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4/15/22, 1:12 PM M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets (6.

2)-Kyle Hoang

Instructor: Larissa Williamson

Student: Kyle Hoang Course: MAS3114- Assignment: M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets
Date: 04/15/22 1888,0329(15272,28798) - Computatnl (6.2)
Linear Alg

Determine whether the set of vectors is orthogonal.

− 10 1 − 10
1 ​, 10 ​, 1
1 0 − 101

A set of vectors u1 ,...,up in ℝn is said to be an orthogonal set if each pair of distinct vectors from the set is​orthogonal, that​
is, if ui • uj = 0 whenever i ≠ j.

− 10 1 − 10
Let u1 = 1 ,​ u2 = 10 ​, and u3 = 1 .
1 0 − 101

The three possible pairs of distinct vectors are u1 ,u2 ​, u1 ,u3 ​, and u2 ,u3 .

Now determine if each pair of vectors is orthogonal. Two vectors u and v in ℝn are orthogonal if u • v = 0.

Find the inner product of each pair of distinct vectors.​First, calculate u1 • u2 = u 1 u2 .

u1 • u2 = − 10 1 1 10 Substitute the values for the product.
= ( − 10)(1) + (1)(10) + (1)(0) Find the inner product.
=0 Simplify.

In a similar​manner, find u1 • u3 .

u1 • u3 = ( − 10)( − 10) + (1)(1) + (1)( − 101)


Find u2 • u3 .

u2 • u3 = (1)( − 10) + (10)(1) + (0)( − 101)


Therefore, u1 • u2 = 0​, u1 • u3 = 0​, and u2 • u3 = 0.

Since all three products equal​zero, all three pairs of vectors are orthogonal.

Therefore, the set of vectors is orthogonal. 1/1
4/15/22, 1:12 PM M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets (6.2)-Kyle Hoang

Instructor: Larissa Williamson

Student: Kyle Hoang Course: MAS3114- Assignment: M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets
Date: 04/15/22 1888,0329(15272,28798) - Computatnl (6.2)
Linear Alg

Determine whether the set of vectors is orthogonal.

6 0 2
− 4 ​, 0 ​, −6
−9 0 4

A set of vectors u1 ,...,up in ℝn is said to be an orthogonal set if each pair of distinct vectors from the set is​orthogonal, that​
is, if ui • uj = 0 whenever i ≠ j.

6 0 2
Let u1 = − 4 ,​ u2 = 0 ​, and u3 = −6 .
−9 0 4

The three possible pairs of distinct vectors are u1 ,u2 ​, u1 ,u3 ​, and u2 ,u3 .

Now determine if each pair of vectors is orthogonal. Two vectors u and v in ℝn are orthogonal if u • v = 0.

Find the inner product of each pair of distinct vectors.​First, calculate u1 • u2 .

u1 • u2 = 6 −4 −9 0 Substitute the values for the product.
= (6)(0) + ( − 4)(0) + ( − 9)(0) Find the inner product.
=0 Simplify.

In a similar​manner, find u1 • u3 .

u1 • u3 = (6)(2) + ( − 4)( − 6) + ( − 9)(4)

u1 • u3 = 0

Find u2 • u3 .

u2 • u3 = (0)(2) + (0)( − 6) + (0)(4)

u2 • u3 = 0

Thus, u1 • u2 = 0​, u1 • u3 = 0​, and u2 • u3 = 0.

Since the inner products all equal​zero, the three pairs of vectors are orthogonal.

Therefore, the set of vectors is orthogonal. 1/1
4/15/22, 1:12 PM M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets (6.2)-Kyle Hoang

Instructor: Larissa Williamson

Student: Kyle Hoang Course: MAS3114- Assignment: M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets
Date: 04/15/22 1888,0329(15272,28798) - Computatnl (6.2)
Linear Alg

Determine whether the set of vectors is orthogonal.

7 −1 14
−5 7 46
​, ​,
3 −7 44
7 9 0

A set of vectors u1 ,...,up in ℝn is said to be an orthogonal set if each pair of distinct vectors from the set is​orthogonal, that​
is, if ui • uj = 0 whenever i ≠ j.

7 −1 14
−5 7 46
Let u1 = ​, u2 = ​, and u3 = .
3 −7 44
7 9 0

The three possible pairs of distinct vectors are u1 ,u2 ​, u1 ,u3 ​, and u2 ,u3 .

Now determine if each pair of vectors is orthogonal. Two vectors u and v in ℝn are orthogonal if u • v = 0.

Find the inner product of each pair of distinct vectors.​First, calculate u1 • u2 .

u1 • u2 = 7 −5 3 7 Substitute the values for the product.
= (7)( − 1) + ( − 5)(7) + (3)( − 7) + (7)(9) Find the inner product.
=0 Simplify.

In a similar​manner, find u1 • u3 .

u1 • u3 = (7)(14) + ( − 5)(46) + (3)(44) + (7)(0)

= 0

Find u2 • u3 .

u2 • u3 = ( − 1)(14) + (7)(46) + ( − 7)(44) + (9)(0)

= 0

Thus, u1 • u2 = 0​, u1 • u3 = ​0, and u2 • u3 = 0.

Since the inner products all equal​zero, the three pairs of vectors are all orthogonal.

Therefore, the set of vectors is orthogonal. 1/1
4/15/22, 1:13 PM M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets (6.2)-Kyle Hoang

Instructor: Larissa Williamson

Student: Kyle Hoang Course: MAS3114- Assignment: M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets
Date: 04/15/22 1888,0329(15272,28798) - Computatnl (6.2)
Linear Alg

Determine whether the set of vectors is orthogonal.

4 −3 7
−3 10 7
​, ​,
0 −7 5
7 6 −1

A set of vectors u1 ,...,up in ℝn is said to be an orthogonal set if each pair of distinct vectors from the set is​orthogonal, that​
is, if ui • uj = 0 whenever i ≠ j.

4 −3 7
−3 10 7
Let u1 = ​, u2 = ​, and u3 = .
0 −7 5
7 6 −1

The three possible pairs of distinct vectors are u1 ,u2 ​, u1 ,u3 ​, and u2 ,u3 .

Now determine if each pair of vectors is orthogonal. Two vectors u and v in ℝn are orthogonal if u • v = 0.

Find the inner product of each pair of distinct vectors.​First, calculate u1 • u2 .

u1 • u2 = 4 −3 0 7 Substitute the values for the product.
= (4)( − 3) + ( − 3)(10) + (0)( − 7) + (7)(6) Find the inner product.
=0 Simplify.

In a similar​manner, find u1 • u3 .

u1 • u3 = (4)(7) + ( − 3)(7) + (0)(5) + (7)( − 1)

= 0

Find u2 • u3 .

u2 • u3 = ( − 3)(7) + (10)(7) + ( − 7)(5) + (6)( − 1)

= 8

Thus, u1 • u2 = 0​, u1 • u3 = 0​, and u2 • u3 = 8.

Since u2 • u3 does not equal​zero, u2 and u3 are not orthogonal. Therefore not all three pairs of vectors are orthogonal.

Therefore, the set of vectors is not orthogonal. 1/1
4/15/22, 1:13 PM M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets (6.2)-Kyle Hoang

Instructor: Larissa Williamson

Student: Kyle Hoang Course: MAS3114- Assignment: M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets
Date: 04/15/22 1888,0329(15272,28798) - Computatnl (6.2)
Linear Alg

Show that u1 , u2 is an orthogonal basis for ℝ2 . Then express x as a linear combination of the u​'s.

7 12 4
u1 = ​, u2 = ​, and x =
−6 14 −1

An orthogonal basis for a subspace W of ℝn is a basis for W that is also an orthogonal set.

If S = u1 , ..., up is an orthogonal set of nonzero vectors in ℝn ​, then S is linearly independent and hence is a basis for the
subspace spanned by S.

A set of vectors is said to be an orthogonal set if each pair of distinct vectors from the set is​orthogonal, that​is, if ui • uj = 0
whenever i ≠ j.

First, calculate u1 • u2 .

u1 • u2 = 7 −6 Substitute the values for the product.
= (7)(12) + ( − 6)(14) Find the inner product.
=0 Simplify.

Thus, u1 • u2 = 0. This means the vectors are orthogonal.

Since u1 , u2 is an orthogonal set of nonzero vectors in ℝ2 ​, the set is linearly independent and hence forms an orthogonal
basis for ℝ2 .

Next, express x as a linear combination of the u​'s. For each x in ℝp ​, the weights in the linear combination x = c1 u1 + ⋯ + cp up
are given by the following formula.

x • uj
cj = where (j = 1, ..., p)
uj • uj

Identify the value of p for the given set of vectors.


Find c1 .

x • u1
c1 =
u1 • u1

(4)(7) + ( − 1)( − 6)
(7)(7) + ( − 6)( − 6)

Find c2 . 1/2
4/15/22, 1:13 PM M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets (6.2)-Kyle Hoang
x • u2
c2 =
u2 • u2

(4)(12) + ( − 1)(14)
(12)(12) + (14)(14)

2 1
Thus, x = u + u .
5 1 10 2 2/2
4/15/22, 1:13 PM M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets (6.2)-Kyle Hoang

Instructor: Larissa Williamson

Student: Kyle Hoang Course: MAS3114- Assignment: M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets
Date: 04/15/22 1888,0329(15272,28798) - Computatnl (6.2)
Linear Alg

Show that u1 , u2 , u3 is an orthogonal basis for ℝ3 . Then express x as a linear combination of the u​'s.

6 4 1 7
u1 = − 6 ​, u2 = 4 ​, u3 = 1 ​, and x = −4
0 −1 8 1

An orthogonal basis for a subspace W of ℝn is a basis for W that is also an orthogonal set.

A set of vectors is said to be an orthogonal set if each pair of distinct vectors from the set is​orthogonal, that​is, if ui • uj = 0
whenever i ≠ j.

The three possible pairs of distinct vectors are u1 , u2 ​, u1 , u3 ​, and u2 , u3 .

Now determine if each pair of vectors is orthogonal. Two vectors u and v in ℝn are orthogonal if u • v = 0.

Find the inner product of each pair of distinct vectors.​First, calculate u1 • u2 .

u1 • u2 = 6 −6 0 4 Substitute the values for the product.
= (6)(4) + ( − 6)(4) + (0)( − 1) Find the inner product.
=0 Simplify.

In a similar​manner, find u1 • u3 .

u1 • u3 = (6)(1) + ( − 6)(1) + (0)(8)

= 0

Find u2 • u3 .

u2 • u3 = (4)(1) + (4)(1) + ( − 1)(8)

= 0

Thus, u1 • u2 = 0​, u1 • u3 = 0​, and u2 • u3 = 0. This means all three pairs of vectors are orthogonal.

Since u1 , u2 , u3 is an orthogonal set of nonzero vectors in ℝ3 ​, the set is linearly independent and hence forms an
orthogonal basis for ℝ3 .

Next, express x as a linear combination of the u​'s. For each x in ℝp ​, the weights in the linear combination x = c1 u1 + ⋯ + cp up
are given by the following formula.

x • uj
cj = where (j = 1, ..., p)
uj • uj

The value of p is equal to the number of vectors in the set.

p=3 1/2
4/15/22, 1:13 PM M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets (6.2)-Kyle Hoang
Find c1 .

x • u1
c1 =
u1 • u1

(7)(6) + ( − 4)( − 6) + (1)(0)

(6)(6) + ( − 6)( − 6) + (0)(0)

Find c2 .

x • u2
c2 =
u2 • u2

(7)(4) + ( − 4)(4) + (1)( − 1)

(4)(4) + (4)(4) + ( − 1)( − 1)

Find c3 .

x • u3
c3 =
u3 • u3

(7)(1) + ( − 4)(1) + (1)(8)

(1)(1) + (1)(1) + (8)(8)

11 1 1
Thus, x = u1 + u2 + u .
12 3 6 3 2/2
4/15/22, 1:13 PM M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets (6.2)-Kyle Hoang

Instructor: Larissa Williamson

Student: Kyle Hoang Course: MAS3114- Assignment: M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets
Date: 04/15/22 1888,0329(15272,28798) - Computatnl (6.2)
Linear Alg

−3 −4
Compute the orthogonal projection of onto the line through and the origin.
1 3

−3 −4
Let y = and u = . The orthogonal projection of y onto u is shown below.
1 3

y= u

Begin by evaluating the inner product in the numerator.

−3 −4

1 3 −4
y =
−4 −4 3

3 3

15 −4
= −4 −4 3

3 3

Then evaluate the inner product in the denominator.

15 −4

y = −4 −4 3

3 3

15 −4
25 3

Find the projection by multiplying the ratio of the inner products and the vector u.


15 −4 5
y= =
25 3 9


−3 −4 5
Therefore, the orthogonal projection of onto the line through and the origin is .
1 3 9
5 1/1
4/15/22, 1:13 PM M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets (6.2)-Kyle Hoang

Instructor: Larissa Williamson

Student: Kyle Hoang Course: MAS3114- Assignment: M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets
Date: 04/15/22 1888,0329(15272,28798) - Computatnl (6.2)
Linear Alg

9 3
Let y = and u = . Write y as the sum of two orthogonal​vectors, one in Span {u} and one orthogonal to u.
8 −9

The vector y can be written as the sum of two orthogonal​vectors, one in Span {u}​, y ​, and one orthogonal to u​, y − y .

First find the vector y . The vector y is the orthogonal projection of y onto u​, sometimes denoted projL y. The formula for y is

Begin by calculating the dot product in the​numerator, y • u.

9 3
y•u = •
8 −9
= − 45

Then calculate the dot product in the​denominator, u • u.

3 3
u•u = •
−9 −9
= 90

Substitute these values into the definition for the projection and simplify.

− 45 3
y = 90 −9



Now determine the component of y orthogonal to u​, y − y . Let this vector be z.

Substitute the known values for y and y and calculate the difference.


9 2
z = −
8 9

2 1/2
4/15/22, 1:13 PM M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets (6.2)-Kyle Hoang

3 21

2 2
Remember that the vector in Span {u}​, y ​, is ​, and the vector orthogonal to u​, z​, is . These vectors are
9 7
2 2

3 21

2 2
orthogonal because • = 0.
9 7
2 2

3 21

9 2 2
Therefore, the vector y = can be written as the sum of y = and z = ​, where y is the orthogonal projection
8 9 7
2 2
of y onto u and z is orthogonal to u.

3 21

2 2
y=y+z= +
9 7
2 2 2/2
4/15/22, 1:14 PM M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets (6.2)-Kyle Hoang

Instructor: Larissa Williamson

Student: Kyle Hoang Course: MAS3114- Assignment: M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets
Date: 04/15/22 1888,0329(15272,28798) - Computatnl (6.2)
Linear Alg

4 9
Let y = and u = . Write y as the sum of a vector in Span {u} and a vector orthogonal to u.
5 1

The vector y can be written as the sum of two orthogonal​vectors, one in Span {u}​, y ​, and one orthogonal to u​, y − y .

First find the vector y . The vector y is the orthogonal projection of y onto u​, sometimes denoted projL y. The formula for y is

Begin by calculating the dot product in the​numerator, y • u.

4 9
y•u = •
5 1
= 41

Then calculate the dot product in the​denominator, u • u.

9 9
u•u = •
1 1
= 82

Substitute these values into the definition for the projection and simplify.

41 9
y = 82


Now determine the component of y orthogonal to u​, y − y . Let this vector be z.

Substitute the known values for y and y and calculate the difference.

4 2
z = −
5 1


2 1/2
4/15/22, 1:14 PM M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets (6.2)-Kyle Hoang

9 1

4 2 2
Therefore, the vector y = can be written as the sum of y = and z = ​, where y is the orthogonal projection of
5 1 9
2 2
y onto u and z is orthogonal to u.

9 1

2 2
y=y+z= +
1 9
2 2 2/2
4/15/22, 1:14 PM M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets (6.2)-Kyle Hoang

Instructor: Larissa Williamson

Student: Kyle Hoang Course: MAS3114- Assignment: M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets
Date: 04/15/22 1888,0329(15272,28798) - Computatnl (6.2)
Linear Alg

9 8
Let y = and u = . Compute the distance from y to the line through u and the origin.
8 6

The distance from y to the line through u and the origin is the length of the perpendicular line segment from y to the orthogonal
projection y . This perpendicular line segment has the same length as y − y .

Using the length y − y ​, the distance is shown by y − y .

The orthogonal projection of y onto the​line, y ​, is shown by projL y = u.

Find y . First determine .

y•u 6
u•u 5

Now determine u.

y= u
6 8
5 6


Find y − y .

9 5
y−y= −
8 36



Find the distance.

2 2
3 4
y−y = − +
5 5
=1 1/2
4/15/22, 1:14 PM M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets (6.2)-Kyle Hoang
The distance from y to the line through u and the origin is 1. 2/2
4/15/22, 1:14 PM M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets (6.2)-Kyle Hoang

Instructor: Larissa Williamson

Student: Kyle Hoang Course: MAS3114- Assignment: M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets
Date: 04/15/22 1888,0329(15272,28798) - Computatnl (6.2)
Linear Alg

11. Suppose W is a subspace of ℝn spanned by n nonzero orthogonal vectors. Explain why W = ℝn .

The goal is to show that the subspace W is actually all of ℝn . In​general, when are two subspaces known to be the same​

A. Two subspaces are the same when one subspace is a subset of the other subspace.
B. Two subspaces are the same when they are subsets of the same space.
C. Two subspaces are the same when they have the same dimension.
D. Two subspaces are the same when they are spanned by the same vectors.

To​start, assume that W is a subspace of ℝn spanned by n orthogonal nonzero vectors. Call these vectors v1 ​, v2 ​, v3 ​, ​...,
vn . By assumption, W = Span v1 , v2 , v3 , ..., vn . Which of the following statements follows immediately from the
assumption that the vectors v1 ​, v2 ​, v3 ​, ​..., vn are orthogonal and​nonzero?

A. v1 , v2 , v3 , ..., vn is linearly independent.

B. At least one element of v1 , v2 , v3 , ..., vn is zero.

C. v1 , v2 , v3 , ..., vn is linearly dependent.

D. ℝ = Span v1 , v2 , v3 , ..., vn

How does this show that W = ℝn ​?

A. The column vectors v ​, v ​, v ​, ​..., v span ℝn if and only if v , v , v , ..., v is linearly

1 2 3 n 1 2 3 n
B. W = v , v , v , ..., v = ℝn .
1 2 3 n

C. The column vectors v ​, v ​, v ​, ​..., v span ℝn if and only if v , v , v , ..., v is linearly

1 2 3 n 1 2 3 n
D. The vectors v ​, v ​, v ​, ​..., v are in both W and ℝn .
1 2 3 n 1/1
4/15/22, 1:14 PM M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets (6.2)-Kyle Hoang

Instructor: Larissa Williamson

Student: Kyle Hoang Course: MAS3114- Assignment: M28(HW) Orthogonal Sets
Date: 04/15/22 1888,0329(15272,28798) - Computatnl (6.2)
Linear Alg

12. Show that the orthogonal projection of a vector y onto a line L through the origin in ℝ2 does not depend on the choice of
the nonzero u in L used in the formula for y . To do​this, suppose y and u are given and y has been computed by
y = projLy = u. Replace u in the formula by cu​, where c is an unspecified nonzero scalar. Show that the new formula
gives the same y .

Replace u in the formula by cu​, where c is an unspecified nonzero scalar.

y = u

y • (cu)
= (cu)
(cu) • (cu)

Manipulate this new formula for y to show that it gives the same y as y = u. Apply the property
(cu) • v = c(u • v) to rewrite the right side.

Apply the property.

c(y • u)
y = (cu)
c (u • u)

How does this show that the new formula gives y = u​?

A. The two formulas are equivalent because once the scalar c is divided​out, u and y can be
exchanged to obtain the original formula.
B. The scalar c can be divided out to obtain the original formula.
C. y•u
When both sides of the equation are multiplied by​c, the result is cy = u. ​So, c = 1 and the
original formula is obtained.
D. The scalar c can be divided out except in the factor cu. Since u spans​L, any constant multiple
of u is equivalent to u. 1/1

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