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It seems like you provided a table containing data on the practice assessment related

to tobacco consumption among study participants in both control and experimental

groups. However, the provided data is not structured in a clear tabular format, and
it's a bit difficult to interpret without proper organization. I'll do my best to
summarize the data based on the information you've provided:

Here's the structured summary of the data from the table:

Control Group Experimental Group

Practice Assessment (n1=65) (n2=65)
Compared to when you first started using tobacco, do you
use tobacco more now?
Always (5) 01 (01.5%) 07 (10.6%)
Very often (4) -- --
Sometimes (3) 07 (10.6%) 54 (83.1%)
Rarely (2) 54 (83.1%) 03 (04.6%)
Never (1) 03 (04.6%) 01 (01.5%)
Over time, did you find that you could use more tobacco
without feeling nauseous or dizzy?
Yes 01 (01.5%) 02 (03.1%)
No 64 (98.5%) 63 (96.9%)
Do you play a role in society in making others aware of the
harmful effects of tobacco?
Yes 23 (35.4%) 25 (38.5%)
No 41 (63.1%) 40 (61.5%)
Would you use (smoke) tobacco again if asked by your
Yes 09 (12.3%) 07 (10.8%)
No 64 (98.5%) 57 (93.8%)
Do you discuss the relationship between smoking and
health at home?
Yes 46 (70.8%) 46 (70.8%)
No 18 (27.7%) 17 (26.2%)
Have you ever thought seriously about quitting tobacco
Yes 07 (10.8%) 20 (30.8%)
No 58 (89.2%) 45 (69.2%)

The percentages are calculated based on the total number of participants in each
group (n1=65 for the control group, n2=65 for the experimental group). The p-
values and Chi-Square values are provided for some comparisons as well.

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