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Name: Peter Antwi Age: 55years Date: 10/07/2023

Clinical History: bruises on forehead 20 RTA

Referring clinician: Dr. Lydia Quarshie
Examination: Non-enhanced head CT scan

Serial axial non-enhanced head CT scan shows normal brain parenchyma. No focal mass noted.
No intraparenchymal or extra-axial haemorrhage seen.
Normal sulci and ventricles. No midline shift seen.
Normal posterior fossa.
Normal calvarium. No fracture seen.
There is significant right maxillary sinus mucosal thickening. The other paranasal sinuses and mastoid air
cells are well-pneumatized.
The imaged upper cervical spine shows no fracture or listhesis

Conclusion: Right maxillary sinusitis, otherwise normal head CT scan. No skull fracture or intracranial
haemorrhage seen.

Radiologist: Dr. K.A. Twum

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