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Seymour - Andrew Garfield.

Andrew Garfield is an actor that has impressive range which is one of the reasons I think he’d be
suited for the role of Seymour. His past roles showcasing his ability to switch from a cowardly
stereotype to an unlikely hero which is well suited for the role of Seymour, especially during scenes
like meek shall inherit when Seymour goes from being swamped with offers and overwhelmed, to
fighting back and rejecting them all, to then back to defeat and signing the contracts, in fear of Audrey
leaving him. He has experience in musicals and has a length list of stage credits (e.g. playing the lead
in the musical Tick Tick boom! And Biff in death of a salesman) He has worked with the actress for
Audrey before where they played romantic partners meaning they will already have good chemistry
together. And as said before, he has played the role of an “underdog” before when he portrayed Peter
parker in “The amazing spider-man” Peter Parker’s personality being similar to that of Seymour’s

Audrey- Emma stone.

Emma stone would be a good fit for Audrey due to her ability to portray innocent characters that are A
little bit ditsy but still have a personality outside of being just being nice, The charcter of Audrey is a
mixed one, I believe that she is not completely helpless although she has been in the past, I think that
this portrayal can stand to be changed and modernised a bit, with Audrey wanting to stand up for
herself, those she cares about, and fight her own battles, (I.e when she stands up for Seymour in
front of Mushnik and tells Seymour that he deserves better than what he’s got and how Mushnik
treats him) but she just needs a little bit of help to do so, the same would go for Seymour and it would
be that they lift eachother up and give eachother courage to put a more positive spin on the
relationship, making the ending even more tragic. She also has multiple experiences in musicals
(Playing one of the leads in lala land, and Sally Bowles in CABARET) meaning she would be able to
sing Audrey’s parts in songs like “somewhere that’s green” and I believe she would bring a level of
sincerity to the song that is very much needed for Audrey’s charcter.

Mushnik- Danny DeVito.

I think Devito would fit this role well for many reasons, one of the top ones being that of the comedy
element he would bring to the role. Mushnik’s over the top quick personality is one of his main
characteristics, as well as his change in character later on in the play, going from poor and sour to
rich and star struck, this being reflected in the way he treats Seymour, praising him more as the play
goes on but there’s still the underlying level of resentment there. And I feel that especially in songs
like Mushnik and son where he goes from praising Seymour to quickly insulting him behind his back,
as well as all his backhanded compliments, he could bring the element of quick comedy and wit
needed to portray Mr Mushnik. He has played a role similar to Mushnik before in Matilda (that of Mr
wormwood) and since the characters are so similar (perhaps Mushnik being the slightest bit kinder)
he would be a good fit for the character, with wormwood also chasing after money and (be be frank)
treating his child terribly, and technically Seymour is Mushnik’s son.

Orin Scrivello d.d.s- Jim Carrey.

I think that Jim Carrey would be a good actor for the role of Orin due to his ability to play a range of
characters from villains to hero’s. The character of Orin ,whilst threatening and vicious, also has an
element of comedy to him, the play is a dark comedy and with his over the top nature and use of
comedic violence. However, there are times when Orin is darker and more threatening and unsettling
and the performance calls for a more serious and almost unhinged portrayal, when it comes to this
Jim Carrey also has experience in more serious acting such as “eternal sunshine of the spotless
mind” also there are moments in his comedy where he is acting unstable and unhinged which works
well for the unrealistic character that is Orin. He also has experience in singing, whether or not that’s
musical theatre singing is uncertain but I think that for the character of Orin, his singing doesn’t have
to be perfect because he wouldn’t care what he sounds like, his songs are angry, loud, chaotic and
can be played of by speak-singing.

Audrey 2- Jack black.

I think that Jack Black would be a good fit for the role as he has lots of experience in voice acting
across a range of characters, meaning he could pull of the exaggerated evil nature of Audrey 2
especially later on in the play when His true intentions become clearer. so if the production was to go
down the route of having a puppet for the plant, I feel Jack Black would be a great fit for the character
of Audrey 2, he has been known to do voices similar to that of what Audrey 2 typically sounds like
whilst still putting his own spin on the charcter and making it unique. He can also sing the type of
songs Audrey 2 has and has done many covers of songs in a similar style to that of “git it” and

Voice like god: Vincent Price.

Vincent price is a renowned horror actor who has done many voice overs for people such as Alice
Cooper (album/ tv special welcome to my nightmare. song: devils food) and Tim Burton (Vincent:
short film) he is also well known for being in classic horror films such as house on haunted hill, house
of wax, the fly and many more, which is why I think he’d make a good narrator to open the show, as
he has a very expressive yet Solemn and foreboding voice, and since little shop is a horror comedy
having someone like him would be fitting as he is a horror icon.

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