Secondary Cheat Sheet

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Secondary Cheat Sheet Main Secondaries

Part 1 - Picking the right secondaries Key

● <pro> progressive scoring
● What are secondaries​ - 1 of three ways ● <end> end game scoring (be warned
to score in 40k. you can be stopped)
● How many can you score​ - max 45 ● (In) more in your control than out of
points your control)
● When do you pick​ - after seeing your ● (out) more out of your control than in
opponent's list and before deployment your control)
● How do you pick​ - in secret ● {hot pick} our favorite pick that you can
● The main secondaire​s - see below on build for
next page
● How many secondary points should Battlefield Supremacy
we aim for​ - aim for 10 - 12 for each. - Engage on all fronts - 2-3 points
<pro> (In) {hot pick}
Missions: - Linebreaker - 4 points (non flyer) <pro>
1. Retrieval - 6 (1)​ - Minimal losses - Domination - 3 points <pro> (only
<75%-15> <50%-10> or <25%-5> scorable on 3 mission)
2. Scorched earth - 6 (2)​ - Raze - 6 or 12
points​ (special primary) No Mercy, No Respite
- Thin Their Ranks - Tally models killed, 10
3. Vital Intelligence - 6 (1)​ - Data
for vehicle <end> (opponent)
Intercept (How many you control)
- Grind them down - 3 points for kill
(special primary - hold until taken off)
more <pro> (opponent and 2nd turn)
4. Surround and destroy - 6 (2)​ Surround - While we stand we fight - 5 points for
them (4 Control yours and opponents each <end> (In & your list) {hot pick
or 8 for all) for infantry based lists or durable
5. Battle lines - 4 (1) -​ Vital ground (hold vehicles e.g. wave serpents)
middle for 2 to a max of 7 or opponents
for 3) Purge the enemy
6. The Scouring - 5 (1) ​(short hammer and - Titan hunter - 1=10 - 2=12 - 3=15 <end>
anvil) Strategic scan (Like the postman) (opponent) (In)
1-3 2-6 3-10 and 4 for 15 - Bring it down - 2 for under 10 and 3
7. Overrun - 6 (2)​ - Overrun - hold for 11+ <end> (opponent) {can be a
opponents board half 1-2 2-3 3-5 bait}
8. Sweep and clear - 5(1)​ - Direct assault 3 - Cut of the head - 1=13 > 5=1 <end>
(opponent) (out)
for middle or 5 for middle and
- Assassinate - 3 for each character
opponents ​(special primary - hold until
<end> (opponent) (out)
taken off)
9. Priority Target - 5 (1)​ - Priority target - 3
Shadow Operations
if you hold one priority or 5 for both
- Raise the banners (Infantry) 1 for each
(special primary)
and 1 for end game <pro & end> (not
great on missions 3,5,6,8)
- Investigate sites - 3 within 6” middle
<pro> (easily denied & might not want
to be there) Does not pair with engage
on all fronts

Property of the Vanguard Tactics Academy

- Deploy Scramblers - 10 points for
action in each board section (non
characters & inf) <end> (In)
- Teleport Homer - action on enemy
objective in their deployment 4 points

- Abhor the witch - 5 for a PSY
character kill and 3 for unit <end>
(opponent) {hot pick against psyker
unit armies like GK}
- Mental interrogation - 3 for power
within 18 of enemy character cast on 4.
<pro> (out)
- Psychic Ritual - Score 15 if psyker in the
middle casts action 3 times, casts on 3.
<end> (out)
- Pierce the veil - 8 if psychic action is
done in enemy deployment 2 times
and 15 for 4 times (hard)


- Investigate sites &

​ Direct assault
(Sweep and clear)
- Teleport Homer, L ​ inebreaker, ​Pierce
the veil
- Abhor the witch & A ​ ssassinate
- Engage on all fronts & ​Deploy

Property of the Vanguard Tactics Academy

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