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The disadvantage of spanking children

First, let's talk about this "bidirectional relationship." Perri Klass, M.D. (2016),
相互的 ˌbīdəˈrekSH(ə)n(ə)l
discusses how there's a reciprocal connection between spanking and aggressive
/rɪˈsɪp.rə.kəl/ /əˈɡres.ɪv/
behavior in children. While some argue that aggressive behavior in children may
lead parents to enforce stricter discipline, research suggests that spanking itself
/ɪnˈfɔːrs/ /ˈdɪs.ə.plɪn/
contributes to /strɪkt/
increased aggression in children. Michael MacKenzie, an associate
professor of social work and pediatrics at Rutgers, highlights that even when
considering the child's behavior, those who are frequently spanked are more
likely to display disruptive and aggressive behaviors later on. This means that
spanking not only fails to deter undesirable behavior but may actually worsen it
/ˌʌn.dɪˈzaɪr.ə.bəl/ /ˈwɝː.sən/
over time. Therefore, advocating
supporting against spanking aims to break this harmful
/əˈɡenst/ /eɪm/
cycle and encourage healthier forms of discipline.

Secondly, let's explore why parents resort to certain disciplinary actions.

/rɪˈzɔːrt/ /ˈsɝː.tən/
Michael Lorber, a research scientist at New York University, points out that
parents who perceive their children's behavior negatively are more inclined to
use harsh discipline methods. Additionally, the babyhood period is important as
it's when parents start developing their disciplinary methods. This highlights the

importance of early interventions and support in shaping parental behaviors. By

addressing parental stress, offering advice on positive parenting plans, and

deepening the understanding of child development, pediatricians and other

professionals can play a pivotal role in breaking the cycle of harsh discipline and
nurturing healthier parent-child relationships.

In conclusion, my partner and I believe that spanking negatively influences

children's behavior. Parents should encourage positive behaviors and provide a

nurturing environment for their children to grow up. If you still remember what

n help break the cycle of harsh discipline and foster healthier parent-child relationships by supporting parents, providing positive parenting guidance, and enhancing their understanding of child development.
it was like to be spanked by your parents, avoid treating your children in the

same way.

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