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REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ‘DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION AND ‘COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY. LOCAL TRAVEL ORDER No. 1024-4-09-11 April 02, 2024 LOCAL TRAM 4924-04-03-1d, ——Annt 2, 2024 ‘Authority to Travels hereby granted to: NAME POSITION DIVISION/AGENCY eye. Yow Enaneer Free Puble itemet Access Prowram Eigen. Equipaco Engineer Free Puble Internet Access Program Destination Inclusive Date/s of Travel _Purpose(s) of the Travel, acs ‘owowan2e Relocation of VSAT Equpment de to ongoing castro, ‘Travel Expenses to be ‘Appropriation/Fund to which travel expenses would be charge to: Incurred: ‘General Fund Project Funds ‘Others: (e.g. sponsor! (is. specity) requesting agency) Free Wi Funds Actual X Per Diem ‘Accommodation a Mealls Food Incidental expenses X Transportation Official Vehicle Public conveyance (Airplane, Bus, Taxi) Others Remarks'Special Instructions AA report of your travel must be submitted tothe Agency Head/Supervsing Official within 7 days from completion of travel Liquidation of each cash advance should be in accordance with Executive Order No. 298: Rules and Regulations and New Rates of Allowances for Official Local and Foreign Travels af Government Personnel RECOMMENDING APPROVAL: a\ Ser \JIMUEL E. ESPAROLA IC, Technical Operations Division oy, ‘APPROVED: signed by » hc. Faduga giircetar Shera RALPH JOSEPH C. MONCATAR Roy Drecor Wimegional Dieter om Etimas re

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