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Reflecting on my peer teaching, there were both positive aspects and areas for

improvement that I identified during the session.

To start positively, I initiated the lesson with a storytelling segment, which effectively

engaged my students and provided them with a visual context to grasp the song's narrative. This

method not only captured their attention but also facilitated their comprehension of the song's

themes and lyrics. Utilizing storytelling as an educational tool proved to be an effective strategy

in fostering a deeper understanding among the students.

Furthermore, I employed a manipulative to maintain my students' attention throughout

the lesson. This story telling approach not only captivated my students interest but also helped

very much in reinforcing my own memorization of the lesson material. The interactive nature of

this technique made the learning process more enjoyable and engaging for both myself and the


However, despite these positive aspects, I encountered challenges when teaching the song

itself. I struggled to effectively convey the melody to the students, particularly when correcting

errors. Reflecting on this, I realized that while I am confident in singing on my own, I faced

difficulties when synchronizing my singing with others and simultaneously providing help on the

music. This huge discrepancy led to moments of anxiety and panic during the lesson I was

teaching. I couldn't find the tonal center when everyone was singing, including myself. This

confusion greatly impacted my ability to teach effectively. Personally, I believe that teaching by

rote, without relying on sheet music, may be more conducive to overcoming such challenges.

Additionally, I observed disruptive behavior from some of my peers, Connor and Shawn,

who made multiple small comments under their breath during the lesson, especially after every
mistake. This lack of respect and support detracted from the learning environment and hindered

my ability to focus on delivering the lesson effectively. Their behavior heightened and brought

up my feelings of anxiety and made it more challenging for me to maintain confidence in my

own peer teaching. Addressing this such behavior promptly and assertively would have been

beneficial in maintaining a positive classroom atmosphere and alleviating some of the pressure I

felt during the lesson.

Despite these challenges, I adapted to the situation by deciding to address the difficulties

with the song at a later time, suggesting that we work on it during the next session. This allowed

me to maintain the flow of the lesson and return to my planned lesson plan. I continued with my

lesson plan, teaching concepts of accelerando and ritardando. Back to the improvisation, it truly

proved to be effective in redirecting the focus of the lesson and engaging the students in a

meaningful discussion. However, my anxiety resulted in some verbal stumbling, which could

have been avoided with better composure.

Looking back, I recognize that with more practice and experience, I can improve my

ability to manage classroom dynamics and maintaining confidence in my teaching skills.

Additionally, I could benefit from refining my communication and vocal skills to ensure clarity

and coherence during instruction part of the lesson and teaching.

In conclusion, while there were areas for improvement in my peer teaching, I also

identified several positive aspects that contributed to the overall effectiveness of the lesson.

Through reflection and continued practice, I will be more committed to refining my teaching

skills and creating a supportive learning environment for my students.

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