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Chapter 1 The Dental Pulp and Periradicular Tissues 35

y Some of these tubules close completely and C m ntum

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e e

form sclerotic dentin. The decrease in pulp

volume reduces cellular, vascular, and neural Cementum is a bone-like calcified tissue that cov-
content of the pulp. The odontoblasts undergo ers the roots of the teeth. As previously discussed, it
atrophy and may disappear completely under is derived from the mesenchymal cells of the den-
areas of sclerotic dentin. tal follicle that differentiate into cementoblasts. The
y y A reduction in the fluid content of the den- cementoblasts deposit a matrix, called cementoid,
tinal tubules is also seen. These changes make that is incrementally calcified and produces two
the dentin less permeable and more resistant to types of cementum: acellular and cellular (Fig. 1.11).
external stimuli. Chronologically, the acellular cementum is
y y The fibroblasts are reduced in size and num- deposited first against the dentin forming the
bers, but the collagen fibers are increased cementodentinal junction, and as a rule, it covers the
in number and in size, probably because of cervical and the middle thirds of the root. The cel-
the decrease in the collagen solubility and lular cementum is usually deposited on the acellular
turnover with advancing age. This change is cementum in the apical third of the root and alter-
referred to as fibrosis. Fibrosis is more evi- nates with layers of the acellular cementum. The cel-
dent in the radicular portion of the pulp than lular cementum is deposited at a greater rate than the
elsewhere. acellular cementum and thereby entraps the cement-
y y The blood vessels decrease in number, and oblasts in the matrix. These entrapped cells are called
arteries undergo arteriosclerotic changes. cementocytes. The cementocytes lie in the crypts of
Calcific material is deposited in the tunica cementum known as lacunae (Fig. 1.11). From the
adventitia and tunica media. These changes lacunae, canals, called canaliculi, which contain pro-
reduce the blood supply to the pulp. toplasmic extensions of the cementocytes and serve
y y The number of nerves is also reduced. as pathways for nutrients to the cementocytes inter-
y y The ground substance undergoes metabolic lace with other canaliculi of other lacunae to form a
changes that predispose it to mineralization. system comparable to the Haversian system of bone.
Changes in the blood vessels, nerves, and Because cementum is avascular, its nutrition comes
ground substance predispose the pulp to dys- from the PDL. As incremental layers of cementum
trophic calcifications. are deposited (Fig. 1.24), the PDL may be further
displaced, and some cementocytes may die as a result
and may leave empty lacunae.
The thickness of cementum reflects one of its
Part 3: normal P rira i ular
e d c

functions. The greater thickness of cementum at

i u T ss es

the apex is due to its continuous deposition during

the eruptive life of the tooth to preserve its height
The periradicular tissues consist of the following:
in the occlusal plane. The continuous deposition
y Cementum, which covers the roots of the teeth
y of cementum also gives form to the mature api-
y Periodontal ligament, whose collagen fibers,
y cal foramen. The foramen, as it matures, becomes
embedded in the cementum of the roots and conical, with the apex of the cone, called the minor
in the alveolar processes, attach the roots to the diameter (constriction), facing the pulp and the
surrounding tissues (Fig. 1.23) base, called the major diameter, facing the PDL.
y Alveolar process, which forms the bony troughs

containing the roots of the teeth Clinical Note

In the region of periradicular tissues portals Cementum is about 20–50 µm thick at the cemen-
of entry and exit between root canals and the toenamel junction and 20–150 µm thick in the apical
surrounding tissues are located, and pathologic
third of the root.
reactions to diseases of the pulp are manifested. (continued)

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36 Grossman’s Endodontic Practice

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Alveolar bone




Alveolar bone

2 mm

Figure 1.23 Root, apex. This is a longitudinal section of the apical part of a root. The apical supportive tissues are
also shown. You may already have noticed the thick layer of cementum covering the dentin at the apex indicating
that this tooth once belonged to an old individual. The cementum is mostly of the cellular type. Incremental lines can
be seen and illustrates the “rhythmical” deposition of cementum (stain: H + E). (Courtesy: Mathias Nordvi, University
of Oslo, Norway.)

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Chapter 1 The Dental Pulp and Periradicular Tissues 37

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Dentin Cementum

Incremental PDL
lines in


Blood vessel


500 µm



Border between
Dentin tubules dentin and



Incremental line

100 µm

Figure 1.24 (a) and (b) This is a longitudinal section of the apical part of a root. Cellular and acellular cementum along
with cementocytes and incremental lines can be appreciated (stain: H + E). (Courtesy: Mathias Nordvi, University of

Oslo, Norway.)

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38 Grossman’s Endodontic Practice

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(continued) Repair is another function of the cementum.
ŠŠThe continuous deposition of cemen- Root fractures and resorptions are usually repaired
tum increases the major diameter and by cementum. The closing of immature roots
results in an average deviation of the apical by apexification procedures is accomplished by
foramen of 0.2–0.5 mm from the center of the deposition of cementum or cementum-like tis-
root apex. sue. Cementum also has a protective function. It is
ŠŠ The minor diameter dictates the apical termination more resistant to resorption than bone, probably
of root canal instrumentation and obturation and is because of its avascularity. As a result, orthodontic
movement of roots can usually be performed with
- An average of 0.5 mm from the cemental surface a minimum of resorptive damage. Other functions

in young teeth are the maintenance of the periodontal width by
- An average of 0.75 mm from the cemental surface
the continuous deposition of cementum and the
in mature teeth
sealing of accessory and apical foramina after root
Although the cementodentinal junction may coin-
ŠŠ canal therapy.
cide with the minor diameter, cementum may grow
unevenly and may alter this relationship.
P rio ontal igam nt
The periodontal ligament is a dense, fibrous connec-
tive tissue that occupies the space between the cemen-
The fibers of the PDL occur between the osteo- tum and the alveolar bone. It surrounds the necks
blasts and cementoblasts and are embedded into the and the roots of the teeth and is continuous with the
bone and cementum, respectively. These embed- pulp and gingiva (Fig. 1.25). The PDL is composed
ded fibers, called Sharpey’s fibers, attach the PDL to of ground substance, interstitial tissue, blood and
bone and cementum. lymph vessels, nerves, cells, and fiber bundles.

Enamel space


Dentin Gingiva




Alveolar bone Root

2 mm

Figure 1.25 Tooth and its supportive structures. Longitudinal section: periodontal ligament, the alveolar bone, the
pulp, and some parts of the gingiva (stain: H + E). (Courtesy: Mathias Nordvi, University of Oslo, Norway.)

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Chapter 1 The Dental Pulp and Periradicular Tissues 39

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Variations in width occur from tooth to tooth bone resorption. As the osteoclasts demineral-
and in different areas of the ligament in the same ize and disintegrate the matrix, scooped-out
root. Teeth with heavy occlusal loads have wider areas in the bone, called Howship’s lacunae, are
PDLs than teeth with minimal occlusal loads, in formed. Osteoclasts are usually found in these
which PDLs are thinner. With advancing age, the lacunae. This pattern of resorption gives the
width of the PDL is reduced. border of the bone an irregular shape.
yy Cementoblasts, as previously discussed, are
Clinical Note aligned in the periphery of the PDL opposite
The width of the PDL varies from 0.15 to 0.38 mm. the cementum. Their function is the deposition
of a matrix consisting of collagen fibrils and
ground substance called cementoid. Cementoid
nterstitial issue
is found between calcified cementum and the

The interstitial tissue is the loose connective tis- layer of cementoblasts that thickens in periods
sue that surrounds the blood vessels and the lym- of activity. The fibers of the PDL are found
phatic vessels, nerves, and fiber bundles. This tissue between cementoblasts and are entrapped in
contains collagen fibers independent of the fiber the cementoid. As the cementoid calcifies, the
bundles of the PDL. Changes in its configuration fibers of the PDL become anchored in the newly
are due to continuing changes in the fiber bundles. formed cementum and are called Sharpey’s
The spaces in the PDL, filled with interstitial tissue, fibers, the same as PDL fibers anchored in bone.
blood vessels, lymph vessels, and nerves, are called Cementoid may protect the cementum against
interstitial spaces. erosion.
yy Cementoclasts, or cementum-resorbing cells,
C ells o the Perio ontal igament
f d L
are not found in the normal PDL because
cementum does not normally remodel. They
The active cells of the PDL are the fibroblasts, osteo- are found only in patients with certain patho-
blasts, and cementoblasts. logical conditions.
y Fibroblasts synthesize collagen and matrix and
yy Other cells present in the normal PDL are the
are involved in the degradation of collagen for epithelial cell rests of Malassez, undifferenti-
its remodeling. The result is a constant remod- ated mesenchymal cells, mast cells, and macro-
eling of the principal fibers and maintenance phages. The epithelial cell rests of Malassez are
of a healthy PDL. Because of these important remnants of Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath.
functions, the fibroblasts are the most impor- These cells are located in the cementum side of
tant cells of the PDL. the PDL. Their function is unknown, but they
y Osteoblasts, or bone-forming cells, are found
can proliferate to form cysts in the presence of
in the periphery of the PDL lining the bony noxious stimuli.
socket. They are usually seen in various stages y Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells are usually

of differentiation. The function of osteo- stellate cells with large nuclei located near the
blasts is the deposition of collagen and matrix, blood vessels. These cells may differentiate into
which is deposited on the surface of the bone fibroblasts, odontoblasts, or cementoblasts.
and to which Sharpey’s fibers are attached.
Calcification of the osteoid anchors Sharpey’s
Perio ontal Fi ers
fibers. The constant remodeling of bone pro-
d b

vides for the continued renewal of the attach- The periodontal fibers are the principal structural
ment of the PDL to bone. components of the PDL. Two types are known:
y Osteoclasts, or bone-resorbing cells, are found
y collagen and oxytalan fibers. Collagen fibrils are orga-

in the bone periphery during periods of bone nized into fibers, which, in turn, are organized into
remodeling. They are multinucleated cells with bundles. The fibers that constitute the bundles are
a ruffle or striated border toward the area of not continuous from bone to cementum, but consist

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40 Grossman’s Endodontic Practice

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of strands that can be continually and individually distribution of the arteries. The alveolar branches
remodeled by fibroblasts without causing loss of the innervate the apical region, the interalveolar
continuity of the bundles. The terminal fibers of the branches innervate the lateral PDL, and branches of
bundles insert into cementum on one side and bone the inter-radicular nerve innervate the furcal PDL
on the other side. These terminal fibers are called of the posterior teeth.
Sharpey’s fibers regardless of cementum or bone The nerve endings of the PDL enable one to
insertion. The fibers are arranged in bundles with a perceive pain, touch, pressure, and proprioception.
definite functional arrangement. These bundles fol- Proprioception, which gives information on move-
low an undulating course that allows some move- ment and position in space, enables one to perceive
ment of the tooth in its alveolar socket. the application of forces to the teeth, movement of
The fiber bundles are arranged into principal the teeth, and the location of foreign bodies on or
fiber groups: trans-septal, alveolar crest, horizontal, between the surfaces of the teeth. This propriocep-
oblique, apical, and inter-radicular. tive sense may trigger a protective reflex mecha-
nism that opens the mandible to prevent injury to
The trans-septal group is embedded into the
the teeth or PDL when one bites into a hard object.
c­ementum of adjacent teeth traversing the
Proprioception permits the localization of areas of
­alveolar crest interproximally.
inflammation in the PDL. Such inflammatory reac-
The alveolar crest group is embedded into the
tions in the PDL can be identified by percussion
cementum below the cementoenamel junction,
and palpation tests.
is situated obliquely, and ends in the alveolar
The horizontal group is embedded into the Alveolar Process
cementum apical to the alveolar crest group
and moves horizontally into the alveolar bone. The alveolar process is divided into the alveolar
The oblique group is embedded into the cemen- bone proper and the supporting alveolar bone.
tum apically to the horizontal group and travels
obliquely in a coronal direction to be embed- Alveolar Bone Proper
ded into the alveolar bone.
The alveolar bone proper is the bone that lines the
The apical group is embedded into the api-
alveolus or the bony sockets that house the roots of
cal cementum and the fundus of the alveolar
the teeth. It begins its formation by intramembra-
nous ossification at the initial stage of root forma-
The inter-radicular group is embedded in ce-
tion. The osteoblasts at the periphery of the PDL
mentum and alveolar bone of the furca of mul-
deposit an organic matrix called osteoid, which
tirooted teeth.
consists of collagen fibrils and ground substance
The functions of the fibers of the PDL are to that contains glycoproteins, phosphoproteins, lip-
attach the tooth to its alveolar socket, to suspend ids, and proteoglycans. As the osteoblasts deposit
it in its socket, to protect the tooth and the alveolar the matrix, some are trapped in it; these cells are
socket from masticatory injuries, and to transform called osteocytes. The matrix is calcified by the
vertical masticatory stresses into tension on the deposition of hydroxyapatite crystals consisting
alveolar bone. principally of calcium and phosphates.
The osteocytes in calcified bone lie in the oval
spaces, called lacunae, which communicate with
each other by means of canaliculi. This system of
The alveolar nerves which originate in the tri-­ canals brings nutrients into the osteocytes and
geminal nerve innervate the PDL. They are divided removes their metabolic waste products.
into ascending periodontal or dental, interalveo- The alveolar bone proper consists of bundle
lar, and inter-radicular nerves. The nerves of the bone in the periphery of the alveoli and lamellated
PDL, as in any other connective tissue, follow the bone toward the center of the alveolar process.

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Chapter 1 The Dental Pulp and Periradicular Tissues 41

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The peripheral bone is called bundle bone because The cortical (compact) bone covers the cancel-
Sharpey’s fibers of the PDL are embedded in it. lous bone and is formed by the lamellated bone.
Because the peripheral Sharpey’s fibers may be This lamellated bone has lacunae arranged in
calcified, and because lamellae are almost indis- concentric circles around central canals called the
tinct, this bone is thick and has a more radiopaque Haversian system. The cortical bone comes together
appearance in radiographs than cancellous bone or with the alveolar bone proper to form the alveolar
PDL spaces. The radiographic image of the alveolar crest around the necks of the teeth.
bone proper is called the lamina dura. Bone serves as the calcium reservoir of the body.
The alveolar bone proper can also be referred to The body, under hormonal control, regulates and
as the cribriform plate. This term refers to the many maintains calcium metabolism. Therefore, constant
foramina that perforate the bone. These foramina physiologic remodeling of bone by osteoclastic and
contain vessels and nerves that supply teeth, perio- osteoblastic activity occurs. This activity can be seen
dontal ligament, and bone. more readily in the trabeculae. The trabecular pat-
tern is constantly altered in response to the occlusal
forces. In the trabeculae are resting lines, which are
Supporting Alveolar Bone
characteristic of periods of osteoblastic activity, and
Adjacent to the alveolar bone proper is cancel- resorptive lines, which are characteristic of periods
lous (spongy) bone covered by two outer tables of of osteoclastic activity. Resting lines are character-
compact bone. One of the outer tables of compact istically dark lines parallel to the surface, whereas
bone is vestibular and the other is lingual or pala- resorptive lines are scalloped and point to the areas
tal. The cancellous bone consists of lamellated bone of resorption known as Howship’s lacunae.
arranged in branches called the trabeculae. Between Diseases of the pulp can affect the tissues of the
the trabeculae are the medullary spaces, filled with periradicular area. Acute inflammatory changes
the marrow. The marrow can be fatty or hematopoi- in the PDL that originate in the pulp produce
etic. In adults, the marrow in the mandible and max- extrusion of the tooth. The chronic inflamma-
illa is usually fatty, but hematopoietic tissue is found tory changes of pulpal origin in the PDL can cause
in certain locations such as the maxillary tuberosity, resorption of the lamina dura, external root resorp-
maxillary and mandibular molar periradicular areas, tion, areas of bone resorption, or areas of bone con-
and premolar periradicular areas. Hematopoietic densation. Systemic diseases may also produce bony
marrow spaces appear radiolucent in radiographs. changes in the periradicular area. These pathologic
Also present in the cancellous bone are the changes are discussed in Chapters 4 and 5.
nutrient canals. These canals contain vessels and The reader is advised that the discussions in
nerves. They usually terminate in the alveolar crest the chapter on embryology, normal pulp, and nor-
in small foramina through which vessels and nerves mal periradicular tissues are intended as a review
enter the gingiva. of embryology, physiology, and histology as they
The amount of cancellous bone varies among apply to the clinical science of endodontics. The
areas of the maxilla and mandible and depends on reader is referred to standard textbooks on these
the width of the alveolar process and the size and subjects for more comprehensive and detailed
shape of the root of the teeth. discussion.


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