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b. What would happen if the earth suddenly stoped
going around
c. What would happen if we did not have a Moon
d. What would happen if all the ice at the poles
e. What happen if there were no more electricity
f. What would happen if aliens received messages
from Earth and decided to visit us.

a. Would be able
b. Were / would see
c. Turn off/ will not be able
d.Did not eat/ would have weighted
e.Do not have/ will let
f. Looked/ would be/ would be
g.Smoke/ will take place
h.Removed/ would be able

a. Had marched/ would have conquered
b. Had gone/ would have brought
c. Had built/ would have crossed
d.Had not hit/ wouldn’t have arrived
e.Had not read/ would not have tried to
f. Had sailed/ would have reached
g.Hadn’t thought/ would not have conquered
h.Hadn’t found/ would not have made
i. Hadn’t taken/ would have not written

ANSWER: b. would spend, c. stays, d.do not realize
e. go, f . swim , g. remained , h. would die , i.
had been, j. would have been , k. continue, l. will
Think about one of the global problems and the
solutions to solve it. Then answer these following
questions by using full sentences.

ANSWER: I'm going to talk about one of the most significant global
problems, which is water pollution.

I’d like to begin by highlighting that water pollution is primarily

caused by industrial discharge and wastewater that contain pollutants
and chemicals. Additionally, run off from agricultural areas, which
may contain pesticides and fertilizers, also contributes to water

Going on the question about the effects of water pollution. It can lead
to health issues in humans, such as waterborne diseases and long-
term health problems. It also harms aquatic ecosystems and
biodiversity, disrupts fisheries, and affects the livelihoods of
communities dependent on clean water sources.

If there still time I also like to mention that the solutions, the
goverments has taken steps to address water pollution, including the
enforcement of environmental regulations and laws. They have
increased monitoring and enforcement of industrial wastewater
treatment, and companies or organizations that violate the laws will
be punished .


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