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LWR L5 The Organization has given highest priority

Contemporary Global Governance to reducing and eventually eliminating

ROLES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE nuclear weapons, destroying chemical
UNITED NATIONS weapons and strengthening the prohibition
INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND against biological weapons all of which pose
SECURITY the greatest threat to humankind.
One of the primary purposes of the United
Nations is the maintenance of international General As sembly adopted the
peace and security. International Convention for the
Since its creation, the UN has often b e en c Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism,
a l l ed u p on t o p r e v ent disputes from which was opened for signature in
escalating into war, to persuade opposing September 2005.
parties to use the conference table rather
than force of arms, or to help restore peace Weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
when armed conflict does break out. Bilateral agreements on nuclear weapons
Multilateral agreements on nuclear weapons
The Council has established 28 new and non-proliferation.
peacekeeping missions since 1995, The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of
including the United Nations Mission in Nuclear Weapons (NPT)
Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE) in 2000;
● the United Nations Mission in Liberia Nuclear-weapon-free zones the signing of
(UNMIL) in 2003; the 1967 Treaty for the Prohibition of
● the United Nations Operation in Côte Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the
d’Ivoire (UNOCI), Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco)
● the United Nations Stabilization
Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) and Preventing nuclear proliferation.
● the United Nations Operation in The International Atomic Energy Agency
Burundi (ONUB) in 2004; (IAEA)
● the United Nations Mission in the plays a prominent role in international
Sudan (UNMIS) in 2005; and efforts to prevent the proliferation of nuclear
● the United Nations Integrated weapons
Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) in
2006. Small arms, light weapons and practical
-Many of these new missions have already disarmament
completed their mandates, including, most
recently, the missions in the Central African Anti-personnel mines In 1995, are view of
Republic, Burundi and Sierra Leone. the Conv ent i on on Certain Conventional
Weapons (CCW) — also known as the
Disarmament Inhumane Weapons Convention —
Since the birth of the United Nations, the produced Amended Protocol II
goals of multilateral disarmament and arms Transparancy of military expenditures
limitation have been central to its efforts to Prevention of an arms race in outer
maintain international peace and security. space
ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL inv e s tment and improve their
DEVELOPMENT investment climate
the vast majority of the Organization’s
resources are in fact devoted to advancing Food and Agriculture Organization of the
the Charter’s pledge to “promote higher United Nations (FAO)
standards of living, full employment, and is the l ead agency for agr i cul tur e ,
conditions of economic and social progress forestry, fi she r i e s and rural development.
and development”.
The United Nations competitive advantage The United Nations Industrial
The United Nations system has unique Developement organization (UNIDO)
strengths in promoting development: is the specialized agency helping these
• Its universality: all countries have a voice countries to pursue sustainable industrial
when policy decisions are made. development in the new global environment.
• Its impartiality: it does not represent any
particular national or commercial interest, International Labor Organization (ILO)
and can thus develop special relations of Its long and diverse work in the setting and
trust with countries and their people to monitoring of labor standards in the
provide aid with no strings attached. workplace has provided a framework of
• Its global presence: it has the world’s international labor standards and guide lines
largest network of country offices for which have been adopted in national
delivering assistance for development. legislation by virtually all countries.
• Its comprehensive mandate,
encompassing development, security,
humanitarian assistance, human rights and International Civil Aviation Organization
the environment. (ICAO).
• Its commitment to “the peoples of the ICAO aims to meet the public’s need for the
United Nations”. safety, security, efficiency and continuity of
international civil aviation and to minimize
● United Nations Development its adverse effects on the environment. It
Program (UNDP) is the developing also works to strengthen the law governing
countries’ development agency, civil aviation.
committed to making a pivotal
contribution to halving world poverty International Maritime Organization (IMO)
by 2020. IMO’s objectives are improving the safety
● The World Bank, comprising the of international shipping and preventing
International Bank for marine pollution from ships. Key
Reconstruction and Development environmental concerns being addressed
(IBRD) and the International include the transfer of harmful aquatic
Development Association (IDA) organisms in ballast water and sediments,
● International Monetary Fund (IMF) the emission of greenhouse gases from
● United Nations Conference on Trade ships, and ship recycling.
and Development (UNCTAD) helps
developing countries and economies
in transition promote foreign direct
International Telecommunication Union United Nations University (UNU)
(ITU) a bridge between the UN and the
is the world’s oldest intergovernmental international academic community a think-
organization, dating back to 1865. It tank for the United Nations system; a
coordinates the public and private sector builder of capacities, particularly in
stop provide telecommunications networks developing countries; and a platform for
and services. dialogue and new creative ideas.

Universal Postal Union (UPU) Commission Population and

works to improve international postal Development,
services , provide postal customers in every is charged with studying and advising
country with harmonized and simplified ECOSOC on population changes and their
procedures for their international mail, and effects on economic and social conditions.
make available a universal network of up-to-
date products and services. Commission on the Status of Women,
under ECOSOC, monitors progres s
World Intellectual Property Organization towards gender equality throughout the
(WIPO), world by reviewing implementation of the
is responsible for promoting the protection platform for action that emerged from the
of intellectual property all over the world Fourth World Conference on Women
through cooperation among states. (Beijing, 1995)

Commission on Science and Technology United Nation’s fund (UNICEF)

for Development acts to protect children’s right s to survival,
was established in 1992 to examine science protect ion and development. It advocates
and technology questions and their for full implementation of the Convention on
implications for development. the Right of the Child and the Convention
on the Elimination of All Forms of
The World Food Program (WFP) Discrimination against Women.
i s the United Nations front-line agency in
the fight against global hunger. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
United Nations Environment Program
United Nations Human Sett lements (UNEP).
Program(UN-HABITAT) As the environmental conscience of the UN
promote socially and environmentally system, UNEP assesses the state of the
sustainable towns and cities, with the goal world’s environment and identifies issues
of providing adequate shelter for all. requiring international cooperation.

United Nations Educational, Scientific United Nations Forum on Forests,

and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) a high level intergovernmental body
ensure that all children are enrolled in charged with strengthening long-term
school s that are childfriendly and have political commitment for sustainable forest
trained teachers providing quality education. management.
United nations commision on International
International Maritime Organization (IMO) Trade Law (UNCITRAL)
is the United Nations specialized agency United Nations Convention on the Law of
responsible for measures to prevent marine the Sea
pollution from ships and to improve the International Seabed Authority
safety of international shipping. International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
Commi s s ion on the Limits of the
Meteorological Organization (WMO) Continental Shel
coordinates global scientific efforts to
provide timely and accurate information
relating to weather, climate, and the
hydrological and atmospheric environment.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
intended as a “common standard of
achievement for all peoples”

International Covenant on Economic,

Social and Cultural Rights
The human rights that the Covenant seeks
to promote and protect include:
● The right to work in just and
favorable conditions.
● The right to social protection, to an
adequate standard of living and to
the highest attainable standards of
physical and mental well-being.
● The right to education and the
enjoyment of benefits of cultural
freedom and scientific progress.
International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights

United Nations Emergency Relief
Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF)
United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees (UNHCR)

International Court of Justice
International Law Commission

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