October 27 MODULE GR 9 and 10 1

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Name: ________________________________ Group/ Grade Level: 9 & 10

Date: ________________________ Facilitators: Banquil, Jelena/ Camia, Michelle
Marie/Gomez, Ma. Elizabeth Gwen

I. Objectives
Within the four-hour session and through the use of anecdotes and various
learning activities, with 80% accuracy, the learners are expected to:
A. Identify the different techniques of making conclusions;
B. Apply the techniques of making conclusions by…
C. Create a diary recounting real experience that reflects the value of

II. Subject Matter

Reading Skill Focus : Reading Comprehension & Making Conclusion
Value Integration : Moderation
Values Statement : “Moderation in all things, health in the body,
peace in the mind, love in the heart, brings a life of balance and harmony."
- Publilius Syrus
Materials : Anecdotes

III. Process/Activities


1. Caption This Picture: In any order, take a look at these images. Make a
statement or opinions about it. Make a conclusion you draw from it. Share your
2. Unlocking of Difficult Words
Directions: Choose the right answers from the definitions given.

a) Physically or emotionally exhausted, typically as a result of prolonged stress or

b) Having a strong desire to achieve something significant or succeed, often with
determination and hard work.
c) Extremely intense, serious, or grave.
d) Capable of being maintained or continued over the long term without harming
the environment or resources.
e) To fail to care for or pay attention to something, resulting in its deterioration or
f) Often implies a sense of being alone, remote, or detached from the company or
support of others.

1. Despite initial success, Mark began to feel burnt out and isolated.
2. Mark was an ambitious businessman who poured all his time and energy into
his startup business.
3. One day, he suffered from a severe stress-related health issue that forced him
to take a break.
4. As a result, his creativity and productivity soared, and he built a sustainable
and successful business.
5. He often skipped meals, worked long hours, and neglected his health and social


Now that you have a little background about the different tenses of telling experiences,
the teacher will let the students read the anecdotes below.


Mark was an ambitious businessman who poured all his time and energy into his
startup business. He often skipped meals, worked long hours, and neglected his
health and social life. Despite initial success, Mark began to feel burnt out and
isolated. One day, he suffered from a severe stress-related health issue that
forced him to take a break. During his recovery, he realized that moderation was
key to long-term success, and he started balancing work with regular breaks,
exercise, and spending quality time with loved ones. As a result, his creativity and
productivity soared, and he built a sustainable and successful business. We must
always be moderate in all things to keep our life balance.
C. LET’S DISCUSS (GROUP WORK) Divide the class into two groups and give them
ten (10) minutes to answer by discussing the questions within their group. Let them
share their answers with the class.

1. Who is the character of the story? What is the problem in the story? Retell
the story in your own words.

a) What do you think happened to Mark after becoming a successful

b) Do you think Mark will continue working moderately in the future?
c) If you are Mark, how would you like to end your story?

2. Value to live by: Moderation

“Moderation in all things, health in the body, peace in the mind, love in
the heart, brings a life of balance and harmony."

- Publilius Syrus

What does the quote mean? How can you apply this in your life?

This quote advocates for moderation in all aspects of life, emphasizing the importance of
maintaining physical health, peace in mind, and love in the heart to achieve a life of balance
and harmony. By avoiding extremes and practicing self-care, one can experience greater well-
being and contentment.

Important Points to Remember

An anecdote is a short and often amusing or interesting story that is used to illustrate or emphasize a
point, highlight a particular experience, or convey a message in a concise and engaging manner.

Anecdotes are typically based on real-life events or experiences and are often shared in social settings or
informal conversations to make a topic more relatable and memorable.


1. Let The End Be Felt

Let the readers know what happens after the story is over. This will help them feel like they have finished the
journey with their feelings and can say goodbye knowing what the next brings. Here, conflict is resolved.

2. Pass A Message Across To The Readers

A great way to end a story is to teach. This is a moral lesson that they can take away from the story. It is meant to
help them grasp the story and how it fits into them.

It would help if you also wrote a memorable conclusion so that your readers will never forget the book.

3. Reflect the Theme

Ensure that your conclusion reflects the central theme or message of your story.
Post Reading: Let’s Practice What We’ve Learned.

The class will be grouped into 3 and each group will randomly select a strip of paper
containing different anecdotes, based on your understanding of the different strategies
for making a conclusion, give a conclusion to the story given. You may apply more than
one strategy.

Anecdote 1: The Polite Shopkeeper

In a small town, there was a shopkeeper named Mr. Anderson. He was known for his
exceptional politeness and moderation. One day, a customer came into the shop and
accidentally knocked over a stack of goods.

Anecdote 1: The Lost Kitten

One day, my little sister found a tiny, scared kitten in our backyard. It was pouring rain, and the
kitten was soaked.

Anecdote 3: The Broken Dishes

While doing the dishes, I accidentally dropped a stack of plates. They crashed to the floor,
making a terrible noise.

Authentic Assessment (individual work) EXCLUDE

Objective: Write a diary entry recounting the most memorable experience the student has
had, and make a good conclusion of your output by applying the different strategies discussed.

Conclusion (20 points): The output has a unique and clear conclusion.

Emotional Expression (30 points): Express the emotions felt during the experience.
Reflect on the feelings experienced at different points of the event. Share personal
thoughts and reactions.

Organization and Structure (20 points): Organize the diary entry coherently with a
clear beginning, middle, and end.

Reflection and Significance (30 points): Reflect on the impact and significance of
the experience. Discuss how the experience has influenced the student's perspective or
life. Convey why this particular memory stands out as the most memorable.

Total Points: 100

IV. Evaluation

Based on how the writers concluded his anecdotes, answer the questions that follow:

The Battle of the Remote Control

In our household, the battle for the TV remote was a recurring source of conflict. My brother and I
had vastly different tastes in shows, and our arguments over what to watch had become a daily
1. What was the problem in the story that the character faced?

2. How was the conflict solved? __________________________________________


3. What message is passed across to the readers? ______________________________


Using any of the strategies of making conclusions, conclude the anecdote reflecting
the value of Moderation:

 Once, at a family gathering, there was a luscious chocolate cake on the dessert table.
Everyone in the room was eyeing it, including me.




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