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1 Definition of Hydrology
- hydōr means water, and logos means study (Greek: “word,” “reason,” or “plan”).
- hydrology can be defined as a study of water
- defined as the science that deals with the space-time characteristics of the quantity and quality of the
waters of the earth, encompassing their occurrence, movement, distribution, circulation, storage,
exploration, development, and management.
- definition of hydrology encompasses some aspects of a multitude of disciplines involving agriculture,
biology, chemistry, geography, geology, glaciology, meteorology, oceanography, physics, volcanology
and many other disciplines.
- Hydrology is used to determine irrigation scheduling, soil erosion and sediment transport, migration
of chemical and their impact on water quality. It also used to design a network of wells for a farm,
drainage system to remove excess water, and water conveyance system network (dams, canals, and
ditches) based on soil properties, land slope, location of the water table, climate and other factors.
1.2 HYDROLOGY | branches
➢ Chemical Hydrology - Study of chemical characteristics of water
➢ Water Quality - Chemistry of water in rivers and lakes, both of pollutants and natural solutes.
➢ Eco Hydrology - Study of interactions of living organisms and the hydrologic cycle
➢ Hydrogeology - Study of the distribution and movement of groundwater in the soils and rocks of the
Earth’s crust
➢ Hydrometeorology - Study of the transfer of water and energy between land and water body surfaces
and the lower atmosphere.
➢ Surface Hydrology - Study of hydrologic processes that operate at or near Earth's surface.
➢ Drainage Basin Management - Covers water-storage, in the form of reservoirs, and flood-protection

1.2 HYDROLOGY | applications

➢ Designing irrigation schemes
➢ Designing drainage systems
➢ Determining the water balance for a region
➢ Designing buffers
➢ Predicting floods
➢ Determining agricultural water balance
➢ Designing Urban drinking water and sewer systems
➢ Assessing export of sediment & nutrients from fields to water systems

1.3 HYDROLOGY | the hydrologic cycle

1.4 The Water Cycle (in detail)

• The volume (M) of water at the surface of the Earth is enormous: 1.37 x 109km3! (total reservoir)
• The Oceans cover 71% of the Earth’s surface (29% for the continent masses above sea level)

• Water present in the atmosphere either as a solid (snow, hail), liquid (rain) or gas (fog, mist)
• Water at the surface, whether stagnant in the form of surface storage or flowing in rivers, or as
overland flow on slopes
• Water beneath the land surface that fully saturates the pores in the ground is called
• Water stored in the unsaturated zone above the water table is called soil water

1.6 HYDROLOGY | distribution of earth’s water

Fresh Water - 3% Other – 0.9% Rivers – 2%

Water –

Earth’s Water Fresh Water Fresh Surface


1.7 Inventory of water on Earth

• Water on land 3%, Oceans 97%

• Under Water on Land
o Ice caps and glaciers – 74%
o Shallow groundwater (<750 m) – 11%
o Deep groundwater (750-4000 m) – 14%
o Lakes, soil moisture, atmosphere, rivers – 1%

1.8 HYDROLOGY | watershed | definition

• A water shed is an extent or an area of land here surface water from rain and melting snow or
ice converges to a single point, usually the exit of the basin, where the waters join another water
body, such as river, lake, reservoir, wet land, sea, or ocean. Also known as:
o Catchment
o Catchment area
o Catchment basin
o Drainage area
o River basin
o Water basin
1.9 HYDROLOGY | watershed | characteristic factors

• Topography determines the speed with which the runoff will reach a river. Clearly rain that
falls in steep mountainous areas will reach the river faster than flat or gently sloping areas.
• Shape will contribute to the speed with which the runoff reaches a river. A long thin catchment
will take longer to drain than a circular catchment.
• Size will help determine the amount of water reaching the river, as the larger the catchment the
greater the potential for flooding.
• Soil type will help determine how much water reaches the river.
o Sandy soils are very free draining and rainfall on sandy soil is likely to be absorbed by
the ground.
o Clayey soils can be almost impermeable and therefore rainfall on clay soils will runoff
and contribute to flood volumes.
• Land use can contribute to the volume of water reaching the river, in a similar way to clay soils.

2.0 Other Information

• Water on the earth exists in a space called the hydrosphere which extends about 15 km into the
atmosphere and about 1 km down into the lithosphere, the crust of earth.
• Water circulates in the atmosphere through maze of paths constituting the hydrologic cycle. This
cycle has no beginning or end, and many processes (known as hydrological processes) occur
• Water vapor is transported and lifted in the atmosphere until it condenses and precipitates on the
land or oceans; precipitated water may be intercepted by vegetation, become overland flow over
the ground surface, infiltrate into the ground, flow through the soil as subsurface flow, discharge into
streams as surface runoff. Much of the intercepted water and surface runoff returns to the
atmosphere through evaporation and transpiration. The infiltrated water may percolate deeper to
recharge ground water, later emerging as springs or seeping into streams to form surface runoff, and
finally flowing to the sea or evaporating into the atmosphere as the hydrologic cycle continues.
• The total volume of water in the global hydrologic cycle remains essentially constant
(conservation of mass), the distribution of this water is continually changing in both space and
• The hydrology of a region is determined by its weather patterns and by physical factors such as
topography, geology, and vegetation.

2.1 Importance of Hydrology in Engineering

• The most important uses of hydrology are flood control, drought mitigation, water supply,
pollution control, urban and industrial development, design of hydraulic works, agricultural
production, land conservation, environmental impact assessment, land use change, navigation,
recreation and fisheries.
o Floods occurs when: water body (lake, reservoir, or channel) is unable to contain the
amount of the water it receives and there is inadequate drainage provision to drain excess
water, and hydraulic structures such dams, levees and dykes.
o Drought occurs when there is a shortage of water by comparison with the demand for it.
Droughts are usually distinguished as agricultural, hydrological and meteorological.
o Agriculture is the largest water user and for sustainable agricultural production efficient water
management is essential.
o Careless farming method, deforestation, over-grazing can speed up runoff of rainfall, resulting
in erosion of soil.
o Environmental assessment (EA) is the assessment of the environmental consequences of
a plan, policy, program, or actual projects prior to the decision to move forward with the
proposed action.
o In planning, navigation facilities should be coordinated with the total transportation
system in order to determine where water carriers have an economic advantage and to develop
proper facilities at the interface between land and water transport.
o Recreation provides physical, mental, and emotional rejuvenation through the relaxation
made possible by relieving the strain of doing what one has to do.
Lesson 2
A. Solar and Earth
• The Sun is our closest star. It is a huge ball of very hot gas in space which radiates heat and
light in all directions.
• The distance of 150 million kilometers (93 million miles), its gravitational pull holds the planet
in orbit.
• The Sun does not really move, it just appears to move because the Earth is turning on its axis.
So, it is the Earth's rotation that causes the apparent movement of the Sun across the sky
during the day.
• Earth rotates counterclockwise on its axis completing one turn every 24 hours.
• The Earth's rotation axis is tilted over by an angle of 23.5 degrees (23.5°) from the vertical.
• Areas of the Earth that are hit by direct sunlight are therefore warmer than areas that are hit by
indirect sunlight. Areas that are hit by indirect sunlight are cooler because the Sun's energy is
spread out over a larger area than at the equator.
• In the summer, the Sun is high in the sky and we receive more direct sunlight than in winter
when the Sun is lower in the sky and we receive more indirect sunlight.
• The light falling on the Equator always hits at angles very close to 90° (almost direct), so it
stays almost the same temperature all year round.

B. Heat balance at earth's surface

• The Atmosphere
o Troposphere - the troposphere is the lowest atmospheric layer.
o Stratosphere - the upper boundary of the troposphere, to about 50 kilometers (32
miles) above the Earth’s surface
o Mesosphere - about 85 kilometers (53 miles) above the surface of the Earth
o Ionosphere This atmospheric layer that conducts electricity.
o Thermosphere - 690 kilometers (429 miles) above the surface of the Earth
temperatures in the thermosphere can rise to 1,500 degrees Celsius
o Exosphere - 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) above the Earth
• Shortwave radiation - contains higher amounts of energy
• Longwave radiation - contains a smaller amount of energy.

C. General atmospheric circulation

• The Coriolis effect describes the pattern of deflection taken by objects not firmly
connected to the ground as they travel long distances around Earth. The Coriolis effect
is responsible for many large-scale weather patterns.
• Earth is wider at the Equator, so to make a rotation in one 24-hour period, equatorial
regions race nearly 1,600 kilometers (1,000 miles) per hour. Near the poles, Earth rotates
at a sluggish 0.00008 kilometers (0.00005 miles) per hour.
• The development of weather patterns, such as cyclones and trade winds, are examples of
the impact of the Coriolis effect.
• Cyclones are low-pressure systems that suck air into their center, or “eye.”

D. Temperature, humidity and wind

• Air above the land heats up faster than air over water.
• Relative humidity (RH) is the amount of water vapor present in the air, it is expressed as
a percentage.
• Amihan is the Filipino term of Northeast monsoon, which is a cool and dry northeast
wind coming from Siberia and China and blows down to Southeast Asia. This season is
characterized with slight to moderate rainfall and a prevailing cold wind that affects east
of the Philippines. The monsoon commonly occurs from October to late March, although
occurrence may vary every year.
• Habagat, on the other hand, is the southwest wind characterized by frequent heavy
rainfall and humid weather. The southwest monsoon affects the country from late June to
October (occurrence may also vary each year).
• The 4 climates
o The Climate of the Philippines is either tropical rainforest, tropical savanna
or tropical monsoon, or humid subtropical (in higher-altitude areas)
characterized by relatively high temperature, oppressive humidity and plenty of
o There are two seasons in the country, the wet season and the dry season, based
upon the amount of rainfall.
o The seven warmest months of the year are from March to October.
o The winter monsoon brings cooler air from November to February.
o May is the warmest month, and January, the coolest.
• There are four recognized climate types in the Philippines, and they are based on the
distribution of rainfall. They are described as follows:
o Type I. Two pronounced seasons: dry from November to April and wet during the
rest of the year.
o Type II. No dry season with a pronounced rainfall from November to January.
o Type III. Seasons are not very pronounced, relatively dry from November to April,
and wet during the rest of the year.
o Type IV. Rainfall is more or less evenly distributed throughout the year.
• There are three recognized seasons: Tag-init or Tag-araw (the hot season or summer
from March to May), Tag-ulan (the rainy season from June to November), and Taglamig
(the cold season from December to February).
• El Niño brings dry weather and even droughts.
• La Niña stands for rainy weather and floods.
• The dry season may be subdivided further into (a) the cool dry season, from December to
February; and (b) the hot dry season, from March to May.

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