Close Read Outline 17

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Outline Page – “World War II and the Holocaust” 1939-1945

Chapter 17 Section 2
Desired Learning—Enduring Understanding Students will understand…
 Identify the underlying and immediate causes to World War II
 Describe the realities of the Holocaust
 Discuss the impact and consequences of World War II
 Close read primary and secondary sources to understand an author’s claim and how they support
their claims with evidence (Close Read)

Compelling Question: Did World War II solve or create more problems?

Roundtable Questions

 How did Germany perform in the early years of World War II?
 What other options did Japan have outside of attacking the United States?
 How did the involvement of the United States change the war?

Roundtable Discussion Notes:

Lesson #2 World War II

Author’s Claim: Europe at War
 Hitler stunned Europe with the speed and efficiency of the German attack on Poland.
His blitzkrieg or “lightning war” quickly punched through countries defenses.

Evidence Used to Support the Claim:

 Attacks on the Western Front – France, Belgium, Luxemberg, Poland, Soviet Union, Norway,
Sweden and Denmark. Hitler uses blitzkrieg to take these early victories.

 Maginot Line – French defensive line along the border with Germany, Artillerly and anti tank
mechanisms, Deemed useless Hitler’s blitzkrieg goes around.

 French Armistice – Splits it in half makes southern part Free France, Northern Part Viche
France, knocks France out of WWII prevents their participation in the rest of the war.

 U.S. Neutrality Acts – US stays neutral through acts preventing their participation in WWII
do not want to get involved in another European Wars.

 Battle of Britain – British RAF vs Luftwaffe German Airforce, fought 1 RAF for every 2
German planes that were shut down. Ends in stalemate Germany turns elsewhere.

 Invasion of the Soviet Union – Stopped outside of Moscow because of an Early winter, that
they were not prepared for and staunch soviet counter-attack. First major loss for Nazis in

 Soviet Resistance – Cold and Resistant Soviet Union, Massive amount of land makes it near
impossible to be captured.

Author’s Claim: Japan at War

 Japan had hoped their surprise attack on Pearl Harbor would destroy the U.S. Pacific
fleet and would result in US acceptance of Japanese domination of the Pacific.

Evidence used to Support the Claim:

 Pearl Harbor – December 7th 1941: Japan attacks Merica at thed US Naval Base of Pearl
Harbor in Hawaii. Bring the US into WWII

 Other Japanese Attacks – Japan also attacked, Phillipines, the dutch east indies, Malaya and
other pacific islands. Japan has control of the Pacific.
 Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere – Japan creates this “community” that they are going
to lead/They control the Pacific.

 U.S. Enters the War –

Author’s Claim: The Allies Advance

 At the beginning of 1943, the Allies agreed to fight until the Axis Powers—Germany,
Italy, and Japan—surrendered unconditionally.

Evidence used to Support the Claim:

 German Offensive –

 North Africa –

 Soviet Counter-Attack –

 Australia –

 Battle of Midway Island –

 “Island Hopping” –

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