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Pa Basic Education Department sg L SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Jeb, U ot) 13th Synchronous Session Reminders before we begin... B Login| Please change your g-mail usernames following this format: a oc SURNAME, FIRST NAME, MIDDLE INITIAL e @ For those who are not yet enrolled, please enroll e yourselves in our Google Classroom as soon as possible. Kindly submit your Quarter 3 activities W1- wa4. j i Thank you for this new day that we gather virtually in our Synchronous Session. We ask for Your guidance and providence of wisdom and understanding as we pursue our short session today. Protect us and our families from sickness and may You always be with us throughout the day. your Ambition ond Passi@n, our Mission Zs Reet: One = en — | © a [File Edit Format View Help Examine the following set of | pictures presented below. Afterwards, identify the term or word being portrayed by these pictures. your Ambit40n onc Passi@n, our Mission LILIL td your Ambition ond Passi@n, our Mission bes Proposal] your Ambition ond Passi@n, our Mission = si ca a | | | your Ambition ond Passi@n, our Mission ‘ca Litenatcunelevieuy) your Ambition ond Passi@n, our Mission LI | LIU a your Ambition ond Passi@n, our Mission “AN Paper Position ‘iy wut your Ambition ond Passi@n, our Mission your Ambition ond Passi@n, our Mission Research Report your Ambition ond Passi@n, our Mission Identify unique, useful features and requirements in composing texts across disciplines. What are the different texts your Ambit40n onc Passi@n, our Mission What are the different texts your Ambit40n onc Passi@n, our Mission BOOK /ARTICLE REVIEW + an evaluation of the book/article itself + nota summary +*maybe shorter or longer than 700 words if it’s for a book -for both fiction and non-fiction books/articles Hiew to wiritea 1. Begin your review with a few sentences introducing some details about the book/article you are reviewing (e.g. title, author, genre, purpose etc.) All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr is a historical novel written in 2014. In 2015 the novel was awarded the Pulitzer Prize as the best fiction book. The novel was on the list of The New York Times as one of the best-selling novels of 2014. From A BOOK REVIEW ON THE NOVEL “All the Light We Cannot See” by Anthony Doerr 2. Communicate the things that you particularly liked or disliked about the book/article. In his novel, Doerr creates an intricate plot to the point of intolerable suspense thus keeping the readers’ attention up to the last page of the book He travels back in time while revealing the facts which make the story more and more intriguing. The tension is kept high up to the end when the puzzle- box opens and the readers find the treasure inside. The novel is absorbing the reader's attention to the point that it is hard to stop reading until one finds out the clue. This is a good choice for those who are on a holiday or travel a long distance trying to fill up their spare time with thriling reading. From A BOOK REVIEW ON THE NOVEL “All the Light We Cannot See” by Anthony Doerr Your 3. Reiterate the thesis statement of the book/article you are reviewing and support it through retelling few points or parts stated in the book/article The story is set in France and Germany in the years of the World War Il, namely during the German occupation of France. The central figures are two children — German boy and a blind French girl who are struggling through the horrors of the war to survive, The gir’s name is Marie-Laure LeBlanc. She is a six-year old girl whose father, a widower, works at the Natural History Museum in the capital of France. Marie-Laure cannot see, but she has mastered the skill of finding her way in the labyrinth of Paris streets using a scale-model that her father has made. From A BOOK REVIEW ON THE NOVEL “All the Light We Cannot See” by Anthony Doerr eeu) 4. Be careful in stating details so as not to spoil the readers of what exactly is in the book/article. Take into consideration that there are people who have not yet read the book/article. In 1944, the Allied forces land in Normandy, and the unit where Werner carries on his military service is assigned to a special mission in Saint-Malo. Werner needs to find and kill a mysterious person who sends broadcasts against the Nazi regime and this is where Werner and Marie-Laure meet. It turns out that Etienne, the great-uncle of Marie Laure, transmits the broadcasts for purposes of the French Resistance. Meanwhile, the search for the Sea of Flame continues. We will not reveal the ending of the book. Let this pleasure of discovery be left for the readers. From A BOOK REVIEW ON THE NOVEL “All the Light We Cannot See” by Anthony Doerr eeu) 5. When making conclusion, you should aim to summarize your evaluation of the book/article and not to introduce a new material. The author concludes with varying degrees of success in that he allows some diplomatic reasoning to creep into the foundation of his assertions. He surmises that, “Despite there being a significant case for the ascension of the sensitive man, there are several factors that act against this future. The cases are expansion of the crumbling global economy, a greater grip of governmental control on its citizens in regard to surveillance, and increasing public focus on non-humanitarian needs” (Thompson 34). From An Article Review on “Roles of Sensitive Men” by Gerald Thompson eeu) 6. Wrap up your ideas by suggesting or recommending the book/article for reading (include specific kind of reader if applicable). You can also include your own rating for the book/article. The article “Roles of Sensitive Men” has a few merits, but is mostly a gaff that. proposes a future that is unlikely to happen. | give credit to the author for a unique take on the future of our economic and social standing, yet I would warn readers to read the article with an examining mind. In my perspective, there are many flaws inherit in the text. Thompson’s use of example figures, shaky foundation of his vision, and a questionable conclusion makes this article less than authoritative. From An Article Review on “Roles of Sensitive Men” by Gerald Thompson eeu) Article and Book Review Examples ABOOK REVIEW ON THE An Article Review on NOVEL “Roles of Sensitive Men” “All the Light We Cannot See” by Gerald Thompson by Anthony Doerr es/academics/reviews/article/r ‘the-light-we-cannot-see-book- oles-of-sensitive-men-by- review-example htm! gerald-thompson.html Your your Ambit40n onc Passi@n, our Mission POSITION PAPER + communicates your stand or position * presents factual information * arational expression of an opinion + based off credible and valid resources. + suggests solutions or interventions for a particular issue to seize or be resolved your Ambit40n onc Passi@n, our Mission ies on bow to wnelie 4 cal ~shf your Ambit40n onc Passi@n, our Mission 1.Select a timely and relevant topic with two clear opposing sides. 2.Conduct thorough preliminary research. 3.Identify your intended audience. 4.Clearly state your position on the topic. 5. List and refute the counter-arguments to your position. 6. Include supporting data and evidence to back up»your argument. 7. Properly attribute your sources using correct citation. 8. Keep it simple! Present your points clearly and briefly. Organization of a Position Paper |. Introduction ‘A. Introduce the topic B. Provide background on the topic to explain whyit is important C. Assert the thesis (your view ofthe issue), Il. Body A. Counter Argument 1. Summarize the counterclain/argument 2 Provide supporting information for counterclaim/argument 3 Refute the counterclaimvargument 4. Give evidence for argument B. Your Argument 1. Assert your claim 2 Give your educated opinion 3. Provide supporyproof more than one source Conclusion . A. Restate your argument B. Provide a plan of action but do not introduce new information eeu) REFERENCES: @ Jose, Luijim S. and Larioque, Ronaldo R., PhD. 2016. Reading and Writing Skills for Senior High School. Books Atbp. @ Antonino, Maria Teresa M. et al. 2017. Reading and Writing Skills for Senior High School Students. Mutya Publishing House Inc. Malabon City

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