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4/15/22, 1:20 PM M30(HW) Approximation & Gram-Schmidt Process (6.

3,-Kyle Hoang

Instructor: Larissa Williamson

Student: Kyle Hoang Course: MAS3114- Assignment: M30(HW) Approximation &
Date: 04/15/22 1888,0329(15272,28798) - Computatnl Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,
Linear Alg

Find the closest point to y in the subspace W spanned by v1 and v2 .

− 13 1 6
−1 0 1
y= ​, v1 = ​, v2 =
1 −1 0
11 −2 3

Recall the Best Approximation Theorem. Let W be a subspace of ℝn ​, let y be any vector in ℝn ​, and let y be the orthogonal
projection of y onto W. Then y is the closest point in W to y​, in the sense that y − y < y − v for all v in W distinct from y .

Since W = Span v1 ,v2 is a subspace of ℝn ​, the Best Approximation Theorem can be used to find the closest point to y in the
subspace W spanned by v1 and v2 for the given vectors.

Let W be a subspace of ℝn . Then each y in ℝn can be written uniquely in the form y = y + z where y is in W and z is in W . If
u1 , . . . , up is any orthogonal basis of​W, then

y • u1 y • up
y= u1 + • • • + u
u1 • u1 up • up p

and z = y − y . The vector y is called the orthogonal projection of y onto W.

Remember, for this​problem, W = Span v1 ,v2 . To use the above definition of y ​, verify that v1 ,v2 is an orthogonal set. The
set v1 ,v2 is orthogonal if and only if v1 • v2 = 0.

Compute v1 • v2 .

u1 v1

u2 v2
If u and v are vectors in ​, with u = • and v = • ​, then u • v = u v​,
• •
• •
un vn

or u • v = u1 v1 + u2 v2 + • • • + un vn .

Substitute the components of v1 and v2 into the expression for v1 • v2 .

v1 • v2 = (1)(6) + (0)(1) + ( − 1)(0) + ( − 2)(3)

Simplify v1 • v2 .

v1 • v2 = (1)(6) + (0)(1) + ( − 1)(0) + ( − 2)(3)

v1 • v2 = 0

Since v1 • v2 = ​0, the set v1 ,v2 is orthogonal and the previously stated definition of y can be used. 1/2
4/15/22, 1:20 PM M30(HW) Approximation & Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,-Kyle Hoang
By that​definition, the formula that should be used to find y ​, the orthogonal projection of y onto Span v1 ,v2 ​, is
y • v1 y • v2
y= v1 + v .
v1 • v1 v2 • v2 2

Use this formula to find y . Begin by finding the four inner products.

y • v1 y • v2
y= v1 + v
v1 • v1 v2 • v2 2
− 36 − 46
y= u1 + u2
6 46

Substitute for v1 and v2 and simplify the resulting expression.

1 6
− 36 0 − 46 1
y= +
6 −1 46 0
−2 3

− 12

− 12
Thus, the closest point to y in the subspace W spanned by v1 and v2 is the vector .
9 2/2
4/15/22, 1:20 PM M30(HW) Approximation & Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,-Kyle Hoang

Instructor: Larissa Williamson

Student: Kyle Hoang Course: MAS3114- Assignment: M30(HW) Approximation &
Date: 04/15/22 1888,0329(15272,28798) - Computatnl Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,
Linear Alg

Find the best approximation to z by vectors of the form c1 v1 + c2 v2 .

8 9 1
−5 6 −1
z= ​, v1 = ​, v2 =
3 0 12
8 −3 1

Let W be a subspace of ℝn ​, let y be any vector in ℝn ​, and let y be the orthogonal projection of y onto W.​Then, y is the closest
point in W to y in the sense that y − y < y − v for all v distinct from y .

Let y exist in ℝn and let W be a subspace of ℝn . ​Then, if u1 ,...,up is any orthogonal basis of​W,
y • u1 y • up
y= u1 + ⋯ + u is the orthogonal projection of y onto W.
u1 • u1 up • up p

First, notice that z​, v1 ​, and v2 exist in ℝ4 . ​Now, let W = ​Span{v1 ​, v2 ​}. Since v1 and v2 exist in ℝ4 ​, W is a subspace of ℝ4 . To
find the orthogonal projection of y onto​W, it is necessary to find an orthogonal basis for W.

Consider ​{v1 ​, v2 ​}. Since ​Span{v1 ​, v2 ​} coincides with W and c1 v1 + c2 v2 = 0 has one unique nontrivial solution of c1 = c2 = 0​, it
is clear that ​{v1 ​, v2 ​} is a basis of W. To show that ​{v1 ​, v2 ​} is an orthogonal​basis, it is necessary to show that ​{v1 , v2 ​} is an
orthogonal set.

For ​{v1 ​, v2 ​} to be an orthogonal​set, the inner products of each pair of elements must equal 0.

Compute the appropriate inner products. Find v1 • v2 .

v1 • v2 = 0

Since v1 • v2 = 0​, the inner product is 0 and the set ​{v1 ​, v2 ​} is orthogonal.​Thus, ​{v1 ​, v2 ​} is an orthogonal basis of W.

z • v1 z • v2 z • v1
So, the orthogonal projection of z onto W is z such that z = v1 + v2 . To find z ​, start by computing .
v1 • v1 v2 • v2 v1 • v1

Find z • v1 .

z • v1 = 18

Now, find v1 • v1 .

v1 • v1 = 126

z • v1 1
Thus, = .
v1 • v1 7

z • v2
Now, compute similarly.
v2 • v2 1/2
4/15/22, 1:20 PM M30(HW) Approximation & Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,-Kyle Hoang
z • v2 19
v2 • v2 49

9 1
1 6 19 −1
So, z = + .
7 0 49 12
−3 1

Multiply and add to find z .



Thus, by the Best Approximation​Theorem, the best approximation of z is as follows.

9 1 23
1 6 19 −1 49
z= + , or z =
7 0 49 12 228
−3 1 49

49 2/2
4/15/22, 1:20 PM M30(HW) Approximation & Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,-Kyle Hoang

Instructor: Larissa Williamson

Student: Kyle Hoang Course: MAS3114- Assignment: M30(HW) Approximation &
Date: 04/15/22 1888,0329(15272,28798) - Computatnl Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,
Linear Alg

2 −3 −1
Let y = − 4 ​, u1 = − 5 ​, u2 = 1 . Find the distance from y to the plane in ℝ spanned by u1 and u2 .
7 1 2

Note that the distance from a point y in ℝ3 to a subspace W is defined as the distance from y to the closest point in W.

Since the closest point in W to y is y = projWy​, the desired distance is y − y . Calculate y with the following theorem.

Let W be a subspace of ℝn . Then each y in ℝn can be written uniquely in the form y = y + z where y is in W and z is in W . If

u1 , ..., up is any orthogonal basis of​W, then

y • u1 y • up
y= u1 + ⋯ + u
u1 • u1 up • up p

and z = y − y . The vector y is called the orthogonal projection of y onto W.

y • u1 y • u2
To find y ​, use the formula y = u1 + u .
u1 • u1 u2 • u2 2

Use this formula to find y . Begin by finding y • u1 .

y • u1 y • u2
y= u1 + u
u1 • u1 u2 • u2 2

−3 y • u2 −1
y= −5 + 1
u1 • u1 u2 • u2
1 2

Next, find u1 • u1 .

−3 y • u2 −1
y= −5 + 1
u1 • u1 u2 • u2
1 2

−3 y • u2 −1
y= −5 + 1
35 u2 • u2
1 2

Now, find y • u2 .

−3 −1
21 y • u2
y= −5 + 1
35 u2 • u2
1 2 1/3
4/15/22, 1:20 PM M30(HW) Approximation & Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,-Kyle Hoang

−3 −1
21 8
y= −5 + 1
35 u2 • u2
1 2

Find u2 • u2 .

−3 −1
21 8
y= −5 + 1
35 u2 • u2
1 2

−3 −1
21 8
y= −5 + 1
35 6
1 2

Finally, simplify the expression.


−3 −1
21 8 5
y= −5 + 1 = −
35 6 3
1 2


Thus, y = − .

Calculate y − y .

47 77

15 15
5 7
y−y = −4 − − = −
3 3
49 56
15 15

Therefore, y − y = − .
15 2/3
4/15/22, 1:20 PM M30(HW) Approximation & Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,-Kyle Hoang
To calculate y − y ​, recall the following theorem. The length​(or norm) of v is the nonnegative scalar v defined as follows.

2 2 2
v = v•v = v1 + v2 + ⋯ + vn

Find y − y .

2 2 2
y−y = y−y 1 + y−y 2 + y−y 3
2 2 2
77 7 56
= + − +
15 3 15

= 7

Therefore, the distance from y to the plane in ℝ3 spanned by u1 and u2 is 7 .
15 3/3
4/15/22, 1:20 PM M30(HW) Approximation & Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,-Kyle Hoang

Instructor: Larissa Williamson

Student: Kyle Hoang Course: MAS3114- Assignment: M30(HW) Approximation &
Date: 04/15/22 1888,0329(15272,28798) - Computatnl Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,
Linear Alg

− 13 1 6
−1 0 1
Let y = ​, v1 = ​, and v2 = . Find the distance from y to the subspace W of ℝ4 spanned by v1 and v2 ​, given
1 −1 0
11 −2 3

− 12
that the closest point to y in W is y = .

The distance from a point y in ℝn to a subspace W is defined as the distance from y to the nearest point in W.

Recall that the closest point to y in W is y . By the definition of the distance between two vectors in ℝn ​, the distance from y to y
is given by y − y .

Compute y − y .

− 13 − 12 −1
−1 −1 0
y−y= − =
1 6 −5
11 9 2

2 2 2 2
By the definition of the length of a vector in ℝn ​, y − y is given by the expression ( − 1) + 0 + ( − 5) + 2 .

Compute y − y .

2 2 2 2
y−y = ( − 1) + 0 + ( − 5) + 2
y−y = 30

Therefore, the distance from y to the subspace W of ℝ4 spanned by v1 and v2 ​, given that the closest point to y in W is
− 12
y= ​, is 30 .
9 1/1
4/15/22, 1:21 PM M30(HW) Approximation & Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,-Kyle Hoang

Instructor: Larissa Williamson

Student: Kyle Hoang Course: MAS3114- Assignment: M30(HW) Approximation &
Date: 04/15/22 1888,0329(15272,28798) - Computatnl Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,
Linear Alg

19 17
Let y = ​, u1 = ​, and W = Span u1 . Complete parts​(a) and​(b) below.
8 1


a. Let U be the 2 × 1 matrix whose only column is u1 . Compute UT U and UUT .

Find the transpose of​U, U .

4 1
UT = −
17 17

Compute UT U.

T 4 1 17
U U= −
17 17 1


U U= 1

Compute UU .

17 4 1
UUT = −
1 17 17


16 4

17 17
4 1

17 17

16 4

17 17
Therefore, UT U = I and UUT = .
4 1

17 17

b. Compute projW y and UU y. 1/2
4/15/22, 1:21 PM M30(HW) Approximation & Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,-Kyle Hoang
Use the theorem which says that if u1 ,...,up is an orthonormal basis for a subspace W of ℝ ​, and if
U= u1 u2 • • • up ​, then projW y = UU y for all y in ℝn .

A set u1 ,...,up is an orthonormal set if it is an orthogonal set of unit vectors. If W is the subspace spanned by such a​set, then
u1 ,...,up is an orthonormal basis for W.

For this​problem, W = Span u1 ​, so W is a subspace of ℝn . ​Also, it was given in part​(a) to let U be the 2 × 1 matrix whose only

column is u1 ​, so U = u1 .

Use the theorem which says that an m × n matrix U has orthonormal columns if and only if UT U = 1. From part​(a), U = u1 ​,

and it was found that UT U = 1. ​Thus, U has orthonormal columns. Since u1 is the only column of​U, it follows that the set u1
is an orthonormal basis for W = Span u1 .

With this result and the theorem stated at the beginning of part​(b), it is now known that projW y = UU y. Recall from part​(a)

16 4

17 17
that UUT = .
4 1

17 17

Compute projW y and UU y.

16 4

T 17 17 19
projW y = UU y=
4 1 8

17 17

T 16
projW y = UU y=

T 16
Thus, projW y = UU y= .
−4 2/2
4/15/22, 1:21 PM M30(HW) Approximation & Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,-Kyle Hoang

Instructor: Larissa Williamson

Student: Kyle Hoang Course: MAS3114- Assignment: M30(HW) Approximation &
Date: 04/15/22 1888,0329(15272,28798) - Computatnl Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,
Linear Alg

−1 1 0
Let u1 = − 1 ​, u2 = − 2 ​, and u3 = 0 . Note that u1 and u2 are orthogonal but that u3 is not orthogonal to u1 or u2 . It
1 −1 1
can be shown that u3 is not in the subspace W spanned by u1 and u2 . Use this fact to construct a nonzero vector v in ℝ3 that
is orthogonal to u1 and u2 .

Let W be a subspace of ℝn . Then each y in ℝn can be written uniquely in the form y = y + z where y is in W and z is in W . In​

fact, if u1 ,...,up is any orthogonal basis of​W, then y is given by the formula below and z = y − y .

y • u1 y • up
y= u1 + ⋯ + u
u1 • u1 up • up p

This exercise asks for a nonzero vector that is orthogonal to u1 and u2 . One such vector is the vector z in the theorem given
u3 • u1 u3 • u2
above. That​is, one possible vector is v = u3 − u3 ​, where u3 = u + u .
u1 • u1 1 u2 • u2 2

To find u3 ​, first compute the inner products. Compute u3 • u1 .

u3 • u1 = ​(0​)( − 1​) + ​(0​)( − 1​) + ​(1​)(1​)

u3 • u1 = 1

Compute u1 • u1 .

u1 • u1 = ​( − 1​)( − 1​) + ​( − 1​)( − 1​) + ​(1​)(1​)

u1 • u1 = 3

Compute u3 • u2 .

u3 • u2 = ​(0​)(1​) + ​(0​)( − 2​) + ​(1​)( − 1​)

u3 • u2 = − 1

Compute u2 • u2 .

u2 • u2 = ​(1​)(1​) + ​( − 2​)( − 2​) + ​( − 1)( − 1​)

u2 • u2 = 6

Substitute these values and the given vectors u1 and u2 into the formula for u3 . 1/2
4/15/22, 1:21 PM M30(HW) Approximation & Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,-Kyle Hoang
u3 • u1 u3 • u2
u3 = u1 + u
u1 • u1 u2 • u2 2

−1 1
1 −1
u3 = −1 + −2
3 6
1 −1

Simplify this result.


−1 1 2
1 1
−1 − −2 = 0
3 6
1 −1 1

Substitute u3 and u3 into the formula for v.

v = u3 − u 3


0 2
v= 0 − 0
1 1

Simplify this result.

1 1

0 2 2
0 − 0 = 0
1 1 1
2 2

Therefore, a nonzero vector in ℝ3 that is orthogonal to u1 and u2 is v = 0 . Note that any multiple of v is also orthogonal to
u1 and u2 . 2/2
4/15/22, 1:21 PM M30(HW) Approximation & Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,-Kyle Hoang

Instructor: Larissa Williamson

Student: Kyle Hoang Course: MAS3114- Assignment: M30(HW) Approximation &
Date: 04/15/22 1888,0329(15272,28798) - Computatnl Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,
Linear Alg

7. Decide whether statements​(a) through​(e) are true or false. Justify each answer. Assume all vectors and subspaces are in
ℝ .

a. If z is orthogonal to u1 and u2 and if W = Span u1 ,u2 ​, then z must be in W . Choose the correct answer below.

A. The statement is true because W⊥ is the set of all vectors orthogonal to u and u ​, so by​
1 2

definition, z is in W .
B. The statement is false because, since z is orthogonal to u1 and u2 ​, it exists in Span u1 ,u2 .

Since W = Span u1 ,u2 ​, z is in W and cannot be in W .

C. The statement is true​because, since z is orthogonal to u1 and u2 ​, it is orthogonal to every

vector in Span u1 ,u2 ​, a set that spans W.

D. The statement is false because if z is orthogonal to u1 and u2 ​, it only follows that z orthogonal to

Span u1 and Span u2 . This is not enough information to conclude that z is in W .

b. For each y and each subspace​W, the vector y − projW y is orthogonal to W. Choose the correct answer below.

A. The statement is true because y can be written uniquely in the form y = projW y + z where

projW y is in W and z is in W and it follows that z = y − projW y.

B. The statement is false because y − projW y is in W and so cannot be orthogonal to W.

C. The statement is true because y and projW y are both orthogonal to W.​Thus, a linear
combination of them must also be orthogonal to W.
D. The statement is false because y can be written uniquely in the form y = projW y + z where z is in

W and projW y is in W and it follows that z = y − projW y.

c. The orthogonal projection y of y onto a subspace W can sometimes depend on the orthogonal basis for W used to
compute y . Choose the correct answer below.

A. The statement is false because the uniqueness property of the orthogonal decomposition
y = y + z indicates​that, no matter the basis used to find​it, it will always be the same.
B. The statement is true because the orthogonal projection y of y onto a subspace W depends on
an orthonormal basis for W.
C. The statement is false because the orthogonal projection y of y onto a subspace W depends on
an orthonormal basis for W.
D. The statement is true because for each different orthogonal​basis, y is expressed as a different
linear combination of the vectors in that basis.

d. If y is in a subspace​W, then the orthogonal projection of y onto W is y itself. Choose the correct answer below.

A. The statement is false because if y is in​W, then proj y is orthogonal to y​, and is in W⊥ .
B. The statement is true because for an orthogonal basis of​W, B = u1 ,...,up ​, y and projW y can be 1/2
4/15/22, 1:21 PM M30(HW) Approximation & Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,-Kyle Hoang
written as linear combinations of vectors in B with equal weights.
C. The statement is false because if y is in​W, then projW y = 0​, so this statement is false unless
y = 0.
D. The statement is true because if y is in​W, then projW y = − y​, which is in the same spanning set
as y.

e. If the columns of an n × p matrix U are​orthonormal, then UU y is the orthogonal projection of y onto the column space of
U. Choose the correct answer below.

A. The statement is false because the columns of U are linearly independent and thus form an
orthogonal basis for Col U.​So, projCol U y = U Uy for all y in ℝn .

B. The statement is true because the columns of U are linearly independent and thus form an
orthonormal basis for Col U.​So, projCol U y = UU y for all y in ℝn .

C. The statement is false because the columns of U are linearly independent and thus form an
orthonormal basis for Col U.​So, projCol U y = U Uy for all y in ℝn .

D. The statement is true because the columns of U are linearly independent and thus form an
orthogonal basis for Col U.​So, projCol U y = UU y for all y in ℝn . 2/2
4/15/22, 1:21 PM M30(HW) Approximation & Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,-Kyle Hoang

Instructor: Larissa Williamson

Student: Kyle Hoang Course: MAS3114- Assignment: M30(HW) Approximation &
Date: 04/15/22 1888,0329(15272,28798) - Computatnl Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,
Linear Alg

8. All vectors and subspaces are in ℝn . Mark each statement True or False. Justify each answer. Complete parts​(a) through​
(e) below.

a. If W is a subspace of ℝn and if v is in both W and W ​, then v must be the zero vector.

True. If is in​W, then Since the component of is equal to the component of must be A similar argument can be
formed for the W component of based on the orthogonal projection of onto the subspace . ​Thus, be .

y • u1 y • up
b. In the Orthogonal Decomposition​Theorem, each term in y = u1 + ... + u is itself an orthogonal projection
u1 • u1 up • up p
of y onto a subspace of W.

True. Since is the projection of onto and the span of each is a one ​-dimensional subspace of​W, each resulting

projection must be onto the subspace spanned by

c. If y = z1 + z2 ​, where z1 is in a subspace W of ℝn and z2 is in W ​, then z1 must be the orthogonal projection of y onto W.

True. Since the orthogonal decomposition of into components that exist in W and is unique, must correspond to the
orthogonal projection of onto W.

d. The best approximation to y by elements of a subspace of W is given by the vector y − projW y.

False. The Best Approximation Theorem says that the best approximation to is

e. If an n × p matrix U has orthonormal​columns, then UU x = x for all x in ℝn .

False. Let W be the subspace spanned by the columns of U. Then U. If p​n, then W will be all of ​, so the statement is
true for all in . If p​n, then W will not be all of ​, so the statement is not true for all in . 1/1
4/15/22, 1:22 PM M30(HW) Approximation & Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,-Kyle Hoang

Instructor: Larissa Williamson

Student: Kyle Hoang Course: MAS3114- Assignment: M30(HW) Approximation &
Date: 04/15/22 1888,0329(15272,28798) - Computatnl Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,
Linear Alg

The set is a basis for a subspace W. Use the​Gram-Schmidt process to produce an orthogonal basis for W. Assume the vectors
are in the order x1 , x2 .

6 −9
− 6 ​, 2
6 −7

The first step in the​Gram-Schmidt process is to define v1 = x1 .

v1 = −6

x2 • v1
The formula for v2 is x2 − v . Begin by finding the projection of x2 onto v1 .
v1 • v1 1

x2 • v1 ( − 9 • 6) + (2 • − 6) + ( − 7 • 6) − 108
= = = −1
v1 • v1 (6 • 6) + ( − 6 • − 6) + (6 • 6) 108

Complete the calculation of v2 .

−9 6 −9+6 −3
v2 = 2 − ​( − 1​) −6 = 2 + ( − 6) = −4
−7 6 −7+6 −1

6 −3
Therefore, the basis found using​Gram-Schmidt is −6 , −4 .
6 −1

Verify this basis is orthogonal by showing that v1 • v2 = 0.

(6 • − ​3) + ​( − 6 • − ​4) + ​(6 • − ​1) = 0 1/1
4/15/22, 1:22 PM M30(HW) Approximation & Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,-Kyle Hoang

Instructor: Larissa Williamson

Student: Kyle Hoang Course: MAS3114- Assignment: M30(HW) Approximation &
Date: 04/15/22 1888,0329(15272,28798) - Computatnl Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,
Linear Alg

5 5 When given the orthogonal​basis, v1 , v2 ​, the orthonormal

basis is constructed by normalizing all the vectors in the
The vectors v1 = −6 and v2 = 3 form an orthogonal
orthogonal basis.
1 −7
basis for W. Find an orthonormal basis for W. The formula uk = vk shows how to normalize a vector vk
of an orthogonal basis.

Begin by finding v1 to normalize v1 .

v1 = 62

Find u1 .

u1 = v1

= −6


= −


Now find v2 to normalize v2 .

v2 = 83

Find u2 .

u2 = v2

= 3



7 1/2
4/15/22, 1:22 PM M30(HW) Approximation & Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,-Kyle Hoang

The orthonormal basis of the subspace spanned by the

5 5
62 83

6 3
vectors is − , .
62 83

1 7

62 83 2/2
4/15/22, 1:22 PM M30(HW) Approximation & Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,-Kyle Hoang

Instructor: Larissa Williamson

Student: Kyle Hoang Course: MAS3114- Assignment: M30(HW) Approximation &
Date: 04/15/22 1888,0329(15272,28798) - Computatnl Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,
Linear Alg

Find an orthogonal basis for the column space of the matrix to the right. −1 5 7
3 −6 4
2 −1 7
1 −5 −4

Given a basis ​{x1 ​,...,xp ​} for a nonzero subspace W of ℝn ​, define v1 ​,...,vp as follows.

v1 = x1
x2 • v1
v2 = x2 − v
v1 • v1 1
x3 • v1 x3 • v2
v3 = x3 − v1 − v
v1 • v1 v2 • v2 2

xp • v1 xp • v2 xp • vp − 1
vp = xp − v − v −⋯− v
v1 • v1 1 v2 • v2 2 vp − 1 • vp − 1 p − 1

Then ​{v1 ​,...,vp ​} is an orthogonal basis for W. This is called the​Gram-Schmidt process.

−1 5 7
3 −6 4
Let x1 = ​, x2 = ​, and x3 = . Notice that these vectors are linearly independent and hence form a basis for a
2 −1 7
1 −5 −4
nonzero subspace W of ℝ .

Since the vectors above form a basis for a nonzero​subspace, the​Gram-Schmidt process can be applied. Let v1 = x1 ​, so that

v1 = . Use this and x2 to find v2 .

x2 • v1
Recall that v2 = x2 − v . Compute the inner products that appear in this formula. First compute x2 • v1 .
v1 • v1 1

x2 • v1 = ​(5​)( − 1​) + ​( − 6​)(3​) + ​( − 1​)(2​) + ​( − 5​)(1​)

x2 • v1 = − 30

Next compute v1 • v1 .

v1 • v1 = ​( − 1​)( − 1​) + ​(3​)(3​) + ​(2​)(2​) + ​(1​)(1​)

v1 • v1 = 15 1/3
4/15/22, 1:22 PM M30(HW) Approximation & Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,-Kyle Hoang
Substitute − 30 for x2 • v1 ​, 15 for v1 • v1 ​, and the vectors x2 and v1 into the formula for v2 .

x2 • v1
v2 = x2 − v
v1 • v1 1

5 −1
−6 − 30 3
v2 = −
−1 15 2
−5 1

Simplify this result.

5 −1 3
−6 3 0
+2 =
−1 2 3
−5 1 −3

This means that v2 = .

7 −1 3
4 3 0
Use x3 = ​, v1 = ​, and v2 = to find v3 using the formula shown below.
7 2 3
−4 1 −3

x3 • v1 x3 • v2
v3 = x3 − v1 − v
v1 • v1 v2 • v2 2

Compute the inner products that appear in this formula. First compute x3 • v1 .

x3 • v1 = ​(7​)( − 1​) + ​(4​)(3​) + ​(7)(2​) + ( − 4​)(1​)

x3 • v1 = 15

Recall that v1 • v1 = 15.

Compute x3 • v2 .

x3 • v2 = ​(7​)(3​) + ​(4​)(0​) + ​(7​)(3​) + ​( − 4​)( − 3​)

x3 • v2 = 54

Compute v2 • v2 .

v2 • v2 = ​(3​)(3​) + ​(0​)(0​) + ​(3​)(3​) + ​( − 3​)( − 3​)

v2 • v2 = 27

Substitute 15 for x3 • v1 ​, 15 for v1 • v1 ​, 54 for x3 • v2 ​, 27 for v2 • v2 ​, and the vectors x3 ​, v1 ​, and v2 into the formula for v3 . 2/3
4/15/22, 1:22 PM M30(HW) Approximation & Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,-Kyle Hoang

x3 • v1 x3 • v2
v3 = x3 − v1 − v
v1 • v1 v2 • v2 2

7 −1 3
4 15 3 54 0
v3 = − −
7 15 2 27 3
−4 1 −3

Simplify this result.

7 −1 3 2
4 3 0 1
− −2 =
7 2 3 −1
−4 1 −3 1

This means that v3 = , and so an orthogonal basis for the column space of the given matrix is

−1 3 2
3 0 1
, , .
2 3 −1
1 −3 1 3/3
4/15/22, 1:22 PM M30(HW) Approximation & Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,-Kyle Hoang

Instructor: Larissa Williamson

Student: Kyle Hoang Course: MAS3114- Assignment: M30(HW) Approximation &
Date: 04/15/22 1888,0329(15272,28798) - Computatnl Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,
Linear Alg

Find an orthogonal basis for the column space of the matrix to the right. 1 4 6
−1 −2 1
0 4 4
1 6 3
1 4 8

Given a basis ​{x1 ​,...,xp ​} for a nonzero subspace W of ℝn ​, define v1 ​,...,vp as follows.

v1 = x1
x2 • v1
v2 = x2 − v
v1 • v1 1
x3 • v1 x3 • v2
v3 = x3 − v1 − v
v1 • v1 v2 • v2 2

xp • v1 xp • v2 xp • vp − 1
vp = xp − v1 − v2 − ⋯ − v
v1 • v1 v2 • v2 vp − 1 • vp − 1 p − 1

Then ​{v1 ​,...,vp ​} is an orthogonal basis for W. This is called the​Gram-Schmidt process.

1 4 6
−1 −2 1
Let x1 = 0 ,​ x2 = 4 ​, and x3 = 4 . Notice that these vectors are linearly independent and hence form a basis for a
1 6 3
1 4 8
nonzero subspace W of ℝn .

Since the vectors above form a basis for a nonzero​subspace, the​Gram-Schmidt process can be applied. Let v1 = x1 ​, so that

v1 = 0 . Use this and x2 to find v2 .

x2 • v1
Recall that v2 = x2 − v . Compute the inner products that appear in this formula. First compute x2 • v1 .
v1 • v1 1

x2 • v1 = ​(4​)(1​) + ​( − 2​)( − 1​) + ​(4​)(0​) + ​(6​)(1​) + ​(4​)(1​)

x2 • v1 = 16

Next compute v1 • v1 . 1/3
4/15/22, 1:22 PM M30(HW) Approximation & Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,-Kyle Hoang
v1 • v1 = ​(1​)(1​) + ​( − 1​)( − 1​) + ​(0​)(0​) + ​(1​)(1​) + ​(1​)(1​)
v1 • v1 = 4

Substitute 16 for x2 • v1 ​, 4 for v1 • v1 ​, and the vectors x2 and v1 into the formula for v2 .

x2 • v1
v2 = x2 − v
v1 • v1 1

4 1
−2 −1
v2 = 4 − 0
6 1
4 1

Simplify this result.

4 1 0
−2 −1 2
4 −4 0 = 4
6 1 2
4 1 0

This means that v2 = 4 .

6 1 0
1 −1 2
Use x3 = 4 ,​ v1 = 0 ​, and v2 = 4 to find v3 using the formula shown below.
3 1 2
8 1 0

x3 • v1 x3 • v2
v3 = x3 − v1 − v
v1 • v1 v2 • v2 2

Compute the inner products that appear in this formula. First compute x3 • v1 .

x3 • v1 = ​(6​)(1​) + ​(1​)( − 1​) + ​(4)(0​) + (3​)(1​) + ​(8​)(1​)

x3 • v1 = 16

Recall that v1 • v1 = 4.

Compute x3 • v2 . 2/3
4/15/22, 1:22 PM M30(HW) Approximation & Gram-Schmidt Process (6.3,-Kyle Hoang
x3 • v2 = ​(6​)(0​) + ​(1​)(2​) + ​(4​)(4​) + ​(3​)(2​) + ​(8​)(0​)
x3 • v2 = 24

Compute v2 • v2 .

v2 • v2 = ​(0​)(0​) + ​(2​)(2​) + ​(4​)(4​) + ​(2​)(2​) + ​(0​)(0​)

v2 • v2 = 24

Substitute 16 for x3 • v1 ​, 4 for v1 • v1 ​, 24 for x3 • v2 ​, 24 for v2 • v2 ​, and the vectors x3 ​, v1 ​, and v2 into the formula for v3 .

x3 • v1 x3 • v2
v3 = x3 − v1 − v
v1 • v1 v2 • v2 2

6 1 0
1 −1 2
16 24
v3 = 4 − 0 − 4
4 24
3 1 2
8 1 0

Simplify this result.

6 1 0 2
1 −1 2 3
4 −4 0 − 4 = 0
3 1 2 −3
8 1 0 4

2 1 0 2
3 −1 2 3
This means that v3 = 0 , and so an orthogonal basis for the column space of the given matrix is 0 , 4 , 0 .
−3 1 2 −3
4 1 0 4 3/3

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