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512723, 135 PM FactorTalk View Ste Fation (SE) Distrbutes Application Activation keys ID: IN1066 | Access Levels: Everyone FactoryTalk View Site Edition (SE) Distributed Application Activation keys Document iD INI086 Published Date 02/17/2022 Summary FactoryTalk View Site Edition (SE) Distributed Application Activation keys Content How are the various activations in FactoryTalk View SE distributed used FactoryTalk View Site Edition (SE) is an HMI for supervisory-level monitoring and control application. It has a distributed and scaleable architecture that supports multi-server/multi-client applications. Applications are developed with FactoryTalk View Studio, a common development and testing environment for all FactoryTalk View Enterprise products. Applications are deployed on FactoryTalk View SE Servers (HMI Servers) and accessed from FactoryTalk View SE Display Clients. Note: The number of licensed displays is not cumulative in relation to the number of licenses that are held, therefore, if you have 2 licenses with 100 screens each, they will not let you open a project with 200 displays Because FactoryTalk View SE has these three components (FactoryTalk View Studio, SE Servers and SE Clients), three different activations are required Activation keys required by FactoryTalk View Site Edition The three different FactoryTalk View SE activations can be used in two different ways - floating licenses or dedicated licenses. 1. Using Floating Licenses: Activations can be stored on the computer running the FactoryTalk Activation Server. The license for FactoryTalk View SE Server shouldn't be used in a floating environment. htpssrockwelautomation custhelp.comfapplanswerslanswer_vwia_id0020701 18 512723, 135 PM FactoryTalk View Ste ation (SE) Distrbuted Application Activation keys © RSV. Studio - one for each computer that will be running FactoryTalk View Studio at the same time. © RSVSECLI.RW or RSVSECLI.RO - one key for each computer that will be running the SE Display Client at the same time. 2. Using Dedicated Licenses: assign activations to the computer where the component is running. © RSV. Studio - activate on each computer that will run FactoryTalk View Studio. This key is shareable which means that more than one FactoryTalk View Studio that is opened on the same computer will share that key. © RSVSECLI.RW or RSVSECLI. RO - activate on each computer that requires @ dedicated SE Display Client. You will need one key for each computer running an SE Display Client. This key is shareable which means that if you have 3 SE Display Clients running on the same computer, each instance will share the same key. © RSVSESRV. XXX - where XXX is the number of displays allowed. Activate for each SE Server that is loaded or running on the computer. Example: A Distributed Application will load 2 SE servers: One SE Server (60 displays) will be loaded on Computer! and One SE Server (230 displays) will be loaded on Computer. You have to install 1 - RSVSESRV.100 key in Computer] and 1 - RSVSESRV.250 key in Computer2. Recently Viewed FactoryTalk FactoryTalk View SE FactoryTalk VantagePoint 3.1.5 operation in Grace VantagePoint 4.0 error XCELSIUS Flash Period/Demo Mode System Requirements Player (version 9 or above) required DISCLAIMER htpssrockwelautomation custhelp.comfapplanswerslanswer_viow/a_id0020701 28 57228, 1:35 PM FactorTak View Site Eétion (SE) Distrbuted Application Activation keys This knowledge base web site is intended to provide general technical information on a particular subject or subjects and is not an exhaustive treatment of such subjects. Accordingly, the information in this web site is not intended to constitute application, design, software or other professional engineering advice or services. Before making any decision or taking any action, which might affect your equipment, you should consult a qualified professional advisor. ROCKWELL AUTOMATION DOES NOT WARRANT THE COMPLETENESS, TIMELINESS OR ACCURACY OF ANY OF THE DATA CONTAINED IN THIS WEB SITE AND MAY MAKE CHANGES THERETO AT ANY TIME IN ITS SOLE DISCRETION WITHOUT NOTICE. FURTHER, ALL INFORMATION CONVEYED HEREBY IS PROVIDED TO USERS "AS |S.” IN NO EVENT ‘SHALL ROCKWELL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OF ANY KIND INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS PROFIT OR DAMAGE, EVEN IF ROCKWELL AUTOMATION HAVE BEEN ADVISED ON THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. ROCKWELL AUTOMATION DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED IN RESPECT OF THE INFORMATION (INCLUDING SOFTWARE) PROVIDED HEREBY, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR AAPARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABILITY, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. Note that certain jurisdictions do not. countenance the exclusion of implied warranties; thus, this disclaimer may not apply to you. Copyright © 2023 Rockwall Automation ne. Al Rights Reserved htpsrockwelautomation custhelp.comfapplanswerslanswer_view/a 180020701 a8

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