Physics Reviewer Completed

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-------BISMILLAH--------- increasing height, leads to the F 24.

In 1920, Oerstedran
formation of the E-region. experiments with conducting wires
1. This field can then deflect a a. Earth’s core run near a sensitive compass.
movable iron lever causing an b. Lithosphere T 25. When two magnets are near
audible click. c. Ionosphere to each other or in contact, they
a. Origin of magnetism exert a force on one another.
b. Electromagnetism 11. This are taken into account
c. Spinning electron explicitly in IGRF modelling, except 1. _____________is a branch of
d. Magnetism in the comprehensive models. physics that deals with heat, work,
a. Mantle and temperature, and their relation
2. It can also act like a current loop b. Lithosphere to energy, radiation, and physical
and so creates a tiny magnetic c. Core properties of matter.
field. d. Magnetosphere a. Thermodynamics
a. Magnetism b. Chemistry
b. Spinning electron 12. This is liquid metal, with high
conductivity, usually assumed c. Electronic
c. Electromagnetism d. algebra
d. Magnetic Variation constant throughout.
a. Core 2. The behavior of these quantities
3. In most atoms the magnetic b. Mantle is governed by the four laws of
effect of the electrons cancels c. Lithosphere thermodynamics which convey a
each other out. d. Magnetosphere quantitative description using
a. Magnetic Variation measurable macroscopic physical
b. Magnetism 13. This is a semi-conductor, with
its conductivity increasing with quantities, but may be explained in
c. Magnetic inclination terms of microscopic constituents
d. Origin of magnetism depth temperature.
a. Core by statistical______________.
b. Mantle a. Systematics
4. A permanent magnet will attract c. Magnetosphere b. Mechanics
a metal like iron with either the d. Lithosphere c. Statics
north or South Pole. d. Molex
a. Magnetic inclination 14. It is together with the
underlying wet sediments form a 3. _____________applies to a
b. Magnetic declination wide variety of topics in science
c. Magnetism thin third region.
a. Mantle and engineering, especially
d. Magnetic Variation physical
b. Core
5. A compass reading deviates c. Oceans chemistry, chemical engineering
from geographic north. d. Magnetosphere and mechanical engineering, but
a. Origin of magnetism also in other complex fields such
b. Magnetic declination 15. It contains one or more as meteorology.
c. Spinning electron unpaired electrons whose spin can a. Termo
d. Magnetic Variation produce a directional magnetic b. Statics
field. c. Thermodynamics
6. The magnetic field is not a. Atom d. statistics
horizontal at moFt of earth’s b. Spinning electron
surface, its angle up or down. c. Magnet 4. The_________________ law of
a. Magnetic inclination d. Magnetic field thermodynamics states: In a
b. Origin of magnetism process without transfer of matter,
c. Magnetic Variation F 16. The motion of electrical the change in internal energy, ΔU,
d. Magnetic declination charges current is the only source of a thermodynamic system is
of atom. equal to the energy gained as
7. It consider only the fluid outer T 17. A wire is formed into a loop heat, Q, less the thermodynamic
core as this controls the field and the field becomes a doughnut work, W, done by the system on its
emerging into the mantle. shape, or a torus. surroundings.
a. Mantle F 18. Both these electromagnetic a. 4th
b. Lithosphere in atoms, orbital and spins create b. 3rd
c. Earth’s core magnetic fields. c. 2nd
d. Ionosphere F 19. The force consists of small d. 1st
regions called domains in which all
8. sustain the coherent orientation the magnetic effects of atoms are 5. Adapted for thermodynamics,
of electron spins that we call aligned. _____________is an expression of
magnetisation. T 20. Direct current is used to the principle of conservation of
a. Mantle produce a constant field in one energy, which states that energy
b. Lithosphere direction that can be switched on can be transformed (changed from
c. Earth’s core and one form to another), but cannot
d. Ionosphere off with the current. be created or destroyed.
9. The surface downwards that can T 21. The pulses were sent by a. 1st law
be magnetised the electron dipole skilled operators who would b. 2nd law
moments can be partially quickly turn the current on. c. 3rd law
aligned locally. T 22. The receiving end would d. 4th law
a. Mantle then translate the audible clicks
back into letters and words. 6. ____________ is the set of
b. Earth’s core physical phenomena associated
c. Ionosphere F 23. Force on the wire is
horizontal to the plane containing with the presence and motion of
d. Lithosphere matter
the line of the wire and the line of
10. The number density of the the that has a property of electric
atoms becoming smaller at magnetic field. charge.
a. Electricity
b. Static b. Electromagnetic Induction
c. Dynamic c. Transformers 2. It exerts a force on particles in
d. fusion d. Equilibrium the field due to the Lorentz force.
a. Magnetism
7. ______________is related to 17. Which is perpendicular to both b. Magnetic Field
magnetism, both being part of the their motion and the field? c. Pauli Exclusion Principle
phenomenon of electromagnetism, a. Eddy Current d. Opposites Attract
as described by Maxwell's b. Conduction Electrons
equations c. Electric Generators 3. It states that two electrons
a. Static d. Transformer cannot occupy the same energy
b. Electricity state at the same time.
c. Fusion 18. A result loops of current will be
set up in the conductor a. Opposites Attract
d. dynamic b. Pauli Exclusion Principle
a. Magnetic Induction
8. Various common phenomena b. Velocity Selector c. Magnetism
are related to_____________, c. Electric Generators 4. Magnetic fields are generated
including lightning, static electricity, d. Eddy Current by rotating electric charges,
electric heating, electric discharges according to Hyper Physics.
and many others. a. Magnetism
a. Static 19. It gives rise to a counter torque b. Ferromagnetism
b. Dynamic that opposes the rotational motion c. Opposites Attract
c. Electricity a. Magnetic Force d. Magnetic Field
d. fusion b. Mass Spectrometer
c. Magnetic Induction 5. If the alignment of unpaired
9. ____________is at the heart of d. Electrical Energy electrons persists without the
many modern technologies application of an external magnetic
a. Static 20. It has an induced motor-like field.
b. Dynamic action to oppose the turbine which a. Ferromagnetism
c. Fusion is trying to turn it b. Magnetism
d. Electricity a. Generator c. Magnetic Field
b. Flux Rule d. Opposites Attract
10. _________ where electric c. Equilibrium
current is used to energize d. Transformer 6. It refers to iron because
equipment permanent magnetism was first
21. A force that acting on the loop observed in a form of natural iron.
a. electric power cause the counter torque a. Opposites Attract
b. electric current a. Mass Spectrometer b. Ferromagnetism
c. electric resistance b. Induced Forces c. Magnetism
d. electric channel c. Magnetic Induction 7. When a wire is moved in a
d. Velocity Selector magnetic field, the field induces a
12. It can also act like a current current in the wire.
loop and so creates a tiny a. Opposites Attract
magnetic field. 22. The Lenz’s law is induced EMF b. Faraday’s Law
a. Electromagnetism acts to oppose the applied EMF. c. Ferromagnetism
b. Magnetic Variation a. Electrical Energy d. Electromagnetism
c. Spinning electron b. Back EMF
d. Magnetism c. Eddy Current 8. A charge moving in a straight
d. Generators line, as through a straight wire,
13. In most atoms the magnetic
generates a magnetic field that
effect of the electrons cancels 23. It constructs a device that
spirals around the wire.
each other out. would only allow one mass in flight
a. Ferromagnetism
a. Magnetism to reach the detector
b. Magnetism
b. Origin of magnetism a. Conduction Electrons
c. Static Electricity
c. Magnetic Variation b. Equilibrium
d. Faraday’s Law
d. Magnetic inclination c. Mass Spectrometer
9. According to him the magnetic
24. An object in which all the
field can be greatly enhanced by
14. A permanent magnet will forces acting upon it are balanced
placing a ferromagnetic metal core
attract a metal like iron with either a. Transformer
inside the coil.
the north or South Pole b. EMF
a. Nick Bell
a. Magnetic declination c. Flux Rule
b. Marvin Cameras
b. Magnetic inclination d. Equilibrium
c. Samuel F. B. Morse
c. Magnetism
25. He generally credited with the d. Michael Faraday
d. Magnetic Variation
discovery of induction in 1831
15. A compass reading deviates a. Charles Brush 10. He allowed for long-distance
from geographic north b. James Clerk Maxwell communication over wires using a
a. Origin of magnetism c. Nikola Tesla binary code based on long and
b. Magnetic declination d. Michael Faraday short duration pulses.
c. Magnetic Variation a. Marvin Cameras
d. Spinning electron 1. It refers to physical phenomena b. Charles Babbage
arising from the force caused by c. Samuel F. B. Morse
16. A changing magnetic field in 1. A ____________is a large
the vicinity of a wire or coil will a. Pauli Exclusion Principle quantity of capacitance.
induce a voltage in the wire or coil. b. Opposites Attract a. Voltage
a. Magnetic Field c. Magnetism b. Fraud
d. Magnetic Field
c. current 7. The second law is an c. heat engine
d. Farad observation of the fact that over
time, differences in temperature, 15. Refrigerator (colloquially fridge)
2. A ___________ is a circuit in pressure, and chemical potential consists of a thermally insulated
which resistors are arranged in a tend to even out in a physical compartment and a heat pump
chain, so the current has only one system that is isolated from the (mechanical, electronic or
path to take. The current is the outside world. chemical) that transfers
same through each resistor. a. 2ND LAW __________from its inside to its
a. series parallel circuit b. 1ST LAW external environment so that its
b. series circuit c. 3RD LAW inside is cooled to a temperature
c. parallel circuit d. 4TH LAW below the room temperature.
d. serious circuit a. Frozen
8. ______is a measure of how b. Heat
3. A parallel circuit is a closed much this process has progressed. c. Nothing
circuit in which the current divides a. Meaning
into two or more paths before b. Entropy 2. Electronics which deals with
recombining to complete the c. Isotopes __________ that involve active
circuit. d. Principle electrical components such as
a. serious circuit vacuum tubes, transistors, diodes
b. series circuit 9. In classical thermodynamics, the
____________is a basic postulate and integrated circuits.
c. parallel circuit a. Force
d. series parallel circuit applicable to any system involving
heat energy transfer; in statistical b. electrical circuits
thermodynamics, the second law is c. Ions
4. Each load connected in a a consequence of the assumed d. Charges
separate path receives the randomness of molecular chaos. 3. _________________is exerted
__________circuit voltage, and the a. 2nd law between any two charged objects.
total circuit current is equal to the b. 1st law a. Ions
sum of the individual branch c. 3rd law b. Force
currents d. 4th law c. electric force
a. FULL d. none of the above
b. 1/4 10. There are _________versions
c. 1/10 of the second law, but they all 4. Objects with the
d. Half have the same effect, which is to ____________charge, both
express the phenomenon of positive and both negative, will
5. Kirchhoff's first law is that the irreversibility in nature. repel each other, and objects with
algebraic sum of currents in a a. Few opposite charges, one positive and
network of conductors meeting at a b. zero one negative, will attract each
point (or node) is___________. c. No other.
a. 0 d. Many a. same
b. 1 b. Different
c. 3 11. ____________is a system that c. No
d. 2 converts heat or thermal energy to d. Positive
mechanical energy, which can
4. The_________________ law of then be used to do mechanical 5. ______________is the energy a
thermodynamics states: In a work. charge has due to its position
process without transfer of matter, a. Frozen system relative to other charges.
the change in internal energy, ΔU, b. cold engine a. heat energy
of a thermodynamic system is c. heat engine b. no energy
equal to the energy gained as c. chemical energy
heat, Q, less the thermodynamic 12. __________are often confused d. potential energy
work, W, done by the system on its with the cycles they attempt to
surroundings. implement. Typically, the term 6. _________ is a flow of electrical
a. 1ST "engine" is used for a physical charge carriers, usually electrons
b. 2ND device and "cycle" for the models. or electron-deficient atoms.
c. 4TH cold engine a. Resistance
d. 3RD a. Frozen system b. power
5. The ____________of b. Cold system c. Current
thermodynamics states: Heat c. heat engine d. Voltage
cannot spontaneously flow from a 7. ______________ is a measure
colder location 13. It involves the rising of warm
and moist __________in the of the opposition to current flow in
to a hotter location. an electrical circuit.
a. 4TH LAW earth's equatorial region and the
descent of colder air in the a. power
b. 3RD LAW b. Resistance
c. 2ND LAW subtropics creating a thermally
driven direct circulation, with c. Voltage
consequent net d. Current
6. __________________is an
expression of the universal production of kinetic energy 8. Resistance is measured in
principle of decay observable in a. Clouds ohms, symbolized by the Greek
nature. b. isotopes letter _______.
a. 3RD LAW c. Air a. omega
b. 4TH LAW b. Omega 1
c. 2ND LAW 14. Hadley cell is an example of a c. Omega 2
_____________ 9. EMF means
a. cold engine a. Electromotive force
b. Cold system
b. Electrical motion force 7. __________of such principles is 7. In a purely inductive circuit,
c. Elongational force the maximum entropy production voltage and current are in phase
d. None of the above principle. (0°)
a. 2 a. voltage lags current by 90°
10. ______________, energy per b. 3 b. current leads voltage by 90°
unit electric charge that is imparted c. 4 c. voltage leads current by 90°
by an energy source, such as an d. 1
electric generator or a battery 8. A series RL filter circuit with an
a. Emp 8. It states that non-equilibrium output across the inductor will
b. Eme systems behave such a way as to result in what type of filtering?
c. Emf maximize its entropy production. a. passing of the higher
d. Emv a. 2nd law frequencies
b. 1st law b. blocking of a certain range of
c. 3rd law frequencies
1. Adapted for thermodynamics, d. 4th law c. passing of the lower
_____________is an expression of frequencies
the principle of conservation of 9. In classical thermodynamics, the d. blocking of the higher
energy, which states that energy ____________is a basic postulate frequencies
can be transformed (changed from applicable to any system involving
one form to another), but cannot heat energy transfer; in statistical 9. On a schematic, dashed lines
be created or thermodynamics, the second law is between two vertical coils usually
a. 1st law a consequence of the assumed mean the transformer has:
b. 2nd law randomness of molecular chaos. a. a ferrite core
c. 4th law a. 3rd law b. an air core
d. 3rd law b. 2nd law c. an iron core
c. 1st law d. a nonmetallic core
2. ___________is a principal d. 4th law
property of the thermodynamic 10. Faraday's law states that the:
state, while heat and work are 1. Electricity may be generated by a. emf depends on the rate of
modes of energy transfer by which a wire: cutting flux
a process may change this state. a. wrapped as a coil b. direction of an induced current
a. Heat energy b. has neutral domains produces an aiding effect
b. Internal energy c. passing through a flux field c. direction of the induced
c. No energy d. carrying current voltage produces an
d. Static energy opposition
2. The electrical energy consumed d. emf is related to the direction
3. A change of internal energy of a by a coil is stored in the form of: of the current
system may be achieved by any a. a force fields
combination of b. an electrical field 11. A henry value divided by a
_____________added c. a magnetic field circuit resistive value provides the:
or removed and work performed d. an electrostatic field a. quality factor of the coil
on or by the system. b. induced voltage amplitude
3. What is magnetic flux? c. counter emf value
a. Hot a. the number of lines of force in
b. Cold d. rise or decay time constant
c. ice b. the number of lines of force in 12. What does Faraday's law
d. Heat flux density concern?
c. the number of lines of force in a. a magnetic field in a
4. As a function of state, the maxwells conductor
__________does not depend on d. the number of lines of force in b. a magnetic field hystersis
the manner, or on the path through tesla c. a magnetic field cutting a
intermediate steps, by which the conductor
system arrived at its state. 4. As current travels within a d. a magnetic field in a coil
a. Static energy conductor:
b. Heat energy a. the magnetic field aids the 13. The polarity of induced voltage
c. No energy current while a field is collapsing is:
d. Internal energy b. a magnetic field is developed a. opposite to the force creating it
around it b. independent of the force
5. The _____________ of an c. an electrostatic field opposes creating it
isolated system which is not in the current c. identical to the force creating
equilibrium will tend to increase d. the wire tries to point north the field
over time, approaching a d. present only if the force is
maximum value at equilibrium. 5. What type of device consists of stationary
a. Meaning a coil with a moveable iron core?
b. Isotopes a. solenoid 14. What is the permeability of
c. Entropy b. armature transformer iron?
d. Principle c. reed switch a. 450
6. ____________ guiding systems d. relay b. 50
that are far from equilibrium are c. 1500
6. What is hysteresis? d. 5500
still debatable.
a. lead between voltage and
a. Meaning
current 15. Electromagnetism is the:
b. Isotopes
b. lead between cause and effect a. magnetic field action with a
c. Principle
c. lag between cause and effect current-carrying wire
d. Entropy
d. lag between voltage and b. action between a permanent
current and an artificial magnet
c. current in the coil
d. magnetic field caused by a b. Capacitive position of the first order dark
permanent magnet c. Inductive fringe from the center of the
d. Resistive screen.
1. In case of Inductive circuit, a. 3.9 mm
Frequency is ______________ to 1. It is the branch of physics that b. 1.9 mm
the inductance. studies the behavior and c. 7.7 mm
a. Directly proportional properties of light. d. 0.26 mm
b. Inversely proportional a. Interference
c. Unrelated b. Laser 9. *A diffraction grating has 4000
d. Much greater than c. Polarization lines per cm. The angle between
d. Optics the central maximum and the third
2. In case of Inductive circuit, 2. It is an optical effect which can
Frequency is ______________ to order maximum is 36ø. What is the
occur when two or more light wavelength of the light?
the current. beams are superimposed.
a. Inversely proportional a. 570 nm
a. Polarization b. 620 nm
b. Unrelated b. Optics
c. Directly proportional c. 490 nm
c. Interference d. 240 nm
d. No correct answers d. Laser
3. In an inductive circuit, when the 10. On a clear day, the sky
3. It is a device that emits light appears to be more blue toward
XL value increases, the circuit through a process of optical
power factor? the zenith (overhead) than it does
amplification based on the toward the horizon. This occurs
a. Becomes zero stimulated emission of
b. Remains the same because
electromagnetic radiation. a. none of the above is true.
c. Decreases a. Laser
d. Increases b. the temperature of the upper
b. Interference atmosphere is higher than it is
4. If the current and voltage are 90 c. Polarization at the earth's surface.
degrees out of phase, the power 4. Polarization is a property c. the sunlight travels over a
factor will be? applying to transverse waves that longer path at the horizon,
a. 0 specifies the geometrical resulting in more absorption.
b. Insufficient information orientation of the oscillations. 11. What principle is responsible
provided a. Polarization for light spreading as it passes
c. Infinity b. Optics through a narrow slit?
d. 1 c. Interference a. Refraction
d. Laser b. Polarization
5. In a pure inductive circuit, the c. Diffraction
power factor is __________ 5. Two beams of coherent light
travel different paths arriving at 12. What principle is responsible
a. 0 for alternating light and dark bands
b. Infinity point P. If the maximum
constructive interference is to when light passes through two or
c. Maximum more narrow slits?
d. Minimum occur at point P, the two beams
must a. Diffraction
a. arrive 180ø out of phase. b. Refraction
6. *If the power factor is 1/10 and
b. arrive 90ø out of phase. c. Interference
the value of impedance is 20 ohm,
c. travel paths that differ by an d. Polarization
calculate the resistance in the
circuit. odd number of half- 13. What principle is responsible
a. 4 ohm wavelengths. for the fact that certain sunglasses
b. 1 ohm d. travel paths that differ by a can reduce glare from reflected
c. 2 ohm whole number of wavelengths. surfaces?
d. 3 ohm a. Diffraction
6. What year Albert Einstein b. Refraction
7. *If the resistance in a circuit is 2 established the theoretical c. Polarization
ohm and the impedance is 20 foundations for the laser and the d. Interference
ohm, calculate the power factor. maser?
a. 1/40 1920 14. The principle which allows a
b. 1/30 a. 1919 rainbow to form is
c. 1/10 b. 1917 Polarization
d. 1/20 c. 1918 a. Refraction
b. Total internal reflection
8. *If tan φ = 10 and the resistance 7. Two light sources are said to be c. Dispersion
is 2 ohm, calculate the inductive coherent if they
reactance. a. are of the same frequency. 15. *Light has a wavelength of 600
a. 30 ohm b. are of the same frequency, nm in a vacuum. It passes into
b. 40 ohm and maintain a constant phase glass, which has an index of
c. 20 ohm difference. refraction of 1.50. What is the
d. 10 ohm c. are of the same amplitude, and wavelength of the light in the
maintain a constant phase glass?
9. What is the unit for inductive
difference. a. 400 nm
d. are of the same frequency and b. 500 nm
a. Ohm
amplitude. c. 300 nm
b. Volts
d. 600 nm
c. Henry
d. Farad 8. *Light of wavelength 580 nm is 9. Which two values are plotted on
incident on a slit of width 0.300 a B-H curve graph?
10. An induced emf is said to be
mm. An observing screen is placed a. flux density and magnetizing
2.00m from the slit. Find the force
a. Cannot be determined
b. permeability and reluctance refraction of 1.50. What is the
c. magnetizing force and speed of the light in the glass?
permeability a. 3.0X108 m/s
d. reluctance and flux density b. 2.0X108
c. 2.5X108 m/s
10. The four factors determining d. 1.5X108 m/s
inductance are the number of
turns, coil length, coil area, and: 8. *When a light wave enters into a
a. permeability medium of different optical density,
b. coefficient of coupling a. its speed and wavelength
c. reluctance change.
b. its frequency and wavelength
6. *If the power factor is 1/10 and change.
the value of impedance is 20 ohm, c. its speed and frequency
calculate the resistance in the change.
circuit. d. its speed, frequency, and
a. 2 ohm wavelength change.
b. 4 ohm 9. Light of wavelength 575 nm falls
c. 1 ohm on a double-slit and the third order
d. 3 ohm bright fringe is seen at an angle of
6.5 degree. What is the separation
7. *If the resistance in a circuit is 2 between the double slits?
ohm and the impedance is 20 a. 20 micro-m
ohm, calculate the power factor. b. 10 micro-m
a. 1/10 c. 15 micro-m
b. 1/20 d. 5.0 micro-m
c. 1/30
d. 1/40 10. *One beam of coherent light
travels path P1 in arriving at point
8. *If tan φ = 10 and the resistance Q and another coherent beam
is 2 ohm, calculate the inductive travels path P2 in arriving at the
reactance. same point. If these two beams are
a. 30 ohm to interfere destructively, the path
b. 40 ohm difference P1 - P2 must be equal
c. 20 ohm to
d. 10 ohm a. an odd number of half-
3. What principle is responsible for wavelengths.
the fact that certain sunglasses b. a whole number of
can reduce glare from reflected wavelengths.
surfaces? c. zero.
a. Diffraction d. a whole number of half-
b. Refraction wavelengths.
c. Interference
d. Polarization
4. The principle which allows a
rainbow to form is
a. Refraction
b. Polarization
c. Dispersion
d. Total internal reflection
5. *Light has a wavelength of 600
nm in a vacuum. It passes into
glass, which has an index of
refraction of 1.50. What is the
wavelength of the light in the
a. 600 NM
b. 400 NM
c. 500 NM
d. 300 NM

6. *Light has wavelength 600 nm in

a vacuum. It passes into glass,
which has an index of refraction of
1.50. What is the frequency of the
light inside the glass?
a. 3.3X10^5 Hz
b. 3.3X10^14 Hz
c. 5.0X10^14 Hz
d. 5.0X10^5 Hz
7. *Light has a wavelength of 600
nm in a vacuum. It passes into
glass, which has an index of

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