everyone assumes
that executioners love their work. It is easier to
accept that way. Make them the villain. They
wear masks to avoid this stigma when the mask
comes o . Not Il Carne ce. He loves the work as
well as the mask. He senses my distaste. Enjoys
\\Il Carne ce has been busy. His executions so
commonplace that his crowd is dwindling. A few
beggars and a handful of guards wait as he prepares the next rope.
\\I hand him Cesare's condemnations. He ips through them brie y and replies with a serious look.
Says my name is on the list! Flashes his axe! I am stunned. He smiles and then tosses the list to the
side. Tells me he cannot read.
\\The dead man hanging is an old client of mine. A friend. Did Cesare intend me to witness this?
\\A bound man is escorted onto the platform. Head covered. He pleads with Il Carne ce. Proclaims his
innocence. Il Carne ce comforts him. Says it is good because the innocent get to go to Heaven.
\\He puts on a show! Cheering with his audience. Showing o the body parts he hacks from the bodies
of the condemned. I vomit and he mocks me for the crowd.
\\My time with the executioner is done for now. I take it for what it is. A warning from Cesare. I am
more disgusted than intimidated by Cesare's beast.

>>\\Silvestro Sabbatini. Claims to be noble.
Dresses the part, but poorly. He is a panderer,
buying his way into social circles. Speaking with
a black tongue. Cesare lopped o his left arm for
failure. I am to deliver his second chance.
\\Sabbatini is the spider. In this small gathering,
every person is potential prey. He senses every
subtle social vibration. Always on watch.
Listening. I am the new insect, stepping onto his
web. I receive his full attention. I feel his mandibles twitch.
\\He approaches, eyes wide and grin exaggerated. I hand him the monstrous mechanical arm.
\\Sabbatini directs me to a back room. He actually believes none of these people have noticed his
dis gurement. The replacement arm will only bring more attention to him. Still, I follow.
\\He is disappointed in the device, despite the masterful craftsmanship. He wanted more jewels. Rare
metals. I o er to return it to Cesare for him and he snatches it from my arms!
\\The arm is awkward. Clumsy. He tests the sharpened claws and engages a hidden surprise. A blade
pops from the center! A sinister weapon, but is it practical? Not my concern.
\\I leave Sabbatini to his games. He immediately pulls up a chair next to an attractive young woman
and reveals his new arm. She inches and leans away from him, but he strokes her cheek with those
menacing claws. I shudder!

[The only way all 3 subsections of memories prior to this would t chronologically would be before Il
Carne ce dies in January 1500, yet Fiora claims to have worked for the Borgia for 6 years when she
was meeting the Multiplayer Templars living in Rome… those in the prior subsection dying by August
1503, and the above Silvestro Sabbatini dying the year prior in 1502… Disregarding Fiora’s claimed
tenure as a trusted Templar, the memories above have been Temporized to 1499 for these reasons,
attempting to “ x” the confusing canon threads here…]
Italy, [1500 -] 1501 - 1503
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Rome
Chapter 3 : Francesco Vecellio | Overview
Subject: Francesco Vecellio | Location: Italy | Time Period: 1501 - 1503 CE
DDS VO: Now synching the DDS system. We're going to take a moment to test your emotional range.
Please focus on a fond memory. Good. Now focus on a painful memory. Perfect. Just prior to the death
of Pope Alexander VI, Cesare Borgia began to lose his grip on Rome. Though you won't nd any
mention of it in the history books, we suspect a powerful underground movement worked to overthrow
the corrupt dynasty. See what you can learn.

Italy, [1500]
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Rome
Chapter 3 : Francesco Vecellio | Finely Tuned
Since my master's death, I have been sent to train under Ezio Auditore. He is a skilled Assassin from
Firenze who has come to lead the Brotherhood in Roma. We struggle to oppose Cesare Borgia, who,
with his wretched family, controls the Church as well as the city.

>>\\Ezio has taught me the basics of passing
through a crowd unnoticed. How to drift with
the ebb and ow of tra c. Today, he asks me to
interact. He has sent several of his thieves into
the streets and marked them with green badges.
I am to steal their coin pouches without drawing
attention to myself. The task sounds easy
\\I spot the rst mercenary, a green crest pinned
to his cap. I begin to stalk him, drifting from group to group, each time gaining a bit of ground. Finally,
I move towards him and push his cape aside. He does not notice me, but I cannot nd a coin pouch! Is
this part of the lesson?
\\Another mercenary without a pouch! I look to the rooftops for Ezio, seeking an explanation. I do not
nd him.
\\There! Another thief! She is so fast! I barely saw her swipe the pouch from her victim! I follow her.
\\I see my rival eyeing her next target. I am closer! I push myself hard to beat her to him and I am
rewarded with a coin pouch! I slip back into the crowd before either realizes what I have done.
\\I glimpse the other thief as she dashes past me. She is returning to Ezio, no doubt. Another student?
I take what little comfort I can in the fact that I have spoiled her perfect game.
\\I return to Ezio, eager to present what little spoils I have recovered. I reach for the one pouch. It is
gone. Ezio laughs and apologizes, but asks me what I have learned. I tell him that I cannot always be
the predator. He nods.
The High Road
>>\\Ezio will teach me to scale walls quickly and
to leap across Roma's rooftops. I have practiced
some, but I cannot move at nor anywhere near
the speed of my new master. While I am still
asking questions, he scrambles up a wall! I
struggle to keep up with him!
\\Ezio grabs the lip of the roof and pulls himself
to the top! I try to mimic his movement and
nearly lose my footing!
\\I watch Ezio as he navigates three rooftops. His head is always moving, always scanning for the
easiest route to the next landing. He knows his next move before he even lands! I follow his path,
imitating his choices. I am clumsy, but I begin to develop a feel for the technique!
\\An arrow strikes my shoulder! I scoop it up and duck behind a structure to avoid further re. The
arrow is padded. Blunt. A training arrow? I poke out to nd my attacker he sends another arrow
straight into my forehead. I curse at him! Ezio shouts for me to keep moving!
\\I stand again, careful to watch my path as I dash to the next rooftop. I scout for the archer and nd
him two buildings over. I charge!
\\His shots are accurate, but slow! The weight of the padding interferes with his precision, forcing him
to hesitate before ring, but he has learned to compensate. Still, I am able to read his shots and move
\\I leap between buildings, nally reaching the same rooftop as my attacker. He shoots an arrow into
my knee, interfering with the balance of my landing and I tumble! Ezio climbs up the side of the
building and then helps me to my feet. He is grinning.

Renaissance Man
>>\\Ezio has taught me to use several of our
more complex gadgets, but I have been begging
him to allow me access to the repower he
keeps hidden within his sleeve. He tells me I am
not ready yet, but he will send me to a friend
who can craft me something similar, for a price
of course. A very large price.
\\I wait on a bench, unseen and hooded. A man
arrives, also masking his identity from the
crowd. I tell him I am Francesco. He identi es himself as Leonardo da Vinci! A well-respected name in
\\He asks me what I expect him to craft. I tell him I would like a hidden pistol for my sleeve, but he
shakes his head and tells me Ezio warned him I might ask for one.
\\I ask if he can craft something similar. Lighter. More silent. He suggests a hidden blade, but I already
have one.
\\I ask if he can arm a crossbow bolt beneath my wrist. He ponders for a moment and declares it
possible, but expensive. He will need to create special bolts. The range will be small. I will have to
reload it. I ask if he can make two.
\\I ask about other devices. Leonardo says he has a few for sale. Discreetly, of course.
\\Leonardo wishes me a safe evening and departs. What a strange man, interested in art and invention
more than politics. Someday I will take the time to create, to paint, but not now. For now, I am a
soldier on the front lines.

Stacked Deck
>>\\It has taken weeks and my body still aches,
but my training is nished. Ezio tells me I must
learn more by experiencing. From today on, he
will begin to give me tasks across Italia! I am
eager to begin! Every day I spend in training,
Cesare Borgia grows stronger.
\\I will not go alone. Ezio tells me each mission
will be carried out by a group of recruits. I will
be assigned to a core team, leading the
missions. I am to pick the other members of my core team.
\\My rst choice is the archer who brutalized me atop the roofs. Cipriano Enu. His ebony skin marks
him as a foreigner. The gleaming cross around his neck likely protects him from religious persecution
in Roma. He runs his ngers across the bruise on my forehead and apologizes.
\\As I walk past the line of recruits, a woman tosses me a coin pouch. She tells me it was mine to
begin with. I ask for her name. Tessa Varzi. She does not wait for an invitation; she takes her place
beside Enu.
\\Some of the recruits avoid eye contact. It is a sign to me that they are not ready for a real mission. I
spare them the humiliation.
\\I do not doubt that several of these men are already more skilled than I. It is not a contest. I
assemble the best team I can.
\\We are ready. Though we will not use the entire team for every mission, we have a solid number
ready to assist us when needed. Ezio is impressed by my choices and says he would have chosen the
same. He reminds us of the creed. Thanks us for standing for what is right.
Chapter 3 : Francesco Vecellio | We Have Our Ways
Our Brotherhood has many means to equip it's soldiers. What we do not have we take from our
enemies or gain by aiding our allies. As Ezio wages war upon the Borgia here in Romagna, we must
prepare ourselves, bolster our supplies while crippling theirs.

Down with the Ships

>>\\Cesare continues to displace nobles,
claiming their lands. We can make these
conquests much less pro table. Iacopo Appiano,
Lord of Piombino was ejected from his port city.
He tells us that Cesare loads his spoils on
several merchant vessels, set for Roma. We will
sabotage them.
\\We reach Piombino's port without incident. We
approach the ships under night's cover.
\\The Borgia mercenaries are overcon dent! They have received no opposition here, so there are few
guards awake. Fortunate.
\\I signal Enu to eliminate the guards silently. He nocks long, deadly arrows into his unusual bow and
shoots four times. Four hits! Four kills! We wait several minutes just to be sure, then advance to the
rst boat.
\\Enu stands watch on the ship's deck as Tessa and I head below. She is lethal! She walks from cot to
cot and slits throats! Each dies within seconds as I hold them down and keep them silent.
\\I signal the rest of our men to help. We take what valuables we can carry and leave the ship. Enu
tosses a torch into the hold and we haul our spoils back to the carriage!
\\We reclaimed what bounty we could from Piombino's ships and sank the rest. There is still much for
the Borgia to plunder, but we have left them an awful mess in the port to hamper their progress.

>>\\Our contracts will soon take us to the
furthest reaches of Italia and beyond. We will
need disguises, documents, and foreign coin.
Though we will know every detail about our
targets and their locations, we require a skilled
forger to handle the rest. Fortunately, we have
one in our employ.
\\The old man greets us as we enter his home.
Enu smiles and pushes past me. The way they
shake hands, the gratitude on the African’s face - there is history here. I suspect the forger helped Enu
transition to Roma.
\\The forger asks us to come up with several names for various documents. He scolds us for choosing
titles too complex or di cult to pronounce. Finally we settle on commonplace, forgettable names for
the characters we will play.
\\He gives us a short lesson on the coins of the world. He lets us hold the di erent currency, test its
weight, recognize it by color. A citizen of any city would not struggle to recognize his money before
paying for services. Small details are crucial to creating a convincing illusion.
\\The old man asks us about our upcoming travel and advises us on hair style, beards, and clothing.
That type of shoe would never been seen there! Hair in your eyes? Unheard of! Stand up straight, poor
posture marks you as lower class!
\\He tests our skills at foreign languages. All of us know several. Enu has learned to speak seven
languages without accent under the old man's tutelage.
\\Transformed, we depart the forger's home, each of us with several new identities and each of us
eager to practice further. I have realized the importance a awless disguise, one that relies on more
than just a hood.

Digging Graves
>>\\Massa Marttima has long struggled with the
Church over its invaluable alum mine, its
de ance prompting the Church to
excommunicate the city's citizens. As Cesare
bolsters his war e ort, he sends his soldiers to
claim the mine. We will stand in their path.
\\Cesare has sent inexperienced mercenaries, a
ragtag bunch of merchants and eld-hands
looking for a share of the Borgia co ers. They
are not expecting any resistance.
\\We prepare an ambush. There is a blind pass on the road to Massa Marittima. We climb to the top of
it and ready our archers.
\\The mercenaries are nervous. Some of them have never seen battle outside of a training ring. They
are loud! We hear their conversations as they approach.
\\Enu readies our archers. He peeks over the edge and describes each man's target. Fat man, tiny hat.
Pointed beard. Purple cloak.
\\We strike! Every man falls, each one expertly plucked from his horse! A couple have managed to
survive, so Tessa climbs down and silences them with her spear!
\\We bury the men far from the road. Cesare will never receive a report, nor will he gain access to the
mine. The citizens of Massa Marittima generously rewarded us with ore and we believe we will be able
to negotiate a long term supply deal with them.
Handle with Care
>>\\Tessa has a disturbing love for venom. She is
so precise in her work that she can paralyze a
man, put him to sleep, cause him to go mad,
fake his death, or, of course, kill him in various
horrible ways. Her components are not easy to
collect, but it is worth the e ort.
\\We visit Roma's doctors, who charge excessive
prices for excessive doses of medicine. Tessa
insists they are worth every coin.
\\We traverse the most putrid tunnels in Roma, where Tessa plucks dung-colored mushrooms from the
\\We spend time plucking wild owers. Though they are beautiful, they are also deadly once broken
down into their poisonous components.
\\I watch Tessa sort through various nuts and beans, separating them by potential e ect. I suggest she
may have found a better life as a cook, but she reminds me that her food would not sit well in my
\\We purchase minerals and Tessa begins to grind them into dust. She wears a scarf over her face and
suggests that I do the same.
\\I have a very small understanding of poisons, but Tessa assures me she has everything she needs for
the days ahead. She carefully wraps several sinister blades and tucks vials into her pack.

>>\\After my master's death, several of his
friends left the Order. They do not trouble us, yet
we do not know their ambitions. Perhaps they
see the danger in letting Cesare Borgia continue
his conquests. Perhaps we can draw them back.
\\We track the Assassins to Agnadello, where my
master chose to end his life. I feel stinging
regret as we enter the town.
\\We question the locals and uncover a familiar
name. Rinaldo Vitturi. The Shroud’s keeper.
\\It takes less than an hour for Vitturi to nd us. I ask him why he has left the Order. He believes that
we are too reserved. Too unwilling to use the power we have found. He speaks with a Templar tongue
and I let him know it. He hesitates, but nally acknowledges my point.
\\Vitturi's men begin to surround us. Though they are not hostile, the threat is obvious. He gestures
them to back away. A relief—these are elder, experienced Assassins. I doubt my band can match them.
\\Vitturi asks about the Shroud. Wonders where we have taken it. I do not have the answer. I sense
that he has lost his purpose. That all of these men have lost their purpose. I suggest that they help us
battle the Borgia. Return to us and perhaps old wounds can be healed. Old duties restored.
\\I do not know if Vitturi will accept my o er. I hope he does; I can think of no safer place for the
Shroud than with these men.

Chapter 3 : Francesco Vecellio | Longshot

Enu's marksmanship continues to impress me. Ezio has given me several tasks that will make use of
the African's skills. As we continue to goad Cesare, his responses grow faster and more dangerous. Not
only must we strike and move, we must strike again before he can predict our next action.

>>\\Novara and his assistant Niccolò Copernico
observe the stars. They are nearing a
breakthrough which could harm the papacy. We
are assigned to protect them as they study the
\\We know Cesare has employed crossbowmen
to kill the astronomers. He will nd a higher
position and will likely attempt to shoot them
on their balcony as they study the stars.
\\Enu takes position on a rooftop, hidden in shadow. He is to watch for rooftop movement and take no
interest in the astronomers. I scout the area around Novara and his assistant.
\\Hours pass with no sign. Perhaps our information was wrong. Wait! I see a shadow crawling across a
nearby balcony!
\\Does Enu see him? I can't be sure! I draw my own bowstring, take aim, and shoot! My arrow
penetrates the wall next to the Borgia assassin! He stands and points his crossbow at me!
\\Two arrows appear in the assassin's chest, the second almost instantly after the rst! He falls from
the balcony and crashes hard into the street below! Enu peeks over the edge and I signal to him. We
need to leave.
\\I leave some of my men to protect Novara from any further interference from the Borgia.

>>\\Ezio has found a way to catch one of the
Borgia's skilled agents. The Venetian
ambassador Antonio Giustinian recently pushed
Rodrigo Borgia too far. As an “apology” for
losing his temper, Rodrigo has arranged a dinner
between Antonio and a lady of the court, whom
we suspect to be the murderess. I will go in
Antonio's stead.
\\I am dressed as a Venetian noble, expensive
garb and a fancy hat. Tessa says I am enjoying this too much. I bring only my hidden blades. Anything
else may alert my prey.
\\Enu walks above the street, pacing from building to building. I know he is up there but even I have a
hard time keeping track of him.
\\She arrives! She is older than I expected, but not unattractive. She stares at me a moment, reading
my expression. I answer with a smile and a joke. The disguise appears to be working!
\\No! She throws a knife at me! I roll to the side but it slices my arm! I curse myself for the
carelessness! What if it is poisoned?
\\The woman runs down the marketplace, pushing through the crowd! Enu shoots! It is an impossible
shot! He does not kill her, but he does sink an arrow into her leg! She tumbles and I am there to sweep
her away into an alley!
\\I interrogate the assassin. As expected, Rodrigo intended her to murder Giustinian. I have spoken
with the ambassador, warned him to keep his guard high. Giustinian assures us he will continue to
cause trouble in Borgia's court as long as we protect him from retaliation.

Harsh Words
>>\\As Cesare sets his eyes upon Camerino, we
must ght to protect her. Abbot Bernardino
actively works against the Borgia in Camerino,
but the Church has grown suspicious.
Mercenaries have been sent to restrain
Bernardino. They will meet us instead!
\\We meet with the Abbot and ask for his
assistance in our ambush. He o ers us every
resource available, and I hold him to it.
\\The mercenaries will be expecting defense at Camerino's wall. They will meet it, but it will be light.
Enu assures me he will create a convincing show to divert them from our real attack.
\\We transport cannons out to the sides of the main road and hide them behind bushes. Enu and I ride
down the road to make sure none are visible.
\\They have arrived! Enu and his men re upon them, killing a good number of men before they are
forced to duck the return re! All attention is on the wall!
\\We re the cannons into the army's anks, ripping through man and horse alike. The mercenaries are
confused! They scatter and retreat! Enu kills at three of them as they ee and we ride down the rest.
\\Abbot Bernardino is safe for now. He will continue to send us information from Camerino and we will
try to hold it for as long as we can.
Excerpt from Chapter 3 : Francesco Vecellio | Toxicity
Ezio has given us several tasks which will require Tessa's specialties. They will be perilous, some of
them placing us right in the heart of Borgia power. Now is my chance to prove my worth to the
Brotherhood. We will become a thorn in Cesare's side.

Body Swap
>>\\Cesare enjoys a disgusting sport each
month, lining up Borgia prisoners in a courtyard
and ravaging them with his crossbow from the
balcony above. We will intercept his escorted
prisoners and free them. We will also deliver a
small surprise to Cesare.
\\I ask Ezio why we cannot send an arrow into
Cesare's heart as he steps onto the balcony. It is
not that simple. We need to enrage Cesare, force
him to make mistakes. Topple his empire. We are dealing with the Church's army and it will not
crumble with the death of one man.
\\Tessa has prepared packages of a ne brown powder for each of us. We are not to open them until
we are ready to attack. I have learned not to question her on such things.
\\The guards have cleared a path through the streets to prevent attack. Fortunate for us because no
one will see us approach! Moving without noise, we dive from the rooftops and into the alley behind
the procession.
\\I shout to turn the guards! Coordinated, we deliver our dust into their faces! Each guard falls to the
ground, convulsing! We untie the prisoners and instruct them to ee without making noise.
\\Enu cuts the tongues from the paralyzed guards. We strip them and some of us wear their uniforms.
Tessa assures us that they will be able to walk soon, so we wait. Finally, we march the weeping guards
right into the Borgia courtyard, leaving the rest of the work to Cesare.
\\Cesare's guards scream and weep while Cesare, true to his cruel reputation, laughs and makes a
game of it! He is an excellent shot and quickly slaughters the entire group! He will not be amused
when he discovers their identities.
Defending the Duchess
>>\\Urbino's Duchess, Elisabetta Gonzaga risks her
life to attend Borgia's Jubilee. No doubt Cesare
views her presence here as an insult and he will
not let it go unanswered. We are to ensure that
the Duchess exits Roma unharmed.
\\We easily nd Elisabetta wandering Roma's
streets with her small entourage. A bad sign. The
Borgia will nd her just as easily. We ask her to
follow us, but she only sees our worker disguises.
She declares that she will remain on the streets, in public!
\\Her protests begin to attract attention! Several of Borgia's guards approach! The captain recognizes
the Duchess and points!
\\I throw a smoke bomb and Tessa follows my cue. She pricks Elisabetta with a poisoned blade. The
Duchess protests and screams, but soon falls unconscious.
\\We drag her from the crowd and load her into a cart. We are gone long before the smoke clears. On
our way out of the city, we pass a group of Borgia guards. They do not spare us a glance.
\\We place Elisabetta in a carriage bound for Mantua. She will not be pleasant when she wakes, but
we have paid the driver well to see her arrive safely.
\\The Duchess survived her trip to Roma and her family will continue to struggle against Cesare's
greed. Elisabetta Gonzaga will surely be a valuable ally in the years to come.

[This Memory is a signi cant glitch in timing things, because if this whole chapter did happen in
sequence so far, everything prior to this memory MUST have happened before the Templar Pope
Alexander VI announced his Jubilee of 1500… when the chapter itself claims 1501-1503… Even with how
much experience Francesco has gotten up to this point, I’ve Temporized the above memories of this
subsection to 1500, leaving only the next 2 memories and the following 2 subsections to fall squarely
in the indicated DDS time period… More confusion untangled as best we can here! ;)]
Italy, [Early -] September 20th, 1501
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Rome
Excerpt from Chapter 3 : Francesco Vecellio | Toxicity
The Challenge of Barletta
>>\\The Frenchman Charles de la Motte
questions the courage of Italia and has called a
tournament to prove his men are superior. He
questions our chivalry. While our knights will
certainly ght with honor, we will not. We
cannot a ord to give France this victory.
\\Ezio does not wish us to enter the tournament,
but to use whatever means necessary to weaken
the enemy before it begins. As expected, Tessa
steps forward with several ideas.
\\I question the necessity of our mission. Ezio believes that it will hurt Cesare's relationship with
France, that he will be forced to applaud his Italian champions in the face of his French allies. Charles
de la Motte, who is participating in the contest, is a fellow Templar.
\\Only one guard watches de la Motte's army as they sleep. They have ridden hard and he is as tired as
the rest. His attention wanders, giving us the opportunity to sneak into their camp.
\\We pick through their supplies, lightly dusting them with small doses of poison. Tessa assures me
that the French will receive the su cient dose and will certainly under-perform at the tournament.
\\The guard paces back towards the camp before we are out! The whole plan threatens to collapse but
Enu draws the guard's attention with a bizarre animal cry!
\\The Italians trounced their French challengers. Our knights fought with such vigor that they were
favored to win regardless of the poison's e ect on their opponents. The victory was deemed fair and
the French soon retreated.
Promise Unkept
>>\\With the death of Marco Barbarigo, the
Brotherhood left Venice in the care of Agostino
Barbarigo, who swore to avoid his brother's path
of corruption and his link to the Borgia. He has
failed. He secretly courts the Borgia and has
become known for his greed, extortion, and for
selling justice. He must answer for it.
\\In order to send a very real threat to Agostino’s
successor, we aim to create panic. We will
destroy his security and let him make an example of himself.
\\The rst letter Tessa delivers is a simple insult. Anonymous. We follow Agostino through the city as
he questions his friends, tries to make sense of the message.
\\The second letter warns him that "old friends" have come to settle a debt. Panicked, he visits several
moneylenders and mercenaries around the city. He pays his outstanding debt and apologizes for his
\\The third letter is a direct threat. It advises him to watch the sky because it will soon fall upon him.
He stays indoors for two days before venturing outside, screaming at the rooftops, though he does not
see us. Rumor spreads. He is being hunted.
\\The nal letter is simple farewell.
\\Tessa has poisoned Agostino in several small doses, powder on each letter. He will soon grow
horribly ill and eventually die. We will make sure his successor receives a warning about his

[These last two memories give us a bit more timeable experiences, as we know Agostino Barbarigo to
have died on September 20th, 1501, so these must have happened just prior to his death, the rst of
the memories to truly t in 1501 this chapter…]
Rome, Italy, [Prior to 1502]
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Rome
Chapter 1 : Fiora Cavazza | The Bad Doctor
Cesare wants me to meet his murderous doctor, Malfatto, though I do not believe he really is a doctor.
He is a predator of women. A monster. Cesare is testing my loyalty, but he may soon nd he has
destroyed what I had left.

A Taste for Violence

>>\\No sign of Malfatto. I am alone in the empty
streets of Roma's poorest district. I have done
my best to conceal myself, but I still feel
vulnerable. Scared.
\\I whisper Malfatto's name. It sounds ridiculous.
Why have I agreed to this?
\\A scream! A cry for help! She is nearby, but it is
easy to get lost in these haphazard alleyways.
\\She pleads with someone! Begs for her life! I
run hard but cannot nd her!
\\She is sobbing now! I scold myself for coming unprepared! I should have studied the district,
memorized its streets!
\\A ash of black movement and then it disappears into the shadows. Malfatto?
\\A poorly lit alcove. Violence hangs heavy in the air, though everything is still. I spot her! She looks
like a broken doll at rst, discarded in the alley. Then I see the blood. So much blood! I ee!
Rat Trap
>>\\Cesare will not accept my refusal to nd
Malfatto. He will have me killed if I fail. After
what I have seen his monster do, I cannot
imagine those alleyways without shaking. Worse
yet, he has asked me to wear one of my old
courtesan out ts. Better to draw the monster's
\\A few crowds on the street tonight. I want to
stay near people, but I know Malfatto will avoid
them. I must travel alone.
\\A hand on my shoulder! I scream and spin around. It is only a drunken fool! He nearly slobbers on my
dress. I push him to the ground!
\\I hear the echo of my own footsteps. My nervous breathing. I inch at any other sounds. Rustling in
the dark. Whispers.
\\In the corner! I see something! A glint of light on a lens. It moves. The bone-white beak! It is him!
\\Malfatto lunges for me! I sidestep him. I yell Cesare's name at him! Demand that he listens! He grabs
me and then notices the document in my hand. Hesitates. Takes it.
\\Malfatto does not read the document. He simply stares at me through his sinister mask. Cocks his
head. I back away. He does not move.

>>\\I am done with Cesare. Done with the mad
people who surround him. I will leave Roma
within the week. I return to the home Cesare
has provided. Luxurious. Excessive. I drink to
calm myself, but sleep does not come easy.
\\I feel a prick at my neck! Believing it to be an
insect, I swat it away, but my hand connects
with something solid! A syringe! Malfatto is in
my room! What has he — can't think! Poisoned?
\\I stumble over the opposite side of the bed and onto my feet! My legs tremble beneath me! I
scramble to a nearby table, grabbing for my fan!
\\Malfatto faces me. Still. Syringe dropped to the oor. He is waiting me out! Waiting for the poison to
overcome me!
\\I unfold my fan, exposing a blossom of blades. I cannot see his face, but Malfatto's posture betrays
fear! Have his victims ever fought back?
\\I charge Malfatto, slashing violently! He backs into a wall and I shred his doctor's garb. I have drawn
blood! Is it enough? I lose my vision!
\\My mind plummets! My ears ring! I collapse. Malfatto… what will you do?
>>\\I live! My balance is o . My eyes struggle to
stay clear. Malfatto is gone, but he has spilled
his insides across my oor. They trail to my
window. I cut him badly! Cesare will not protect
me. I must appeal to his enemies. O er a deal.
\\I know the Assassins have been watching me.
They may even be past clients or friends. We
have watched them as well. My work with
Baltasar showed me how they operate. How I
can nd them.
\\Their system for communication is crude. They use pigeon coops to trade messages. Assignments.
The rooftops are forbidden, but we have seen one of Cesare's own guards leaving letters in the coops.
Assassins picking them up.
\\I write a list. Names of Cesare's agents. Everyone I know. Even those who were kind to me. I will
cripple him!
\\As expected, I nd Cesare's traitorous guard placing letters in a pigeon coop. I confront him. At rst
he denies any knowledge, but when I produce a letter for the “men in white,” he agrees to deliver it.
\\Inside my letter, an o er to help the Assassins in their ght against Cesare in any way I can. They
may be the only ones who can protect me from his wrath. I spend the rest of the day in large crowds.
Well lit areas. If they want to nd me, they will.
\\Francesco Vecellio. The blossoming painter. I never would have suspected. He tells me the list has
been given to someone reliable. That my worries will soon be over. He tells me my work is far from
Italy, 1503
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Rome
Chapter 3 : Francesco Vecellio | Unfinished Business
Together we have crippled many Borgia operations in Italy. In addition, we have created fear in those
who might have sided with Cesare. Retaliation is given. We prepare for the Borgia response.

>>\\Charles de la Motte has entered Roma with
a band of mercenaries! His distaste for Italia is
legendary, why is he here? Cesare. If the Church
and its army turn their heads, there is no telling
what harm de la Motte will cause here! We must
tail them!
\\As we feared, Cesare's men allow the captain
and his French knights to pass without incident!
They have been invited to Roma!
\\They assault people along the city streets and spit insults! They are looking for a ght! They seek to
draw us out.
\\Several of Roma's mercenaries challenge de la Motte's men! Cesare's guards threaten them with
arrest and they back down!
\\The knights enter an inn, violently expelling those who have already paid for rooms! The owner is
brutalized for his protest!
\\An angry crowd begins to amass outside the inn, the innkeeper at the head of the rally. There are few
soldiers among them; they will be slaughtered!
\\We are nearly forced to intervene before the Borgia guards arrive and disperse the crowd. It seems
no more blood will be shed tonight, but we will plan our response while they sleep.

Cherry Picking
>>\\The French knights have divided into squads,
each sent to a di erent section of Roma and
forcing us to divide as well. I take Tessa, Enu,
and a small band of our most skilled recruits.
Charles de la Motte will regret his decision to
bring the ght here.
\\The group stays tight, apparently aware of our
tactics. It does not save three men from arrows
to the back as Enu takes his shots! We remove
the bodies before the rest of the Frenchman can realize they are under attack!
\\Tessa passes through the crowd in civilian garb, o ering owers to the visiting knights. They treat
her poorly, insulting her dirty blood. She takes the insults and slips away, knowing four men have only
minutes left before they collapse in agony.
\\A group of three drags a merchant into an alley, preparing to steal the coin he carries. I am waiting!
They laugh at me and mock my cowl!
\\I shut the mouth of the loudest with a bolt to the throat and marvel at the destruction caused by
Leonardo's wicked device!
\\The other two advance, but one man's skull is punctured by an arrow. His eyes drift apart before he
drops. I signal my thanks to Enu above and unsheathe my rapier!
\\I spill the last man's bowels onto the stone walkway and signal my Assassins to regroup. Courier
pigeons bring messages to the rooftop. The other groups met with similar success. Charles de la Motte
should have heeded our warning at Barletta!

Cover Fire
>>\\Enu calls us with an animal noise, his signal
for trouble. We scramble to his position and he
quiets us, pointing to the other rooftops in the
distance. French ri emen are spreading across
the city and scouting the streets below.
\\We draw our bows but Enu halts us! He
gestures to the crowd below. He is right; any
missed shot could send our arrows over the
edge and into Roma's streets.
\\I ask Enu if he can guarantee every shot he takes. He nods and demonstrates, killing a man four
buildings away with one shot! Until now, Perotto was the best marksman I'd seen, but even my
master's skill pales next to this man.
\\I drop to the balconies below and work my way along the sides of the buildings. Unseen, I pull a man
from the ledge and break his neck on the stones below!
\\I am spotted! The Frenchman res his gun, shattering the wall near my hands! I lose my grip and fall,
but I manage to catch a beam!
\\People in the crowd scream and disperse! With my free arm, I aim up at the ri eman! The range is
too great and my hidden bolt misses its mark, sinking between his legs! It is not a kill, but I have
momentarily crippled the man! [Ouch…]
\\Enu nishes the rest of my targets before I even regain my footing on the rooftop. We have won this
ght, but now de la Motte knows we are present!
Chapter 3 : Francesco Vecellio | Firestorm
We have played right into Cesare's trap! He knew de la Motte's forces would be prey to us, but they
drew us out from the shadows, allowing him to hunt us with his own army! I am a fool!

>>\\The combined might of the French and
Borgia soldiers is too much! We retreat into the
Inn! Outside, we see the enemy lines forming
and they soon block our view of anything
beyond the street.
\\We start piling chairs and tables against the
door! A barricade will only serve to buy us a few
extra moments to think, but we will need them!
\\An arrow shatters a window and skims across
my face! Enu retaliates, maiming the archer who nearly killed me!
\\I hold a broken table up to the window to prevent any more surprises! The innkeeper appears with a
hammer and nails and helps me secure the makeshift barrier!
\\The door begins to buckle under the axes of our pursuers. They see us through the holes they have
cleaved, but there is enough debris in the way to hold them back!
\\Tessa res her crossbow into their front line, piercing a couple of men. The bolt's damage is not
severe, but the men begin to wretch and soon collapse!
\\We try to agree on a plan, but our options are few and the noise of the assault is almost unbearable.
How can we get word to Ezio? Would he be able to respond in time?

>>\\The door collapses! Several archers send
aming arrows into the room! The innkeeper
cries out as he realizes what we do – the smoke
will kill us long before the ames!
\\The re ravages the room, tearing through the
walls and buckling the foundations! We ee to
the stairs!
\\Our eyes sting and we gasp for air! We cover
our faces with scarves, but the innkeeper has
nothing. I give him mine and hold my breath!
\\The oor beneath us collapses, taking several Assassins with it! They shriek as they disappear into
the blaze below! A woman's scream! Tessa? Tessa!
\\Enu pulls me forward! We will mourn her later. I cannot think! How did I let this happen?
\\We reach the top oor! Arrows continue to crash through the windows, adding to the con agration!
\\We have no access to the roof! We can exit the window and climb up the side, but the innkeeper is
an elderly, weak man. As the rst Assassins go out, he quickly understands. I try to work out how we
will carry him up, but we both know it is impossible. He tells us to leave him.

>>\\The sunlight stings our eyes! As I reach out
of the window and hoist myself up the side of
the Inn, I am nearly struck by gun re! I glance
over my shoulder and nd the rooftops around
us are covered in Borgia marksmen! No!
\\I hit the rooftop and immediately scout for
cover. Nothing! A shot tears into my side!
\\Enu res his arrows in rapid succession. He
takes down a half-dozen men, but we face ten
times that many on the rooftops alone! He is
shot in the neck!
\\I hobble to Enu's side and put his scarf to the wound! His blood soon soaks through the cloth!
\\I drag Enu without aim. We have no way to escape. We are both dying!
\\I trip over the bodies of my fallen Brothers. So many dead! I have failed.
\\Enu and I sit back to back, each of us ghting to stay conscious. We are done. Cesare's guards move
in to nish us. And then… a terrible noise!
Rome, Italy, August 1503
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Rome
Chapter 1 : Fiora Cavazza | Reaping the Whirlwind
The Assassins have allowed me to follow them, but insist that I keep my distance as they deal with
Cesare's agents from my list. I want to see them. I need to see that they nish the job.

>>\\I do not wish Rocco Tiepolo's death, but a
large portion of Cesare's army owes him loyalty.
We cannot hope to match the price, so he leaves
us no other option.
\\The mercenaries training outside are
dispatched in a heartbeat! The Assassins
coordinate their arrows, re nearly all at once,
and every shot nds its mark!
\\More mercenaries burst from the training
grounds, these in heavy armor. The Assassins move in close, their speed unmatched! They attack in
pairs, taking advantage of the armored mercenaries' lowered mobility. The second wave is soon
\\The Assassins wait before moving into the building. They call me to them with a hand sign.
\\They ask me to indicate the defenses inside the building. I point to the walls, explaining what is on
the other side of each. Before I can nish, they are moving again!
\\The veteran mercenaries stand beside Rocco. We outnumber them, but they manage to kill two of
ours before they are overcome!
\\Rocco waves a single short sword, challenging a dozen Assassins. He knows he has lost, yet he wears
a broad smile. This is the end he has fantasized! The Assassins do not disappoint!
No Encore
>>\\We catch the fools performing on the street.
They are involved in a ridiculous dance, fueled
by a musician plucking at a battered instrument.
They are too deep in their performance to notice
the crowd changing around them.
\\The Assassins begin to in ltrate the crowd,
subtle at rst, but soon lling it with white
\\Caha spins and throws a smoke bomb into the
crowd! Some of the Assassins choke! Others shrug it o and give chase! I open my hand fan to
disperse the cloud.
\\The crowd scatters and Cahin attempts to slip away. He fails! Assassins block his path! He produces a
slender dagger. A poor counter to their rapiers. He is agile enough to keep up with them for a while,
even cutting one man's face, but he soon collapses with four swords running through his gut!
\\Caha cries out to her brother! Turns to face us, her own daggers unsheathed! She dashes right for
\\The Assassins hold. They are enjoying this! I de ect Caha's attack with my bladed fan and slash her
arm! She drops her weapon! She jabs and kicks and I mark her skin for each assault! Finally, she yields
and crawls over to her brother's corpse.
\\Caha cradles her brother's body. Removes his mask and strokes his cheek. She doesn't acknowledge
the Assassin approaching her from behind. Doesn't hear him load his crossbow or the snap as he res
a bolt into her head.
>>\\The Assassins plan to hit Baltasar's barber
shop. A decoy. I direct them towards his real
hideout, which is blocks away. He will not be
easily ambushed.
\\The Assassins manage to avoid the rst trap.
They pull open the front door and roll away,
causing a nasty blast that tears o a large piece
of the frame! I have never seen anything like it!
\\Inside. Nothing. We search for trap doors.
There! A pull-down ladder that leads up to an attic!
\\One Assassin heads up. We hear the whistle of his daggers! The thump when they connect! He cries
\\They pull the wounded man back down to our oor. His face is red, his eyes leaking. He tells us he
reacted to a man in the corner, hidden in shadows. A trap - a fake man stu ed with some sort of
burning powder! We can smell it. Sharp.
\\I glance out the window beside me. Baltasar! He is outside. He carries a torch! A look of shock as he
recognizes my face. He lights the building!
\\We ee the building! We manage to reach the street before Baltasar's re grows out of control. No
sign of the spy. I doubt that he has ed Roma. He enjoys this game.

Moving Target
>>\\Baltasar escaped. I cannot a ord to let him
live. We spied on the Assassins together and I
know more than they believe. I am a liability. On
the other side, Baltasar may have told Cesare
about my betrayal, which means the Borgia will
be looking for me. I must nd him!
\\I watch Baltasar's barber shop. He isn't likely to
return, but there is a small chance he has left
something behind. The night passes. If he
returned, I never saw him.
\\Little remains of the ravaged hideout, but I search the debris for any clues that might lead me to
Baltasar. I nd a letter untouched by ame.
\\Instructions. Baltasar admires my move. Wants to meet. Discuss options. Work a better deal.
\\I arrive at the warehouse. Scout it. Only Baltasar sitting at a table inside. He bows and welcomes me.
Begins to guess at my plan, my motivations. He is right on most counts. He has not told Cesare about
my betrayal. My failure would re ect poorly on Cesare's master spy.
\\He apologizes. Several ri emen step out from behind large crates in the room! Level their guns. I bow
my head.
\\I prepare for the incoming shots, but hear no gun re! I open my eyes. Baltasar is dead, slumped over
the table! His men have been killed as well, an arrow sticking out of each one. The Assassins!

Fair Game
>>\\Balthasar and I created Il Lupo. He dresses
as his enemy. Wields their intricate weapons.
Uses their techniques. E ective, if not perfect,
imitations. With Baltasar dead, Il Lupo remains
the only one who can tie me to any harm done
to the Assassins.
\\We have a signal for contact. A symbol left on
the statue Pasquino. He will meet me by the
docks at sunset.
\\I hear a cry! A splash behind me! Il Lupo has his switch blade extended. They fold clumsily compared
to an Assassin, but the blood on his demonstrates their e ciency. He tells me I was being followed.
No longer.
\\Il Lupo asks why I have summoned him. I point to a ship far out from the wharf. I explain that Cesare
has a target for him aboard. Lies. He gazes out. Considers the mission. Asks how he will reach it
\\I open my fan blades quietly and then rake him across the back! He responds with a backhanded
smack. I tumble, nose dripping! His fang-like blades are out again. He moves in for the kill!
\\He runs at me! I lunge towards him, kicking his legs. He falls to the ground, but recovers with a
awless, practiced roll! He unsheathes a rapier. I have no defense! Just a moment longer. Work. Work!
\\He kneels over, vomiting! His whole body quivers. He curses me. Questions me. I give him no
response. Once the poison has nished his work, I roll his body into the water. Satis ed that we had no
witnesses, I leave the docks.
Chapter 1 : Fiora Cavazza | Not While the Kid is Watching
I’ve never seen Papà so angry. He broke three plates and threw his glass. He says he bought several
men and they were all killed by a Sassin. I ask him what a Sassin is but he will not tell me.

>>\\Papà asked Fiora to eat dinner with him.
Papà is angry with her. He says she is a liar. I
told him she is nice, but he says she is still a
\\Papà sends me out of the room, but I peek
around the corner. He is not angry any more. He
pulls out her chair. He lls her wine glass. They
are both smiling.
\\They are talking about Papà's friends who got
killed. She looks surprised.
\\Papà asks her about the Sassins. She says she has been watching them like he told her to.
\\Consus is standing next to me. He is watching. He does not speak much. Papà tells me he is not real,
but I see him.
\\Fiora will not drink her wine! Papà asks why she does not trust him. She asks if he trusts her. He tells
her no.
\\They begin to ght. Most people go quiet when Papà yells at them. Fiora gets louder. Consus tells me
I should leave, so I do.

Helping Herself
>>\\I do not sleep much. Nonno says it is
because my mind is too busy. He says that Papà,
who is his son, had the same problem. Tonight,
somebody else is awake. I hear their feet
\\I see her in the entry. The window is open
behind her. She does not see me.
\\Fiora walks through the hallways. What is she
looking for? She walks into the study.
\\She opens Papà's drawers and chests. I do too when Papà is not here. There is nothing fun in any of
\\She feels the walls. She knocks on them, soft enough so nobody wakes up. I want to play too, but I do
not want to get in trouble, so I wait.
\\She looks under the rug. I lean around the corner. I have never looked under the rug! Did she nd
anything? No.
\\I ask Consus if Fiora is here to kill Papà. He says no. She is here for the Apple.
>>\\I leave Fiora and run to the Apple. Nanno
[sic] keeps it in his Library. I remove the cover
and the Apple glows! I hear Fiora walking in the
\\Fiora sees me. She asks me to give her the
Apple. I ask her if she wants to play together.
\\Consus tells me to give her the Apple. I laugh
and tell Fiora she will have to catch me rst!
\\I run! The Apple lls the hallway with color! It
sings. Fiora tells me to stop!
\\Papà is awake. I hear his door open. He calls my name. Fiora tries to take the Apple from me, but it
ashes when she gets close. She stops moving. She looks scared! Is she playing?
\\I say her name. She does not answer. I push her arm and she pulls it away. She screams!
\\Papà sees Fiora frozen in place. He laughs. He takes the Apple from me and tells me to leave. I am
scared. I ask if he will hurt her. He tells me he will.
Rome, Italy, Late 1503
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Rome
Chapter 2 : Giovanni Borgia | Overview
Subject: Giovanni Borgia | Location: Rome, Italy | Time Period: 1503 CE
DDS VO: The DDS is going to try to synchronize you with the memories of a child. This may be
confusing for you at rst, as you will lose your ability to convey complex thought, but your mind
should quickly adapt. The truth behind the real parents of Giovanni Borgia, the “Child of Rome,” has
long ba ed historians. But even more perplexing is Giovanni's insigni cant life that followed. How
does one stand right in the center of the hurricane and remain untouched? Your task is to learn what
history has hidden from us.

[Just so we’re all on the same page, while Giovanni Borgia was growing up, he was told that Cesare
was his father (Papà), and Lucrezia was his aunt (Zia)… while history seems to think Giovanni was
proof incestuous tendencies in the family, we know the Borgia seemed to prefer this hellacious rumor
as opposed to acknowledging the boy came from the blood of the Assassins… So keep in mind, Young
Giovanni is just as confused on his parentage as our history is… Also he calls his grandpa, Rodrigo
Borgia, “Nonno”. Hopefully that helps synchronize us with this child’s memories a little better ;)]

Chapter 2 : Giovanni Borgia | Nature Versus Nurture

Papà tells me that Roma is not safe for me. He says people want to hurt me. They want to hurt our
family. When I ask him why, he says because they know we are better than they are. He says our
family must stay together. They will teach me to be strong.

>>\\Papà teaches me how to ght with a wooden
sword. He says one day I will use a real one and
I need to be good at it. He plays too rough!
Sometimes I think he will hurt me.
\\Papà yells at me for dragging the sword on the
ground. I tell him I am sorry but he tells me to
pay attention, not to be sorry.
\\He tells me to hold up my sword. I hold it up
and he hits it with his. My sword ies out of my
hand. He is angry again.
\\I pick up my sword. Papà taps my head with the side of his blade. It stings! He pokes me in the
shoulder. I tell him to stop! He says my enemies will not stop.
\\I swing hard, trying to hit Papà's knee! He moves out of the way!
\\I start to cry and he laughs at me! I run towards him and try to stab his belly. He blocks my swing! I
swing again and again. I scream at him. I cannot hit him!
\\Papà tells me to calm myself. He says I have done good today. That if I need to cry and get angry
before I can ght, then he will make me cry and get angry again tomorrow. He says I am learning.
>>\\Today I am playing with Papà's sister, Zia
Lucrezia. She is sad most the time, but spending
time with me makes her happy. She says today
she will teach me about the world. She promises
not to talk to me like a child. I promise not to
talk to her like an adult and she laughs. I laugh
\\Zia asks me what I would do if someone said
they would hurt my family. I ask her why anyone
would hurt my family. She says everyone wants to hurt us.
\\I tell her I would hit bad people with a sword. She asks me what I mean by bad people. I tell her
those people who would hurt others. Those who do not play nice. She looks sad.
\\She tells me there are ways to kill people without anyone knowing. A poison in their food or drink. I
ask her if Papà tried to poison Fiora. She does not answer.
\\I ask Zia about my Mamma, if she knew her. She says she did. My Mamma was young. Too young to
know what she was doing. I ask where my Mamma is now. Can I meet her? She says she does not
know, but she does know my Mamma loves me. [Heartbreaking…]
\\I ask Zia why people do not like us. She says because we are strong. Because we are rich. People are
jealous. I ask her why we cannot make them strong and rich too. She laughs.
\\Zia tells me not to trust anyone. Not Papà. Not Nonno. I ask if I can trust her. She begins to cry, so I
leave her alone.

>>\\Nonno is going to let me play with the Apple
today! He says it is not a toy, but I think it is a
toy. It glows. It makes noises. Sometimes it talks
to me like Consus does.
\\Nonno asks me about Consus. He asks if he
can talk to him. Consus is not here. He does not
play when Nonno is around.
\\Nonno asks if the Apple is speaking. It is. He
asks what it is saying. It says COME CLOSER. It
says CLEAR YOUR MIND. Nonno asks me to pick it up.
\\I pick up the Apple. The room looks funny. The walls are bending. It looks like they are breathing.
Nonno yells for me to stop! He is scared. I put the Apple down and he apologizes.
\\He asks me to take the Apple again. To make a bird. I ask what he means. He tells me again. Make a
\\I think about a bird. An eagle! I see a bird's shadow on the wall. It's not right. I think harder. It begins
to y!
\\Nonno cheers as my eagle ies around the library! He sees it too! I begin to laugh and it disappears.
Nanno writes in his book and tells me we have done enough for today.

>>\\Papà has asked his friend Micheletto to
teach me today. I do not like him. He is mean.
He does not like me either, even though I am
\\Micheletto asks me if I know where to kick
somebody. I tell him I would kick somebody in
the knee. He says a knee hurts, but there is a
better place that hurts more, even for a woman.
I ask him if he has ever kicked a woman and he
says he has kicked many!
\\Micheletto pushes me to the ground and tells me to get up! I try to stand, but he steps on me! He
tells me that I will be dead before I reach ten. He says he is wasting his time!
\\I bite his ankle! He picks me up by my shirt and holds me over his head! I cry for my Papà, but nobody
\\Micheletto tells me biting is good if somebody is holding you, but asks me what I'll do when he
smashes out my teeth. I beg him not to smash out my teeth!
\\He pretends to throw me at the wall, but stops. He asks me if I wet my pants. I tell him I did not.
\\Micheletto asks if I have learned anything. I tell him no, but I am lying. I have learned to hate him.
Chapter 2 : Giovanni Borgia | Haunted
In my dreams I am older. I speak words I do not understand in my waking life, yet in this phantom life,
they are clear. I do not know who I am but I have ashes of what I have done. I have travelled far and I
have taken lives. I am a messenger and a deceiver.

[This subsection has a 5-year-old Giovanni in present-day 1503 framing his dream sequences, where
the powers of the Shroud reveal perspectives he should not know, or “memories” he hasn’t lived,
coming from his true father, Perotto’s memories, stored in and transferred through the Shroud to the
unknowing newborn… They’re relayed ahead in full, but you can nd each excerpt where they belong
in time before this as well]

>>\\What did the Shroud do to this poor kid? He
should be dreaming about the Renaissance
equivalent of sunshine and lollipops, not murder
and politics! I've never seen anything like this!
\\The Brothers stand before me. I am not one of
them yet, but I soon will be. Tonight, I ascend.
\\Where other men blindly follow the truth,
remember … nothing is true.
\\Where other men are limited by morality or law, remember … everything is permitted.
\\They leave their mark upon me. A symbolic sacri ce. Searing iron burns the esh of my hand!
\\All that is left - the leap of faith. They lead, each Brother plummeting from the tower and landing
safely below in a bail of hay. They are like eagles. Truly free. I do not hesitate. The fall feels like a
ight. Exhilarating!
\\Perotto! Giovanni dreamed as Perotto! That means he must have had Lucrezia memories in there that
would make Oedipus blush! This is bad, bad stu , but you need to dig deeper. I will work on preventing
this from reaching any Abstergo reports. -Erudito
>>\\My Brothers have placed a child into my
care. His family has long served us, but he is
still a pup. I am to teach him the ways of our
Order as I was taught at his age.
\\He is a scrawny child, bone thin and tall for his
age. He will have some di culty at rst, but his
body will adapt to the training.
\\Francesco is eager as well as thorough. He
repeats his questions. He asks me to repeat my
demonstrations as he studies. He will not move on with a lesson unless he is satis ed with his results.
At times I grow frustrated because he is a perfectionist.
\\Francesco is quick to anger. He charges me without purpose, sword ailing. I lightly tap him on the
side to show how my blade easily passed his uncontrolled attack. I encourage him to calm himself. In
battle, emotion is a weakness.
\\I riposte and knock Francesco's sword from his grip. He takes it poorly, slumping his shoulders and
insulting himself. I pick it up for him and tell him to try again, explaining how to keep a better grip on
a weapon.
\\It is important to let a child be a child. I leave Francesco with a group of children his age in a nearby
village. They put together a small parade and Francesco takes the lead. I cheer for him in his toy
\\I believe Francesco will make an exceptional addition to our Order. The boy is strong, despite his
physical limitations. Speaking with him is like speaking to an adult at times. He is wise beyond his
>>\\I am tangled in nightmares. I have never felt
love. I have felt love so strongly it strangles me.
I am Borgia. The Borgia are my enemies. I am
Assassin. The Assassins are my enemies. Cesare
is my father. Perotto is my father. Perotto. I am
Perotto. I am Giovanni. I am lost.
\\I am drowning in a sea of letters. I must write.
I have not learned how. Words I cannot
understand cover every surface in blood red ink.
I try to write over them with my quill. The blackness of my ink is lost in the scarlet pools.
\\Papà strikes me with his blade! Cesare stabs me in the back! I cry. I fall. I want to be free of him. I
want to kill him. I will get into trouble. I will cause trouble for Lucrezia. I must run to Zia. Everything
for Lucrezia.
\\Men in white hoods surround me. Am I here to teach them? How? I am a child. Are they here to teach
me? My students. My executioners. My future?
\\I know too much but I know nothing. I am innocent, yet wracked by guilt.
\\I chase an object of power. I have no faith that it will work. I know how it works. It will heal him. It
will heal me. It will remake me.
\\My dream threatens to burst. It is too much. Will I ever wake? Will I ever sleep again?

Lateral Vision
>>\\I am a baby again. Sick. Dying. I carry my
baby. I have the Shroud. He wraps me in a
blanket. The blanket hums. The Shroud hums.
\\Damn you! Heal him. Who is talking? Who is
yelling? COME CLOSER.
\\It hurts! PAIN IS TEMPORARY. I do not
\\So warm! So cold. It draws the life from me. It makes me feel alive. Is it done? YES. Did it work?
Answer me! Did it work?
\\Consus? Are you there, Consus? SLEEP, CHILD. FORGET THESE DREAMS.
Chapter 2 : Giovanni Borgia | Too Far
Papà says I am too soft. He does not want to look at me. He makes me cry I tell him I can be stronger. I
can be like him. He makes me promise.

Public Nuisance
>>\\Papà has sent me out with Micheletto again.
I begged him not to. He said it is for my own
good. He said I need to see the real world. I have
brought something in my pack. Nonno would be
very angry if he knew.
\\Micheletto does not talk to me. He walks fast.
Almost too fast for me to keep up.
\\Micheletto stops to talk to an old man. He is
poor and dirty. I wonder if Micheletto will give
him money. Micheletto tells me the man's name and asks me to greet him.
\\The old man is nice. He tells me I remind him of his own son. He asks how old I am. I tell him I am
\\Micheletto puts a nger to his mouth. I stay quiet as the old man talks. Micheletto takes out a rope
and wraps it around the old man's neck!
\\Micheletto lifts the old man by his neck! He is choking! He kicks and swats his arms! I beg Micheletto
to stop. He just smiles!
\\The man is dead! Micheletto asks me if I had fun. I tell him no! He says it will be more fun after I
have done it a few times.

>>\\I run from Micheletto! He swears and chases
me! He is too fast! I try to run into an alley, but
he follows me!
\\Micheletto takes out his rope again! He pulls it
tight between his sts!
\\I take the Apple out of my pack! Micheletto
looks shocked! He tries to grab me!
\\I try to picture something. Anything! I am too
\\Papà! Help me! Papà!
\\Papà walks into the alley! He turns towards Micheletto and draws his sword! Micheletto apologizes
and drops his rope! I run to Papà, but he disappears! Micheletto runs away!
Chapter 2 : Giovanni Borgia | Finding Clarity
I hate Papà. Nonno only cares about the Apple. Zia is always sad. I want to run away from them! I want
to live somewhere else.

Bread Crumbs
>>\\A pigeon ies into my room! He has a note
tied to his foot! I pull it o and he ies away. I
stare at the note, but I cannot read it.
\\Consus tells me what it says. It wants me to
come to the fountain square. A game! I love
\\Nobody watches me. It is easy to sneak out if I
am quiet. Nonno is reading a book. He doesn't
see me.
\\Zia is crying again. She will cry more if I go see her. I walk past her room.
\\Papà is not in Roma. He would not notice me anyway.
\\The guards are at their post. They are close to the doors. Somebody shouts at them and they chase
after him! I run through the doors!
\\I run to the fountain. One of the statues has another note in his hand! I take it. It tells me to nd my
way. It says to use my other eyes.

My Own Eyes
>>\\The note told me to use my other eyes.
Sometimes I see things that are not there.
Drawings, or waves. I look around the fountain
for drawings. I like this game!
\\I look for an arrow or footprints. I do not see
anything. The note did not say what to look for.
There! A man who is brighter than the rest. I run
after him!
\\I run into an alley. The man is not here. Where
did he go? I look up. There! He is up there! I laugh at him. He waves at me to follow.
\\He is fast! He jumps from roof to roof. I stay on the streets and try to keep up!
\\We reach another alley. The man puts up his hand. He wants me to stop. He puts a nger to his
mouth. He wants me to be quiet.
\\Two dirty men see me. One has no teeth. The other one has a knife! They ask why my clothes are so
fancy. They ask if I have any coins!
\\The man drops from above! It is so high. I think he will hurt himself. No! He lands on the other men.
He pulls away his hands. Their necks are bleeding!
>>\\He says his name is Francesco. His clothes
are strange, like a magician. He says not to be
scared. I am not scared. I tell him I want to go
with him.
\\He asks me about the Apple. Do I know where
it is? I tell him Papà hid it from me when he
found out I took it outside. They do not let me
play with it anymore.
\\Consus tells me to trust Francesco. He says he
can help me.
\\I do not know why, but I tell him I forgive him. He asks me to repeat myself. I do not remember what I
\\He tells me he can take me to live with his Brothers. Only if that is what I want. It is! I ask him if he
is a Sassin. He makes a funny face.
\\Francesco takes the dirty clothes from one of the men he killed. He wraps it around me. It stinks! We
walk fast through the crowd. He has a horse waiting. He helps me climb up.
\\We are riding fast! I ask Francesco if I will ever see Zia again. He tells me it is my choice, but I have
to keep secrets. Big secrets.
Chapter 2 : Giovanni Borgia | Et Tu, Brute?

[Again, these “memories” are being witnessed by 5yr old Giovanni, but they were written into the
Shroud’s memory from Brutus’ time with it. Again, the memories ahead are Temporized to both spots
in the timeline for this reason…]

Caverns of the Mind

>>\\Dreams of the cavern again! I run my
phantom hands along its walls and recognize
every aw. There is writing here, but I cannot
read it. Carved into texture. Burned into shadow.
Answers unreachable within my slumber.
\\I am ying without form! I am the wind. No, I
am upon the wind, pulled away from the city.
Across eld and forest. Once again, I study my
path though I know it will be lost when I wake.
\\I hear them. Warnings. Prophecy. Doom. Nightmares! I am needed. I need.
\\I see a face. It is my own and then it is my father's. My Caesar. The esh upon his skull picked apart
by carrion birds!
\\Cleopatra and Caesar kiss while Roma burns! I shout to Caesar! Turn around! Turn and save your
\\Twenty three blades. Twenty three keys.

>>\\We drop to our knees, our breaths catching
in our throats as we try to grasp the spectacle
before us. Giovanni is dreaming. Brutus is
awake. This same cavern has haunted our
dreams. We have spent countless nights
exploring it in our sleep. We were compelled to
nd it.
\\It is here that we will hold council. Here we
will plot the downfall of our enemy, our friend,
our Papà, our dictator perpetuo. Forty of us, each a senator. One child, a dreamer. Each a Liberatore.
Each an Assassin.
\\The rst council has ended. Our problem is clear, our response undetermined. Caesar moves away
from the Senate, placing his trust in foreign rulers, adopting the ego and pomp of his Egyptian whore.
Cesare moves away from his family, leaving Giovanni at the mercy of his mad dog.
\\Caesar refuses to rise when he addresses us and sco s at our concerns. He has created his own
private senate, lled with deceivers, manipulators, people who have no business in Roman a airs.
Papà works with monsters and killers who do not care about Roma's people.
\\My brothers are eager for blood, but I am not certain I can spill it. Roma will not be free until Papà is
\\We have found traces of whatever pulled us towards this place. Whispers. Lights ickering through
cracks in the earth. A doorway that is also a puzzle. We must nd the solution.
\\YOU HAVE LOST FOCUS. No, I have found purpose. YOU ONLY SEE THE PAST. No, I see the future.

>>\\WAKE UP, CHILD. I am awake! Look, my eyes
are open. I must nd a blade. I must stab Caesar
twenty three times.
\\I nd a dagger in the room where Caesar and I
practice with wooden swords. It hangs high on a
wall, but I climb up a chair. He does not let me
use the real blades yet, but it feels right in my
\\Today. The Ides of March. Caesar will be in the
Theatre of Pompey. I sneak down the hallway. Cleopatra is asleep in her room.
\\The other senators are not here! We had a plan! They must be afraid. I will go alone!
\\Caesar is snoring. I am small, but I can kill him in his sleep if I am quiet. I lift the dagger and look at
his face. Papà?
\\Micheletto grabs my arm and pulls me from the room! I try to cry out but he covers my mouth! I did
not mean it! Please, just let me go! PAIN IS TEMPORARY.
Agnadello, Lombardy, France, May 14th, 1509
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Italian Wars
Chapter 1 : Bartolomeo d’Alviano | Overview
Subject: Bartolomeo d’Alviano | Location: The Battle of Agnadello | Time Period: 1509 CE
DDS VO: Welcome to the DDS Program. Please remain still while we synchronize your rst
assignment. In 1509 CE, the Battle of Agnadello dealt a devastating blow to the Venetian army. You
will relive this battle through the eyes and mind of one of its captains, Bartolomeo d'Alviano. Please
report any anomalies you encounter.

Chapter 1 : Bartolomeo d’Alviano | Death Defiant

The world bleeds red as I struggle to open my
eyes. Steel bites steel in the distance, chased by
labored shouts. I have fallen in battle. The
enemy ignores me; they have left me for dead. I
soon will be if I do not act!

First Aid
>>\\I shudder as I shift my weight onto one leg. I
have been stabbed at least twice, and my
bleeding brow makes it di cult to see. I must
tend to these wounds before I bleed to death!
\\It's just a scrap, but it will do!
\\This should help stop the bleeding!
\\It's dirty, but I have no time to be picky!
\\This should hold for now!
\\That stung!
\\I manage to stop the bleeding! I remove my
slashed helm and dress my head wound with
the tattered remnants of an enemy ag.

Rally Point
>>\\Fallen condottieri oat in the muck around
me. Most have been slain or scattered by the
French cavalry. I must rally the survivors.
\\With me, brothers!
\\Come, they haven't killed us yet!
\\Are you going to play in the mud all day? To my
\\We have survived worse than this!
\\Stand up! You can lick your wounds later!
\\My rallied crew is battered, but determined. They are eager for blood. So am I!
Tools of the Trade
>>\\Bianca, my beloved blade, is lost somewhere
in the mud. I will return for her, but for now I
must arm myself with inferior weaponry.
\\Sorry, but you have no need for these anymore!
\\I have trained with better weapons than this,
but I take it anyway.
\\As long as the blade is sharp, I can make use
of it.
\\This will taste a Frenchman's blood before
\\Not bad at all!
\\I have collected a small arsenal from the dead and dying. I heft a sword in each hand and my pockets
are now full of surprises, should the enemy attack me.

Chapter 1 : Bartolomeo d’Alviano | Turning the Tide

The three detachments who broke us still patrol
the outskirts of Agnadello. We were routed and
wounded. They have dismissed us. Today, the
dead rise!

>>\\We charge the northern patrol! To them, it
must seem as though we have risen from
beneath the mud. Wave after wave we pour into
their ranks, blades raised.
\\My enemy swings high, exposing his ribs. A
fatal mistake!
\\This one tries to parry. I hit his sword full force,
knowing one of my men will gut him as he
struggles for balance!
\\A boot to the groin sends my victim crawling
through the mud! Three of us put our swords
through his back.
\\This one is barely an adult. A shame, but
there's no mercy on this battle eld!
\\Roaring, I tackle my victim! I stand, but he does not. The crossed hilt of my dagger protrudes from
the mud like a tombstone.
\\Victory! We lost a few men, but the enemy has lost its entire patrol. We scavenge what equipment
we can and move on.
The Ruse
>>\\Under the guise of surrender, a handful of us
approach the western cavalry patrol. The bulk of
our army waits in the vineyard, ready to ank!
\\They suspect something. I distract them with a
plea for the life of my men.
\\I try to bribe them. Land, wealth, women.
Anything to keep them focused on me!
\\My men creep up from behind while I hold the
enemy's attention.
\\They demand that we throw down our weapons. We do it. We will soon have more to choose from!
\\I need to keep them busy just a moment longer!
\\By the time they realize our deception, my men are nearly upon them. They try to spin their horses,
but they trip over each other. We make short work of them.

Role Reversal
>>\\Atop the enemy's own steeds and wielding
stolen weapons, we ride down the remaining
patrol! We will lose horses to their pikemen, but
we have the numbers.
\\A soldier thrusts his pike deep into the neck of
the horse beside me, toppling its rider. I veer o
to trample him!
\\I sweep my longsword o my horse's ank and
hack through my opponents!
\\Two Frenchmen try to ee, but our plan requires no survivors! I signal to my men and they cut them
\\I am nearly dismounted as a pike catches on my saddle! I grip the pole and charge forward, knocking
the wind from my attacker.
\\Our horses have di culty maneuvering through the soggy ground in a skirmish, so we ride them out
of combat and charge back through.
\\The last patrol has been silenced! We are not sure if Agnadello's garrison heard any of the battles,
but we believe they were masked by the harsh storm.
Chapter 1 : Bartolomeo d’Alviano | Vying for the Village
Stunned villagers wander the streets, but it
appears the enemy has left Agnadello. Surely
Louis would not abandon his prize! We must
prepare for another attack!

Fighting Fire
>>\\One section of Agnadello still burns! Its
residents have mostly evacuated, but we wish to
win their trust. We will help them control the
\\The villagers bring us buckets and show us
where to ll them.
\\For every re we douse, another springs to life!
\\The heat is nearly impenetrable, but it does
not deter my mercenaries!
\\The ames spread to another building, but the
villagers extinguish it before it can grow!
\\The scorched corpse of a building collapses. My
men deftly sidestep the aming debris!
\\We have fought back the inferno. Many of the villagers are without homes, but they are a tight
community. They will take care of each other. We have earned valuable allies here.

>>\\Some of the villagers are eager to ght
alongside us. Some of them are veterans, long
since done with war. Others are young and eager
to ght back against the invaders. We turn none
\\His scars tell me he has seen his share of
\\This one is crippled, but he assures me he can
ride a horse. I accept.
\\A father and son enlist. I can sense the pride each has for the other.
\\I have fought some of these men under di erent ags in the past. It does not matter. For now, we
are allies.
\\Some of the recruits are visibly shaken. My men cheer for them as they join us and make them feel
welcome. Their spirits lift.
\\We have managed to expand our army with the good people of Agnadello. They believe they will
ght, and they may yet, but we merely intend the French to believe we have received reinforcements
from my cousin.
Forging Ahead
>>\\The local blacksmiths have o ered us their
forges. They work through the night to provide
us with more weaponry before the French
\\Impressive quality! I have paid for inferior
blades in the past.
\\My men test the balance of the weapons.
\\Some of my mercenaries have speci c requests
for their weapons. The smiths are impatient, but they oblige.
\\Smiling, a smith asks me to test the blade he has crafted. I am impressed. He is not. I hand it back to
him and he continues to toil.
\\We marvel at the e ciency of the village's craftsmen.
\\We replace our broken blades with sturdier ones crafted by Agnadello's skilled smiths.

Demanding Supplies
>>\\Though the villagers fear retribution for
aiding us, we push them to help us gather
supplies. We promise to defend Agnadello.
\\I o er my gratitude as the villagers bring in
more supplies.
\\These men are used to hard work in the
vineyards. They do not disappoint us.
\\Even as they assist us, the villagers
occasionally peer over their shoulders. They are
\\Some of the villagers have retrieved supplies from their own homes. I vow to repay them once we
have won this battle.
\\These people sacri ce much to aid us. We will not forget.
\\Agnadello is not a large village but with the help of its people, we have managed bolster our
>>\\We have done our best to prepare, but the
storm is upon us! Louis XII's armies have
returned. We needed more time! The enemy
cavalry tears through the streets of Agnadello!
We brace for impact!
\\The enlisted villagers hold their ground against
a charge, but they are soon obliterated by
enemy archers!
\\I tear half a dozen men from their horses, but
it makes no di erence. Agnadello is completely overrun!
\\I am struck again and again! I struggle to remain upright!
\\I bark orders to my men but they cannot hear me! We ght through the chaos!
\\I send my ercest mercenaries forward and they are trampled within moments!
\\Once again, I taste my own blood! The bodies of my fallen Brothers are strewn about the city. An
endless wall of enemy blocks me from escape. Their leader gloats. I stare into his face, one I know all
too well, as he shackles me.
Lonigo, Italy, January 1510
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Italian Wars
Chapter 2 : Francesco Vecellio | Overview
Subject: Francesco Vecellio | Lonigo, Italy | Time Period: 1510 CE
DDS VO: You may feel mild discomfort during synchronization. This is normal. It is important to
maintain your concentration. History places Niccolò di Pitagliano’s death in Lonigo, Italy in the year
1510 CE. Our data supports this fact. But the circumstances of his death require further investigation.
Please take notes and report your ndings.

Chapter 2 : Francesco Vecellio | On the Hunt

My target is old, unsuspecting. Age will take his
life soon, but I will not allow it. I am here to
send a message to his allies. I must study his
routines, nd his weaknesses, and sow discord
within his community.

>>\\When an old soldier has outlived his glory,
he may try to revive it through drink and dinner,
boasting his victories in a bustling tavern. No
doubt I will learn much about my target by
visiting his preferred spots.
\\The people in this tavern laugh at Niccolò's
exaggerated stories. They poke holes in them!
\\Niccolò’s guards frequent this tavern. I keep
their glasses full and eventually they begin to
\\I indulge in a few glasses myself, but not
enough to lose my focus. The proprieter shares
stories about Niccolò's drunken exploits.
\\I sit with one of Niccolò's servants. She tries to change the subject, but I do manage to pry some
information from her.
\\I stand and weave a rousing story about Niccolò's exploits. The crowd groans and provides me with
valuable contradictions.
\\The residents of Lonigo have grown tired of Niccolò's excesses. Through my time spent in his
favourite taverns, I have gained both information and allies.
>>\\Niccolò has been entertaining couriers from
Rome. They move in shadow, usually without
guards, making them easy targets for me. If they
refuse to share the information I want, I have
techniques to make them talk!
\\This courier is stubborn, but breaking a will is
easy once you've broken a bone!
\\He gives me a good chase, but I have
memorized the alleyways of Lonigo. Once
tackled, he is quick to relay his message!
\\This courier de es me, so I expose a wrist blade and nick his throat! He talks.
\\I demonstrate my anatomical knowledge with the tip of my knife. The courier tells me everything he
\\My victim refuses to talk, despite my best e orts. I kill him swiftly and recover information from his
\\Niccolò di Pitigliano has not left the game. The information I have recovered from his couriers has
frightening implications!

Word of Mouth
>>\\Often the easiest way to gather information
is to do nothing but walk. I pick the busiest
streets in Lonigo and closely follow the ebb and
ow of the crowd, careful not to draw attention,
yet close enough to overhear their gossip.
\\I eavesdrop on a group of farmers involved in a
land dispute with Niccolò. He seems to have
many enemies.
\\I get no speci c information, but the people
here seem on edge. Perhaps I can use this to my advantage!
\\When the murmur of a crowd grows, people tend to think their conversations are masked. I listen.
\\Niccolò's guards mock him when they're o duty. Interesting…
\\A couple discuss Niccolò. I con rm a rumour and vanish into the crowd before they turn. Paranoia
leads to richer gossip.
\\After a day walking beside its people, I feel Lonigo's pulse. I understand not only how her populace
think, but how it moves. I am one step closer to trapping my prey!
Siren’s Lure
>>\\My target spends his nights with a
pampered lady on each arm. He uses them to
feel young; they use him to feel powerful. No
doubt these courtesans are privy to secrets he
would like to bury.
\\Fortunately, this woman is more interested in
coin than secrecy!
\\I have uncovered an intriguing, yet disgusting
\\I suspected Niccolò's vices might be unusual, but these surpass even my imagination!
\\This woman seems to be genuine in her fondness for Niccolò. I tread carefully. Her reactions tell me
what I wish to know.
\\We laugh as she describes Niccolò's… di culties.
\\I have uncovered vile details about Niccolò's private life! They are valuable to my plans, but I will
spend many years trying to expunge them from my memory.

Every Last Detail

>>\\My Order prides itself on precision. I must
study the behaviour of my target before I strike.
I must have an escape plan. There is no room for
\\Masked by the movement of the crowd, I study
the times that Niccolò leaves and returns to his
house. I note the number of guards he brings
and the types of weapons they wield.
\\From a rooftop, I watch Niccolò's guests arrive;
courtesans, couriers, scoundrels and nobles. Most visit alone, but occasionally he entertains a large
party of guests.
\\I study the doors and windows of my target's house. Should I choose to kill him here, I must be
prepared for surprises.
\\I follow Niccolò and his guards to the market. I take note of what he purchases and who sells it to
\\I test Niccolò's guards, sometimes with thrown pebbles, but usually with my voice. I watch their
patterns as they move in to investigate and I time how long it takes before they call o their hunt.
\\I am con dent that I can now predict Niccolò's daily actions, and I have an intuition about how his
guards will respond to an attack. Soon, I will take advantage of this knowledge…
Chapter 2 : Francesco Vecellio | Bait and Trap
My task is not to simply murder my target, but
to destroy his in uence over Lonigo. I will strip
him of his power, de le his name, and ensure
that his legacy dies with him!

Character Assassination
>>\\The people of Lonigo already harbour ill will
towards Niccolò. It is time to unleash them! My
assistants will spread rumours, make wild
accusations, and incite violence.
\\Word gets around that Niccolò has an
unhealthy attraction to his horse. He must be
\\Workers in the marketplace expel Niccolò's
men! Though they protest, the citizens of Lonigo
outnumber them.
\\Niccolò has been branded a traitor! I am
certain he will denounce such a claim, but we
both know this one is not merely a rumour.
\\A group forms outside Niccolò's home, demanding answers! They will get none, of course.
\\I bribe several street criers to distribute my own doctored version of the news for a day.
\\I have created a battle eld of public opinion. With his attention focused on another front, Niccolò
will not expect my advance!

>>\\Lonigo's politicians have overlooked,
falsi ed and intervened to cover for Niccolò. No
doubt he crawls to them now as I turn this town
against him. He will nd their o ces empty.
\\This one spits threats at me but how quickly
they change to pleas once he realizes my trade!
\\I dispatch my victim from a rooftop nearby. A
perfect shot!
\\He struggles to speak while I tighten the coil
around his neck! I have no interest in what he wants to say.
\\He o ers money for his life. Predictable! So is his ight when he realizes I will not accept his bribe.
\\This politician has some skill at swordplay, but one missed thrust is all it takes for me to run him
\\I have severed any powerful ties Niccolò might call upon, but now I risk exposure if I linger too long. I
must strike soon!
Church Dues
>>\\The “church” in Lonigo has been bribed to
brand Niccolò's enemies as heretics,
condemning them to unfair trials and often
execution. These are not "men of God." These are
men who believe they are gods. I intend to
demonstrate their mortality!
\\He cries out for guards rather than his own
God! I doubt this corrupt curate even believes
what he preaches.
\\A church is a place of false security. I nish one of my targets in plain sight!
\\I nd priest assembling documents that condemn a young woman to the gallows. He kicks a table
over as my cord tears into his neck!
\\A priest addresses me as one of his brothers before he realizes I only wear garb similar to his. I
swiftly silence him!
\\I am careful not to draw any blood. This church still belongs to the people of Lonigo.
\\The church can be more powerful than the law, so I retreat quickly once my work is done. I only hope
the replacements for the men I have killed will serve their congregation honestly.

Where It Hurts
>>\\Niccolò uses assistants to do most of his
purchasing in Lonigo. He is no light spender,
which means his men are carrying a hefty
amount of coin. I believe I can put it to better
use... I will hire assistants as well.
\\The men I have recruited return with bloodied
blades and full purses!
\\A pro table attack. Niccolò will feel the sting
of this one!
\\I suspect my hired help is pocketing most of the money they recover. I suppose they've earned it.
\\Sloppy work this time! My men were nearly arrested. Fortunately, they were successful.
\\I am shocked by just how much money Niccolò sends out with his men! He believes they are
\\Though we have only taken a small portion of Niccolò's funds, we have done enough to upset him. He
will be nervous and nerves often lead to mistakes.
No Escape
>>\\Niccolò plans to ee my trap! Already, he
sends convoys out of Lonigo, carrying his prize
belongings. They will not be easy to take, but I
pay my men well for the risk.
\\The convoy succumbs to the punishing re
from my archers! We nd mostly clothing inside.
I allow my crew to keep what they want and sell
the rest.
\\We take a convoy lled with paintings and
sculptures. Some of us suggest sell it, but I intervene. I will see that this art is cared for.
\\My men nearly lose the battle for one of the convoys, but it pays o — they will eat well tonight!
\\Niccolò tries to sneak relatives out of Lonigo, but we turn them back. I have no plans to harm
Niccolò's family, but he must not feel like he has control.
\\My men are untrained, but I have made sure we outnumber Niccolò's horsemen two-to-one. We
easily take a convoy!
\\We were vigilant and none of Niccolò's convoys managed to escape Lonigo. We have gained plenty of
funds for my plans to continue!

Chapter 2 : Francesco Vecellio | Bloodwork

With Niccolò's community turned against him,
he will be employing every resource to ensure
his survival and I will be employing all of mine
to hunt him.

Boxing In
>>\\I must scout every possible exit from
Niccolò's manor. If he tries to run, I will be able
to anticipate every potential move he makes and
quickly adapt my strategy.
\\I seal several of the windows shut from the
\\I tie cords across the bottoms of several
doorways; they should topple anyone who runs
through them!
\\I spill a vial of oil onto the stairs — a crude, but
e ective trick!
\\I extinguish several lights around the manor's
perimeter. Unlike my target, I am trained to
work in the dark!
\\I hang some of Niccolò's own clothing in trees around his yard. In the dark, he may perceive them as
waiting assassins and choose another route.
\\I have severely limited Niccolò's options for escape. It seems excessive, but I am a man of detail!

Crowd Control
>>\\I have instructed my hired help to swarm the
front entrance of Niccolò's manor, where they
will draw a rowdy crowd. I intend to separate
Niccolò from most of his guards.
\\The crowd swells! Furious shouts draw more
and more people to it!
\\Someone peeks at the crowd from a window
upstairs! Niccolò?
\\They hurl fruit at the manor's facade! They
know there will be no retaliation — the crowd is too big!
\\Several of Niccolò's private guard push towards the crowd. I see ashes of violence as they are pulled
into it! They never emerge.
\\Guards step forward and re their arquebuses into the air. The crowd takes a step back but does not
\\I have blocked any possible escape route through the front of the manor. Many of the guards will be
too busy with the crowd to come to Niccolò's aid!

>>\\My hired men are mostly ru ans and
thieves. I will call upon my Order to join me and
reduce the amount of guards Niccolò has
employed. I will send an encoded message by
courier pigeon; she will know where to y.
\\I have killed with this one before, several years
\\This ferocious assassin was once a Barbary
Corsair. He is perfect for my plan!
\\A condottiero arrives. I know he is not one of my Order, but he has worked with us in the past. I trust
him implicitly.
\\Two assassins arrive, but they cover their faces. They must be new to our Order — once skilled
enough, there is no need for a mask.
\\I am joined by one of my own students. This will be a solid lesson for him, should he survive it!
\\I have called upon my Order to aid me while I end Niccolò's life. They know the kill is my task alone,
but they will attempt to keep the guards from interfering.
Cruel Efficiency
>>\\Niccolò has amassed his guards behind his
manor. He will attempt to ee Lonigo soon. My
Brothers will slip through the crowd and slay as
many as they can!
\\One of my Brothers tosses a smoke bomb into
the crowd. The guards scatter!
\\Two assassins strike as one, their blades
saluting each other as they pierce through their
\\I hear the whistle of throwing daggers and three guards drop!
\\The guards shout to each other, confused! One man is silenced mid-sentence.
\\I see only glimpses of my Brothers as they weave through the crowd!
\\Content that the guards are busy, I prepare to head inside the manor. No doubt there will be more
inside, but I am sure I can handle them alone.

Into the Den

>>\\I have entered the manor. The noise outside
is tremendous, but I hear multiple voices inside.
I must tread carefully as I scout for my prey.
\\I nd a group of guards ri ing through
Niccolò's cabinets. They will take their payment
however they can and leave him soon.
\\Several men have gathered near the entrance.
They discuss how they will safely move Niccolò
from the manor. He is not with them.
\\I hear Niccolò's voice from the oor above me!
\\I sidestep into the shadows of a bedroom as several guards run past! They are focused on the
carnage outside and do not stop to search.
\\As I slip my way through the manor's interior, I take note of each window and how it lines up outside,
quickly check each door for locks, and plan my own escape route.
\\Niccolò is on the top oor. I have determined that most of his guards have left the manor. I hide for a
moment to nalize my strategy before moving in.
Chapter 2 : Francesco Vecellio | Playing Dead
I should be dead! The assassin's blade struck
true, yet I still draw breath. The Shroud! I was
sure he would nd it, but I still feel its presence;
I hear it in my head!

The Voice of Reason

>>\\It's just a faint whisper in my head, but it
demands action. It speaks in a language I do not
understand, but I sense what it means. "GET UP,"
it demands. I try, but my wounds are too severe.
\\I drag myself over to oorboards beneath my
desk and pry them open. As soon as I see it, my
mind blazes.

>>\\I touch the artifact and my world is
enveloped in brilliant light. Did I die? Can this be
— no, I must wake up from this!
\\I extend my arms and watch them stretch into
the void.
\\Eyes within eyes! An in nite sea of perception!
Stop staring! Please, stop staring!
\\My tongue catches a playful wind and unrolls
like a spindle of red ribbon. It sails skyward and I grin.
\\I reach into the white and it stains my hands. I watch it travel through my veins.
\\I try to close my eyes, but I have none.
\\I shake my head and the room returns to normal. I can move again! The pain is extreme, but I am
rejuvenated. I grab the artifact.
>>\\My manor is burning! I must ee this place! I
can only hope the crowd outside has dispersed.
\\I stumble over two of my guards. Their throats
are slit!
\\This stairwell is impassible; burning debris has
fallen from the oor above! I am not sure I have
the strength left to nd another route.
\\My ngers tremble! I nearly drop the artifact,
so I tuck it under my arm.
\\The hallway is completely dark. I proceed with a hand scraping along one wall and hope for the best.
\\I test a window, but it has been sealed from the outside!
\\I gasp for air as I drop onto the grass outside. Where will I go? If I can even escape Lonigo, I will not
survive a trip to another town, unless…

Side Effects
>>\\I have no choice. Whatever power this thing
holds, I must try to unleash it! I wrap myself in
the Shroud.
\\I begin to vomit! A little at rst, but then it
ows red as I violently expel my insides.
\\Too much! A thousand voices shouting at once!
My head cannot take anymore!
\\My body folds upon itself! My muscles pull
tighter than should be possible and I feel my
bones snap!
\\I feel the Shroud's power! It is tearing me apart! I cannot control it!
\\I am no longer in control of my own body! It recon gures as the voices demand!
\\I have stopped breathing. One of my eyes has gone blind, the other is slowly losing focus. I see the
assassin approach. “Disgusting,” he says, as he pulls the Shroud from my dying grip. How? How did he

Tenochtitlan, México, 1511

Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Rome
Excerpt from Chapter 4 : Giovanni Borgia | Farsighted
In the Thick of It
… We have found Spaniards among [the Chetumal Mayans]! Gonzalo Guerrero and Gerónimo de Aguilar
shipwrecked nearly a decade ago [by 1520] and have been living with the tribes.
Tenochtitlan, México, 1520
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Rome
Chapter 4 : Giovanni Borgia | Overview
Subject: Giovanni Borgia | Location: México | Time Period: 1520 CE
DDS VO: Preparing to synchronize. Note that we are experiencing a small system glitch that may
cause a subtle ringing in your ears. It should pass as you enter the memory. The new world was
plundered in the 15th Century. Explorers became conquerors. La Noche Triste, or the Night of Sorrows,
awash a bloody uprising between the Aztecs and the Spanish conquistadors. Hernán Cortes himself
was driven from Tenochtitlan. Firsthand reports of the massacre present opposing perspectives. Find
the truth.

Tenochtitlan, México, Early 1520

Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Rome
Chapter 4 : Giovanni Borgia | Farsighted
My hunt continues. We must nd these relics of a previous world. Study them. The Brotherhood has
made connections, leveraged deals, and ensured my place aboard Hernán Cortés' ship, bound for the
New World. To México.

>>\\The Spaniards know me as Botello, a soldier
and a scholar. I have worked hard to perfect my
accent and my garb. They remain convinced that
I am one of them. I am to chronicle their
adventures, though necessity demands I omit
certain events.
\\I study my maps and charts, sometimes
comparing them to the stars. I am convinced we
are following the correct course!
\\I use tools the crew has never seen, lenses and measures suited to study subjects new to these men.
\\Rumor around the ship brands me an astrologer. A magician. They believe I will bring them luck in
their journey, so I do not correct them.
\\With everything I know, what I have personally witnessed, I marvel at the endless sea beneath our
ship. What secrets lie lost below? Relics? Cities? Answers?
\\I keep a journal about our voyage, careful to note directions and obstacles. I write in doublespeak.
Even a scholar would nd my journal mundane and obsessed with details. A Brother, however, would
nd much more hidden in those sentences.
\\We reach shore soon. How my heart races! I have studied these relics from our past, these Pieces of
Eden, and I have even wielded them on rare occasion. I have spent my life theorizing and mapping, but
never before have I had the opportunity to hunt one.
In the Thick of It
>>\\We have landed! When we approach the
Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan, we will be vastly
outnumbered. If they are hostile, we stand no
chance. Fortunately, we have allies will help us
\\Cortés has grown close to a Nahua slave
named Malinalli. Though she does not speak
Spanish, she does speak many of the tribal
languages. She communicates on our behalf,
though we can only assume what she is saying.
\\The natives speak of bearded men, a foreigners like us, living with the Maya in Chetumal. One of our
rst tasks is to nd them.
\\Malinalli has gained us access to the Chetumal Mayans. We have found Spaniards among them!
Gonzalo Guerrero and Gerónimo de Aguilar shipwrecked nearly a decade ago and have been living with
the tribes.
\\Malinalli and Aguilar can communicate through the Mayan language, much to Cortés' delight.
Tenochtitlan's people will speak Nahuatl, a language unknown to Aguilar. Malinalli will translate to
Mayan. Aguilar will translate Mayan to Spanish. It will be slow and confusing, but it will work!
\\Our numbers are too small to enter Tenochtitlan without aid. We will seek aid from the Tlaxcalans,
an indigenous people not yet conquered by the Aztecs.
\\Cortés, speaking through Aguilar and Malinalli, has made enormous promises to the Tlaxcalans. I
suspect the Spaniards will use these people to conquer the Aztecs. I seek no involvement in their
ambitions, but I must prevent Spain from nding the relic. It is too important.

Sun God
>>\\The view of Tenochtitlan is breathtaking! I
never suspected the sheer scale of this
civilization. The capital city is massive,
intersected by causeways lled with boats, and
grand temples reach towards the heavens.
\\There must be at least 100,000 people in this
city. No… more than double that. If they are
hostile, we stand no chance. I study my Spanish
hosts. Their weapons and armor begin to scare
me. Surely the Aztecs will realize their intent?
\\The Aztecs send a party to meet us. Our Tlaxcalan escorts meet them. They argue. Their voices rise
and I anticipate violence. I rest my hand on my sword!
\\Both parties have calmed. Malinalli translates for Aguilar. Aguilar tells us that we will meet the
leader of Tenochtitlan, Moctezuma. A rare occasion – apparently Moctezuma does not show himself to
his people.
\\As we wait, Guererro has an idea. Take o our helms. The men with the largest, fullest beards stand
in front. We are gods. We must convince them that we are gods.
\\Moctezuma arrives with hundreds of his lords divided into two columns. They are barefoot and
costumed. Moctezuma stands in the center with a chief to each side. Cortés asks me to describe this
meeting in my notes.
\\Thanks to our skilled translators, the ruse works. Aguilar translates Moctezuma's words. “You have
graciously arrived, you have known pain, you have known weariness, now come on earth, take your
rest, enter into your palace, rest your limbs; may our lords come on earth.”

Tenochtitlan, México, May 5th-22nd, 1520

Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Rome
Chapter 4 : Giovanni Borgia | Temple Massacre
Moctezuma has invited us to stay in his own chambers. Some of my fellow conspirators believe he
seeks to catch us o guard, but I hear genuine fervor in his voice. If he does not believe us gods, he
wants to. Today is the Festival of Toxcatl, a signi cant day of ceremony.

Religious Observance
>>\\As I search for the relic, I observe the
strange customs and rituals of the Aztec people.
They are happy to provide me with religious
drawings and to share their legends, despite the
complexity of translation. I add them to my
\\The Aztecs have dressed up a young man as
their god. He plays the ute and distributes
owers. They treat him as their god, parading
him around Tenochtitlan with a court of beautiful women. He is worshiped.
\\The man is the manifestation of their god Tezcatlipoca. He is adorned in shells and gold, as are many
of the revelers. The noblest Aztecs arrive in their own priceless jewelry to celebrate. The Spaniards
grow restless. Greedy.
\\Tezcatlipoca presents the Spaniards with his tobacco pipe. Encourages them to smoke. To sing. To
dance. He does not realize their disgust.
\\Some of the women have dressed up as goddesses. They follow me, curious. I study them, curious as
well. They laugh and blush.
\\Tezcatlipoca gestures to see my notebook. Finds that I am drawing a picture of him in his bizarre
costume. We laugh together.
\\The procession continues up the stairs of the temple. Tezcatlipoca has a collection of utes. He
breaks one for each step he climbs. It is a day of great celebration and I wonder if the stories I have
heard are untrue. I am not witnessing savages.
Scavenger Hunt
>>\\I have not lost sight of my goal. With all of
the idols and carvings in Tenochtitlan, I begin to
doubt my chances of locating the relic. I have
only a location, no description, and no one to
help me.
\\All eyes are on the ceremonies. It grants me a
few moments to search. I doubt it would be a
simple stone carving or a gem, but I check them
anyway. The Aztec art is astounding, but not
nearly complex enough to be what I seek.
\\Under pretense of admiring their costumes, I search the priests and nobles of Tenochtitlan. Could it
be a necklace? A sta ? A crown? I nd nothing.
\\Through our translators, I ask the people if they have any objects that talk to them. That hum. They
say the gods talk through everything, that I need only to listen.
\\The temples themselves are works of marvel. Carved with intricate plans that must have required
signi cant manpower. Could it be buried beneath? If so, how does one access it?
\\I look for switches. Panels. Riddles. Nothing.
\\I am drawn to the altar. It is carved with their feathered serpent god, Quetzalcoatl. It is surrounded
by skulls – some stone, most human. I spend a while looking through the charnel, but nd nothing.

>>\\Tezcatlipoca approaches the altar. The
Spaniards grow violent as they realize what is
happening. The priests reveal an obsidian
dagger. Is it the relic? Another man, also dressed
as Tezcatlipoca, is brought forward. This is to be
a sacri ce!
\\The Spaniards voice their outrage. I silence the
translators. No! The ritual will be gruesome, but
it is theirs! It is sacred to them! Interference will
get us killed!
\\They place the man on the altar. The dancers move more violently! They roll back their eyes and
begin to chant. Celebration has become chaos!
\\The Spaniards ready their weapons! I try to convince them to stand down, but they will not.
\\The act is brutal! A priest slices open Tezcatlipoca's chest, pulling free his heart. His assistants ay
the man's skin and hand it to the next Tezcatlipoca, who wears large strips of esh as decoration.
\\They carve out the man's skull and place it in a hollow beneath their altar. The priest pulls out
another skull, crystal, and holds it high. The relic! I hear its hum in my own skull. Faint, but familiar!
\\The Spaniards are ready to strike! Some appalled by what they have just witnessed, others ready to
use it as an excuse to take the Aztec gold. Whatever the outcome, I must have the skull!
>>\\The Spaniards have begun to slaughter the
unarmed nobles of Tenochtitlan! I move towards
the priest, who gapes at the attack, confused.
He still holds the skull aloft. The Spaniards have
not seen it yet. My time to act dwindles!
\\The Aztecs hesitate. They must wonder … why
are their gods attacking them? Today they are
celebrating in our honor! Have we come to
reclaim the debt owed?
\\The Spaniards pluck jewelry from their victims, causing outrage in the Aztecs. The illusion falters!
Some of them nd their courage and attack, only to die at the ends of Spanish swords!
\\I approach the priest from behind. I cannot risk the Spaniards seeing the skull. I unsheathe a hidden
blade and pierce the man's spine. I catch the skull before it hits the temple oor and quickly tuck it
into my cloak.
\\I urge the Spaniards to retreat. There are too many Aztecs! Everyone in Tenochtitlan is here for the
Festival of Toxcatl. They outnumber us by thousands!
\\Several of our Tlaxcalan allies fall to Aztec spears! The Spaniards order them to block our escape.
\\Though I have my prize, I do not see how we will survive this mistake. The Spaniards grab
Moctezuma, force him to follow us. A captive in his own chambers. Yet, still he apologizes to us for the
actions of his people. I feel ashamed.

Tenochtitlan, México, June 30th/July 4th, 1520

Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Rome
Chapter 4 : Giovanni Borgia | The Night of Sorrow
We hold out in Moctezuma's palace as the angry masses shout at us from outside. For now, they avoid
entering the palace, likely due to its religious signi cance or perhaps because we hold their leader.
Either way we will not survive if we stay here.

>>\\Cortes has decided to force Moctezuma to
speak with his people. The Aztec will lie to them,
gain us time to ee to the safety of Tlaxcala.
Moctezuma no longer sides with us. His heart is
lled with sorrow. He believes he has brought
this upon his people.
\\Moctezuma walks onto a balcony atop his
palace. The roars of his people cease.
\\He speaks with passion. I hear the pain in his
voice. Our translators relay what he says, but without emotion.
\\He continues to refer to us as gods, though I know he does not believe it. He says the violence at the
festival was a test of faith. They jeer at him!
\\He asks them to return to their homes. That he will speak again in several days, to pass along the
will of the gods. The crowd has turned violent again!
\\Several stones sail through the air, one striking Moctezuma's head. He collapses, twitching as his
blood spills onto the balcony tile! The Tlaxcala quickly pull him back inside.
\\Days have passed. Moctezuma is dead. The men are devastated as many considered the Aztec leader
their friend. Cortes is especially a ected by his death. I attempt to motivate them, if only to get them
moving before it is too late.

>>\\The people of Tenochtitlan have removed
the bridges from the causeways. They do not
press us; they wait us out. They know we cannot
escape, yet we must try. The Spaniards prepare
for one nal push out of the city.
\\I see many of the soldiers stu ng their
clothing with the gold they have stolen from the
Aztecs. Senseless. They will move slowly and
they will die. I take nothing but the skull.
\\My thoughts keep returning to the artifact. It must have some power. Some way to help me escape. I
cannot make it work. I wonder if I have taken the wrong artifact, but no – it feels right!
\\Cortes scolds his men for their greed. Tells them they may have killed us all. They can be redeemed,
he tells them, but rst they must survive. Some of them weep.
\\The Spaniards have been building a small bridge they can carry to navigate the causeways. It will not
support all of us, but we have little choice.
\\We sneak out into the night. Tenochtitlan is silent.
\\The smiles on their faces disgust me! They believe we will get away with this. This slaughter. This
theft. They actually believe we have outsmarted the Aztecs until the rst arrow strikes a captain
through his eye!
Basel, Switzerland, Late 1520
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Rome
Chapter 4 : Giovanni Borgia | Bombastic
Few in the Brotherhood are as knowledgeable
about the artifacts as I, but Bombastus spends
his days studying them while I am out seeking
more. He is an unpleasant man, loud and
arrogant. He has few friends, but many
colleagues. Perhaps he can help me solve my

Shell of a Man
>>\\I've traveled to Basel to meet with
Bombastus. He holds a new position in the city,
an important one. I doubt he will hold it long. I
enter his laboratory and nd a deranged man
scratching at the oor. He does not look up, but
he shouts madness as I pass.
\\“Everything is everything! There is no nothing!”
he shouts.
\\“I am metal and you are metal, but we should
not meddle with such metals!” I shudder. His
scattered thoughts remind me of my own when I
was young.
\\“I can tell you how it ends! All of it! Just ask. Please? Just ask! Coward!”
\\“Consus?” he asks. I demand that he repeat himself. He refuses. I upright him and stare into his
unfocused eyes. I shake him and demand again!
\\“Consent,” he nally answers. “I gave it no consent to this! My mind is a small, small cup. Over lled!
Bursting! Cracked!” He turns his head and points to several tiny wounds. Has Bombastus been
experimenting on this poor wretch?
\\I nd Bombastus in a back room, mulling over some formula that is half scrawled letter and half
symbol. I demand an explanation for the condition of the man in his laboratory! He tells me the man
simply read something he should not have read. The wounds are from his own ngernails.
>>\\I remove the Skull from my pack and
Bombastus' eyes set ablaze! He reaches out for
it and I see no harm, so I hand it to him. He
begins to take measurements and make
sketches, all the while chattering to himself.
\\“What does it do? No! Of course … that's why
you are here,” he says. “Surely I have the
answer. I have all the answers! Yet … you are the
one who talks to these things.” I try to correct
him but he raises a nger.
\\He shakes the skull violently. Taps on its surface. Holds a candle to it. Submerges it in water. He is as
unimpressed as I am. He lifts an eyebrow.
\\“Are you sure this is it?” I nod. “It seems to be dead. Perhaps it was a full crystal head before, yes?
Crystal eyes. Crystal nose?” We both laugh.
\\“We should soak it in chemicals. Force a reaction! Why are you shaking your head?”
\\Each time Bombastus moves the skull, I feel a dull ache in my own.
\\“Perhaps it is locked,” he says. “Fear not! I may have the key.” He pulls a tome from a locked chest on
his bookshelf. The book is well kept, but unadorned. “Unless you want your silver set o -balance like
poor Johan, I suggest you look away.”
The Philosopher’s Stone
>>\\Bombastus holds his hands to the sides of
his face as he studies the book. Blinders. “You
must not take in too much at once,” he explains.
\\Despite my warning, I glance at the page. It is
blank. Both pages are blank. Suddenly, symbols
ll my mind!
\\I try to remember what I see, but I cannot! It is
there for a moment, with absolute clarity, then
it is gone. I ask Bombastus for writing tools.
\\“You fool! You cannot read it like that!” Again, I insist. He brings me ink and a scroll. I begin to write
\\I am on the oor. My nose is bleeding. My head thrums. Bombastus is smiling as he pulls me to my
feet. I glance again at the book, but this time I see nothing but the empty tan pages.
\\“Do you know what you have written? These are formulas unlike any I have ever seen! I had guessed,
but I never believed… I must get to work!” I ask him if they tell him anything about the skull. He says
the skull is insigni cant next to what we have just learned.
\\I rest while Bombastus tinkers with his scales and mixes heated chemicals. He places a nugget of
silver into the mixture and drops it onto the counter. We both gasp as the color clearly shifts to gold!
Can it be?

Basel, Switzerland, 1524 - 1527

Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Divine Science
Excerpt from Chapter 1 : Maria Amiel | Discovery
Excerpt from Questions
\\“The answers we seek are in this book of yours!” Signor Borgia must refer to the tome Bombastus
keeps under lock and key. Three years as his assistant and I have yet to see it.
Basel, Switzerland, 1527
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Divine Science
Chapter 1 : Maria Amiel | Overview
Subject: Maria Amiel | Location: Western Europe | Time Period: 1527 CE
DDS VO: Please wait while we synchronize the DDS. Close your eyes and try to relax. Inhale deeply,
exhale. Inhale, again. That's it. The Renaissance. As early as 14th century, Italian scholars began to
reexamine ancient classical lore, triggering revitalization of knowledge throughout Europe. You will
explore the memories on one of the Paracelsus's assistants, Maria Amiel. Please report your ndings.

Chapter 1 : Maria Amiel | Discovery

I have cut short my visit to Mother. Though I was happy to see her and my sisters, I cannot say the
same about her new husband. Besides, I have neglected my duties long enough.

>>\\I open the door to Professor von
Hohenheim's laboratory. “Maria!” A tall man with
a swarthy complexion stands next to him. He
stares at me, mouth agape.
\\“Maria!” I almost fail to recognize the
professor's voice. “I did not expect you so soon!”
The stranger smiles when I glance at him.
\\“Maria!” Frantically, Bombastus piles sheets in
front of him, forming an uneven pyramid on his
desk. What is he trying to hide?
\\The professor wets his lips, searching the room with wide eyes. When his gaze nally rests on his
companion, he stops dgeting with the paper.
\\The professor takes a deep breath and smiles at me. There can be no doubt: something is de nitely
\\Bombastus introduces his colleague, Signor Giovanni Borgia, Duke of Nepi. He bows and greets me
with a silky voice. Mechanically, I salute our guest.
\\Sheets of paper glide to the oor as Bombastus quickly puts his hands behind his back. He took
something from the table, I'm sure of it. The Old Devil!
Nothing to Hide
>>\\Bombastus keeps his hands behind his back,
his ashy forehead glistening with sweat. I can
tell that he has not slept in days.
\\“What is going on here?” I recognize Mother in
my tone of voice and instantly regret having
spoken so impertinently. The professor is a great
\\Bombastus' eyes are so wide I fear they are
going to burst out of his head. He stares intently
at his friend and manages to croak, “Giovanni?”
\\The stranger explains that he has come to seek the professor's wisdom, that he has some questions
for him.
\\Bombastus is eager to answer Signor Borgia's questions, and glad to change the subject. His hands
move behind his back, as if slipping something in a pocket. I pretend not to notice.
\\Sensing his guest's hesitation, the professor explains that he can speak in front of me, that I am his
most trustworthy assistant.
\\I do not fully follow the conversation, for Signor Borgia speaks mainly in riddles only the professor
understands. I remain quiet, nodding and smiling politely when expected to do so.

>>\\Signor Borgia's voice rises, and so does his
temper. Bombastus remains elusive, uttering
gibberish. Despite Borgia's insistence, the
professor has not answered a single question.
Nothing unusual.
\\“The answers we seek are in this book of
yours!” Signor Borgia must refer to the tome
Bombastus keeps under lock and key. Three
years as his assistant and I have yet to see it.
\\“The book is not the answer! The book is… is not…” The professor sneers and turns his back on Signor
Borgia. “I can help you no longer!”
\\“Bombastus!” Borgia puts a hand on the professor's shoulder. Bombastus shrinks under his touch,
terri ed. “Remember what I have given you.”
\\There is ice in Borgia's voice. For a long moment the two men glare at each other. The silence is
unbearable. I fear Signor Borgia will strike Bombastus, but he does not budge.
\\Finally, the professor relents. “The book is incomplete.” His voice is barely audible. “For the answers
you seek… you will need the other half.”
\\Bombastus does not know how to nd the missing half. He says he is too busy to help and seems not
to care, yet he o ers my services to Signor Borgia.
>>\\I spend a week in the university's library, but
nd nothing concerning the other part of
Bombastus' tome, which he believes to be titled
“Divine Science.”
\\Though he often seems lost in his own
thoughts, Giovanni is courteous and insightful.
He is a delight to work with and he treats me
with respect.
\\Giovanni reveals that Bombastus transmuted
silver into gold. Giovanni wrote the formula himself; he had seen it materialize on a blank page in
Bombastus' tome.
\\“Perhaps you had a vision of what the missing half contains,” I muse. Giovanni's face brightens. We
now know what to look for!
\\We read every book dealing with transmutation in the library. There! An old journal detailing the life
of a French alchemist believed to have turned lead into gold.
\\I investigate further. The French alchemist, whose name was Flamel, based his recipe on the
teachings of Abraham of Würzburg.
\\I learn that Abraham's knowledge was divided in two manuscripts: “True Magic” and “Divine Science!”
We must nd the book Flamel used! We must go to Paris!
Basel, Switzerland & Besançon & Paris, France, 1527
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Divine Science
Chapter 1 : Maria Amiel | City of Lights
Giovanni and I prepare for our journey to Paris. It is not proper for an unmarried woman to travel alone
with a stranger, not to mention dangerous, but I am excited to go to France.

Journey to Paris
>>\\Mother would be appalled to learn of our
travel arrangements, so I decide not to inform
her. I will write to her when we return to Basel.
\\Bombastus is too busy to bid us farewell. Not
surprising. I have hardly seen him these past
two weeks. I wonder if he approves of our
journey. I do not ask.
\\The carriage we share is simple, but
surprisingly comfortable. Mother would have
liked it. Our driver is a quiet, toothless old man. She would not have liked him.
\\We travel alone to Besançon. I am eager to learn about Giovanni's adventures in the New World. He
met cannibals there! We talk the whole night through.
\\In Besançon, we meet a group of merchants going to Paris. It is safer to travel with them. Giovanni
continues to be the perfect gentleman.
\\Giovanni and I share our thoughts on many subjects. We are becoming fast friends, but he is more
re ective as we approach our destination.
\\Paris is even more magni cent than I had imagined. I could lose myself in this place! How glad I am
to be here!
Royal Library
>>\\I yearn to visit the city, but Giovanni is eager
to nd any trace of Flamel's book. I share his
enthusiasm, but not his obsession. He is well
travelled. I am not.
\\Flamel's tome will not be easy to unearth. I am
overwhelmed by the sights, sounds, and smells
of the city. I need to focus.
\\I do not know how, but Giovanni has obtained
permission to consult the royal library at the
Louvre. I can scarcely believe it!
\\The royal library is rich with secrets. I nd Nicolas Flamel's last will and testament. His wife's nephew
inherited an old grimoire. Giovanni believes it is the book we seek.
\\Giovanni uncovers interesting rumors; stories of people matching the Flamels in appearance,
performing miracles. Can it be? Are they still alive?
\\Unfortunately, Perenelle Flamel's nephew is long dead. We begin to search for living relatives.
Perhaps they know something about the grimoire.
\\It takes a few days, but I nally identify one of the nephew's living descendants. Giovanni easily
locates him. He insists we visit him at rst light.

>>\\It is late when we leave the royal library. We
are tired, but Giovanni is in a merry mood as we
return to our hostel.
\\We stroll along the Seine, whispering and
laughing. Giovanni delicately takes my hand into
his. I let him. What would Mother think? We
continue to walk in silence. [where mere feet
away, the Heart of the Sword quietly laid at the
bottom of the river right by them,
\\We are deeper in to the city. Giovanni suddenly stops, motioning me to keep quiet. Distraught, I put a
hand on the handle of my stiletto.
\\Brigands move out of the shadows, surrounding us. We have walked into an ambush!
\\The leader stares at my chest. He tells his men they will have some fun tonight. I turn to Giovanni,
and am surprised to see him smile.
\\Before I have time to draw my weapon, Giovanni disarms one assailant and kicks another in the
chest. He is incredibly fast! And unbelievably good!
\\The ght is over before it even begun. The brigands run, bruised and bleeding. My protector tells me
he learned to ght in the New World.
I am happy to meet Giovanni for breakfast, but I
ponder about what I witnessed last night. Have I
imagined him such a brilliant ghter?
\\I follow Giovanni to the residence of the man
we seek. The old man greets us with suspicion,
refusing to even speak to us at rst. But
Giovanni is a persistent and charming man.
\\Eventually, the old fellow tells us that his
cousin, Jacques Henri, inherited Flamel's
grimoire, as well as other paraphernalia.
\\We meet Henri and learn that he could not care less about the alchemist's inheritance. He agrees to
sell us everything for a few coins!
\\We have the grimoire! We make our way back to our hostel, my heart resounding like thunder in my
chest. In Giovanni's room, I place the book on the table.
\\We peruse the grimoire. It details ancient hermetic practices and is lled with strange symbols and
numbers, which remind me of the teachings of Pythagoras.
\\Giovanni does not share my enthusiasm. “It was translated by human hands.” He claims nothing
short of the original manuscript will do.

>>\\The “Cimetière des innocents” is a
disconcerting place. Tonight, a thick mist covers
the ground and spirits whisper in the wind. I
tighten my cloak.
\\I ask Giovanni to remind me why we are doing
this. “To prove or disprove a rumor,” he replies,
\\Using an iron bar, Giovanni forces the crypt
door open. It makes a terrible screeching sound
in protestation. I think about Mother.
\\We should not be doing this. It is sacrilege. Sensing my hesitation, Giovanni stares at me for a long
moment. “I can do this alone, if you prefer.”
\\“No.” My voice quivers. “We are as one in this.” He nods and enters. I follow, barely tting beside him
in the narrow crypt.
\\Giovanni skillfully removes the lid from the tomb upon which the name “Nicolas Flamel” is written. It
hits the oor with a loud thud.
\\The tomb is empty! And so is his wife's. A chill runs down my spine. Are the rumors true? Are Nicolas
and Perenelle still among us?
Paris & Troyes, France, 1527
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Divine Science
Chapter 1 : Maria Amiel | Viper’s Nest
Although we have found Flamel‘s grimoire, I fear Giovanni's quest is just beginning. Only Abraham's
original manuscript will satisfy him. I am determined to help him, for better or for worse.

>>\\Giovanni is quiet as we prepare to return to
Basel, but he insists that we visit Troyes on our
way back.
\\I know not why he wants to go there, but he is
adamant. Perhaps it has something to do with
the book we seek, but I doubt it.
\\As we approach the city, Giovanni becomes
distant, haunted by reveries. What does he
expect to nd in Troyes?
\\Giovanni's mood continues to darken. When we enter Troyes, he calls it the “Vipers’ Nest.” It is only a
whisper. I do not dare question him.
\\Much of the city was destroyed by re, but in only three years its inhabitants have rebuilt it. I follow
Giovanni to an inauspicious inn. The proprietor is dirty and boorish. How I miss Paris!
\\Giovanni rents a single room. “To insure your protection,” he explains apologetically. I do not mind.
He is not his usual self, but I trust him with my life.
\\Giovanni does not sleep and remains by the window, watchful. He has barely uttered a word since
yesterday. I wonder what troubles him.
Sudden Death
>>\\Giovanni is in better spirits this morning and
insists on taking me on a tour of the city. We
pass many newly built, half-timbered houses on
our way to the market.
\\We linger near Troyes’ cathedral. As I admire
St. Peter's tower, Giovanni carefully examines
the site, noting every detail.
\\The market bustles with activity. I am busy
scrutinizing the work of a local clothier when I
realize I have lost sight of Giovanni.
\\A stranger greets me; a simple red cross decorates his drab tunic. He asks me peculiar questions, as
if he knows who I am.
\\Giovanni suddenly appears behind the stranger, as though materializing out of the crowd. He does
not look at me and his features are set in stone.
\\My interlocutor stops mid sentence. He stares no longer at me but in to nothingness. He crumbles
upon the ground! Nearby, a woman screams.
\\The crowd quickly disperses. Giovanni grabs my arm and pulls me away, his ngers digging deeply
into my skin. Numbly, I follow.

>>\\Giovanni drags me through a maze of
streets. We move at a pace I can scarcely follow
and his hold upon me hurts. I am too dazed to
\\Bemused, I let him guide me until I am
completely lost. Our mad race is over, but
Giovanni does not release me. He is furious!
\\What is happening? Is Giovanni jealous?
Suddenly, I panic! Is he responsible for my
interlocutor's sudden death?
\\The man crumbled the moment Giovanni appeared behind him. Impossible! Yet…
\\Giovanni pushes me against a wall and a thin blade sprouts from under his wrist. It feels cold upon
my neck, but not as much as Giovanni's glare.
\\“Why were you conspiring with the Viper?” His voice has an edge colder than his blade. I can no
longer hold my tears.
\\For a long time, Giovanni gazes into my eyes, his fury gradually melting. His hold upon me remains
strong, but I stop trembling. We kiss, passionately.
>>\\Our embrace lasts forever, but eternity is
much too short. Giovanni eventually pulls away.
“We must leave the city. Now!”
\\Never in my life have I felt so passionate about
anyone. I would follow this man to Hell! I smile
and nod at Giovanni, waiting for him to lead the
\\We walk through quiet streets and back alleys.
Before I have a chance to question him, Giovanni
admits that he murdered the man in the market.
\\I am not surprised, nor am I scared. Not anymore. The man was an enemy of Giovanni's Order – what
ever that is – and a messenger returning from Basel. Giovanni shows me a letter.
\\How Giovanni managed to steal it, I will never know. The letter explains our quest and provides
detailed descriptions of both of us. We have been betrayed!
\\Giovanni's enemies will stop at nothing to get us. Troyes is their nest. It was here that their Order
was made public, centuries ago.
\\The messenger must have talked to Bombastus, for no one else knew about our quest. The professor
could be in danger. Either that or he betrayed us.

>>\\Giovanni helps me scale the city's wall. We
are out of Troyes, but a long way from safety.
“Hurry!” I follow him into darkness.
\\Before noon, we hear horses approaching. We
hide in thick bushes as men ride past us.
"Minions of the Cross," Giovanni whispers. We
are safe… for now.
\\We cross a stream when a rider spots us! We
run through the nearby wood until I am out of
breath. No! A falcon cries overhead!
\\Three riders are upon us! Giovanni bounces o a tree trunk and jumps upon one of the Templars'
men. I hear the sound of metal against metal.
\\Forcing the rider o his horse, Giovanni falls on him, his victim already dead. Using the trees,
Giovanni easily avoids his foes' assaults.
\\Giovanni tosses sparkling powder in the nearest man's face. He clutches his eyes, screaming.
Giovanni silences him.
\\The last one cuts Giovanni. He struggles, just dodging the falconer’s blows. Then, Giovanni hurls a
knife into his throat. The battle is over.
Chapter 1 : Maria Amiel | Let No Man
We frequently change clothes and travel companions on our way back to Basel. Thanks to Giovanni's
cunning, we avoid further trouble.

>>\\Although we are rarely alone, Giovanni and I
enjoy precious moments of intimacy during our
journey. I am almost sad to return to Basel.
\\We are careful not to get noticed as we enter
the city. We do not dare go to the university, so I
bring Giovanni to a trusted colleague's house.
\\Ivan’s wife, Lara, is almost as shy as her
husband. Ivan has not returned from the
university, but Lara invites us in. She serves us
tea while we wait for him.
\\“Ma-ma-ma-Maria!” Ivan almost drops his books when he sees me. “You-you're back!” He salutes
Giovanni, avoiding eye contact. Typical.
\\Ivan hugs his books, as if drawing strength from them. “Pro-pro-professor von Ho-ho-Hohenheim…”
Fearing the worse, I ask, “What is it?”
\\Ivan stares at the oor. “He is ma-ma-MAD!” He sobs. “To-totally MAD!”
\\Lara explains that Professor von Hohenheim has insulted every physician at the university. He even
got into a brawl with Doctor von Rothenburg.

Book Burner
>>\\While we were away, Professor von
Hohenheim publicly renounced traditional
medical treatments and methods.
\\Professor Krause tells me Bombastus begged
every doctor in Basel to stop their “unholy”
practices. In a mad t of anger, he threw
medical books at other professors!
\\Bombastus is an arrogant man, but I have
always suspected that he enjoyed defying
authority, like refusing to lecture in Latin. This time, he went too far.
\\I locate the professor during St. John's Day celebrations. Unfortunately, I am too late to prevent him
from further angering Basel's intellectual community.
\\Bombastus stands next to the bon re in front of the Münster, dirty and disheveled. The dancing
ames distort his features, making him look possessed.
\\I can scarcely believe it! He is burning books!
\\Giovanni pulls the professor away. In de ance, Bombastus throws one last volume into the re. “Let
no man who can belong to himself be of another!” he shouts angrily.
Book Keeper
>>\\Giovanni drags Bombastus to a deserted
alley. The professor does not ght him, but
continues to yell insanities. What are we going
to do?
\\As if he had read my mind, Giovanni gags
Bombastus. “Perhaps Ivan and his wife could
take care of him?” I suggest, doubting anyone
\\Lara is not happy, but she agrees to look after
the professor. We soon realize that none of what he says makes sense. He has lost his mind!
\\Ivan's scream awakens me. Bombastus is gone! Ivan vows to nd him, but Giovanni is convinced that
there is nothing anyone can do for him. Sadly, I agree.
\\We are ready to leave Basel. I know not where Giovanni will lead me, but I trust him. However, we
must make one last stop before we depart.
\\We break into Bombastus' laboratory. It is in shambles. Giovanni nds a secret compartment under
the professor's desk and easily unlocks it.
\\Giovanni takes Bombastus' mysterious tome. I want to read it, but Giovanni will not let me. “No! The
lore it holds - the formulas - will corrupt you.”

Chapter 1 : Maria Amiel | Buried Temple

I sit near the replace reading Professor von Hohenheim's "Die grosse Wundartznei" when Giovanni
bursts into the room. "We must leave immediately

Travel Plans
>>\\“Years ago, a member of my Order
discovered an ancient Pythagorean temple in
Rome." Giovanni shows me a crumpled map. "I
know what you are going to say, Maria, but…”
\\“But I know better than to argue with you,
husband. Once your mind is set on something…”
We laugh. Giovanni takes me in his arms.
\\Long years have passed since we rst met in
Basel, but my heart still skips a beat every time
Giovanni touches me.
\\“So what did the Assassin nd in this temple?” I ask. Giovanni puts me down and says, “Nothing.” I
roll my eyes. Why am I not surprised? “And you believe…”
\\“I do!” There is a sparkle in Giovanni's eyes. “We must go to this place, Maria. I know there is
something there. I know it! Trust me!”
\\“I always have,” I laugh. “And look where it has gotten me!”
\\The road to Rome is uneventful. We go straight to the entrance of the catacombs that will lead us to
Giovanni's forgotten temple.

>>\\Giovanni lowers me into the catacombs. I
have the de nite impression that no one has set
foot in here in decades. There is something eerie
about this place.
\\The catacombs are dark, musty, and damp. The
torch I carry illuminates our path, but it does
little to warm my heart. I shiver.
\\We pass through a chamber lled with
sarcophagi. “Remind me again why I married
you?” I try to sound cheerful, but Giovanni knows me too well.
\\“Because I charmed you o your feet and never let you down!” He grins, pretending not to notice
how distraught I am. The Old Devil!
\\Most tunnels have been excavated from solid soil, but here and there brick walls reinforce the
ceiling. I jump when a handful of rats scurry away.
\\The walls here are made from human skulls. I hesitate. “We are almost there!” Giovanni says
\\Giovanni stands in front of a wall that looks identical to most others. "Here we are!" Even after all
these years, he never ceases to amaze me.

>>\\Giovanni pushes a few bricks and a wide
section of the wall creaks open. We enter a
circular chamber, but it is not the heart of the
\\I follow Giovanni through several adjoining
rooms. In the middle of a vast chamber, he lights
an urn, which creates a trail of re! “Almost
\\Strange symbols are engraved upon this wall.
Giovanni switches some of the bricks, rearranging the pattern, as if he had been here before.
\\A door opens. “This is it!” Giovanni can barely contain his excitement. We walk into the next chamber,
the strangest place I have ever visited.
\\The walls come alive! A brilliant light washes over them, forming eerie patterns, numbers, and
glyphs, as it lls every cavity on their surfaces.
\\Giovanni drops to the oor, unconscious. I kneel beside him. His eyes suddenly open, but a stranger
gazes at me. Giovanni's face alters before my very eyes!
\\“I am Consus, the Erudite God,” he says in a distant, unfamiliar voice. It is not my husband who
addresses me, but an entity much older.

Italy, 1542
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Rome
Chapter 4 : Giovanni Borgia | 1542 - Italy
I have lived a full life. I survived the disgrace of my family and their corruption of the church. I have
seen, and survived, the dangers of the New World and much more. Yet the skull haunts me. The one
question left unanswered.

>>\\Since my return from Tenochtitlan years ago,
the Brothers have doubted my abilities. Though
they admire the relic I recovered, they do not
believe it is anything more than an ornate
treasure. I remain persistent.
\\Maria protests how much time I spend with
the skull. At least an hour each day. Gazing into
it, listening.
\\The hum has grown louder over the years. It
feels as if something is coming. A purpose found.
\\The skull ickers with a faint light today! I shake it and it rewards me with luminescent swirls. What
is it doing?
\\I hear talking, but I cannot understand the words!
\\I see a face within its cloudy core. No … in my mind. It has appeared in my mind!
\\The image of a man appears to me. His features and garb mark him as Chinese. Though he speaks in
a language I cannot understand, the intent of his words are clear in my mind. I must alert the

Prague, 1587 - 1604

Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Divine Science
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
Chapter 3 : Elizabeth Jane Weston
[Despite claiming to be dated out to 1608, the memories inside only span to 1604. All memories in here
are already Temporized in full color in Codex Temporis from Black Flag’s database entry, so aren’t
covered here, but will be reformatted to re ect the other Project Legacy memories, don’t worry! ;)]
Globe Theatre, London, England, 1603
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
Excerpt from Chapter 2 : DATA-DUMP S00.002 | Midsummer Night
Excerpt from The Letter
[This] year, [John Dee] had the pleasure of watching [A Midsummer Night’s Dream] performed at the
Globe Theatre in London. It was a rather ‘illuminating’ experience.

Prague, Midsummer, June 1604

Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
Excerpt from Chapter 2 : DATA-DUMP S00.002 | Midsummer Night
It has been a year and a day since we received our wedding gift from Uncle John. Today, Johannes
surprises me with another letter addressed to Lady Beth.
Subject: Elizabeth Jane Weston | Location: Prague | Time Period: 1604

The Letter
>>\\My hands tremble as I break the seal of
Uncle John's letter. Is it not silly that someone
so familiar with letters should nd herself so
excited at receiving one?
\\“Lady Beth,” the letter reads. “Please accept
my apologies for the prolonged silence. My
duties as Warden in Manchester are keeping me
rather occupied.”
\\“Nevertheless, I have managed to learn,
between two unrelenting debates, about the imminent arrival in Prague of a play by the Bard of Avon.”
\\The Bard of Avon? Uncle John must mean the English playwright William Shakespeare. I have heard
so much about him.
\\“Last year,” I read, “I had the pleasure of watching the play performed at the Globe Theatre in
London. It was a rather ‘illuminating’ experience.”
\\“I believe, my dear Lady Beth, that you will nd the subject matter of this play prevalent to your
liking.” I rest my head on the back of the chair, smiling.
\\“A Midsummer Night's Dream” is scheduled to open, rather appropriately, on June 21. Johannes and I
will be attending.
Vladislav Hall, Prague, Midsummer, June 21st, 1604
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
Excerpts from Chapter 2 : DATA-DUMP S00.002 | Midsummer Night
The Play
>>\\I am not surprised to nd Vladislav Hall
crowded with spectators. After all, this will be
the only representation of the Bard's play at
Prague Castle.
\\The rst part of the comedy is disappointing. It
deals with trivial matters, such as a daughter
refusing to marry the man her father has chosen
for her.
\\I catch Johannes laughing a few times, which
makes me smile. The play is indeed quite
humorous, but I expected more after Uncle John's letter.
\\In Act II, Oberon, king of the Faeries, and his queen, Titania, enter. The play becomes more intriguing.
I begin to pay closer attention.
\\The plot thickens with Puck, an enigmatic and rather mischievous character, who creates mayhem as
he fails to follow Oberon's orders.
\\ls Puck willingly misusing the magical love-in-idleness? Does he loyally serve the king of Faerie, or is
he following his own, secret agenda?
\\After much confusion caused by the Faeries, the mortals in the play are made to believe that what
they have experienced in the forest was but a dream.

The Trickster
>>\\All the actors leave the stage, with the
exception of the one playing Puck. “If we
shadows have o ended,” Puck says. Yes, the
Faeries are shadows…
\\Puck continues: “Think but this, and all is
mended, that you have but slumber'd here, while
these visions did appear.”
\\“And this weak and idle theme, no more
yielding but a dream.” Why imply that the
theme has no worth? Why suggest that the play is an illusion?
\\“Gentles, do not reprehend: if you pardon, we will mend. and as I am an honest Puck…” I smirk. Puck
may be many things, but honest he is not!
\\“If we have unearned luck.” Indeed they have. “Now to ‘scape the serpent's tongue, we will make
amends ere long.” Yes, Puck is the Serpent! The Trickster! The Tempter!
\\“Else the Puck a liar call; so, good night unto you all. Give me your hands, if we be friends, and Robin
shall restore amends.”
\\I am startled by the sudden wave of applause. The actors return to the scene and take a bow. What
secrets, I wonder, hide behind this comedy?

The Enigma
>>\\People begin to leave the hall, but Johannes
and I linger. “It was a good comedy, was it not?”
Johannes’ smile seems frozen upon his face.
\\I usually enjoy discussing poetry, literature,
and theatre with my husband but now my mind
is somewhere else. I must shed light on the
meaning of this play!
\\“The characters are fantastical inventions!” I
nod, half listening to Johannes. Somehow, I
know he is wrong. These characters felt REAL to
\\What was it Puck said? “Lord, what fools these mortals be!” In ancient mythologies, the gods
certainly believed that. They toyed with mortals as they pleased.
\\In the background, Johannes continues to analyze the Bard's play. What if Oberon and Titania, the
immortal Fairies, were ancient gods? What if…
\\Titania wore a diadem, exactly like Hera's in the painting Uncle John has given me. A mere
coincidence, surely, but what if Titania and Oberon were actually Hera and Zeus?
\\What would Puck, the Serpent, be? Puck challenged Oberon's patience, like Prometheus [Consus]
challenged Zeus' omnipotence. I must write to Uncle John!

September 3rd, 1651 - Christmas, 1661

Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
Chapter 3 : Ghosts of Christmas Past | Restoration
They de ed the monarch and forced war upon
us. They even banned Christmas celebrations.
Worst of all, they beheaded my father, the king.
After years in exile, I am home. I stand ready to
reclaim what is mine.
Worcester, England, September 3rd, 1651
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
Excerpt from Chapter 3 : Ghosts of Christmas Past | Restoration
King’s War
>>\\The men are exhausted after such a long
march, but none complain. I look at them with
no small amount of pride. We are ready to face
the Roundheads. I will soon take my rightful
\\Most of my soldiers are battle-hardened
Highlanders, but the Welsh Royalists and
Gloucestershire Presbyterians will make good
additions to our ranks. They fought bravely
under my father's banner. I am glad to have
them on my side.
\\The battle begins. We are vastly outnumbered, but my men ght for every hedgerow around the city!
Alas, Cromwell's troops are too numerous. They force us back!
\\I send two sorties to break the Parliamentarians' advance to the east. I lead my men and storm Red
Hill, thinking about my father. Their cries bolster my spirit.
\\It is di cult to ght in this heat, but the Roundheads retreat and we hold them back. Unbelievable!
Cromwell sends more troops! How much reinforcement can the rogue muster? Our retreat becomes a
rout. We ee inside the city.
\\Curse this heat! I begin to remove my armor and a Highlander rushes to help. The wounds he bears
tell me he fought hard. I smile at him and his crooked smirk reveals he has not yet lost hope. I nd a
fresh mount, but I am unable to rally my men. We will not win this day.
\\“Save the king!” I recognize the voice, and then notice the speaker, the Earl of Cleveland. He salutes
me and storms down High Street, leading a desperate cavalry charge. This is the only chance we are
going to get. We escape through St. Martin's Gate.
Shoreham, West Sussex, October 15th, 1651
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
Excerpt from Chapter 3 : Ghosts of Christmas Past | Restoration
King’s Escape
>>\\We are away from Worcester, but our
journey is only beginning. The lords who have
helped me escape remain loyal, willing to die to
save their king. It is best I travel with only a
handful of retainers. I leave most of my men
behind. May God watch over them!
\\They will be looking for us. We head toward
Stourbridge, but it is garrisoned with
Parliamentary troops. We nd safer places to
travel. I am fortunate to nd trusted allies along
the way.
\\I have my hair cut short, but do not dare look in a mirror. How foolish I must appear in the guise of a
Roundhead. The clothes they give me are crude but comfortable. I now look like a commoner.
\\By great fortune it rains all day, which hinders the Roundheads' search. But fortune has its price. I
need dry clothes! I am grateful for the warmth and the meal after a day spent in the wood.
\\We hide in the greatest oak near Boscobel House. I am afraid of no man, but the height is dizzying.
Through the thick foliage I see Cromwell's men below. I am tempted to throw acorns at them.
\\My horse lost a shoe. Dressed as a servant, I take it to a blacksmith. He gladly tells me the Scots
have been beaten, but the rogue Charles Stuart is not yet captured. Laughing, I tell him Charles should
be hanged more than all the rest of the Royalist swine!
\\The captain of a coal boat named the “Surprise” agrees to bring me to France. He demands an
additional fee when he realizes who I am. I do not blame him. Bravery, like fortune, has its price. I
leave the English shore, defeated but hopeful.
Breda, France & England, Late 1651 - 1660
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
Excerpt from Chapter 3 : Ghosts of Christmas Past | Restoration
Excerpt from King’s Exile
>>\\Curse Cromwell and his lackeys! I am in
exile. Again. I receive letters bearing a strange
seal. I do not know the name of he who writes
them, for he does not reveal his identity. Yet it
would seem I retain in uential allies in London.

England, 1652
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
Excerpt from Chapter 3 : Ghosts of Christmas Past | Restoration
Excerpt from King’s Exile
\\My liege,
Although the situation seems desperate, there is hope still. I have received word and can assure you
that your faithful servants will soon have the means to take control of Parliament.

England, December 1653

Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
Excerpt from Chapter 3 : Ghosts of Christmas Past | Restoration
Excerpt from King’s Exile
\\My liege,
Terrible tidings! The usurper has been named Lord Protector of the Commonwealth. Our cause,
however, is not lost, for there are many who would gladly give up their lives to see you return.
England, September 3rd, 1658
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
Excerpt from Chapter 3 : Ghosts of Christmas Past | Restoration
Excerpt from King’s Exile
\\My liege,
It took exactly 7 years, but the usurper is dead. It is only a matter of time before Parliament recognizes
you as our legitimate ruler. Be patient, my lord.

England, May 25th, 1659

Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
Excerpt from Chapter 3 : Ghosts of Christmas Past | Restoration
Excerpt from King’s Exile
\\My liege,
The usurper's son and successor is weak and powerless, but we must tread carefully. He will abdicate
within the month. I give you my word.

England, Early 1660

Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
Excerpt from Chapter 3 : Ghosts of Christmas Past | Restoration
Excerpt from King’s Exile
\\My liege,
It is with great pride and greater joy that I write this letter. General Monck has e ectively seized
control of London. He will soon write to you. I, your loyal servant, advise you to heed his counsel.
\\The good general has given me sound advice. I will grant amnesty to my father's enemies, so long as
they accept me as their lawful king. Splendid news! Parliament has proclaimed me king! I must o er
my gratitude to my mysterious benefactor.
May 29th, 1660 - Christmas, 1661
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
Excerpt from Chapter 3 : Ghosts of Christmas Past | Restoration
King’s Return
>>\\I am invited to England to receive my crown.
I must prepare for my return. There are many
things I must do once I am there. Many wrongs I
must right!
\\The wind is strong and the sun bright. Inhaling
deeply, I take a last glance at Breta. It has been
my home for many years. As I board the ship,
the captain tells me our journey bodes well. I
smile, knowing he speaks the truth.
\\Several ships join our eet as we approach
Dover. Men cheer my return and cannons are
red, but my mind is somewhere else. After so many years in exile, I can no longer wait to set foot on
English soil.
\\Finally, I enter London, on my birthday, no less. Men, women, and children alike rejoice. Soldiers are
suddenly hard pressed to maintain order, but they are well trained and this is a joyous occasion.
History will remember this day!
\\Today, I return Christmas ritual to the people and I am met by cheers! These are the same people
who fought back with riots when the holiday was taken from them. The same people who have
su ered under Puritan rule in my absence. No more.
\\I feel foolish in these long, heavy robes, but not as much as I felt when my hair was short. Although I
have been king for years, this is the crown that was stolen from me. This is the crown I sought. My
father's crown!
\\I see a man talking to General Monck. He holds what looks like a sphere wrapped in a thick piece of
cloth. I am curious, but I must now bow my head to receive my crown. Somehow, it is lighter than I
expected. Like my heart.
Montréal, Canada, Midsummer, June 24th, 1834
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
Chapter 2 : DATA-DUMP S00.002 | Comme À La Guerre
Tonight, the people will light bon res and celebrate the birth of Saint Jean Baptiste, le Précurseur,
unaware that history is about to unfold.
Subject: Edmund Bailey O’Callaghan | Location: Montréal | Time Period: June 24th, 1834

>>\\The ding dong of my father's tall-case clock
pulls me out of my reveries. It strikes ten times.
The day is still young, but we have much to look
for tonight.
\\I pace the drawing room, constantly checking
the clock. It is past noon already. A knock at the
door! At last! I suddenly realize how tense my
jaw is.
\\“Come in, come in!” Duvernay's most trusted
man removes his felt hat and steps inside. “Bienvenue chez moi. Monsieur Larose.”
\\“I apologize for the tardiness. Doctor.” His English is awless. “Everything is set for tonight. The
gathering will take place, as planned.”
\\Our historic assembly will be held on Saint John's Day - a date the Oppressors value so much! How
ironic. “Can Mr. Duvernay count on you?”
\\“My dear Mr. Larose, I would not miss this meeting for all the money in the world.” The crooked smile
on Duvernay's man says it all.
\\I am honored to be included in the celebration, to be part of the inevitable revolution. Future
generations will remember this day —June 24, 1834.
>>\\My calèche slowly makes its way through
the gloomy streets of Montreal. I am eager to
arrive, but I instructed the driver to take his
time, as is proper.
\\All is quiet on rue Saint-Antoine, save for a few
people standing in front of Mr. McDonnell's
house. “Docteur O'Callaghan,” a stranger greets
\\“I work for Mr. McDonnell.” His accent is thick.
“Come with me, s'il vous plaît.” I step out of the
calèche and follow him.
\\The barrister's house looks impressive, but the man leads me straight to the garden, which is lled
with owers of every kind.
\\Linen-covered tables have been set outside. Musicians sit on the porch, readying themselves for the
evening, while retainers o er wine to honorable guests.
\\Lights hang from every tree, bathing the garden in a golden glow, which make the place look surreal
- like what we are about to do.
\\The gathering is even more impressive than I had imagined. There must be 60 of us! Everyone a
reformist, everyone a patriot.

>>\\We gather around the tables and the
orchestra begins to play. The violins' melodies
are haunting at rst, as though to remind us of
the signi cance of the evening.
\\Most here are Canadians - and members of
Aide-toi et le ciel t'aidera - but there are several
Americans and fellow Irishmen as well.
\\Mr. Duvernay, who orchestrated this meeting,
clears his throat. “Messieurs,” he points toward
Montreal's mayor, “le Président!”
\\The Mayor raises his glass. “To the people, primitive source of all legitimate authority!” After much
applause and several more toasts, dinner is served.
\\I raise my glass. “To our host, Mr. McDonnell! And to Mr. Duvernay, who orchestrated this soirée!”
When the cheers die down, Mr. Duvernay gets up.
\\“Mes amis!” Duvernay says. “Fellow patriots! The Oppressors have laid claim to Saint John's Day! As
we speak, they are celebrating the creation of their secret association.”
\\“No longer will this blessed day be theirs!” Everyone cheers. “We will form our own society! We will
give this day back to the people!”
Mon Pays, Mes Amours
>>\\After dinner, pacts are concluded and
promises made. So many of us, united against
the Oppressors! So many of us, ready to change
the world!
\\The music stops. A man begins to sing,
“Comme le dit un vieil adage…” One of the
violinists is missing. “Rien n'est si beau que mon
\\The singing continues, but I spot a man
slipping into the house. Larose? I follow him. I open the door as the song concludes. “Ô Canada! mon
pays, mes amours!”
\\I see no one inside McDonnell's residence. I am about to announce my presence, but I hear a thump.
Upstairs! What is Larose up to? I run up the staircase.
\\One of McDonnell's servants lies in a pool of blood! The unconscious violinist is beside him. “Please
remain calm. Doctor.” I turn to face Larose.
\\“The musician murdered the poor fellow,” Larose explains. “I do not yet know what he was after, but
he is working for THEM. I had to neutralize him.”
\\The Oppressors have been spying on us! “Everything is lawful," I say, "when the fundamental liberties
are in danger.”
London, England, 1891 - 1901
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Divine Science
Chapter 4 : Frater V.O.V. | Overview
Subject: Frater V.O.V. | Location: London England | Time Period: 1891-1901
DDS VO: The DDS will synchronize with the memories of an aged man. You may feel you have less
energy, poor hearing and eye sight and even experience bodily aches. This is normal, if you feel pain in
your left arm however, please stop and consult your physician. The Victorian era is characterized by
growth, prosperity, political reform and major technological and scienti c progress. Interest in the
occult also increased during this period. You are about to in ltrate the Hermetic Order of the Golden

London, England, [Prior to December 20th,] 1891

Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Divine Science
Excerpts from Chapter 4 : Frater V.O.V. | Vincit Omnia Veritas
[Truth Conquers All]
Let me explain how it all began. You see, both of them were right. Or, I should say, both of them had
good reasons to want to get rid of me.

Sapere Aude [Dare to be Wise]

>>\\Let us go back a few months - a few months
BEFORE my funeral. But rst, remember
Giovanni? Remember the book he sought with
Maria in Paris?
\\Remember the other book? The one Giovanni
stole from Bombastus' laboratory; the one in
which the formula to turn base metal into gold
materialized before his very eyes.
\\Well, as you know, Giovanni had only one part
of the now rather famous “Book of Abraham.”
Unfortunately for him, he never found the original “Divine Science” part.
\\This is where it gets interesting. Many years later, toward the end of the nineteenth century, these
ancient tomes resurfaced.
\\I won't bore you with a detailed history of these books. They changed hands so many times you'd
only get confused, if not bored to death.
\\Besides, who would want to know? Well, actually, I'm sure THEY would. But, as you may have
guessed, I don't work for them. [He knows about Abstergo - also after his time! I’d like to know too… ;)]
\\Back to our story. Somehow, the complete, original volumes containing Abraham's knowledge found
their way into the hands of my good friend, Samuel Liddell Mathers.
Guod Scis Nescis
[What You Know You Don’t Know]
>>\\I sit in the inner sanctum, a tome of THE
BOOK upon my lap. I look at my re ection in the
silvery sheen of its cover.
\\Mathers is at his desk, lost in the rst part of
this priceless artifact. I am distracted by the
scratching sounds of Mathers' fountain pen as
he diligently translates the volume.
\\I open the book, silently cursing my
rheumatism. Old age has never agreed with me. Absently, I glance at the ancient words, symbols, and
\\The third member of our little triumvirate enters the room. “You cannot do this, Samuel!” I raise my
head and see Westcott's face, grim under his thick beard.
\\Mathers meets Westcott's gaze. “This translation is for us. These secrets, these ancient formulas,
they shall remain ours, and ours alone.”
\\“Then why are you planning to publish it?” Westcott slams his st on the desk, sending papers to the
oor. “Yes, I know about your little scheme.”
\\I sigh. Even Giovanni understood. A copy - or worse, a translation - is absolutely useless. If only they
knew the truth.

Cogito Ergo Sum

[I Think, Therefore I Am]
>>\\What was once a perfect partnership, what
we once de ned as “Harmony”, is now about to
shatter into a thousand pieces.
\\He knows what I am. Mathers, the Evoker of
Spirits, my old friend, has seen beyond the
corporeal. He has already warned Westcott
about me despite the tensions between them.
\\They are arguing now, for they do not know
what to do with me. They both agree on one
thing, at least: I need to disappear.
\\Their drive is fueled by ambition, of course, but mostly it is fear that motivates them - though they
would never admit it.
\\Westcott says they have no further need of me. I have to admit, I am not as active in the daily a airs
of the Order as I used to.
\\Westcott believes I have given them everything they could possibly want. He thinks they cannot
learn anything more from me.
\\The Evoker, however, believes otherwise. Yet he succumbs to Westcott's request. They will send an
assassin after me. And, as you know, I will gladly welcome him.
London, England, December 20th, 1891
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Divine Science
Chapter 4 : Frater V.O.V. | Magna Est Veritas [Truth is Great]
Through the con nes of the System, I have relived these memories countless times, not unlike a
certain weatherman and a famous groundhog. [The man knows about future lms featuring Bill Murray
that don’t exist in his lifetime, meaning he’s been reliving and seeing moments of time via a
Calculator of Futures within The Gray… The FIRST known Human Inhabitant to do so!!! ;)]

Finem Respice [Look at the End]

>>\\Although the events that unfold here are no
longer in my control - for they have come to
pass - I am free to color them as I like.
\\Thousands of people, from all casts and all
parts of the world, have seen, or will soon see,
the tales I have to tell.
\\This, however, is not here and now. For the
moment, let's step back into the past and look
at the events that led to that grizzly graveyard
\\I tend to the plants in my green house, trying to ignore the ache in my back, when I hear footsteps
behind me. Slowly, I turn to face young Gustav Meyrink.
\\I patiently listen to Meyrink's ideas, nodding absently while I water my Papaver rhoeas. He wants me
to act as an editor of sorts. I mumble, and he seems satis ed.
\\Meyrink's most famous work - which he has not yet written - will be “Der Golem,” a book with a
unique tale on the Golem of Prague. Well… you and I were just there, weren't we?
\\Meyrink leaves the greenhouse, but an uninvited guest is about to enter - this one with grim purport.
Vota Vita Mea [Wish My Life]
>>\\Right on time, the assassin arrives. No, he is
not of THAT Order. He is a highly skilled,
independent assassin, sent by one of the other
co-founders of MY Order.
\\I hear a sound in the distance, but attribute it
to Meyrink leaving. The assassin is a
professional. He will not reveal his presence.
\\I put the watering can beside a cluster of
poinsettias, which reminds me that Christmas is
at our doorstep - like my killer, so to speak.
\\I brie y wonder who of my two colleagues, of my two oldest and dearest friends, the assassin works
for. It could be either of them; perhaps even both.
\\They both have good reasons to be rid of me, but they have very di erent motives. One wants me
dead; the other has a much more sinister idea.
\\The assassin is right behind me. I feel his presence, though he has not made a sound. I close my eyes
and take one last breath, for I see no reason to resist him.
\\Besides, how could I? I'm just an old man stuck in a broken body. The poison spreads quickly through
my veins. Gladly, I welcome it.

London, England, Late December 1891

Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Divine Science
Chapter 4 : Frater V.O.V. | Lux E Tenebris [Light out of Darkness]
The gaslight lanterns they carry illuminate the co n around which they have gathered - MY co n.

Orare [To Pray]

>>\\The sky is clear, the moon bright, the wind
howling, but all I hear is their guttural dirge. I
recognize the ritual, for I helped develop it.
\\It feels strange being here, looking down at my
own grave. Somehow, it's like being trapped in a
horror novel, but without the adrenaline rush.
\\Don't get me wrong, I knew it would come to
this, but somehow I thought I'd feel di erent
about it. I'm impassive, detached, in a dream like
\\They do not suspect I am here, standing among
them. But Mathers, the Evoker of Spirits, knows. He does not show it, though. He simply goes on with
the ritual.
\\I am fortunate. After all, it is not everyday that one gets a chance to see his own funeral. It gives me
an opportunity to observe them—with a slightly di erent perspective.
\\The Evoker, my old friend, nally utters the words that complete the ritual. I am satis ed with the
ceremony. It was well performed—though completely useless.
\\My former colleagues and subordinates leave the cemetery. Only Moina, Mathers' wife, remains. She
pulls o her hood, turns her head, and looks straight at me.

Semper Fidelis [Always Faithful]

>>\\Moina's blue eyes seem to penetrate the
very depths of my soul. I should not be
surprised; after all, she is known as “the
Seeress,” I would smile, but cannot.
\\As though sensing my desire, Moina smiles at
me. I try to read her thoughts, but she will not
reveal anything to me. Not now; perhaps not
\\Moina's compassion and determination - and
perhaps the raven hair framing her lovely face - remind me of Maria. Dear, dear Maria! How I have
missed you!
\\Without breaking eye contact, the Seeress salutes me, as she would salute a peer. It is true what
they say: behind every great man is a great woman.
\\I watch her leave. Her slender body, cast in gaslight, is eventually swallowed by the night. I turn my
gaze toward my grave and read the epithet on the tomb stone.
\\You may wonder why I let the assassin strike, why I did not even attempt to stop him. If you do, then
you have no idea how it is to be trapped in a broken shell.
\\The real reason, however, isn't old age. It's friendship—although at the time I didn't know for which of
two friends I was doing it. I remain faithful.
London, England, December 1896
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Divine Science
Excerpts from Chapter 4 : Frater V.O.V. | Vincit Omnia Veritas
[Truth Conquers All]
Semper Paratus [Always Ready]
>>\\You have already witnessed the events that
led to my demise, so let's move forward now,
some ve years after that fateful day.
\\Despite my passing, no one was appointed to
replace me in our triad. Mathers and Westcott
rule alone - but they do not rule as one.
\\The Evoker - he goes by the title of Imperator
now - has played his hand well. For ve years, he
has kept the truth hidden from Westcott.
\\Westcott, the Praemonstrator, does not have
the gift that Mathers - both of them - possess,
but he is no fool. He knows he has been played.
\\“I know about… HIM!” Westcott spits out the last word. I suppose I should be o ended. “You have
gone too far this time, IMPERATOR!”
\\Until now, only Mathers, his wife Moina, and Berridge, a trusted adept from the Inner Order, were in
the know. “This is the last straw!”
\\Westcott leaves the sanctum. The Imperator looks through me, the left side of his mouth curved in
an eerie grin. He has been expecting this.

Ut Prosim [May Be of Benefit]

>>\\The Praemonstrator plots a coup, to kick
Mathers out of the Order. Alas, he is too late. In
this game, the Imperator is several moves ahead
of him.
\\Edmund William Berridge is one of the few
acolytes that Mathers implicitly trusts. I am not
surprised to see the Imperator turn to him in
this moment of crisis.
\\I follow Berridge, a man always eager to serve,
through the streets of London. He enters a
hansom cab. I sit beside him, but of course he cannot see me.
\\After a few blocks, Berridge gets out of the cab, leaving papers behind - papers which reveal
Westcott's interest in black, ritualistic magic. How delightfully wicked!
\\The papers fall in the hands of the authorities. Westcott cannot hope to keep his position as Crown
Coroner while suspected of being a magician. He has no choice. He leaves the Order.
\\The Imperator is now in complete control. I am with him, in the private sanctum the three of us used
to share, and stare at the wide grin upon his face.
\\The Imperator's mirth turns to gloom, then to fury. THE BOOK is gone! I could tell you what happened
to it, but that is another story. For now, let's continue to explore this one.

London, England, Late 1899

Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Divine Science
Chapter 4 : Frater V.O.V. | Deo Duce [Guide God]
There is something not even the most knowledgeable members of the Inner Order know about the
foundation of our group. It concerns the Secret Chiefs.

Volo Noscere [I Want to Know]

>>\\Little is known about the Secret Chiefs.
Many believe them to be transcendent cosmic
authorities, while others claim they are mere
humans. Some say they do not even exist.
\\My good friend, the Imperator, once wrote that
the Secret Chiefs were humans who possess
terrible supernatural powers. Could I be one of
\\No, I'm pulling your leg. Perhaps my powers
seem supernatural - no matter - but they are
certainly not terrible.
\\I am immersed in a chess match with the Imperator when his lovely wife Moina, the Seeress,
approaches him. Ignoring me, she hands him a letter.
\\Mathers quickly reads it, and announces he has to leave immediately. “The Secret Chiefs have
summoned me.” He stares at his feet.
\\Moina wants to accompany him, but the Imperator says he has to do this alone. Moina turns to me,
and smiles. She knows I will go with her husband.
\\This should be interesting. I have never met one of THEM.
Crux Dat Salutem
[The Cross Gives Salvation]
>>\\I follow the Imperator to a somber Parisian
alley. I am reminded of the romantic stroll I once
took with Maria. No wait! That was Giovanni,
wasn't it?
\\Paris is an interesting place, but the City of
Light has never seemed so dreary. Mathers' eyes
dart in every direction.
\\“I'm glad you are with me, old friend.” Mathers'
voice is barely audible, but it is strong, steady.
I'm glad to be of assistance.
\\A lone silhouette approaches. I can scarcely make out the outline of the man's beard under his
hooded cloak. Mathers mumbles a formal greeting in Latin.
\\“Our partnership is ended.” The voice is deep, commanding, but disappointingly human after all. “You
have failed to heed our warnings.”
\\“I need more time!” Mathers begins. “If only—” The stranger raises a hand to silence him. There! Can
you see it? Upon the man's middle nger!
\\A ring with a red cross pattée in a white circle. The Order of the Knights Templar!

Deus Lux Solis [God Light of the Sun]

>>\\The two men face each other, their features
barely visible in the darkness. But I see quite
clearly: Mathers' eyes are narrow, his jaw
clenched, his sts closed.
\\I know that look! Mathers has never been one
to take o ence lightly, and he never did tolerate
being told what to do. He is, after all, Imperator.
\\Now, in silence, Mathers stares at the
Templar's raised hand, as though he would bite
it. The Templar glares, but Mathers is not
\\“The fruits of your research were disappointing, at best, Imperator. Your translation… useless.” A
pause. “We expected more from you.”
\\“You have to give me more time!” Mathers pleads. “Without the Book—”
\\“You fool! It was never about the Book!” The Templar shouts. “Because of you, we have lost HIM!”
He's talking about me, isn't he?
\\Mathers seems shaken. The Templar grunts, turning away. The Imperator watches him disappear in
the darkness. Then, his face suddenly brightens. He understands, at last.
London, England, January 16th, 1900
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Divine Science
Excerpts from Chapter 4 : Frater V.O.V. | Perdurabo
[I Will Continue]
The Imperator plays a dangerous game. He does not realize it yet, but his position is precarious. He
rules like a king, but his subjects will soon revolt.

Alta Pete [High Ask]

>>\\The King has lost many pawns. His Queen
stays in London while he isolates himself in
Paris. I'm not talking about his wife, in case you
were wondering.
\\No, Moina is with us in Paris. The “Queen” I
refer to is Miss Farr, the Imperator's
representative in England - the one who has, in
essence, replaced Westcott.
\\I take my place in the empty chair in front of
the Imperator. He stares not at me, but at the
chess board upon the table between us.
\\He sits in front of the white pieces, as always. I suspect he secretly fancies himself a White Knight.
No. Not a White Knight. That would be beneath him.
\\He is, after all, Imperator, sole ruler, King, of what was once OUR Order. Perhaps “White Magus”
would be more appropriate. Yes… Samuel the White.
\\Mathers moves his knight in a ank opening. Closing his eyes, he brings his hands under his chin, as
though praying. “Your turn,” he whispers.
\\The Imperator has yet to beat me at this game, but he perseveres. It is one of the things I admire
most about him. If only he knew when to stop.
Deus Inversus [An Inverted God]
>>\\We have been playing for a fortnight and our
tournament is progressing nicely. Mathers is a
worthy opponent despite his weaknesses.
\\A knock distracts the Imperator. “Excuse me.”
He turns toward the door and a lean, young man
steps into the sanctum: Mathers' initiate - no
doubt you've heard of him.
\\The young man is about to say something
when his eyes suddenly widen, focusing on me.
Though we do not speak, I am actually glad to meet him.
\\This man, Aleister Crowley, has a—how shall I put it?—UNIQUE future ahead of him. He will become
one of the most in uential occultists of his time.
\\The press will dub him “the wickedest man in the world” and he will transcend the knowledge he is
about to gain through our Order. He will even beget his own religion.
\\The most interesting bit, however, is Crowley's claim that he is the reincarnation of our friends
Rodrigo Borgia and Edward Kelley, as well as several other in uential gures.
\\Unfortunately for the Imperator, “the Beast,” as Crowley likes to call himself, will also trigger a chain
of events that will cause a great schism within the Order.

Festina Lente [Make Haste Slowly]

>>\\And now, back at the Ahathoor temple!
\\In Paris, the Beast enters the Imperator's
sanctum. Wetting his lips, he peeks in my
direction, but quickly focuses his attention on
\\The Imperator smiles to himself. I suspect he
knows that Crowley can see me, but he will not
reveal it. Not to the Beast, not to me, not to
\\My old, dear friend, the one who betrayed me! I
have known him long enough to understand that he would never reveal his hand.
\\Mathers rmly believes that Crowley should be an adept of the Inner Order. The Beast has earned it,
no doubt, but the Imperator also needs allies - now more than ever.
\\After a brief conversation, the Beast kneels in front of Mathers. The Imperator initiates the ritual that
will make Crowley “Adeptus Minor.”
\\No one - not even his most trusted ally - will tell Mathers what to do. Pride... The Order will not
endure for much longer, but THEY [Abstergo] will.
London, England, March 3rd - 29th, 1900
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Divine Science
Excerpts from Chapter 4 : Frater V.O.V. | Perdurabo
[I Will Continue]
In Excelsis [In High Places]
>>\\I am being unfair. It is not so much “the
Beast” as the Imperator's own pride that will
trigger the beginning of the end for the Order.
Let me show you…
\\Remember I told you that Mathers, the
Imperator, had appointed Miss Farr as his
representative in England, after Westcott's
departure? Well…
\\Aleister Crowley is a rather ambitious member
of the Outer Order, and he has requested an
audience with Miss Farr in the Isis-Urania temple in London.
\\Miss Farr is is not happy to receive him. She knows what he seeks, and she will not give into his
demands. Who would? The man is a ticking time bomb!
\\“I have learned everything I possibly could!” Crowley argues. “I demand to be allowed into the Inner
Order!” he screams - not the strategy I would have recommended.
\\“If you cannot control your emotions, Mr. Cr—” The Beast suddenly jumps on her desk, shrieking
deafeningly. “Mr. Crowl—” Crowley raises his st!
\\Eyes closed, Miss Farr whimpers, waiting for the Beast to strike. Instead, Crowley begins to gu aw
London, England, April 14th - November 12th, 1900
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Divine Science
Chapter 4 : Frater V.O.V. | Cede Deo [Yield to God]
The 1900 "Exposition Universelle" [in Paris] attracted over fty million people, But the Imperator wasn't
among them. He had other… preoccupations.

Resurgam [I Will Rise Again]

>>\\Remember I told you that the King's subjects
would eventually revolt? Well, they have.
\\The Imperator is not only no longer in contact
with the Secret Chiefs - you know who they are
now - but he has also been forced to resign from
the Order.
\\Mathers sits in the chair infront of his wife,
the Seeress. Between them is the table which
usually holds our chess board.
\\Moina's eyes are half-closed. Her hands brush
the tarot cards that are laid out before her. I feel I'm interrupting, like a third wheel during a rst date.
\\Yet I know I must be here. As if she had read my mind - she really is gifted - Moina looks straight at
me. “What do you see?” Mathers asks.
\\“The Order shall not endure.” Is she reading my mind? Or just improvising? “This is not the end.” Her
voice is gentle, like Maria's. “It is a new beginning.”
\\Mathers looks at his wife and leans close to her, smiling. Then, he stands up and raises his arms, as
if addressing God himself. “He shall rise again.”

London, England, 1901

Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Divine Science
Chapter 4 : Frater V.O.V. | Veritas Et Lux [Truth and Light]
You've now seen all the tales I had to tell, uncovered all the secrets I cared to reveal - well, almost.
There is one last truth I believe you should learn.

Vestigia Nulla [No Traces]

>>\\The Mathers know they cannot hide anything
from me. It is a fact they have accepted, long
ago, when they liberated me from that old,
corporeal shell.
\\They wish I wouldn't spy on them now, but they
know I'm here. They always do. I've rarely met
humans so gifted before.
\\Moina takes a small sip of her wine and lowers
the glass on the table. “What shall we do
about… our old friend?”
\\I'm glad she still thinks of me as a friend. I certainly think of her this way. And I harbor no ill feelings
toward her, or her husband.
\\“We do as planned.” Their plan is ludicrous, but they do not realize that. “We make sure he never
leaves us.” He wants to control me, but he never will.
\\Moina looks in my direction, turns away, scratches her nose. “And once we have completed the
\\Mathers takes a deep breath. He looks my way, but not directly at me. “I am sorry, old friend, but we
leave no traces behind.”

Non Omnis Moriar

[Not Everything Dies]
>>\\I have not seen the body - MY body - since
that fateful day. Throughout the years, they
have kept it alive, through means you could not
possibly imagine.
\\What was once my shell is now a gray,
emaciated thing. I don't even recognize the face
which was once mine.
\\The night is cool and bright, ideal for their
purpose. On cue, the adepts form a circle around the altar, closing in on the body. They begin to chant.
\\They have no idea what they are doing. Truly, they have no clue as to what I am. How can they? They
are gifted, but remain mere humans.
\\Moina looks at me, tears in her eyes. She wears a light, white gown and a wreath of Papaver rhoeas -
quite apropos.
\\Moina casts one last glance in my direction, then turns to face the altar. Solemnly, she begins to
\\And people believe she died a virgin.
Western Front, European Theater,
Christmas Eve/December 24th, 1914
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
Chapter 1 : Ghosts of Christmas Past | Christmas Truce
Winter now grips this great war and we can only
tuck ourselves into our coats and our trenches,
tuck our minds away in the midst of much
su ering. It will be a long, cruel season and, for
those of us who survive it, we will see more
before this con ict ends.

Red and Gangrene

>>\\It's Christmas Eve and we're dying down here
in the trenches. I do my best to tend to these
men, but here I am no healer. At best, I am a
stopgap until they are pulled from the
battle eld or buried beneath it.
\\Another shell bursts nearby, showering us with
frosty dirt. I don't inch. I keep my hands steady
as I stitch the torn cheek of a soldier's face.
Nobody calls out for me; I hope it missed.
\\Gibbons squats against the wall. He pulls o
his boot and shows me what's left of his foot.
It's gone rotten. If he's lucky, he'll just lose his toes. I don't put much faith in luck out here. I tell him to
keep his boot on. Keep it dry.
\\A man appears at the top of the trench. Buckley. He's got Crawson on his back. I try to help them
down, but incoming re shreds Buckley! Both men tumble down onto me. Buckley's stuck in a stare,
mouth agape. Dead.
\\Crawson's breathing shallow and he's got a dent in his helmet. I carefully remove it but when I do,
blood spills out onto his face. His limbs dance in violent spasms.
\\I climb the ladder and peek over at the battle eld. It is littered with the bodies of my squad-mates. I
scan them, eager to help. These men are beyond my help.
\\Enemy artillery halts. Soon, our own does as well. In the distance, we hear singing. Have we lost?
Silent Night
>>\\The frolicking song from the enemy lines
grows louder, but it is not a taunt. Maybe they
want us to let down our guard? No — they are
singing to us, projecting their voices. Has the
war ended?
\\Our commander transmits a coded message to
base requesting instructions. The code comes
back… PWO. Proceed with orders.
\\Our boys reload their weapons and prepared
for the next assault, but then some of them begin to sing. Christmas carols! Of course!
\\Our scouts take to the eld. We expect gun re, but are answered by none.
\\The Germans have decorated their razor-wire with scraps of colored cloth. They've lit candles and
decorated the trees around their camps with makeshift ornaments.
\\Some of the enemy soldiers have begun to walk out into no man's land, arms raised, singing with
boisterous vigor! They have no weapons.
\\My hands still stained with Crawson's blood, I follow my squad-mates to the eld to see with my own
eyes. It is true! The Germans seem to be calling a truce. Smitts suggests that we should take
advantage while they're distracted. Some of the boys answer him with outrage.

All is Calm
>>\\The Germans come bearing gifts. Mostly
things they can replace like badges and buttons.
Their English is as poor as our German, but they
are nervous. They realize the risk they take and
they're not sure how we will respond.
\\We scramble back into the camps to nd our
own o erings for the German soldiers. From my
pack, I pluck a novel and some candies I have
brought from London.
\\I catch Smitts cutting buttons from the corpses of our dead. I scold him and he scurries away like
some frightened vermin.
\\I return to the eld, where the lines have now disappeared. English and German troops mingle as
one, all of us victims of the same horrible war.
\\The Germans try to teach two of our soldiers one of their carols. When our boys repeat the tune, it
sounds like an awful parody. The Germans are not o ended, they can sense the good intentions.
\\I give my novel, which is a study of the Italian Renaissance, to an enemy medic. He admires my
uniform and we compare some of our tools. He notes the blood on my hands and frowns.
\\I pass out the sweets to the German troops. They pretend to toast me before eating them and I
cannot help but laugh. I wish they were better candies. Both sides begin to kick a ball back and forth
in friendly competition.

>>\\A German general walks onto the eld. I
know this man! He is Erich Albert. High ranking.
Rumored to be a genius. He appears awkward at
rst, but soon relaxes and joins his men in the
\\Albert approaches me. He notes my uniform
and gestures me to follow him. He signals his
own medic as well.
\\The three of us continue deeper into the
enemy camp. I can hear the cries of pain long
before and I know what will be asked of me.
\\In the enemy trench, a German soldier writhes with several bullet wounds in his torso. He is a mess.
The German medic manages a little English. “Please,” he pleads, and nods to the injured man. I nod as
well. He needs me to assist him.
\\The fallen soldier is now unconscious, though our crude surgery was successful. We managed to get
all of the metal out of his body and close up his wounds, but I am not sure he will live. Albert pats me
on the back.
\\The other medic returns to the festivities, as strange as they are. Albert reaches out to shake my
hand and realizes that I am admiring his ring. It is a white circle with a red cross pattée in its center.
\\Albert shrugs and slides the ring from his nger. He o ers it to me. I shrug and raise my hand to
show him I have no ring to trade. A look of shock on his face when he sees the circular scar burned
around my ring nger. A look of panic when my hidden blade snaps out from my sleeve…
Krasnoyarsk, Russia,
Midsummer [June 20th-25th], 1917
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
Chapter 2 : DATA-DUMP S00.002 | Polzuchaya Tvar
I no longer consider myself a crusader for change, but I must nd the splinter of the artifact. First,
however, I need to learn more about it.
Subject: Nikolai Andreievich Orelov | Location: Russian Empire | Time Period: 1917

Siberian Winter
>>\\The road to Krasnoyarsk is a lonely one. The
sky is dark, moonless. Snow creaks underneath
my horse's hooves. I shiver, but not because of
the cold.
\\I have been here - or near here - before, not so
long ago. No doubt the people of Krasnoyarsk
have felt the tremors of the explosion.
\\I was younger then, dedicated, but arrogant,
angry. Yet I followed the Mentor's plans to the
letter, convinced that victory of the Brotherhood was all that mattered.
\\Krasnoyarsk is quiet. My arrival, in the middle of the night, will remain unnoticed. My business here
will soon be over - provided I nd the one I seek.
\\I pass by Krasnoyarsk's Svyato-Troitsky Cathedral, but cannot help thinking about that fateful night,
when the Royal Sta shattered. I need to concentrate.
\\Here at last! The walls enclosing the asylum are easy to climb. The guards are few; most of them
inebriated. I slip inside and quietly, reach my goal.
\\She sits alone in her cell. Her face, horribly dis gured, has a hole where a nose should be. The
“monster” I was looking for—more repulsive than Baba Yaga!
The Asylum
>>\\She runs cracked ngers upon her bald head,
staring at me. Her eyes, kindly despite a
seemingly inhuman face, are mesmerizing. I
cannot look away.
\\“Khioniya Kuzminichna Guseva,” I say,
somewhat harshly. “You have attempted to
murder the monk Grigori Rasputin.” She nods; a
barely perceptible gesture.
\\The rather pitiful excuse of a lock provides no
challenge. I open the door and Guseva takes several steps back. “I am not here to pass judgment. I
seek only answers.”
\\“I know nothing!” Guseva's voice is strong, con dent, but somehow devoid of emotion. Three years in
this madhouse, yet she seems quite sane.
\\“You may know more than you think.” I truly hope she does. “I o er you freedom. All I ask in return is
that you answer a few questions.”
\\“Only through death can one be truly free.” Guseva's voice is like a knife's edge. She smiles - a
dreadful grimace. “You will get me out of this misery!”
\\I order Guseva to follow me. She hesitates, so I take her hand—the hand which held the knife that
disemboweled the Mad Monk—and guide her outside.

The Holy Devil

>>\\A handful of kopeks is more than enough to
bribe the priest. We sit in a darkened corner of
the Svyato-Troitsky Cathedral. Here, we can talk
\\A black scarf hides Guseva's monstrous face,
but her eyes shine brightly in the candlelight.
“Tell me what happened,” I whisper.
\\“I was a disciple of Father Grigori, the Holy
Devil.” This is not the voice of a madwoman.
“We had traveled to Pokrovskoe, his hometown.”
\\“It was midsummer.” Guseva lowers the scarf,
revealing her ravaged face. “A day, perhaps two, after the feast of the nativity of St. John the
\\“I was waiting for Father Grigori outside of church, as he had ordered. When I saw him, I… I charged,
stabbed him deeply, in the belly.”
\\“I raised the knife up to his navel, to make sure he would die!” Guseva's voice trembles. “His insides…
they… fell out! He… He clutched at them… And SMILED at me!”
\\“I screamed, ‘I have killed the Antichrist!’, but I was wrong. What kind of man can survive this?” One
who carries a splinter of the Royal Sta , no doubt.

Ominous Prophecy
>>\\In the gloom, Guseva remains silent, as
though waiting for me to pass judgment. I do
not move. I do not speak. She takes my hand,
squeezes it.
\\“You have to understand!” Guseva says at last.
“The Holy Devil had a POWER over people… Over
me! His eyes were blue. Sinful eyes!”
\\“The scars!” Guseva caresses her ruined face.
“My nose!” She points to the hole where her
nose should be. “He made me do it! The Holy
Devil made me do it!”
\\“You did this to yourself?” My voice cracks. Suddenly, tears stream down Guseva's scarred face. Of
course, Rasputin had the means to control her.
\\“He used to say ‘Death is near me. She is crawling towards me like a whore.’ That day, he expected
me to try to kill him. And fall.”
\\“Rasputin prophesized the attempt on his life,” I say. “He knew he would not die.” The splinter from
the Sta ! Could it be this powerful?
\\Guseva takes my hand into hers. “End my su erings! Now!” She does not utter a sound when my
hidden blade runs through her heart. She only smiles.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1943
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
Excerpt from Chapter 2 : DATA-DUMP S00.002 | Misfire
Excerpt from Rocket Man
\\“He discovered how to work Crowley's FORMULA!” von Kármán shouts. “He will show them… on St.
John's Day, of all days! The results could be worse than Philadelphia in ‘43!”

Milan, Italy, Christmas/December 25th, 1944

Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
Excerpt from Chapter 4 : Ghosts of Christmas Past |
I've got a Christmas present for you. Enjoy! -Erudito [This Memory is from Keith Scipione’s perspective]

Milan, Italy
>>\\This is crazy! What did I do to tick o my
bosses? Goose chase in the middle of a war zone
while our own boys are dropping the bombs on
me. For what? Chance that it may be the real
thing? Right… been at this nearly twenty years
and I don't even believe it exists.
\\I keep my head low even though I'm dressed as
a local. The bag full of money feels like a ball
and chain, though. These people are su ering.
They wouldn't think twice about snatching it o me if they knew what it was.
\\Looking for the restaurant. Hopefully it still stands. Meeting with one of the Baguttiani, who are
apparently a bunch of artsy thinker types who sit around all day contemplating the importance of
sitting around and contemplating.
\\Place looks empty, but the door's not locked. Inside, the man's waiting for me. He's nervous. He
should be. I've drawn my pistol. I ain't no patsy.
\\He answers by pointing to a wooden box sitting on one of the benches. Sure doesn't look like much
to me. I sit my bag down on the table next to it, keeping my gun level.
\\I lift the box's lid and peer into it. Something's folded up in there. Smells kind of musty. It's dirty as
hell, too. It could be this guy's laundry for all I know.
\\I dangle the metal company logo at the end of my key chain and watch it jitter as I move it near the
box. I glance at the man and he nods his head. I wait a minute… maybe it's just the rumblings of some
nearby bomb. It doesn't stop. Well slap my ass and call me Sally…
Pasadena, California, Midsummer, June 17th, 1952
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
Chapter 2 : DATA-DUMP S00.002 | Misfire
The FBI suspects that Jack Parsons sold state secrets to the Commies, but I know he didn't commit
treason. The man is much more dangerous than that.
Subject: Thomas Sean Morgan | Location: Pasadena, California | Time Period: June 17, 1952

A Dangerous Man
>>\\On any other day, I would enjoy driving my
‘51 Studebaker through the streets of Pasadena.
Not today, though. Today, Dr. von Kármán will
not be pleased.
\\I pull out my Omega and check the time. It's
early, but the Doctor is already sipping tea at
the Terrace, waiting for my report on Parsons.
\\I turn left on Hillcrest, take out my
handkerchief, and wipe the sweat o my face. I
then pull the Studebaker in front of the
Langham Hotel.
\\I grasp the les and pictures I studied earlier and put them in the open briefcase on the passenger
side of the seat. On top of the pile is a photograph of Parsons.
\\The man's gaze is so intense, so diabolical, that I quickly close the briefcase—to avoid looking at his
picture. I wipe my forehead and step out of the car.
\\The valet gives me a look as I hand him the keys. Ordinarily, I would've smacked his face, but today's
his lucky day. I have pressing business to attend.
\\“Careful!” I warn the valet as I adjust my tie. The boy's too dense to feel threatened; he thinks I worry
about the car.
Waning Genius
>>\\I sit in front of Dr. von Kármán at the
Terrace. Despite his age, he looks spi y in his
pinstriped suit. “Mr. Morgan. What have you
found out?”
\\“Mr. Parsons seems to have cut all ties with
the outside world.” I clear my throat and take a
sip of water. I'd prefer beer, or something
\\“He's seen no one of consequence since he lost
his security clearance at Caltech, in January.” I
place the briefcase on the table. Where is that waiter?
\\Dr. von Kármán raises a hand and a waiter appears. “Scotch for my friend. Make it a double.” I know
I'm not his friend, but I'm proud to work for this man.
\\I wait for the waiter to leave. “The FBI investigation is going nowhere, but…” I open the briefcase,
rummage through it, and pull out a couple of les.
\\“Mr. Parsons made travel arrangements to Mexico.” I hand the latest photographs to von Kármán.
“He'll be leaving in a few days. On the 25th.”
\\“What?” von Kármán jumps to his feet, dropping the photographs. I had a feeling he'd be upset. “It is
worse than I feared! Much, much worse!”

Rocket Man
>>\\l knew von Kármán wouldn't be pleased to
learn Parsons was planning to skip the country,
but I didn't think he'd react so strongly.
\\The waiter nally arrives with my drink. Dr. von
Kármán snatches it and gulps it down.
“Glen ddich,” he mutters. The good stu . “Now
leave us!”
\\The waiter hesitates a moment, then scrams.
Part of me regrets not having the guts to order
another glass. God knows I need one!
\\“Are you certain Jack is leaving on the 25th?” I'm surprised to hear von Kármán use Parsons' given
name, but I know better than to question him.
\\“Positive.” I hand him a copy of the arrangements Parsons' wife made with the airline. The Doctor
peruses the papers, mumbling in Hungarian.
\\“He discovered how to work Crowley's FORMULA!” von Kármán shouts. “He will show them… on St.
John's Day, of all days! The results could be worse than Philadelphia in ‘43!”
\\In the lobby. Dr. von Kármán tries to reach Parsons on the phone. “Busy!” He turns to me. “You must
stop him! Go to his lab! Tell Jack he needs to stop! NOW!”
Millionaire’s Row
>>\\I never drove so fast in my life! My hands
feel numb and my knuckles are white. I loosen
my hold on the steering wheel and cut the
accelerator some slack.
\\I turn on South Orange Grove, glad to be in one
piece. Two black ‘49 Fords block the road, four
men in equally black suits behind them. G-Men!
\\The familiar weight of the Walther in my
pocket suddenly feels very comforting. I cut the
engine and check the time: 5:06. I get out of the
car, ready to bust some chops.
\\A dame with gams up to her neck steps out of one of the Fords, a chrome-dome twice my size behind
her. She wears a ritzy dress, and I can tell by the way she moves she's no dumb Dora.
\\“Please come with us, Mr. Morgan.” She knows my name! Chrome-Dome puts a hand on my shoulder.
My elbow's about to pay a visit to his stomach, but I freeze!
\\The dame wears a small pin on her dress: Three crooked rectangles forming a triangle! My heart
sinks. Now I know the meaning of the word FEAR!
\\I'm blinded by an unearthly ash - a brightness stronger than the sun! I barely hear the explosion,
but feel its tremors. Parsons' lab! What have they done?

Pasadena, California, Midsummer, June 25th, 1952

Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
Excerpt from Chapter 2 : DATA-DUMP S00.002 | Misfire
Excerpt from Waning Genius
\\“Mr. Parsons made travel arrangements to Mexico.” I hand the latest photographs to von Kármán.
“He'll be leaving in a few days. On the 25th.”
December 19th - Christmas Day/December 25th, 2003
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
Chapter 2 : Ghosts of Christmas Past | Renegotiated
Six days ago, the Mars Express Orbiter hurled
the Beagle 2 towards the red planet. 66 million
pounds spent on equipment, 3 years of intense
research and construction, and now… we wait to
learn if the bloody thing even survived its

>>\\The crowd gathering outside the LOCC is
making me nervous. The more eyes on this, the
harder my work. Fortunately, most are more
distracted by the holiday than the landing,
including some of the engineers who have
worked so hard on this mission.
\\My colleagues begin to show their stress. They
fuss over charts and data as if they still have
any control over the success of this mission.
They whine about the “tourists” amassing outside.
\\The noise around the control center swells as each conversation escalates the volume of the next.
\\Matthew and June must be unwrapping their presents right now, probably still in their pajamas. I
must stop missing important moments in their lives, but for today, I need to be here.
\\I am working on a slightly di erent timeline than my peers. One step ahead of them. I prepare my
systems for the signal.
\\They're discussing the Galactic Ghoul again. Mars Curse. Gobbled up another probe. In a way, I'm
feeding it to him.
\\Mars Express con rms the signal, but my peers never see it! I nicked it, routed the con rmation to
one machine—mine. The com-link, the new control codes… they're coming with me. Sorry, loves.
Cat Walk
>>\\Done and done. Computer's in its bag,
systems normal, and best of all… nobody
suspects a thing. Pup's got a new owner and she
needs to take him walkies.
\\“Alright boys, you keep watch for me. ‘Santa’
needs to get home to the kids. Could be Beagle's
still dreaming. I'm sure he'll wake up soon
\\The crew is disappointed to see me go, but
they're always ribbing me for the shrine of kid photos I've built on my desk. They understand… at least
they think they do.
\\I open the control room door and the revelers spin around, eager to read my face. Hide it. Hide it.
There, a lovely smile. They think I have good news. I tell them everything looks solid so far, but we're
still waiting. They continue their noisy conversations.
\\Walking through security gets my heart pumping. There's no reason for it. I walk through with my
laptop every day. Wally salutes me with his “Ho Ho Ho” mug and wishes me a merry one. I wish him
the same.
\\Just a nal little stroll through the parking lot and I am out of here for good. No, Wally! Why are you
following me?
\\“Wait, Vanessa! You forgot to punch out. I can punch it for you, I just need you to sign this.” I sign
the clipboard and wink at him. He blushes. I'm going to miss that.

Bearing Gifts
>>\\I'm in a quaint cafe waiting for my contact.
His name is Robert Getas, an American
entrepreneur who contacted me nearly ve
years ago and dumped a lot of money on the
table. I've never met him, but I've done my
research. Fancies himself a world-changer.
\\He's not old, but he's not young either. He's not
attractive, but he's not ugly. Middle height.
Average weight. No marks or moles. He's tricky
to spot in a crowd, but I try.
\\My eyes land on him and bounce o , moving to the next person. I realize my mistake and look back,
causing him to grin. He walks towards me in his unremarkable grey suit and plain glasses, his hand
\\“Robert," I say, and shake his hand. “Please, call me Rob. I think we've worked together long enough,
haven't we?”
\\I ask him about the payment. He assures me that it has already been deposited in the agreed
account. It will be frozen for a little while, but he asks me not to panic. Banks don't easily process such
large amounts without questions. He'll handle the answers.
\\“It's really up there, huh?” He asks. “What's it doing now? Digging?”
\\I tell him that yes, it should be taking soil samples and tossing out a small probe soon. I state that
he has never once told me what he wants with Beagle 2. He nods. I hand him the laptop. Done deal.

Slip of the Tongue

>>\\Rob walks with me outside and before we
part, I laugh and tell him that this whole thing is
pretty ironic. Me trading out the Beagle when
my Mum always tells me we've got Darwin in the
family tree. Rob stares at me.
\\He suggests a new deal. Come work for him at
his o ce. He's quite insistent!
\\I take a step back, a bit alarmed. I tell him the
whole point of the past ve years has been to
avoid having to ever work again. Why should I, now that I've joined the upper crust?
\\I don't like where this is going, but I am in an awkward position. I don't want to tick him o because
he still has strings attached to my money, but something about his expression has got me rattled!
\\He tells me that money is too easily spent, but we can make history, the two of us. He o ers to y
me back with him, to give me a tour of the facilities. I ask him why the sudden interest.
\\He nods, but I don't know why. Again, I step back. I thump into someone! A large bloke, solid!
\\The large man slips a cloth over my face! No! I can't fo—

September 30th, 2010

Abstergo Entertainment initiates Project Legacy, launching the
DDS software on Facebook, collecting mass amounts of users’
genetic memories for their own purposes…
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Italian Wars

November 15th, 2010

Abstergo Entertainment updates Project Legacy, launching the
next batch DDS memories on Facebook
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Rome

December 22nd, 2010

Abstergo Entertainment updates Project Legacy, launching the
next batch DDS memories on Facebook
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
July 4th, 2011
Erudito hacks into and updates Project Legacy, launching the
next batch DDS memories on Facebook to share hidden truths
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Divine Science

Denver International Airport, Colorado,

October 2011
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
Excerpt from Chapter 2 : Ghosts of Christmas Past | Renegotiated
[If you use a QR scanner to scan the Beagle 2
Signal Alpha, Beagle 2 Signal Delta, Beagle 2
Signal Gamma, Beagle 2 Signal Beta you will get
DIT GAII, and DIA. All of these words refer to a
mystery surrounding these words appearing on
the oor of the Denver International Airport,
where a satellite accident involving Abstergo
took place in 2011]

May 15th, 2013

Facebook removes Project Legacy, citing Abstergo had abandoned
updating the DDS software, and so the project ended
Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy

Mars, January 16th, 2015

Assassin’s Creed: Project Legacy | Holidays
Chapter 2 : Ghosts of Christmas Past | Renegotiated
[The Beagle 2 was believed to have crashed until
16 January 2015, when HiRISE imagery revealed
the probe had landed on Mars, and that it had
only partially deployed its equipment (this only
surfacing long after Project Legacy’s writing)]

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