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Grammar (40 marks) 1 Complete the sentences with the ‘comparative with than or the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. 0 Josh's computer is faster than Sam's. (fast) (0 | think Beyoncé is one of the most talented singers in the word. (talented) 1 Mexico is __ Canada. (hot) 2 This TV programme is __a fim. (interesting) 3 I'm _ person in my family. (tl) 4 This new phone is _ my old phone: (heavy) 5 My passport photo is __ your photo. (bad) 6 My computer is __of all my gadgets, (useful) 2 Look at the chart. Write sentences with ‘the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. Jaws (J) ‘Star Wars (SW) | Lor | Lord of the Rings | eaeeiel 2558 ae Seema | OTH 01975 197 1812 milion | $18 milion 2124 minutes | 121 minutes | [830scars | 6 Oscars (Key: SW = Star Wears; LOTR = Lord af the Rings, J = Jaws) 0 (old) SW is older than LOTR, but J is the oldest. 1 (cheap) SW was __ than LOTR but J was _ 2 (long) J is __ than SW but LOTRis _ 3 (good) LOTR is __ than J but SW is__ 4 (exciting) SW is _ than LOTR but J is_ 3 Choose the correct answer. need some new shoes. B: What about these black ° one/ 4: They're a bit boring. | prefer the brown + one/ones. B: OK. Which T-shirt are you going to buy? The white ? one/ones or the blue ° one/ones? ‘em not sure. Excuse me, how much are these Tshirts? Ci They're £12.99. A: Ohl Have you got any cheaper * one/ones? 4 Write the correct form of going to and the verb in brackets. This summer Erin is going té spend three weeks with her Halian friend, Carla. Polly: What ° are you going to do (do) in ttaly, Erin? Erin: 1" __(learn) some ttalian, | hope! Polly: *__ (study) all the time? Erin: No. We ° __ (spend) a week in ome too. Polly: _ (Sam/go) with you? Erin; No, *__. He ®__ (stay) in London. Polly: What ”__(he/do)? Erin: He ® __ (not/do) anything! ‘5S Complete the sentences with mine, yours, his, hers, ours oF theirs. 0 Is this his hat? No, isn't, ‘That's his over there. (he) 1 Whose books are these? They're __ 2 That isn’t my phone, __is in my bag. () 3 Our house is big, but __is bigger. they) 4 My penis broken. Can | use __. (you) 5 A: Whose jacket is this? B: I's __.(she) Ma Unjumble the words in bold in the dialogue to make sentences with want. 4° you play Do to football want? Do you want to play football? hat’s a nice idea, but * wants room Mum to ne fy clean. ‘A: But ? we you to play want! You're really good! Maybe later? 8B: Thanks! But | can't this afternoon, My ® to car wants dad his me wash. 4: OK. * want Do you to ask me Sam to come to the cinema with us on Saturday? B: Yes, great idea. Ike Sam! _ - (we) 7 Use the adjectives in the box to make adverbs, then complete the sentences. “good * loud * angry [shard * quick 0 Please speak /oudly.| can't hear you, 1 You've only got five minutes! Please work _! 2 Harry works very __ at school and always gets the best mas. 2) [cowtmveson La ape 2 | exe 3 Sally shouted _ at her protner. 4 I'm sorry. | can't speak Spanish very _ 5 | always read the text __ before | answer the questions. ~ Vocabulary (40 marks) ‘& Write the opposites of the adjectives. O heavy light. 1 difficult 2 tong 3 tall 4 dirty 5 far 6 slow interesting 8 big 8 new 10 expensive town is very busy. Lots of people are. going 1) into and) the aes shops buying Christmas presents. =a os They are walking 3) and 4) the street looking in the windows. There are some children * dancing and singing carols §) the Christmas tree. A car is coming 6) the comer, Ithas a Christmas tree 7) the root A man is going to put some parcels 8) his car. His wife is coming 9) are Christmas decorations hanging 11) @3 Fn in: at, on or in. Hightown Zoo opens 1) it opens 4) very full The best time to visit is 6) fed. The z00 first opened 7) 9%) summer or 12) sit 9 oclock 2) Easter 8) winter. Its only closed 13) the street 10) the street. 10.30. Its a good idea to come early 5) the attemoon because you can see the animals being the nineteenth century. People can visit Hightown Zoo 10) = 9 & USE your Enyuon (eu Harney 11 Choose the correct answer. 0 &: Can I help you? B: a) Yes, | ook for jeans. b) Yes, jeans please. ©)(fes, I'm looking for some jeans, 1 A: Can I try these jeans on? B: a) They're £20. b) Yes, of course. ) Here you are. 2 A: Have you got any white T-shirts? B: a) Yes, there are some white ones here. by No, sorry. I'll eave it. ¢) I'l take them. 3 A: Are they any good? B: a) They're £5. b) Yes, they're perfect. ©) Yes, of course. 4 A: Have you got a smaller size? B: a) They're too small. b) They are smaller. ©) Yes, here's a size 12. in: over, round, into, down, on, up, along, out of or towards. Today is Christmas Eve. The centre of o>] =}. . Sait the morning. 3) Saturdays and Sundays the summer because the zoo gets 1903, But most of the buildings were buit any time, 11) Christmas and 14) Ast January 115 Fill in with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. One rainy Saturday it was too wet 1) £2. go (go) outside so | decided 2) (spend) the day ' clearing out the attic. ! was busy 3) (clear) away some papers when | noticed something which made me 4) (stop) what | was doing, It was a dusty old diary, Without 5) (hesitate), | opened it and was surprised 6) (see) it had belonged to my grandmother, now dead. | spent the rest ofthe atternoon 7) (read) it and was surprised 8) (learn) many interesting things about her past. | knew it would be worth 8) (have) it published. | was right, and | have only one regret; | wish my grandmother could 10) (09) here to enjoy the fame. (oii must leave the bathroom tidy. ... The bathroom must be left tidy. E You should water this plant daily. a : ‘Our neighbour ought to paint the garage. ave to retum these books to the library... ‘Turn from Active into Passive as in the example : 7. He gave me a present. 4, Her mother bought Mary some sweets. Iwas given a present. (mofe usual) ... A present was given to me. (less usual) Serene The waiter wil bring us the bill 5. Bob has sold Ted a second-hand car. . The Queen presented him with a medal. 6: Lary is going to send a letter to Tom. 1. Someone is helping her with the housework. ..She is being helped with the housework......... 2. A pickpocket robbed me : 3. You must extinguish your cigarettes. 4. The mai-order company sent Mis Green a parcel. . 5. You must dry-clean this shir... 6. Someone will pay you within the next few das. 7. You can improve your health with more exercise. ... 8. A dog is chasing the child 1. My fiend sent me an invitation. 2, The cleaner is going to mop the kitchen floor. 3, The farmer is building a new barn. 4, The secretary has given Mrs Jones some letters. . 5. The tratfic warden had already given him a ticket for egal parking. 6. People must obey the law, 7. Someone had broken our door down, Fill in the blanks using the appropriate tense. Milton Jackson is a Jamaican who 1) ives (lve) in Manchester. He 2) (leave) his home in Kingston when he was eighteen years old. He 3) (work) in a bar there for four years when he 4) (decide) to go to England to look for a better job. So he 5) (buy) a one-way boat ticket to Liverpool. While he 6) (sunbathe) on the deck he 7) (meet) an Englishwoman called Kate who 8) _ (be) on holiday in Jamaica “You must come and visit me in Manchester" she 9) (say).“110) (introduce) you to my brother. He’s a footballer.” “Who 11) {he/play) for?” 12) (ask) Milton. “Manchester United. He 13) (play) for them for two years now." Milton was very excited. He 14) (play) football since he was @ young boy. As soon as they 15) {arrive} in England, Milton 16) (go) to Manchester with his new friend and met her brother, who 17) {introduce) him to the team manager. Now, he 18) (play) for Manchester United every week and at the moment he 19) (have) the time of his life. He 20) (alreadyitravel} all over Europe and he 21) (make) lots of t friends. He 22) (own) a big house in Cheshire.and 23) (drive) a Porsche. 24) (gel) married sometime next August. What about Kate? Well, she and M @ Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, ‘Yesterday | went with my sister 1) . to buy.. (buy) something for her birthday, She didn't realy know what 2) (get) but she seemed 3) + (lke) the idea of a pet, s0 we went to the nearest pet shop. She started 4) (look) around at all the animals. The man in the shop let her 5). sa» (pick up) the rabbits and stroke the hamsters, but when she saw some puppies 6) . (play) in a box, she said that she would like 7) . have) one of them. | | didn't know if we had enough money 8)... buy) one and | hoped my mother wouldn't object to 9). (have) a dog in the house, but my sister promised 10) (look after it property and we did have enough money, so we bought a little black dog. The man gave us aspecial-brush for it) .. (brush) him and some special food. Tomorrow we're going to take Splash to the beach. ; e@ Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. _ ee ee happy 2) rae ae eT TOs (dance) Dear Julie, - my birthday Pr famwriting © oe oc 5, | don’t know what: 3) (receive) ie -| had 90.00 some friends and afvenvarae Aree nda jaies im pom rent peer, tv certain ne! Orsewme Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive or -ing form. My mother is an amazing woman. She is 87 years old and she stil enjoys 1) ...golng oUt... (go out fora walk every day. She doesnt (do) all her housework and she's glad 8) -...-.- : help) her elderly neighbours when they can't 4) . (Go) tothe shops. She's to old 6)... (di) the garden any more = she stopped 6) _.. (do) that last year but she's stil healthy enough 7) . (mow) the grass! In the summer she stil goes ""fewim) when ifs warm and she lets her grandchildren (bury) her in the sand. She often says, “Its no good 40) {be) alive if you don't enjoy yourself” 6 love 11) sven (pe) tke my mother when Tm her age i in; mustn't, needn't or can’ John, | want you to look after your brother this evening. He 1) can’t ... 90 out and he 2) forget to do all his homework. You 3) him watch TV until he's finished it. He 4) watch the film either ~ it glarts very late. He 5) morning, There's a cake in the cupboard but you 6) . leave some for your sister. You 7) . do the washing-up: 'm going to doit tomorrow. You 8) ... make too much noise. We might be quite late home because we 9) . leave the party tonight until most of the quests have left. And you 10) .. having a wash and brushing your teeth. But you 11) Make sentences as in the example : > the:cat’s tall. those wires. “any apples. | bought some yesterday. —

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