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Full Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Grade: _________ Date: ___________

Put the sentences into past tense
She wins the money. She ____the money.

They can eat. They ______eat.

We go shopping. We _____shopping.

She runs to school. She _____to school.

We buy a new car. We _____a new car.

They leave the party. They _____the party.

Tell the story – fill in the past simple tense

On Friday, the children _____(talk) about a day out together in the country. The next morning, they ______ (go) to
the country with their two dogs and ____(play) together. Ben and Dave _____(have) some kites. Sometime later
the dogs ____(be) not there.

So, they ______(call) them and ____(look) for them in the forest. After half an hour the children ______(find) them
and _____(take) them back.

Charlie ______(be) very happy to see them again. At lunch time Nick ________ (go) to the bikes and ______(fetch)
the basket with some meat sandwiches.

Then they _____(play) football. Nick and Dave ______(win). In the evening they ________(ride) home.


1. I ___________ about a yellow unicorn last night.

A) dreamed

B) slept

C) think

D) was

E) saw

2. It was snowing last night. It ___________ so


A) went

B) touched

C) sold

D) felt

E) happened

3. Lucy ___________ her mother’s watch, so she bought a new one.

A) broke

B) looked


D) cried

E) forgot

4. We ___________ at the library for three hours


A) sent

B) learnt

C) studied

D) ran

E) reviewed

5. I ___________ an e-mail to the company but they never answered.

A) worked

B) published

C) filled

D) read

E) sent

6. The two cousins ___________ at the airport for the first time.

A) thought

B) met

C) said

D) welcomed

E) saw

Full Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Grade: _________ Date: ___________

7. The dog ___________ in the middle of the kitchen floor, looking at the door.

A) saw

B) put

C) reached

D) ran

E) stood

8. I wanted to _____, but I couldn’t. I had to stay and help my friend.

A) went

B) go

C) going

D) gone

E) was


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