Módulo Correction and Feedback

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Trilha Professor de Inglês

2. Curso Formação Inicial de Professores - Inglês

Módulo Correction and feedback

Classify the following description into one of the categories related to correction:
Teacher repeats the sentence to the student and stops right before the mistake,
raising intonation to signal there was a problem there. Student: “I like to
dancing.” Teacher: “You like to…?”

A)delayed correction

b) correction on the spot

c)no correction

Classify the following description into one of the categories related to

Teacher paraphrases the student correcting the mistake.
Student: “I go to a party on Saturday.” Teacher: “Oh, you WENT to
a party. That’s nice! Tell me about it.”
A)delayed correction

b) correction on the spot

c)no correction

Classify the following description into one of the categories related to

Teacher repeats the sentence back to the student in form of a
question emphasizing the wrong word: Student: “She have gone
to the bank.” Teacher: “She HAS gone to the bank?”
A) delayed correction

b) correction on the spot

c) no correction
Choose the situation in which you should employ delayed correction.
a) When students’ mistakes affect understanding.
b) When students’ mistakes do not hinder communication
c) When students’ mistakes are related to the language you are

Choose the situations in which you should correct your students on

the spot.
When students’ mistakes are persistent.
During the study phase.
When students’ mistakes affect understanding.
When students’ mistakes are related to the language you are teaching.


Read the following paragraph and choose the corresponding heading:

Feedback is more effective when it contains descriptions
(evidence) of how students work meets performance criteria and
what students can do to improve. This is way more effective than
feedback consisting of value, general comments (e.g., “nice
work” or “needs improvement”)

Feedback delayed is feedback denied

Feedback should be specific
Feedback must contain an action plan
Feedback should be detailed
Feedback should focus on the learning process
Classify the following description into one of the categories related to
Teacher walks around the class while students are interacting and
takes notes of occasional mistakes. When the activity is finished
teacher goes to the board and writes the words/sentences as they
were spoken and then asks the students to correct them.
A) delayed correction

b) correction on the spot

c) no correction

Should you correct students’ mistakes?


When it comes to correction there are number of techniques you can

employ. Read the example below and choose the correct name of the
technique the teacher used.
A student tells the teacher “I go to a party yesterday” and the
teacher replies by saying “Really? You went to a party? That’s
Paraphrasing Peer correction Delayed correction

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