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Vol. 9 No.

Christ has risen from the dead! Alleluia!
The Easter Vigil Liturgy has Four PREPARATION OF THE A
Parts: 1. The Service of Light CANDLE
(Blessing of the Fire and lighting of Christ yesterday and today
the Easter Candle.) 2. The Liturgy of (he cuts a vertical line); 2 0
the Word. 3. The Liturgy of Baptism
(Blessing of Water, Baptism and the Beginning and the End 2 4
4. The Liturgy of the Eucharist (he cuts a horizontal line);
Part I. THE SERVICE OF THE the Alpha
LIGHT (he cuts the letter Alpha
THE BLESSING OF THE FIRE above the vertical line); Ω
Cel: Dear brothers and sisters, on and the Omega (he cuts the letter
this most sacred night, in which Omega below the vertical line);
our Lord Jesus Christ passed over
from death to life, the Church calls all time belongs to him (he cuts the
upon her sons and daughters, first numeral of the current year in the
scattered throughout the world, upper left corner of the cross);
to come together to watch and and all the ages (he cuts the second
pray. If we keep the memorial of numeral of the current year in the
the Lord’s paschal solemnity in upper right corner of the cross);
this way, listening to his word and to him be glory and power (he cuts
celebrating his mysteries, then we the third numeral of the current year
shall have the sure hope of sharing in the lower left corner of the cross);
his triumph over death and living through every age and for ever.
with him in God. Amen. (He cuts the fourth numeral
(The Priest blesses the fire, of the current year in the lower right
saying:) corner of the cross).
Cel: Let us pray. O God, who (The Priest inserts five grains of
through your Son bestowed upon incense into the candle in the form of
the faithful the fire of your glory, a cross, meanwhile saying):
sanctify + this new fire, we pray, 1. By his holy 1
and grant that, by these paschal
celebrations, we may be so 2. and glorious wounds,
inflamed with heavenly desires, 3. may Christ the Lord 4 2 5
that with minds made pure we may 4. guard us
attain festivities of unending 5. and protect us. Amen.
splendour. Through Christ our Lord. 3
(The Priest lights the paschal candle And let them have dominion over
from the new fire, saying:) the fish of the sea, and over the
Cel: May the light of Christ rising birds of the heavens, and over the
in glory dispel the darkness of our livestock, and over all the earth,
hearts and minds. and over every creeping thing
that creeps on the earth.” So God
PROCESSION AND created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created
THE EASTER PROCLAMATION him; male and female he created
(Exsultet) them. And God blessed them, and
(All light their candles from the God said to them, “Be fruitful and
flame of the paschal candle and multiply, and fill the earth and
continue in procession). subdue it; and have dominion over
Cel: The Light of Christ. the fish of the sea and over the
All: Thanks be to God. birds of the heavens and over every
living thing that moves on the
(After the procession, Exsultet is earth.” And God said, “Behold,
recited or sung) I have given you every plant
yielding seed that is on the face of
Part II. THE LITURGY OF THE all the earth, and every tree with
WORD seed in its fruit. You shall have
(After setting aside their candles, all them for food. And to every beast
sit. Before the Readings begin, the of the earth, and to every bird of
priest instructs the people in these the heavens, and to everything that
or similar words:) creeps on the earth, everything that
Cel: Dear brothers and sisters, now has the breath of life, I have given
that we have begun our solemn every green plant for food.” And it
Vigil, let us then listen with quiet was so. And God saw everything
hearts to the Word of God. Let us that he had made, and behold it was
meditate on how God in times past very good.
saved his people and in these, the The word of the Lord
last days, has sent his Son as our
Redeemer. Let us pray that our Responsorial Psalm (104)
God may complete this paschal
work of salvation by the fullness of R: Lord, send forth your Spirit,
redemption. and renew the face of the earth.
Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord
FIRST READING my God, how great you are, clothed
God created us to live in in majesty and honour, wrapped in
harmony with him, with others and light as with a robe! R
with creation. But sin disrupted this You set the earth on its foundation,
bond of relationship and harmony. immovable from age to age, You
Easter is a new creation. wrapped it with the depths like a
cloak; the waters stood higher than
A reading from the book of the mountains. R
Genesis (Shorter Form) You make springs gush forth in the
1:1,26-31a valleys; they flow in between the
In the beginning God created the hills. There the birds of heaven
heavens and the earth. build their nests; from the branches
Then God said, “Let us make man they sing their song. R
in our image, after our likeness.
From your dwelling you water the “Here I am.” He said, “Do not lay
hills; by your works the earth has your hand on the lad or do anything
its fill. You make the grass grow to him, for now I know that you fear
for the cattle and plants to serve God, seeing you have not withheld
mankind’s need. That he may bring your son, your only son, from me.”
forth bread from the earth. R And Abraham lifted up his eyes and
How many are your works, O Lord! looked and behold, behind him
In wisdom you have made them all. was a ram, caught in a thicket by his
The earth is full of your creatures. horns. And Abraham went and took
the ram, and offered it up as a burnt
Bless the Lord, O my soul. R offering instead of his son.
Prayer after the Reading: And the angel of the Lord called
to Abraham a second time from
Cel: Let us pray. O God, who heaven and said, “By myself I have
wonderfully created human sworn, declares the Lord, because
nature and still more wonderfully you have done this, and have not
redeemed it, grant us, we pray, to set withheld your son, your only son,
our minds against the enticements I will surely bless you, and I will
of sin, that we may merit to attain multiply your offsprings as the
eternal joys. Through Christ our stars of heaven and as the sand
Lord. that is on the seashore. And your
R: AMEN offspring shall possess the gate of
his enemies, and in your offspring
SECOND READING shall all the nations of the earth be
Abraham, our Father in Faith did blessed, because you have obeyed
not hesitate to sacrifice his only son, my voice.”
by which he resembled God who The word of the Lord
allowed his only Son to die on the
Cross for the salvation of mankind. Responsorial Psalm (16)
R: Preserve me, O God, I take
A reading from the book of refuge.
Genesis (Shorter Form)
O Lord, it is you who are my portion
22:1-2,9a,10-13,15-18 and cup; you yourself who secure
In those days: my lot. I keep the Lord before me
God tested Abraham, and said to always; with him my right hand,
him, “Abraham!” And he said, “Here I shall not be moved. R
I am.” He said, “Take your son, your And so my heart rejoices, my soul
only son, Isaac, whom you love, and is glad; even my flesh shall rest in
go to the land of Moriah, and offer hope. For you will not abandon my
him there as a burnt offering on one soul to hell, nor let your holy one
of the mountains of which I shall see corruption. R
tell you.” When they came to the
place of which God had told him, You will show me the path of life,
Abraham built an altar there, and the fullness of joy in your presence,
laid the wood in order. at your right hand, bliss for ever. R
Then Abraham reached out his Prayer after the Reading:
hand and took the knife to slaughter Cel: Let us pray. O God, supreme
his son. But the angel of the Lord Father of the faithful, who increase
called to him from heaven and said, the children of your promise by
“Abraham, Abraham!” And he said, pouring out the grace of adoption
throughout the whole world and and the waters were divided. And
who through the Paschal Mystery the people of Israel went into the
make your servant Abraham father midst of the sea on dry ground,
of nations, as once you swore, grant, the waters being a wall to them on
we pray, that your peoples may their right hand and on their left.
enter worthily into grace to which The Egyptians pursued, and went in
you call them. Through Christ our after them into the midst of the sea,
Lord. R: AMEN all Pharaoh’s horses, his chariots,
and his horsemen. And in the
THIRD READING morning watch the Lord in the
Crossing the Red Sea is the great pillar of fire and of cloud looked
portent in the OT by which God’s down on the Egyptian forces into a
mighty power exhibited and panic, clogging their chariot wheels
the People of Israel liberated so that they drove heavily. And the
under the leadership of Moses. It Egyptians said, “Let us flee from
resembled the new Passover, death before Israel, for the Lord fights for
to life, bondage to redemption under them against the Egyptians.”
the leadership of New Moses, Jesus. Then the Lord said to Moses,
“Stretch out your hand over the sea,
A reading from the book of that the water may come back upon
Exodus 14:15-15:1 the Egyptians, upon their chariots,
In those days: and upon their horsemen.” So
Moses stretched out his hand over
The Lord said to Moses, “Why do the sea, and the sea returned to its
you cry to me? Tell the people of normal course when the morning
Israel to go forward. Lift up your appeared. And as the Egyptians
staff, and stretch out your hand fled into it, and the Lord threw the
over the sea and divide it, that the Egyptians into the midst of the sea.
people of Israel may go through The waters returned and covered
the sea on dry ground. And I will the chariots and the horsemen;
harden the hearts of the Egyptians of all the host of Pharaoh that had
so that they shall go in after them, followed them into the sea, not one
and I will get glory over Pharaoh of them remained. But the people
and all his host, his chariots, and his of Israel walked on dry ground
horsemen. And the Egyptians shall through the sea, the waters being
know that I am the Lord, when I a wall to them on their right hand
have gotten glory over Pharaoh, his and on their left. Thus the Lord
chariots, and his horsemen.” saved Israel that day from the hand
Then the angel of God who was going of Egyptians, and Israel saw the
before the host of Israel moved and Egyptians dead on the seashore.
went behind them, and the pillar Israel saw the great power that the
of cloud moved from before them Lord used against the Egyptians,
and stood behind them, coming so the people feared the Lord, and
between the host of Egypt and the they believed in the Lord and in his
host of Israel. And there was the servant Moses.
cloud and the darkness. And it lit up Then Moses and the people of
the night without one coming near Israel sang this song to the Lord,
the other all night. saying, “I will sing to the Lord, for
Then Moses stretched out his hand he has triumphed gloriously; the
over the sea, and the Lord drove the horse and his rider he has thrown
sea back by a strong east wind all into the sea.”
night and made the sea dry land,
Responsorial Psalm (Ex 15) COLLECT
R: I will sing to the Lord, for he Let us pray. O God, who make this
has triumphed gloriously. most sacred night radiant with the
I will sing to the Lord, for he has glory of the Lord’s Resurrection,
triumphed gloriously; the horse stir up in your Church a spirit of
and his rider he has thrown into adoption, so that, renewed in body
the sea. The Lord is my strength and mind, we may render you
and my song, and he has become undivided service. Through our
my salvation; this is my God and Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who
I will praise him, my father’s God, lives and reigns with you in the
unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for
and I will exalt him. R ever and ever.
The Lord is a man of war; the Lord FIRST READING
is his name. “Pharaoh’s chariots
and his host he cast into the sea, By our baptism we share in the
and his chosen officers were sunk Death and Resurrection of Christ
Jesus. We are dead to sin and alive to
in the Red Sea. R God in Christ Jesus.
The floods cover them; they went A reading from the Letter of Saint
down into the depths like a stone. Paul to the Romans 6:3-11
Your right hand, O Lord, glorious
in power, thy right hand, O Lord, Brethren:
shatters the enemy. R Do you not know that all of us who
have been baptised into Christ
You will bring them in and plant Jesus were baptised into his death?
them on your own mountain, the We were buried therefore with him
place, O Lord, which you have made by baptism into death, in order that,
for your abode, the sanctuary, just as Christ was raised from the
O Lord, which your hands have dead by the glory of the Father, we
established. The Lord will reign for too might walk in newness of life.
ever and ever. R For if we have been united with
him in a death like his, we shall
Prayer after the Reading: certainly be united with him in a
Cel: Let us pray. O God, whose resurrection like his. We know that
ancient wonders remain undimmed our old self was crucified with him,
in splendour even in our day, for in order that the body of sin might
what you once bestowed on a be brought to nothing, so that we
single people, freeing them from no longer be enslaved to sin. For
Pharaoh’s persecution by one who has died has been set free
the power of your right hand, now from sin. Now if we have died with
you bring about as the salvation Christ, we believe that we will also
of the nations through the waters live with him. We know that Christ,
of rebirth, grant, we pray, that the being raised from the dead will
whole world may become children never die again; death no longer
of Abraham and inherit the dignity has dominion over him. For the
of Israel’s birthright. Through death he died he died to sin, once
Christ our Lord. for all, but the life he lives he lives
R: AMEN to God. So you also must consider
yourselves dead to sin and alive to
Glory to God in the highest… The word of the Lord
R: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! WATER
Give praise to the Lord for he is Cel: O God, who by invisible
good; his mercy endures forever. power accomplish a wondrous
Let the sons of Israel say: “His effect through sacramental signs
mercy endures forever.” and who in many ways have
prepared water, your creation, to
R: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! show forth the grace of Baptism;
The Lord’s right hand is exalted. O God, whose Spirit in the first
The Lord’s right hand has done moments of the world’s creation
mighty deeds.” I shall not die, I shall hovered over the waters, so that
live and recount the deeds of the the very substance of water would
Lord. even then take to itself the power to
R: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! sanctify;
The stone that the builders rejected O God, who by the outpouring of the
has become the cornerstone. By the flood foreshadowed regeneration,
Lord has this been done, a marvel so that from the mystery of one and
in our eyes. the same element of water would
come an end to vice and a beginning
R: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! of virtue;
GOSPEL READING O God, who caused the children of
A reading from the holy Gospel Abraham to pass dry-shod through
according to Mark 16 : 1-7 the Red Sea, so that the chosen
people, set free from slavery of
When the Sabbath was past, Mary Pharaoh, would prefigure the
Magdalene, Mary the mother of people of the baptized; O God,
James and Salome, bought spices, whose Son, baptized by John in
so that they might go and anoint the waters of Jordan, was anointed
him. And very early on the first with the Holy Spirit, and, as he hung
day of the week, when the sun had upon the Cross, gave forth water
risen, they went to the tomb. And from his side along with blood, and
they were saying to one another, after his disciples: ‘Go forth, teach
“Who will roll away the stone for all nations, baptizing them in the
us from the entrance of the tomb?” name of the Father and of the Son
And looking up, they saw that the and of the Holy Spirit’, look now, we
stone has been rolled back- it was pray, upon the face of your Church
very large. And entering the tomb, and graciously unseal for her the
they saw a young man sitting on the fountain of Baptism.
right side, dressed in a white robe
and they were alarmed. And he said May this water receive by the
to them, “Do not be alarmed. You Holy Spirit the grace of your Only
seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was Begotten Son, so that human nature,
crucified. He has risen; he is not created in your image and washed
here. See the place where they laid clean through the Sacrament of
him. But go, tell his disciples and Baptism from all the squalor of the
Peter that he is going before you to life of old, may be found worthy to
Galilee. There you will see him, as rise to the life of newborn children
he told you.” through water and the Holy Spirit.
The Gospel of the Lord (And lowering the paschal candle
into the water three times, he
HOMILY continues:)
May the power of the Holy Spirit, O Cel: Do you believe in Jesus Christ,
Lord, we pray, come down through his only Son, our Lord, who was
your Son into the fullness of this born of the Virgin Mary, suffered
font, (holding the candle in the death and was buried, rose again
water, he continues:) from the dead and is seated at the
So that all who have been buried right hand of the Father?
with Christ by Baptism into death All: I do.
may rise again to life with him. Who Cel: Do you believe in the Holy
lives and reigns with you in the Spirit, the holy Catholic Church,
unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for the communion of saints, the
ever and ever. Amen forgiveness of sins, the resurrection
(Then, the candle is lifted out of the body and life everlasting?
of the water, and the people All: I do.
acclaim:) Cel: And may almighty God, the
All: Springs of water, bless the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who
Lord; praise and exalt him above all has given us new birth by water and
for ever. R/ Amen the Holy Spirit and bestowed on us
forgiveness of our sins, keep us by
THE RENEWAL OF BAPTISMAL his grace, in Christ Jesus our Lord,
PROMISES for eternal life.
Cel: Dear brothers and sisters, All : Amen.
through the Paschal Mystery we have (The Priest sprinkles the people
been buried with Christ in Baptism, with the blessed water, while all
so that we may walk with him in sing:)
newness of life. Also, now that our All: I saw water flowing from the
Lenten observance is concluded, Temple, from its right-hand side,
let us renew the promises of Holy alleluia; / and all to whom this
Baptism, by which we once water came were saved/ and shall
renounced Satan and his works and say: Alleluia, alleluia.
promised to serve God in the holy (The Creed is omitted)
Catholic Church.
Cel: Do you renounce sin, so as to Celebrant: Dear brothers and
live in the freedom of the children sisters, On this Easter night, when
of God? the Lord came out of the tomb,
longing to share his life and joy with
All: I do. all men, let us pray to His Father
Cel: Do you renounce the lure and to our Father and say:
of evil, so that sin may have no R: LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER.
mastery over you?
1. For our Holy Father Pope
All: I do. Francis, our Archbishop Peter and
Cel: Do you renounce Satan, the all the Bishops, priests, religious
author and prince of sin? and catechists, that the joy of the
All: I do. Risen Lord be always with them in
Cel: Do you believe in God, the their work of spreading the Gospel,
Father almighty, Creator of heaven let us pray to the Lord:
and earth? R: LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER.
All: I do. 2. For this our Christian community
that having risen from sin, our
mutual love may lead us to mutual PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION
joy throughout life, let us pray to Pour out on us, O Lord, the Spirit
the Lord: of your love, and in your kindness
R: LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER. make those you have nourished by
3. For each one of us, that we this Paschal Sacrament one in mind
may complete our victory over sin, and heart. Through Christ our Lord.
day after day, and rise definitely
with Christ when our death REFLECTION
comes,let us pray to the Lord: Jesus rose from the dead and he is
R: LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER. alive. It is an earth-shaking event,
4. For all those Baptized transforming heaven and earth,
tonight throughout the Church, creating humanity afresh.
that they may keep faithful to Christ Frightened women became heralds
throughout their life,let us pray to of this good news. They were the
the Lord: first witnesses to proclaim the
resurrection of Jesus. Such is the
R: LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER. power of this experience. It is a
Cel: Heavenly Father, Your Son transforming event, empowering
Jesus has shared with us on this vision, that those who experience
night,His life and his joy; Help us cannot but share what they have
to be faithful to him, and gather experienced. Those who believe
us all in your glory, where we become witnesses and disciples
shall experience the joy of calling become apostles. Believing in the
you Father together with him. We resurrection is an act of trust in
ask this through Christ our Lord. the God of life, God of the living,
Amen. God of surprises, and God of our
future. God’s greatest work has
PRAYER OVER THE been achieved, the New Creation!
OFFERINGS Yes, it will reach climax in the final
Accept, we ask, O Lord, the prayers gathering of all. The results of Christ’s
of your people with the sacrificial Recreation are: Reconciliation and
offerings, that what has begun in peace, communion and concern,
the paschal mysteries may, by the compassion and transformation
working of your power, bring us of our world into a community of
to the healing of eternity. Through equals, enduring just relationships
Christ our Lord. and belonging to God and his
kingdom. May these changes
happen in our own lives! May each
COMMUNION ANTIPHON one of us play a unique role in this
Christ our Passover has been work of transformation. Yes, He is
sacrificed; therefore let us keep the alive in us and in our world. Yes, He
feast with the unleavened bread of will be with us until the end of time!
purity and truth, alleluia. (1 Cor 5:7- Alleluia!

Imprimatur : + Peter Machado, Archbishop of Bangalore

Published by: Archdiocesan Liturgical Commission
Paalanaa Bhavana, 5, Nandidurg Road, Jayamahal Extension, Benson Town Post,
Bengaluru 560046.

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