Elon Musk - Walter Isaacson

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rglrCJ .\\rN . oruorof .,iatrp.tg . J-rotr .t{aN .

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vl11 Contents

16. Fathers and Sons: Los Angeles, 2002 702

17. RewingUp: SpaceX,2002 106

18. Musks Rules for Rocket-Building: SpaceX,2002-2003 111

19. Mr. Musk Goes to Washington: SpaceX,2002-2003 118

20. Founders: Tesla,2003-2004 724

27. The Roadster: Tesla,20a4-2006 731

22. Kwaj: SpaceX,2005-2006 1,44

23. Two Strikes: Kzoaj,2006-2007 749

24. The SWATTeam: 7bs1a,2006-2008 155

25. Takine the Wheel: Tesla,2007-2008 1.62

26. Divorce:2008 168

2i. Talulah:2008 1,72

18. Strike Three: K.eaj, August 3, 2008 1,75

29. On the Brink: Tesla and SpaceX,2008 778

30. The Fourth Launch: Kzuaj, August-September 2008 782

31. Saving Tesla: Decentber 2008 190

32. The Model S: Tbsla,2009 t95

33. Private Space: SpaceX,2009-2010 203

34. Falcon 9 Littoffi Cape Canaoeral,2)17 209

35. MarryingTalulah: September2)l) 273

36. X{anuf'acruring: 7bs1a,2010-2013 21,7

37. Musk and Bezos: SparcX,2013-2014 223

LZ1e tqnf'Xata{g :eBng drqsrutg
ccc y 7gg'yata{g :Z puno5'rls.W'sA sozeg '8S LIZ
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092 I [ 0 Z-9 L0 Z : sdrqsuor]u1eg llcog 'v, ,VT
L9Z 9 yg7 :,tuYduto3 Surrog aqa 'tn IT,T
ISZ 9L1Z-fu7e '[8uug qsal rEIoS 'el t7,l
S'Z gL 7Zj L 0e'o1 saa :loltdolnv Jo I{runET ar{I 'w gII 967_767xat1
6tz S I 0Z-Z t 0Z'IWa{O :aoua8r11alu1 IEnIJT}rV III YZdg:
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6ez S L7Z-truZ'yato{g :reuorluC erl} srueH uorlzC eI{J '8t Z0l Z
)rI sltreluo')

60. Solar Surge: Sumnte'r 2021 369 82. The Takeover: Tu)ittd,',

61. Nights Out: Surunter 2021 .t/() 83. The Three Musketeers:

62. Inspiration4: SpaceX, September 2021 382 84. Content Moderation: 7

63. Raptor Shake-up: SpaceX,2021 387 85. Halloween: Ttoitter, Od

64. Optimus Is Born: Tbsla, August 2021 393 86. Blue Checks: Twitta,Ir

65. Neuralink: 2017-2020 398 87. All In: Twittr, Ndnrt

66. \rision Only: 'fesla, Jannary 2021 401 88. Hardcore: Tuittn, Noa

67. Money:2021-2022 408 89. Miracles: Neuralinl, No

68. I-ather of the Year:2021 472 90. The Thitter Files: Tioir

69. Politics: 2020-2022 417 91. Rabbit Holes: Tipitt, l

70. Ukraine:2022 428 92. Christrnas Capers: Da
71. Bill Gates'.2022 435 93. AI for Cars: Tkl4 2CI21

7 2 . Actw e I nve s tor :'1. *-n^ i t e r, J a n u ary -Ap r i t 2 02 2 140 94. Alfor Fhrman*: XlI, )

73. "I made an offer": Tuitter, A?ril 2022 450 95. The Starship LauocL,l

74. Hot and Cold: Roitter, April-June 2022 459 Acknowledgments

75. Father's Dav Jurue 2022 466


76. Starbase Shake-up: SpaceX, 2022 474

77. Optimus Prime: Tesla, 2021-2022 482
78. Uncert airty: Tzui t tea July-S ep temb er 2 0 2 2 488
Photo Credits
79. Optimus Unveiled: Tesla, September 2022 495

80. Robota-xr: Tbsla, 2022 501

8l-. "Let that sink id': Ttuitter, October 26-27, 2022 506
199 slrParJ olol{d
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A few months later, he asked

loshua and Winnilred Haldeman sponded, "Tomorrow."
Elon Muslis attraction to risk was a family trait. In that regard, he They had four children,ind
took after his maternal grandfather;Joshua Haldeman, a daredevil ad- n 7948. One day on a trip he
venrurer with strongly held opinions who was raised on a farm on the engine Luscombe airplane sitti
barren plains of central Canada. He studied chiropractic techniques but he convinced the farmer to
in Iowa, then returned to his hometown near Moose Jaw; where he impetuous, since Haldeman dic
broke in horses and gave chiropractic adjustments in exchange for one to fly him home and teach
food and lodging. The family came to be kno
He was eventually able to buy his own farm, but he lost it during s described by a chiropractic
the depression of the 1930s. For the next few years, he worked as a narkable figure in the histon
cowboy, rodeo performer, and construction hand. His one constant
was a love for adventure. He married and divorced, traveled as a hobo
on freight trains, and was a stowaway on an oceangoing ship.
The loss of his farm instilled in him a populism, and he became
active in a movement known as the Social Credit Party, which ad-
vocated giving citizens free credit notes they could use like currency.
The movement had a conservative fundamentalist streak tinged with
anti-Semitism. Its first leader in Canada decried a "perversion of
cultural ideals" because "a disproportionate number of Jews occupy
positions of control." Haldeman rose to become chair of the party's
national council.
Ife also enlisted in a movement called Technocracy, which be-
lieved that government should be run by technocrats rather than
politicians.It was temporarily outlawed in Canada because of its op-
position to the country's entry into \Alorld War II. Haldeman defied
the ban by taking out a newspaper ad supporting the movement.
At one point he wanted to learn ballroom dancing,lvhich is how
he met Winnifred Fletcher, whose adventurous streak was equal
to his" As a sixteen-y'ear-o1d, she got a job at the Moose Jaw Times
Herald,but she dreamed of being a dancer and actress. So she iit out
b-v train to Chicago ancJ then New \brk Citv. Upon her return, she
opened a dance school in Moose Jaw, which is where Haldeman
shor,ved up for lessons. When he asked her to dinner, she replied, "I
dont date my ciients." So he qr.rit the class and asked her out again.
JoJ per]'du,vrroN sE rlons seculd o1 s1q8rg e:luzlsrp-8uol uo pe1-r?glua 'ury8e tno rerl pa>lsz pue ssEp
daq1,,'.{1n33p3-dlsnere8uzp aArT,, :o}}otu z patdope {11ueg aq1 1,'partder ags tauum ot req
'suorlJJo pueJ plnol degl os sun8 rrerp qr1-v' rdais pur pooJ u^\o rleql u?I.uaPPH eJ3rrr4, sr qrrum..an
roJ palunq laga lrn ,&epua8al sq] roJ r{f,rues ol .rza.{ ,{.re,re lruqr1 aqs(u.rn1er req uodn arl3
-E) eqt olur >lar] Suolgluoru € ep?ru sueluepluH aq]'mr.r;y uI aluo Ino ][I eqs os .ssa.qr" rrxn
's,tzs saturJ muf egoolg eqJ rE qd"
1sn141 ,,'lr Ja,r.o:rsrpeJ o] uoISSIru sli sEd{ }I PaPIleP PUE Je^alieq
E eutf,aq eq ]nq 'ary,; ,(lsnorngo eJe^\ ]Etlt seJnlJrd raqltgpue;8 ,iru pnba su,rra. Izeqs mornluaaF
pe^\oqs ts1nge-+ srr{J,,'EtrrTV {}nog ur uose6l utriup) aq] Sursso:: ./vroq
q grIrIA'Eunuzp urm{1a
ueq^t uJas purl oq ,,,(ttf, tso1,, luerJut uE Jo sale] plol puz ,'rttf esoo11 'tueuraloru aqr 8uercd&rs
o] erueJ,,'ruu?g ]EaJC arl},, se (;1asuq o] tstel ]B) u,,l\oux'1un11 rurr .tr rElla
PeueP uuIIIePIEH PFo/l
-116 peurru uElEIrEr{3 e '8uno,{ eJa,et pe5ruul6 puu rnqsof uaq6 -do slr;o esnuf,aq q
,,,{zls 11,arrt JJeqA\ sl sltlJ,, 'pacunouuu uuruepirH pur 'uoo1q u. u?q] Jer.IlEJ sl"rx>rrrfxrJ {q u
eJe,r\ sJa.&Log epurrzcul JepueAEI agl 'uuolar4 ,{grzau rolo daq} sr: -aq qrrqa'dcuooupoa pepc
]ng'suEE)rr.;V utLIr rerl}Er qsITBuq elods suazlllf, arlgft eqtJo tsoul
eJeq^\ '8;nqsauurgof pru,,'rol JJo >loo] feqr os 'puulur aAII ot prlu?-\\ s,fuzd aql Jo rruqJ aucrrq or
er{ papnep uetuepltH 'u^\oJ adu3 ro3 ratq8rar3r E peprzoq put 'lI ldnrco vnef 3o requnu quur
pettrr 'rcuu11ag aql ]redu loor ,(aqa'arut8er praqtrzdz alrg.tt e ic. Jo uorsJelJed, z pameo EF
painr llrts sp.&\ Llf,nl.&{'try;y {}nog o} eAoIU ot peplrep aq'9561 ut oq gryn petup )pors ryrarrruEpg
'gros auo8 pzq .{-uutol ei{t tEI{} pue sIEnpI 1pul Jo se^II aq} -Ie^o IOrl 'dcuarrnc a>II asn ppo.dap s
-uotr r{Jnru oo} Surd.rnsn su^\ luaruure,to8 uErpEUE'l eql }EI-l} aAerlJC -pE rlcrqa,r'hrr-a {pal3 ltpos
o] eruur uurueplzH's.&\erl lsrpdod elrlellesuo: ,Q-rrnb slq qll1\ eruuJeg eq pu?.urs[ndod u u
(('sur,rt] 3ug,(g eql,, sa u,uou-l JruEJaq srelppol aLIr 'drqsSuo8u?ooul u,
pur 'p1o sqluoru eerr{} orer^ afey puu adt1,q ueqrr,t'mur11eg E 'ruplri oqoq ? sE paIaABrJ.paoro_rr1
aulSue-e18urs ro8ru1 e rq8noq deg,1 'apr1of,f,E 'e1?rnclz ]rag1t ',uo: ]uBlsuof, euo srH .PrrEr[ uoE
-J?u Jer{}EJ u ,,'slollerdo.rrqc SurdTI -ro eqt uI arn8g elgalrtul B sE polJo^4. eg ,s.rzart u
^Jotsq ^€J
-eJ tsoru agr sdeq-rad,, st lzu.rnoI Jpur] rr]JtJdorrqr t lq peqr-rrsep s?-\\ Sur.rnp ]T tsol aq]ng.rurE u
eq puz'sutruappll 8ufig *lJ st u^\oDI eq ot aurtf, lyurrg eq1
'euu1d aqr royd o],,!\oq rurl tlf,trt puu rtuorl u1g l;r ol auo -rog a8ueqcxa u1 s1uau4ml.-pr
-3ruos perrq eFI /'u 01 ,r\oq ]ou PrP uEuePIEH 33urs 'snonledrur eq ereql$.'rnzf asoo141 rmu u
rorl]l?J se,t
]I'a8uugrxa ur JRJ srq e)p] ol -rourJEJ er{l patrurluol eq }nq senbruqoal crpurdom;c parp
'qsuc ou p?r{ aH'plarJ s(JaruJEJr.. u\ Suutrs auzldrre agtuolsn-I aur8ua eql uo utmJe uo PaSIBJ sE-$ !
-e18urs u uo u8rs rlBS roC e papods aq dr4 z uo drp euo '8t6I uT -pB Ir eparzp z'ueuappll er
uroq'ar(u;4 puu e.{r1q's1.rr8 umu Surpnpur'ualppqr .rnog puq daq; ag 'pru8e.rl"qt uI .lr-e.rl .ipur
-er ar{S ,.gatu lrrru no,i gr.,rt uJrl4\,,'peISE aq tarzl sqtuoru ,r.ta-I y
II sJeJnlue^py

first place in the twelve-thousand-mile Cape Town-to-Algiers motor -1:,e Pretoria Nett;s for ) Ia:. :
rally and became the first to fly a single-engine plane from Africa to -adline "Reaction again.r ::-. -
Australia. "They had to remove the back seats to put in gas tanks," Like the Haldemans. I-.. '
Maye later recalled. ,-::-:na Golden Eagle , '.r'h':: .
Joshua Haldeman's risk-taking eventually caught up with him. j:e he had buik in th: : -,
He was killed rvhen a person he was teaching to fly hit a power 1ine, inq to sell the plare. .- -r
causing the plane to flip and crash. His grandson Elon was three at l,::inanian-Italian en::-: ... :
the time. "He knew that real adventures involve risk," he says. "Risk . -;-. and instead oi tal-:--: . - .

energized him." ' :. ithe ent.rald. rr ---: -

Haldeman imprinted that spirit onto one of his twin girls, Elons -. ,: ru-ned in Zaml-'.i,l.
mother, Maye. "I know that I can take a risk as long as I'm prepared," ./:r:rhi.r then h.ri i : -- .

she says. As a young student, she did well in science and math. She - .-rctioninq buree,l:::,- , :
was also strikingly good-looking. TaIl and blue-eyed, with high ' ---::-j it. r-ou'.r", ..- '' : .

cheekbones and sculpted chin, she began working zt age fifteen as a --: :ik. er enth::.- .- ..'.
model, doing department store runway shows on Saturday mornings. .- . :l't:r..-::.:-:. '- .

Around that time, she met a boy in her neighborhood who was - '.- .-ri:r-r -:c B-'-.:.. - .. -.
also strikingly good-looking, albeit in a smooth and caddish way. . ,. . .:-.:f:ll'':--'-:. :.-' -

-. '.'.:- :-:'. :: . - - |

- -:---i :'. .:--: :-..1.-:. .-..

Errol Musk t L i- -
Errol Musk was an adventurer and wheeler-dealer, always on the
lookout for the next opportuniry. His mother, Cora, was from En- --.- ..--:--. ---:-'. .

g1and, where she finished school at forrteen, worked at a factory - i :.

making skins for fighter-bombers, then took a refugee ship to South

Africa. There she met Walter Musk, a cryptographer and military
intelligence officer who worked in Egypt on schemes to fool the
Germans by deploying fake weapons and searchlights. After the war,
he did little other than sit silently in an armchair, drink, and use his -j
crlptologv skills on crossword puzzles. So Cora left him, went back
to England with their tvvo sons, bought a Buick, and then returned to
Pretoria. "She was the strongest person I ever met," Errol says.
Errol earned a degree in engineering and'vvorked on building ho-
tels, shopping centers, and factories. On the side, he liked restoring
old cars and planes. He also dabbled in politics, defeating an Afri-
kaner member of the pro-apartheid National Party to become one
of the few English-speaking memtrers of the Pretoria Ciry Council.
'lsaluotr ErI$v qlnos ssltr\J eql ui '[rf,unoC &13 zr.rorer4 aq]
ts{uurJ E auuf,aq puu,{ellu 8ur1.tr.oq u o} ste>ltrI} ua1 snld qsztr ur gclS euo eruoroq or luu4 IEuopE
to8 eqg ']seluoJ ,tlnraq Flol ? ur,!\ Jeq padleq lr isgecar aqs ,,'spuno.-. -lUV uE
8ur1za;ap,oplod rl
ua1 paddo.rp 1 Jarr8 Jo esnutreg,, 'lEe t(uplnof, pue >lee,{,\ ? JoJ pelll Surrolsar paII eq .aprs eql u
orls ]?q) ]asdn os aupJJq JLIS'JJtl uo Surtzar{: str!\ eq PaJaAOtrsIP eL{: -og Surppnq uo pe>lro r puz f
uer{AA'ruq tsn.I} }.upp eqs 1nq taq o} pasodo.rd,(lparuede; eH 'Erurrp 'sfzs ra,re
lorrg.,laul 1
aq} ruorg 'sra8ruaal 8uno,',
qll^r pa115 su,tt drgsuolttle] Jrer{} o] paurnter uep prre ttpg u
ara.rt deql uaqar Suszp uu8eg ueruaplzH adz14 puz Isntr\i Iorrf IrBg tue r'*H UrI oS -
sq esn puz Slqrp.rrzrr:urz
afnltnw 4aqJ
'rzrvr aqt raryy'uq8ygrrzas pu
eql IooJ ol saruarlf,s uo rdG:
's8uru.rua plulatu- lrulrpru puz raqdzrSordin z
siqJo IIE lsol eH'q?l 3r{} ur Prrelue IEITTJIU? uE PalEsrf, suErssnu 3L'l yrnog ol drqs aa8ryar B {q)l
ueq./!\ sOg6I er{t ur pasdel0c ssaursnq PIBreue sH'000'0Izg ,(g8nc: l,rcne1 po>lJor$ .umlmol
" l?sz-rr,t.'ero3
go srgord Surcnpord rat3y,,'p8el ]rJo auou esnuraq'8ulqr raE8r; -ug uro5 ta
-puE-IEolJ E surv\ t1 'sra1a,,'Lal o] sPleJatua fles PIno^/\ 1 suasre,to sdr:-
ug,,'sfts aq,,'slecrzd ualols qll&\ eul ol aIUEf, aldoad ,(u2141,, '8tnqs:i-
-urqof ur ]ntr uaql Suvtuq puz spltreure rute-r SuDrodul {q ePut} sr---
(aurtu ag] ur alBls drqsraur*o uE
pepuudxa PBr{ Jelau otllv\'1or.tg
'esJnoJSIp euoqd Suqgruzr z ur s,{ts el- 'delt gsrpper puz rpoous I
,,'-€ I lzlfrl. tuo5 lualaJJrp ]snl err dagr lnq 's1cz1g aq] ]sure8r Suru- sB./r4. orll$. pooqroqg&.au -E)g ur
-fuu a,ruq ],uop L, ']ou sr eq slslsur eq qllq.&{'1stf,EJ Suleg ro3 .(prur-: 's8ururour dzpmrzg uo sflo5
s,ade141 sezrJrlrJJ all 's,(zs lorrg ,,'no,( uor; SurqldJola e>lzl PIno \ E su uaeug a8e le Suqron uu
$ll?lg ar{t asnereq 'Surgtou qu,n dn pul/$. ppol',r no.('11 paralsrE:: r{8tq qlpr' 'pade-en1q puz IIr
nod 31,, 'paralsr8er ]ou s?rv\
aulru eq] os ',{cercnsarng SuruorlJung o'- eqs 'rpBur PUB a)uaDs ur Ifrrr
sE^\ aJer{} lng'luauu.ta,Lo8 >1cu1g pruolor}sod E p?q ueqt EtgurEZ ,,'perzderd ur,I sB 3uo1 sz {su "
'erquJez ur Pau.A.Lo lnaL s,uolg'q-rr8 ulm1 slrlJo euo ot
-erdarlua eq] l?qt seurur fpus eaJq] tz parnpord spl?Jeure eqlJo uoll
-rod r uarr.r8 szrlt 1o;.rg 'qszo ur lueulzd e 3un1z1 yo puelsul puz 'eJu. >1sr-N,, 'sfzs srl ealoam s.rr
e uo paar8z lega'r1 ,{nq or perelJo rnauarder}ua u?rlE}I-uBruEtuEUEd s?/!L
]z eeJq] uolg uospuzrS r
u areq^r ErguJEZ ur drrlsrrc uB ]E pepuel aq'eur1d eql 11es o1 3uo1oo1 'aurl.ramod E tlq dE ol Sqqruar
sE-&\ aq uaq.rt'9961 ur dr4 euo uO 'qsnq eq] ur ]Ing peq eq e8pol 'ru1q rllp{ dn lr{8nzc
E ot s^ a-r3 uoISIAele] ,ftrag o1 pesn eq r{Jltli 'e13zg uaPIoC EUSSaJ
aurSua-uv'tl r rq8nog all '8uilg pe ol eq 'suuurappll eqt eIr-I .'*lrrl su8 ur lnd ol $Ees {rq
((']uauqs{qe}sg aq} lsurc8r uoIlJEeU,, eurlpzar{ ol ?JrUV uro4:euz1d au8ua-:p
eqt repun uortf,ele egt pauodat'ZL6l '6 qcre141 roJ so;aN auoptd ayj. Joloru s.rar3ry-ol-u,n o; rd*J r
8I snJnlue^pv \r

When 1\laye graduated from college, she moved to Cape Town

to give talks about nutrition. E,rrol came to visit, brought an engage-
ment ring, and proposed. He promised he rvould change his war.s and
be faithful once they were married. Maye had.iust broken off a rela-
tionship with another unfaithful bovfriend, gained a 1ot of weight, A Mind (

and begun to fear that she would never get rnarried, so she agreed.
The night of the wedding, Errol and N,Ia1,e took an inexpensive Pretr-trt
flight to Europe for their honeymoon. In France, he bought copies
of Playboy, rvhich was banned in South Africa, and lay on the small
hotel bed looking at them, much to IVIal,g's annoyance. Their fights
turned bitter. When they got back to Pretoria, she thought of try-
ing to get out of the marriage. But she soon became nauseated frorn
morning sickness. She had become pregnant on the second night of
their honeymoon, in the town of Nice. "It was clear that rnarrying
hirn had been a mistake," she recal1s, "but now it was impossible to
(tq&U)loollrs roJ uolg
'.({ai utosoq)ErsoJ puu 'uolalQtal dot) ysrylq*
'lrg*l) e.,(2tr1 pue uolg
o] alglssodurl szrt lr .mou grq-
8ul[uzur ]urp -ruep szar rL E
3o 1qftu puotras eqt uo ruuda
urou Pe]?asruu errrs:rxl uoc q
-tn Jo lq8noql ags ?uora4g
slq8g rrar{J'eruzfouuz s.a{El/t
I[Burs rrl] uo dq puz tqryry r
ssrdoo rg8noq aq ,ecuerg uI u
a.r\Isuedxaur w ]oor afugg p
s0/6t aql 'D?rolard
'paa.r8z eqs os,parrruu ra8 r
'lq31e,r,r, Jo tol e paurzt puago
-Eler e JJo ue>lorg rsn[ pzq a{4
u/\\o sIH Jo ptrIN v
puz sfavr. snr a8uztp plnoa aq
-e8z8ue uu 1g8no;g.tpra o131s
Z ulroJ edz3 o1 pa^our eqs b8q

Lonely and determined

At 7:30 on the morning of June 28,7977, Nlaye Nlusk gave birth to
an eight-pound, eight-ounce boy with a very large head.
At first she and Errol were going to name him Nice, after the
town in France where he was conceived. History may have been dif-
ferent, or at least amused, if the boy had to go through life with the
name Nice N1usk. Instead, in the hope of making the Haldemans
huppy, Errol agreed that the boy would have names from that side
of the family: E1on, after N{aye's grandfather J. Elon Haldeman, and
Reeve, the maiden name of Mz),e's maternal grandmother.
Errol liked the name Elon because it was biblical, and he later
claimed that he had been prescient. As a child, he says, he heard
about a science fiction book by the rocket scientist Wernher von
Braun called Project Mars, which describes a colony on the planet run
by an executive known as "the Elon."
Elon cried a lot, ate a lot, and slept little. At one point N{aye de-
cided to just let him cry until he fell asleep, but she changed her rnind
after neighbors calied the police. His moods switched rapidly; when
he wasn't crying, his mother says, he was really sweet.
Over the next two years, Maye had two more children, Kimbal
and Tosca. She didnt coddle them. They rvere allowed to roam freely.
There was no nanny, just a housekeeper who paid little attention
when Elon began experimenting with rockets and explosives. He says
he's surprised he made it through childhood with all of his fingers
When he was three, his mother decided that because he was so
intellectually curious he should be in nursery school.
tried to dissuade her, pointing out that being younger than anyone
else in the class w-ould pre sent social challenges. Thev sho,lld r,vait an-
other year. "I can't do that," 1\{a1.e said. "He needs someone besides
me to talk to. I really have this genius child." She prevailed.
It was a mistake. Elon had no friends, and by the time he was in
second grade he r.vas tuning out. "The teacher would come up to me
and yell at me, but I would not really see or hear her," he says. His
parents got called in to see the principal, who told them, "We have
lsn[ eAuJ? o] paBEuBrrI eH 's.{BS aI{ ,((8uDIIE,^ peuuls lsnl T os elurl e A,,'-..IJ plot oq,s
la8 ot pauruJelep sE.^ . I pu? 'ruf, r tuorj tl uoas pEI{ I esn?Jeq a1li sr11 'sdzs aq,,teq J"er{ Jo r
pelool alnor eqt tuq.{r .4^au{ Jo pupl 1,, 'su8rs pzor eI{} pzer o} 8uno . eru o] dn eruoc plno r Jegr
ool sell\ ag 'sn16 'sJnoq o.Ml lsotulu Jo >llu,.lA z 'zrrolar4 Jo sprs re{tr ur szllt er{ erun arp lq pue
eq] uo sEA tr ]Brd] st.^a ruelqord aql'esnorl splsno) sr{ o} u,{1.o srq u'. 'pap.e,rard aq5
'auroq -ir':' sePrseq euoeuros sPsau
IIB.4 ol pepnep eq pur 'pol paururalap ,{ra.t B SEA\ e11
o] plo] puz rg8g E olur Sulua8 roJ pal{slund sz,tt uolg rnq'.{}.rrd ir; -ue ]rEA\. p1norls daqa-sa
-qulg e Sulttq s?,&t sursnof, srtlJo euo'aag sz,tt eq uaq,/y\,{up aug euor(uu uzgt raSunol Sura
.(.'euolE eg ol luBl\{ l.uop L ,(zs ppo-\\. 1 pdrcur-rd ega1oogrs dras
tEr{,{ s.}ErlJ ('euoP eg ol luE^\. Ja su I,,, ' LIjZ u\ aJII e^ol sq ur PoTls- os s3-&\ 3r{ esnEseg ]ErP Pe
snonlpurn] z Surrnp auolg Zury1oy r{}y't .al.erlJetur uB ur pellef,al a'!-
,,'p1e, I Surq] euo s(eJaq]'p[.{, n su,/$, I ueq1\),'Inos sq o}ur PJ]?l: s-ra8ug slrl Jo IIB IIJI,rt poo
peurzueJ urzd lzqt puu ',{1auo1 l"rarr odleuol sz^'r aq '}1nsa: e sy sdus e11'sarusold:o puu silr1rar
('1lroq r,uprp rsni aq ]nq'SPUJIJJ eAEq ol pelux-r'. uoBueDE oFIII pr-Ed oqa. n&
eH 'euroq spuar5 lq8norq raleu uolg lng'auoq ruaq] 8ur.rq pu. dleag ruzor ot pejaolp araale
lzp rs-rg aqt uo spuel5 a>lztu p1no.&\ Bf,soJ puz luqury,,'sdES Jeqloll, Izqurl)'uarppnp arour
srq,,'pzs pue d1auo1 os aIUEJeq aq 'looqcs ol Suro8 pauuls aI{ aluo- 'geartrS I
'uauo ,,pldnls,, pJo/\.t eq] pesn eH 'slooJ peJaprsuof, eq asorlr llarqo; usqrt ldlprder pe(prurs spoou
JoJJns ol ssau8urlr./'tun slq se^t sruelgord prcos srq Surpunoduo3 pulur rerl pa8wqr aqs mqt&ep
reqloru srg..'a:els tutrE '. -ep edzpq lurod euo lV T{ r
]Er{} ser{ eq uerliA q8no-np >lueJq ol.{rt ot }ou lsaq s(}L,'IJo^\ }pp1p r,
]ng 'uoBue]tc slr{ IrEq uotuurns plnoJ lar{r I eos ot eJz; srl{ uI slulr un-r leuqd eql uo duolo I sagr
rreql e^E/r,r puE u,/v\oP puz dn dunl ppor'.t sPrn Jeqlo etlJ.('uollErr- uo^ rerlure^\ ]spueEs rilPor
-JoJul Sururorur JoJ lou'elndtuoc ol urzJg lur Sursn ru,1 '3urqiluz :,- prueq eq's&s ag p1g1 ry
JBeq Jo .1es l(u?f, 1,, 'sr(us eq ..Eo u;rU suels.{s drosuas dur 3o I]E uaq- retzl erl puz ,prrlqrq sza"lI r
'p-ruq Surqrauos ]nogz lulq] o] uels IJI'ppl E sE^ I aruts rarg..'iu :aqrourpuert IErur
-IuHl olur lEaJlsJ PuB ]no Juoz o] .(cuepual si-'
ueq-/il' PIJo,/vr u,{{o slq puu'uzursppH uolg -f ntpry
a8uzqc o1 Sulpou pp rt rnq'sprcgjo Iooqrs eq] u^/rop peurpl lEr{I ePrs ]BrIl uro{ serrrBu. atrtq
'sdes ag,,'}no sprouepz .,(u suzrueppH arp Surrzru;o ado
lool larlr os 'ruelgo.rd JEe ut su,{1. lr paplr
-ep dag1,,'uralqord ol{t eq }q8ru tztl}JI su'pa1se1 eq p1not{s Surrear eql ql1,lr agn g8norgr oE or pq
spolg ttql pear8t stuarzd sr{ ual{,&r.
uelorg sr,,ur asszdurl er{J -JrP ueeq arrzq lzur,Gor"sgl -pe
'uiaoJq Sururn] eJar\ selral aql (]g8rr sr-r', eql JaUrE (acrg umr euzu or
uolg ler{r paqdar IoJJg ((('lltou u,ry\oJq Sururnl aJE saleel eg1,'s.ir- .peaq a8ruJ ftaa
erl uoDue]tt -ted ot ruII 11a] I ueq,,\ puu 'arur1 eqt IIE eql -1. o] rlulq arrz81sn141 a1uy1,175
lno $lool eH,, 'paurtldxa s.reqcual sII{ Jo auo '8urue}s1 lou 'eJuu:J t
ur eurB srr{ Jo lsou luads all (('pepJe}er sruolg wq} a^a{eg o} uoszJi
LI u.*ro stH Jo PUIN v

as the party was ending. When his mother saw him coming down affect a persoris socid skillE r
the road, she freaked out. Fearing he would be punished ag;ain, he and self-regulation. "He vras n(
climbed a maple tree and refused to corne dou.n. Kimbal remernbers mother says, "but he salrs he ha
standing beneath the tree and staring at his older brother in awe. "He The condition was exacerbated
has this fierce determination that blows 1rcur mind and was some- he would later feel bullied or
times fiightening, and stil1is." Gracias says, the PTSD ftom I
When he r,vas eight, he focused his determination on getting a sJ6tem, the part of the brain tha
rnotorcycle. Yes, at age eight. He would stand next to his father's As a result, he was bad at 1
chair and make his case, over and over. When his father picked up literally when they said som€tri
a newspaper and ordered him to be quiet, Elon lvould continue to ing books that I began to leam
stand there. "It just was extraordinary to .rvatch," Kimbal says. "He they really meant.' He had a I
would stand there silentl1,, then resume his argument, then stand si- precise, such as engineering ftr
lent."This happened er.ery evening for weeks. His father finaLly caved I.ike all psychological tnitE
and got Elon a blue-and-gold 50cc Yamaha. ized- He could be very emdfo,
Elon also had a tendenc), to be spacey and wander off on his orvn, and he felt acutely the anxietr
oblir4ous to what others were doing. On a family trip to Liverpool to ddnt have the emotionel recq
see some of their relatives when he was eight, his parents left him and and warmth and a desire to bc
his brother in a park ro play by themselves. It was not in his nature cmpathy. Or, t9 put it in less tc(
to stay put, so he started wandering the streets. "Some kid found me
crving and took me to his mom, who gave me milk arrd biscuits and
calied the poiice," he recal1s. When he was reunited with his parents The divorce
at the police station, he was unaware that anything lvas amiss.
"It was insane to leave me and my brother alone in a park at that
age," he says, "but my parents weren't overprotective like parents are
today." Years later, I watched him at a s.,1ar roof construction site
with his two-year-old boy, known as X. It was 10 p.m., and there
were forklifts and other moving equipment lit by two spotlights that
cast big shadows. Musk put X on the ground so the boy could ex-
plore on his own, which he did without fear. As he poked around
amid the wires and cables,l\{usk glanced at him occasionally, but re-
frained from intervening. Finailf,after X started to climb on a mo\r-
ing spotlight, Musk walked over and picked him up. X squirmed and
squealed, unhappy about being restrained.

Musk would later talk about-even joke about-having Asperger's,

a common name for a form of autism-spectrum disorder that can
eruof, o] adt1,11 paISE puu 'pezrSolodr 'asnoq s(rer{}olu s,a,{e1q o} le-\o UEJ ryq] JapJosrp umJDeds_G
eru?f, IoJJE 'uorlrcralp tseJreqoDlo eqt rout Surulour erll uO ;a8radsy Eunzg-rnoge a1o(
,-'uErs o) put ,(nq ot err suodza,vr sJJEru E puv'e{ o} puz
o1 teq PasnqE uEur erl] rrql .{ro o} sr suodua./!^r. s(ueuo.&\Jo auo s(}?tlJ., ?il
's,{es aq iru;o auou lprtuef, puz 'a;g ,itu ut uutuo^^r E uo PutL
puu parurrnbs 11'dn urru paqpnd
E PrEI lJ^Ju J^.1,,'I.rEq JJLI ul,t'r' ol Peul Jt{ sJt2)A aLIl Je^o puu'a-ie11 -lour B uo grurlf, ol Peuqs x r
PaJoPE eq surElf, aH {,'qslqqnJ e}nlosqB,, suoqssnJtrE aql
sllEr Iorlg -eJ lnq'dguuorsucco un1 1c p
,,'urq dols ol .(.r] ol seeul srtl_Jo s>lleq er{} uo rulq ltg p1no,tt'a rr: punor? pslod eq sV rEeJ rnoq
sz,!r oq^\'uolg tur{} raqrueural I 'PunoJE eJeA\ spDI aql ueq,t\ etu lT; -xa plnor {oq orp os puno€ r
ppo.,!r eH,, 'pIES rarul edulq ,,'JerzE!a uallo8 PEq eq 'atur] ra,tg,, 'asnou lzrp slq81pods o,trl dq 41ruud
s(rar{}our JJq o} peg aqs 'rulrl urtt}seJ o} PEtl Puel5 e puu'raq }tq o: oreqt puu ''*'d 0I sBA rI 11
tnogt s?.&\ put pa8unl eq 'tr sreqrueruar alutrq du.,r,r. ega'fn8 aqt tr elrs uorlf,rulsuoJ JooJ rEIG I
tou ]nq'snorrry sE^\ Iorrg '.Lxas raq pellul puu a.{u1,X tE pepslq.,vt elqr- are sluerzd a>g eaumrordnro
reqtouz ru ,(nS B uatl^r.'ung Sulttg pu" raag 3uryur.rp 'saldno: .raqt. Wqr ry >IJzd z uI auofB raqporqi
eerr.lt qll-,\{ uol}Ergelef lseJreqoDlo u? }E ere^\ ISn}\I Iorrg PUE a,\u J{ 'ssru? su,u tqur{uu
slue.red sFI qrpr petrurnr srr. r
arro^tp aqf
pu€ slmf,srq puu {rE oru:er9
our PunoJ PD{ el[os, -silmEs
'alorlssz uE aq plnoJ ag'sural ptrruLlf,at ssal uI 11 1nd o1 'rg ,(qludu: amlsu sr-q q lou sBla { -sr^Fs
aAEq o] Perr,&\PJBtl ]ou sE,Aa oH 'PaTI aq ol arISeP ? PUE tllLUJE,u Ptii Pu? rurq r3rs1s1ugEd srul@ *
sseupuDl dzpdrarra acnpord terll sroldecal Iruorlotue eql e^Br{ t,uPI-: o1 lood;e,u1 ot dlq dlguq u uO
eq ]ng 'auolr Surag uorj setuor turlt ,fiarxur eqt .(lernce ]le; eq pur 'urr\o srg uonto rapuzerpuu Ca
'uarppqc u^.,ro sr{ tnoge fltlcadsa'puoqoura dre,r eq ppol aH'pez. ry@,
-pnphrpur puu xaldtuol ore,trl s.>lsntr{'s}rul} pcrSoloqcdsd gu a41 perruc dluug raqrEJ sr-Er -$[af,,.r
'Surpoc puu 's:rs,{qd'Surraaur8ue su qrns 'est:::J -rs puzls ueg],tuarun8ru qq r
eJoru eJe \ rzgl s8urql roJ ef,ueJeJard u peq eH (('tuuatu lgea-r iaq: e11,, 'sdzsIEquqX o111
1ug.,ut lzs s^E.&rp ]ou prp eldoad ttsq] uruel o1 ue8ag I t"q] slooq Bu; uolg lnmb
o] enuRuor Plnorla".q+ua
-pre-r dq lpro sz,,u.
lI pue,, 'sfus eg,,'Sunlleuros prus legr uar1,u dlurerrl dn pelcrd reqtuJ srq uilLl1 Ern
aldoed lool L,'seno Itrf,os dn 8uryrrd rB peq su,rt aq']1nsar u sy s(rarp8J sT{ or,xau
PrrEts PFlo
'sasuodsar z Suqla8 uo uoB"rmrrepp $q
Iuuortorue slorluoo ]Eq] uIEJg ar{}Jo gzd agt'tua}s-is
rlgrul srq lorlrq pFo/v\ pooqplr{r srq ruory CSId eI{}(s,fts sEIf,ErC
oruoluv pualrJ esolr slrl 'peuoleerqt ro Pe{1ng IaaJ re}EI PIno.&\ aq -euros s?1'A PUE ptmu mo{ srq
releueq1yseruntrt pooqplqJ slr{ {q pa}Eqraf,Exe sE^\ uol}Ipuor el{f eH,,'eal? ur JarlloJg raplo srq r
,,'lq8rr s(eq eJns tu(I puE 's,ra8radsy sBr{ eq s,(es eg 1ng,,'s.,(ts Jatl}oul sJequeureJ IEgurr,x .rllttoP auxD
sFI ,,'plI u su pasou8ery fpn;:u Jeleu szm aH,, 'uollzln8ar-g1as put eq'urz8z paqsrund ag Hnoa {
.dtyrrlrauuor ur'rr,op
turtuof, rrrilI A{"S JSrp(xII
Ieuorloura 'sdrqsuotlula; 'sgo{s IBIf,os s(uosrad z pag;t
6I ul o srH Jo palht v Y S-I I

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