24 Pitanja

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(a) A developer has been asked to create a new smartphone 'app' and is considering using
the conventional Waterfall' method of software development. Explain the drawbacks of using
this method to develop the new 'app'.
(b) The waterfall method is easy to use and understand. Describe two other benefits of using
the waterfall method to develop the new 'app'

2. Describe three differences between a system flowchart and a data flow diagram.

3. Explain the reasons why the parallel running method would be used when implementing a
new computer system in a bank.

4. A technician is carrying out corrective maintenance on a computer system.

(a) Explain what is meant by corrective maintenance.
(b) Describe the steps that the technician should take when carrying out the maintenance.

5. A manufacturing company uses outdated hardware and software which need to be replaced
with new hardware and software. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using parallel
running to change over from the old hardware and software to the new hardware and

6. Analyse the use of the critical path method in project management

7. A new computer application has been developed to replace the current application that is in
use by a company. Describe how the new application will be evaluated.

8. A software development company is using the Agile method of software development to

create a new app for a client to use on mobile devices. Discuss the use of the Agile method of
software development when creating a new app for the client.

9. A scientist requires a new computer system to help with her research into climate change.
A systems analyst will use document analysis to investigate the existing computer system.
Evaluate the use of document analysis in this scenario.

10. A software developer uses prototyping when creating a new app for smartphones.
(a) Describe the use of prototyping during the development of the app.
(b) Compare throw-away prototyping with evolutionary prototyping for creating the new app.

11. Draw the correct symbol around each of the elements shown in the DFD in Fig. 8.1. One
element, Teacher, has been done for you. Draw the correct symbols on this DED:

12. A software development company is using the Agile method of software development to
create a new app for a client to use on mobile devices. Discuss the use of the Agile method of
software development when creating a new app for the client.

13. A director of a company has many managers to supervise. Monthly meetings are held.
Each month, different managers are invited to attend. Mail merge is used to create a standard
email which is sent to the chosen managers inviting them. Describe how mail merge could be
used to automatically select only the chosen managers for the month and place them into the
14. Describe each of these project management terms:
a. dependencies
b. deliverables
c. tasks

15. Explain how the stages of the system life cycle are related to each other.

16. A newly developed computer system is being evaluated for ease of use.
(a) Describe four aspects of the ease of use of the new system that could be examined in the
(b) Describe two other purposes of an evaluation of the new system.

17. A retail company has a computer system used by all of its departments. Pilot running will
be used to implement a new computer system. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using
pilot running to implement the new system.

18. A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), included in the Performance Evaluation and
Review Technique (PERT), is created during the planning of a project.
(a) Explain the purpose of a WBS.
(b) Describe the characteristics of a well designed WBS.

19. Evaluate the use of prototyping in software development.

20. A company holds special events for selected customers on various dates throughout the
year. Source documents of customer lists are used to create customised invitations by mail
(a) Explain why source documents are proof read manually to try to ensure that the final
versions are accurate and error-free.
(b) Explain how a merge field can be used to prompt for and insert the date of the special
event in the invitations when they are produced.

21. Technical documentation is created during the development of a software application.

(a) Describe the purpose of technical documentation.
(b) Describe the information that should be included in technical documentation.
(c) Describe two other types of documentation that should be created during the development
of a software application

22. A new head office is to be designed and built for a company. Evaluate the use of project
management software for supporting this project. A healthcare organisation has centres in
different towns and cities. The organisation uses a networked computer system that allows
healthcare professionals to access patient records and appointments from any centre. The user
interface for accessing patient records and appointments is going to be replaced. The
organisation is considering using pilot implementation. Evaluate the use of pilot
implementation to replace the user interface for the computer system.

23. Technicians improve software by carrying out maintenance. Corrective maintenance

modifies software to correct problems that have been identified in error reports from users.
Identify and describe two other types of software maintenance carried out by technicians.
24. Draw charts (project management, sys lifecycle)

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