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- Allies: France, Britain and other Commonwealth Nations such as Canada, Australia, New

Zealand etc.)
- Axis: Germany, Italy and Japan
- ‘Phony War’: Following Germany’s invasion of Poland to start the war, between
October 1939 - April 1940, very little happened.

- Blitzkrieg (‘lightning war’ of using air/tank/soldier power to directly invade countries)

- Especially effective because no one had seen that before
- Create panic and confusion
- The German military conquered Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium and
Luxembourg in a matter of 3 weeks.
- War (Fall) of France
- The Battle of France began May 10, 1940 and within 6 weeks, on June 22, 1940,
France surrendered
- Meaning: British standing alone

- Battle of Britain
- Hitler hoped Britain could ally with Germany, but they refused (cause of battle)
- Advantage of Britain:
- Island (Germans are unable to drive an army over water to attack Britain,
so they used air forces to fight Britain)
- better radar system and better fighter planes (Spitfires)
- Britain is able to know German air forces coming because Germain planes
had to cross the sea to get to Britain
- Britain got support from Canada
- Retaliation (drop bombs in Berlin) after Germany bombed London (August 24th)
- Results: Germany was unable to invade Britain
- “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.”
by Winston Churchill
- Inspirational Image
- Catastrophic (smoke/death/etc)

- Canadian military power (very few at first)

- Racist policies

- The battle of Dieppe (the costliest war Canada involved in ww2, 8 months after
HongKong War)
- Goal: destroy critical defenses/try new technology/gather intellectuals (flawed
- August 19th 1942
- Coming onto the beach and German just had to shoot at Canadians
- Little rocks make tanks unable to work

- The battle of Hong Kong (first battle for any Canadian soldiers)
- Bring America to the ally's side

Jan. 23rd

L2.11 - The Russian Campaign, D-Day & the Liberation of the Netherlands

1939—the beginning of the WW2

1940—Nazi invasion of France

1941—Battle of Britain

1941-1942—Operation Barbarossa Stalingrad

1942-1942—Nazi invasion of USSR

1942— Stalingrad ends Battle on Eastern front continues


Jan 27 Issues on the Homefront

- Hell, real destructions

Similarities between Indigenous Soldiers (ww1 and ww2)

- Never got credit for their work & service

- They used indigenous people for dangerous work: WW1 used them as snippers work
while they were codebreakers in WW2
- Not invited to fight until the end
- Sarne enthusiasm for joining the war (believe will get better, but it didn’t)

Differences between Indigenous Soldiers (ww1 and ww2)

- WW1—nationalism
- WW2—the great depression (3 squares a day)

Feb 2nd

Anticetism/scapegoat (Jewish people)

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