Tipon Sunday Worship Order of Worship

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July 10, 2022 9:30 A.M.


Silent Reflection:
“Don’t let your hearts be troubled and do not let them be afraid ”
(John 14)
*Indicates a time to stand if you are able

The Prelude
Introit “Laudate Dominum” Tipon Chorale
from Ps. 117 and Ps. 116

Call to Worship: (Acts 2) Liturgist

Leader: God calls our sons and daughters to prophesy. We come,
ready to hear the Word of God.
People: God calls our young people to see visions. We come,
ready to see new visions.
Leader: God calls our elders to dream dreams. We come, ready to
dream dreams.
All: The Spirit of God is poured upon all flesh. We come,
ready to be filled with God’s Spirit.

*Opening Hymn # 386 NCH The Church’s One Foundation

Invocation in Unison Liturgist

Come, Holy Spirit, to us who gather this day with trembling hands
and uncertain hearts. Teach us to sing a new song. Here in the
gathering of believers, as you did with those so long ago, breathe
on us now. Breathe on us, blowing away our fears and hesitations.
Breathe on us, transforming our hard-heartedness into passion-
filled lives. Breathe on us, for we need peace that only you can
give. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Call To Confession (Please be seated) Liturgist

“Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
Come, then, let us confess our sins to the One who is faithful to
forgive. Come, then, let us adore the One who is mighty to save!
(Acts 2:21)
Prayer of Confession in Unison Liturgist
Almighty God, you poured your Spirit upon a new community of
faith. We confess that we hold back the force of your Spirit among
us. Transform our timid lives by the power of your Spirit, and fill us
with a flaming desire to be your faithful people, doing your will for
the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Assurance of New Life Pastor

Hear the good news: The Holy Spirit is always with us, filling us
with prophecy, visions, dreams. In the name of Jesus Christ, you
are forgiven. Glory to God! Amen.

Response: “Thank you Lord, for saving my soul; thank you Lord
for making me whole; Thank you Lord, for giving to me; Thy great
salvation so rich and free.” Amen.

Passing of Christ’s Peace Liturgist

(We have received a spirit of adoption into Christ’s body of love. In
this hope and promise, let us share signs of peace with one
another. The peace of Christ be with you always.)

*Scripture Reading Dr. Joy Contado Miller

PSALM 147:1-11 (NRSV)

*Gloria Patri
“Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it
was in the beginning, is now and ever shalt be, world without end,
Amen, Amen.”

Anthem Tipon Chorale

“Laudate Dominum” W.A. Mozart from Missa Solemnis
___________, Soprano solo

Choir Director: Lorna Urmeneta Singer

Pianist: Agape Manigsaca Labuntog

Sermon: "PUT-TOGETHER PEOPLE" Rev. Bart Kelso

Offerings of Tithes, Pledges, and gifts to God
+Call to Offering (Liturgist)
“And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with
such sacrifices God is pleased” (Hebrews 13:16)
Your offerings and donations will help support the students of the
SU College of Divinity thru scholarships

The Giving of Offering (Offertory Anthem) Tipon

“Come to the Table” arr. Joseph M. Martin


*Offertory Prayer: (In Unison)

Sender of dreams, Spirit of truth, Giver of visions, accept these gifts
and offering, as evidence of the holy fire burning in our hearts.
Bless our lives and the ministry of your church. Amen.

*Hymn of Dedication # 279 NCH O God in Heaven

by Elena Maquiso

O God in heaven, grant to thy children

Mercy and blessing, song never ceasing
Grace to invite us, peace to unite us
O God in heaven, Author of love

Jesus Redeemer, help us remember

Your pain and passion, your resurrection
Your call to follow, your love tomorrow
Jesus Redeemer, Savior and friend

Spirit unending, give us your blessing

Strength for the weary, help for the needy
Hope for the scornful, peace for the mournful
Spirit unending, comfort and guide

*Closing Prayer (with the Lord’s Prayer)


*Choral Response
“Go Now in Peace”

The Postlude

Tipon Chorale Director: Lorna Urmeneta Singer

Pianist: Agape Manigsaca Labuntog

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