Productos Farmacéuticos en Fuentes de Agua Potable y Agua Del Grifo en Una Ciudad.

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Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:2365–2374


Pharmaceuticals in drinking water sources and tap water in a city

in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River: occurrence,
spatiotemporal distribution, and risk assessment
Peng He 1,2 & Junmei Wu 2 & Jingqian Peng 3 & Lin Wei 3 & Liping Zhang 2 & Qiaohong Zhou 2 & Zhenbin Wu 2

Received: 2 April 2021 / Accepted: 5 July 2021 / Published online: 9 August 2021
# The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021

The occurrence of ten target pharmaceuticals was investigated in drinking water sources and tap water in a city in the middle
reaches of the Yangtze River, including erythromycin (ERY), roxithromycin (RTM), ciprofloxacin (CPX), ofloxacin (OFX),
sulfadiazine (SDZ), sulfamethoxazole (SMX), oxytetracycline (OTC), tetracycline (TC), ibuprofen (IBF), and naproxen (NPX).
And the corresponding ecological risk for three classes of aquatic organisms and human health risk for different life stages were
estimated. Results demonstrated that nine pharmaceuticals except for TC were detected with the frequencies of 20–100% and the
concentrations of <LOQ–118.60 ng/L in drinking water sources. Only SMX and IBF were detected quantitatively with the
highest concentrations of 0.69 ng/L and 1.28 ng/L in tap water, respectively. The concentrations of the target pharmaceuticals
were lower than or comparable with those in other drinking water systems. The spatiotemporal variations of the target pharma-
ceuticals might be mainly attributed to their usage object, emission amount, and natural attenuation. The overall discrepancy of
concentrations between drinking water sources and tap water might indicate the purification effect of drinking water treatment
system. Individual pharmaceutical in drinking water resources posed negligible risks to invertebrate and fish; however, ERY,
CPX, OFX, and SMX posed high risk to algae. Moreover, pharmaceutical exposure by tap water caused no risk to human health.
Nevertheless, the long-term, chronic, and mixed risks of pharmaceuticals and the potential risk of antibiotic-resistant genes
should be concerned. This study enriches environmental monitoring data of pharmaceuticals in drinking water sources and tap
water, and provides scientific information for emerging pollutants management in drinking water system.

Keywords Antibiotics . Drinking water system . Ecological risk . Human health risk . Pharmaceuticals

Introduction promotion (Charuaud et al. 2019; Courtier et al. 2019), which

can enter aquatic environment through the effluents from sew-
Pharmaceuticals are widely used in human health care, the age treatment plants, treated effluents from pharmaceutical
prevention and control of animal diseases, and animal growth factory and hospital services, untreated effluents from house-
holds and livestock farms, and their direct use in freshwater
Responsible Editor: Hongwen Sun and marine aquaculture (Lyu et al. 2020). In recent years,
pharmaceuticals have been frequently detected in surface wa-
* Junmei Wu ter, groundwater, and seawater, even in tap water (Charuaud et al. 2019; Ojemaye and Petrik 2019; Patel et al. 2019;
* Zhenbin Wu Quesada et al. 2019; Zainab et al. 2020). Pharmaceutical res- idues pose the potential risks not only to water ecosystems
1 because of their persistent toxicity and biomagnification effect
School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan
University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China to non-target aquatic organisms, but also to human health by
2 eating food and drinking water (Ojemaye and Petrik 2019;
State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology,
Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Patel et al. 2019; Zainab et al. 2020). More importantly, anti-
Wuhan 430072, China biotic residues in the environment have the potential to pro-
Wuhan Academy of Environmental Protection Sciences, duce antibiotic-resistant bacteria and promote antibiotic-
Wuhan 430015, China resistant genes, which are associated with the elevated risks
2366 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2022) 29:2365–2374

of treatment failure and relapsing infections (Huemer et al. Based on great quantity of production and consumption, high
2020). Resistant infections are already globally causing detected frequency and concentration in aquatic environment,
700,000 deaths every year, and if no action is taken, 10 million high environmental risk, and the priority level in China, the
lives a year and cumulative 100 trillion USD of economic target pharmaceuticals included eight antibiotic and two non-
output are at risk by 2050 (O’Neill 2016). steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Huang et al. 2020; Li et al.
China has emerged as the second biggest pharmaceutical 2019, 2020; Liu et al. 2018; Lyu et al. 2020; Zhang et al. 2015;
market in the world (Aruvian Research 2018); approximately Zhao et al. 2016). The objectives of this study were to (1)
2.82 and 2.72 million tons of active pharmaceutical ingredi- characterize the spatiotemporal distribution of the target phar-
ents were produced and sold in 2018, respectively (CBIRI maceuticals in the main drinking water sources; (2) examine
2019). Antibiotics have particularly received much more at- the occurrence of the target pharmaceuticals in the typical tap
tention than other pharmaceuticals (Zhao et al. 2016), of water; and (3) systematically assess the potential risk present-
which the production and consumption are globally the largest ed by the pharmaceuticals to aquatic organisms and human.
(Huang et al. 2020; Li et al. 2018; Zhang et al. 2015). China This research can enrich environmental monitoring data of
consumed 150 times more antibiotics than the UK and 9 times pharmaceuticals in the drinking water sources and tap water,
than the USA, as well as the DID (defined daily doses for and provide reliable and simple-to-use information to regula-
1000 inhabitants per day) of China was 6 times larger than tors on the risk levels of pharmaceuticals.
that for the UK, the USA, Canada, and Europe (Zhang et al.
2015). The detection frequencies and concentrations of most
antibiotics are similar or a little higher than those in other Materials and methods
countries (Li et al. 2020; Liu et al. 2018; Lyu et al. 2020).
The Yangtze River basin was one of the focus areas of studies Standards and chemicals
on environmental pharmaceuticals in China (Leung et al.
2013; Lyu et al. 2020; Wu et al. 2014). Ten target pharmaceutical standards (Table S1, S indicates the
The Yangtze River is the longest river in China, and the supplementary data here and thereafter) were purchased from
third longest river in the world. The Yangtze River basin Dr. Ehrenstorfer Co., Ltd (Germany). They belong to five
serves as an important economic belt and living center, oc- categories: macrolides (MLs), including erythromycin
cupies approximately 21% of the land area in China, and on (ERY) and roxithromycin (RTM); quinolones (QNs), includ-
the one hand receives 40% of the wastewater discharge, but on ing ciprofloxacin (CPX) and ofloxacin (OFX); sulfonamides
the other hand is the main drinking water resource for approx- (SAs), including sulfadiazine (SDZ) and sulfamethoxazole
imately 500 million people. Pharmaceuticals have biological (SMX); tetracyclines (TCs), including oxytetracycline
activity and accumulation to non-target organisms at low con- (OTC) and tetracycline (TC); anti-inflammatories, including
centration. At the same time, the removal of most pharmaceu- ibuprofen (IBF) and naproxen (NPX). Ultrapure water was
ticals in drinking water treatment plants in China using con- supplied by a Milli-Q water purification system (Millipore,
ventional process was less than 50% or even negative (Fu USA), and the organic solvents were of HPLC grade.
et al. 2019; Song et al. 2019), although the removal by ad-
vanced treatment process was better (Fu et al. 2019; Song Study area and sampling collection
et al. 2019), which generated a certain amount of degradation
by-products (Fu et al. 2019). Therefore, the occurrence of A total of ten sampling sites were selected corresponding wa-
pharmaceuticals in drinking water sources and tap water might terworks with water supply capacity of more than 200,000
pose health concern and water management challenge. Most tons/day, including six sampling sites along the mainstream
previous studies focused on the distribution and potential risk of the Yangtze River (S1–6) and four along its tributary (S7–
assessment of pharmaceuticals in drinking water sources and 10), which could represent more than 75% of drinking water
tap water in the city in the upper or lower reaches of the sources in the city serving for more than 8.5 million people
Yangtze River, such as Chongqing (Feng et al. 2020), (Fig. 1). According to the water level fluctuation trend of the
Nanjing (Liu et al. 2020), and Shanghai (Liu et al. 2019; Yangtze River over the years, three sampling campaigns for
Wen et al. 2014). However, information on the occurrence drinking water sources were conducted in wet period, normal
of pharmaceuticals in drinking water system in the city in period, and dry period in 2019. In addition, representative 20
the middle reaches of the Yangtze River is limited. tap water samples from different districts of the city (T1–20)
In this study, representative 10 sampling sites as drinking were collected from running faucets to retain true tap water
water sources in a city in the middle reaches of the Yangtze conditions. Water samples (4 L) were collected and stored in
River were chosen to analyze the spatiotemporal distribution precleaned amber glass containers at 4 °C to avoid any deg-
of ten target pharmaceuticals, as well as 20 sampling sites as radation before extraction. The pretreatment of the water sam-
tap water for the occurrence of the target pharmaceuticals. ples was completed within 3 days after collection.
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2022) 29:2365–2374 2367

Fig. 1 Map of sampling sites in a

city in the middle reaches of the
Yangtze River

Sample pretreatment and instrumental analysis ionization mode were as follows: (A) 0.1% formic acid, (B)
0.1% formic acid and methanol solution (V/V: 1:1). The gra-
The target pharmaceuticals were extracted and concentrated dient program was as follows: 20% B raised to 52% B over
by solid-phase extraction (SPE; Feng et al. 2020; Liu et al. 2.5 min, then to 88% B over 2.5 min, returned to 20% B over
2020; Sun et al. 2015). Before extraction, each water sample 0.1 min, and maintained for 1.4 min. The mobile phases for
was vacuum filtered through 0.7-μm glass fiber filters (GF/F; negative ionization mode were as follows: (A) 10mM ammo-
Whatman, England). 0.5 g of Na4EDTA was added to 1 L of nium acetate, (B) 10mM ammonium acetate and acetonitrile
filtrate and dissolved completely by stirring, and then, the pH (V/V: 5:95). The gradient program was as follows: 25% B
of the water sample was adjusted to 3 by adding formic acid. raised to 80% B over 3 min, then returned to 25% B over
Before SPE, Oasis HLB cartridge (6-mL cartridge volume, 0.1 min, and maintained for 1.4 min. The mass spectrometer
500-mg adsorbent; Waters, USA) was first conditioned with detection of the target pharmaceuticals was operated in multi-
12 mL methanol and 12 mL ultrapure water, and then, 1 L of ple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode (Table S2). Mass spec-
each water sample was extracted by a Visiprep™ DL trometry parameters were as follows: capillary voltage of 2.5
(SPUELCO, USA) system at a flow rate of 5 mL/min. After kv (ESI−) or 3.0 kv (ESI+), source temperature of 150°C,
water sample loading, each cartridge was washed with 10 mL desolvation gas temperature of 350 °C, desolvation gas flow
ultrapure water and dried for 0.5 h under vacuum. The target of 650 L/h, and collision gas flow of 0.12 mL/min using
pharmaceuticals were eluted with 10 mL methanol into a glass argon.
test tube and evaporated to dryness under a gentle nitrogen
stream. Then, 1 mL organic solvent (0.1% formic Quality assurance and quality control
acid:methanol=80:20, v/v) was added to each test tube. After
vortexing for 2 min, the re-dissolved solution was filtered Quantification of the target pharmaceuticals was performed
through a 0.22-μm organic phase needle filter (Anpel, using an external standard method. Glassware was soaked in
China) and transferred to a 1.5-mL glass sample vial (CNW, nitric acid overnight, then rinsed with ultrapure water and
China). All pretreatment samples were stored at −20 °C until dried in the oven before using, to ensure that it did not contain
instrumental analysis. any contaminants. All experimental data were subjected to
All pretreatment samples were analyzed by ultrahigh- strict quality assurance and quality control processes. The cor-
performance liquid chromatography tandem triple quadrupole relation coefficients (r2) of calibration curves for the target
mass spectrometry (Waters, USA). The separation was per- pharmaceuticals were higher than 0.99 (Table S3). The limit
formed on a ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18 columns (1.7 μm, of detection (LOD) and the limit of quantification (LOQ) were
2.1×50 mm, Waters, USA), with the flow rate of 0.25 mL/ defined as the concentrations corresponding to signal-to-noise
min. The column temperature was set at 40 °C, and the injec- (S/N) ratios of 3 and 10, respectively. The LOQs for the target
tion volume was 20 μL. The mobile phases for positive pharmaceuticals ranged from 0.2 to 16.6 ng/L, and the average
2368 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2022) 29:2365–2374

recoveries were 72.8–118.1% (Table S3). Meanwhile, spiked ADI (μg/kg/day) represents the acceptable daily intake for
blank, procedural blank, and three parallels of each water the target pharmaceutical, which were collected from previous
sample were processed simultaneously to check for interfer- reports (Table S6). BW (kg) is Chinese body weight for dif-
ence and cross contaminations (Liu et al. 2020). ferent life stages (Table S5), and HQ is the hazard quotient,
whose value was assumed to be 1. DWI (L/day) represents the
drinking water intake, which was based on characteristics of
Ecological and human health risk assessment drinking water intake for Chinese (Table S5). AB is the gas-
trointestinal absorption rate, whose value was assumed to be
The potential ecological risks of the target pharmaceuticals 1, and FOE is the frequency of exposure, whose value was
were evaluated by the risk quotient (RQe) method (Cui et al. assumed to be 350 days/365 days = 0.96. 0.01 ≤RQh < 0.1
2018; Sharma et al. 2019). To meet the “worst-case” scenario, represents a low human health risk, while 0.1 ≤ RQh< 1 and
the RQe value was the ratio of the maximum measured envi- RQh≥1 indicate a medium and a high human health risk,
ronmental concentration (MEC) of the target pharmaceutical respectively (Cui et al. 2018).
and the predicted no effect concentration (PNEC) for each
class of aquatic organism (i.e., algae, invertebrate, and fish), Statistical analysis
as shown in Eq. (1). A lower PNEC value implies a higher
sensitivity of aquatic organism for the target pharmaceutical Statistical analysis was conducted using IBM SPSS (version
(Eq. (2)). 23.0). Bivariate correlation between the target pharmaceuti-
cals was evaluated using Spearman’s test, and cluster analysis
was performed by between-groups linkage method. All fig-
PNEC ¼ EC 50 or LC 50 =AF ð2Þ ures in this study were drawn by OriginPro 2016 and ArcGIS
EC50 (effective concentration, reducing a biological pro-
cess by 50%) or LC50 (lethal concentration, killing 50% of
the organisms) was obtained from the literature by acute tox- Results and discussions
icity test or using the USEPA Ecological Structure Activity
Relationship (ECOSAR) model (Table S4). AF, a standard Occurrence of pharmaceuticals in drinking water
assessment factor with a value of 1000, is introduced to ac- sources
count for extrapolation from intra- as well as interspecies var-
iability in sensitivity. Risks to aquatic organisms are subse- Among the ten target pharmaceuticals, nine pharmaceuticals
quently classified into three levels: 0.01 ≤RQe< 0.1 represents were detected at nanogram per liter level in drinking water
a low ecological risk, 0.1 ≤ RQe< 1 denotes a medium eco- sources in a city in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River
logical risk, and RQe≥1 indicates a high ecological risk, re- (Table 1, Table S7). The detection frequencies of SMX and
spectively (Cui et al. 2018; Liu et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2019; NAX were 100%, while OTC was not detected in all sampling
Wu et al. 2014). sites in three sampling campaigns. The concentrations of
The human health risk assessment of the target pharmaceu- SMX were the highest among detected target pharmaceuticals
ticals in tap water was performed based on risk quotient (RQh) in wet period (23.45–60.58 ng/L) and normal period (23.43–
for different life stages to increase the accuracy. Life stages 118.60 ng/L). More than 99% of SMX was used as veterinary
were selected based on Highlights of the Chinese exposure and aquatic medicine; although the usage of which was less
factors handbook (children) and Highlights of the Chinese than that of other target antibiotics (Zhang et al. 2015), the
exposure factors handbook (adults) (Table S5, Cao et al. detection frequencies and concentrations of SMX in lakes and
2020; Liu et al. 2019). To meet the “worst-case” scenario, rivers of China were high (Liu et al. 2018). SDZ, also as
RQh was calculated by the method that the maximum concen- dominant SA contaminants (Lyu et al. 2020), had similar de-
tration (Cs) found in the water samples for each pharmaceuti- tection frequency and concentration levels (83.33%, <LOD–
cal divided by the respective drinking water equivalent level 18.60 ng/L) to other drinking water sources (Liu et al. 2020).
(DWEL) related to different age intervals (Eq. (3)). Equation The usages of OFX and CIP were more than those of other
(4) is applied for the estimation of the DWEL for different age target antibiotics (Zhang et al. 2015), which were frequently
intervals (Cao et al. 2020; Cui et al. 2018; Feng et al. 2020; detected QNs in the surface water samples from China (Lyu
Liu et al. 2019; Sharma et al. 2019; Wee et al. 2020). et al. 2020). The detection frequency and concentration of
RQh ¼ Cs=DWEL ð3Þ OFX (73.33%, ND–48.92 ng/L) were higher than those of
CPX (30.00%, ND–46.68 ng/L), which were like to the re-
DWEL ¼ ðADI  BW  HQÞ=ðDWI  AB  FOE Þ ð4Þ ported of previous studies (Liu et al. 2018, 2020; Lyu et al.
2020). In order to avoid harm to breeding industry, cultivating
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2022) 29:2365–2374 2369


fishery, and human health, OFX was prohibited from being




produced, circulated, and used in food animals in China.


Similarly, ERY and RTM had the highest concentrations of


ML antibiotics (Liu et al. 2018; Lyu et al. 2020). The concen-
Med.b trations of ERY and RTM ranged from ND to 26.40 ng/L and





from <LOD to 19.15 ng/L, with the detection frequencies of


33.33% and 66.67%, respectively, which was similar to what
was found in drinking water sources in Chongqing area of the
Conc. (ng/L)

Yangtze River (Feng et al. 2020). The detection frequencies


and concentrations of TCs (6.7% and ND–17.16 ng/L for


OTC, ND for TC) were lower than those of other antibiotic
categories and lower or comparable to other drinking water
resources (Table S8), even if the concentrations of OTC and
Dry period

Freq.a (%)

TC in lakes and rivers were higher than those of other TC

antibiotics (Liu et al. 2020; Lyu et al. 2020; Wang et al.




2019). This might be due to TCs with high solid/water parti-

tion coefficients (Kd,solid, L/kg) easily adsorbed into the


suspended and deposited sediments (Feng et al. 2020), as well





as easily hydrolyzed and photolyzed (Wang et al. 2019). In



addition, Kd,solid of TC and OTC ranged 1147–2370 L/kg and



417–1026 L/kg, respectively, implying that TC was more eas-

ily attenuated in the aqueous phase than OTC (Feng et al.

Calculated by dividing the number of positive detections (>LOD) of a pharmaceutical by the total number of samples
The detection frequencies and concentrations of the target pharmaceuticals in drinking water sources (n=10)





2020). The concentration of NAX was relatively low of



<LOQ–3.23 ng/L, although the detection frequency was

100%. The detection frequency and concentration of IBF were

Conc. (ng/L)



50% and ND–44.42 ng/L. For anti-inflammatories, the detec-


tion frequency and concentration were lower than those in




drinking water sources in Shanghai (Wen et al. 2014) and

Normal period

comparable with those in Ganges River basin (Sharma et al.

2019). Compared with those data reported worldwide
Freq.a (%)

(Table S8), the target pharmaceuticals were found in medium




or low levels in general in the drinking water sources in a city



in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River.

Calculated using concentrations greater than the LOQ of a pharmaceutical

In accordance with the Spearman correlation analysis




(Table S9), significant positive correlations were found be-




tween CPX and OFX, between SDZ and SMX, between


ERY and CPX and OFX, between RTM and SDZ and SMX,

and between NAX and other target pharmaceuticals except for

OTC, TC, and IBF (p<0.01). These correlations indicated that





they might have similar sources, transformation, and fate due to


the same category and/or similar physicochemical properties.

Significant negative correlations were found between IBF and
Conc. (ng/L)




ERY, CPX, and OFX, which might suggest their different main


application objects. Cluster analysis divided the ten target phar-



maceuticals into two groups (Fig. S1): (1) SMX, which was
detected in the frequency of 100% and maintained a relatively
high concentrations in wet and normal periods; (2) all the other
Wet period

Freq.a (%)

pharmaceuticals, which remained relatively low detection fre-

quencies and concentrations at the three sampling time points.




Pharmaceutical residues in drinking water resources mostly de-

pend on their usage object, emission amount, and natural atten-
Table 1

uation, which were influenced by the properties of the pharma-







ceuticals and environmental characteristics.

2370 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2022) 29:2365–2374

Spatiotemporal distribution of pharmaceuticals in (Table 2; Table S10). The detection frequencies of SMX and
drinking water sources IBF were 100% and 60%, and the corresponding
concentration ranges were <LOQ–0.69 ng/L and ND–1.28
The total concentrations of the ten target pharmaceuticals in ng/L, respectively. The detected pharmaceuticals of ERY,
each sampling site were 85.59–160.05 ng/L, 55.01–169.80 OTC, TC, and NAX were observed at the concentrations low-
ng/L, and 2.01–45.66 ng/L in wet period, normal period, er than the LOQs, with the detection frequencies of 35%,
and dry period, respectively (Table 1, Fig. 2, Table S7). The 100%, 100%, and 100%, respectively. Global comparison of
highest concentrations of SMX were up to 60.58 ng/L and the target pharmaceuticals in tap water showed that the detec-
118.60 ng/L in wet and normal periods, respectively. The tion frequencies were relatively high in this study area; how-
highest concentrations of OFX, CPX, and ERY were detected ever, the concentrations were relatively low (Table S11). In
in wet period of 48.92, 46.68, and 26.40 ng/L, respectively, general, the concentrations of pharmaceuticals in tap water
which were decreased significantly in normal and dry periods. were obviously lower than those in drinking water source,
OTC was detected only in dry period, with the concentrations indicating that drinking water treatment plant in a city in the
ranging from ND to 17.16 ng/L. The highest concentration of middle reaches of the Yangtze River could effectively remove
IBF was detected in dry period of 44.42 ng/L, which was not pharmaceuticals.
detected in wet period. The changes of detection frequencies
and concentrations of different pharmaceuticals were different Ecological risk assessment of pharmaceuticals in
in different water periods (Sun et al. 2015). The emission of drinking water sources
veterinary pharmaceuticals from aquaculture farming and
livestock breeding was notably increased in wet period, i.e., Most ecological risks of ten target pharmaceuticals were
SMX, OFX, CPX, and ERY, while the use and prescription of neglected with RQe<0.01, especially for invertebrate and fish;
pharmaceuticals for the purpose of human epidemic preven- only low ecological risks of SMX for invertebrate were
tion were enhanced in dry period, i.e., IBF, which is basically assessed in wet and normal periods with 0.01 ≤RQe< 0.1
consistent with the previous research results (Wang et al. (Fig. 3). However, RQe values of OFX (9.78), CPX (2.75),
2019). ERY (2.56), and SMX (2.26) in wet period, as well as SMX
In wet period, four clusters were identified: (1) S9, in which (4.43) in normal period, for algae were higher than 1, indicat-
high concentrations of SMX, OFX, and CPX were found; (2) ing high risks. Medium risks for algae were assessed of RTM
S1, in which high concentrations of OFX and CPX were in wet period; RTM, OFX, and SDZ in normal period, and
found; (3) S7, in which the highest concentration of SMX OFX and SMX in dry period. Ecological risks of SDZ in wet
(60.58 ng/L) was found; (4) all the other sampling sites (Fig. period and OTC in dry period for algae were relatively low
S2). In normal period, three clusters were identified: (1) S5, in with 0.01 ≤RQe< 0.1. RQe values of pharmaceuticals in this
which high frequencies of pharmaceuticals and high concen- research were lower than those in surface waters in middle and
tration of SMX were found; (2) S2 and S4, in which high lower reaches of the Yangtze River (Wu et al. 2014), but
concentrations of SMX (106.68 ng/L and 118.60 ng/L) were similar with those in the main drinking water sources of
found; (3) all the other sampling sites (Fig. S3). In dry period, Nanjing (Liu et al. 2020).
three clusters were identified: (1) S7–10, in which high con- SMX presented the most significant ecological risk to rel-
centrations of IBF were found; (2) S1 and S3, in which high evant aquatic organisms; followed by OFX (Zhao et al. 2016),
concentrations of OTC (15.87 ng/L and 17.16 ng/L) were due to their high concentrations and low PNECs. The PNEC
found; (3) all the other sampling sites (Fig. S4). in this study was calculated by the minimum EC50/LC50 in the
Pharmaceuticals concentrations in drinking water sources collected literature (Table S4). For IBF and NAX, the most
showed no obvious trend from upstream to downstream, sensitive aquatic organisms were fish and invertebrate, respec-
which was consistent with the conclusions of previous reports tively. Algae was the most sensitive aquatic organism for oth-
(Liu et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2019; Wu et al. 2014), implying er pharmaceuticals with quite low EC50 values. It is notewor-
that diffusive pollution loads along the river might be more thy that the EC50/LC50 in the collected literature were obtained
influential than the background pollution load from the up- by acute toxicity test or using the ECOSAR model; the dis-
stream of the study area (Wang et al. 2019), as well as that the crepancy of EC50/LC50 for the same class aquatic organism
self-purification of the river could play an important role in the was caused by the different obtainment process, the difference
attenuation of pollution. of tested species, and experimental conditions in the acute
toxicity test, which could be up to two orders of magnitude
Occurrence of pharmaceuticals in tap water (Table S4). Notably, the long-term and chronic risks of phar-
maceuticals were not evaluated in this study (Wang et al.
Six out of ten target pharmaceuticals were detected in tap 2019); moreover, the synergistic increase in toxicity caused
water in a city in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River by the mixing of pharmaceuticals could not be ignored (Li and
Environ Sci Pollut Res (2022) 29:2365–2374 2371

Fig. 2 Spatiotemporal
distribution of the target
pharmaceuticals in drinking water
sources: (a) wet period, (b)
normal period, (c) dry period
2372 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2022) 29:2365–2374

Table 2 The detection frequencies and concentrations of the target 1E-06

pharmaceuticals in tap water (n=20) SMX
9E-07 IBF
Analyte Freq.a (%) Conc. (ng/L) 8E-07
Range Med. Mean 7E-07

ERY 35 <LOD–<LOQ - -
RTM 0 <LOD - -
CPX 0 <LOD - - 4E-07
OFX 0 ND–<LOD - -
SDZ 0 <LOD - -
SMX 100 <LOQ–0.69 0.31 0.34±0.15 2E-07
OTC 100 <LOQ - - 1E-07
TC 100 <LOQ - - hs hs hs ar ars ars ars ars ars ars rs ars ars ars ars ars ars
m ontmontmon<t 1 ye2 ye 3 ye 4 ye 5 ye 6 ye 9 ye 2 yea5 ye 8 ye 4 ye 9 ye 9 ye 0 ye
IBF 60 ND–1.28 1.04 1.09±0.17 <3 <6 <9 s~ ~< ~< ~< ~< ~< ~< <1 <1 <1 ~4 ~5 ~7 ≥8
0~ 3~ 6~ onth 1 2 3 4 5 6 9~ 12~ 15~ 18 45 60
NAX 100 <LOQ - - 9m
Total 49.5 <LOQ–1.47 0.12 0.31±0.45 Fig. 4 Human health risk quotient (RQh) of the target pharmaceuticals in
tap water for different life stages
Calculated by dividing the number of positive detections (>LOD) of a
pharmaceutical by the total number of samples
b adopted, the age group of 9 months–2 years had the highest risk
Calculated using concentrations greater than the LOQ of a
pharmaceutical for all pharmaceuticals (Cao et al. 2020; Liu et al. 2019), which
was different from other reports that the age group of 0–3 months
Lin 2015; Yang et al. 2008), i.e., ERY and TC (González- had the highest risk when adopting the exposure factors from the
Pleiter et al. 2013). USEPA (Cui et al. 2018; Feng et al. 2020). Moreover, numerous
studies had demonstrated pharmaceutical residues and antibiotic-
Human health risk assessment of pharmaceuticals in resistant genes in the urine of adults and children (Li et al. 2017;
tap water Zhou et al. 2021), the persistence of antibiotic-resistant genes from
drinking water resource to tap water, and their links to waterborne
Pharmaceuticals in tap water exhibited negligible human health disease outbreaks should be paid to enough attention (Sanganyado
risks of all age groups with RQh<1E−06 (Fig. 4), which was in and Gwenzi 2019; Yang et al. 2020).
accordance with previous studies at home and abroad (Feng et al. In the context of global economic development and popu-
2020; Liu et al. 2020; Wee et al. 2020; Wen et al. 2014). When the lation growth leading to the continuous production and use of
exposure factors of Chinese including BW and DWI were pharmaceuticals, the occurrence of pharmaceuticals and their
associated human health risks indicated it should be necessary
Wet period Normal period Dry period to strengthen the supervision of pharmaceuticals in drinking
NAX water system to guarantee the security of water supply.
However, organic chemicals in existing drinking water regu-
lations around the world contain petroleum products, disinfec-
TC 1E-01 tants, disinfection by-products, pesticides, persistent organic
OTC pollutants, endocrine-disrupting chemicals, but very few phar-
maceuticals, especially antibiotics (Wee et al. 2020). The data
1E-03 presented in this study would provide a basis for the develop-
SDZ ment of more stringent drinking water regulations.

CPX 1E-05

RTM 1E-06 Conclusions

A total of nine and six target pharmaceuticals were detected in
ae ate Fish lgae rate Fish lgae rate Fish 10 drinking water sources and 20 tap waters in a city in the
Alg rtebr A rteb A rteb
e e e
Inv Inv Inv middle reaches of the Yangtze River, with the detection fre-
Fig. 3 Ecological risk quotient (RQe) of the target pharmaceuticals in quencies of 20–100% and 35–100%, respectively. The
drinking water sources for three classes of aquatic organisms highest concentrations among detected target pharmaceuticals
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Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary China. Environ Sci Pollut R 25:19393–19402.
material available at 1007/s11356-018-2124-x
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Jingqian Peng. Resources: Jingqian Peng, Lin Wei. Supervision: González-Pleiter M, Gonzalo S, Rodea-Palomares I, Leganés F, Rosal R,
Qiaohong Zhou, Zhenbin Wu. Writing—original draft preparation: Boltes K, Marco E, Fernández-Piñas F (2013) Toxicity of five anti-
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