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Provide a response to this

Hello, my name is Matt Broadway. I am the head chair of the board with Cardinol
transportation. It has come to my attention that you that you recently received a
$1235.00 late fee invoice
(IN02246 attached) requesting payment due to a delay in your receiving payment for
INV02084. We acknowledge that The district policy on payments per the
Transportation Services FRP, states that net payments are normally paid within 30
days. We also acknowledge that As a public entity we do our best to process
invoices in a timely fashion however given the oversight and steps required to
process payment a 2-week turnaround is not typically feasible. It has not been a
practice for our vendors to assess late fees, as the services are typically
tailored to services rendered to public entities that come with an expectation that
payments require adequate time for the required processing before the vendor
receives payment.
Moving forward, I do not see this becoming a problem again as per our RFP. There
are no current terms regarding late fees plus your district has a good track record
with paying invoices within the due expected time.
If you don’t mind just giving myself a minute of your time to understand the
process and steps that we have to go to when vendors do not pay the invoices
sometimes due to 180 days after we as a company have to take a business loan out to
basically cover That invoice amount because those services were rendered and
insurance salary and normal operating business cost have to be paid. This does not
specifically have anything to do with our terms and conditions with your district.
This is what the finance department has mistakenly attached to your bill, which I
have changed the standard operating procedures to ensure that this never happens
We have been happy with Cardinol Service and would like to continue our
relationship however your requested terms of payment are not
logistically possible and we would like to discuss this in a virtual meeting with
your leadership before moving forward with any newly requested services.
I look forward to meeting with you to discuss the issue please contact me as soon
as possible.

Make sure to include that after review, and in preparation for this meeting, I I
see where the ball was dropped on our end, and it appears that the terms and
conditions that we have with other companies are different than the terms and
conditions that we have with quantified school district. We have changed our
internal standard operating procedures to ensure that accounting is actually
following and invoicing as per the terms and conditions i.e. our contract that is
in place with Torrance unified school district. And then expand off of this make it
proffesional apologetic and detailed

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