Reviewer For TLE 10

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Reviewer for TLE 10

Fourth Quarterly Assessment

Market forms and Source of Pork Cuts

Market Forms of Meat

1. Fresh meat - meat taken immediately after slaughter without undergoing chilling. It is the common
form of meat sold in public markets.

2. Chilled meat –meat that has been kept to a temperature just above freezing at 1-3°C within 24
hours after slaughter. This is available in supermarkets and especially meat shops.

3. Frozen meat - meat cuts frozen to a temperature of -2°C. Imported meat is sold in this form, and the
texture is stone-hard.

4. Cured meat - are meat products that have been treated with curing agent. Examples of this form
are ham, bacon, tapa, tocino and sausage.

5. Processed meat - may include not only the processed canned meat, but also preparations that
are frozen such as frozen meat pies, rolled meats and others in the convenience food shelves.

Types of meat cuts and their characteristics
1. Tender cuts of meat - taken from the parts of the animal where the muscles are not well-exercised
and are fleshy. Example: sirloin, porterhouse, t-bone, prime ribs, tenderloin.

2. Less tender - meat cuts which come from the most exercised muscle parts of a live animal.
Example: chuck, flank, rumps, hock, neck feet and shoulder.

3. Tough cuts –meat that requires a longer cooking period over low heat.

Nutritive Content and Food Values of Meat

Lean meat supplies great amount of high quality protein with an average of 18% of the meat. It
contains all the essential amino acids. It is also a good source of phosphorous, iron, and vitamins A, B
and B2. Unsaturated fatty acids are also present in meat. The amount of energy (calories) supplied
by meat varies with the fat content of animal species.

Handling of Meat
Fresh meat spoils quickly, so it must be stored immediately. If the animal is slaughtered and handled
in a sanitary manner, there is no need to wash its meat before storing it, wipe the surface with a
damp cloth to remove dirt on surface. Make sure it is dry before wrapping. It is a good idea to portion
the meat needed for one cooking into individual wrap. This way, you avoid refreezing portions that
will be cooked at a later time and avoid bacteria to grow.

Waste Minimization of Meat

The correct way of purchasing or buying meat is important to minimize waste.
Here are some guidelines to consider:
1. Know the desirable characteristics of each type of meat.
2. Look for the stamp of BAI which indicates that it was inspected.
3. Consider the form or cut you need.
4. Check the thickness and distribution of fat inside and outside of meat.
5. Make sure it does not have foul odor.
6. Choose young animals for more tender meats.
7. Check whether the flesh of beef is red in color and pork is pink.

Cutting Tools, Their Uses and Characteristics

Knives are used for cutting, chopping, slicing. They are the most important tools in the kitchen.
1. Butcher’s knife – is used to section raw meat.. It can be used as a cleaver to separate small joints or
to cut bones. Butcher’s knives are made with a heavy blade with a saber or flat grind.

2. French knife – is used to chop, dice, or mince food. Heavy knives will have a saber or flat grind.

3. Roast beef slicer – is used to slice roasts, ham, and thick, solid cuts of meats. The thin, light blade will
have a concave or hollow grind.

4. Boning knife – is used to fillet fish and to remove raw meat from the bone. It will have a concave
grind on a thin, light blade.

Cooking Methods Suitable to Different Meat Cuts

1. For Tender cuts of meat, sirloin, porterhouse, T-bone, tenderloin and prime rib roast, the cooking
method is dry heat method.

a. Roasting – the meat is cooked over live coal or oven.

b. Pan broiling – the meat is placed in a hot frying pan over the sources of heat instead of under it.
c. Broiling – Cooking by radiant heat. Food is placed on a rack either below or between the gas or
electric heat source. The rack is positioned 3 to 6 inches from the heat source, depending on the
type and intensity of the heat
d. Pan frying – Cooking in a moderate amount of fat in a pan over moderate heat.

2. Less tender cuts of meat. Chuck, flank, rump, hock, neck, leg, feet and shoulder can be cooked
through the dry heat method such as the following.

a. Boiling – Cooking food in a liquid that is bubbling rapidly.

b. Braising – a method of cooking that combines cooking in fat with the addition of moisture. Food is
browned in a small quantity of fat, and then cooked slowly in liquid in a covered utensil.
c. Stewing – cooking in a small amount of water, either by boiling or simmering.
Principles and Practices of Storing, Freezing and Aging of Meat.
Because meat is a highly perishable food item, extra care and attention are needed to ensure that a
high quality, wholesome product is served. Unwholesome and spoiled meat are caused by bacteria
and other microorganisms. This contamination generally occurs during cutting and processing. These
bacteria require three conditions for growth.

1. Low acidity (near neutral pH) level within the meat.

2. Inadequate supply of water or other moisture, such as meat juices;
3. A warm temperature – generally between 45 degrees and 127 F.

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