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CCU EDUCATION – Học là yêu, học là siêu!

Tài liệu bản quyền thuộc về CCU EDUCATION – Cấm sao chép dưới mọi hình thức

Câu 6. Consider a small open economy with free capital mobility in the long run. Use the foreign
exchange market to expalin what happens to economy’s real exchange rate, trade balance and investment
level when
- Firms want to invest less.
Câu 7. Assume data for an economy given as
C = 200 + 0.8YD; I = 100 – 5r; T = 15 + 0.2Y; G = 187
Real money supply: M/P = 230
Real money demand: L = 0.2Y – 4r
Where Y is income, Yd is disposable income, C is consumption, I is investment, T is tax, G is govenrment
spending, r is real interest rate, M is nominal money supply and P is price level.
a. Find the equation for IS curve.
b. Find the equation for LM curve.
c. What are the equilibrium interest rate?
Câu 8. The outbreak of COVID- 19 pandemic has a negative impact on the global economy as well as
individual economy in each country. Consider small open economy with a fixed exchange rate system.
Use the Mundell-Fleming IS*-LM* model to explain how the pandemic has its impact on the economy’s
total output, consumption level and trade balance?
Câu 9. Consider an economy described by the production function
Y= F(K,L)= 5K0.3L0.7
a. What is the per-worker production function y= F(K)?
b. Assume that each period the economy saves a fraction s of its output to make investment in capital. Stock
of capital depreciates at the rate of 𝛿. Population grows at the rate of n. Derive the equation that describes
the accumulation of capital stock per worker ∆k.
c. Assume that 𝛿 = 10%, s= 30%, n= 2%. What is the steady state capital stock per worker and consumption
per worker?
d. Determine the capital – output ratio(K/L) in the steady state
Trắc nghiệm.

Câu 4. In a closed economy in the short run, when the government conducts contractional…
A. Real interest rate increases and total output increases
B. Real interest rate decreases and total output increases
C. Real interest rate increases and total output decreases

Địa chỉ: Tầng 10 – Chung Cư An Lạc – 45 Lưu Hữu Phước – Nam Từ Liêm – Hà Nội
CCU EDUCATION – Học là yêu, học là siêu!
Tài liệu bản quyền thuộc về CCU EDUCATION – Cấm sao chép dưới mọi hình thức

D. Real interest rate decreases and total output decreases

Câu 3. Using the IS-LM-BP model to consider a large open economy in the short run with a floating
exchange rate system. When households become optismistic about economic condition.
A. demand for domestic currency increases by more than the increase in supply of domestic currency and
exchange rate decreases.
B. demand for domestic currency increases by more than the increase in supply of domestic currency and
exchange rate increases.
C. demand for domestic currency increases by less than the increase in supply of domestic currency and
exchange rate decreases.
D. demand for domestic currency increases by less than the increase in supply of domestic currency and
exchange rate increases.
Câu 2. In a closed economy in the long run, when the government increases…
A. Real interest rate increases and investment level decreases
B. Real interest rate increases and investment level increases
C. Real interest rate decreases and investment level decreases
D. Real interest rate increases and investment level increases
Câu 2. Using the IS-LM-Bp model to consider a large open economy in the short run with a floating
exchange rate system. When households become more optimistic about future economic condition, at the
new internal balance
A. Real interest rate increases, total output increases and there is a deficit in private balance of payment
B. Real interest rate decreases, total output increases and there is a surplus in private balance of payment
C. Real interest rate decreases, total output decreases and there is a surplus in private balance of payment
D. Real interest rate increases, total output decreases and there is a deficit in private balance of payment
Câu 4. According to the quantity theory of money
A. When people hold more money relative to their incomes then the velocity of money is small
B. When people hold less money relative to their incomes then the velocity of money is small
C. When people hold more money relative to their incomes then money changes hands infrequently
D. Both A and C are correct
Câu 1. Using the IS-LM-Bp model to consider a large open economy in the short run with a floating
exchange rate system. When households become optimistic economic condition, at the new internal balance
A. Real interest rate decreases, total output decreases and there is a surplus in private balance of payment
B. Real interest rate decreases, total output increases and there is a surplus in private balance of payment
Địa chỉ: Tầng 10 – Chung Cư An Lạc – 45 Lưu Hữu Phước – Nam Từ Liêm – Hà Nội
CCU EDUCATION – Học là yêu, học là siêu!
Tài liệu bản quyền thuộc về CCU EDUCATION – Cấm sao chép dưới mọi hình thức

C. Real interest rate increases, total output decreases and there is a deficit in private balance of payment
D. Real interest rate increases, total output increases and there is a deficit in private balance of payment

Địa chỉ: Tầng 10 – Chung Cư An Lạc – 45 Lưu Hữu Phước – Nam Từ Liêm – Hà Nội

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