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Francia, Kaye Crystel M.


1. Among the 10R's of sustainability, choose 5R's that you think are the most important and explain
why it is the most appropriate to you, as an individual that you need to practice in order to
achieve the goals of sustainability.
As a member of Generation Z, I recognize the growing problem of fast fashion, fast makeup trends,
and tech churn fueled by social media platforms like TikTok and online marketplaces such as Shopee,
which are influencing many of my peers to prioritize constant consumption over sustainability.
However, I believe it's essential for us to advocate for more responsible practices:
a. Reuse: Encourage fellow Gen Z members to reuse clothes instead of constantly buying new ones.
Emphasize that people don’t judge based on the number of clothes one owns, and there's no need to
purchase new outfits for every occasion.

b. Reduce: Advocate for reducing the consumption of unnecessary items, like excessive makeup
purchases. A lot of women end up with unused makeup products because of watching videos from
TikTok and other social media applications. Encourage mindful purchasing habits to minimize waste.

c. Responsible: Responsibility entails considering the ethical and environmental implications of

consumer choices. Individuals including Gen Z have a responsibility to be mindful of the impact of
their clothing and cosmetic purchases on the environment. This responsibility extends to making
informed decisions about supporting brands and companies that prioritize sustainable and ethical
practices like Coulorette cosmetics. Individuals can also support “Ukay-ukay” shops.

d. Refuse: Discourage excessive online shopping, especially from sellers who use unsustainable
packaging. Many online purchases come with excessive plastic packaging, contributing to
environmental pollution. Instead, opt to buy from physical stores where possible and use reusable bags
to minimize plastic waste.

e. Repair: Encourage repairing items instead of immediately replacing them. When electronic devices or
gadgets break down, consider seeking repair services rather than rushing to buy new ones. This not
only saves money but also reduces electronic waste.

By promoting these practices within our generation, we can collectively work towards a more sustainable
future and combat the negative effects of fast fashion and overconsumption.
2. Among all the practices in our local culture, which of these do you think are not being practiced
anymore and explain why these customs need to be exercised, especially by the younger
generation. (Choose at least 2)

a. The practice of respecting the family during courtship is declining in modern times due to the prevalence
of technology. In the past, suitors would personally visit the home of the person they wanted to court to
seek permission from their parents. However, with the advent of social media and online communication,
courtship can now occur solely through chatting and texting, bypassing the need to involve the family.
This trend is concerning because it can lead to unplanned pregnancies and a lack of parental guidance.
Therefore, it is crucial to re-emphasize the importance of family involvement in courtship to prevent
such issues and foster healthier relationships.

b. Traditional Filipino games like sipa, harang taga, and tumbang preso are gradually disappearing due to
the influence of technology. Children today are introduced to gadgets at a young age, and parents often
opt for online videos as a form of entertainment, leading to decreased interest in outdoor activities. Even
toddlers are exposed to YouTube, resulting in a generation of "iPad kids" who prefer screen time over
physical play. Reviving traditional games is essential because they promote physical activity, social
Francia, Kaye Crystel M.

interaction, and cultural preservation. By reintroducing these games, children can develop valuable
skills, such as teamwork and sportsmanship, while reconnecting with their cultural heritage.

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