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Part Name Project Units Template Color Material

ME3 - Inventor English-Modules Part Aluminum –

Inches N/A
Surname Course (in).ipt Flat

Step 1
Start a new part file with the template: English- Modules Part(in).ipt, and save the file with the
name: Inventor Lab 06-1, as shown above.

Step 2
Project the Center Point onto the Base sketch.

Step 3
Draw the Base sketch for the object shown in the figure and apply all of the necessary geometrical
constraints to maintain the shape of the sketch. Note the location of X0Y0Z0. (Figures Step 3A and 3B)

Figure 3A – Base Sketch

Figure Step 3B
3D Model
Step 4
Insert the necessary driving dimensions to fully constrain the sketch. Add at least 1 driven dimension.

Step 5
Ensure that the sketch is fully constrained and all lines display purple. (Figure Step 5)

Figure Step 5
Fully Constrained Base Sketch

Step 6
Extrude the sketch to complete the Base model and apply the color: Aluminum – Flat (Figure Step 6)

Figure Step 6
Completed Solid Model – Home View

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