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Petroleum Geology of Libya - eBook

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Don Hallett
Daniel Clark-Lowes

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List of Figures

Fig. 1.1 Libya: The Four Principal Basins. 3

Fig. 1.2 Concession Map 1955–60. 6
Fig. 1.3 Number of Wildcat Exploration Wells Drilled Per Year. 7
Fig. 1.4 Oil Discoveries Per Year. 9
Fig. 1.5 Original Recoverable Oil Reserves Discovered by Year. 10
Fig. 1.6 Wildcat Exploration Wells vs Oil Discoveries Per Year. 11
Fig. 1.7 Ghadamis Basin Oil and Gas Fields. 13
Fig. 1.8 Sirt Basin Oil and Gas Fields. 14
Fig. 1.9 Oil Production by Year. 15
Fig. 1.10 Oil Price by Year. 18
Fig. 1.11 North-Western Offshore Oil and Gas Fields. 20
Fig. 1.12 Giant Oil Fields. 21
Fig. 1.13 Murzuq Basin Oil and Gas Fields. 24
Fig. 1.14 Cumulative Original Recoverable Reserves. 26
Fig. 1.15 Cumulative Original Recoverable Reserves vs Oil Production. 27
Fig. 1.16 Concessions Map, 2014. 30
Fig. 2.1 Africa, Tectonic Elements. 36
Fig. 2.2 The Rodinia Super-Continent. 37
Fig. 2.3 The Pannotia Super-Continent. 38
Fig. 2.4 The Saharan Metacraton. 39
Fig. 2.5 Basement Terranes in Libya. 41
Fig. 2.6 Gondwana in the Early Ordovician. 42
Fig. 2.7 Plate Movements in the Early Silurian. 43
Fig. 2.8 Plate Movements in the Early Devonian. 44
Fig. 2.9 Plate Movements in the Early Carboniferous. 45
Fig. 2.10 Pangaea. 46
Fig. 2.11 The Tethys Ocean. 47
Fig. 2.12 Apulia. 48
Fig. 2.13 Closure of the Tethys Ocean. 50
Fig. 2.14 Mediterranean. 51
Fig. 2.15 Summary Chart of Plate Tectonic Events. 52
Fig. 3.1 Kufrah Basin, Lithostratigraphic Chart. 57
Fig. 3.2 Kufrah Basin, Chronostratigraphic Framework. 59
Fig. 3.3 Kufrah Basin, Cambro-Ordovician Isopach Map. 60
Fig. 3.4 Kufrah Basin, Devonian Isopach Map. 63
Fig. 3.5 Murzuq Basin, Lithostratigraphic Chart. 66
Fig. 3.6 Murzuq Basin, Hasawnah Formation Isopach Map. 70
Fig. 3.7 Murzuq Basin, Mamuniyat Formation Isopach Map. 72
Fig. 3.8 Murzuq Basin, Tanzuft Formation Isopach Map. 74
Fig. 3.9 Murzuq Basin, Total Devonian Isopach Map. 77
Fig. 3.10 Murzuq Basin, Carboniferous Isopach Map. 80
Fig. 3.11 West Libya Time Stratigraphic Chart. 83
Fig. 3.12 West Libya, Schematic Chronostratigraphic Framework. 86
Fig. 3.13 Ghadamis Basin, Tanzuft Formation Isopach Map. 88
Fig. 3.14 Ghadamis Basin, Akakus Formation (Late Silurian) Isopach Map. 90
Fig. 3.15 Ghadamis Basin, Tadrart Formation (Early Devonian) Isopach Map. 91
Fig. 3.16 Ghadamis Basin, Kurrush (Ra’s Hamia) Formation (Mid-Triassic) Isopach Map. 96
Fig. 3.17 Libyan North-Western Offshore, Time Stratigraphic Summary Chart. 100
Fig. 3.18 Libyan North-Western Offshore, Schematic Chronostratigraphic Framework. 102
Fig. 3.19 Libyan North-Western Offshore, Eocene Nummulitic Trend. 103
Fig. 3.20 Libyan North-Western Offshore, Cartoon of Lower Eocene Facies. 109
Fig. 3.21 Sirt Basin Simplified Time Stratigraphic Summary Chart. 113
Fig. 3.22 Sirt Basin Schematic West–East Chronostratigraphic Cross Section. 114
Fig. 3.23 Sirt Basin Schematic South–North Chronostratigraphic Cross Section. 115
Fig. 3.24 Libya, Distribution of the Nubian Group. 116
Fig. 3.25 Eastern Sirt Basin, Depositional Model for Sarir Formation. 118


Fig. 3.26 Eastern Sirt Basin, Nubian Group Isopach Map. 120
Fig. 3.27 Eastern Sirt Basin, Distribution of the Amal and Maragh Formations. 122
Fig. 3.28 Eastern Sirt Basin, Distribution of the Taqrifat Formation. 125
Fig. 3.29 Central Sirt Basin, Wahah Formation Palaeogeography. 127
Fig. 3.30 Central Sirt Basin, Wahah Formation Cross Section, Raqubah Field. 128
Fig. 3.31 Sirt Basin, Simplified Time Stratigraphic Summary Chart of the Palaeogene. 129
Fig. 3.32 Sirt Basin, Palaeogeography of the Palaeocene Carbonates. 130
Fig. 3.33 Central Sirt Basin, Early Palaeocene Hagfah Formation Isopach Map. 131
Fig. 3.34 Central Sirt Basin, Intisar Embayment, West to East Schematic Chronostratigraphic Cross-Section. 132
Fig. 3.35 Central Sirt Basin, Intisar Embayment, Late Palaeocene Palaeogeography. 135
Fig. 3.36 Sirt Basin, Distribution of the Ypresian Formations and Facies. 137
Fig. 3.37 Eastern Sirt Bain, Jalu Formation Isopach Map and Overlying Seal. 139
Fig. 3.38 Eastern Sirt Basin, Chadra Member Palaeogeographic Map. 140
Fig. 3.39 Cyrenaica, Well Location Map. 142
Fig. 3.40 Cyrenaica, Pre-Hercynian Subcrop Map. 145
Fig. 3.41 Cyrenaica, Triassic-Jurassic Facies Map. 146
Fig. 3.42 Cyrenaica, Simplified Stratigraphic Summary Chart (Late Jurassic to Miocene). 147
Fig. 3.43 Cyrenaica, Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Palaeogeographic Map. 148
Fig. 3.44 Cyrenaica, Late Albian-Early Cenomanian Palaeogeographic Map. 149
Fig. 3.45 Cyrenaica, Cenomanian to Campanian Palaeogeographic Map. 150
Fig. 3.46 Cyrenaica, Early Eocene Palaeogeographic Map. 151
Fig. 3.47 Cyrenaica, Mid-Eocene Palaeogeographic Map. 152
Fig. 3.48 Cyrenaica, Late Eocene Palaeogeographic Map. 152
Fig. 4.1 Libya Tectonic Elements. 162
Fig. 4.2 Hercynian Unconformity Subcrop Map. 164
Fig. 4.3 Kufrah Basin, Top Basement Structure Map. 165
Fig. 4.4 Kufrah Basin W–E Cross Section. 166
Fig. 4.5 Kufrah Basin N–S Cross Section. 167
Fig. 4.6 Murzuq Basin Top Ordovician Structure Map. 172
Fig. 4.7 Murzuq Basin W–E Cross Section. 173
Fig. 4.8 Tihimboka and Qarqaf Arch Pinchout Cross Sections. 175
Fig. 4.9 Ghadamis Basin Top Tadrart/Akakus Structure Map. 177
Fig. 4.10 Ghadamis Basin N–S Cross Section. 178
Fig. 4.11 Ghadamis Basin W–E Cross Section. 179
Fig. 4.12 Nafusah Arch–Jifarah Terrace S–N Cross Section. 181
Fig. 4.13 Sirt Basin Top Cretaceous Regional Structure Map. 182
Fig. 4.14 Sirt Basin W–E Regional Cross Section. 184
Fig. 4.15 Zallah Trough Top Zahrah Formation (Thanetian) Structure Map. 186
Fig. 4.16 Zallah Trough W–E Cross Section. 187
Fig. 4.17 Abu Tumayam Trough Top Bayda Formation (Selandian) Structure Map. 189
Fig. 4.18 Abu Tumayam Trough W–E Cross Section. 190
Fig. 4.19 Zahrah–Hufrah Platform Top Zahrah Formation (Thanetian) Structure Map. 191
Fig. 4.20 Zahrah–Hufrah Platform W–E Cross Section. 192
Fig. 4.21 Bayda Platform Top Bayda Formation (Selandian) Structure Map. 193
Fig. 4.22 Bayda Platform W–E Cross Section. 194
Fig. 4.23 Maradah Trough, Jahamah Platform, Zaltan Platform Top Cretaceous Structure Map. 196
Fig. 4.24 Maradah Trough, Zaltan Platform Cross Section. 197
Fig. 4.25 Ajdabiya Trough Top Cretaceous Structure Map. 200
Fig. 4.26 Ajdabiya Trough W–E Cross Section. 201
Fig. 4.27 Eastern Embayment Top Nubian Group Structure Map. 203
Fig. 4.28 Eastern Embayment N–S Cross Section. 204
Fig. 4.29 Amal Platform, Maragh Trough Top Cretaceous Structure Map. 206
Fig. 4.30 Amal Platform, Maragh Trough SW–NE Cross Section. 207
Fig. 4.31 Cyrenaica Platform, Jabal al Akhdar Uplift Top Cretaceous Structure Map. 209
Fig. 4.32 Cyrenaica Platform and Jabal al Akhdar Uplift NW–SE Cross Section. 211
Fig. 4.33 Sabratah Basin Top Jdeir Formation (Ypresian) Structure Map. 213
Fig. 4.34 Sabratah Basin S–N Cross Section. 214
Fig. 4.35 Offshore Sirt Embayment Top Mesozoic Time Structure Map. 216
Fig. 4.36 Offshore Sirt Embayment S–N Cross Section. 217
Fig. 4.37 Offshore Ajdabiya Trough Cross Section. 218
Fig. 4.38 Libya Eastern Offshore Tectonic Elements Map. 219
Fig. 4.39 Offshore Darnah Trough Time Structure Map Top Cretaceous. 221
Fig. 4.40 Offshore Darnah Trough S–N Cross Section. 222
Fig. 5.1 Principal Geochemical Indicators. 230
Fig. 5.2 Model for Silurian Hot Shale Distribution in North Africa. 232
Fig. 5.3 Generalised Distribution of Silurian Tanzuft Shale and Hot Shale Thickness, Murzuq Basin. 233
Fig. 5.4 Relationship Between Silurian Graptolite Zonation and Basal Silurian Hot Shale. 235
Fig. 5.5 Distribution of Silurian Tanzuft Shale and Hot Shale Thickness, Greater Ghadamis Basin. 236
Fig. 5.6 Frasnian Source Rock, Distribution and Maturity, Greater Ghadamis Basin. 238
Fig. 5.7 Depth to Basement and Tanzuft Facies, Al Kufrah Basin. 239
Fig. 5.8 Distribution and Thickness of Effective Sirt Shale Source Rock, Sirt Basin. 241
Fig. 5.9 Sirt Shale Source Rock, Maturity and Source Kitchens, Sirt Basin. 242
Fig. 5.10 Pre-Sirt Shale Source Rocks and Source Kitchens, Sirt Basin. 243
Fig. 5.11 Oil Families of the Eastern Sirt Basin. 244
Fig. 5.12 Eocene and Pre-Eocene Source Rocks, Sabratah Basin. 247
Fig. 5.13 Source Rock Potential, Cyrenaica. 249
Fig. 6.1 Petroleum Systems of Libya (Oil). 254
Fig. 6.2 Petroleum Systems of Libya (Gas). 256
Fig. 6.3 Sirt Basin, Eastern Embayment, Middle Sarir Sandstone Play Fairway. 260
Fig. 6.4 Sirt Basin, Eastern Embayment, Upper Sarir Sandstone Distribution. 261
Fig. 6.5 Sirt Basin, Eastern Embayment, Schematic Cross Section Illustrating Lateral Charge to Sarir Sandstone Fields. 262
Fig. 6.6 Sirt Basin, Eastern Embayment, Stratigraphic Correlation of Sarir Sandstone. 263
Fig. 6.7 Sirt Basin, Eastern Embayment, Cross Section Through Raml Main Field. 266
Fig. 6.8 Sirt Basin, Maastrichtian Play Fairways. 267
Fig. 6.9 Sirt Basin, Migration Pathways From Ajdabiya Trough. 268
Fig. 6.10 Sirt Basin, Wahah Play Migration Pathways. 270
Fig. 6.11 Sirt Basin, Zaltan/Upper Sabil Limestone Play Fairway. 271
Fig. 6.12 Sirt Basin, Zaltan Platform, Schematic Cross Section Illustrating Charge to Palaeocene and Cambro-Ordovician Reservoirs. 272
Fig. 6.13 Sirt Basin, Jalu Play Fairway. 274
Fig. 6.14 Sirt Basin, Jalu Play Migration Pathways. 275
Fig. 6.15 Sirt Basin, Ajdabiya Trough, Burial Model. 276
Fig. 6.16 Sirt Basin, Zallah Trough, Migration Pathways. 278
Fig. 6.17 Sirt Basin, Zahrah-Hufrah Platform, Limit of Palaeocene Carbonate Reservoirs. 280
Fig. 6.18 Sirt Basin, Zahrah-Hufrah Platform, Migration Pathways. 281
Fig. 6.19 Murzuq and Greater Ghadamis, Late Ordovician Play Fairway. 284
Fig. 6.20 Murzuq Basin, Late Ordovician Stratigraphic Architecture. 286
Fig. 6.21 Murzuq Basin, Source Kitchens. 287
Fig. 6.22 Greater Ghadamis Basin, Akakus Play Fairway. 289
Fig. 6.23 Ghadamis Basin, Schematic Cross Section Illustrating Charge to Palaeozoic Clastic Reservoirs. 290
Fig. 6.24 Ghadamis Basin, Burial Model. 292
Fig. 6.25 Sabratah Basin, Eocene (Ypresian) Play Fairway. 295
Fig. 6.26 Sabratah Basin, Migration Pathways. 297
Fig. 6.27 Sabratah Basin, Makhbaz/Bahloul Gas Play. 298
Fig. 6.28 Offshore Sirt, Geo-Seismic Cross Section Across the Sirt Trough. 300
Fig. 6.29 Offshore Sirt, Schematic Cross Section Illustrating Potential Charge Scenarios. 302
Fig. 6.30 Offshore Sirt, Eocene (Lutetian) Play. 303
Fig. 6.31 Offshore Sirt, Eocene (Lutetian) Reservoir Depositional Model. 304
Fig. 7.1 Location of Oil and Gas Fields Described in this Chapter. 308
Fig. 7.2 Table of Oil Fields with originally recoverable reserves (ORR) Greater than 500 MMB. 308
Fig. 7.3 Table of Gas Fields with ORR Greater than 1 TCF. 309
Fig. 7.4 Sarir Field. 310
Fig. 7.5 Messlah Field. 311
Fig. 7.6 Jalu Field. 313
Fig. 7.7 Nasser Field. 315
Fig. 7.8 Awjilah-Nafurah Field. 316
Fig. 7.9 Intisar D Field. 318
Fig. 7.10 Raqubah Field. 320
Fig. 7.11 Zahrah-Hufrah Field. 321
Fig. 7.12 Sabah Field. 323
Fig. 7.13 Shararah A Field. 325
Fig. 7.14 El Feel (Elephant) Field. 326
Fig. 7.15 Al Wafaa Field. 328
Fig. 7.16 Hamra Field. 329
Fig. 7.17 Bouri Field. 330
Fig. 7.18 Bahr Essalam Field. 332
Fig. 8.1 Components of Ultimate Potential. 336
Fig. 8.2 Libyan Oilfields With Oil Originally in Place (OOIP) of Over 1 Billion Barrels. 337
Fig. 8.3 Map of Selected Areas of Remaining Exploration Potential. 338
Fig. 8.4 Methods of Estimating Yet-to-Find Reserves. 344
Fig. 8.5 Illustration of (A) Creaming Curve and (B) Parabolic Fractals. 345
Fig. 8.6 Libyan Oilfields Ranked by Remaining Recoverable Reserves. 347
Preface to the Second Edition

When we were invited by Elsevier to produce a sec- debt of gratitude is due to our draftsman Bob Needham
ond edition of Petroleum Geology of Libya, we assumed whose skill and professionalism are so well displayed
it would be a relatively simple task. With two authors throughout this book.
instead of one, and with access to the extensive database We also wish to thank Louisa Hutchins, Marisa
of Nubian Consulting Ltd, and with the further attrac- LaFleur, Tasha Frank and Punitha Govindaradjane at
tion of being able to use colour illustrations it seemed Elsevier for bearing with the repeated delays and for
an appealing proposition. The project turned out to be guiding the book through the preparation and pro-
much more onerous than we had anticipated. About duction stages. Amongst our colleagues at Nubian
500 technical articles on the petroleum geology of Libya Consulting we wish to thank Jon Basell, Pedro Martinez
have appeared in the 14 years since the first edition. An Duran, Johannes Sobotzki, Simon Adams and Naveen
enormous amount of new information on the Kufrah, Anandakumar for their help in maintaining, operating
Murzuq, Cyrenaica and offshore areas has become avail- and updating the database, and to Julie Richardson and
able, sequence stratigraphy has transformed the way Johannes Sobotzki for their contributions to Chapters 5
we think about the sedimentary succession, and many and 7, respectively. Our thanks also to David Boote, Nick
new exploration concepts have emerged. This has ren- Blake, Bindra Thusu, Sebastian Luning and Mustafa
dered much of the first edition obsolete and has led to Salem for providing information and advice, and to
a major re-write of large sections of the book. Murphy's our present and former Libyan colleagues for valuable
laws inevitably played their part, but eventually we technical discussions extending over many years. We
reached our objective of producing an updated survey wish to thank Hassan Hassan (BP) and Robert Kohazy
of the petroleum geology of Libya within the confines of (OMV) for their comments on sections of text and some
a single volume which we hope will help oil companies, of the illustrations, and Michael McKimm and Wendy
investment advisors, academics and others to obtain an Cawthorne at the Geological Society Library for provid-
informed overview of the subject. ing extended loan facilities on a number of key publi-
There have been some changes in the organisation of the cations and access to the Georef and Athens reference
contents. We have opted to present stratigraphy as a sin- systems. And finally we should like to thank our wives
gle chapter, and to rearrange the material by basin. A new Irina and Rosemary for their stoic acceptance of living
chapter has been added to describe and illustrate examples for more than two years under the shadow of ‘the book.’
of 15 major oil and gas fields, and the final chapter on re- There have of course been major changes in Libya
maining potential has been expanded and updated. New during the past 14 years, most notably the overthrow
material has been added on the offshore areas and on oil of the Qadafi regime in 2011 and the subsequent civil
and gas reserves. Where a basin extends into an adjacent war. Not surprisingly there has been a great decline in
country, as with the Ghadamis Basin into Algeria and the both exploration and production activity, yet despite
Sabratah Basin into Tunisia, an attempt has been made to all the problems exploration and production wells are
incorporate data on the entire basin for the sake of com- still ­being drilled and oil and gas are being produced.
pleteness. We have also taken the opportunity to change The ­lesson of history is that eventually all situations
from metres to feet, as the vast majority of logs and maps ­normalise, and with very large volumes of oil and gas
in Libya are scaled in feet. The new material has led to a still to be extracted, and with companies waiting for the
considerable expansion of the bibliography. opportunity to participate, it must be in everyone's inter-
This book could not have been written without ac- ests that this occurs sooner rather than later.
cess to the excellent database of Nubian Consulting Ltd A companion website with all figures can be found at:
and the generous financial support of ION who funded
the drafting of the illustrations. We should particularly
like to thank Jason Robinson, Phill Houghton, Paul Don Hallett
Bellingham and Vinton Buffenmyer of ION for their Daniel Clark-Lowes
continued support and encouragement, and a special February, 2016


History of Oil and Gas Exploration


1.1 Introduction 1 1.5 The Decade 1980–89 21

1.2 The Decade 1950–59 4 1.6 The Decade 1990–99 25
1.3 The Decade 1960–69 8 1.7 The Decade 2000–09 27
1.4 The Decade 1970–79 16 1.8 The Period 2010–15 31

1.1 INTRODUCTION died of fever. In 1822 a better equipped but poorly led
expedition set out under the joint leadership of Dixon
Libya has known many masters—Phoenician, Denham, an army lieutenant and Hugh Clapperton a na-
Carthaginian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Arab, Ottoman, val lieutenant, accompanied by a naval surgeon, Walter
Italian, and Allied military control after the Second Oudney. The expedition reached Lake Chad, but Oudney
World War. There was little organised scientific activ- died and Denham returned to England. Clapperton con-
ity before the annexation of Libya by Italy in 1911, al- tinued but was halted just 5 days march from the Niger
though a number of expeditions, some with scientific by a local sheikh. Most tragic of all was the expedition of
interests, passed through Libya in the 19th century. The Gordon Laing in 1826. He became the first European to
main objective of these expeditions, mostly organised reach Timbuktu, but was murdered by his Tuareg guides
by the London-based African Association, was to ex- as he returned through what is now Mali.1
plore the region southwards from Murzuq to Timbuktu, The first expedition with any pretensions of scientific
determine the course of the Niger River and assess the enquiry was conducted by Dr Heinrich Barth who joined
commercial potential of the area. The earliest of these ex- James Richardson's expedition in 1850, accompanied by
peditions was undertaken by Friedrich Hornemann who geologist and astronomer Dr Adolf Overweg. The ex-
travelled with a camel caravan from Egypt into Libya pedition crossed the Gharyan hills and the Hamadah al
passing through the oases of Siwa and Awjilah, and then Hamra and Overweg collected fossils between Murzuq
across the Haruj al Aswad to Murzuq, and subsequently and Ghat which were later identified by Heinrich Beyrich
to Tripoli. He returned to Murzuq in Aug. 1799 and was as Carboniferous, the first record of Carboniferous rocks
never seen again. In 1817 a military expedition led by in North Africa. Richardson and Overweg both died
the Bey of Tripoli traversed the coastal route from Tripoli on the expedition, but Barth explored the area between
to Cyrenaica and was accompanied by an Italian doctor, Murzuq, Lake Chad and Timbuktu, publishing a de-
Paolo Della Cella, who wrote an account of the expedi- tailed account of his travels in 1857/58. Other explorers
tion and noted the presence of fossils in Cyrenaica. This continued to explore the area into the 1860s and 1870s.
is the earliest known reference to geology in Libya. The At a time when borders were nonexistent French geol-
African Association's second attempt, this time start- ogists, working in eastern Algeria in the 1880s, identi-
ing from Tripoli, was made by George Lyon and Joseph fied Devonian rocks in the Jabal Akakus and Cretaceous
Ritchie in 1819 but only reached Murzuq where Ritchie rocks on the Hamadah al Hamra. Both of these areas are

Petroleum Geology of Libya 1 Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 1. History of Oil and Gas Exploration

now in Libya. Finally, after an Italian expedition in 1881 whilst flying over Tubruq in 1940 when his plane was
the Ottoman authorities discouraged further explora- shot down by Italian antiaircraft guns.
tion, and the European powers turned their attention to In these circumstances it is surprising that Italian ge-
other areas.2 ologists made any notable progress in examining and
In 1908 J.W. Gregory, professor of Geology at Glasgow documenting the geology of Libya, but the first rudi-
University, led an expedition to Cyrenaica under the mentary geological map of the accessible parts of Libya
auspices of the Jewish Territorial Organization to deter- was published in 1913 at a scale of 1:6,000,000,6 and a
mine whether Cyrenaica would be suitable as a home for number of papers were published on practical aspects
Jewish refugees recently displaced from eastern Europe. such as water supply, minerals and building material
This is not as strange as it may first appear as Jews had in the period up to the First World War. In the 1920s a
a long and prominent history in Cyrenaica dating back second generation of Italian geologists led by Ardito
to Roman times. The expedition studied the geography, Desio produced reports on some of the more remote
geology, agriculture and water supply of the area and regions of Libya. Desio was a charismatic figure: geol-
Gregory published an account of the geology in 1911 ogist, cartographer, explorer and mountaineer. In 1926
which described and named seven Tertiary formations, he led a geological expedition to the Al Jaghbub oasis
some of which are still in use today. The plan for a Jewish on the border with Egypt, and in 1931 he undertook a
settlement in Cyrenaica however was abandoned.3 more ambitious expedition by camel caravan across the
Libya was invaded by the Italians at the beginning of Sahara to the border of Sudan, followed by an expedi-
the Italian–Turkish war of 1911. The Italians expected to tion to the Tibisti mountains in 1935. He became director
be regarded as liberators by the Libyans, but this was a of the Libyan Geological Service from 1936 to 1940 when
grave miscalculation, which led to 20 years of almost in- he reported on deep aquifers, which did much to stimu-
cessant warfare. The Italian hold on Libya was tenuous late agriculture, and on surface oil seeps which led to the
until 1922 when Mussolini's Fascists seized control in birth of the Libyan oil industry.7 During his long career
Italy. They then embarked on La Riconquista of Libya un- he published over 120 papers on the geology of Libya
der generals Volpi and Graziani, which developed into during the period 1927–75.8 Traces of methane were re-
a protracted guerrilla war from 1922 to 1932, a war de- ported in a water well drilled near Tripoli in 19149 and
scribed as ‘long, petty and spiteful’. The western part of subsequently gas was noticed in several wells drilled
Libya was gradually subdued, but Murzuq, the capital on the coastal plain and on the Jabal Nafusah. In 1926
of Fezzan, was not conquered until 1930. In Cyrenaica, Crema found traces of oil in a well at Sidi al Masri in the
the Libyans, led by Omar Mukhtar, a local Sanussi suburbs of Tripoli.10 Under Desio's leadership Agip was
sheikh, put up tougher resistance, but in 1930 Graziani persuaded to conduct a 2-year reconnaissance campaign
was appointed Vice-Governor of Cyrenaica. Using the and to drill a 5,000 ft exploration well near Tripoli, which
brutal methods for which he was well-known, he confis- proved to be dry, but it was during this period that Desio
cated estates, exiled leaders, poisoned wells and erected predicted that the Sirt Basin would be a favourable area
a 200 km barbed wire fence along the border with Egypt. for hydrocarbon generation and accumulation (Fig. 1.1).
Nomads and their flocks were herded into concentration Further reconnaissance work in 1940 was cut short by
camps, one of which was located at Marsa al Brayqah the outbreak of war.11
where the future Esso port and terminal were to be built. The Italian geological investigations were ended by
With superior manpower and equipment Libyan resis- the Second World War which had a devastating im-
tance was finally crushed. Omar Mukhtar was captured pact on Libya. Three times the fighting surged across
in Sep. 1931 and after a summary trial he was hanged at Cyrenaica. Towns like Darnah and Tubruq were de-
Soluq.4 stroyed, and Binghazi was left in ruins. Most Italian
With the Italians now in full control they set about settlers returned to Italy during the early stages of the
establishing the so-called Fourth Shore. Confiscated es- war, and the countryside was left deserted. The allies
tates and ownerless land was appropriated and sold off finally drove the axis forces westwards and Tripoli sur-
cheaply. Mussolini encouraged Italian peasants and the rendered in Jan. 1943 and the rest of Libya was cleared
unemployed to acquire land, but the hot, dry climate by February. Large areas, particularly in the coastal
made farming difficult and the economic crisis of the plain west of Ajdabiya were heavily mined, and some
early 1930s made progress painfully slow. In 1937 there of these mines were not removed until the 1970s and
were only 1,300 Italian immigrant families farming in 1980s, ironically mostly by German contractors. For a
Libya, but under the leadership of Italo Balbo, Governor- number of years the salvaging of abandoned war ma-
General of Libya, a further 20,000 immigrants were terial provided a lucrative source of income to scrap
shipped to Libya in Dec. 1938 to occupy farms prepared metal dealers. From 1943 Libya was under the control of
for them in advance by the Fascist authorities.5 Balbo British and French military authorities, and the United
suffered the unusual fate of being killed by friendly fire States was granted the use of the former Libyan Grand
1.1 Introduction 3

Mediterranean Sea
Tripoli Darnah
Az Zawiyah Al Bayda
Al Jabal al Akhdar Tubruq
Gharyan Binghazi 32°
Al Burdi
Gulf of Sirt
Nafusah Sirt 31°
Az Zuwaytinah
As Sidrah Ajdabiya

Ras Lanuf Al Brayqah Cyrenaica
Platform 30°
Jabal as
Sawda Hun 29°
Al Qarqaf 28°
Al Haruj
Sabha al Aswad 27°

Tazirbu Jabal
al A


Waw al Kabir
Basin 25°


Waw an Namus

Algeria Al Kufrah


Jabal Azbah 23°
Ti Al Kufrah
bi Arknu
st Basin
Niger i 22°
Legend Awaynat

Recent volcanic terrains

Chad 21°
Principal sedimentary basins
Areas of thin sedimentary cover
Palaeozoic and basement outcrops 0 100 200 300 km

10° 11° 12° 13° 14° 15° 16° 17° 18° 19° 20° 21° 22° 23° 24° 25°
Source: Geological map of Libya (1985)
FIG. 1.1 Libya: The Four Principal Basins.
The Sirt Basin is Mesozoic and Tertiary in age, whereas the Ghadamis, Murzuq and Kufrah basins are Palaeozoic, with variable post-Palaeozoic
cover. The volcanic rocks are Neogene to recent in age.

Prix racing circuit at Mellaha for use as an airfield. This base in the Mediterranean. Wheelus Field provided a
became the Wheelus Field. However, as John Wright supplementary base from which the United States was
perceptively wrote in 1969 ‘Colonels do not necessarily able to monitor events in the Middle East and southern
make the best rulers’. The allies all had hidden agen- Europe. In short, the allies were reluctant to leave Libya.
das. In Fezzan the French administered Ghat as part of Italy was formally stripped of its African empire in Feb.
southern Algeria, and Ghadamis as part of Tunisia, and 1947, but it still came as something of a shock when the
the British regarded Libya as a strategically important United Nations voted to grant independence to Libya in
4 1. History of Oil and Gas Exploration

Nov. 1949. After 2 years of n

­ egotiation, in which Sayyed sions could be awarded. The country was divided into
Idris, the Emir of Cyrenaica, who had negotiated with four petroleum zones with each zone carrying different
the Italians in the 1920s but had spent the years 1922–43 rental charges and work commitments. The law was de-
in exile, was nominated as king-elect. Libya became an liberately drafted to be attractive to foreign oil companies,
independent federal kingdom on 24 Dec. 1951.12 but it contained two serious flaws which were to have se-
rious repercussions later. Royalities were defined as being
payable on the value of crude oil ‘on the field’, and were
LI BYA N N AMES allowable as a tax credit, and secondly, the law provided
The transliteration of Arabic names to Latin script is specific protection against retrospective legislation being
never easy. As far as possible in this book, geographical applied to a concession agreement without the consent of
names have been represented as shown in the National both parties. There was no reference anywhere in the law
Atlas of Libya published in 1978, supplemented by names to posted price.15 The areas which appeared most favour-
derived from other Libyan sources such as the Geological able to the oil companies in 1955 as a result of the recon-
Map of Libya and publications of the Earth Science Society of naissance programmes, were northern Cyrenaica where
Libya. Stratigraphic names are much more complex as they major structures had been observed, and adjacent to the
are governed by the Code of Stratigraphic Nomenclature, Algerian border where exploration by French companies
a cardinal principal of which is that a stratigraphic name in the Illizi Basin was very active. The first two conces-
and its spelling once correctly established should not be sions, awarded in Nov. 1955, were in these areas: con-
changed. This leads to endless confusion in Libya as most cession 1 was awarded to Esso Standard adjacent to the
stratigraphic names are based on geographic names, and Algerian border, and concession 2 to Nelson Bunker Hunt
geographic names and spelling have frequently been rad- in northern Cyrenaica. In December a French consortium
ically changed. The dilemma then arises should the origi- operating in Algeria discovered the large Edjeleh field on
nal stratigraphic name, for example, Gialo Formation, be the very boundary of the Esso concession. Forty-five more
retained when the geographic location is now called Jalu? concessions were awarded in Dec. 1955 and Jan. 1956, and
The answer strictly should be yes, but Libyan publications, a further 48 concessions were awarded in the period up
most notably the symposium volumes on the Sedimentary Apr. 1961, after which no further licences were issued un-
Basins of Libya have almost exclusively adopted the prag- der the 1955 law.16
matic approach of altering stratigraphic names to match
the geographic names which, strictly speaking, contra-
venes the rules of stratigraphic nomenclature. In this book L I B YA N CO NCE S S I O N
we follow the current Libyan practice of using identical NO M E NCL ATURE
versions for both geographic and stratigraphic names.
Several different types of concession have been issued
over the years:

1. Concessions granted under the 1955 Petroleum Law

1.2 THE DECADE 1950–59 from 1955 to 1961 were numbered 1–95.
2. Concessions granted under the 1965 Petroleum Law in
The fledgling kingdom did not have a smooth start, as 1966 were numbered 96–137.
King Idris was dependent on the support of the British 3. Joint Venture concessions granted from 1968 to 1973
military to maintain his authority. In 1955 he moved were numbered LP1–LP31.
permanently from Binghazi to the British garrison town 4. New concessions were introduced in 1974. These
of Tubruq.13 Wheelus air base was leased to the United conformed to EPSA I regulations and were granted
States for 15 years from 1954, but the French, who had from 1974 to 1979. They were numbered NC1–NC97.
become embroiled in a war against the Arabs in Algeria, 5. EPSA II concessions were granted from 1980 to 1988
were forced to relinquish their administration in Fezzan and were numbered NC98–NC152.
by the end of 1956. 6. EPSA III concessions were granted from 1989 to 2005
In 1953 the Libyan government enacted a Minerals Law and were numbered NC153–NC216.
which permitted the allocation of preliminary prospecting 7. In 2005 the concession awards system was changed
permits to foreign oil companies. Eleven major interna- to one of competitive bidding, and at the same time
tional companies obtained permits including Esso, Shell, the concession numbering system was changed. The
BP and CFP. Drilling operations were not permitted, and new concessions were based initially on 1-degree
the areas awarded for prospecting were not exclusive.14 In latitude and longitude quadrangles. EPSA IV Round
Jun. 1955 the first Libyan Petroleum Law was published. 1 concessions were granted in Mar. 2005 when 15
The law declared that all sub-­surface minerals were state concessions were awarded.
property, and established the rules under which conces-
1.2 The Decade 1950–59 5
Libya, where they came across the wreckage of a US
8. For EPSA IV Round 2 the 1-degree quadrangles were Liberator bomber. Subsequent investigation showed
divided into quarter blocks, so that a concession might that the plane, named Lady Be Good, had disappeared in
carry the number 102/4. Forty of these quarter blocks Apr. 1943 following a bombing raid on Naples. Most of
were awarded in Dec. 2005. the crew survived the crash landing and attempted to
9. EPSA IV Round 3 concessions were granted in Dec. walk across the desert to their base near Binghazi. None
2006 and Jan. 2007, when 29 quarter blocks were of them survived, but they left a record of their doomed
awarded. attempt which was found when seismic crews visited
10. EPSA IV Round 4 concessions were granted in 2008 the area in Feb. 1959.20
when 19 quarter blocks were awarded. Drilling began in earnest in 1958. Twenty-seven wild-
Examples of all these types of concession are still current cat wells were spudded and the first major discoveries
today. There have also been several out-of-round awards were made. In west Libya Esso continued to evaluate
such as those to BP in 2007 and to ExxonMobil in 2008. concession 1 with six further wells, several of which had
gas shows, and Shell began evaluating the area north of
concession 1. Gulf drilled three dry holes in concession
67 on the edge of the Murzuq sand sea, and tested oil in
As a result of these awards 70% of the land area of well A1-68 in an area where major discoveries were to
Libya was licensed, including all but the most unpro- be made in later years. CFP made a small oil discovery
spective or inhospitable areas. In west Libya the entire in Devonian sandstones at Tahara in concession 49, and
Ghadamis and Murzuq Basins were licensed, and all Shell made the first discovery in the northern Ghadamis
of Cyrenaica and the Sirt Basin were covered by con- Basin at Tlakshin in the Akakus reservoir of late Silurian
cessions (Fig. 1.2). Even at this early date some of the age. Further east BP drilled two wells in the area between
concessions were offshore, mostly in the Gulf of Sirt, but west Libya and the Sirt Basin without success.21
also off the coast of Cyrenaica. The principal companies
which were granted concessions were Esso, Mobil, Oasis
(a consortium formed by Amerada, Continental and L I CE NCE S I S S UE D UND E R THE 1 9 5 5
Marathon), Amoseas (a consortium of Texaco and Socal), P E TRO L E UM L AW, 1 9 5 5 – 6 1
Gulf, BP, Shell, and CFP. Among smaller American com-
Terms: variable rental charges and work commitments,
panies were Libyan American (a subsidiary of Texas
12.5% royalties, taxes and staged relinquishments.
Gulf), Nelson Bunker Hunt and W.R. Grace. Smaller
Concessions numbered 1–95.
European companies were represented by Deutsche
Most significant awards: Esso: concessions 6, 17, 20,
Erdoel, Wintershall, Elwerath, CORI, Ausonia Mineraria
Mobil: concessions 11, 12, 13, Oasis: concessions 32, 59, 71,
and SNPA. It could be fairly claimed that the Libyan
Amoseas: concessions 47, 51, BP: concessions 65, 80, Gulf:
government had achieved its objective of a diverse port-
concession 66.
folio of licence holders with no one company holding a
Wildcat wells drilled on concessions 1–95 (1958–
dominant position.17
2014): 1221.
The first wildcats to be drilled in Libya under the new
Principal discoveries on concessions 1–95: Ghani,
Petroleum Law were located mostly on structures iden-
Zahrah-Hufrah, Bahi, Mabruq, Raqubah, Zaltan (Nasser),
tified by surface mapping. Libyan American spudded
Wahah, Dayfah, Amal, Nafurah, Jalu, Sarir, Messlah.
well A1-18 in Apr. 1956, only 4 months after the licence
was granted.18 The well tested a large anticlinal structure
in northern Cyrenaica but proved to be dry. In 1957 four
companies were involved in drilling campaigns. Libyan Drilling continued in the Sirt Basin and in Apr. 1958
American drilled two more dry holes on concession 18, and the A1-32 well of Oasis discovered oil in the small North
BP drilled a dry hole in the area near Tripoli investigated by Bahi structure on the western margin of the Az Zahrah
Agip before the war. Esso began operations in concession 1 Platform. This was followed in September by a much
close to the recent French discoveries in Algeria. Their sec- larger discovery in the B1-32 well which Oasis named
ond well, at Atshan, made a gas discovery which, on ap- the Az Zahrah (Dahra) field. On the adjacent block Mobil
praisal, turned out to be a significant find containing both drilled the A1-11 well which encountered good shows
oil and gas in multiple reservoirs. Mobil drilled the first in the same reservoir interval, and which on appraisal,
well in the Sirt Basin, A1-57, which was drilled primarily proved another major discovery, which Mobil named
to evaluate the Tertiary section on the Az Zahrah Platform, the Al Hufrah (Hofra) field. Amoseas was active on the
but found no trace of hydrocarbons.19 western flank of the Sirt Basin, but without success. Esso
In May 1958 BP carried out an aerial reconnaissance began operations in the central Sirt Basin and reported
of concession 81, deep in the Great Sand Sea of eastern a small discovery in Eocene carbonates in concession 5.
6 1. History of Oil and Gas Exploration


Mediterranean Sea
9 54
Tunisia 53 28 55
2745 36 29
42 15 18 56 32°
83 7 2 19
61 86 89 35
70 41 14 31°
39 87 46
30 4 33
43 10

24 88
26 60 ZONE I 25
32 16 5 31 ZONE II 30°

40 6
66 69 12 51
3 44 20 82 29°
11 13
52 63 84
62 57
59 80 28°
1 75
68 81
67 73 22 77
85 26°

67pt 64 74 25°

Algeria 76


Niger 22°


0 100 200 300 km 20°

10° 11° 12° 13° 14° 15° 16° 17° 18° 19° 20° 21° 22° 23° 24° 25°
Source: AAPG Petroleum Developments in Africa (1961)
FIG. 1.2 Concession Map 1955–60.
The first concessions were awarded in 1955 with further awards up to 1960. By then 70% of the country had been licensed. The awards included
several offshore concessions.

The 1958 drilling programme had resulted in seven dis- thirdly, the large structures mapped in Cyrenaica had
coveries of which two were commercial (Az Zahrah and proved disappointing. Desio's prediction that the Sirt
Al Hufrah).22 Basin appeared favourable for hydrocarbons was begin-
By the end of 1958 three factors were becoming clear: ning to be borne out.
firstly, in west Libya several small oil and gas accumu- The discovery which changed the face of the Libyan
lations had been found in Palaeozoic clastic reservoirs, oil industry came in 1959 when Esso drilled their C1-6
secondly it was apparent that the major commercial oil well. The well was located on a prospect on the Zaltan
accumulations were being found in the Sirt Basin, and Platform which proved to be a Palaeocene carbonate
1.2 The Decade 1950–59 7
complex with excellent reservoirs and a 340 ft oil col- field with their second well, with oil reservoired in base-
umn. Oil was tested at a rate of 17,500 barrels per day.23 ment quartzites and Cretaceous basal sands. Amoseas
Subsequent appraisal showed that the discovery was a had their first success in concession 47 when their sec-
giant field. In addition the field was shown to contain a ond well found the Al Bayda (Beda) field with oil in
number of subordinate oil-bearing reservoirs. The field several Palaeocene carbonate reservoirs. Esso, which
was named Zaltan, but was renamed Nasser in honour had taken over the operatorship of concession 17 from
of the President of the United Arab Republic when he Libyan American, discovered a large oil pool at Mabruq,
died in 1970. As a result of this discovery drilling activ- but the reservoir was thin and heavily faulted. In west
ity increased dramatically and, whilst some drilling con- Libya CFP in concession 23, Gulf in concession 66 and
tinued in west Libya, the focus of attention now swung Oasis in concession 26 all reported discoveries, but on a
firmly to the Sirt Basin. much smaller scale than those in the Sirt Basin.24
Other successes were announced in rapid succession. Of the 18 discoveries announced in 1959 (from a total
In 1959 Oasis, exploring in the area south of Zaltan, made of 40 exploration wildcat wells), 6 were giant commercial
two major discoveries with their first two wells in con- discoveries (Al Bayda, Zaltan, Amal, Az Zahrah East, Al
cession 59. The A1-59 well discovered the giant Wahah Wahah and Dayfah). The year 1959 can be said to mark
field in which the reservoir was a late Cretaceous near- the coming of age of the Libyan oil industry (Fig. 1.3).
shore carbonate, whilst the B1-59 well found the Dayfah Libya was rapidly becoming a significant force on the
(Defa) field, a huge Palaeocene carbonate build-up, international oil scene and the Sirt Basin was developing
with some similarities to Zaltan, and with equally good as a major new oil province, and one with a wide variety
­reservoir characteristics. Oasis also continued explora- of oil reservoirs and structural styles.
tion on the Az Zahrah Platform in concession 32 where Tripoli became a boom town as companies brought
their F1-32 well discovered the Az Zahrah East pool, in exploration and production staff. The Petroleum
which subsequently proved to be an extension of Mobil's Exploration Society of Libya was founded in 1958 and
Al Hufrah field. Mobil began evaluation of concession 12 became a major forum for the exchange of ideas, the or-
in the eastern Sirt basin and discovered the giant Amal ganisation of field excursions and the s­tandardisation

Wildcat exploration wells per year


100 C1 C2 C3

B1 B2 B3

40 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6














A Licence awards and evaluation B Disputes
A1 Evaluation of original concessions 1–95 B1 Posted price dispute
A2 Evaluation of concessions 96–137 B2 State participation and nationalisation
A3 Evaluation of EPSA I concessions B3 International sanctions
A4 Evaluation of EPSA II concessions
A5 Evaluation of EPSA III concessions C Regimes
A6 Evaluation of EPSA IV concessions C1 King Idris regime
C2 Qadafi regime
C3 Post Qadafi regime

Source: Nubian Consulting Ltd.

FIG. 1.3 Number of Wildcat Exploration Wells Drilled Per Year.
The level of exploration drilling has been affected by numerous internal and external events, as shown.
8 1. History of Oil and Gas Exploration

of nomenclature. As early as 1956 Professor Desio

was invited by the Stratigraphic Commission of ­ umbering system and adopting a numbering based on
the International Geological Congress to prepare a the new quadrangular system. Thus Harouge Oil and Gas
Stratigraphic Lexicon for Libya. A draft was prepared, drilled a well designated A1-89/2 on what was until 2007
but in an effort to include some of the more recent data, concession 11, whilst concessions 89/1 and 89/3 are EPSA
the newly formed Petroleum Exploration Society of IV blocks awarded to Shell. There is further scope for con-
Libya asked P.F. Burollet to revise and update the draft. fusion for wells drilled on a particular field on which the
The Lexicon was published under the auspices of the licence number has changed. On the Hamra field in the
International Geological Congress in 1960, but with the Ghadamis Basin the first five wells were designated F1-66
benefit of hindsight it was published prematurely. It was to F5-66, the next wells on the field were designated F6-
based partly on pre-war data, some of the entries were LP10B to F11-LP10B and the most recent wells on the field
derived from unpublished company reports and thereby are designated F12-NC8 to F29-NC8. Even more confus-
contravened the Code of Stratigraphic Nomenclature, it ingly on the Tlakshin field the first four wells were A1-70 to
relied exclusively on surface data and did not include A4-70, and the next seven wells, not A5-NC4 to A11-NC4,
the Sirt Basin. As a result it quickly fell into disfavour but A1-NC4 to A7-NC4.
and each operating oil company set up its own system of
stratigraphic nomenclature, which was to lead to endless
confusion in subsequent years.25 1.3 THE DECADE 1960–69

Exploration drilling continued on an upward trend

LI BYA N WELL NOMENCLATURE throughout 1960 with 67 exploration wells being drilled
The well numbering system in Libya is unique. The (Fig. 1.3). In the Sirt Basin Amoseas continued explor-
concept is deceptively simple, but the reality can be very ing concession 47 and discovered the medium-sized
confusing. Al Kotlah field, BP commenced operations in conces-
A well is identified by three elements: the prospect on sions 65 and 80 in the south-eastern part of the basin,
which it was drilled—designated by a letter, the number of and Esso continued work in the central Sirt Basin. Their
the well on that prospect—designated by a number and the H1-6 well found a gas field which was named Mn Berber
concession on which the prospect is located. A well desig- (subsequently renamed Assumud), and in concession 20
nated A1-1 indicates that it was drilled on the A prospect, Esso discovered another giant oilfield at Ar Raqubah
that it is the first well on that prospect, and that it is located (Raguba), with oil present in late Cretaceous calcaren-
on concession 1. Subsequent wells on the same prospect ites. Shell began exploration in concession 41 and made
would be numbered A2-1, A3-1, etc. The next prospect to be a significant discovery at Antlat near Binghazi, but in
drilled is B, then C and so on. A discovery with many wells poor quality Eocene carbonates.26 The tally for 1960 was
could carry the designation, for example, C206-6. After the 14 oil discoveries of which two were commercial (Ar
Z prospect was drilled the next prospects were AA, BB, CC, Raqubah and Al Kotlah), and 3 gas discoveries one of
etc., giving, for example, BB1-59. After the ZZ prospect was which (Assumud) was developed at a later date.
drilled the next prospects are AAA, BBB, etc. On concession In 1961 BP's third well on concession 65 discovered the
59 one of the more recent wells is SSSSSS1-59 usually ab- giant As Sarir field, and in so doing opened up the whole
breviated to 6S1-59. This is the 169th prospect to be drilled of the south-east Sirt Basin.27 Oasis made an equally spec-
on concession 59. The letter W is reserved for water wells. tacular discovery at Jalu in the eastern Sirt Basin with mul-
On later concessions a well designation could be for ex- tiple oil-bearing reservoirs of Eocene and Oligocene age.
ample A1-LP4F on a joint venture concession, A1-NC29C Oasis had further successes in concession 59 at Samah,
on an EPSA I concession and A1-120/2 on an EPSA IV con- Masrab, Harash, Zaqqut, and Khalifah, and after years
cession. The suffixes F, C and/2 in these examples refer to of unsuccessful appraisal of the A1-32 discovery they fi-
part blocks within the concession. Replacement wells are nally discovered the Bahi field in 1968. Esso had a small
designated with a small letter after the original well num- discovery at Al Meghil in concession 6 and Elwerath,
ber, for example, A1a-NC87, sidetracked wells by the des- one of the small German independents, reported the first
ignation ST, as in HH94ST-65, horizontal wells by the letter indication of oil in the Zallah Trough which was subse-
H, as in HH96H-65, and injection wells with the letter I, as quently to become a major producing area.28
in A79I-100. Companies which had made commercial discoveries
Confusion arises where wells have similar designa- rapidly set about developing them (Fig. 1.4). Develop­
tions such as A1-59, A1-NC59 and A1-59/4. This is made ment wells were drilled and pipelines and pumping
worse by the practice, adopted in 2007 on concessions stations were installed. Esso laid a 169 km 36-in. pipe-
held by ­particular operators, of abandoning the ­sequential line from Zaltan to Al Brayqah where they e­ stablished a
port and export facility on the site of the former Italian
1.3 The Decade 1960–69 9


Oil discoveries per year

A1 A2 A3

B1 B2 B3


Key factors
A1 Major discoveries mostly in Sirt Basin on 1956–60
A2 Significant discoveries in Ghadamis and Murzuq basins
on EPSA II concessions
A3 Significant discoveries in Murzuq Basin on EPSA III
B1 Low level of activity due to state participation and
B2 Low level of activity due to international sanctions
B3 Low level of activity following 2011 revolution

Source: Nubian Consulting Ltd.

FIG. 1.4 Oil Discoveries Per Year.
Significant discoveries made by year. About 450 oil discoveries have been made in Libya in the period 1958–2014. Of these, 165 have been devel-
oped and brought on stream and a further 185 have recoverable reserves of more than 10 million barrels.

concentration camp, and the first cargo of crude oil from approval of the operating companies since the original
Libya was shipped in Sep. 1961, just 27 months after the Petroleum Law specified that changes could only be im-
first test at Zaltan. Oasis established a similar facility at plemented by mutual consent. The companies finally
As Sidrah, and Mobil/Amoseas at Ra's Lanuf. By the agreed to these proposals but only after extracting ma-
end of 1961 10 giant fields had been discovered, over jor concessions from the government which effectively
200 development wells had been drilled, and Libya had nullified the government's gains.30 In the next 4 years,
­become an oil exporter.29 during which production rapidly increased, companies
In 1960 the first relinquishments took place under calculated their tax liability on the basis of posted price.
the terms of the 1955 law which required 25% surren- The posted price was established by the companies on
der within 5 years. In 1961 six of the surrendered blocks the free market price of actual cargoes shipped from
were reassigned to Phillips and Pan American. No fur- Libyan ports. Under the new agreements they were then
ther concessions were awarded for the next 5 years. The permitted to deduct expenses and rebates which had the
reaction of the government to the discovery of major oil effect of substantially reducing the government's taxa-
accumulations was to question the liberal terms which tion income. At a time of falling oil prices it was felt that
had been offered to companies before any oil had been several operators in Libya were taking unfair advantage
discovered. The government felt that the 1955 law re- of the posted price and rebate system.31
quired revision in order to secure the national interest The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
and bring the law more into line with practices in the (OPEC) was established in 1960 to protect the interests of
Middle East. Amendments were published in 1961 after petroleum exporting countries and Libya became a mem-
lengthy discussions with the operators. They attempted ber in 1962. OPEC was at that time concerned to establish
to modify the way in which profits were taxed by es- a standard level of royalties and to ensure that royal-
tablishing posted price as the basis for calculating tax ties could not be offset against taxes, as was the case in
charges. The government was anxious to obtain the Libya. In 1964 the international majors agreed to OPEC's
10 1. History of Oil and Gas Exploration

­ roposals in return for a temporary reduction in the level

p There is little evidence that the posted price dispute
of posted price. In Libya however the operators were di- had any significant impact on drilling activity. Libya
vided. The majors were in favour of the OPEC propos- still represented a highly profitable environment in
als, subject to certain concessions, but the independents which the oil was of excellent quality with low sul-
were not. In 1965, following a meeting of OPEC minis- phur content, and transportation was not dependent
ters in Tripoli, the Ministry of Petroleum Affairs set up a on long tanker voyages or transit through the Suez
committee to look into the possibility of introducing the Canal. Exploration activity developed rapidly follow-
OPEC formula on royalties to all operators in Libya. The ing the major discoveries in 1959–61. Wildcat drilling
committee recommended implementation of the OPEC peaked in 1963 with 133 exploration wells totalling
proposals, and a new Petroleum Law was promulgated over 1 million feet of exploration footage (Fig. 1.4).
by the Libyan Parliament in Dec. 1965. The new law in- This marked the culmination of drilling activity on the
corporated both the principle that royalties could not be original concessions. Thereafter the annual total de-
used as credits against tax, and that expenses and rebates clined steadily as more effort was diverted into devel-
on the posted price were limited to the amounts set out opment drilling and as acreage relinquishments began
in the OPEC formula. In return the government agreed to reduce the area available for exploration. The fact
to write-off all disputed tax discounts and rebates for the that no new concessions were awarded between 1961
period up to the end of 1964.32 Companies were given a and 1966 during the posted-price dispute was also a
deadline within which to accept the new law. Several of ­contributory factor.33
the independents resisted, but under threat of sanctions The early pace of oil exploration in Libya was phe-
from OPEC they eventually acquiesced. The Petroleum nomenal. Ten billion barrels of reserves were discov-
Law of 1965 took immediate affect and applied to all con- ered in the first 3 years, and a further 10 billion barrels
cession holders. The new law removed the worst of the within the next 2 years (Fig. 1.5). By 1962 most of
tax-avoidance abuses which had been possible under the the major producing reservoirs in the Sirt Basin had
old law and brought Libya more closely into line with her been ­ discovered, the Eocene and Oligocene at Jalu,
Middle Eastern neighbours. the Palaeocene at Zaltan, Dayfah, and Al Bayda, the

Original recoverable reserves discovered


per year (MMbbl/year)



2,000 2 4
1,000 5
6 8













Key factors
1 Major discoveries of the decade 1958–67
2 Messlah
3 Bouri
4 Shararah A and B
5 As Sarah
6 El Feel
7 6J-59
8 NC 186 discoveries

Source: Nubian Consulting Ltd.

FIG. 1.5 Original Recoverable Oil Reserves Discovered by Year.
Seventy percent of Libyan original recoverable reserves were discovered in the first decade of exploration. Since then several new areas, like the
Murzuq Basin and the north-western offshore, have been found to contain significant hydrocarbons and several other areas are only lightly ex-
plored. This chart does not include oil recoverable by advanced EOR methods.
1.3 The Decade 1960–69 11
Cretaceous at Al Wahah and Ar Raqubah, the Nubian During the period from 1962 to the end of 1965 448
at As Sarir, the basal Cretaceous and basement at Amal. exploration wells were drilled, mostly in the Sirt Basin,
The next phase, from 1962 to 1965, was one of consoli- although significant efforts still continued in west Libya.
dation in which the skills and expertise gained during In the western Sirt basin Elwerath made a second dis-
the initial exploration phase were applied to finding covery in the Zallah Trough (F1-78), and on the Zahrah-
more oil accumulations of the same type. Companies Hufrah Platform Mobil had four small discoveries in
were also anxious to fully evaluate their acreage before concession 11 (Abu Maras, Facha, Adh Dhi'b and Furud).
the statutory relinquishments required under the terms Pan American and Phillips, two of the companies which
of the original licences. were awarded relinquished acreage in 1961, reported
small finds at Umm al Furud, Kuf and E-92 on acreage
which had been relinquished by Mobil. Further south on
L I BYAN FI E LD NAMES the Bayda Platform Amoseas discovered the Kotlah, and
There is no consistency about the naming of oil and gas Haram pools, and Mobil found the multi-reservoir Awra
fields in Libya. Initial discoveries are usually identified by (Ora) field (later renamed Tibisti). Esso's efforts concen-
the designation of the discovery well, as in the J-13 oil dis- trated on concession 6 where further important oil dis-
covery found by well J1-13. Sometimes however they are coveries were made at Jabal, Lahib and Ralah, and gas at
named after the prospect, as in Tmad, a small oil discov- Hutaybah and Sahel. In the eastern Sirt Basin Amoseas
ery found by well BB1-13. Commercial discoveries are fre- had a major success with their G1-51 well which found
quently given names, for example, Jabal, a large discovery the giant Nafurah field, with reserves in multiple reser-
made by well P1-6. Others are not, as in the case of A-NC voirs, and Mobil made further discoveries in the Amal
186. Field names have often been changed: Zaltan became area (Rakb, Amal E and Amal N). Oasis continued work,
Nasser, Ora became Tibisti, Idris became Intisar, Mn Berber particularly in concession 59, and reported discoveries at
became Assumud, Elephant became El Feel. In some cases Bilhizan, Kalanshiyu, and in well YY1-59. BP continued
fields extend across concession boundaries and were exploring the Nubian province in concessions 65 and 80,
given different names by the different operators. Thus Dur and discovered another major pool at Sarir L. The Italian
Maradah, named by Mobil on concession 13, was found to company CORI had their first success in concession 82
be part of the Lahib field named by Esso on concession 6. when they discovered a deep Nubian reservoir in their
Awjilah was named by Occidental on concession 102 but R1-82 well. This well was drilled in the Hameimat Trough
was later found to be part of the Nafurah field named by and is significant in indicating that oil is still preserved
Amoseas on concession 51. These fields have all been uni- even at depths greater than 13,750 ft. These discoveries
tised, but the dual names remain. brought the total number of commercial fields by the end
of 1966 to 36 (Fig. 1.6).34

Wildcat exploration wells/oil discoveries per year





Wildcat wells


Oil discoveries












Source: Nubian Consulting Ltd.
FIG. 1.6 Wildcat Exploration Wells vs Oil Discoveries Per Year.
The correlation between the number of wildcat exploration wells drilled per year and the number of discoveries is striking. About one exploration
well in four has found some trace of hydrocarbon, and 1 in 10 has found sufficient hydrocarbons to justify development.
12 1. History of Oil and Gas Exploration

In west Libya Gulf, CFP and Oasis reported a string Basin the main beneficiaries were Aquitaine, Shell and
of small discoveries in the Ghadamis Basin in Palaeozoic Union Rheinische. The last of the licences was an off-
clastic reservoirs, and the government tried to persuade shore block awarded to Aquitaine in 1968 adjacent to
Gulf to develop its discoveries on concession 66. Gulf the Tunisian border. A number of awards were made
however regarded them as sub-commercial and was un- to small speculative companies who, it subsequently
willing to fund the development costs, despite the fact that transpired, could not meet the eligibility criteria of the
collectively a considerable amount of oil had been dis- Petroleum Law, and whose concessions were either re-
covered, and it was not until the 1980s that a pipeline was voked or reassigned.41
eventually constructed to tap these reserves (Fig. 1.7).35
Offshore drilling began in the Gulf of Sirt with Libyan
Atlantic spudding their first well in 1963. Thirteen off-
shore wells were drilled during the following 5 years. No
1 9 6 5 P E TRO L E UM L AW, AWA RD E D
major discoveries were made but small gas shows were
IN 1966
reported in two wells offshore from Brayqah.36
Development drilling reached a peak in 1964, and Terms: as in 1955 but with major changes to the royal-
fields were progressively brought on stream: Zaltan ties, taxation, expenses and rebates provisions.
in 1961, Zahrah in 1962, Hufrah, Raqubah, Samah and Concessions numbered 96–137.
Wahah in 1963, Jalu, Dayfah, Bayda and Kotlah in 1964, Most significant awards: Wintershall: concessions 96,
and Awra, Jabal, Meghil, Furud, Umm al Furud and 97. Agip: concession 100. Occidental: concessions 102, 103.
Ralah in 1965. The pipeline systems were extended to Aquitaine: concessions 104, 105, 137.
link these fields to the respective marine terminals, and Wildcat wells drilled on concessions 96–137
by the end of 1965 production had reached 1.22 million (1966–2014): 149
barrels per day, 95% of which was exported.37 Companies Principal discoveries on concessions 96–137: Al Jawf
which chose not to build their own pipeline and ex- (offshore), As Sarah, Jakharrah, Abu Attiffel, Awjilah,
port facilities were obliged to make arrangements with Intisar A, D and E.
other operators who had spare capacity, as in the case
of Amoseas which made an arrangement to use Mobil's
facilities.38 Rapid progress was made in the 3 years following
Most of the discoveries made to this date were oil ac- adoption of the 1965 Petroleum Law. Exploration activity
cumulations with varying quantities of associated gas. increased as companies began to evaluate the new conces-
There was no ready market for gas, particularly from sions granted in 1966. Occidental in particular was very
the more distant fields, and for the most part the asso- aggressive. The company, under the dynamic leadership
ciated gas was flared. However in the northern part of of Armand Hammer, was awarded two blocks in Mar.
Esso's concession 6 several nonassociated gas fields had 1966 in areas which had been relinquished by Oasis and
been discovered which, with the gas from Zaltan and Ar Mobil. After three dry holes in concession 102 Occidental
Raqubah, had the potential to produce large volumes of struck oil in well D1-102 which flowed at a rate of 14,860
gas. In 1964 Algeria started selling liquefied natural gas barrels per day, second only to Zaltan in flow-rate. The
to Europe, and Esso decided to follow Algeria's example. discovery was named Awjilah (Augila). This success
An LNG plant was constructed at Brayqah at a cost of was shortly overshadowed by a much more spectacu-
$300 million and the first shipment was exported in spe- lar series of discoveries in concession 103. The first well,
cially built LNG tankers in Jan. 1969.39 The Al Brayqah drilled on the site of an old Mobil reconnaissance camp,
facility was further expanded by the addition of a small discovered the Intisar A reef (originally named Idris)
oil refinery which came on stream in 1966, the purpose of which flowed oil at a rate of 43,000 barrels per day. The
which was to supply cheap refined products for Libya's next four wildcats were all successful in discovering
small domestic market.40 similar pinnacle reefs. Intisar D, the fourth and largest
In 1965, after a 4-year hiatus, the government invited discovery flowed at a rate of 74,867 barrels per day, by
applications for new concessions mostly on acreage re- far the highest flow-rate ever measured in Libya.42 These
linquished by the original concession holders. Awards discoveries, made by a small California independent,
were delayed until the new Petroleum Law came on acreage relinquished by one of the majors, caused a
into effect, but in Feb. 1966 42 new concessions were sensation, and transformed the fortunes of Occidental
awarded. The major winners were Occidental, at that within a space of a few short months. Independent eval-
time a small California independent, Phillips, Aquitaine uation by De Golyer MacNaughton in Nov. 1967 indi-
and Agip. Occidental was awarded two blocks in the cated that the four reefs contained r­ ecoverable reserves
eastern Sirt Basin, and Wintershall and Agip picked up of over 3 billion barrels of oil. Occidental constructed a
acreage in the same area. In the central and western Sirt 40-in. pipeline to Az Zuwaytinah where they built a port
1.3 The Decade 1960–69 13

Az Zawiyah
Tu n i s i a

1 Gharyan
Jabal Nafusah

6 5
2 4

8 9
Al Hamadah al Hamra



Murzuq Fields
al A

Oil discovery Gas condensate discovery


0 100 km

10° 11° 12° 13° 14°

1 Tiji group 8 F-90

2 NC 100 group 9 D-26
3 NC 2 group 10 NC 7 group
4 Area 47 group 11 Ghziel, A-NC 7
5 Tlakshin group 12 Al Hamra, NC 8 group
6 A-NC 118 13 Al Wafaa, A-NC 169
7 Hamadah, NC 5

Source: Nubian Consulting Ltd.; Geological Map of Libya (1985)

FIG. 1.7 Ghadamis Basin Oil and Gas Fields.
There have been about 120 oil and gas discoveries in the Ghadamis Basin (mostly small) of which 19 have been developed and put on production
via pipelines to Zawiyah (oil) and Zuwarah (gas).
14 1. History of Oil and Gas Exploration

Az Zuwaytinah

As Sidrah
Ras Lanuf
Al Brayqah

1 2 36



To Al
3 16 29
10 39

19 17 18 38
5 6 29°
31 32
20 40 48
7 11 41 47
42 43
22 33
12 23 44
9 25 27 34
26 46 28°
28 49

13 50

Oil field Gas field

0 100 km

17° 18° 19° 20° 21° 22° 23°

1 Mabruq 14 Ayn an Naqah 27 Wahah 40 Nakhla

2 Bahi 15 Hutaybah 28 Dayfah 41 6J-59
3 Zahrah-Hufrah 16 Attahadi 29 Assumud 42 Jalu
4 Facha 17 Lahib-Dur Maradah 30 Sahel 43 Hamid
5 Ghani 18 As Surah 31 Intisar A 44 Masrab
6 Adh Dhi'b 19 Raqubah 32 Indisar D 45 Majid
7 Hakim 20 Nasser 33 Harash 46 Kalanshiyu
8 Zallah 21 Wadi 34 Chadar 47 Abu Attiffel
9 Sabah 22 Jabal 35 Antlat 48 UU-82
10 E-92 23 Tibisti 36 F-31 49 Messlah
11 Haram 24 Samah 37 Amal 50 Sarir
12 Bayda 25 Balat 38 Awjilah-Nafurah
13 Barrut 26 Bilhizan 39 As Sarah

Source: Nubian Consulting Ltd.; Geological Map of Libya (1985)

FIG. 1.8 Sirt Basin Oil and Gas Fields.
There have been about 300 oil and gas discoveries in the Sirt Basin, of which 130 oil fields and 11 gas fields have been developed and put on
production. They are linked to the terminals of As Sidrah, Ra’s Lanuf, Brayqah, Az Zuwaytinah and Marsa al Hariqa, by a network of pipelines.

and export ­facility. First oil arrived at the terminal on 16 than 13,700 ft. The German independent Wintershall
Feb. 1968, less than 1 year after the date of the first dis- had two discoveries in concession 97 at Hamid and
covery (Fig. 1.8).43 Tuama, and a larger discovery in a Triassic reservoir in
Other operators also had major successes. Agip discov- the Maragh Graben in concession 96 which was named
ered the Abu Attiffel field deep in the Hameimat Trough Jakharrah. Aquitaine made four substantial discoveries
in the same Nubian play as CORI's earlier discovery at in concessions 104 and 105 at Mansur, Majid, D-104 and
Rimal. Abu Attiffel produces oil from a depth of more East Masrab. Pan American discovered the As Sahabi
1.3 The Decade 1960–69 15
fields, and Amoseas the Dur field. Mobil were successful of the Suez Canal and an embargo by Arab producers on
at Al Farigh, Chadar and Dur Maradah, and BP had fur- exports to western countries. When shipments resumed
ther successes in the Nubian province. Offshore, Libyan from Libya the price of crude oil had risen significantly
Atlantic reported gas in their B1-88 well. In total 25 dis- and the Libyan government requested producing com-
coveries were made during the period 1966–69 (Fig. 1.4). panies to adjust their posted price accordingly. The com-
Further pipelines were completed. Mobil connected the panies did not respond to this request and posted prices
Amal field to Ra's Lanuf in Jan. 1966 and Amoseas put remained unchanged.47
the An Nafurah field on-stream in Jun. 1966. BP's Sarir The remarkable success of the exploration efforts led
discoveries in the south-eastern Sirt Basin were far from the Libyan government to a realisation that the present
the coast and a 515 km 34-in. pipeline was required to licensing system was yielding less revenue than that of
transport the crude to Marsa al Hariqa, a deep-water similar oil exporting countries. In 1968, following the
bay opposite Tubruq, where a terminal was built. The lead of several Middle Eastern countries, Libya began
pipeline was laid across the Great Sand Sea and was not negotiations with ERAP-Aquitaine to set up a new type
completed until 1966 at a cost of £35 million. The first of joint venture exploration agreement. To achieve this
shipment of Sarir crude left Libya in Jan. 1967.44 The pipe- objective the Libyan government established a national
line network was extended to tie in several other fields oil company, the Libyan General Petroleum Corporation
during the next 3 years, including Lahib (1967), Awjilah, (Lipetco). It was given a broad remit to participate on
Intisar A, and Intisar D (1968), Majid, Mansur and Dur behalf of the Libyan government in exploration, drilling
Maradah (1969), and by the end of 1969 41 fields were operations, production, refining and transportation of
on production.45 Production increased steadily from 1.56 oil and gas, both domestically and internationally. The
million barrels per day in 1966 to 3.3 million barrels a joint venture agreement with Aquitaine signed in Apr.
day in 1969, putting Libya amongst the top 10 oil pro- 1968 marked a new beginning and after that time no
ducing countries (Fig. 1.9).46 further licences were issued under the 1965 Petroleum
The situation in Libya was soon overshadowed by Law. The terms under which these agreements were
events on the global stage. In Jun. 1967 the Six Day War signed ­varied, but in general they involved substantial
between Israel and its Arab neighbours led to the closing work commitments on the part of the foreign partner.


Oil production MMbbls/year

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6

800 B1
















Key factors
A1 Unrestrained production from early discoveries
A2 State participation and nationalisation
A3 Production increase from Zallah Trough discoveries
A4 International sanctions
A5 Production increase from Murzuq Basin discoveries
A6 Disruption following overthrow of Qadafi regime
B1 Production limited by OPEC quotas

Source: BP Statistical Review

FIG. 1.9 Oil Production by Year.
Oil production in Libya has been determined by regime change, varying government policies and OPEC quota limitations.
16 1. History of Oil and Gas Exploration

Exploration costs would be borne entirely by the foreign the Libyan oil industry.50 To emphasise this new be-
operator and Lipetco would only become involved after ginning the state company Lipetco was renamed the
a commercial discovery. Its level of involvement would National Oil Corporation (NOC).
depend on the production rate. The foreign partner
would finance the appraisal and development costs and
Lipetco's share of these costs would only be paid after 1.4 THE DECADE 1970–79
production start-up when it could quickly be recovered
from oil sales.48 A large number of blocks were put up One of the first priorities of the new government was
for bid under the new terms but in the event, along with to negotiate the withdrawal of British and American
ERAP-Aquitaine, only Shell, Agip and Ashland were forces from Libya. Agreement was reached surprisingly
awarded contracts, and the large remaining tracts of re- quickly, and British forces were withdrawn by 28th
linquished acreage reverted to the government. March, and the American evacuation of Wheelus Field
was completed by 30 Jun. 1970.51 Henceforth the British
and American oil companies would no longer shelter
under the protection of their respective armed forces.
The new government was anxious to secure a more eq-
uitable posted price for oil produced in Libya, and when
Terms: participation of Libyan state oil company negotiations failed to make significant progress the gov-
Lipetco; exploration, appraisal and development costs to ernment responded by imposing draconian production
be borne by foreign operator; reimbursement of Lipetco's cuts on the grounds that wells were being overproduced
share of costs to be paid from oil sales following produc- and were causing damage to the reservoirs. The cuts
tion start-up. were first applied to Occidental which by 1969 was pro-
Concessions numbered LP1–LP31 with multiple blocks ducing over 800,000 barrels of oil per day, mainly from
in many of the concessions. the Intisar fields. In Jun. 1970 their production was cut
Most significant awards: Aquitaine LP1–LP3, Agip LP4, to 500,000 barrels per day and in August to 440,000 bar-
Ashland, LP5. Unallocated blocks LP6–LP31 retained by rels per day. Similar cuts were imposed on Amoseas,
Lipetco. Oasis, Mobil and Esso. Occidental sought help from
Wildcat wells drilled on Joint Venture licences the other producers, particularly Esso, to make up the
1968–2014: 22 shortfall, but no company was willing to assist.52 Further
Discoveries on Joint Venture blocks: Al Mheirigah pressures were applied by the government. In July the
government nationalised the marketing of oil products
in Libya, a port tax was imposed on all oil shipped from
The Petroleum Exploration Society of Libya continued Libyan ports, and Esso was prevented from starting up
to flourish in the 1960s, publishing highly regarded an- its LNG plant at Al Brayqah.53
nual field-trip handbooks on areas such as South-Central This confrontation had an immediate effect on explo-
Libya and Chad, northern Cyrenaica and south-western ration drilling which fell by 50% within a few months.
Fezzan. The Society also produced publications on the Because Libyan oil accounted for 90% of Occidental's
Miocene rocks of Maradah, Gemini Space photographs total worldwide production it was forced to concede
of Libya, Libyan microfacies, and on the stratigraphy not only an increase in posted price of 30 cents per bar-
of the Jabal Nafusah. The First Saharan Symposium rel, but an increase in tax to 58% and an adjustment to
was held in 1963 and a new geological map of Libya at the base gravity on which the posted price was calcu-
a scale of 1:2,000,000 was produced in 1964. Oil compa- lated. Armand Hammer related the story of his negoti-
nies slowly began to release data starting in 1967 with ations with Major Jalloud, Finance Minister of the new
publications on the Zaltan and Sarir fields, and the First regime. He was politely received in Jalloud's office, but
Symposium on the Geology of Libya was held in Tripoli then Jalloud pointedly placed his revolver on the table
in 1969, the fore-runner of many symposia held in Libya between them. Negotiations continued for over a week
during the next four decades.49 and every night Hammer would fly in his personal plane
In Sep. 1969, the old regime came to abrupt end with to Paris, rather than overnight in Tripoli.54 It was plain
the overthrow of the king in a coup d'etat led by Colonel for all to see that the new government was going to be
Mu'ammar al Qadafi. A Revolutionary Command much more ruthless in its actions than the previous one.
Council was established to take over the administration Within a month all of the producing companies had been
of the country, and new ministerial appointments were forced to agree to similar increases, with the exception
made. The new government made it clear that existing of Gulf and Phillips, who chose to relinquish their con-
agreements with foreign oil companies would be hon- cessions. The production cuts which had been imposed
oured, and that there was no intention of ­nationalising on Occidental in the summer were lifted, but the cuts
1.4 The Decade 1970–79 17
in the other companies production remained in force. State participation in all concessions became a stated
Other OPEC members were not slow to follow Libya's goal during 1972 with the government demanding a
example and in Dec. 1970 at a meeting in Caracas OPEC 51% interest in all existing licences. Firstly it was im-
ministers resolved to adopt the Libyan measures as stan- posed on Occidental and Oasis, and then on the three
dard.55 Libya had moved from being a peripheral mem- majors Amoseas, Esso and Mobil. All of the companies
ber of OPEC to being one of its leaders. protested, but their protests were overtaken by external
Belatedly the operators in Libya decided that action events.
must be taken to stop the government applying pressure Between Jun. 1973 and Sep. 1973 the posted price of
against the weakest members. As a result they estab- Libyan crude increased from $3.56 to $4.31 per barrel,
lished a secret agreement which came to be called the largely due to external forces. OPEC members however
Libyan Producers Agreement in which the producing were becoming increasingly impatient with the gap
companies undertook to support each other in the event which still existed between posted price and actual mar-
of government action against a member company. They ket price which none of their measures had succeeded in
also agreed that in the event of forced production cuts closing. The Yom Kippur War of Oct. 1973 provided the
the other members would make up the difference at cost. excuse they needed. Shortly after hostilities began the
In the discussions with the government which followed OPEC Gulf States announced that in future posted price
the companies for the first time formed a united front, would be established by the host nations based on actual
and a further general agreement was signed in Apr. 1971 market prices, and in December, following rapid price
which applied standard conditions to all the producing rises caused by the war, they announced that the posted
companies.56 price would be calculated so as to yield a $7 per barrel
The next crisis was not long in coming. In Dec. 1971 income for the host government. By May 1974 the posted
the Libyan government unexpectedly nationalised the price for Libyan crude had risen to $10.11 per barrel.59
interests of BP in retaliation for Britain's failure to pre- In 1973 as a further expression of growing nationalist
vent three islands in the Arabian Gulf from being occu- feeling Libya claimed the entire Gulf of Sirt to be part of
pied by Iranian troops following the removal of British its territorial waters. This was in contravention of inter-
military presence from the area. BP's production at this national law and was to lead to a number of confronta-
time—mostly from As Sarir—was about 430,000 barrels tions between Libya and the United States in the years
per day. The decision included provision for compen- that followed. The Arab–Israeli conflict of Oct. 1973
sation, the amount to be decided by the Libyan Courts. had profound consequences on the Libyan oil indus-
BP immediately appealed against the nationalisation try. The Libyan government cut production by 5% and
decision under the terms of the Petroleum Law, but the embargoed oil shipments to the United States and the
government did not respond. BP attempted to embargo Netherlands. In Jun. 1973 the government nationalised
the sale of As Sarir crude at European destinations, but the assets of N.B. Hunt, in Feb. 1974 the holdings of
the Libyan government circumvented this problem by Amoseas, and in April those of Shell. The Amoseas op-
exporting As Sarir cargoes to the Soviet Union. After a erations were transferred to a new NOC operating com-
judgement in favour of BP at the International Court pany called Umm al Jawaby. Esso and Mobil acquiesced
of Justice, the Libyan government finally paid BP £17.4 to 51% state participation in April.60 By the summer of
million in compensation.57 A new state-owned company, 1974 the government had largely achieved its partici-
named with some irony, Arabian Gulf Oil Company pation objectives. It had taken over BP, Hunt, Amoseas
(Agoco) was set up to operate the BP concessions. and Shell's holdings completely, it had a 51% interest in
The question of state participation had been discussed the concessions of Esso, Mobil, Oasis and Occidental, it
by OPEC since 1968 and Libya strongly supported these had joint venture agreements with Aquitaine and Agip,
objectives. The award of joint venture licences had be- and it had taken possession of all of the available open
gun before the revolution, and between May 1969 and acreage. As a result of these measures the government
1973 all of the concessions offered in 1968 but not taken controlled approximately 70% of production.
up were awarded to Agoco. In addition the new govern- The disputes over posted price, and the actions taken
ment was keen to extend state participation into existing by the new government led to a drastic reduction in
licenses. Their first opportunity came in 1972. The Abu exploration activity. Seismic activity was greatly re-
Attiffel field had been developed by Agip, but produc- duced and rig counts dropped to alarming levels. Esso
tion start-up was prevented by the government, osten- Standard, for instance, stopped exploration drilling in
sibly because of concerns about lack of provision for the the Sirt Basin after May 1973, and concentrated all their
associated gas. After many months of negotiation Agip efforts on field development and production. From the
offered the government a 50% interest in two concessions 68 wildcats drilled in 1968 the level fell to only 22 wild-
as a means of breaking the deadlock. The government cats in 1974 (Fig. 1.3). Exploration footage drilled in 1974
accepted and the state interest was vested in Agoco.58 was 155,000 ft compared with 1.08 million feet in 1963.61
18 1. History of Oil and Gas Exploration

The reduction in exploration drilling inevitably led to a and Occidental in second place.63 Thereafter produc-
reduction in the rate of new discoveries, and to a decline tion fell in response to the production cuts and political
in reserves. Apart from the giant Messlah field which was pressures outlined above. By 1975 total production was
discovered by BP just before nationalisation the discover- down to 1.48 million barrels per day. Nevertheless gov-
ies made during this period were small. For the first time ernment revenues from oil quadrupled during the same
the amount of reserves added fell below the amount of period to $6 billion in 1974 due to the dramatic increases
oil produced. Production during the 5-year period from in oil price and the increased government share of reve-
1970 to end 1974 totalled 4.6 billion barrels. Reserves nues (Fig. 1.10).64 Nor was the government unduly con-
added were about 1.4 billion barrels. cerned about the lower levels of production. To them it
Aquitaine began evaluation of offshore concession represented a convenient means of conservation.
137 adjacent to the Tunisian border in 1970 and made The government however was alarmed by the de-
a number of promising discoveries which proved the cline in exploration and development drilling, and in
presence of an excellent hydrocarbon-bearing reservoir an effort to stimulate new exploration the government
in the western Libyan offshore area. Exploration in this abandoned the joint venture licensing system begun in
area however was hampered by boundary disputes with 1968, in favour of a new system of concessions based on
both Tunisian and Malta, both of which were eventually exploration-production sharing agreements (EPSAs). At
submitted to the International Court of Justice for arbi- the same time a new concession numbering system was
tration, but were not finally resolved until 1985.62 introduced with the prefix NC for new concession. The
Further fields were brought on stream including Bahi first group of the new concessions comprised acreage
and Intisar C in 1970 and Abu Attiffel and Abu Alwan in relinquished by Gulf and other companies, which were
1972. Oil production peaked in 1970 at a rate of 3.4 million awarded to Agoco. The first awards under the EPSA I
barrels of oil per day with Oasis as the major producer terms were made to Occidental in Feb. 1974, less than



Oil price in $ per barrel

80 13

40 3 7
5 9 12

20 2
1 6













1 Yom Kippur war 8 Asian economic crisis

2 Iranian revolution 9 9/11 attack
3 Iran hostage crisis 10 Increasing demand from emerging nations
4 Iran-Iraq war 11 Rampant demand, stagnant world
5 Saudi’s abandoned swing producer role production
6 Oil glut on world market. Saudi’s resumed 12 Global financial crisis
swing producer role 13 Arab Spring, supply disruption
7 Invasion of Kuwait. Gulf war

Source: BP Statistical Review; Energy Information Agency

FIG. 1.10 Oil Price by Year.
Oil price fluctuations from 1956 to 2015 (money of the day), and the main influencing factors.
1.4 The Decade 1970–79 19
a year after the nationalisation upheaval of 1973. The r­ elinquished by them in 1972. Elwerath had tested oil in
terms of the new agreement involved an equity split of three wells but had taken no serious steps to appraise
85:15 in favour of the government, with guaranteed lev- these finds. Occidental subsequently proved these dis-
els of exploration expenditure, and repayment of NOC's coveries to be significant finds and named them Zallah,
share of development costs in the event of a commercial Aswad and Sabah. In general however, foreign opera-
discovery. This was a major victory for the government.65 tors were wary, and Esso chose to concentrate almost
This award was followed by others. Esso and Agip exclusively on development drilling and production.
received concessions in the western offshore close to Oil shipments to the United States were resumed at the
Aquitaine's acreage with an agreed offshore equity split beginning of 1975, but the economic recession following
of 81:19. Both of these blocks were to yield significant the Arab–Israeli war led to a reduced demand for oil and
discoveries. Mobil, CFP and Braspetro also obtained new the price of Libyan crude remained below $15 per barrel
concessions. Braspetro obtained a large block deep in the until the beginning of 1979.66
Murzuq Basin in an area which was almost totally unex- Having achieved its goal in upstream operations the
plored. Since many of the old concessions were still active government then turned its attention to downstream ac-
three types of concessions now co-existed side by side— tivities. The Al Brayqah refinery was too small to satisfy
the original concessions first issued in 1955, the joint-­ domestic demand for refined products so in 1969 the
venture concessions issued between 1968 and 1973, and government commissioned a new refinery to be built at
the production sharing concessions first issued in 1974. Az Zawiyah with an ultimate capacity of 120,000 barrels
per day. The refinery came on stream in 1974. A further
refinery was subsequently constructed at Ra's Lanuf
with a capacity of 220,000 barrels per day which started
EPSA I LI CENCES, 1974–7 9
production in 1984.67 A petrochemical complex, which
Terms: Equity split between NOC and foreign operator came on stream in 1977, was constructed at Al Brayqah
agreed on a case by case basis, but typically 85:15 onshore, where it had access to abundant supplies of natural gas,
81:19 offshore. Exploration costs to be borne by the for- for the production of methanol, urea and ammonia. An
eign operator, NOC's share of development and produc- ethylene plant was subsequently built at Ra's Lanuf, and
tion costs to be paid from oil sales following production a PVC and caustic soda plant at Abu Kammash near the
start-up. Tunisian border.68 The government also wished to have
Concessions numbered within the series NC1–NC97. an involvement in transportation, and by the end of 1979
Most significant awards: Occidental: NC29, NC74, Esso: Libya had a fleet of 15 tankers which gave it the capabil-
NC35, NC87, Agip: NC41, Braspetro: NC58. Fifty-four ity of transporting a fair proportion of its oil products to
blocks of mostly relinquished acreage were allocated to market under its own flag.69
Agoco or retained by NOC. Exploration drilling remained at a low level between
Wildcat wells drilled on EPSA I blocks (including those 1975 and the end of 1979, averaging only 31 wildcat wells
on 100% state-owned blocks) 1974–2014: 187. per year.70 However there was a marked increase in offshore
Discoveries on EPSA I blocks: Kabir in the Ghadamis drilling. Aquitaine drilled 10 wells on concession 137 in the
Basin, Bouri, Bahr Essalam and D,E G-NC35 in the western period up to the end of 1979 with several wells testing oil
offshore, Zallah, Fidda, Hakim, Aswad and Sabah in the and gas. Esso drilled two wells in block NC 35 without suc-
western Sirt Basin, and Qadeem in the eastern Sirt Basin. cess, and Agip began evaluation of block NC 41. The first
well drilled on block NC 41 in 1976, tested small amounts
of oil from an excellent Eocene reservoir, but the B1-NC 41
The successes of 1974 marked the end of the Libyan wildcat well tested 4,857 barrels of oil per day, resulting
government's campaign to take control of the upstream in the first commercial discovery in the Libyan offshore.71
end of the domestic oil industry. By the end of that year The discovery was named Al Bouri and was subsequently
they had essentially achieved their objectives. They were appraised by eight delineation wells. These wells proved
content to leave the high-cost exploration effort to for- Al Bouri to be a giant oil pool and the largest offshore
eign operators whilst their own financial exposure was field in the Mediterranean (Fig. 1.11).72 Encouraged by
limited to such field developments as might take place, this success Agip drilled seven more wildcats up to the
with ultimate reimbursement of their share of develop- end of 1979, many of which tested oil or gas, but none
ment costs. Amoco, which had taken over Pan American of which was regarded as commercial. Al Bouri was the
in 1970, was unsettled by the events of 1974, and surren- 16th giant field to be discovered in Libya (Fig. 1.12).
dered its holdings the following year. Following their success with Zallah, Aswad and
Occidental was awarded a further group of conces- Sabah Occidental made further discoveries in the same
sions in the Zallah Trough in 1976 in an area which area, named Hakim, Fidda and Dahab. Mobil made
had originally been assigned to Elwerath in 1959 and an ­excellent discovery at Ghani in the northern Zallah
20 1. History of Oil and Gas Exploration

K e r k e n n a h - I s is Ar c h
A g a r e b A rc h





2 3

4 5


S 7
a 6
Ezzaouia r a
t a 8
El Biban
h 10
Medenne S 9
l t
Tunisia B 11
i n

Da Zuwarah
ha Tripoli
r A Jif
r ch ar
ah Az Zawiyah

11° 12° 13° 14°

Oil discovery
1 D-NC 41 7 Bahr Essalam, C-NC 41
Gas condensate discovery 2 Al Jawf, B-137 8 A-NC 41
Oil and gas pipelines 3 D-137 9 C-NC 35A
Libyan-Tunisian median line 4 Bouri, B-NC 41 10 E-NC 35A
5 E-NC 41 11 F-NC 41
0 100 km 6 C-137

Source: Nubian Consulting Ltd.

FIG. 1.11 North-Western Offshore Oil and Gas Fields.
Ten oil fields and 22 gas fields have been discovered in the Libyan north-western offshore, of which 2 oil fields and 1 gas field have been developed
and put on production. Bouri and Al Jawf produce via a FPSO (floating production storage and offloading) tanker, Bahr Essalam is connected by
pipeline to the shore facility at Zuwarah.

Trough, plus a string of smaller discoveries on the Al Production increased from 1.4 million barrels per day
Bayda and Az Zahrah Al Hufrah platforms. The north- in 1975 to 2.1 million barrels per day in 1979. New fields
ward extension of the Messlah field into concession 80 brought on stream during this period include the giant
was proved by Agoco, and several other Nubian dis- Messlah field, Masrab, Khalifah, Al Mheirigah and sev-
coveries were made in concessions 65 and 80. NOC and eral of Occidental's recent finds: Zallah, Aswad, Almas
Agoco, operating mostly on relinquished acreage, dis- and Ali. Esso's Al Hutaybah gas field also came on
covered oil in the Hameimat Trough at Qadeem, on trend stream in 1977.74
with the Jalu field, and in the Ghadamis Basin the Kabir Colonel Qadafi's vision of direct democracy by means
field was discovered on former Gulf acreage. The op- of People's Committees was put into effect in 1977 when
erating divisions of NOC, Agoco holding mostly ex-BP local and regional power was ostensibly devolved to
and relinquished acreage, and Umm al Jawaby holding scores of local committees. At the same time the coun-
mostly ex-Amoseas acreage, were merged in Dec. 1979 try was renamed the Socialist People's Libyan Arab
under the Agoco banner. In the Murzuq Basin Braspetro Jamahiriya. This device was designed to rekindle the
tested oil in their A1-NC 58 well which was the first re- flagging enthusiasm for the 1969 revolution, but it had
port of oil from the central Murzuq Basin.73 limited success. By late 1978 political events were again
1.5 The Decade 1980–89 21
is a model of clarity, but contained some curious anoma-
Name Discovery Date Original oil Original
date on stream in place reserves lies like naming the Taqrifat Formation in the eastern Sirt
(MMb) (MMb) Basin after an oasis in the western Sirt Basin. Esso evi-
Zahrah-Hufrah 1958 1962 2,930 750 dently did not cooperate in the publication, so the type
Nasser 1959 1961 8,890 2,960 section for the Zaltan Formation was selected, not on the
Amal 1959 1966 5,010 1,310 Zaltan field, but on the Balat field, 70 km to the south-
Dayfah 1960 1964 5,920 2,520 west. Nevertheless the book was very welcome, and is
Sarir C 1961 1966 8,260 3,800 still in use today. In 1974 the Industrial Research Centre
Wahah 1961 1963 3,720 1,290 in Tripoli commenced the publication of a set of 1:250,000
Raqubah 1961 1963 2,190 840 geological maps of all but the sand-­covered areas of
Jalu 1963 1964 9,570 3,270 Libya. The surveyors were mostly eastern European
Awjilah-Nafurah 1965 1966 6,330 2,050 and during the 1970s 23 sheets and explanatory booklets
Sarir L 1966 1966 1,420 640 were issued. The publications are based solely on surface
Abu Attiffe 1967 1972 4,390 2,060 outcrops and contain no well information. Unfortunately
Intisar A 1967 1968 1,540 750 the stratigraphic nomenclature used by the surveyors
Intisar D 1967 1968 1,850 1,330 does not correspond to the nomenclature established by
Bahi 1968 1970 1,610 530
Barr and Weegar in the subsurface of the Sirt Basin. A
Messlah 1971 1973 3,000 1,520
1:2,000,000 summary map was produced in 1977. The
Bouri 1977 1988 2,570 640
Petroleum Exploration Society of Libya was renamed the
Shararah A 1984 1997 1,870 650
Earth Sciences Society of Libya in 1974 and continued
Shararah B 1984 1999 1,940 680
its tradition of annual field excursions, but they became
As Sarah 1989 1990 1,010 610
progressively more difficult to organise, and the last ex-
El Feel 1997 2004 1,410 520
6J-59 2001 2013 2,850 830
cursion was held in 1976. Following the first ­symposium
Total 78,280 29,550
on the Geology of Libya in 1969, a second symposium
was held in 1978. The Secretariat of Planning in Tripoli
Source: Nubian Consulting Ltd.
published a National Atlas of Libya in 1978 which for-
FIG. 1.12 Giant Oil Fields. malised the spelling of Libyan geographic names, and
Twenty-one giant oil fields (>500 MMb original recoverable reserves)
have been discovered in Libya, of which 14 were discovered before
the Industrial Research Centre published a bibliography
1970. They are listed in order of discovery. Development drilling has of Libyan geology in 1978. Further information was re-
shown that several fields originally regarded as separate are now leased by oil companies on Amal, Sarir, Awjilah, Zaltan
known to be joined. and Majid.76

threatening to disrupt the relative calm of the last 3 years.

The international oil price had stabilised at around $14 1.5 THE DECADE 1980–89
per barrel during the period 1975–1978, but during 1978
protests in Tehran against the regime of the Shah of Iran During the late 1970s the government took the view
gradually gained momentum and in November Iranian that companies were holding acreage without making
oil production began to decline sharply. In Jan. 1979 sufficient effort to evaluate it, and they demanded that
the Shah left Iran and in February the exiled Ayatollah inactive acreage should be relinquished. Several com-
Khomeini returned to Tehran to take over the govern- panies gave up acreage in 1979 and this acreage formed
ment. In April OPEC set the oil price for 1979 at $14.56 the basis for EPSA II. The terms of EPSA II were signifi-
per barrel, but events spiralled rapidly out of control. cantly less favourable to foreign operators than EPSA I.77
In November the Iranians seized western hostages and Nevertheless many companies showed an interest in the
President Carter imposed a ban on imports of Iranian new blocks on offer. Awards under the EPSA II formula
crude to the United States. By the end of the year the were made during the period 1980–88.
international oil price had reached $32.50 per barrel. The Several newcomers received blocks including the
stage was set for a serious escalation.75 Bulgarian and Romanian state oil companies which were
The 1970s saw the appearance of a number of im- granted concessions in the Ghadamis and Murzuq Basins,
portant publications on Libyan geology. Stratigraphic and Deminex which received concessions in the southern
nomenclature, long a bone of contention, received a wel- Sirt Basin. Two US companies, Sun Oil and Coastal, re-
come boost with the publication in 1972 of a stratigraphic ceived a total of 10 blocks in the Sirt Basin. Shell, Agip,
lexicon for the Sirt Basin based on subsurface data, and Occidental and Aquitaine acquired additional blocks. At
published by the Petroleum Exploration Society of the same time the state companies Agoco and Sirte added
Libya. The authors, F.W. Barr and A.A. Weegar, had ac- further blocks to their portfolios.78 The first well drilled
cess to data from Oasis, Mobil and Gelsenberg. The book on EPSA II acreage was spudded in Sep. 1981.
22 1. History of Oil and Gas Exploration

to discounting, selling their oil at prices below the offi-

E PSA I I LI CENCES, 1980–8 8 cial OPEC price. The principal loser was Saudi Arabia
Terms: Equity split between NOC and foreign operator
who at this time acted as swing producer, maintained
on a concession by concession basis. Exploration costs to
the OPEC price by adjusting its own output as required.
be borne by the foreign operator, NOC's share of develop-
Saudi Arabia's oil earnings fell from $119 billion in 1981
ment and production costs to be paid from oil sales follow-
to $26 billion in 1985, and King Fahd made it clear that
ing production start-up.
he was not willing for this situation to continue.83 In an
Concessions numbered NC98–NC152.
effort to restore a more equitable balance of production
Most significant awards: Boco: NC100, NC101,
Sheikh Yamani, Saudi Arabia's oil minister, introduced
Rompetrol: NC115, Agip: NC120. Unallocated acreage was
netback dealing. This ingenious mechanism worked by
assigned to Agoco (six blocks) and to Sirte (three blocks).
guaranteeing refiners a fixed profit on the sale of their
Wildcats wells drilled on EPSA II blocks (including
products. After agreeing an acceptable profit margin
those on 100% state-owned blocks) 1980–2014: 154.
with the Saudis the refiner would market his products,
Discoveries on EPSA II blocks: El Shararah A,B,H and
deduct the agreed level of profit, and remit the balance
R, 7 discoveries on NC 101 (Murzuq Basin), 17 small dis-
to Saudi Arabia. At a stroke this did away with the
coveries on NC 100 (Ghadamis Basin), and A-NC 120 (first
fixed OPEC oil price, and created a situation favour-
indication of oil offshore Binghazi), plus the successful ap-
able to Saudi Arabia insofar as refiners were insulated
praisal of the Wadi field (Sirt Basin).
from highly volatile crude prices. The guaranteed profit
also encouraged refiners to maximise production and
several customers signed contracts immediately. The
The Iranian hostage crisis, which began in Nov. Saudi's were deliberately trading price for volume, but
1979 and lasted until Jan. 1981, produced a dramatic it was a gamble which ultimately failed. The Saudi gov-
rise in the oil price, peaking at $39.50 per barrel in ernment reasoned that when the oil price fell below $20
May 1980. In Sep. 1980 Iraqi troops invaded Iran and a barrel high cost areas such as the North Sea would
occupied the Shatt al Arab waterway. OPEC's pricing become uncompetitive. They were wrong; the actual
structure collapsed in turmoil, and the oil price re- production cost of North Sea oil was only about $6 per
mained volatile until 1981 when Saudi Arabia flooded barrel. The situation of 1979–81 was reversed. Now it
the market with cheap oil and the price stabilised. The was a question of producing countries seeking markets
unstable political situation led to a general recession rather than purchasers seeking suppliers. The price of
and prompted a gradual move by western govern- oil tumbled from $30.81 per barrel in Nov. 1985 to $11.58
ments towards alternative fuel sources. An oil surplus a barrel in Jul. 1986.84 The effect on exploration was
developed and the oil price progressively fell, reach- acute, as companies cut their budgets, and shut down
ing $25.43 in Dec. 1984.79 their exploration programmes. Libya's response to this,
Relations between Libya and the United States con- the third oil crisis within 13 years, was to advocate re-
tinued to deteriorate, provoked by Libya's support for duced quotas for OPEC producers. They had cause for
anti-American causes. In 1978 the United States imposed concern; their oil revenues had fallen by 42% in 1 year.
a ban on the sale of aircraft and electronic equipment to By August OPEC members had been forced to agree to a
Libya and in 1981, following the Gulf of Sirt incident in new quota system designed to ease the oil price back up
which two Libyan planes were shot down by American to around $18 per barrel.85 Exploration drilling in Libya
carrier-based planes, they asked all US citizens to leave.80 remained at very low levels in the 1980s. From 23 wild-
As a result of these pressures Esso decided to close down cat wells in 1980 the figure rose to 48 in 1984 as com-
its operation in Libya. Their assets were transferred to panies evaluated their EPSA II blocks, but fell to only
NOC in Jan. 1982 in exchange for modest compensation. 13 in 1986, and did not exceed 20 per year in the rest of
NOC established a new state-owned company, Sirte Oil, the decade. During the same period, as the new quota
to take over management of Esso's operations.81 By the system came into effect, production fell from 1.9 million
time of Esso's departure 2.7 billion barrels of oil had been barrels per day in 1980 to 1.0 million barrels per day in
produced from their fields on concessions 6 and 20.82 1987, and reached only 1.2 million barrels per day by
Three months later the United States imposed an em- 1989. Even with the reduced production rate explora-
bargo on the import of Libyan crude and placed further tion drilling was insufficient to replace the reserves lost
bans on exports to Libya. through production.
Instability continued through 1983 and 1984 as the Nevertheless, despite these problems, the Libyan gov-
Iran–Iraq war intensified and OPEC's market share fell ernment chose this time to embark on the largest civil
as western countries reduced consumption and switched engineering project ever attempted in Africa. The Great
to more accessible North Sea oil. In order to maintain in- Man-Made River Project, dubbed the eighth wonder of
come some OPEC countries, including Libya, resorted the world by Colonel Qadafi, was initiated in 1983. It
1.5 The Decade 1980–89 23
was designed to extract fresh-water from four large aqui- s­ uccessor Sirte Oil, drilled a further seven wells on the
fers deep in the Sahara desert and transport it via a 4-m block and had two noncommercial discoveries. Agip con-
diameter pipeline to the coast where it would be used tinued to evaluate the area around Al Bouri, and drilled
for both domestic and agricultural purposes. The proj- a wildcat well offshore Binghazi which tested oil and
ect involved drilling 1,300 wells into Nubian Sandstone showed for the first time that oil was present in the east-
aquifers, and laying over 2,000 km of pipeline. The main ern offshore as well as the west. Onshore, Mobil had a
extraction areas are at Kufrah and Tazirbu in the east, further discovery on their Al Bayda Platform block, and
and at two locations near Jabal Hasawnah in the west. Occidental discovered the Safsaf, Abraq and Themar oil
Phase 1 involved laying 1,200 km of pipeline from Kufrah pools in the Zallah Trough.88 Esso left behind a number
and Tazirbu to Binghazi and Sirt to supply 2 million cu- of discoveries which were regarded at the time as sub-­
bic metres of water per day, and was completed in Sep. commercial. Sirte, the state company which acquired
1989. Phase 2 with 800 km of pipeline from the Jabal Esso's assets in 1982, began an appraisal of these dis-
Hasawnah wells to Tripoli and the coastal plain sup- coveries. Several of them, like Wadi, Attahadi, Sahel and
plies 1 million cubic metres of water pay day and was Assumud, proved to be significant accumulations which
completed in Aug. 1996. Three more phases remain to be were subsequently developed and brought on stream.
completed at which time there will be sufficient water to Similarly, following the Kabir discovery in 1979, Agoco
irrigate 155,000 ha of land and ‘make the desert as green set about an appraisal of concession NC7, formerly held
as the Libyan flag’. The project has cost around $30 bil- by Oasis, and made seven small discoveries in the area.
lion, all financed by the Libyan government without the A western pipeline linking 12 small fields in former
need for loans. Experts claim that this is 10% of the cost Gulf concession 66 to the coast at Az Zawiyah was com-
of producing a similar amount of water by desalination. pleted by NOC in 1982 and production began later that
Estimates suggest that the four aquifers could contain year. Occidental put their recently discovered Zallah
between 4,800 and 20,000 km3 of water each. The reser- Trough fields on stream, and a number of small fields in
voirs were charged when the climate was much wetter, the central Sirt Basin were also tied in to existing pipe-
between 38,000 and 14,000 years ago, and will not be re- lines. Thirty-seven new fields were put on production
charged. The life expectancy of the project is difficult to during the decade including Ghani (1980), SE Nasser
gauge, but at present rates of extraction it could last for (1988), Bouri (1988) and Wadi (1988), but most of the re-
60–100 years and perhaps even more. Interestingly the mainder were small.
project had its origin with Occidental's bid for acreage in In 1984 Britain severed diplomatic links with Libya
1966. In order to sweeten the deal Armand Hammer of- following the shooting of a policewoman in London,
fered to conduct a search for water supplies if his bid was and in 1986 the United States government broke off re-
accepted. Occidental fulfilled their obligation and their lations with Libya and imposed extensive trade sanc-
efforts provided the first evidence of abundant supplies tions. A naval conflict in the Gulf of Sirt resulted in the
of fresh-water in subsurface aquifers in the Kufrah area.86 loss of two Libyan ships in Mar. 1986, and in April US
The Bulgarian State company, Boco, began evalua- planes bombed Tripoli and Binghazi in retaliation for
tion of its acreage in 1982 and almost immediately an- terrorist attacks in Europe. During the raids the Libyans
nounced a string of discoveries in concession NC 100 shot down an American F-111 bomber which was later
near the border with Tunisia. The individual discoveries set up as a trophy in Tripoli. As a result of this action
were small, and have not been developed. However on the name of the country was changed to the Great
block NC 101 on the northern edge of the Murzuq Basin Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. In Jun. 1986
more significant finds were made in an area where Gulf a US Presidential decree ordered US companies to close
had reported oil shows in 1958. The NC101 discoveries, down their operations in Libya and made it unlawful
along with the shows in Braspetro's A1-NC 58 well, sig- for US citizens to work in Libya. The Libyan govern-
nalled the presence of significant oil accumulations in ment established two more state oil companies Wahah
the previously neglected Murzuq Basin. This was spec- and Zueitina to take over operatorship of the Oasis
tacularly borne out when Rompetrol struck oil on con- and Occidental interests, initially for 3 years, but suc-
cession NC 115. Their first two wells on the block found cessively extended over the next two decades. In 1988
large oil pools in the A and B structures, and a third dis- Mobil handed over operatorship of its extensive conces-
covery, on structure H in 1986, made this into the largest sions to the German company Veba, which had been in
group of onshore discoveries for 15 years.87 The oil in partnership with Mobil since 1978. This left a situation
these discoveries was reservoired in Ordovician glacial where all of the majors had withdrawn from Libya, if in
deposits and opened up an important new oil province some cases only temporarily.
in the Murzuq Basin (Fig. 1.13). 1986 also marked the culmination of Libya's long-­
Elsewhere, almost as their last act before departure, running dispute with Chad. The dispute originated in
Esso tested oil on their offshore block NC 35. Esso's 1972 when Libyan troops occupied the Uzu strip which
24 1. History of Oil and Gas Exploration

Ghadamis Basin fields Idri

and Azzawiyah


6 8
7 Ubari
2 45

9 26°
Al Awaynat 10 Murzuq
Jab a l A

Ghat Murzuq Sand Sea


Oil field Gas field

0 100 km
10° 11° 12° 13° 14°

1 Atshan 6 A-NC 186

2 El Shararah B 7 H-NC 186
3 El Shararah M 8 D-NC 186
4 El Shararah A 9 El Feel
5 El Shararah H 10 NC 101 / Area 147 discoveries

Source: Nubian Consulting Ltd.; Geological Map of Libya (1985)

FIG. 1.13 Murzuq Basin Oil and Gas Fields.
Forty-eight oil fields and one gas field have been discovered in the Murzuq Basin, all in the period 1984–2011. Eighteen oil fields have been devel-
oped and brought on stream via a collecting centre on the Shararah A field and then by pipeline to the terminal at Zawiyah.

Qadafi claimed as part of Libya on the basis of an un- In Feb. 1988 NOC signed an agreement with the
ratified treaty between Italy and France dating from Tunisian Ministry of Industry for the joint exploration of
colonial times. His aims apparently were to establish four offshore blocks straddling the median line between
a client state in Chad from which he could extend his the two countries in an area of large salt-related struc-
influence southwards, and to take control of part of the tures. They were named the 7th November blocks. A com-
Tibisti mountains which were reputed to have some ura- pany called Joint Oil was established to explore the blocks
nium potential. The conflict swung back and forth until and a joint venture was later established with the Saudi
1986, when Qadafi was out-manoeuvred in the so-called company Nimir in order to conduct drilling operations.90
Toyota War and suffered heavy losses of both men and At the same time the combined effect of sanctions, low oil
equipment. The Uzu strip was ceded to Chad and a price and the cost of the Great Man-Made River project,
peace treaty signed in Sep. 1987.89 persuaded the government to introduce a new and more
1.6 The Decade 1990–99 25
attractive production sharing agreement in 1989, under the symposia volumes. The Industrial Research Centre
the name of EPSA III. For the first time cost recovery was continued work on the 1:250,000 scale geological maps
allowed, bringing Libya into line with most other coun- producing 37 new sheets between 1980 and 1989. Four
tries which operate production sharing contracts. The publications did much to clear up the confusion of
intent was to provide rapid payback of costs, and an ac- stratigraphic nomenclature with contributions on Libya
ceptable rate of return thereafter. These terms encouraged as a whole, the Precambrian and Palaeozoic rocks, the
a number of new companies to apply for blocks, notably Cretaceous and Tertiary of northern Libya, and the
Petrofina from Belgium, Lasmo from UK, International north-western offshore. In 1982 the first structural syn-
Petroleum Company from Canada, INA from Croatia and thesis of the Libyan offshore appeared, and Garyounis
OMV from Austria. In addition Shell was tempted back University in Binghazi produced two valuable books on
into Libya and Braspetro was awarded a further block. the world-famous Sahabi vertebrate faunas and on the
Nevertheless exploration activity remained at a very low palynostratigraphy of Cyrenaica.93
level, and discoveries in this period were proportionately
few. Sirte found a major gas-condensate accumulation at
Al Wafaa close to the Algerian border, and Wintershall 1.6 THE DECADE 1990–99
made a major discovery in the Maragh Graben which was
named As Sarah.91 In west Libya both Rompetrol and Boco Another crisis erupted in Aug. 1990 with the inva-
discontinued their exploration effort, largely because they sion of Kuwait by Iraqi forces, and the subsequent panic
were unable to fund the cost of field development. forced the oil price up to $35.92 per barrel during the
autumn of 1990. The ensuing Gulf War resulted in the
torching of Kuwait's oil wells by the retreating Iraqi
forces, and a UN ban on the export of Iraqi oil. Ironically
EPSA I I I LICENCES 1989–2 0 0 5 these unforeseen events largely achieved OPEC's goal
Terms: as for EPSA II but with improved equity percent- of increasing market share, and by Oct. 1992 OPEC pro-
ages for the foreign operator and with provision for early duction had risen to over 25 million barrels per day, the
cost recovery. highest level since 1979.94
Concessions numbered NC153–NC216. In 1991 indictments were submitted in French, US and
Most significant awards: Repsol: NC186, Lasmo: NC British courts against Libyan personnel for both of the
174, IPC NC177, RWE: NC193 and NC195, OMV: NC163, Lockerbie and UTA incidents, and in 1992 the United
Fina: NC174. Also during this period three blocks were Nations imposed sanctions against Libya until such time
awarded to state companies, two to Sirte and one to Agoco. as the suspects were handed over for trial. The sanctions
Wildcats wells drilled on EPSA III blocks (including prohibited all airline traffic with Libya, froze Libyan as-
those on 100% state-owned blocks) 1989–2014: 156 sets overseas, and banned weapons sales. Further sanc-
Discoveries on EPSA III blocks: six large discoveries tions were applied in subsequent years banning the sale
on NC186, and El Feel (Elephant) in the Murzuq Basin, Al of equipment for oil and gas terminals and refineries.
Wafaa in the Ghadamis Basin, and several small discover- These sanctions were to cost Libya more than $24 billion
ies in the Sirt Basin. dollars, including $5 billion dollars in lost oil revenues.95
The years 1992–99 were difficult for the Libyan gov-
ernment. Exploration drilling was at a very low level
In Dec. 1988 Pan Am flight 103 was blown up over with only 11 exploration wildcats in 1990 and in 1991.
Lockerbie in Scotland and in September the follow- Activity picked up to a small extent in 1992 and 1993
ing year a French plane was brought down in Niger. as companies evaluated the acreage awarded under
Evidence was collected over a number of years which the EPSA III regulations, reaching 26 wildcats in 1993,
implicated Libyan agents with both of these incidents, but then fell to below 20 for the remainder of the de-
which only served to make Libya more isolated, and cade, reaching an all-time low of only 6 exploration
something of a pariah state.92 wells in 1999. Production quotas were raised by OPEC
Nevertheless, despite all the political problems, many and Libya's production increased to 1.4 million barrels
important publications appeared in the 1980s. The pro- per day, remaining at this level throughout the decade.
ceedings of the second symposium on the Geology of Apart from a spike during the Kuwait crisis the oil price
Libya held in 1978 were published in three volumes in remained fairly stable throughout the 1990s at around
1980, and a third symposium was held in Tripoli in 1987. $20 per barrel.96
The importance of the geological symposia held in Libya The sanctions imposed on Libya had a severe effect,
between 1969 and 2008 cannot be over-­ emphasised. particularly on the activities of the state-owned compa-
Eighty percent of all the geological information pub- nies, and several field developments, including Mabruq
lished on Libya during this period was contained within and Al Wafaa, were transferred from state companies to
26 1. History of Oil and Gas Exploration

foreign operators. Similarly the Rompetrol discoveries in action was required by the Libyan government to halt
the Murzuq Basin were transferred to the Spanish com- this downward slide and in Mar. 1997 NOC offered large
pany Repsol for development.97 Two interesting discov- tracts of open acreage to bids from foreign companies.
eries were made during this period. Lasmo discovered Pan Canadian acquired two blocks in the Sirt Basin in
the large El Feel (Elephant) field on their EPSA III block 1997 and Repsol acquired two blocks in the Murzuq
NC 174, which lies adjacent to the Rompetrol discover- Basin in 1998, including NC186 which was to yield very
ies, and in the Sirt Basin IPC's Ayn an Naqah discovery, substantial discoveries over the next few years.101
in the poorly explored Abu Tumayam Trough south of The depressed state of the industry in Libya during
the Zallah Trough, tested oil at a rate of 6,517 barrels per the 1990s and the price collapse of 1998, in which Libya's
day.98 In the western offshore Nimir drilled three wells oil revenues fell to $5.6 billion dollars, perhaps had some
on the 7th November blocks, but all three were dry. influence on the government's decision in Apr. 1999 to
Twenty-nine fields came on stream in the 1990s includ- hand over the Lockerbie suspects for trial. In response the
ing As Sarah (1990), Mabruq (1995), Nakhla (1995), and United Nations suspended the sanctions which had been
the three large discoveries in the Murzuq Basin Shararah applied in 1992, and Britain re-established diplomatic re-
A (1997), Shararah B (1999) and Shararah H (1999). The lations with Libya in Jul. 1999 (Figs 1.14 and 1.15).102
Murzuq fields were produced through a new 30-in. The 1990s saw the publication of the proceedings of
pipeline to the Hamra gathering centre and then to the the 1987 symposium on the Geology of Libya in 1991.
Az Zawiyah terminal on the coast. Two large gas fields Following on from these symposia it was decided to
were also brought on stream, Sahel (1990) and Assumud arrange a series of symposia specifically on the sedi-
(1993) via a spur line joining the 36 in. gas pipeline mentary basins of Libya. The first of these symposia,
from Nasser to Al Brayqah. The Mabruq field produces on the Sirt Basin, was held in Tripoli in 1993. Three
through a spur line to Bahi and thence to As Sidrah.99 field trip guidebooks were produced on the Zallah
At the end of 1996 Iraq resumed oil production un- Trough, Murzuq Basin and Cyrenaica. The key papers
der UN supervision. OPEC production increased in the were published in three volumes in 1996. Work on IRC
wake of the Gulf War, first to 25 million barrels per day, maps of Libya ground to virtual halt with the only one
and then in Nov. 1998 to 27.5 million barrels per day. sheet being issued during the decade. Several import-
This last increase coupled with economic recession in the ant articles dealing with Libya were published in a
Far East led to an oil price collapse which in Dec. 1998 volume on the petroleum geology of North Africa in
reached $11.28 per barrel. The pattern of 1986 was re- 1998. Following the major oil discoveries in the Murzuq
peated, and OPEC was forced to reduce production lev- Basin a conference on the geology of the basin was held
els twice during 1998 and again in Mar. 1999.100 Urgent at Sabha in 1998.103

Cumulative original recoverable reserves (MMbbls)










Source: Nubian Consulting Ltd.
FIG. 1.14 Cumulative Original Recoverable Reserves.
By 2014 over 40 billion barrels of original recoverable oil reserves had been found in Libya, of which half was found in the period 1956 to the end
of 1963. This chart does not include oil recoverable by advanced EOR methods.
1.7 The Decade 2000–09 27


Cumulative original recoverable reserves

vs cumulative production (MMbbls)

Cumulative original recoverable reserves



Cumulative production












Source: Nubian Consulting Ltd.
FIG. 1.15 Cumulative Original Recoverable Reserves vs Oil Production.
Cumulative original oil reserves rose dramatically in the first decade, but from 1968 the rate of increase was slower. Production during the same
period has been remarkably steady. This chart does not include oil recoverable by advanced EOR methods.

1.7 THE DECADE 2000–09 Exploration drilling remained at a low level, averag-
ing only 13 wildcat wells per year from 2000 to the end
Relations between Libya and the west slowly im- of 2004. The first major discovery on Repsol's block NC
proved between 2000 and 2004. In Jan. 2001 one of the 186 in the Murzuq Basin was made in Oct. 2000, and
Lockerbie suspects was found guilty and sentenced to the B and D discoveries in the following year. A further
life imprisonment and the other was found not guilty large discovery on the same block, the H field, was made
and returned to Libya. The Libyan government admitted in 2004 close to the location of Gulf's A1-68 well which
responsibility and agreed to pay compensation of $2.7 tested small amounts of oil in 1959. Repsol also made a
billion to the families of the victims. Following this pay- further discovery, the O field on the adjacent concession
ment the UN fully lifted the sanctions which had been NC 115. In 2002 Waha made a significant discovery with
suspended in 1999. The United States initially refused to the 6 J1-59 well in the eastern Sirt Basin, and Wintershall
remove Libya from the list of countries supporting ter- made two further discoveries on concession 97 in the
rorism as specified in the compensation agreement, and same area. Twenty-two fields were brought on produc-
it was not until May 2006 that this final hurdle was re- tion during this period, including the Kalanshiyu fields
moved and normal diplomatic and trade relations were of the Nubian province (2003), the offshore Al Jawf field
re-established.104 (2003), Ayn an Naqah in the western Sirt Basin (2003),
In a further effort to stimulate foreign investment in Shararah M and El Feel in the Murzuq Basin (2004) and
Mar. 2000 NOC appropriated inactive acreage from the the Al Wafaa gas condensate field in the Ghadamis Basin
state companies Agoco and Sirte and added this to the (2004). Production slowly edged up from 1.4 million bar-
large areas of open and relinquished acreage available rels per day in 2000 to 1.6 million barrels in 2004. The in-
to foreign operators. One hundred and thirty-five blocks ternational oil price rose gradually from $19.33 per barrel
were offered making this the largest offer of acreage since in Dec. 2001 to $40.28 in May 2004. In 2003 construction
the 1960s. Protracted negotiations took place with many began on the Green Stream, a 32-in. trans-Mediterranean
potential companies, but in the end only 27 blocks were gas pipeline from Mellitah on the Libyan coast to Gela
awarded, to Turkish Petroleum, Repsol, CPTL, RWE, in Sicily. The gas is supplied from the Bouri and Bahr
Woodside and Shell. Shell was awarded nine blocks in the Essalam fields offshore, and from the Al Wafaa field
central Sirt Basin in a deal by which the company under- adjacent to the Algerian border, 530 km to the south of
took to explore for gas and to rejuvenate and upgrade the Mellitah. The project was completed and inaugurated in
LNG plant at Marsa al Brayqah. The award came a year Oct. 2004 at a rate of 770 million cubic feet of gas per day.
after British Prime Minister Tony Blair paid his first visit Despite these encouraging trends, the government
to Colonel Qadafi following the lifting of sanctions.105 was becoming increasingly concerned about the slow
28 1. History of Oil and Gas Exploration

rate of exploration and the poor response to the acreage bonuses and the average equity for the foreign operator
offer made in 2000, so in 2004 NOC announced a radical over the 15 blocks was 19.4%. This gave Libya a higher
new initiative. The EPSA system was to be completely government take than any other country. NOC appeared
overhauled. Instead of protracted negotiations with indi- to have come up with a winner.106
vidual companies on the terms and conditions for indi- Round 1 was quickly followed by round 2 which was
vidual concessions a new system of competitive bidding announced in May 2005, and the results declared in Oct.
was introduced. In order to simplify the process further 2005. NOC was concerned that the 1-degree blocks, which
the old system of irregularly shaped concessions with ar- covered an area of about 10,660 km2, were too large, so
cane numbering was to be replaced by a simple system of for round two opted for quarter-degree blocks of about
numbered 1-degree quadrangles based on latitude and 2,650 km2. Furthermore some of the blocks were incom-
longitude, similar to that used in the North Sea. The new plete where old concessions which were still current ex-
regulations were designated EPSA IV. In 2004 15 of the tended into them. Forty-four quarter blocks were put on
new quadrangular blocks were put up for bid, of which offer and 97 bids were received. No bids were received
6 were offshore, some extending into deep water in the for four of the more remote blocks. Signature bonuses for
Gulf of Sirt, 3 in the eastern and southern Murzuq Basin, round two totalled $103.4 million. Average production
2 in the Ghadamis Basin, 1 in Cyrenaica and the other 3 in share for the foreign companies was 13.2%. Awards were
the Sirt Basin. Companies were invited to submit sealed made to Japanese companies Nippon, Japex, Mitsubishi
bids detailing the signature bonus they were willing to and Teikoku, to the Chinese company CNPC, the Indian
offer (which was not refundable), plus the equity share companies Oil India and ONGC Videsh, Indonesian
they were willing to accept. The package for each block Pertamina, Russian Tatneft, Turkish Petroleum, and to
contained a pre-determined work programme and a for- the western companies ENI, Total, Statoil, Norsk Hydro,
mula showing how cost recovery would be structured. BG and ExxonMobil. Such was the desire for new acreage
NOC had finally come up with a system that was ap- that the equity share that companies were willing to cede
pealing to foreign companies. Bids were opened in Jan. to NOC was among the highest in the world.107
2005 and showed that 56 companies had applied with a
total of 104 offers for the 15 blocks. Woodside secured
four offshore blocks and Occidental obtained two blocks
in the Murzuq Basin, two in the eastern Sirt Basin and E P S A I V RO UND 2 , D E C. 2 0 0 5
one in Cyrenaica. Verenex/Medco obtained a block in Terms: as for round 1, but for smaller concession areas.
the northern Ghadamis Basin, and other blocks went to Concessions numbered under the geographic quadran-
Chevron/Texaco, Amerada Hess, Sonatrach, Petrobras gle system, but with each 1-degree area divided into four
and Oil India. NOC collected $140 million in signature blocks of about 2640 km2 each. 44 blocks put up for bid, 40
Most significant awards on EPSA IV round two blocks:
Turkish Petroleum block 147/3 in the Murzuq Basin and
E PSA I V ROUND 1 LICENCES , Tatneft block 82/4 in the Ghadamis Basin.
JA N . 2005 Wildcat wells drilled on EPSA IV round two blocks
Terms: Competitive bidding, sealed bids, pre-determined 2005–14: 36
work programmes. Bidder required to indicate the level of Discoveries: Turkish Petroleum six small discoveries on
signature bonus and percentage of oil revenues it is willing block 147/3. Tatneft two small discoveries on block 82/4.
to offer to NOC. All costs to be borne by the foreign partner
for the first 5 years. Signature bonus is not refundable, even
if the bid is unsuccessful. Crude oil prices which had remained below $40 per
Concessions numbered according to the new geo- barrel to mid-2004 began a sharp upward trend in the
graphic 1-degree quadrangle system, each quadrangle following years, driven by ever increasing demand from
about 10,660 km2. Fifteen 1-degree quadrangles put up for countries like China, India, Brazil and Pakistan. The rise
bid, all 15 awarded. was inexorable, passing $60 per barrel in Aug. 2005, $80
Most significant awards: Verenex/Medco area 47, Hess per barrel in Oct. 2007 and $100 per barrel in May 2008.
area 54 offshore. The price peaked at an astonishing $133.93 per barrel
Wildcat wells drilled on EPSA IV round 1 areas, 2005– in Jun. 2008. However the impact of the financial crisis,
14: 45. which began in late 2007, resulted in a fall in demand,
Discoveries: Verenex/Medco 16 small discoveries on and the crude oil price tumbled back to $39.16 per barrel
area 47 in the Ghadamis Basin, Hess gas discovery on area in Feb. 2009. The price began to edge up again as the
54 offshore. crisis eased and was back up to $74.30 per barrel by Dec.
2009.108 Exploration drilling in Libya began to pick up
1.7 The Decade 2000–09 29
as companies commenced the evaluation of their EPSA Tony Blair paid a second visit to Colonel Qadafi in
IV blocks, with 21 exploration wildcats in 2005, 34 in May 2007 to discuss trade and business opportunities.
2006, 43 in 2007, 51 in 2008 and 40 in 2009. These were Almost immediately it was announced that BP would
levels which had not been seen since the 1960s. In the be granted two large areas to explore in the Ghadamis
period 2005 to the end of 2009 68 new oil discoveries Basin, and three deep-water blocks offshore. These ar-
were announced plus 17 gas discoveries, but most of rangements by-passed the EPSA IV competitive bidding
them were small. The most significant included Repsol's procedure, but involved an initial financial commitment
large I, J and K fields in concession NC 186 and the R of $900 million.110
field in concession NC 115. Verenex/Medco made 17 dis- In 2007 NOC began negotiations with ENI, Occidental
coveries on their 47/2 and 47/4 blocks in the northern and OMV to invite them to convert their pre-EPSA
Ghadamis Basin, but as with most Akakus discoveries, contracts into EPSA IV contracts. With Occidental this
individually they were small. RWE made a number of involved paying a signature bonus of $1 billion and a
small discoveries in the Mabruq area. To date only six of commitment to invest $2.5 billion, and to accept a lower
these fields have been developed. However 14 oil fields overall production share. In return the new agreement
and 5 gas fields, came on stream in the period 2005–09. replaced the system by which companies received a
These included the largest of the NC 186 discoveries in fixed price per barrel with the EPSA IV system which
the Murzuq Basin, and three fields in concession 97 in gave a percentage price per barrel, yielding a much
the eastern Sirt Basin, plus the large Attahadi gas field higher profit per barrel when the oil price is high. In
in the Sirt Basin, which was connected to the Brayqah addition all taxes, royalties and fees were to be paid by
terminal, and the offshore Bahr Essalam gas field which NOC. This arrangement allowed companies to recover
was piped to Zawiyah. Oil production increased slightly their costs much more quickly, and to make substantial
in the second half of the decade, rising from 1.75 million profits thereafter and Occidental and OMV converted
barrels per day in 2005 to 1.82 million barrels in 2008 be- their contracts in 2008, after which NOC began negoti-
fore falling back to 1.65 million barrels in 2009. ations with other companies. Furthermore foreign com-
Following the success of the first two EPSA IV rounds panies like Occidental were henceforth able to arrange
NOC quickly prepared a further round of bids with sim- work programmes directly with NOC rather than with
ilar terms and conditions to those of the two previous their Libyan state partner Zueitina, thus streamlining
rounds. Offers were invited in Aug. 2006 for 41 quarter their ambitious exploration and production plans.111
blocks including 12 offshore with awards to be announced In 2008 the Veba/Petro-Canada group came to a simi-
in Dec. 2006. Twenty-nine blocks were awarded but no lar agreement with NOC on eight old concessions and
bids were received for any of the blocks in Cyrenaica or the company was renamed Harouge Oil and Gas.
in the southern Kufrah Basin. Round 3 attracted less in- Other name changes were announced at the same time.
terest than the two earlier rounds, as companies began Repsol became Akakus Oil and Gas, Total/Aquitaine be-
to realise the high cost of obtaining concessions in Libya came Mabruk, Agip became Mellitah Oil and Gas and
and the generally high-risk nature of the blocks on offer. Verenex/Medco became Nafusah Oil and Gas. Rather
Gaz Prom and Exxon/Mobil each acquired four blocks in confusingly companies which have converted their old
the western offshore and ONGC four blocks in the east- contracts to EPSAs have started using the new well num-
ern offshore. Other awards were made to CPC Taiwan bering system introduced in 2005, so that for instance the
and Inpex in the Murzuq Basin, Tatneft in the Ghadamis exploration wildcat well following OO1-13 was not PP1-
Basin, Tatneft and Petro Canada in the Sirt Basin and 13 but A1-89/2.
Wintershall deep within the Kufrah Basin.109 EPSA IV round 4 was announced in Jul. 2007 as a
‘gas round’ specifically to promote drilling for gas pros-
pects in the known and presumed gas bearing areas of
E PSA I V ROUND 3 , DEC. 2006 Libya. Forty-one quarter blocks were offered but the
Terms: as for round 2. level of interest was considerably less than in the previ-
Concessions numbered under the geographic quadran- ous rounds and only 19 blocks were awarded. None of
gle system. 41 blocks put up for bid, 29 awarded. the offshore blocks attracted bids, but interestingly just
Most significant awards on EPSA IV round 3 blocks: before the fourth round was announced ExxonMobil
Gaz Prom and Exxon/Mobil offshore, Tatneft block 82/1, was awarded offshore area 21, which along with ad-
and Inpex 113/3 and 113/4 in the Ghadamis Basin. jacent area 20 gave the company a major stake in the
Wildcat wells drilled on EPSA IV round 2 blocks 2006– deep-water area of the Gulf of Sirt. Sonatrach was
14: 16. awarded four blocks near the Al Wafaa field close to
Discoveries: Oil reported in well A1-82/1 and gas in A1- the Algerian border and Polish Oil and Gas two blocks
113/3, both in the Ghadamis Basin. east of the Atshan field. Gaz Prom obtained three
blocks in the northern Ghadamis Basin close to Boco's
30 1. History of Oil and Gas Exploration


Mediterranean Sea
Tu n i s i a











Niger 22°

Chad 21°

0 100 200 300 km 20°

10° 11° 12° 13° 14° 15° 16° 17° 18° 19° 20° 21° 22° 23° 24° 25°
Source: NOC Licence Map 2008; Nubian Consulting Ltd.
FIG. 1.16 Concessions Map, 2014.
A comparison with Fig. 1.2 shows a large increase in licensed areas offshore and in the Kufrah Basin compared with 1960, but a significant re-
duction of licensed acreage in all other areas. This reflects the results of 2,000 exploration wildcat wells and the development of new geological
concepts during the period.

condensate discoveries in former concession NC 100, The key papers from the 1998 Murzuq Basin Conference
and Shell obtained two blocks in the Sirt Basin close held in Sabha were published in 2000, and following on
to the Hutaybah gas field. Occidental took four blocks from the very successful Sirt Basin Symposium three
in the southern Zallah Trough and RWE obtained four more major symposia on the Sedimentary Basins of Libya
blocks in Cyrenaica near Hunt's B-2 gas discovery of series were held in Tripoli during the decade. North West
1964 (Fig. 1.16). Libya was the subject of the 2000 symposium (published
1.8 The Period 2010–15 31
Jul. 2012 and Ali Zeidan was appointed Prime Minister.
EPSA I V R OUND 4, DEC. 2 0 0 7 The NTC was dissolved and the GNC set about organis-
Terms: as for round 3, but with special provisions in the ing a constituent assembly tasked with preparing Libya's
event of gas discoveries. new constitution. Progress has been severely hampered
Concessions numbered under the geographic quadran- by the unwillingness of the local militias to accept the
gle system. 41 blocks put up for bid, 19 awarded. authority of the National Congress or to give up their
Most significant awards on EPSA IV round 4 blocks: weapons. Militia groups still control large areas of the
Sonatrach four blocks and Polish Oil and Gas two blocks countryside, and the American ambassador to Libya
in the southern Ghadamis Basin, Gaz Prom three blocks in was murdered in Binghazi in Sep. 2012. The militias
the northern Ghadamis Basin. have been able to disrupt oil and gas production almost
Wildcat wells drilled on EPSA IV round 2 blocks at will in order to achieve their goals, which has led the
2007–14: 6. government to bring in foreign private security firms to
Discoveries: Gas indications in three of Sonatrach's guard oil installations.113
wells, and in two wells of Polskie Oil and Gas. In 2010, the year before the revolution, 53 exploration
wildcat wells were drilled, the highest total since 1969.
Sixteen discoveries were announced, including three
in 2003), East Libya was tackled in 2004 (published 2008) by Turkish Petroleum in the northern Murzuq Basin
and Southern Libya in 2008 (published 2012), thus com- and three by Medco in the northern Ghadamis Basin.
pleting the series begun in 1993. Seven more sheets of Six wells were spudded in early 2011, but all operations
the geological map of Libya were completed covering were suspended on the outbreak of the civil war and
outcrops on the eastern flank of the Murzuq Basin and foreign companies removed their personnel as the fight-
around the periphery of the Kufrah Basin, bringing the ing intensified. Just prior to the revolution four fields in
total number of sheets published to date to 68.112 the northern Ghadamis Basin, discovered by Boco in the
1980s, were brought on stream.
The Libyan oil industry was badly affected by the
1.8 THE PERIOD 2010–15 civil war. Infrastructure was damaged or destroyed and
production was shut down from most fields. Production
The major changes in the decade 2000–09 were as in 2010 was 1.66 million barrels per day, but only 480,000
nothing compared with the climactic events which un- barrels per day in 2011. Following the death of Qadafi
folded early in the new decade. In Dec. 2010 the first pro- however priority was given to repairing damaged in-
tests took place against the authoritarian government in stallations, and bringing production back on stream.
Tunisia, heralding the start of the so-called Arab Spring By the end of 2011 oil production was over 1.0 million
which subsequently swept through the Arab world. barrels a day, and the average for 2012 was 1.5 million.
President Ben Ali fled from Tunisia in Jan. 2011, and Remarkably even some exploration wells were drilled
in February President Mubarak of Egypt was ousted. during the unsettled times after the death of Qadafi.
In Libya protests against the government began on 15 Eight new wildcats were started in 2012, 16 in 2013 and 13
Feb. 2011 and rapidly escalated into a violent civil war. in 2014. In Sep. 2013 the situation deteriorated as armed
With the imposition of a UN no-fly zone in March and militia seized several of the major oilfields and produc-
the intervention of NATO naval and air forces, govern- tion plummeted to less than a 100,000 barrels per day.
ment troops were halted on the outskirts of Binghazi, In May 2012 Shell announced that it was suspending its
and after bitter fighting were eventually driven back exploration programme in Libya, citing disappointing
westwards. With ever increasing momentum the anti- drilling results and spiralling costs. Its main effort had
government forces occupied town after town and Tripoli been to explore for gas in the deep Ajdabiya Trough, but
fell on 28th August. Qadafi's home town of Sirt, and his the doubling of gas exports from Qatar and the rapid in-
final refuge, was overrun on 20 Oct. and Qadafi was crease in the production of shale gas in the United States
killed on the same day, thus ending a rule of 42 years. led to a decline in world gas prices. Shell's commitment
The fighting destroyed much of Libya's infrastructure, to upgrade the LNG facilities at Brayqah remained un-
and the oil industry was particularly hard hit. The oil fulfilled.114 The price of crude oil on the world market in
terminals at Zawiyah, Es Sider, Ra's Lanuf and Brayqah the period Jan. 2010–Oct. 2014 fluctuated between $80
were all badly damaged and many of the oil and gas and $110 per barrel, but fell dramatically in Jan. 2015 to
pipelines were put out of action, and even the plant $47.79 as the Chinese economy began to falter, and by
manufacturing the sections of concrete pipeline for the Dec. 2015 stood at $37.04 per barrel, illustrating yet again
Great Man-Made River was bombed and destroyed by the volatility of the international oil market. Nevertheless
NATO planes. Power passed to the National Transitional NOC has prepared development plans extending for 4
Council whose task was to prepare for elections to a or 5 years into the future with a dozen or so fields ear-
General National Congress. The election was held in marked for development. NOC continues to function,
32 1. History of Oil and Gas Exploration

some production is continuing, and efforts are being 27. Sarir discovery: BAAPG, 1962, vol. 46, p. 1218, field description:
made to maintain and repair oilfield installations, but by Gillespie and Sanford, 1967, p. 181–193.
the summer of 2015 the political situation in Libya had 28. BAAPG, 1962, vol. 46, p. 1215–1221; BAAPG, 1963, vol. 47, p.
worsened to such an extent that two rival governments
were competing for power, one based in Tripoli and the 29. BAAPG, vols. 46 and 47, op.cit.
other in Tubruq, foreign embassies had closed, foreign 30. Waddams, 1980, p. 101–114.
companies had withdrawn their personnel, ISIS had es- 31. Waddams, 1980, p. 117–124.
tablished a presence in Darnah, Binghazi and Sirt, and 32. Waddams, 1980, p. 137–151. Waddams was employed by the
militia groups still exerted control over large swathes of Ministry of Petroleum Affairs, and was involved in the negotia-
tions which led to the 1965 Petroleum Law.
the country. It is surely a tragedy that a revolution which
began with such high hopes should have been allowed 33. BAAPG, vols. 46 and 47, op. cit. 1964, vol. 48, p. 1645–1653; 1965,
vol. 49, p. 1244–1251; 1966, vol. 50, p. 1691–1701; 1967, vol. 51, p.
to descend into such chaos. At the time of writing a UN 1571–1579.
brokered plan was being discussed for a government of
34. BAAPG, vols. 46–51, op. cit.
national accord, based in Tunis in a fresh attempt to es-
35. Waddams, 1980, p. 198.
tablish stability and tackle the threat from ISIS.115
36. BAAPG, 1969, vol. 53, p. 1714.
37. BAAPG, volumes for relevant years.

Endnotes 38. Waddams, 1980, p. 197.

39. Wright, 1969, p. 256–257.
1. Dearden, 1976, p. 245–296; Wright, 1969, p. 118–190; Wellard, 1965, 40. Waddams, 1980, p. 199–200.
p. 133–190.
41. Waddams, 1980, p. 165–169.
2. Wright, 1969, p. 107–109; Wellard, 1965, p. 191–214.
42. Occidental discoveries: Hammer, 1987, p. 337–344.
3. Gregory, 1911, p. 572–615.
43. Hammer, 1987, p. 340.
4. Wright, 1969, p. 147–168.
44. Wright, 1969, p. 251.
5. Wright, 1969, p. 169–184.
45. BAAPG, 1967, vol. 51, p. 1571–1579; BAAPG, 1968, vol. 52, p.
6. Vinassa de Regny, 1912. 1495–1504; BAAPG, 1969, vol. 53, p. 1709–1717; BAAPG, 1970, vol.
7. Wikipedia article: Ardito Desio. Oil seeps Desio, 1939, p. 387–394. 54, p. 1466–1473.
8. Ettalhi et al., 1978, p. 38–44. 46. Waddams, 1980, p. 206.
9. Waddams, 1980, p. 27; Wright, 1969, p. 244. 47. Wright, 1981, p. 232.
10. Crema, 1926, p. 49–50. 48. Waddams, 1980, p. 176–180.
11. Wright, 1981, p. 220. 49. South-Central Libya and Chad, PESL, 8th annual vol. 1968, N.
12. Wright, 1969, p. 185–227. Cyrenaica, PESL 10th annual vol. 1968, SW Fezzan, 11th an-
nual vol. 1969. Miocene Maradah, Selley, 1966, 30 pp.; Gemini,
13. Wright, 1969, p. 230.
Pesce, 1968, 81 pp.; Microfacies Lehmann, 1968, 80 pp., Jabal
14. Waddams, 1980, p. 57. Nafusah Hammuda, 1969, 74 pp. 1st Saharan Symposium, Rev.
15. Waddams, 1980, p. 57–70; Gurney, 1996, p. 33–41. Inst. Fran. Pet. 1963. Geological map 1:2,000,000 Conant and
Goudarzi, 1964, Zaltan, Fraser, 1967, p. 259–264, Sarir, Gillespie
16. Annual summaries of petroleum developments in Libya were
and Sanford, 1967, p. 181–193. 1st Symposium Geology of Libya,
published in successive volumes of the Bulletin of the American
Univ. Libya, 1969.
Association of Petroleum Geologists (BAAPG) up to 1988. For first
licence awards see 1956, vol. 40, p. 1611. 50. Wright, 1981, p. 141–142.
17. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, bulletins, 51. Wright, 1981, p. 141–142.
Petroleum Developments in Africa, 1957–61. 52. Hammer, 1987, p. 344–349.
18. First well under 1955 Petroleum Law, BAAPG, 1957, vol. 41, p. 53. Waddams, 1980, p. 232.
1568, 1571.
54. Hammer, 1987, p. 347.
19. BAAPG, 1959, vol. 43, p. 1653–1657.
55. Waddams, 1980, p. 231–236.
20. Liberator bomber: Lady's Men, Martinez, 1995, 197 pp.
56. Libyan Producers' Agreement: Waddams, 1980, p. 240.
21. BAAPG, 1959, vol. 43, p. 1653–1657.
57. BP Nationalisation: Waddams, 1980, p. 251–253.
22. BAAPG, 1959, vol. 43, p. 1653–1657; BAAPG, 1960, vol. 44, p.
58. Waddams, 1980, p. 254–255.
59. Wright, 1981, p. 236.
23. Zaltan flowrate: BAAPG, 1960, vol. 44, p. 1122, field description:
Fraser, 1967, p. 259–264. 60. Waddams, 1980, p. 256.
24. BAAPG, vols. 43 and 44, op. cit. 61. BAAPG, 1975, vol. 59, p. 1873–1874; BAAPG, 1976, vol. 60, p.
25. Burollet, 1960, p. 1–62. See discussion in introduction to Barr and
Weegar, 1972, p. 3–4. 62. Boundary disputes. Wright, 1981, p. 250.
26. BAAPG, 1961, vol. 45, p. 1163–1168; BAAPG, 1962, vol. 46, p. 63. Waddams, 1980, p. 274.
1215–1221. 64. Wright, 1981, p. 227.
1.8 The Period 2010–15 33
65. Production Sharing Agreements: Waddams, 1980, p. 260–263. 93. Second Symposium Geol. Libya (1978), published in 3 vols.,
New concessions: BAAPG, 1975, vol. 59, p. 1873–1874. Academic Press London, 1980. Maps at 1:250,000 Industrial
66. Oil price 1975–1979: Gurney, 1996, p. 133. Research Centre, Tripoli. Stratigraphic Lexicon of Libya, Banerjee,
IRC 1980. Pre-Mesozoic Mamgain, Bull. 14, IRC, 1980. U. Cretaceous
67. Al Brayqah refinery: Waddams, 1980, p. 201–202. Az Zawiyah and Tertiary Megerisi and Mamgain, Bull. 12, IRC 1980. NW
refinery: Gurney, 1996, p. 151–152. Ra's Lanuf refinery: Gurney, Offshore, Hammuda et al. ESSL Tripoli, 1989. Structure ­offshore
1996, p. 153–154. Finetti, 1982, p. 247–312. Sahabi Boaz, Garyounis Univ. Bull No. 4
68. Gurney, 1996, p. 203–206. 1982. Palynostratigraphy NE Libya, Garyounis Univ, 1988.
69. Waddams, 1980, p. 280. 94. US Energy Information Administration, January 2000, p. 14–15.
70. BAAPG, 1976, vol. 60, to 1980, vol. 64. 95. Sanctions: Gurney, 1996, p. 226–230. Revenue losses: US Energy
71. BAAPG, 1978, vol. 62, p. 1798. Information Administration, July 1999, Country Review: Libya,
EIA Website.
72. Thomas, 1995b, p. 100.
96. Websites of Federal Reserve, Energy Information Agency and BP.
73. BAAPG Annual Petroleum Developments in North Africa vol-
umes 60–64. 97. US Energy Information Administration, July 1999, Libya.
74. Production: Gurney, 1996, p. 92. Fields on stream: BAAPG, vols. 98. Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain Newsletter,
60–64. Elephant field: May 1999, p. 51, Ayn an Naqah field: August-
September 1999, p. 71.
75. Background: Yergin, 1991, p. 678–680. Political situation, oil price
and chronology: US Energy Information Administration website, 99. US Energy Information Administration, July, 1999, Libya.
January 2000. 100. US EIA January 2000, World Oil Market, p. 24–30.
76. Barr and Weegar, 1972, PESL, 179 pp. 1:250,000 maps and mem- 101. NOC open acreage map, 1997.
oirs, Industrial Research Centre, 1974 to present, 68 sheets to date. 102. BBC News Channel website 15 October, 2004.
1:2,000,000 map Al Maghrabi and Cheshitev, IRC, 1977. Annual
field excursion handbooks 1970–76, PESL. Second Symposium on 103. 1987 Geology of Libya symposium, vols. 4–7, Elsevier, 1991.
the Geology of Libya, Academic Press, 1980, 3 vols. National Atlas 1993 Sedimentary Basins Symposium: Sirt Basin, 3 vols. Elsevier,
of Libya, Secretariat of Planning, Tripoli, 1978, 118 pp. Bibliography 1996. Field trip guide-books: Zallah, Abadi and Van Dijk, 1993;
of Libyan Geology, Ettalhi et al., IRC, 1978, 135 pp.; Amal, Roberts, Murzuq, Abugares and Ramaekers, 1993; Cyrenaica, El-Hawat
1970; Sarir, Sanford, 1970; Awjilah, Williams, 1971, 1972; Zaltan, and Shelmani, 1993. Geological map of Libya Sheet NG 33-4, Al
Bebout and Pendexter, 1975; Majid, Winnock and Mermod, 1979. Haruj al Aswad. Petroleum Geology of North Africa, Geol. Soc.
Special Pub. No. 132, 1998. 1998 Murzuq Symposium, Elsevier, 1
77. Gurney, 1996, p. 69–70. vol. 2000.
78. Gurney, 1996, p. 69–70; BAAPG, 1982, vol. 66, p. 2164–2165. 104. Wikipedia article Pan-Am flight 103.
79. Yergin, 1991, p. 710–714. 105. Shell deal. Daily Telegraph, 3rd May 2005.
80. Gurney, 1996, p. 226. 106. NOC EPSA IV Round 1 publicity material. Website www.libyan-
81. Gurney, 1996, p. 71. Website www.borsaitaliana 8 June 2005
82. The figure of 2.7 billion barrels is derived from the annual pro- Libya EPSA IV ends a European party?
duction figures quoted in the BAAPG annual volumes up to 1982, 107. Oil and Gas Journal, October 24th 2005, p. 39–44.
with some interpolated values. 108. Website Business Research Plus,, 5
83. Yergin, 1991, p. 746–747. January 2011.
84. Yergin, 1991, p. 748–752. 109. Oil and Gas Journal February 5th 2007, p. 41–44.
85. Yergin, 1991, p. 750–751. 110. The Guardian, 30 May 2007.
86. Great Man-Made River ‘Libya's water 111. Website EPSA IV.
wars and Gaddafi's Great Man-Made River project. 112. 1998 Murzuq Symposium, Elsevier, 1 vol., 2000. NW Libya, Earth
pedia Great Man-Made River. Occidental's involvement Hammer Sciences Society of Libya, 3 vols., 2004. East Libya ESSL, 4 vols.,
and Lyndon, 1987, p. 336. 2008. South Libya, ESSL, 3 vols., 2012. Geol. Map of Libya, IRC
87. Gurney, 1996, p. 86–87; Thomas, 1995b, p. 100. Tripoli, 7 sheets, 2007.
88. BAAPG, 1980, vol. 64, to 1986, vol. 70. 113. Wikipedia: The Libyan Revolution, and Aftermath of the Libyan
89. Wikipedia Chadian-Libyan conflict and Wikipedia Toyota War. Civil War.
90. 7th November blocks, Middle Eastern Economic Survey, 5 May 114. Shell's decision to terminate exploration www.arabianoilandgas.
1997 and 10 May 1999. co, article 10445, 9th July 2012.
91. Gurney, 1996, p. 72–80, 181–182. 115. Oil price: Oil production BP Statistical
Review, 2015. Political situation: Al Jazeera 19 January 2016.
92. Wikipedia article Pan-Am 103.

Plate Tectonic History


2.1 Introduction 35 2.6 Gondwana 40

2.2 Present-Day Africa 35 2.7 Pangaea 43
2.3 Rodinia 36 2.8 Tethys 44
2.4 The Pan-African Orogeny and the 2.9 Tethys to Mediterranean 49
Assembly of Pannotia 37
2.5 The Saharan Metacraton 39

2.1 INTRODUCTION the s­hadowy period of the Rodinia super-continent

during the Proterozoic, through the reorganisation of
The later chapters of this book deal with Libya and plates to form the second super-continent of Pannotia
immediately adjacent areas, and it is easy to forget that in the late Proterozoic, to the assembly of Gondwana
during geological history the region which was to be- during the early Palaeozoic. The later history of
come Libya was located very differently from its present Gondwana, the formation of the third super-continent
position. During the Ordovician and Silurian, as part of of Pangaea towards the end of the Palaeozoic, and the
Gondwana, it passed close to the south pole, and during eventual separation of Laurasia and other plates in the
the Triassic, as part of Pangaea, it crossed the equator, Mesozoic are now more clearly understood. The study
from south to north. From the point of view of sedi- of the history of the Tethys Ocean has also made great
mentology, stratigraphy and orogenesis it is important progress, but is complicated in the Mediterranean sec-
to understand the context in which these events took tor by the fact that much of the evidence has been de-
place. For this reason the present chapter will briefly stroyed or at least greatly modified by the subduction
review the plate tectonic history of the area from the of much of the Tethyan sea floor beneath the European
Neoproterozoic to the present day. and Asian plates.
Much progress has been made in the last 10 years on
unravelling the tectonic evolution of Africa, and of the
Tethys and Mediterranean, building on the pioneering 2.2 PRESENT-DAY AFRICA
work of the 1980s and 1990s. New palaeomagnetic and
radiometric age-dating data have become available, de- The crustal basement of present-day Africa at its sim-
tailed field studies and laboratory analyses have been plest can be regarded as belonging to three main phases.
carried out and computerised reconstructions have be- At its core are three ancient cratons, Kalahari, Congo
come more sophisticated. and West African, plus the much smaller Tanzania
Using these approaches it has become possi- craton, which are Archaean and older Proterozoic
ble to trace the history of plate movements from in age, that is older than 2 Ga. These cratons are sur-

Petroleum Geology of Libya 35 Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
36 2. Plate Tectonic History

O roge


Trans-Saharan Orogen

Saharan Metacraton



West African

East A

ican O
C entral Afr

an Oro

Craton n
Cr zan
at ia


Phanerozoic (< 0.54 GA) Craton
Neoproterozoic (1.0 – 0.54 Ga) 30°
Cape Orogen
Pre-Neoproterozoic (>1.0 Ga)

Orogenic belts
20° 10° 0° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60°
Source: van Hinsbergen et al. (2011); Meert and Lieberman (2008); Gray et al. (2007)
FIG. 2.1 Africa, Tectonic Elements.
Africa is an amalgam of three ancient cratons separated by orogenic belts formed during the Pan-African orogeny, with three younger fold belts
on the periphery. The Saharan Metacraton is an assemblage of smaller cratonic fragments, orogenic belts and oceanic accreted terranes which has
been extensively remobilised.

rounded and separated by orogenic belts, which are 2.3 RODINIA

largely of Neoproterozoic age, from 1 to 0.54 Ga, with
small areas of younger crust on the periphery. The In order to understand how present-day Africa was
orogenic belts were formed principally during the assembled it is necessary to examine the palaeomagnetic
Pan-African orogeny from about 650 to 540 Ma, which evidence and radiometric dating of the basement rocks.
culminated in a thermal event which remobilised large There is evidence of extremely ancient rocks in the exposed
areas of existing crust. In some areas remobilisation was cratonic cores of Africa. Rocks with an age of 3.6 Ga have
relatively mild as on the Arabian shield, but in others been dated from the Kalahari craton, and all three cra-
was much more intense, as on the Saharan metacraton. tons were formed prior to 2.0 Ga, since when they have
The metacraton was formerly an area of smaller cratonic been tectonically stable. In North Africa remnants of the
and orogenic fragments and accreted terranes which suf- West African craton are found in the Eglab Mountains of
fered very high grade metamorphism and remobilisation Algeria, and in Mali and Burkino Faso. These areas have
during the final stages of the Pan-African orogeny, and yielded radiometric age dates attributable to the Archaean
which in consequence is not easy to interpret (Fig. 2.1).1 and early Proterozoic. Palaeomagnetic data show that the
2.4 The Pan-African Orogeny and the Assembly of Pannotia 37


Australia S. 30°N
India China Siberia

Mad. Antarctica


Congo- Plata
Sao Francisco Amazonia
Ocean 30°S



Rodinia at 750 Ma Source: Modified from Meert et al. (2008)

Neoproterozoic rifts
Direction of plate
movement in late

FIG. 2.2 The Rodinia Super-Continent.

Rodinia was assembled from cratonic nuclei during the Proterozoic with Laurentia at its core. The African cratons were widely separated and
peripheral to the main mass of Rodinia. It began to break-up about 750 Ma along rift zones which developed into the Pharusian and Adamastor

three principal cratons were widely separated during the cratons formed part of a small agglomeration of cratons
Proterozoic. It is now evident that many of the world’s which were probably separated from the main mass of
cratons came together during the Neoproterozoic to form Rodinia by open ocean (Fig. 2.2).2
a super-continent which has been named Rodinia, a term
coined in 1989 to reflect the ancestral nature of this group-
ing. There is general agreement that Rodinia was assem- 2.4 THE PAN-AFRICAN OROGENY AND
bled between 2.0 and 1.1 Ga and broke apart from around THE ASSEMBLY OF PANNOTIA
750 Ma. It was centred on the Laurentian craton which was
surrounded in a clockwise direction by the ancient cratons From about 750 Ma Rodinia began to break up. The
of Antarctica, India, Australia, South China, Siberia, Baltica, Pharusian, Adamastor, Damara and East African oceans
Amazonia and Rio Plata. The striking feature of this asso- developed along rift zones, splitting Rodinia into frag-
ciation is the absence of the three African cratons. This is ments. Island arcs formed in these oceans and northern
because they were peripheral to the main mass of Rodinia. Libya is floored with the remains of one of these island
The West African craton was attached to the outer margin arcs from the Pharusian Ocean. Rocks of this suite are
of Amazonia, the Kalahari craton lay adjacent to Laurentia found at outcrop in the western Hoggar mountains in
and Antarctica, and the Sao Francisco, Congo and Kalahari Algeria. From 650 Ma however the oceans began to close
38 2. Plate Tectonic History

Antarctica Laurentia


India Craton

°S Rio



Arabia Congo


Craton Craton
Metacraton West


Pannotia at 545 Ma Source: Kroner and Stern (2004); Abdelsalam et al. (2002); Dalziel (1997)
FIG. 2.3 The Pannotia Super-Continent.
From 650 to 600 Ma the African cratons came together and were forced into the heart of Rodinia, closing the Pharusian and Adamastor oceans
and forming orogenic belts between the cratons. This marked the culmination of the Pan-African orogeny and produced a new super-continent
named Pannotia.

and the West African, Congo, Sao Francisco and Kalahari tor. Africa and South America were inverted in terms
cratons were brought together by plate tectonic move- of modern geography. West Africa was located at the
ments, and forced bodily into the heart of Rodinia, dis- South Pole whilst South Africa was at a latitude of about
placing the former core of Laurentia into a peripheral 30° south (Fig. 2.3). Pannotia has also been described
position. This has colourfully been described as Rodinia as Greater Gondwana since it contained all the cratons
turned inside out. The intense forces created by these of the Palaeozoic Gondwana continent plus Laurentia,
events produced the Pan-African orogeny during which Siberia and Baltica. The orogeny had profound effects
the Pharusian, Adamastor, Damara and East African throughout Africa and resulted in intense deformation.
oceans were closed, and their remains transformed into It was responsible for bringing together the three ancient
orogenic belts, and large areas of crust were remobilised. African cratons into a configuration which has remained
A peripheral expression of the orogeny was the a­ ccretion unchanged to the present day.3
of the Avalonian and Cadomian island arcs onto the The Pannotia super-continent had a relatively brief
margin of the reorganised super-continent along a existence. During the earliest Palaeozoic it broke apart
subduction zone, an episode known as the Cadomian along the lines of the Neoproterozoic sutures, and
orogeny. The reorganised assemblage of plates formed Laurentia, Baltica, and Siberia became detached to form
a new, second, super-continent which has been given separate entities, which remained discrete for the next
the name Pannotia, meaning all southern lands, since 200 million years. The remaining continental assemblage,
all of the major cratons were located south of the equa- at this time extending from the South Pole to about 60°
2.5 The Saharan Metacraton 39
south and comprising Africa, Antarctica, South America, proposed to rename this melange the Saharan Metacraton.
Australia and India, is named Gondwana, after a region The area has a complex history involving decratonisation,
in India where the distinctive palaeofloral assemblage accretion, extension, and remobilisation (Fig. 2.4).5
which characterises it was first described (Fig. 2.3).4 In Libya there are only a few areas where these
rocks are exposed, but many wells have penetrated the
Phanerozoic cover and terminated in basement rocks.
2.5 THE SAHARAN METACRATON On Jabal Hasawnah on the Qarqaf Arch there are five
small inliers of Precambrian granite and granodiorite,
The area between the Hoggar Shield and the Arabian- and on the western flank of the Al Haruj al Aswad sim-
Nubian Shield and southwards to the Congo craton ilar rocks, along with metamorphosed Neoproterozoic
is neither a craton nor an orogenic belt. It is an area of sediments, are exposed near Tmassah. Isotopic studies
Neoproterozoic and Proterozoic crust which was exten- of these rocks yield ages of 586–533 Ma. The principal
sively remobilised, injected and fragmented during the exposures of basement rocks are in the south. South-
Pan-African orogeny, making its origins difficult to deci- west of Ghat, just over the border in Algeria, large areas
pher. Formerly, exposed areas of these rocks were referred of Precambrian granite with patches of Neoproterozoic
to as Nile Craton and East Saharan Craton, but these metasediments are exposed in the axis of the Tihimboka
terms are misleading because they are not cratons and the Arch, and similar assemblages outcrop extensively
geographic names are not entirely accurate. In 2002 it was in the western Tibisti mountains along the southern

10°W 50°E

Shield Libya

Ar bia
ab n





Craton Metacraton

? African 5°N
Equator Congo Craton

Major boundaries

Phanerozoic formations

Pan-African juvenile crust

Remobilised during Pan-African orogeny

Cratonic basement

Source: Redrawn from Meinhold et al. (2011)

FIG. 2.4 The Saharan Metacraton.
The effect of the Pan-African orogeny in north Africa was profound. The small cratonic fragments, intervening orogenic belts and accreted island
arcs were subjected to extreme remobilisation, so that the original components are difficult to differentiate. This assemblage is named the Saharan
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while in that city. They found, that, during their absence, the mother-
in-law of Simon had been taken ill, and was then suffering under the
heat of a violent fever. Jesus at once, with a word, pronounced her
cure, and immediately the fever left her so perfectly healed, that she
arose from her sick bed, and proceeded to welcome their return, by
her grateful efforts to make their home comfortable to them, after
their tiresome pilgrimage.

“Immediately the fever left her.”――Matthew viii. 15: Mark i. 31: Luke iv. 39. It may seem
quite idle to conjecture the specific character of this fever; but it seems to me a very
justifiable guess, that it was a true intermittent, or fever and ague, arising from the marsh
influences, which must have been very strong in such a place as Capernaum,――situated
as it was, on the low margin of a large fresh water lake, and with all the morbific agencies of
such an unhealthy site, increased by the heat of that climate. The immediate termination of
the fever, under these circumstances, was an abundant evidence of the divine power of
Christ’s word, over the evil agencies, which mar the health and happiness of mankind.

During some time after this, Peter does not seem to have left his
home for any long period at once, until Christ’s long journeys to
Judea and Jerusalem, but no doubt accompanied Jesus on all his
excursions through Galilee, besides the first, of which the history has
been here given. It would be hard, and exceedingly unsatisfactory,
however, to attempt to draw out from the short, scattered incidents
which fill the interesting records of the gospels, any very distinct,
detailed narrative of these various journeys. The chronology and
order of most of these events, is still left much in the dark, and most
of the pains taken to bring out the truth to the light, have only raised
the greater dust to blind the eyes of the eager investigator. To
pretend to roll all these clouds away at once, and open to common
eyes a clear view of facts, which have so long confused the minds of
some of the wisest and best of almost every Christian age, and too
often, alas! in turn, been confused by them,――such an effort,
however well meant, could only win for its author the contempt of the
learned, and the perplexed dissatisfaction of common readers. But
one very simple, and comparatively easy task, is plainly before the
writer, and to that he willingly devotes himself for the present. This
task is, that of separating and disposing, in what may seem their
natural order, with suitable illustration and explanation, those few
facts contained in the gospels, relating distinctly to this apostle.
These facts, accordingly, here follow.

his first mission.

The next affair in which Peter is mentioned, by either evangelist, is

the final enrolling of the twelve peculiar disciples, to whom Jesus
gave the name of apostles. In their proper place have already been
mentioned, both the meaning of this title and the rank of Peter on the
list; and it need here only be remarked, that Peter went forth with the
rest, on this their first and experimental mission. All the first three
gospels contain this account; but Matthew enters most fully into the
charge of Jesus, in giving them their first commission. In his tenth
chapter, this charge is given with such particularity, that a mere
reference of the reader to that place will be sufficient, without any
need of explanation here. After these minute directions for their
behavior, they departed, as Mark and Luke record, and went through
the towns, preaching the gospel, that men should repent. And they
cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and
healed them. How far their journey extended, cannot be positively
determined, but there is no probability that they went beyond the
limits of Galilee. Divided as they were into couples, and each pair
taking a different route, a large space must have been gone over in
this mission, however brief the time can be supposed to have been.
As to the exact time occupied, we are, indeed, as uncertain as in
respect to the distance to which they traveled; but from the few
incidents placed by Mark and Luke between their departure and
return, it could hardly have been more than a few weeks, probably
only a few days. The only affair mentioned by either evangelist,
between their departure and return, is, the notice taken by Herod of
the actions of Jesus, to whom his attention was drawn by his
resemblance to John the Baptist. They then say, that the apostles,
when they were returned, gathered themselves together to Jesus,
and told him all things,――both what they had done and what they
had taught. As this report was received by Jesus, without any
comment that is recorded, it is fair to conclude, that their manner of
preaching, and the success of their labors, had been such as to
deserve his approbation. In this mission, there is nothing particularly
commemorated with respect to Peter’s conduct; but no doubt the
same fiery zeal which distinguished him afterwards, on so many
occasions, made him foremost in this his earliest apostolic labor. His
rank, as chief apostle, too, probably gave him some prominent part
in the mission, and his field of operations must have been more
important and extensive than that of the inferior apostles, and his
success proportionably greater.

It is deserving of notice, that on this first mission, Jesus seems to have arranged the
twelve in pairs, in which order he probably sent them forth, as he certainly did the seventy
disciples, described in Luke x. 1. The object of this arrangement, was no doubt to secure
them that mutual support which was so desirable for men, so unaccustomed to the high
duties on which they were now dispatched.

Their destination, also, deserves attention. The direction of Jesus was, that they should
avoid the way of the heathen, and the cities of the Samaritans, who were but little better,
and should go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. This expression was quoted,
probably, from those numerous passages in the prophets, where this term is applied to the
Israelites, as in Jeremiah l. 6, Isaiah liii. 6, Ezekiel xxxiv. 6, &c., and was used with peculiar
force, in reference to the condition of those to whom Jesus sent his apostles. It seems to
me, as if he, by this peculiar term, meant to limit them to the provinces of Galilee, where the
state and character of the Jews was such as eminently to justify this melancholy appellative.
The particulars of their condition will be elsewhere shown. They were expressly bounded on
one side, from passing into the heathen territory, and on the other from entering the cities of
the Samaritans, who dwelt between Galilee and Judea proper, so that a literal obedience of
these instructions, would have confined them entirely to Galilee, their native land. Macknight
also takes this view. The reasons of this limitation, are abundant and obvious. The
peculiarly abandoned moral condition of that outcast section of Palestine,――the perfect
familiarity which the apostles must have felt with the people of their own region, whose
peculiarities of language and habits they themselves shared so perfectly as to be unfitted
for a successful outset among the Jews of the south, without more experience out of
Galilee,――the shortness of the time, which seems to have been taken up in this
mission,――the circumstance that Jesus sent them to proclaim that “the kingdom of heaven
was at hand,” that is, that the Messiah was approaching, which he did in order to arouse the
attention of the people to himself, when he should go to them, (compare Luke x. 1,) thus
making them his forerunners; and the fact, that the places to which he actually did go with
them, on their return, were all in Galilee, (Matthew xi., xix. 1, Mark vi. 7, x. 1, Luke ix. 1‒51,)
all serve to show that this first mission of the apostles, was limited entirely to the Jewish
population of Galilee. His promise to them also in Matthew x. 2, 3, “you shall not finish the
cities of Israel, before the son of man come,” seems to me to mean simply, that there would
be no occasion for them to extend their labors to the Gentile cities of Galilee, or to the
Samaritans; because, before they could finish their specially allotted field of survey, he
himself would be ready to follow them, and confirm their labors. This was mentioned to
them in connection with the prediction of persecutions which they would meet, as an
encouragement. For various other explanations of this last passage, see Poole’s Synopsis,
Rosenmueller, Wetstein, Macknight, Le Sainte Bible avec notes, &c. in loc. But Kuinoel,
who quotes on his side Beza, Bolten, and others, supports the view, which an unassisted
consideration induced me to suggest.

“Anointed with oil.” Mark vi. 13. The same expression occurs in James v. 14, and needs
explanation from its connection with a peculiar rite of the Romish church,――extreme
unction, from which it differs, however, inasmuch as it was always a hopeful operation,
intended to aid the patient, and secure his recovery, while the Romish ceremony is always
performed in case of complete despair of life, only with a view to prepare the patient, by this
mummery, for certain death. The operation mentioned as so successfully performed by the
apostles, for the cure of diseases, was undoubtedly a simple remedial process, previously
in long-established use among the Hebrews, as clearly appears by the numerous
authorities quoted by Lightfoot, Wetstein, and Paulus, from Rabbinical Greek and Arabic
sources; yet Beza and others, quoted in Poole’s Synopsis, as well as Rosenmueller,
suggest some symbolical force in the ceremony, for which see those works in loc. See also
Kuinoel, and Bloomfield who gives numerous references. See also Marlorat’s Bibliotheca
expositionum, Stackhouse’s History of the Bible, Whitby, &c.

the scenes on the lake.

After receiving the report of his apostles’ labors, Jesus said to

them, “Come ye yourselves apart into a retired place, and rest
awhile:” for there were many coming and going, and they had no
leisure so much as to eat. And he took them and went privately by
ship aside, into a lonely place, near the city called Bethsaida. And
the people saw him departing, and many knew him, and went on foot
to the place, out of all the country, and outwent them, and came
together to him as soon as he reached there. And he received them,
and spoke unto them of the kingdom of God, and healed them that
had need of healing. It was on this occasion that he performed the
miracle of feeding the multitude with five loaves and two fishes. So
great was the impression made on their minds by this extraordinary
act of benevolence and power, that he thought it best, in order to
avoid the hindrance of his great task, by any popular commotion in
his favor, to go away in such a manner as to be effectually beyond
their reach for the time.――With this view he constrained his
disciples to get into the ship, and go before him to the other side of
the lake, opposite to Bethsaida, where they then were; while he sent
away the people. After sending the multitude away, he went up into a
mountain, apart, to pray. And after night fall, the vessel was in the
midst of the sea, and he alone on the land. Thence he saw them
toiling with rowing, (for the wind was contrary to them, and the ship
tossed in the waves:) and about three or four o’clock in the morning,
he comes to them, walking on the sea, and appeared as if about to
pass unconcernedly by them. But when they saw him walking upon
the sea. they supposed it to have been a spirit, and they all cried out,
“It is a spirit;” for they all saw him, and were alarmed; and
immediately he spoke to them, and said “Be comforted; it is I; be not
afraid.” And Peter, foremost in zeal on this occasion, as at almost all
times, said to him, “Lord, if it be thou, bid me come to thee upon the
water.” And he said, “Come.” And when Peter had come down out of
the vessel, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. But when he saw
the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried,
“Lord, save me.” And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand,
and caught him; and said to him, “O thou of little faith! wherefore
didst thou doubt?” And when they were come into the ship, the wind
ceased; and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure,
and wondered. And all they that were in the vessel came and
worshiped him, saying, “Of a truth, thou art the Son of God.” This
amazement and reverence was certainly very tardily acknowledged
by them, after all the wonders they had seen wrought by him; but
they considered not the miracle of the loaves, the most recent of all,
which happened but a few hours before. For this thoughtlessness, in
a matter so striking and weighty, Jesus himself afterwards rebuked
them, referring both to this miracle of feeding the five thousand, and
to a subsequent similar one. However, the various great actions of a
similar character, thus repeated before them, seem at last to have
had a proper effect, since, on an occasion not long after, they boldly
and clearly made their profession of faith in Jesus, as the Christ.

“A lonely place.”――The word desert, which is the adjective given in this passage, in the
common English version, (Matthew xiv. 13, 15, Mark vi. 31, 32, 35, Luke ix. 10, 12,) does
not convey to the reader, the true idea of the character of the place. The Greek word Ερημος
(eremos) does not in the passages just quoted, mean “desert,” in our modern sense of that
English word, which always conveys the idea of “desolation,” “wildness” and “barrenness,”
as well as “solitude.” But the Greek word by no means implied these darker characteristics.
The primary, uniform idea of the word is, “lonely,” “solitary,” and so little does it imply
“barrenness,” that it is applied to lands, rich, fertile and pleasant, a connection, of course,
perfectly inconsistent with our ideas of a desert place. Schleusner gives the idea very fairly
under Ερημια, (eremia,) a derivative of this word. “Notat locum aliquem vel tractum terrae,
non tam incultum et horridum, quam minus habitabilem,――solitudinem,――locum vacuum
quidem ab hominibus, pascuis tamen et agris abundantem, et arboribus obsitum.” “It means
a place or tract of land, not so much uncultivated and wild, as it does one thinly
inhabited,――a solitude, a place empty of men indeed, yet rich in pastures and fields, and
planted with trees.” But after giving this very clear and satisfactory account of the derivative,
he immediately after gives to the primitive itself, the primary meaning “desertus, desolatus,
vastus, devastatus,” and refers to passages where the word is applied to ruined cities; but in
every one of those passages, the true idea is that above given as the meaning, “stripped of
inhabitants,” and not “desolated” or “laid waste.” Hedericus gives this as the first meaning,
“desertus, solus, solitarius, inhabitatus.” Schneider also fully expresses it, in German, by
“einsam,” (lonely, solitary,) in which he is followed by Passow, his improver, and by
Donnegan, his English translator. Jones and Pickering, also give it thus. Bretschneider and
Wahl, in their New Testament Lexicons, have given a just and proper classification of the
meanings. The word “desert” came into our English translation, by the minute verbal
adherence of the translators to the Vulgate or Latin version, where the word is expressed by
“desertum” probably enough because desertus, in Latin, does not mean desert in English,
nor any thing like it, but simply “lonely,” “uninhabited;”――in short, it has the force of the
English participle, “deserted,” and not of the adjective “desert,” which has probably acquired
its modern meaning, and lost its old one, since our common translation was made; thus
making one instance, among ten thousand others, of the imperfection of this ancient
translation, which was, at best, but a servile English rendering of the Vulgate. Campbell, in
his four gospels, has repeated this passage, without correcting the error, though Hammond,
long before, in his just and beautiful paraphrase, (on Matthew xiv. 13,) had corrected it by
the expression, “a place not inhabited.” Charles Thomson, in his version, has overlooked
the error in Matthew xiv. 13, 15, but has corrected it in Mark vi. 31, &c., and in Luke ix. 10;
expressing it by “solitary.” The remark of the apostles to Jesus, “This place is lonely,” does
not require the idea of a barren or wild place; it was enough that it was far from any village,
and had not inhabitants enough to furnish food for five thousand men; as in 2 Corinthians xi.
26, it is used in opposition to “city,” in the sense of “the country.”

his declaration of christ’s divinity.

Journeying on northward, Jesus came into the neighborhood of

♦Caesarea Philippi, and while he was there in some solitary place,
praying alone with his select disciples, at the conclusion of his
prayer, he asked them, “Who do men say that I, the son of man,
am?” And they answered him, “Some say that thou art John the
Baptist:” Herod, in particular, we know, had this notion; “some, that
thou art Elijah, and others that thou art Jeremiah, or one of the
prophets, that is risen again.” So peculiar was his doctrine, and so
far removed was he, both in impressive eloquence and in original
views, from the degeneracy and servility of that age, that the
universal sentiment was, that one of the bold, pure “spirits of the
fervent days of old,” had come back to call Judah from foreign
servitude, to the long remembered glories of the reigns of David and
Solomon. But his chosen ones, who had by repeated instruction, as
well as long acquaintance, better learned their Master, though still far
from appreciating his true character and designs, had yet a higher
and juster idea of him, than the unenlightened multitudes who had
been amazed by his deeds. To draw from them the distinct
acknowledgment of their belief in him, Jesus at last plainly asked his
disciples, “But who do ye say that I am?” Simon Peter, in his usual
character as spokesman, replied for the whole band, “Thou art the
Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus, recognizing in this prompt
answer, the fiery and devoted spirit that would follow the great work
of redemption through life, and at last to death, replied to the zealous
speaker in terms of marked and exalted honor, prophesying at the
same time the high part which he would act in spreading and
strengthening the kingdom of his Master: “Blessed art thou, Simon,
son of Jonah, for flesh and blood have not revealed this unto thee,
but my Father who is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, that thou
art a rock, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of
hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give thee the keys of the
kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be
bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, shall be
loosed in heaven.” In such high terms was the chief apostle
distinguished, and thus did his Master peculiarly commission him
above the rest, for the high office, to which all the energies of his
remaining life were to be devoted.

♦ “Cesarea” replaced with “Caesarea”

Who do men say that I am.――The common English translation, here makes a gross
grammatical blunder, putting the relative in the objective case,――“Whom do men say,” &c.
(Matthew xvi. 13‒15.) It is evident that on inverting the order, putting the relative last instead
of first, it will be in the nominative,――“Men say that I am who?” making, in short, a
nominative after the verb, though it here comes before it by the inversion which the relative
requires. Here again the blunder may be traced to a heedless copying of the Vulgate. In
Latin, as in Greek, the relative is given in the accusative, and very properly, because it is
followed by the infinitive. “Quem dicunt homines esse Filium hominis?” which literally is,
“Whom do men say the son of man to be?”――a very correct form of expression; but the
blunder of our translators was, in preserving the accusative, while they changed the verb,
from the infinitive to the finite form; for “whom” cannot be governed by “say.” Hammond has
passed over the blunder; but Campbell, Thomson, and Webster, have corrected it.

Son of Man.――This expression has acquired a peculiarly exalted sense in our minds,
in consequence of its repeated application to Jesus Christ, and its limitation to him, in the
New Testament. But in those days it had no meaning by which it could be considered
expressive of any peculiar characteristic of the Savior, being a mere general emphatic
expression for the common word “man,” used in solemn address or poetical expressions.
Both in the Old and New Testament it is many times applied to men in general, and to
particular individuals, in such a way as to show that it was only an elegant periphrasis for
the common term, without implying any peculiar importance in the person thus designated,
or referring to any peculiar circumstance as justifying this appellative in that case. Any
concordance will show how commonly the word occurred in this connection. The diligent
Butterworth enumerates eighty-nine times in which this word is applied to Ezekiel, in whose
book of prophecy it occurs oftener than in any other book in the Bible. It is also applied to
Daniel, in the address of the angel to him, as to Ezekiel; and in consideration of the vastly
more frequent occurrence of the expression in the writers after the captivity, and its
exclusive use by them as a formula of solemn address, it has been commonly considered
as having been brought into this usage among the Hebrews, from the dialects of Chaldea
and Syria, where it was much more common. In Syriac, more particularly, the simple
expression, “man,” is entirely banished from use by this solemn periphrasis, (bar-
nosh,) “son of man,” which every where takes the place of the original direct form. It should
be noticed also, that in every place in the Old Testament where this expression (“son of
man”) occurs, before Ezekiel, the former part of the sentence invariably contains the direct
form of expression, (“man,”) and this periphrasis is given in the latter part of every such
sentence, for the sake of a poetical repetition of the same idea in a slightly different form.
Take, for instance, Psalm viii. 4, “What is man, that thou art mindful of him? or the son of
man, that thou visitest him?” And exactly so in every other passage anterior to Ezekiel, as
Numbers xxiii. 19, Job xxv. 16, xxxv. 8, Isaiah li. 12, lvi. 2, and several other passages, to
which any good concordance will direct the reader.

The New Testament writers too, apply this expression in other ways than as a name of
Jesus Christ. It is given as a mere periphrasis, entirely synonymous with “man,” in a general
or abstract sense, without reference to any particular individual, in Mark iii. 28, (compare
Matthew xii. 13, where the simple expression “men” is given,) Hebrews ii. 6, (a mere
translation of Psalm viii. 4,) Ephesians iii. 5, Revelation i. 13, xiv. 14. In the peculiar
emphatic limitation to which this note refers, it is applied by Jesus Christ to himself about
eighty times in the gospels, but is never used by any other person in the New Testament, as
a name of the Savior, except by Stephen, in Acts, vii. 56. It never occurs in this sense in the
apostolic epistles. (Bretschneider.) For this use of the word, I should not think it necessary
to seek any mystical or important reason, as so many have done, nor can I see that in its
application to Jesus, it has any very direct reference to the circumstance of his having,
though divine, put on a human nature, but simply a nobly modest and strikingly emphatic
form of expression used by him, in speaking of his own exalted character and mighty plans,
and partly to avoid the too frequent repetition of the personal pronoun. It is at once evident
that this indirect form, in the third person, is both more dignified and modest in solemn
address, than the use of the first person singular of the pronoun. Exactly similar to this are
many forms of circumlocution with which we are familiar. The presiding officer of any great
deliberative assembly, for instance, in announcing his own decision on points of order, by a
similar periphrasis, says “The chair decides,” &c. In fashionable forms of intercourse, such
instances are still more frequent. In many books, where the writer has occasion to speak of
himself, he speaks in the third person, “the author,” &c.; as in an instance close at hand, in
this book it will be noticed, that where it is necessary for me to allude to myself in the text of
the work, which, of course, is more elevated in its tone than the notes, I speak, according to
standard forms of scriptorial propriety, in the third person, as “the author,” &c.; while here, in
these small discussions, which break in on the more dignified narrative, I find it at once
more convenient and proper, to use the more familiar and simple forms of ♦expression.

♦ “expresssion” replaced with “expression”

This periphrasis (“son of”) is not peculiar to oriental languages, as every Greek scholar
knows, who is familiar with Homer’s common expression υιες Αχαιων, (uies Akhaion,) “sons
of Grecians,” instead of “Grecians” simply, which by a striking coincidence, occurs in Joel
xiii. 6, in the same sense. Other instances might be needlessly ♦multiplied.

♦ “multipled” replaced with “multiplied”

Thou art a Rock, &c.――This is the just translation of Peter’s name, and the force of the
declaration is best understood by this rendering. As it stands in the original, it is “Thou art
Πετρος, (Petros, ‘a rock,’) and on this Πετρα (Petra, ‘a rock’) I will build my church,”――a
play on the words so palpable, that great injustice is done to its force by a common tame,
unexplained translation. The variation of the words in the Greek, from the masculine to the
feminine termination, makes no difference in the expression. In the Greek Testament, the
feminine πετρα (petra) is the only form of the word used as the common noun for “rock,” but
the masculine πετρος (petros) is used in the most finished classic writers of the ancient
Greek, of the Ionic, Doric and Attic, as Homer, Herodotus, Pindar, Xenophon, and, in the
later order of writers, Diodorus Siculus.

H. Stephens gives the masculine form as the primitive, but Schneider derives it from the

After this distinct profession of faith in him, by his disciples,

through Peter, Jesus particularly and solemnly charged them all, that
they should not, then, assert their belief to others, lest they should
thereby be drawn into useless and unfortunate contests about their
Master, with those who entertained a very different opinion of him.
For Jesus knew that his disciples, shackled and possessed as they
were with their fantasies about the earthly reign of a Messiah, were
not, as yet, sufficiently prepared to preach this doctrine: and wisely
foresaw that the mass of the Jewish people would either put no faith
at all in such an announcement, or that the ill disposed and
ambitious would abuse it, to the purposes of effecting a political
revolution, by raising a rebellion against the Roman rulers of
Palestine, and oversetting foreign power. He had, it is true, already
sent forth his twelve apostles, to preach the coming of the kingdom,
(Matthew x. 7,) but that was only to the effect that the time of the
Messiah’s reign was nigh,――that the lives and hearts of all must be
changed,――all which the apostles might well preach, without
pretending to announce who the Messiah was.

his ambitious hopes and their humiliation.

This avowal of Peter’s belief that Jesus was the Messiah, to which
the other apostles gave their assent, silent or loud, was so clear and
hearty, that Jesus plainly perceived their persuasion of his divine
authority to be so strong, that they might now bear a decisive and
open explanation of those things which he had hitherto rather darkly
and dimly hinted at, respecting his own death. He also at this time,
brought out the full truth the more clearly as to the miseries which
hung over him, and his expected death, with the view the more
effectually to overthrow those false notions which they had
preconceived of earthly happiness and triumph, to be expected in
the Messiah’s kingdom; and with the view, also, of preparing them
for the events which must shortly happen; lest, after they saw him
nailed to the cross, they should all at once lose their high hopes, and
utterly give him up. He knew too, that he had such influence with his
disciples, that if their minds were shocked, and their faith in him
shaken, at first, by such a painful disclosure, he could soon bring
them back to a proper confidence in him. Accordingly, from this time,
he began distinctly to set forth to them, how he must go to
Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders, and chief priests,
and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day. There is
much room for reasonable doubt, as to the manner in which those
who heard this declaration of Christ, understood it at the time. As to
the former part of it, namely, that he would be ill-treated by the great
men of the Jewish nation, both by those ruling in the civil and
religious government, it was too plain for any one to put any but the
right meaning upon it. But the promise that he should, after this
horrible fate, rise again from the dead on the third day, did not, as it
is evident, by any means convey to them the meaning which all who
read it now, are able to find in it. Nothing can be more plain to a
careful reader of the gospels, than that his disciples and friends had
not the slightest expectation that he would ever appear to them after
his cruel death; and the mingled horror and dread with which the first
news of that event was received by them, shows them to have been
utterly unprepared for it. It required repeated positive demonstration,
on his part, to assure them that he was truly alive among them, in his
own form and character. The question then is――what meaning had
they all along given to the numerous declarations uttered by him to
them, apparently foretelling this, in the distinct terms, of which the
above passage is a specimen? Had they understood it as we do,
and yet so absolutely disbelieved it, that they put no faith in the event
itself, when it had so palpably occurred? And had they, for months
and years, followed over Palestine, through labors, and troubles, and
dangers, a man, who, as they supposed, was boldly endeavoring to
saddle their credulity with a burden too monstrous for even them to
bear? They must, from the nature of their connection with him, have
put the most unlimited confidence in him, and could not thus
devotedly have given themselves up to a man whom they believed
or suspected to be constantly uttering to them a falsehood so
extravagant and improbable. They must, then, have put some
meaning on it, different from that which our clearer light enables us
to see in it; and that meaning, no doubt, they honestly and firmly
believed, until the progress of events showed them the power of the
prophecy in its wonderful and literal fulfilment. They may have
misunderstood it in his life time, in this way: the universal character
of the language of the children of Shem, seems to be a remarkable
proneness to figurative expressions, and the more abstract the ideas
which the speaker wishes to convey, the more strikingly material are
the figures he uses, and the more poetical the language in which he
conveys them. Teachers of morals and religion, most especially,
have, among those nations of the east, been always distinguished
for their highly figurative expressions, and none abound more richly
in them than the writers of the Old and New Testament. So peculiarly
effective, for his great purposes, did Jesus Christ, in particular, find
this variety of eloquence, that it is distinctly said of him, that he
seldom or never spoke to the people without a parable, which he
was often obliged to expound more in detail, to his chosen followers,
when apart with them. This style of esoteric and exoteric instruction,
had early taught his disciples to look into his most ordinary
expressions for a hidden meaning; and what can be more likely than
that often, when left to their own conjectures, they, for a time, at
least, overleaped the simple literal truth, into a fog of figurative
interpretations, as too many of their very modern successors have
often done, to their own and others’ misfortune. We certainly know
that, in regard to those very expressions about raising the dead,
there was a very earnest inquiry among the three chief apostles,
some time after, as will be mentioned in place, showing that it never
seemed possible to them that their Lord, mighty as he had showed
himself, could ever mean to say to them, that, when his bitter foes
had crowned his life of toil and cares with a bloody and cruel exit,
he――even He, could dare to promise them, that he would break
through that iron seal, which, when once set upon the energies of
man, neither goodness, nor valor, nor knowledge, nor love, had ever
loosened, but which, since the first dead yielded his breath, not the
mightiest prophet, nor the most inspired, could ever break through
for himself. The figure of death and resurrection, has often been
made a striking image of many moral changes;――of some one of
which, the hearers of Jesus probably first interpreted it. In connection
with what he had previously said, nothing could seem more natural
to them, than that he, by this peculiarly strong metaphor, wished to
remind them that, even after his death, by the envious and cruel
hands of Jewish magistrates, over but a few days, his name, the
ever fresh influence of his bright and holy example――the undying
powers of his breathing and burning words, should still live with
them, and with them triumph after the momentary struggles of the
enemies of the truth.

The manner, also, in which Simon Peter received this

communication, shows that he could not have anticipated so glorious
and dazzling a result of such horrible evils: for, however literally he
may have taken the prophecy of Christ’s cruel death, he used all his
powers to dissuade his adored master from exposing himself to a
fate so dark and dreadful,――so sadly destructive of all the new-
born hopes of his chosen followers, and from which the conclusion of
the prophecy seemed to offer no clear or certain mode of escape.
Never before, had Jesus spoken in such plain and decided terms,
about the prospect of his own terrible death. Peter, whose heart had
just been lifted up to the skies with joy and hope, in the prospect of
the glorious triumphs to be achieved by his Lord through his means,
and whose thoughts were even then dwelling on the honors, the
power, the fame, which were to accrue to him for his share in the
splendid work,――was shocked beyond measure, at the strange and
seemingly contradictory view of the results, now taken by his great
leader. With the confident familiarity to which their mutual love and
intimacy entitled him, in some measure, he laid his hand
expostulatingly upon him, and drew him partly aside, to urge him
privately to forget thoughts of despondency, so unworthy of the great
enterprise of Israel’s restoration, to which they had all so manfully
pledged themselves as his supporters. We may presume, that he, in
a tone of encouragement, endeavored to show him how impossible it
would be for the dignitaries of Jerusalem to withstand the tide of
popularity which had already set so strongly in favor of Jesus; that so
far from looking upon himself as in danger of a death so infamous,
from the Sanhedrim, he might, at the head of the hosts of his
zealous Galileans, march as a conqueror to Jerusalem, and thence
give laws from the throne of his father David, to all the wide
territories of that far-ruling king. Such dreams of earthly glory
seemed to have filled the soul of Peter at that time; and we cannot
wonder, then, that every ambitious feeling within him recoiled at the
gloomy announcement, that the idol of his hopes was to end his
days of unrequited toil, by a death so infamous as that of the cross.
“Be it far from thee, Lord,” “God forbid,” “Do not say so,” “Do not thus
damp our courage and high hopes,” “This must not happen to
thee.”――Jesus, on hearing these words of ill-timed rebuke, which
showed how miserably his chief follower had been infatuated and
misled, by his foolish and carnal ambition, turned away indignantly
from the low and degraded motives, by which Peter sought to bend
him from his holy purposes. Not looking upon him, but upon the
other disciples, who had kept their feelings of regret and
disappointment to themselves, he, in the most energetic terms,
expressed his abhorrence of such notions, by his language to the
speaker. “Get thee behind me, Satan; thou art a scandal to me; for
thou savorest not the things which be of God, but the things which
be of men. In these fervent aspirations after eminence, I recognize
none of the pure devotion to the good of man, which is the sure test
of the love of God; but the selfish desire for transient, paltry
distinction, which characterizes the vulgar ambition of common men,
enduring no toil or pain, but in the hope of a more than equal earthly
reward speedily accruing.” After this stern reply, which must have
strongly impressed them all with the nature of the mistake of which
they had been guilty, he addressed them still further, in continuation
of the same design, of correcting their false notion of the earthly
advantages to be expected by his companions in toil. He
immediately gave them a most untempting picture of the character
and conduct of him, who could be accepted as a fit fellow-worker
with Jesus. “If any one wishes to come after me, let him deny
himself, and let him take up his cross, (as if we should say, let him
come with his halter around his neck, and with the gibbet on his
shoulder,) and follow me. For whosoever shall save his life for my
sake, shall lose it; and whosoever will lose his life for my sake, shall
find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world,
and lose his own soul? For the Son of Man shall come in the glory of
his Father, with his angels; and then, he shall reward every man
according to his works.” “I solemnly tell you, there are some standing
here who shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of Man
coming in his kingdom.”――“In vain would you, in pursuit of your idle
dreams of earthly glory, yield up all the powers of your soul, and
spend your life for an object so worthless. After all, what is there in
all the world, if you should have the whole at your disposal――what,
for the momentary enjoyment of which, you can calmly pay down
your soul as the price? Seek not, then, for rewards so unworthy of
the energies which I have recognized in you, and have devoted to far
nobler purposes. Higher honors will crown your toils and sufferings,
in my service;――nobler prizes are seen near, with the eye of faith.
Speedily will the frail monuments of this world’s wonders crumble,
and the memory of its greatnesses pass away; but over the ruins of
kingdoms, the coming of the Man to whom you have joined
yourselves is sure, and in that triumphant advent, you shall find the
imperishable requital of your faithful and zealous works. And of the
nature and aspect of the glories which I now so dimly shadow in
words, some of those who now hear me shall soon be the living
witnesses, as of a foretaste of rewards, whose full enjoyment can be
yours, only after the weariness and misery of this poor life are all
passed. Years of toil, dangers, pain, and sorrow,――lives passed in
contempt and disgrace,――deaths of ignominy, of unpitied anguish,
and lingering torture, must be your passage to the joys of which I
speak; while the earthly honors which you now covet, shall for ages
continue to be the prize of the base, the cruel, and the foolish, from
whom you vainly hope to snatch them.”

the transfiguration.

The mysterious promise thus made by Jesus, of a new and

peculiar exhibition of himself, to some of his chosen ones, he soon
sought an occasion of executing. About six or eight days after this
remarkable conversation, he took Peter, and the two sons of
Zebedee, James and John, and went with them up into a high
mountain, apart by themselves. As to the name and place of this
mountain, a matter of some interest certainly, there have been two
opinions among those who have attempted to illustrate the
topography of the gospels. The phrase, “a high mountain,” has
instantly brought to the thoughts of most learned readers, Mount
Tabor, famous for several great events in Bible history, which they
have instantly adopted, without considering the place in which the
previous account had left Jesus, which was Caesarea Philippi;
hereafter described as in the farthest northern part of Galilee. Now,
Mount Tabor, however desirable in other particulars, as the scene of
a great event in the life of Jesus, was full seventy miles south of the
place where Jesus had the conversation with his disciples, which led
to the remarkable display which followed a few days after, on the
mountain. It is true, that the intervening period of a week, was
sufficient to enable him to travel this distance with ease; but the
difficulty is, to assign some possible necessity or occasion for such a
journey. Certainly, he needed not to have gone thus far to find a
mountain, for Caesarea Philippi itself stands by the base of Paneas,
which is a part of the great Syrian range of Antilibanus. This great
mountain, or mountain chain, rises directly behind the city, and parts
of it are so high above the peak of Tabor, or any other mountain in
Palestine, as to be covered with snow, even in that warm country.
The original readers of the gospel story, were dwellers in Palestine,
and must have been, for the most part, well acquainted with the
character of the places which were the scenes of the incidents, and
could hardly have been ignorant of the fact, that this splendid city, so
famous as the monument of royal vanity and munificence, was near
the northern end of Palestine, and of course, must have been known
even by those who had never seen it, nor heard it particularly
described, to be very near the great Syrian mountains; so near too,
as to be very high elevated above the cities of the southern country,
since not far from the city gushed out the most distant sources of the
rapid Jordan. But another difficulty, in respect to this journey of
seventy miles to Tabor, is, that while the gospels give no account of
it, it is even contradicted by Mark’s statement, that after departing
from the mountain, he passed through Galilee, and came to
Capernaum, which is between Tabor and Caesarea Philippi, twenty
or thirty miles from the former, and forty or fifty from the latter. Now,
that Jesus Christ spared no exertion of body or mind, in “going about
doing good,” no one can doubt; but that he would spend the strength
devoted to useful purposes, in traveling from one end of Galilee to
the other, for no greater good than to ascend a particular mountain,
and then to travel thirty miles back on the same route, is a most
unnecessary tax upon our faith. But here, close to Caesarea Philippi,
was the mighty range of Antilibanus, known in Hebrew poetry by the
name of Hermon in this part; and He, whose presence made all
places holy, could not have chosen, among all the mountains of
Palestine, one which nature had better fitted to impress the beholder
who stood on the summit, with ideas of the vast and sublime.
Modern travelers assure us that, from the peaks behind the city, the
view of the lower mountains to the south,――of the plain through
which the young Jordan flows, soon spreading out into the broad
sheet of lake Houle, (Samachonitis lacus,) and of the country, almost
to lake Tiberias, is most magnificent. The precise peak which was
the scene of the event here related, it is impossible to conjecture. It
may have been any one of three which are prominent: either the
castle hill, or, farther off and much higher, Mount Bostra, once the
site of a city, or farther still, and highest of all, Merura Jubba, which is
but a few hours walk from the city. The general impression of the
vulgar, however, and of those who take the traditions of the vulgar
and the ignorant, without examination, has been, that Tabor was the
scene of the event, so that, at this day, it is known among the stupid
Christians of Palestine, by the name of the Mount of the
Transfiguration. So idly are these foolish local traditions received,
that this falsehood, so palpable on inspection, has been quietly
handed down from traveler to traveler, ever since the crusades,
when hundreds of these and similar localities, were hunted up so
hastily, and by persons so ill-qualified for the search, that more
modern investigators may be pardoned for treating with so little
consideration the voice of such antiquity, when it is found opposed to
a rational and consistent understanding of the gospel story. When
the question was first asked, “Where is the mount of the
transfiguration?” there were enough persons interested to reply,
“Mount Tabor.” No reason was probably asked for the decision, and
none was given; but as the scene was acted on a high mountain in
Galilee, and as Tabor answered perfectly to this very simple
description, and was moreover interesting on many other accounts,
both historical and natural, it was adopted for the transfiguration
without any discussion whatever, among those on the spot. Still, to
learned and diligent readers of the gospels, the ♦inconsistencies of
such a belief have been so obvious, that many great theologians
have decided, for the reasons here given, that the transfiguration
must have taken place on some part of Mount Paneas, as it was
called by the Greeks and Romans, known among the Jews,
however, from the earliest times, by the far older name of Mount
Hermon. On the determination of this point, more words have been
expended than some may deem the matter to deserve; but among
the various objects of the modern historian of Bible times, none is
more important or interesting, ♠than that of settling the often disputed
topography of the sacred narrative; and as the ground here taken
differs so widely from the almost universally received opinion, the
minute reasons were loudly called for, in justification of the author’s
boldness. The ancient blunders here detected, and shown to be
based only upon a guess, is a very fair specimen of the way in
which, in the moral as in the natural sciences, “they all copy from
one another,” without taking pains to look into the truth of small
matters. And it seems to show, moreover, how, when men of patient
and zealous accuracy, have taken the greatest pains to expose and
correct so causeless an error, common readers and writers too, will
carelessly and lazily slip back into the old blunder, thus making the
counsels of the learned of no effect, and loving darkness rather than
light, error rather than exactness, because they are too shiftless to
find a good reason for what is laid down before them as truth. But so
it is. It is, and always has been, and always will be, so much easier
for men to swallow whole, or reject whole, the propositions made to
them, that the vast majority had much rather believe on other
people’s testimony, than go through the harassing and tiresome task,
of looking up the proofs for themselves. In this very instance, this
important topographical blunder was fully exposed and corrected a
century and a half ago, by Lightfoot, the greatest Hebrew scholar
that ever lived; and we see how much wiser the world is for his

♦ “inconsistences” replaced with “inconsistencies”

♠ duplicate word “than” removed

Caesarea Philippi.――This city stood where all the common maps place it, in the
farthest northern part of Palestine, just at the foot of the mountains, and near the fountain
head of the Jordan. The name by which it is called in the gospels, is another instance, like
Julias Bethsaida, of a compliment paid by the servile kings, of the divisions of Palestine, to
their imperial masters, who had given, and who at any time could take away, crown and
kingdom from them. The most ancient name by which this place is known to have been
mentioned in the Hebrew scriptures, is Lasha, in Genesis x. 19, afterwards variously
modified into Leshem, (Joshua xix. 47,) and Laish, (Judges xviii. 7: xiv. 29,) a name
somewhat like the former in sound, though totally different in meaning, (‫ לשם‬leshem, “a
precious stone,” and ‫ ליש‬laish, “a lion,”) undoubtedly all three being from the same root, but
variously modified in the changing pronunciations of different ages and tribes. In the earliest
passage, (Genesis x. 19,) it is clearly described as on the farthest northern limit of the land
of Canaan, and afterwards, being conquered long after most of the cities of that region, by
the tribe of Dan, and receiving the name of this tribe, as an addition to its former one, it
became proverbially known under the name of Dan, as the farthest northern point of the
land of Israel, as Beersheba was the southern one. It did not, however, lose its early
Canaanitish name till long after, for, in Isaiah x. 30, it is spoken of under the name of Laish,
as the most distant part of Israel, to which the cry of the distressed could reach. It is also
mentioned under its later name of Dan, in Genesis xiv. 14, and Deuteronomy xxxiv. 1, where
it is given by the writer, or some copyist, in anticipation of the subsequent account of its
acquiring this name after the conquest. Josephus also mentions it, under this name, in
Antiquities book i. chapter 10, and book viii. chapter 8, section 4, in both which places he
speaks of it as standing at one of the sources of the Jordan, from which circumstance, no
doubt, the latter part of the river’s name is derived. After the overthrow of the Israelitish
power in that region, it fell into the hands of new possessors, and under the Greeks and
Romans, went by the name of Panias, (Josephus and Ptolemy,) or Paneas, (Josephus and
Pliny,) which name, according to Ptolemy, it had under the Phoenicians. This name,
supposed to have been taken from the Phoenician name of the mountain near, Josephus
gives to it, in all the later periods of his history, until he speaks of the occasion on which it
received a new change of name.

Its commanding and remarkable position, on the extremity of Palestine, made it a

frontier post of some importance; and it was therefore a desirable addition to the dominions
of Herod the Great, who received it from his royal patron, Augustus Caesar, along with its
adjacent region between Galilee and Trachonitis, after the death of Zenodorus, its former
possessor. (Josephus Antiquities book xv. chapter 10, section 3.) Herod the Great, out of
gratitude for this princely addition to his dominions, at a time when attempts were made to
deprive him of his imperial master’s favor, raised near this city, a noble monument to
Augustus. (Josephus as above quoted.) “He built a monument to him, of white marble, in
the land of Zenodorus, near Panium. There is a beautiful cave in the mountain, and beneath
it there is a chasm in the earth, rugged, and of immense depth, full of still water, and over it
hangs a vast mountain; and under the cave rise the springs of the Jordan. This place,
already very famous, he adorned with the temple which he consecrated to Caesar.” A lofty
temple of white marble, on such a high spot, contrasted with the dark rocks of the mountain
and cave around, must have been a splendid object in the distance, and a place of frequent

This city, along with the adjacent provinces, after the death of the first Herod, was given
to his son Philip, made tetrarch of Iturea and Trachonitis. This prince, out of gratitude to the
royal donor, at the same time when he rebuilt and repaired Bethsaida, as already
mentioned, “also embellished Paneas, at the fountains of the Jordan, and gave it the name
of Caesarea.” (Josephus Antiquities book xviii. chapter 2, section 1, also Jewish War, book
ii. chapter 9, section 1,) and to distinguish it from other Caesareas, hereafter to be
mentioned, it was called from the name of its royal builder, Caesarea Philippi, that is, “the
Caesarea of Philip.” By this name it was most commonly known in the time of Christ; but it
did not answer the end of perpetuating the name of its builder and his patron, for it shortly
afterwards recovered its former name, Paneas, which, probably, never went wholly out of
use. As late as the time of Pliny, (about A. D. 70,) Paneas was a part of the name of
Caesarea. Fons Paneas, qui cognomen dedit Caesareae, “the fountain Paneas, which gave
to Caesarea a surname.” (Pliny Natural History book v. chapter 15,) which shows, that at
that time, the name Paneas was one, by which even foreign geographers recognized this
city, in spite of the imperial dignity of its new title. Eusebius, (about A. D. 315,) speaks of
“Caesarea Philippi, which the Phoenicians call Paneas, at the foot of mount Panium.”
(Φιλιππου Καισαρεια ἡν Πανεαδα Θοινικες προσαγορευσι, &c. Church History book vii. chapter
17.) Jerome, (about A. D. 392,) never mentions the name Caesarea Philippi, as belonging
to this city, except in commenting on Matthew xvi. 13, where he finds it necessary to explain
this name, as an antiquated term, then out of use. Caesaream Philippi, quae nunc dicitur
Paneas, “Caesarea Philippi, which is now called Paneas;” and in all the other places where
he has occasion to mention the place, he gives it only the name of Paneas. Thus, in
commenting on Amos viii. 14, he says, “Dan, on the boundary of the Jewish territory, where
now is Paneas.” And on Jeremiah iv. 15,――“The tribe Dan, near mount Lebanon, and the
city which is now called Paneas,” &c.――See also commentary on Daniel xiii. 16.

After the death of Philip, this city, along with the rest of his dominions, was presented by
Cains Caligula to Agrippa, who added still farther to the improvements made by Philip, more
particularly ornamenting the Panium, or famous source of the Jordan, near the city, as
Josephus testifies. (Jewish War, book iii. chapter 9, section 7.) “The natural beauty of the
Panium, moreover, was still more highly adorned (προσεξησκηται) with royal magnificence,
being embellished by the wealth of Agrippa.” This king also attempted to perpetuate the
name of one of his imperial patrons, in connection with the city, calling it Neronias, in honor
of one who is well enough known without this aid. (Josephus Antiquities book xx. chapter 8,
section 3.) The perfectly transient character of this idle appellation, is abundantly shown
from the preceding copious quotations.

The city, now called Banias, (not Belinas, as Wahl erroneously says,) has been visited
and examined in modern times by several travelers, of whom, none has described it more
minutely than Burckhardt. His account of the mountains around the city, so finely illustrates
my description of the scene of the transfiguration, that I extract largely from it here. In order
to appreciate the description fully, it must be understood that Heish is now the general
Arabic name for the mountain chain, which was by ancient authors variously called
Lebanon, Libanus, Anti-Libanus, Hermon, and Panium; for all these names have been given
to the mountain-range, on whose slope Caesarea Philippi, or Paneas, stood.

“The district of Banias is classic ground; it is the ancient Caesarea Philippi; the lake
Houle, is the Lacus Samachonitis. Immediately after my arrival, I took a man of the village to
shew me the way to the ruined castle of Banias, which bears East by South from it. It stands
on the top of a mountain, which forms part of the mountain of Heish, at an hour and a
quarter from Banias; it is now in complete ruins, but was once a very strong fortress. Its
whole circumference is twenty-five minutes. It is surrounded by a wall ten feet thick, flanked
with numerous round towers, built with equal blocks of stone, each about two feet square.
The keep, or citadel, seems to have been on the highest summit, on the eastern side,
where the walls are stronger than on the lower, or western side. The view from thence over
the Houle and a part of its lake, the Djebel Safad, and the barren Heish, is magnificent. On

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