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1am lawyer and 1 work very bard. My Doc Vl, old me ower hard il he sai." To of people who work too ‘ey tied, and sen they forget ho hey ae mie mig rc need 2 change anda rs” “Ba 1 do res Tepid. “On Thursday wife and T play a game of ears, and on Sandays ‘ead me her weekly later from her ether: ‘That moring, when I was walking 00 ‘ovaht shoot Doctor Volney’s words. Twas New Yorkers sncomfortbl afer a log le. Isa back it my sat 4nd tse o think. After long tne, aid 1 myl “Ltt have a mame’ looked in my poche Ne lee. No paper. Nothing with my name on, Bur { found hee thousand dolla. “t mut he someones [thought The rain was crowded with men who were all very friendly. One of them came ad sat next tome. My name's RP. Bolder ~ Boller and Som fom Missour. You'te ping othe meting in New York. of ‘course? Wha’s your ne? 1 had to teply tobi, 501 said quickly, “Edward Pinkhammer from Coropol, Kans” He was reading a newspaper but every few minutes he looked up from goa o me undetond rom his convertion hae was dug, and he hough that Iwas dps, 10. “Areal these men drs? 1 ake "Yes, they are anewered. ‘Like us, they'e all ig othe yearly meting in New York ‘Ac atime, he held ou his newspaper ome “Look 2 that he sa. "Hee' another of how men hy on away and then say that hey have fongoten who they are. Aman gt tied of is busines and his fy, an he wane to have a good time. He go sey Somewhere and when they find him, he sae thar ke | Walkin Amnesia ew es hand les my packet cst know who he an hat he ca’ emember crying” Took the paper and red his Denver, June 2h Elwyn C. Belford, an important lawyer inthe town, lfc mete dy goad as nor come ack Jot fore hele he tok out aot of money from is bunk. Nobody has seen him snc that day, He is 4 auiet'man who enjoys his work and i happy marved. But Me Belford works very hard, nd tis posible hat he hs amnesia New Yorkers “Buc sometimes people do fort who they are, Mr Bolder si “Oh, come on! Mr Bolder answered. oe tue, you Know! These men jue want something, more ‘cing in their ves ~ another woman, perhaps, Something diferent” ‘We arivad in New Yosk a about ten o'lock at ight. | tok a tax toa ote, and T woe the name, "Edward Pinkhammer inthe hotel Book, Saddeny 1 fel wid and happy ~ was fie. A man withoue « name can do anything The your: man behind the desk atthe tl asked 2 me ine strangely had no suitcase. “Ti here forthe Drags? Meeting? 1 si “My suitcase ost. rok oat some money and gave eo re The next day 1 bough 4 suitcase and sme clothes ‘nd {began to live the life of Edward Pinhamner "ide ry 10 emember ho or wha wa. The next few days in Manbsttan were wondetfal — the tears, the gardens, the music the rettrans, ‘he nigh ie, he Beal girs. And daring hs ne ‘eared something very important = if you want to Be happy, you mist be free: Sometimes I went tic, expensive restaurants ith soft mas. Sometimes went onthe river in boat eR A Walk. Armes The et fr dex Mann wr wom Nee Yorker "and bring down my aitcase in hal an hour? That aicmoon I moved to a quit live hore on Fifth Avene. ‘One afernoon,in on of my favour suas on Broadway was going ty table when someday pull my am “Me Belford, a sweet voice cred, ured quickly ands 3 woman who was siting lone. She was about thiny and she had very esi os “How can you walk past me ike that” she sid ‘Did’ you know me? sa down athe table. Her has washes a 0H color. “Ate yu sure you know me? Ike °'No. She smile. never relly new ou ‘Well my names Edward Paka si, and Pm from Kansas ‘So. you haven't broughé Mes Belford with you, then’ she sai, and she laughed. You haven't changed ‘uch in ifen year, Elwyn, Her wonderl eyes looked creflly a my face. "No she aid que, “you haven’ forgot, Told You that you could neve forges” ‘Tim sore answered, ‘bt that’s the ouble {have fongoten, Pe frgoten cert 2 eo aT A Walk in Ares ohwen hae ah un She lughed “Did you know that 1 maied roots after you dl? Ie was inal she newspapeds? She was sie fora mint, Ta sb looked pat me ‘agin “Tellme one thing, Elwyn se said ofl, Sie tha ngheBfen years ag, cin you touch, smell oF Took at whit oes ~and noc thik of me?" "can only say that I dont remember any of thi? {said cael ‘Tm very sory. Ted Took away foom bet. | _ ‘New Yorkers he sid and stood up to leave. The she el out ‘ht hand o me, and I ook for a secon "Oh yes, you remember she id with swt, unhappy se “Goodbye, Elwyn Belford.” That ight 1 went othe theatre and when I eared to my hotel uct man in dak clothes was wating ‘Me Pinkhammes he sid ‘an Tp with you for mine? There's oom hee "followed him ito 2 small room. A'man and a ‘woman were hee The woman was sil beautiful, but terface was unhappy and srl. 1 hed everything out er, The man, who wat about forty, me ‘Belford’ he si ‘Tm happy to sce yu agin ld you that you were working too hard. Now you ‘an come home with vs. Yo soon be al ight” ‘My name’, {sid “ie Edward Pinkham. Ie never sean you befor in my life ‘The woman cried out, Oh, Ewa! Ely I's your sift She put her arm round me, but phe hem “Ob, Duxtoe Volney! Wha isthe mater with him? the wom eid "Go to your room” the doctor sil to her. “Hel oon be wel atin? al Walkin Ammesis The omar oO, ey! lam your we The woman Ie and so di the man in the dak loses. The man who was a doctor tured to me and Said ue, “Listen, Your name is not Edwaid Prnkharier? i know that Urls, “bur man mast have a name. Why noe Phares? “Your mame’ the doctor say “is Ehoyn Bello. You ate one ofthe Best lawyers in Denver ~ and hat woman is yur wife" She's a very fie woman’ I sid fer minute ove the colour of her hae ‘she very good wie the dso epi. Wn ee wo wars ag she wa ery hap. The trea telephone cal fom aman why you na oe ere “thik remember hin’ sid “He called me Bld”, Excuse me, but who ae you?” ‘Ti Bobby Volney. ve heen your rend for sweaty 54 and your doco for fcc yeas Ey ty remember “You say you're a doctor? Tail. ‘How can 1g ‘rater? Does ares go slomly or soddrly?= ‘Sometimes slowly, Sometimes suddenly. “Will you lp me, Doctor Volney? I asked, “OW frien, he sid, do eveything pose "Very well And if you'te my doctor, you ca’ ell anybody wha sy “OF course not Door Volney answer 1 stood up. There were some white ross on the table went over othe tbl, picked up the roses and threw them fr ut ofthe window, Then Ist down ain, “Think it wll be be, Bobby 1 said, og ete secnly. m alice ied of al nom. Go and bring, iy wife Marian in now. But, ob, Doctor I sd with 3 poy smile. ‘Oh, my good ‘ld fiend ~ ie was

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