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A Teacher’s Precept: Keep it Clean!

By: Rhea Mae T. Bautista

Teaching is a messy job. As teachers wrestle students’ behavior, maintain good

relationship among colleagues and manage a long list of tasks, it is no wonder for this to be a
fact. It is also one of the reasons why most people don’t have teaching as their options for their
careers. For that cause, teachers need to maintain proper and good hygiene. Physical hygiene
actually contributes to a person’s psychological state and overall health.
As a teacher, taking control over work and personal life is on another degree of difficulty
all on its own. As stated that their roles are divided into more than the usual employee, this
somehow becomes their downfall which often leads to stress and frustration. Thus, making
more complications down the road.
Having good and proper hygiene means you have a routine you can manage. It will allow
you to realize that you have the ability to maintain balance in your life. It builds good behavioral
habits and eventually it will boost one’s self-image and self-esteem. On the same note, it also
helps in avoiding sickness and diseases due to viral and bacterial infections.
Furthermore, this will also allow the teacher to appear more self-regulated. Thus, it can
become an indication that the teacher is reliable and responsible. This will help them manage
the students more effectively and in turn help themselves cope with stress. Despite the belief
that you cannot judge the book by its cover, the underlying reasons of one’s appearance is still
undeniable. The cause and effect phenomena is still one of the most valid observations we can
In clearer elucidation, teachers can maintain balance within their lives if their
appearance, disposition and health are in the best state caused by good hygiene. Consequently,
it can also contribute to their productivity and effectivity at work and create a cycle of positive
effects. There can be no disadvantages with this action. Hence, it is irrefutable that teachers
should always keep it clean.

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