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School: Grade Level: V

GRADES Teacher: RAZEL C. LIRA Learning Area: SCIENCE

1 to 12
DAILY Teaching Dates
LESSON PLAN and Time: WEEK 3- DAY 4 Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


The learners demonstrate understanding of materials

A. Content Standard undergo change due to oxygen and heat.
The learners should be able to uses local, recyclable solid and/or
B. Performance liquid materials in making useful products

C. Learning Investigate change that happen in materials under the following

Competencies/ conditions:
Write the LC code
for each 1. presence or lack of oxygen

2. application of heat (S5MT-lc-d-2)

1. Describe changes that happen in materials due to

presence/lack of oxygen


Changes that Happen in Materials due to Presence/Lack of
A. Concept Changes in Materials Due to Heat and Oxygen

Books, powerpoint, pictures, matches, candles, fruits, knife,

B. Materials steel wall, glass jar

C. References Curriculum Guide S5MT-lc-d-2

Science beyond Borders 5, Evelyn T. Sarte, Eliza A. Lopez,
Mary Jean G. dela Cruz, Harold A. Arradaza, Ednaliza R.
Science for Daily Use 5 , Conchita T. Tan
1. Teacher’s Guide Science Beyond borders ,p15
2. Learner’s Science Beyond borders ,p 26-29
Materials pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
D. Process Observing, Inferring
E. Values Carefulness in handling the materials during the activity

IV. Learning Task

A. ELICIT (5min) Distribute the pieces of scratch paper to the class. Ask them to
manipulate it to show physical change through:

The teacher will perform a simple demonstration of burning

Note: Collect the papers after the activity.

What happened to the scratch paper?

What changes did you observe?

Can you return the ash into a scratch paper? Why or

Why not?
B. ENGAGE(5min.) Tell the learners that we will explore the impact of oxygen on
different materials and observe the changes that occur in their
presence or absence.

Introduce the concept of how different materials can change

when exposed to oxygen or when oxygen is removed. Mention
that that these changes can be beneficial or harmful, depending
on the context.

C. EXPLORE 1.Group the pupil

(20min) 2. Recall the standards in doing the activity.
3. Let the pupils do the activity.
4. Instruct them to answer the guide questions after the activity.
Note: Do this activity with the supervision of the teacher.

You Will Need:
 4 jars in different sizes
 4 small candles with same size
 match
 timer
 ruler

jar1 jar2 jar3 jar4

What to Do:
1. Light one of the candles.
2. Cover it with the smallest jar.
3. Using a timer, measure how many seconds it takes for the
flame of the candle to be put out.
4. Measure the length of the candle after it burns out.
5. Repeat the procedure using the next size of jar up to the
largest jar.
6. Find out in which jar has the longest and shortest time of
putting out flame of the candle.
7. Find out also the longest and shortest candle after burning.
8. Record your findings on the chart below:

Jars Time of the flame Length of the

was put out candle after burning
Guide Questions:
1. What changes in material did you observe when the candle
was light?
2. Whatdid you observe with the lighted candles?

D. EXPLAIN(5min) Group Reporting

Answering the guide questions during observation.

1. Which jar has the longest time of putting out flame of the

2. Which jar has the shortest time of putting out flame of the

3. Which jar has the shortest candle after burning?

4. Which jar has the longest candle after burning?

5. Why do you think the flame died when the candle was
covered with jar?

E. ELABORATE The presence or absence of oxygen has various effects on

(5min) matter. Among these common ones that you readily see are
combustion and rusting. In order for fire to occur, there should
be heat, fuel and oxygen.

Rusting is caused by reaction of iron with oxygen present in the

air. The amout of rust formed in an iron depends on the
moisture and humidity of the surroundings.

The change in color of the inner fleshy part of the eggplant is

due to its exposure to oxygen. The same phenomena could also
be observed in apple, potato, banana, guava, cassava, and other
fruits and vegetables. This is because the oxygen present in the
air reacts with the chemicals present in the fleshy part of the
eggplant or apple.

F. EVALUATE(5mins) Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. The presence or absence of oxygen in the materials may
result in __________.
A. the burning of the materials
B. the melting of the materials
C. the change in the materials
D. no change in the materials
2. Iron, nails, cans, and other metals with iron when exposed to
moisture may develop ___ .
A. dust
B. rust
C. heat
D. fuel
3. The inner part of the potatoes and apples change in color
because of______.
A. water in it
B. chemicals in it
C. exposure to heat
D. exposure to oxygen
4. Many families use wood as fuel in cooking food. What is the
bad effect on the environment of this activity?
A. deforestation
B. air pollution
C. land pollution
D. water pollution
5. The following are effects in the environment by the changes
in matter. Which of these has a good effect on the environment?
A. air pollution
B. composting
C. deforestation
D. water pollution

Answer Key:
1. C 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. C

F. EXTEND (2mins) Have them observe the reaction of water and steel wall in a
glass container for 3 days.
V.AGREEMENT(3mins List down the activities that involve changes in matter in the
) presence or absence of oxygen.
Give at least 5 examples

Ex. Burning paper



A. No. of learners
who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

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